HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-11-15, Page 44, -TRE HURON EX ouroR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 15, 1962 NEWS OF HENSALI GRANDSON RECEIVES BURNS 1N INCINERATOR ACCIDENT Mi rr y Moir, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moir, Strath- roy, formerly of Hensail, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moir, Heusail, is, in Strathroy General Hospital with serious burns to his leg from the ankle to the knee. Murray, a pupil at Strathroy. public school, was returning home from school with two other boys when they stopped to play around the flour mill. Rubbish and chemicals were burning in the incinerator, when in some manner the lit- tle boy either fell or was push- eed into the. incinerator. His pant leg caught fire and he started to run home some four blocks away. A couple in a car saw his plight and picked him up and rushed him to hospital. He was in surgery Sunday for three hours for skin grafting, It is hoped they can save his leg, and he will be in hospital off. and on for two years. UCW Joint Meeting The joint meeting of Hensall United Church Women took place on Monday evening. Unit five, under the leadership of Mrs. W. B. Cross, was in charge of the evening's arrangements. Mrs. Cross .led in the reading of a timely piece, "Come Peace On Earth." Mrs. R. S. Hiltz, of Exeter, a delegate to the Audio Visual Council ,of the London Confer- ence, was introduced. Mrs. Hiltz explained how the use of the films, recordings and books available from this council can help us overcome speaking bar- riers, and leave a far greater impact on the audience when both sight•and sound are used in creating the interest. ee part of her devotional was scenic - slides, showing God's beauty on earth during a tape recorded solo. This was a beautiful addi- tion to her service. Mrs. Carl Payne favored with a solo, "Soft Were Your .Hands, Lord Jesus," and was accom- panied by Miss Greta Lammie. _All participating in the even- ing's program were fittingly thanked' by Miss Lammie. Mrs. E. Rowe, president, chaired the business part which followed. Fred Beer was taken to West- minster Hospital on Monday evening. A canvass of the village will be made by Hensel Boy Scouts Tuesday evening, Nov. 20, from 7 to 9 p.m., •in aid of muscular dystrophy. This worthy project is sponsored by the Hensall Firemen. DANCING BRODHAGEN Community Centre Friday, Nov. 16th Desjardine's Orchestra • ADMISSION 75 CENTS RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bolton Friday, Nov. 16th SEAFORTH Community Centre KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies please bring Sabdwiches Everyone Welcome Mrs. Lou Simpson has re- turned home after visiting with members of her family in Roy- al Oak, Mich., and Birmingham, Mich. She was accompanied home by her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simp- son. Mrs. Carl Payne, voting dele- gate, accompanied by Mrs. Wil- bert Dilling and Mrs. Harry Faber, attended the London Area convention of . the WI at Hotel London, Monday and Tuesday of last week. Miss Helen Payne, London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne. First week list of winners of Gold Bond stamps, drawn for Saturday night at Darling's' IGA are as follows: Mrs. Ross Sararas, RR 1, Cromarty, 2,000; Mrs. F. G. Bonthron, 1,000; Mrs. C. Lenaghan, 500; Tom Smale, 250; Mrs. Pearl Shad - dick, 150. Mrs. William Henry, Mrs. George Boa, Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Helen Whiteman, Mrs. H. Horner, Mrs. Harold Gay, Mrs. Byran Kyle, Mrs. Carl Payne, Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mrs. E. Whitehouse each won 100. Miss Bessie MacMurchy, Reg. N., B.Sc. (N), of Indore, India, a returned missionary on fur- lough, will be guest speaker at Carmel Presbyterian Church this Sunday evening, Nov. 18,' at 8 p.m., and . will present Chevrons to the CGIT girls, and also show slides of her work in India, Ray McKenzie arrived home Saturday evening from Miami Beach, Fla., where he had been vacationing. Ray has accepted a position with Howard John- son Motor Inns International, of 'Nassau, Bahamas, and will leave for his new position at Hamilton, Bermuda, December lst. The -return trip was made by jet in three hours and 35 minutes non-stop. Mrs. Ross MacDonald and daughter, Ruth Ann, are visit- ing with Mrs. MacDonald's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Sea- ton, of Brockville. • Mr. Stan Tudor underwent an emergency operation at the Sholdice Surgery, Toronto, on Tuesday of this week, Friends Gather Prior To Move A few friends and neighbors from the 12th and 13th of Mc- Killop held a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Russell Bar- rows on Monday evening. The evening was spent playing games and Mrs. Norman Schade read' a short address and pre- sented Mrs. Barrows with a gift. The ladies served lunch. Mrs. Barrows lived on the 13th concession of McKillop 'un- til taking. up residence on Mar- ket Street, Seaforth, recently. Huron Liberals Meet Thursday The annual meeting of the Huron Liberal Association (Pro- vincial) is being held in ,(Pro- vincial) Thursday evening, The meeting will be preceeded by a dinner. The speaker is Robert Nixon, M.P.P., who was elected recent- ly as president of the Ontario Liberal Association. The Week at . .. . SEAFORTH' AREN and COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER 16th— Skating — 8 to 10 p.m. Arena opens at 7:45 p.m. Admission — 35c and 25c Bolton Reception — Hall SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th— Skating 2 to 3:30 p.m. Arena opens at 1:45 p.m. Admission — 25c and lOe Skating — 8 to 10 p.m. Admission — 35c and 25c - TEEN TOWN — HALL SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18th -- Minor Hockey Meeting, 3 p.m. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th— Figure Skating WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st— Skating — 8 to 10 p.m. Admission — 35c and 25c • This space contributed through the courtesy of UNION�C COMPANY. OF :CANADA LIMITED • SEAFORTH EV ONTARIO Sef Budget for $21.,000 At Northside Northside congregation adopt. ed a budget for 1963 in excess of $21,000, at a meeting Tues- day. The purchase of a new, organ has added about $4,000 to the budget for next year. Present financial commitments to the organ have been met out of current funds. The congregation also decid- ed to underwrite the finances of the Church School to the extent of $150 for 1963. After the business period,' James A. Stewart showed pictures take@ on his recent trip to Europe. Following the pictures, lunch was served by the ladies. Two pedestals were dedicat- ed Sunday at Northside Church in ,loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pollard, for many years faithful members of Northside.. The pedestals were presented by their son, William Pollard, of Stratford. Two brass urns were present- ed by Mrs. B. F. Christie and her daughters, Alice and Mrs. Eric McCue, in loving memory of a dear husband and father, Beverly, who was for many years a member of session and secretary of the church school. OBITUARIES MRS. JOHN M. HENDERSON Mrs. Ellen Isabella (Nellie) Henderson died,in Huronview, Clinton, Saturdy, November 10. In her 84th year, the de- ceased was born and educated in McKillop Township, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George McIntosh. Her husband, John M. Hen- derson, predeceased her.' She is survived by a brother, C. C McIntosh; of Brantford. Funeral services were held from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, on Monday. Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside - Cavan United Church, officiated, with burial in Maitlandbank cemetery-. -Pal bearers -were --Ce - cil Adams, R. M. Scott, James Hogg, Ray Henderson, Harvey McIllwain and Douglas Abra- ham. CHRISTIAN W. HAIST Christian W. Hoist, of Zur- ich, died Saturday at Clinton Public Hospital. Born in Credi- ton, he is survived by his wife, the former Suzanne (Dollle) Mathers; two daughters, Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Zurich; Mrs. Gor- don (Gertrude) Kaiting, Gode- rich; two brothers, Henry, of Crediton; Mose, of Michigan; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The body was at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, where service was conducted at 2:30 p.m. Monday. Interment was in Crediton EUB cemetery. MRS. BERTHA MINETT Mrs. Bertha ,Minett, 66, of Seaforth, died Friday at her home. She was the former Ber- tha Horton, a native of Sea - 'forth. Her first husband, Ernest Box, died in 1951, and her sec- ond husband, Harry Minett, died earlier this year. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. G. S. (Leona) Vance, To- ronto; two sons, Edward H. and Richard S., both of Seaforth°, and one sister, Mrs. J. ';D. (Stella) May, London. The funeral service, conduct- ed by Rev. D. 0. Fry, was held at the Box funeral home, Sea - forth, Monday at 2 p.m., with burial in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. Pallbearers were John Card - no, R. S. McDonald, Lawrence B'ox, Glen Smith, D. Sills and W. Dundas. Flowerbearerswere L. Laudenbach, S. Shinen, W. Elliott, B. 0. Muir, M. McKel- lar and Fred McGavin. ST. THOMAS' WA The November meeting of St. Thomas' WA was held at the home of Mrs. David Netzke. Mrs. G. McGavin presided. Scripture was read from Ephe- sians, dhapter 4, verses 1-8. Roll call showed 13 members present. A letter was read from Huronview Auxiliary asking W. A. members to help them with the Christmas Fair by donating a small gift. Members were ask- ed to leave gifts at the Rectory before December 1st. All mem- bers were in favor of donating so as to help the in -patients at Huronview. Mrs. G. Coombs gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Case gave the Social Service report. Mrs. McGavin reported St. Andrew's Day is to be held Dec. 2. The ladies were asked to choose the hymns for the service. The ladies were reminded to have all annual reports in at the next meeting. Mrs. McGav- in gave the report on the Fall Deanery. She said 60 answer- ed roll call. Spring Deanery is to be held at Goderich. Mrs. McGavin dedicated the collec- tion and gave the benediction. A delicious lunch was served and Mrs. McGavin t ed Mrs. Netzke for the -MT -of her l'Text meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 4, at Mrs. Cleave Coombs' borne. 1?;:er 0 The Weeh "Yes—I just ate a salami sandwich—so what?" Branch 156 Honors Old -Time -Members Contributions of several mem- bers of Branch 156 Royal Cana- dian Legion were recognized Saturday at the branch's Re- membrance Day dinner, when life memberships were present- ed to them. Honored ' were Bert Muir, Dr. James A. Munn, John Earle, charter members, and past presidents; Hector Chesney and W. C. Bennett. charter members, Alex Muir, past president, and George Ea- ton, long-time member. The presentations were made by Zone Commander Doug An- drews. The Legion hall was crowded for the dinner and dance which followed. President Allan Nicholson was in charge of the program. Ontario Command was re- presented by Regional, Vice - President Frank Hills, of Port Hope. Mayor Edmund Daly ex- tended greetings from Seaforth. Others taking part included: Rev. D. 0. Fry, R. S. McDonald, A. Dobson and Charles Wood. A feature of the dinner was the presentation of mementos to the building committee, in- cluding D. Sills, R. S. Box, John Holland, Robert Smith, Clayton Dennis and James Watson. On behalf of the Ladies' Aux. iliary, Mrs. Charles Wood pre. sented the branch with a cheque for $300. Perfect weather resulted in an unusually lame attendance and parade on Sunday, when tribute was paid area war dead at an impressive service in Vic- toria Park. • Veterans, preceeded by SDHS Band, paraded to the Park, where wreaths were laid on be- half of district organizations. Following the service the par- ade returned to the Legion Hall and enroute a salute was taken by Major John Harvey. BRUCEFIELD 4 NEWS OF WEEK IN ZION A -successful bazaar and tea was held by the ladies of Zion UCW on Friday afternoon in the basement of the church. Mrs. A. H. Da$nard and Mrs. Elsie Jordison received the guests at the door, and Mrs. Earl Barker gave all a welcome invitation. The bazaar was of- ficially opened with the sing- ing of "0 Canada." The well -laden bake table consisted of homemade bread and delicious rolls, cakes, tarts and many other goodies, which were soon disposed of, as were the many lovely aprons, along with pillowcases, all hand -em• broidered, and many other use- ful articles; also all kinds of vegetables, apples, pickles, jams, salad dressing, eggs, chickens, homemade candy, and many different kinds of house plants, violets and bulbs. Mrs. Lawrence Hannon was in the kitchen preparing de- licious tea, which was poured by Mrs. Alex Roney and Mrs. Hhmbly at the tea table. M,e. and Mrs. A. J. Hardill, of Milton, visited several days ,with their cousin, Mrs. Mary Malcolm, and Mrs. Hardill at- tended Zion bazaar. Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and ,Mrs. Charles Roney, Carl, Alan and Jim were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Parks on Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Higgerson visited her aunts, Mrs. Albert Yeo and Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Tues- day, and on Wednesday Mrs. Maggie Bean, Hensall, and Mrs. R. Faber, Kippen, were dinher guests at the same home. The many friends of Mr. Nel- son Pfaff were shocked to learn of his sudden death on Satur- day evening. Brucefield• and . community extend sympathy to Mrs. Pfaff and family in the loss of a loving 'husband and father, as well as 'a fine neigh- bor. Special services were held in Brucefield United Church Sun- day morning, when the Explor— ers, CGIT and Scouts marched in a body to the church and occupied the centre seats. Rev. H. Johnston delivered a very impressive sermon on Remem- brance Day. Unit No. 1 of the UCW will hold a rummage sale in Clin- ton orf Nov. 24. Clean out your attic and clothes closets and let us have what you don't need. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooper spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Cooper's • parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mustard. Mrs. Stackhouse, „ Mrs. M. Wilson, Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. Berry attended the special ser- vices in the new Blyth church and enjoyed the guest choir of the Dominion Life Assurance Co., of Kitchener. - Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Hen- derson, of Ingersoll, visited with their daughter, Mrs. Victor Hargreaves, on Sunday. . CLEAR CONTRACT 'AND APPEALS AT SPECIAL MEETINGS At a special meeting of Sea - forth council recently, t h e agre$ment with McLean Foster Construction, St. Marys, was signed by council... This com- Forums Talk Farmer Action The Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -D1iver__An.derson with an attendance of 12. The discus- sion was "Organized Action By Farmers." The Federation of Agriculture, is the strongest farm organ1ation, the forum agreed. They have helped farm- ers get satisfactory settlement from power lines, gas lines and highways. The Ontario Wheat Board has done a good job by setting the floor price of wheat, also gaining export markets. The Bean Board has also done a good job of marketing. These are just a few of the organiza- tions working within the prov- ince that are doing a good job, they said. Winners of euchre were: most games, McGregor; lone hands, George Gordon,arter; con- solation, Mrs. George Carter. Mrs. James Howatt invited the forum to her home' for their next meeting. Women's Aux. , (Continued from Page 1) delegates from the auxiliary. They reported a wonderful con- vention and gained knowledge of what other auxiliaries are doing, as well as being proud to pass along the ideas and pro- jects of the Seaforth auxiliary. The draw for two turkeys will be held at the Legion bingo early in December. Tickets are available from any member. Ar- rangements are being made to have a float in the Santa Claus parade again this year. the meeting lunch was served. Mrs. Bev Thompson won the mystery prize. party is ready to proceed with work on the storm sewers when work gets' underway on the 'sanitary sewer project. Council also , approved the pplication for winter works subsidy on the sewer work. Following the court . of re- vision, held in late October, the court held a special session when they visited the sites of three properties where com- plaints were made regarding assessments. Accompanied by county assessor Alex Alexander and town assessor Donald Haines, the group visited the properties of L. E. Learn, Mrs, J. Smith and John Skinn. The assessments of the first two were sustained, while the assessment on the Skinn resi- denc7 was reduced by $200. Winthrop Holds Shower.. The ladies of Winthrop Unit- ed Church held a shower in the schoolroom of the church Tues- day evening in honor of Miss Georgina Little, bride -elect of this month. A short program, with Mrs. William Little act- ing as chairman, consisted of a solo by Christine Pryce; a read- ing by Mrs. Ernie Toll; June Hillen and Linda Somerville favored with a duet, and Mar- garet Hillen played a piano sold. A short skit was present- ed by Mrs. Les Dolmage and Mrs. Eric Anderson, Miss Little and her mother, Mrs. Wilson Little, along with the groom's mother, Mrs. Mil- ton Berger, were called to the front and seated in decorated chairs. An address was read by Miss Faye Little and corsag- es and gifts were presented by Elaine Beattie, Marlene Pepper and Pat McCluskie, Georgina thanked everyone, and lunch was served. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. WINCHELSEA Mrs. Phil Hern, Mrs: John Coward, Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs. Elston Lynn attended the Women's Institute conven- tion held in London on Monday and Tuesday this past week. Miss Susan Morgan, Thames Road, visited on Thursday with her grandmother, Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr. Phil Hern spent a couple of days this past week up north deer hunting. Miss Kathy Hern, Margaret Brock and Margaret Prance at- tended Achievement Day on Saturday at Exeter for the girls' 4-H Club. Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Walters and Danny and Mr. and Mrs. Phil--Hera•'--eisited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Rowe and family of Thames Road. Mr. and Ml's. Harvey Smith and Penny, of Crediton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Col- in Gilfillan and family. Mr. and Mt$. Bill Walters and Danny and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman and family, of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and family, of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons and daughters, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper. and daugh- ters, of Elimville, were supper guests on Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge and sons. The occasion was the fif- ty-second ` wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper. • Mr. Horace Delbridge is in Toronto this week attending the annual meeting of the On- tario Federation of Agriculture and the Ontario Cream Produc- ers' meeting, which are being held this week at the Royal York Hotel, Masters David and Paul Cow- ard, of Base -Line, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carscaden visited on Friday evening with Mrs. Garnet. Miners. REBEKAHS PLAN FLOAT Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge plans to enter a float in the Santa, Claus parade on Dec. 1. The committee named in charge include Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Mrs. Harold Hugill, Mrs. Lorne Carter, Mrs. George Campbell, N.G., and Mrs. Peter Malcolm, V.G. - - A euchre party is to follow 'the next regular meeting on Nov. 26, with the meeting to commence at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Keith Sharp announced that tickets are for sale on a beautiful quilt, donated by Mrs, Charles Smith, of Peterboro. Proceeds are in aid of the CPT committee. Mrs. Mary Malcolm received word on Thursday that her niece, Miss liry E. Graham, is a patient in Chatham Hospi- tal. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Werham and family, Denfield, with her mother, Mrs. Charles Roney and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vipond, Mitchell, on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yeo, To- ronto, Sandra, Greg and Randy visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, taking home his mother, Mrs. Albert Yeo, who has spent the pabt three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Mary Malcolm, and broth- er, Mr. George Pepper and Mrs. Pepper, Mitchell. Miss Joan Britton, Galt, and Miss Nancy Lannin, McKillop, were home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bark- er and Wendy. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Burford, on Sunday. - Mr. Ross 'Murdie, Seaforth, visited with his cousin, Mrs. Mary Malcolm, on Sunday. Mr. Wayne Pepper, 0.A.C., Guelph, and friend, Bob Burn- side, Guelph; Miss Gloria Ann Pepper, of Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, and Helen Vincent, Kitchener, spent ,the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pep- per. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dale, Sea - forth, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. -George Pepper with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper on Monday. Mrs. Dalton 'Malcolm and Mrs. Mary Malcolm with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Seaforth. on Monday. Too Late . to. Classify FOR ..SALE—Rabbit steak naw fur sale in Seaforth at Harold Whyte and Son Meat Market, phone 341. Rabbit meat raised and prepared by -HHuron Rabbit Breeders' Association. -1 BAZAAR BAKE SALE St. Andrew's United Church KIPPEN Saturday, Nov. 17 3to5p.m. Sponsored by the UCW of • Kippen United Church ° .-- TEA WILL BE SERVED — Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. Reception -Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner (nee Nancy McFarlane) Seaforth Legion Hall Saturday, Nov. 17 NORRIS ORCHESTRA BAZAAR Home Produce & Tea ST. JAMES' CHURCH C.W.L. Saturday, Dec. 1 3 to 5 p.m. in School Hall BONANZA BAZAAR and TEA St. Thomas' Parish Hall WEDNESDAY,' NOVEMBER 21st 3:00 o'clock Beautiful Aprons - Hand Knitting VARIETY GIFTS FOR ALL HOMEMADE BAKING Mincemeat, Christmas Puddings and Cakes, Candy Christmas Candles and Decorations — PRODUCE BOOTH AND CHILDREN'S TREATS The ' Standard Five Playing All This Week at the HURON ROOM QUEEN'S HOTEL . SEAFORTH ❑ ❑ Clean, Comfortable Rooms FOR RENT By the Day or Week At. THE QUEEN'S 95th AnniversaryServices First Presbyterian Church Founded 1867 Seaforth Get Your SNOW OUEEN BALLOTS with all purchases at BOX FURNITURE -- Ont. SUNDAY Nov. 18, 1962 Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship: 7:30 p.m. Guest Minister at Both Services: REV. BRUCE A. MILES, I3.A:, B.D. Minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel The Senior Choir will sing Anniversary. Anthems at the Morning Worship DUET — Mrs. F. Kling, Mr. F. E. Willis The Male Quartette and the Junior Choir will present Special Music at the Evening Worship QUARTETTE —= Mr. David Stewart, Mr. F. E. Willis, Mr. J. K. Willis and Mr. J. A. Cardno VISITORS TO THESE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES a ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME ! + REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY - Minister Miss Carol Brown - Organist