HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-11-29, Page 1610-41a.litIRON ExPOSITOR, SEAFURTS, ONT., NOV. 29, 962 LAY AWAY NOW AT YOUR Automatic DEEP FRYER Automatic 101/" SQUARE FRY PAN gulch, Easy to Use, Plugs Into Any !.pular Vcloet S 16.95 SPECIAL PRICE, •ochr $1 1.97 Complete with lid and deep-fry wire basket Kitchen Outlet bakelite handles ond base it • Tisetroostotic heat control 404 r Regular Value 519.95 SPECIAL PRICE, ea1hr • Temperature guide and heal [antral Enob an noodle • Aluminum die-cast treat- ed, naa•11,ce pan • Can he immersed lo•Ihe handle for easy washing New SILEX Automatic TOASTER • Hinged crumb tray for • sier cleaning • Adjustable radiant colour control • Toasts any bread—even frozen — reheoh cold toast too • 1 Year over•Ihe-ooaater- replocernent Guarantee $12.47 Regalar vol.., :15.95 $10.47 SPRaAL emctr caths SILEX Automatic COFFEE PERCOLATOR With Card • Completely automatic. Polished du - minute Insists • Distinctly. modem design featerkg wide neck for easy d.on1np • 2.10 cup, of filtered coffee bravoed 10 your taste • Hold -hot signal light New SILEX Steam & Dry IRON Regular Value. 519.95 SPECIAL $13.97 ICE, eay chn • Lightweight—only2S6 lbs. • Cleor.v,ew heel for ironing.lL2ll directions • Extra ironing comfort wnh contour handle • Visible water level ovoids spilling • Steam or dry at the flick of a switch Regular Value $20.95 • 1 year over•the•counter-reploce• SPECIAL PR 14.97 mens Guarantee PRICE, y tht• LADY TORCAN HAIR DRYER • lime Saying. M0ner Saving, Can- • eens • 5 90, ,on heat control 10 ten • Ln,d hood allo.,sthe diffused r to enter gently 4,01 001 points— 9v.«er erring • Wrop-around nose for <onven,• ens storage Regular Volvo 5.19 95 SPECIAL P IT I C eaE, <hl 2.97 CLOTHES DRYER The dryer with many extra features • 3 real 0.. ante. on element • t1•9' speed ,Lily, 'fresh an" vo<vum drying • 51r h door1»rch. 0 large lint trop e econtrol 9th for safer drying of • 'A.1 nm loans: • 0 '.'e percele.n top and acrylic enamelled mnet • Germ .,Hing ozone bulb • In1,1,01 1.961 Model DE 30 $174,95 Only • Ref a FREE ELECTRIC 529.LANKET olue •Daub/e bed sire • f1 2 Yeor Guar 1 • c on• a6 Quol,ry.olo06.> a .. u'a'n P. /icol�,.hed This offer good at your CO-OP until Det. Seaforth Farmers 15th, 1962 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime ! 1 -N' ; I .— I ;ret I x•• , X•' .w 1, w• I w}, , ;r t N•• u- t a•Jl w- t ,'•• I .y' .w w rr4, r• DIY' I ;e'• I ;t✓ w.. 5.. 5.. .. �.... _ » �.. .. '�.. .. AbT� &IfF THAT MAKE MOTOR///G = /EQRY CSL TO DRESS UP YOUR CAR Huron Expositor Christmas Coloring Contest See instructions on Page 13 Age NAME ADDRESS ST. THOMAS' CHURCH" GROUP SPONSORS CHRISTMAS. BAZAAR Last Wednesday afternoon the parish hall of St. Thomas' Anglican Church was the scene of the annual Christmas bazaar, sponsored by the Ladies' Guild. Mrs. Harry Donaldson and the president, Mrs. J. R. Spittal, welcomed guests at the door, and Mrs. Spittal declared the bazaar open at 3:00 o'clock. The tea tables sparkled with candle centrepieces which matched the cloths, in pastel shades of pink, yellow, blue, turquoise and green. Serving tea under the convenership of Mrs. Carmon Rowcliffe were Mrs; Ren Powell, Mrs. Garnet Stockwell, Mrs. David Cornish, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Mrs. Nor- man Scoins and Mrs. Gus Bous- sey. The following ladies assisted in the kitchen: Mrs. Alex Beth- une,.Mrs. Gerald Snowdon; Miss Anna Stewart, Mrs. David Netz- ke, Mrs. R. W. Newnham, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. illian Smithers and Mrs. Allan. Mc- Conney. A gorgeous array of aprons was displayed by Mrs. E. C. Case, Mrs. William Oldfield, Mrs. George McGavin, Mrs. Har- ry Pretty and Mrs. Joseph Grummett. Homemade Christ- mas cakes, puddings. mincemeat and .candy melted from the booth of Mrs. Earl Dinsmore, Mrs. Len Ford and Mrs. Elmer -Larone. Beautiful knitted art- icles were sold by Mrs. Ada Reid and Mrs.' William O'Shea. A silver tree, festooned with marshmallow ladies and ginger- bread men by Mrs. John Har - Be a Popular Santa! Select Automobile Gifts from our Many Practical vey, was well patronized by the Auto Accessories junior tea -goers.. Always a popular spot, the home baking booth was in charge of Mrs. Ken Chambers, Mrs. Ray Nott, Mrs. John Oldfield and " Miss: Dorothy Parke; and a most in- teresting produce booth was convened by Mrs. Ted Brown and Mrs, R, Dalrymple. The variety booth, a special attraction of St. Thomas' ba- zaar, was in charge of Mrs. Cleave Coombs and Mrs. Bruce RELAX! KNOW YOU'RE SAFE Gift Wrap, Your Car , with nevi 9 , SEA+ COVERS Solve Your Shopping Problems Here! SAFETY JACKS FOG LIGHTS CAR HEATERS SEAT COVERS' BUMPER GUARDS • FENDER MIRRORS •• CURB SCRAPERS 4 RETIRE THIS CHRISTMAS ., r'r1+.e..Y71:4n r..r•-,< cv:.:.r:mac;•. ,rn fee ./Q/ a Buy From Our Stock of ATLAS and OTHER POPULAR MAKES - SNOW TIRES Be ready to GO when it Snows! LADIES—A popular gift suggestion for your man! SELECT THESE PRACTICAL GIFTS AT ROWCLIFFE MOTORS Phone 267 1, 43„1 „1 4 • 1 ,;1 .:� .•1 .:1 ;4 ,.4 ...1 ,r . ,1, T Seaforth • 4 ;;1 ;;1 .,;1 ;;;1 1 ;, 4;1.,;;1 ZION Mrs. Charles Brooks and daughter, Mrs. D. Miller, De troit, visited with their sister" and aunt, Mrs. R. S. Aikens, and Mr. Aikens. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gra- ham and daughter," Mrs. Chuck Avery,• and son, of Sarnia, vis- ited on Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Malcolm. Mr. Kenneth Burchill, Bin - brook, and friend, Miss Doro- thy Nie, Simeoe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron, CBC announcer, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Grey, Mitchell, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huras and family, Stratford, and Me. and Mrs. John Bell, Seaforth, with their parents!, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney, on Sunday. Mr. Robert E. Burchill visit- ed Mrs. Burchill in Byron on Sunday. Dr. Lorne Henry, Toronto, preached a temperance sermon in Zion Church on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Burchill and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Grey spent Thursday in Citchener. POSTAL NOTES Christmas mailing of let- ters, cards and parcels — Next week green and white leaflets and labels will be delivered and sorted into mail boxes across Canada. Please keep them so that you can label your local and out-of-town bundles of Christmas cards. Be sure to post all parcels for distant points in Canada and the Unit- ed States before December Sth. This is the deadline set for sure delivery before Christmas. This will Make allowance for delay in custom offices between Canada and the united States. McLean. The large throng at- tending made this year's bazaar an unprecented success. WRAP UP GIFT PROBLEMS EARLY! u DURING BEATTY BUYING DAYS! cetBEATTY Deep freeze AT A PRICE THAT'S HARD TO BEAT ! The perfect family gift for Christmas. '20 CUBIC FOOT ALUMINUM LINED FREEZERS as low as $265.00 GINGEaIC " sESVSE � e. Phone 585 -- Seaforth : Phone 34 -- Zurich R W 1 vr' I ;re I ;1,.11}I 4l r11,A'ril r I ;ry I W.11 ,e.- I w• 9 ,. ,4...., .. el Ke r'.90. . elwl;r•Ixel w wlye, e1wl Ke1uelrlrj Ivo gMELTAM SAVE FUEL! SAVE MONET! WITH WINTERSEAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION INDOWS & DOORS Modern Winterseal Combination Windows and Doors make the perfect gift for the en- tire family. Seal your home and make it more comfortable • • . and you may cut your heating bill as muchas half with fine - quality, properly -installed Storm Windows. Perfect -fitting, self -storing, lifetime alum- inum storm windows are easily and perman- ently installed on any home. Combination windows provide you with complete protec- tion and proved savings. • hop and ,Compare You Won't Find a Better Value Than a ALUMINUM ' D O 0 R, COMBINATION WINTER SEAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS Are Now Manufactured in Seaforth JACKSON ALUMINUM LTD. are still the Exclusive Dealers for the area for these Finest Quality Aluminum Products The new location of the Winter Seal factory allows JACKSON ALUMINUM LTD. to better serve their, customers in this region. CALL 74 TODAY! • F U L V U E oWr hnyThinking ildnRg eamnoedwellihnogusYlorootom— e, F 1LV U E SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS — THE FULVUE SLIDER ON A TRACK WITH BUILT-IN DRAINAGE SYSTEM (Dry Window All the' Time!) Your new home deserves the best — Insist on SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS Jackson Aluminum Limited WINTERSEAL WINDOWS AND DOORS PH6NE 74, SEAFORTH •1 '1 •1 „1 1 •1 N1 •1 ,;1,,;1 „1 ;;1 •1• _1 „1 „1 ;1 ,1 ..} 'lJ 1 •.t 1�„L' ,.1 .1 ,1 1 1 • • m • b