The Huron Expositor, 1962-11-29, Page 1414 --THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 29, 1962 DISTRICT MRS. THOMAS SRADNOCK Fu , eral szeruices were held last Saturday, Nov. 24, for Mrs. Thomas Bradnock, who passed away Wednesday, Nov. 22, at the Goderich Alexandra and amine .Hospital after an ill- ness of two weeks. She was the former Rosalind Garfield Lock- hart, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lockhart, and was born October 7, 1881, near the village of Auburn. Fol- lowing -the death of her hus- band in 1928, she was a prac- tical nurse at Wingham, Sea - forth, Auburn, and for the past 20 Years has resided in Gode- rich. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, God- erich. She is survived by one son, FUNERALS Wesley, of Auburn; one broth- er, Charles Lockhart, of Chat- ham, and one sister, Mrs. Wil- liam (Laura) Haven, of Burns' Lake, British Columbia. One son, Herbie, and one daughter, Annie, passed away in infancy. Rev. G. L. Royal, of Goderich, conducted the funeral service at the J. Keith Arthur Funeral Home, and burial took place in Ball's cemetery. The pallbear- ers were five nephews: Gordon Dobie, Clarence Chamney, Stu- art Robinson, John Lockhart, Roy Meriam,• and a cousin, Ches- ter Taylor. Friends were present from Toronto, Chatham, London, Stratford, Monkton, B 1 y t h, Wingham, Walkerton, Kincar- dine, St. Helens, Clinton, Gode- rich and Seaforth. ;wi i.;,t+iw• .'4AXOF:W.•.w:i DRESSES fn'wa',aLCS Party dresses and casual dress- ' es in the finest selection - Wools, Velvets, Brocades and Novelty Fabrics. Sizes 7 - 2,81/2 10.95 - 29.50 SKIRTS Just arrived, in box pleats, slim skirts and gores. Grey, Black and Brown. All sizes. 5.95 to 10.95 Blouses Festive blouses in lace, Terrylene and cottons. Only 2.98 to 4.98 DUSTERS. Cottons, Quilted and Corded. Many to choose• from. 3.95 - 14.95 LIN= -GRI A welcome gift for "Her" on your list. The .daintiest lingerie ever, in Slips, Capri, Pyjamas, Lounging Pyjamas, Gowns and Panties. FLANNELETTE GOWNS, PYJAMAS, SLIMS, TOWEL SETS, BAGS, ETC. - Specially Priced For Santa's Visit to Town I gee aauoa�aderZililfe e� t1111 018014 tot mastoid SPORT SHIRTS Gifts for the young man in the new tapered or regulars in sport shirts. 2.95_ 4.95 s ZES WHITE and STRIPED SHIRTS By "Tookes" In Egyptian cottons and Terrylene. 3.95 4.95 6.00 AnkNerer GIFTS fferfeit• P'i'esef,t5 fat Men of Gaud Taste S 0• X ' By "McGREGOR" All the ne plains and patterns. 1.00, 1.50, 1.75 TIES ••. The Tie you are looking for! Only '1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Also TIE and SOCK SETS - 2.50. 2.95 SPORT JACKETS 12.95 2.95 Sizes 35 - 44. Best selection. TO CLEAR AT ONLY UNDERWEAR Wools, cottons and thermo by Stan" field's at SPECIAL PRICES. • Men's Pyjamas In cottons, Yama and Polo. All reasonably priced. 2.95 to 5.00 MEN'S and BOYS' DUFFLE and SUBURBAN COATS At Reasonable Prices - AT -- SHINEN'S Ladies' Ready to Wear - General Dry Good yryy j r•! Men's and, Boys' Clothing �N ► nuJi SEAFORTH BRODHAGEN NEWS OF Di WEEK Mrs. J. Higenell, who has been spending the past months in Mitchell with her daughter, Mrs. Butson, and Mr. Butson, is now with her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Rock, and Mr. Rock here. Miss Sharon Prueter, nurse - in -training at Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto for a, few months, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens attended the Purple and Gold Show at the Waterloo Univers- ity College, Waterloo, Saturday and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens in Hamilton. Many friends and relatives called at the home of George Diegel on Sunday to extend good wishes on his 89th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Sandra and Arthur, of Blen- heim, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Mr.,Ed. Smith, and on Sun- day celebrated Mr. Ed. Smith's 80th birthday at the ,home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Wur- dell, and Mr. Wurdell. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Mr. Lorne Wolfe and sons spent Saturday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs}. Lary Sholdice and sons, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. `Sam Clark, of Mit- , Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture a Huron Ex- positor Classified d. Phone 141. chell, visited relatives in Kit- chener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheat- ley, of McKillop, with her moth- er, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolfe and daughters, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. The teacher, Mr. Dunbar, and pupils of Brodhagen school are planning and practising for their Christmas concert at the Community Hall on Dec. 19th. Mrs. August Scherbarth re- turned home from London Hos- pital, and Mr. Henry Rose has returned home from, Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roth, Wen- dy and Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthies, of Tavistock, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leon- hardt. .. Mr. Lew Hicks has returned home from Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. The wedding dinner and re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Feeney (Ryan) was held at the Community Hall on Saturday. Variety Night was held at the Community Hall last Tuesday evening, presented by the mem- bers of the Married Couples Group of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, including a one -act play, "Bread"; reading, mono- logues, pantomine, skits, male quartette, step dancing, fashion parade, piano duet, piano solo, and baby show. �w•,;r,.W, ;rIw•,;r«.Uu+.,it, ,,w,ur,w•,re' Iit, ,w•ifir, it+',, WATCH SPECIAL: • MEN'S - 25 JEWEL - - AUTOMATIC - - SHOCKPROOF - - WATERPROOF - - SWISS MADE ONLY $ 2 9.95 Anstett Jewellers Phone 77 Seaforth wi r i .i ;r, Kippen East WI Kipped, East WI Members and families held their annual fam- ily night with 140 persons en- ieying € delicious turkey sup- per. The supper was held in the Legion Hall at Hensall on Friday, Nov. 23, at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. W. J. F. Bell, Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse and Mrs. Vivan Cooper were hostesses, setting the tables. Mrs. Winston Work- man and Mrs. John Sinclair convened the program which followed. "0 Canada" opened the pro- gram, following by a sing -song, "I've Been Woiting on the Railroad" and "Rig -a -Jig -Jig." Miss Pearl Isaacksz, of Seduwa, Ceylon, showed pictures of Cey- lon. She was thanked by Mrs. William Bell and presented a gift on behalf of the institute. The children enjoyed bingo while euchre was played by the adults. Winners were: ladies: Mrs.. Russell Brock, Mrs. Robt. Gemmell and Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse; men: James Drum- mond, Robert Drummond and Campbell Eyre. WI NOTES Seaforth WI members are re- minded of their invitation 'to meet with the Junior Institute and Junior Farmers on the eve- ning of Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 8:30 p.m. James A. Stewart -will show his pictures of his recent trip to England and the Con- tinent. BARBARA KIRKMAN Mrs. Reg Kerslake, president of the Barbara Kirkman Aux- iliary of First Presbyterian Church, was in the chair for the November meeting Tuesday evening. She opened the meet- ing with a short reading. There were 29 calls made on shut-ins and those who were ill during the month. Mrs. W. G. Wright reported 67 subscrip- tions received for the Glad Tid- ings. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Dale Nixon read the nominating report. Mrs. R. S. Habkirk took charge of the meeting and read a• poem. Mrs. J. Broome read the scripture lesson and Mrs. J. E. Patterson led in sprayer. Mrs. J. E. Daley anal Mrs. R. K. McFarlane sang a duet, "Pause At His Feet For a Mom- ent of Prayer," accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. The collec- tion was received by Mrs: H. H. Leslie. • Mrs. Keith Sharp explained the anniversary book which is to be completed and returned to Toronto. She also had the final chapter of thestudy book on British Guiana: This was very interesting, as this country is much in the news these days. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. R, S. Habkirk. .wJP",r,Wr ,.uv,vY,W,r Rogers -Majestic TELEVISIONS at New Low Prices ! • • TERMS TO SUIT SPECIAL -- Transistor Radios ▪ 29.95 Lay -Away Now: FOR MOM • • Corning Ware, Toasters, Irons, Kettles, Fry Pans, Coronet Ware, Electric Blankets, Electric Can Openers, Electric Hair Dryers. SPECIAL -- Silex Automatic Toasters - 13.95 FOR DAD . Electric Drills, Wrench Sets, Watches, Pocket Knives, Tools, Berzomatic Torches, Gloves and Mitts. FOR THE KIDS Tricycles, - Wagons, Sleighs, Toboggans, Hockey Equip- ment. TOYS ARE OUR - SPECIALTY SPECIAL -New Musical Invention by Kenners PLAYA -TUNE WN ft c A Retail 6 95 SPEC AL 1"e." with 20 Plastic Tune -Players Crown Hardware Phone 797 -4,-4 d d,,d d ,d 1 d :d d ; f • Y ''•..' -, . -, � 7 .'7 • 9 . •i . �, .`-i • 1 r `f-4.-4. . -I .�. 1 :'t , :1.�•'�tJ �.R��Oa ,:,7.. � .. Seaforth AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1963 Chevrolet Bel Air -Fully equipped 1963 Pontiac Strato-Chief Sedan"Automa- tic 1962 Ford Falcon 1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan -- Automa- tic, fully equipped. 2-1962 pontiac Strato-Chief Sedans -Auto- matic 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air - Fully_ powered, automatic 1961 Pontiac Parisienne Four -Door Hard- top Sedan -Fully equipped, V-8 motor 2-1961 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans -Auto- matic, power steering Number of New 670 and 750 x 14 SNOW TIRES All Leading Brands 3 9 a 95 at Pair a� s7 1961 Vauxhall Sedan 1960 Oldsmobile Four-Dodr Hard Top --All Power 1960 Pontiac Sedan -Automatic 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan -Automatic 1958 Ford Fairlane 1958 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pickup, six cylinder 1957 Ford '/2 -Ton 1957 Pontiac Sedan -Automatic 1957 Pontiac Sedan -Standard 1956 Chevrolet Sedan MANY OLDER MODELS In Case Lots GALLON ... 2.35 ANTI - FREEZE A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model BRUSSELS BRUSSELS - PHONE 173 -"The Home of Better Used Cars" Cars -Many other Models to choose from OTRS ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING p µ, w i P. ... T1/4 .. rt„ ....... .. ,5... .. ,1.. ,.... ,ti, . ,S. .S. -. 14.. cy , vim , ' ,r' i ,r 11 '• .' : : ,uri , ri ri Flo ftvtstrnas T&asts mith's SPECIALS -- Thursi ay Friday Saturday Nov. 29 - 30 Dec. 1 Smith's Dollar Days Ellmarr Peanut Butter -3 16 -oz. jars $1 Sherriff's - Fruit Puddings -3111/, -oz. tins $1 Aylmer Soup 8 10 -oz. tins Vegetable or Tomato Golden Dew Margarine 5 Pkgs. Heinz Ketchup... .5 11 -oz. Bottles $1 $1 $1 Van Camp Beans With Pork -7 15 -oz. tins $1 White Cross Toilet Tissue... 2 four -packs $1 Kleenex Tissues 7 Pkgs. $1 Regular OR Chubby Libby's Fancy Small Potatoes ..10 15 -oz. tins Silver Ribbon Choice Cut Green Beans or Golden Wax .. 6 20 -oz. tins $1 Minette's Choice Tomatoes .: 6 20 -oz. tins $1. Hyatt's Tender Peas • • . Tempt Dog Food . Donald Duck Orange Juice. .°• Lynn Valley Peaches • Aylmer Fruit Cocktail • St, William's Assorted Jams. $1 • 7 15 -oz. tins 11 15 -oz. tins -6 20 -oz. tins Bake -For -Christmas 6 15 -oz. tins • . 4 15 -oz. tins ..5 9 -oz. jars All Varieties of Xmas CANDIES and NUTS We Carry a Complete Assortment for your Christmas Cake Needs . • Whole. Citron, Cut Mixed Fruits, Peels, Large Seeded Raisins, Sultana and White Raisins, Currants, Red, Green and Natural Pineapple, Red and Green Cherries, Almond Icing, Etc.-AII Fresh Stock{ An Outstanding Selection of Christmas Cakes and Christmas Puddings is -available. -for your holiday feasting! Smith's. Superior Food Market Phone. 12 SEAFORTH • Free Delivery SEE YOU AT THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE' SATURDAY r r`'r"r r" r"!,