The Huron Expositor, 1962-11-22, Page 9+, :I .r: 4,4 THE t tf?1FT, QSITQ , $4A.F0 USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles' For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted £1 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24, Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifi.aons 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15t acrd 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c plus. 25c for each 4 -line' verse. Alil other classifications mini- mum 65 cents. per insertion except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- ders Wanted, (21), and Legal Notice's, (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment or if paid by 10 days following last laser - ton, 1 L c deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum. 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events , LEGION Christmas Turkey Bin- go, Wed., Dec. 12, Legion Hall, Seaforth. 1-44-3 CHRISTMAS dance, December 27th, Legion Hall, Seaforth, M Cherney and His W'e'sterners: Sponsored by Seger* . Junior Farmers. a. 1-45-3 SNOWFLAKE bazaar, Hensall United Church Women, featur-' ing attic treasures, knitted goods, aprons, fancy work, Christmas novelties, candy, and baking, Saturday, December 1, at 3 p.m., in Hensall United Church. 1-45-1 2. Lost, Strayed A sum of money, owner may have same by proving ownership and paying expenses. Apply to Box 1166, Huron Expositor. 2-45x1 3. Found STRAYED to lot 11, con. 9, MC- Killop, a pig. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Phone 23 R 20, Dublin, Gib Murray, RR 1, Dub. lin. • 3-45x1 4. Help Wanted LADIES in Seaforth and dis- trict to work two or three nights a week, from 8 to 11, for well- known jewellery firm. Write to Mrs, Doreen Bossence, 46 Home St., Stratford. 4-45-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale GOOD milking ,goat. Phone Dub- lin 35 11 17. • 8-45-1 FOURTEEN pigs, 7. weeks old. Carl Vanderzon, North ll4ain St., phone 469. 8=45x1 NINETEEN pigs; 7.to 8 weeks old; 13 pigs 6 to 7 weeks old. Thomas Kale, RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dublin 107 R 9. 8-45x1 TWELVE choice Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old, Stanley, Jackson, Kippen, phone 672 R 5, Sea - forth. 8-24-1 TWENTY yearling Hereford & Durham cattle; also 50 acres of land, all seeded, lots of water, well fenced. J. L. Ryan, Dub- lin, phone i(1L R 5. 8-24x1 THREE Hereford steers, weigh- ing eighing around 700 lbs. Apply Doug- las Radio, RR 2, Dubbin, 11/2 mi. west of Dublin, on No, 8,High- w•ay. 8.45x1 CHILD'S size 12, green winter. coat with brown fur collar in like new condition. Can be seen at Scoins' Dry Cleaning. 45x1 SIX barrows, 8 weeks old. H. R. Lynch, RR 2, Kippen. . 8-45-1 THREE steers, rising 2 years old, weighing about 700 ,lbs; 2 Hereford and Holstein and 1 Durham and Hereford. Apply to John Nigh, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 603 .1 4, 8-45-1 9. Poultry For Sale READY -to -lay Hi -Line pullets, vaccinated, dewormed and de - beaked, Bruce Roy, RR 1, Lon- desboro, phone Blyth 28 R 6. 9-45-1 DAY -old H & N chicks available every week. Any age started H & N chicks available every 12 weeks; also quantity ready -to - lay H & N pullets on Nov. 1. Hetuderson Started Chicks, Ltd., phone 558. . 9.42-tf K-18? Kim+ber Leghorn pullets, 22 weeks old, beautiful birds, ready for the laying pen. Why buy pullets, you have to wait 6 weeks for eggs? Three months for egg size? Get Kimber Leg - horns and get ]large eggright awa. Vaccinated, del alsledr ,h d'etvermled and will deliver. An- drews' Poultry Farm. RR' 3 ;i'Seafoiith, phone 600 W 3. 9444 9. Poultry For Sale H & N NICK CHICK PULLETS Day old available every week; 12 weeks available Dee. 15 to Jan. 1; and ready -to -lay from Feb. 15 to March 10. HENDERSON'S STARTED CHICKS LTD. Phone 558, Seaforth 945-1 11. Articles For Sale SET of 4 boxing gloves. Phone 606 W 1, after 4 o'clock. 11-45-1 OIL space heater and large tank. Phone 507-J. 11-45x1 QUANTITY baled straw. Everett Storey, RR 1, Dublin, phone Seaforth 849 R 15. 11-45-1 FIFTY feet of heavy belting, '10" wide, $25, Wm. M. Hart, Sea - forth, phone 784.. - 11-45-tf BUDGIES and canaries, supply is limited this year. Staffen's Flowers, phone 49, Seaforth. -2 HARVEY hammermill, 11". Ken Miller, Staffa, phone Dublin 13 R 6. 11-45x1 LADIE'S full-length black Per- sian lamb coat, size 38-40, excel- lent condition, Phone 751 W 4, Sc+aforth. 11-45-1 ONE automatic gas spaee heat- er; 1 oil space heater, best of- fer. Can be seen at Dennis Apts, Welsh St. 11-44x2 SPRAYED apples for sale, Spy, Greening, Snow and cider ap- ples. Phone HU 2-32141, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 11-44x3 USED car parts from '53 Chev. and Ford and older model's; also '48 Ford truck parts, 4 -speed transmission, etc. Cheap. Phone Hensall 275 W 1. 11-45x1 CHOICE cold storage McIntosh, Courtland and Delicious apples at reasonable' prices. Please bring your own containers. Ap- ply Blake Bros., RR 2, Brussels, .Ont. 11-44x2 GIRLS' wine flecked fur -trim- med winter coat, size 12; boys' grey suburban coat, size 10-12,; also boys' white flecked sports jacket, size 12. All in. good con- dition. Phone 863 J 1. 1145-1 SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees, Every tree carefully `sleeted. For quality as we12 as lowest price order direet from GegTr- gain Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, phone FRanklin 6-6254. 11-42x4 MARCHAND 'gas space heater, 28,000 BTU output, used six mpnths, justlike new. Coleman gas wall heater, with blower, 55,000 BTU rating, just like new. These items priced for a quick sale. Henderson's Started Chicks, phone 558 or 232-J. 11-45-1 TWO stools, one antique; chrome table; new and used toys; new and used children's clothing, including 4 -piece coat set, 6X, two baby's snow suits (new); furnace stoker; tea wagon; jig saw; some small antiques; small pictures; auto- matic washer-duer and other items. Phone HU 2-9173. xl 12. Wanted To Buy MEN'S hockey pants in decent shape, size 36. Please phone 227 or get in touch with Bill Frost on Welsh St. 12-45-1 A'1TENTION FARMERS! Oail ,promptly. 300 pounds or over, according • to condition. 'Assoc. with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. Licensed under the Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 158662. Seven days service. Call ED ANDREWS, phone 863 W 1, Seaforth, 12-42-tf 14. Property For Sale SIXTEE1P6acres,. more or less, farm lan j'ttin Harpurhey, front- ing paved 'road. Includes sev- eral good surveyed lots. Ex- cellent industrial site, Will be sold separately or with com- fortable brick home. Contact Jos. Grummett, phone 862 J 2. 14-15-1 ,HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 3 -bedroom ranch style home in Egmondville with three 'acres of land. One bloc.k from school and church. May be pur- chased under VLA. • Contact HAROLD JACKSON Real Estate Phone 474, Seaforth or. JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Office Phone 214, Seaforth 14-45-1 FARMS FOR SALE 150 acres, , nutlet township, modern buildings. 1$5 acres, Hay township, On - mediate possession. ' 100 ae'res, Hay township, im- mediate possession. 50 acres, Tuckersmith, good water supply, all plowing Com- pleted. 200 acres', McKillop township, 2 sets buildings. 100 acres, McKillop township, very modern buildings, BUSINIEISS FOR SALE --High- ly profitable silo construction business. Truck and equipment included.. JOSEPH MeCONN'ELL Realtor . 10 Viktoria Street Telephone 266 14.45-1 15. Property For Rent FOUR apartments in Royal apartment building; 1 apart- ment in Seaforth apartments, east on No. 8 Highway; 1 2 -bed- room heated apartment on John Street. Apply to Dr. McMaster, Grand Bend, or Joseph McCon- nell, Seaforth. 15-40-tf APARTMENT on Railway St., furnished and all conveniences, gas heated. Winterized house in Bayfield, furnished, 3 -piece bath and oil heated. Immediate pos- session, Phone 62-W, Carl Dal- ton. 15-45-3 NEW 3 -bedroom home, gas fur- nace, completely modern, $60 monthly rental, available Dec. 1. 3 -bedroom apartment on ground floor, heated, availa+bl'e Dec. 1. 2 -bedroom apartment, second Tibor, heated; 1 -bedroom apart- ment, ground floor, Joseph Mc- Connell, realtar, 19 Victoria St., pllbne 266, 15-45-1 19. Notices SEPTIC tanks cleaned. ,Modern equipment used. All work guar- anteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, ,RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6. ' 19-40x9 FAST SERVICE . WATCH eREPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone 77, Seaforth 19-42-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-42-tf SAVE MONEY ON CARPENTRY WORK and General Contracting For alterations; new kitchen cupboards, rec rooms, cten= sions and repairs, call: • JOHN LANSINK Phone 79, Seaforth. Competent Workmanship 19-42-tf ANSTETT , JEWELLERS Offers you Easy Credit Terms with NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 19-42-tf NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m., until Saturday, Nov. 24, 1962, from. which time it will be closed until' further notice. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted. J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk 19-43-3 20. . Auction -Sales AUCTION SALE Auction Sale to be theld at the farm, lot 14, con. 2, Stanley twp.,.114 miles west of Bruce - field, on TUESDAY, NOV. 27, at 1:30 p.m. - Consisting of 40 head of choice Dairy cattle; 25 grade Holstein cows abd, heifers. fresh and springing; 15 registered Holstein heifers, fresh and springing; 20 young calves; 1 Holstein bull. This is an outstanding lot of heifers from high producing dams. Terms, cash; or anyone want- ing to buy on time should con- tact us several days before sale. D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-45-1 22. Legal Notices Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List , Township of McKillop NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office raft Lot 27, Con.' 2, McKillop, on the 21st day of November, 1962, the list of ad persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at mun- icipal elections, and diet such. list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or ommisaion+s corrected accord- ing to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 5th day of De- cember, 1962. DATED this 21st day of Nov- ember, 1982. J. M. ECKERT Clerk of McKillop Township 2 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIM SEI PAGE 4 22. Legal Notices TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT NOTICE Court of Revision .Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Town- ship of Hibbert, on the assess` meat roll of the said township for the year 1962, will hold its first sitting at the Township Hall, Stalifa+, on Wednesday, Decem- ber 5th,, at 1 o'clock p.m., to bear and determine appeals to the said Court. Last day for filing appeals was November 15, 1962. Dated this 19th day of Novem- ber, 1962., • ANNE BURCHILL Clerk 22-45-1 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Notice of Nomination ,Meeting A meeting of the' Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, Novem- ber 26th, 1962, for the purpose of nominating • candidates for the offices: of Reeve and Coun- cillors for 1963, and certain School Trustees, for the years 1963 and 1964 (three to be elec- ted). Nominations' will be received from the hour of one o'clock to tivo o'clock ie the afternoon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the position's, an election will, be held on Monday, Decem. her 3rd, 1962. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. Id 6 p.m., at the following places. PSD No. 1—Township shed, Elg- mondville, DRO, Audrey Cameron; •PC, Alice Boyes.. PSD No. 2—SS No. 8: DRO Roy McGeoch; PC, Edith Rus- seIW, - , PSD No. 3 -SS No, " 4: DRO, George Turner; PC, How: and Johns. PSD No. 4—SS No. 3: DRO, Nor- - ris Sillery;' PC, John Broad- foot. - PSD No. 5—SS No. 1: DRO, Mel- ville Traquaire; PC, Glenn BeI1l. PSD No: 6—SS No, 9: DRO, John Wood; PC, Wilmer Broadfoot. J. I. McINTOSH, Returning Officer 22-44-2 23. Business Directory, McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitor -s, Etc. P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth Ontario JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist, optical services, Goderich St. W., adjacent to Clinic. Tues. to Sat., 9-5:30, except Wed. Thurs. evening by appointment. Phone 791, Sea - forth, Monday, Clinton Medi- cal Centre. A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55, South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor D. H. McINNES Chiropractic Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday --1 to 8 p.m. J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: - Phone 43 R 10 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res, 595-W — Store 43 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL- DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 335 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent, FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaforth DR. M, W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth If no answer, call Residence 605 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M, V.S. W. R. Bry'ans, D.V.M,, V.S. D, E. GALT, D.V.112., V.S. Phone 105 S0affrth 24. Cards of Thanks We wish to thank all our rela- tives, friends and neighbors for helping us move; also thier help the day of the sale, it was greatly appreciated. Ed. and Bessie Davidson. 24-45x1 I sincerely wish to thank all the friends, neighbors and' relatives for their kindness in remember- ing me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since re- turning home, Mrs. Lyle Wor- den. 24-45x1 I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for cards, treats and visits during mr illness and while I was a patient in Strat- ford General Hospital. Also thanks for the assistance and courtesies' shown my wife. Al Bow e ri ng, 24-45-1 I wish to express my sincerest thanks to my kind friends, neigh- bars eighbors and relatives who sent gift:: flowers and cards and visited me while a patient in London Victoria Hospital. Also to the doctors, priest and nurses for their kind attention. All was much appreciated. Catherine A, Lynch. 24-45x1 OUR sincere thanks and deep apreciation to friends and neigh- bors for kindness and sympathy shown• us during our recent sad bereavement, with special thanks td Rev. A, H, Johnston, Dr. Malkus, Dr. Newland, Bon- thron Funeral Home, for floral tributes and donations to the Ileart Fund. Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and Family. 24-45-1 THROUGH this paper I wish to thank all those who made my stay in Scott Memorial Hospital a pleasant though enforced holi- day. Special thanks to Dr. P. L. Brady for his splendid Operation, Dr. Malkus for his good care, all, nurses, from head -nurse to aids, for their wonderful serviees. A hearty get -well to my co -patients and a special hello to Mr. Lew Hicks and Mr. Britton with whomhady I man nice chats. Above all I thank the Lord Who• made this all possible and gave me my health back. 24-45x1• Fred Knetsch 25. In Memoriam FARQUHARSON — In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Ella Isabel Far- quharson, who passed away one year ago, Nov. 21, 1961. A little tribute, true and tender, Just to show we still remember, She lives with us in memory still, Not just to-day,but always will. — Lovingly remembered by the Family and Grandchildren. 25-45x1 FARQUHARSON — In loving memory of our •dear mother, Mrs. Ella Farquharson, who passed away one year ago, Nov. 21, 1961, and a dear father, Will- iam Farquharson, who passed away thirteen„ years ago, May 2, 1949. A wonderful couple laid to rest For each of us they did their best; Years may wipe out many' things, But this they wipe out never, The memory of those happy days, When we were all to-gether, Their place..on earth no one can fill, We miss them both, and always will. —Ever remembered by the fam- ily and grandchildren. 25-45-1 Births BEUERMAN—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Nov 13, to Mr. and Mrs: Ray Beuer- man, nee Joan Shortreed, a daughter, Mary Michelle. MURRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 20, to Mr. and MrS. Frank S. Murray, R R 2, Walton, a daughter. SALLOWS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 19, to ,Mr, and Mrs. James Sallows, Sea - forth, a son. VAN DER MOLEN — In St, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on' Nov 16, to Mr, and. Mrs.. Frank Van Der Molen, nee Mary Whyte, a son, Mark Richard, a brother for Paul. Engagements Mr. and Mrs..Seldon. Ross wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Caroline Violet, to Mr. Johh' Robert Greenaway, son of Mr. and Mrs, .Leslie Greenaway, Blueval.e, Ont., the wedding to take place Saturday, December 15, 1962. -1 Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Kathleen, to Mr. David George Unrau, Lafayette Indi- ana son of Mr. and Mrs. David Unrau, of Kingsville, Ontario, the marriage to take place in Clinton, December 22nd, xl Mr. Glenn Gibson, Blyth, wisher, to announce the engagement of his eldest daughter, Yvonne Marie, to Mr. Robert William Henry, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Henry, RR 2, Blyth. the wedding' to take place on Dec. 15, in Blyth United Church, at two o'clock, x1 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out ! It is not 'possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information. 0.4004,10446.04,0. i;04611,04...41.40.404. BRUCEFIELD NEWS OF THE • WEEK Miss Jean McNaughton, of Guelph, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McNaughton. Mr. Jack Broadfoot visited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Broadfoot over Sunday. Mrs, Ross Scott, Mrs. Ham, and Miss M. Swan spent the weekend with Mrs, William A. Wright, Seaforth, and attended Presbyterian anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. R. Paterson, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson and family, London, visited with Mr. Paterson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Pater- son, on Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Elliott spent the weekend with his cousin, Danny Griffith, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bougham, Dawson, Man., were guests of Mr, and Mrs, James Bougham and family this week. Mrs. A. Zapfe, Byron, and Miss Margaret Aikenhead, of London, spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs.' Y. Ald- winkle. The people of Brucefield and community were shocked on learning of the sudden passing of Mr. John A. McEwen. Mr. McEwen was instantly killed al- most in front of his home on Saturday evening. Unit One, UCW The Friendly Unit, Unit No. 1 of the UCW, held their No-, vember meeting at the home of Mrs, Irving Sillery on Monday evening, with an attendance of 21. Mrs, D. Triebner and Mrs, Ross Chapman had charge of the devotions. The meeting op- ened with a hymn, with Mrs, William Clark at the piano. . The Sectional report was giv- en by Mrs. Henderson and the roll call answered by a verse on "Peace" and a parcel for the touch and take table at the rummage sale, to be held on Saturday, Nov. 24, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Irvin Sillery gave the treas- urer's report, and Mrs. T. A. Dutton reported that she had sent get -well cards to Mrs. Cliff Henderson and Mrs. Gordon El- liott. Mrs. Berry took the chair for the business part of the meet- ing, when the following com- mittees were named for the rummage sale, with Miss M. Mc- Donald over-all convener: bak- ing, Mrs. Berry,•, Mrs. J. Mc- Naughton, Mrs. Wr Broadfoot, Mrs: E. Thompson, Mrs. Wal- ters and Mrs. E. Wilson; touch and take and new articles,- Mrs. D. Triebner and Mrs. Marie El- liott; vegetables, Mrs. "Stoll; and Mrs. Carol Wild; candy, Mrs. J. McNaughton; and all other members of the unit to help with the sale.. Mrs. Elgin Thompson gave an interesting talk—on her trip to Europe. The meeting closed with singing the hymn, "Peace, Perfect Peace." A delicious lunch was served, by the com- mittee. The December meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Berry. Support CARE The Adult Sunday School Class of Brucefield United Church has decided to encour- age the families of . the com- munity to support CARE of Can- ada. CARE is a non-profit Gov- ernment approved agency for person-to-person international assistance, It 'assembles needed, supplies ranging from food; textile and tool .packages to medical and educational equip- ment, and delivers them to in- dividuals and institutions in HENSALL Master Stewart Knights, of Blenheim, end , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, of Hensall, spent last week With Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Snell. Mr. C. L, .links, who has been a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, for the past nine weeks, returned home last Sat urday much improved in health, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Payne. Fractures, Arm Mient Verheek, 18, who is employed with Jim McGregor, RR 2. Kippen, suffered a frac- tured left arm on Friday when he got his arm in a power take- off on a tractor while pulling corn up in the, ,barn with an elevator. He is a patient in South Huron Hospital: Exeter, Stamp Winners Fifteen persons shared the thousands of stamps given away at Darling's IGA in the second week of a three-week feature. Bill Rooseboom won 3,000; Stanley Mitchell, 1,200; Mrs. Rochus Faber, Kippen, 1,- 000; Mrs. Harold Parker, 500; Mrs. George Boa, 200. Winners of 100 were: Mrs. Charles Eckel, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Hen- ry Fuss,. Mrs. Marie Gelinas, Zurich, Mrs, Emma Shepherd, Mrs. R. Verbeek, RR 2, Hensall, Mrs. Tofu Kyle, Jr., Mrs. Cecil Rowe, Exeter, Mrs. Doris Jef- fery, Staffa, and Ricky Parker., other countries, as gifts from Canadian individuals, groups or organizations. In 1958 the Government of Canada released its first gift of surplus milk to CARE. Since that time it has given CARE over 11 million pounds of sur- plus powdered milk and six mil- lion pounds of surplus pork, which has been distributed in eight countries overseas in the name of the people of Canada. Each family is being asked for a minimum of 10 gents a month or $1.20 yearly; $1.00 provides a food package for a person in need., These packag- es are based mainly on food donated by Canada and USA Governments from their farm reserves. Those who take part are ask- ed to deposit donations in the bank account at Brucefield, in the name of CARE of CANADA. Receipts will be available on request. Miss Margaret Me - Queen and Mrs. L. Ariane are in charge of sending the dona- tions away monthly. Further material about CARE is avail- able from Miss Margaret Me - i Queen. A book is available at the Bank in which donors are ask- ed to sign their names and the amount deposited. If it is diffi- cult to get to the bank, either of the above mentioned people will be glad to make the de- posit for you. A financial state- ment will be sent to the local papers yearly in December. WEDDINGS SWELL—PUGH • Residing in Bayfield, Ont., are Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Snell, recently, united in marriage in First Presbyterian Church, Roy- al Oak, Michigan, by the Rev. Thomas W. Kirkman; Jr. The former Carolyn Jean Pugh chose a Chantilly lace gown, fashioned with a sabrina neckline and tiered skirt for the double -ring ceremony, A crystal and pearl tiara secured her veil. She carried a bouquet of white gladiolas and baby mums. Kathy Pugh was her sister's maid of honor in an azalea pink taffeta and silk organza gown, styled with a fitted bodice and full skirt. An organza circlet secured her scalloped veil, and she carried a bouquet of white mums and rosebuds. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Doug- las Whyte, of Seaforth, sister of the bridegroom; ,Mrs. Carl Pugh, of Utica', sister-in-law of the bride, and ,Anne Cates, of Royal Oak, were attired in gowns identical to the maid of honor. They • parried white mems. - Cameron Addison, of Clinton,' Ont., was best man. Ushers were Douglas Whyte, of. Seaforth; Carl Pugh, of Utica, and Allen Pugh, of Royal Oak, brothers of the bride. Diane and Debbie Pugh were their sister's flower -girls. A reception at the Maple- wood Clubhouse, Royal Oak, preceded the couple's wedding trip to Huntsville,,„Ont. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Pugh, Royal Oak, and Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Snell, of Goderich, Ont. WMS Meets At First Church Mrs. James T. Scott acted as hostess for the November meet- ing 'of the McKillop WMS of First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, Mrs. Robert McMillan, the president, presided over the meeting. She welcomed the members and was glad to see a good turnout. She opened the meeting With a poem, "Teach Me Thy Way,” Roll was tak- en with 19 members present. The same nominating com- mittee was put in for another year, which includes Mrs. Al- bert Harrison, Mrs. Jas. Keys and Miss Jean Scott. It was•de cided to hold the December meeting the second Thursday, which comes on the thirteenth. The holiday wheel funds were received by the treasurer. The birthday money, which was col• lected each month, amounted to $19, and has been forwarded to the anniversary fund. The col- lection was taken up by Miss Jean Scott. Mrs. Elgin Nott, one of the leaders, took over the program. She opened the meeting with a poem, "My Daily Prayer," fol- lowed by the 23rd Psalm in uni- son!' A hymn was sung, follow- ed with a prayer by Mrs. Fran- cis Coleman. Mrs. Elgin Nott read a letter which was receiv- ed from one of the missionar- ies, Lillian Dickson. It was -in- teresting and made the group think about the hardships that the people have to go through in those countries, Mrs. Nott 'thanked the hos- tess and all than . had takers part. Lunch was served by the hostess and the sooiar, group,. Have YoU toted for the, 1962 SNOW illkM,VisT7 Voting ends b p.m., $afurday PAM STAPLETOIi WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner at Sebringville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and George moved to their home in Elimville this past week, recently 'purchased from the Johns estate. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family were guests 6n Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Everleigh and family, of Kirkton. Mrs. William Walters, Mrs. Freeman Horne and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara attended a brush demonstration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johns, ElinnviIle North, on Mon- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coward visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. Mrs, Wilbert Glanville, Don- na, Carol" -and Rickey, of Staffa, visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maher and Danny, of London, visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern vis- ited in Exeter on Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton, of Clinton, and Mrs. James Hey, of Seaforth. Miss Kay Horne, of London, spent the weekend -with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and Rbnald, of Sunshine, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. They also visited with their uncle, David Clarke, at Huronview in Clinton. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited an Sunday with Mr and Mrs.• -How- ard Johns and family, of Elim- ville /North. ZION Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens visited his sister, Mrs. Edith Collins, in Avon Crest Hospital, Stratford, on Thursday. Mr. Charles Roney attended the Royal Winter Fair in To- ronto on Thursday. Donald CasIier, Bruce Mal- colm and George Lannin spent Thursday at Royal Winter Fair, going with the agricultural class from Mitchell ' High School Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nairn and Scott, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and Mrs. Albert Roney visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simpson, Mount Pleasant, on Sunday, Mrs. Roney seeing her great- granddaughter, Shirley Ann, for the, first time. WIND • TORNADO • CYCLONE Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. SEE BIG AL from CKCO-TV at SEAFORTH Santa Claus PARADE Saturday December lst