HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-11-08, Page 11• O BENEATH T14IS BANNER ARE THE WORLD'S BESTB4RGAI n ��� USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted • 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm, Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Safe 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted • 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted • 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks, 25. In Memoriam 26, Persona'lff The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 1.1, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65e • plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classification mini- mum 65 cents per insertion except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- ders Wanted, (21), and Legal Notices, (22), rates on applica. tion. For cash payment or if paid • by 10 days following last inser- ton, 1 L c deducted . from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men. etc.) : Minimum 50 cents • per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events ST. James Church CWL Bazaar, Home produce sale and Tea, Saturday, Dec. 1st, 3 to 5 p.m., in school auditorium. 1-43-1 RECEPTION and dance for Mr. and Mrs. George Turner (nee Nanny McFarlane), Seaforth Community Centre, Saturday, Nov. 17. Norris Orchestra. 1-43-1 BAZAAR, Bake Safe, and after- noon Tea, Chiselhurst United Church, Thursday, Nov. 8th, at 3 p.m. Sponsored by Unified • Church Women. 1.42.2. 2. Lost, Strayed YELLOW' gold wrist watch., in or around Seaforth, on Nov. 1st. Finder Please call Box 1164, The Huron Expositor. Reward. 2-43-1 STRAYED from Lot 5 Con. 7, McKillop, Hereford spring calf, red with white face. Anyone knowing it's .whereabouts, con- tact Wilfred O'Rourke, phone 37 R 9, Dublin. 2-43-1 STRAYED on Lot 14, Con. 2, McKillop, one red heifer, part Hereford, part Durham, around • 900 lbs. Owner may have same by peovin'g property and .paying expenses. Joseph' A. Lane, Dub- lin, phone 107 R 16. 2434 R. Farm Stock For Sale TWENTY-FIVE pigs, V8 weeks - old. Apply Tom Kale, phone 46 F 9, Dublin.' 8-43x1 ELEVEN good pigs. Apply Ted, Van Dyke, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 610 W 4. 8-43x1 NUMBER of young pigs. Apply Stanley Hiller, RR 2, Walton, • phone Seaforbh, 866 W 1, 8-43-1 i ONE purebred Holstein heifer, due soon, vaccinated and ac- credited: Ben Nyland, Dublin, phone 90 R 20. 8-43x1 ELEVEN head of cattle, includ- ing 0 grade yearling Holstein • heifers. Chas, Waikom, Fuller- ton, phone .Mitchell 348-8197. x2 REGISTERED Hereford bull, 17 • months old, dark in color, re- serve champion • in his class at Seaforth Hereford Regional, also ist prize bull at several local fairs, Contact Hoffman Bros., on ,83Highway at Dashwood, phone Dashwood 70-W. 8-42-2 9. Poultry For Sale TWELVE white Leghorn pullets, 5 months old, $L00 each: Phon -838 R 23, Seaforth. 9-43-k DAY -old H-& N chicks available every week. Any age started H & N chicks ,ayailable every 12 weeks; also quantity ready -to - • lay H & 'N pullets on Nov.. 1. Henderson Started Chicks, Ltd., phone 558. 9.42-tf 11. Articles For Sale THIRTY little pigs; . 5 pair of Guinea, fowl. Apply to Viivan Cooper, phone 653 R 21. 11-43-1 • PRINCESS Pat cook stave. Ap- ply Dan Burns, Dublin, phone 33 R.10. 11-43x2 GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, torqubise, wool, with grey fur. Aries Peters, RR 2, Brussels, phone 497 W 4, Brussels. 1143x1 WINGHAM annex, $40.00; 5 600 x16 tires and tubes, on '48 Chev- rolet rims, complete $8.00 each. Apply Lyle Leake, 112 mile east of Walton, phone Brussels 392 • R 5. 11-43x1 TWO pair bays' skates, size 13 and 3; kitchen, cabinet and din- ing room table and 4 chairs; Victrola; also Singer sewing machine. Cheap for quid- sale. Phone 324-M. 11-43-1 TWO boys-' sport coats, blue tweed mixture, size 14 brow tweed mixture, size 18; dn oll bug. gy, grey, Can be made into stroll - ler. All in good .Condition and reasenablly priced. Phone 678, 11. Articles For Sale SHELB•URNE potatoes, at Kin - burn Store, phone 841 R 2. 11-40-4 ONE oil space heater, in good condition. Phone 562. 11-42-2 TWO -burner' electric heavy-duty stove. Stanley Ripen, RR 2, Wal- ton, phone Se'aforbh, 866 W 1. -1 120' base Titano Piano Accordion (lady's model), like 'new. Mrs.. H. Koldyk, fifth house north of Egmondville store, 11-42x3 BOATS, moulded m oh o g an, y boats or 'hulls only, all lengths. 1 used moulded boat, 14'. Nor- man Scorns, phone 242, Sea - forth. 11-41-4 LOTS, in Egmondvilfe for sale, Low down payment, easy terms. Steel barn in Egmondville to be removed from property, Phone Seaforth, 3. 14-42-2 HOLLAND,,,grown bulbs, in a variety of colours, Tulis, Hy- acinths, Crocus, Paper White Narcissus and- Daffodils. Bak- er's Greenhouse, your garden centre, Seaforth . 11-41x4 SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees, Every tree carefully selected. For quality as well as lowest price order direct from Geor- gain Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, phone F'Ra.nklin 6-6254. 11-42x4 ALMOST NEW SINGER Console Zig-Zag Sewing Machine Makes designs, buttonholes,, blind hems, etc. Will accept only $8.00 payments or $56.00 cash, total of new contract. Dealer. WRITE BOX 1161, The Huron Expositor 11-42x2 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS ! Known throughout Ont. and Northern USA as one of the dis- trict's largest and finest jewell- ery and gift stores, Fillsinger's; of Goderich entire tremendous 'stock of jewellery, watches china diamonds, gifts, etc., is thrown on the market for what it -will bring. The latest in • costume jewellery going at bargain: prices.. 6-8-10 transistor radios, values from $32.50 to $60,00, now $19.95 to $39.95. Binoculars, barometers at big discounts. English dinner- ware greatly reduced. Hundreds of beautiful gift items, you will marvel at the variety and you'll' marvel at the low, low prices. Baby lockets, reg. $2.50, now 98c Stainless steel flatware sets of the finer quality, reg $21.50, now $10.95. Others, reg. $26.50, now $13.95. All watch and diamond ring prices reduced to clear the'm out fast. 'Entire store, just one big bargain counter. It's a sellout to the bare walls. FILSINGER'S, Goderich. 11-43-1 1'2. Wanted To Buy .*•IIGH chair, in good condition. Phone 601 W 2, Seaforth. 12-431 A1-rENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 pounds 'or over, according to condition. Assoc. with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. Licensed under the Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 158662. Seven days service. Call ED ANDREWS, phone 863 IV 1, Seaforth. s 12-42-tf 43. Wanted 19. •Notices TUTORING, up to and including the Grade 10 level. Mrs. Doug- las Baker, E--gmondville, oppo- site welding shop. 10-42x2 SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Modern equipment used. Mil work guar- anteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6. 19-40x9 FAST SERVICE WATCH °REPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone 77, Seaforth 19-42-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 ' For all kinds of upholstering. 19-42-tf SAVE MONEY ON CARPENTRY WORK and General Contracting For alterations, new kitchen cupboards, rec rooms, exten- sions and repairs, call: JOHN LANSINK Phone 79, Seaforth. Competent Workmanship 19-42-tf ANSTETT JEWELLERS Offers you Easy Credit Terms with NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 10-42-tf HURON . COUNTY COUNCIL November Session The Huron County' Council will commence on Monday, November 19th, 1962, at 10:00 a.m. Notice of any documents or deputations must be in the hands of the Clerk no later than 12:00 noon, Friday, • November 16, 1962, JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House, Goderieh, Ontario 19-43-1 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale of Bethel United Church, McKillop, and furnishings will be held on the premises, on NOVEMBER 14th, et 2:30 p.m. DON S. DENNIS, Auctioneer WM, DENNIS, Secretary 20-43-1 TRANSPORTATION.rrom Dub- lin to Stratford, arriving approx. 8:15 a.m. and leaving around 5:15 p.m. Monday to Friday. Wi11 share cost. Carl Dublin, 66 R 3. 13-43-1 15. Property For Rent HOUSE for rent, in Walton. See David Scholdice. 15-43x1 HOUSE to rent, 3 miles North of Seaforth, bathroom,, new oil fur- nace. Phone 279-R, Seaforth. 43-1 HALF" duplex, with three bed- rooms. J. T. Hugill',.phone 388-J, Sea -forth. 15-43-1 ONE 2 -bedroom modern apart- ment. Apply Lee Learn, Sea - forth, phone 101. 15-41-tf ONE one -bedroom modern ap- artment. Apply Lee Learn-, Seaforth, phone 101. 15-411-tf FOUR apartments in Royal apartment building; 1 apart- ment in Seaforth apartments, east on No, 8 Highway; 1' 2 -bed- room heated apartment on John Street. Apply to Dr. McMaster, Grand Be I, or Joseph McCons nen', Seaforth, 15-40-tf 16. For Sale or Rent UNFURNISHED duplex, in Clin- ton, one side available Dec. 1st, good location one block from, Main Street. Jas. E, Johnston, RR 4, Clinton:, phone HU 2-7440. 116-42x2 19. ;Notices NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, front 1 to 5:30 p,m., until Saturday, Nov. 24, 1962, from which time it will be closed until further notice. No wire feneing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted. S. I. MC N'rOSH, O lee19k-43 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Household Effects of the late Hugh McMillan will be offered for sale on. Saturday, Nov,. 10th, at 2 p.m., at Matilda St., in the Village of Dublin. Property— At the safn•e time and place there will be offered for sale, Lots 42 and 43, two- fifths of an acre. On the proper- ty there is a frame house, with good basement, garage, 2 -piece bath, hydro and running water. Chattels -1 heavy duty Norge electric range, 4 -burner; 1 Wes- tinghouse 9 cu. ft. electric frig.; Hallman oil heater, like new; 1 oak extension table with six chairs; 2 cane ,arm chairs; 1 21 - inch Motorola TV and antenna; 1 cupboard and washstand; 2 small tables; 1 day bed, springs rand mattress; 1 General Elec- tric radio; 1 wooden bed, springs and mattress; dressers; stand; 1 large trunk; bed clothes; blan- kets, quilts; pots, pans, dishes; 1 Lawn Boy power lawn mower; 1950 Ford coach, with good tires radio; and nearly new washing machine. Host of other 'articles too nu- merous to mention. Terms on chattels, cash, plus 3% sales tax. Oh, property 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. William J. McMillan, Executor. J. L. Ryan, Auetroneer 20-41-3 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE PAGE 6 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out I It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information, 20; Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Fins ante Co. Repossessions, Bank- rupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures and Personal Consignments at the Clinton Legion Hall, on SATUR- DAY, NOVEMBER latte at 1:34 p.m. sharp. The foeowing: 6 TV sets; 2 5 -piece Bedroom suites; 2 -piece davenpor- suites chesterfield suite; continentalbeds; 'large chord organ; chest freezer; chrome and dinette suites; rte f igerator; electric ranges; auto- matic washer and dryer; and step tables; , platform r k ers; hostess and arm, chairs; this lite and table lamps; and a bosit of other furniture, plus a q en- tity of brand new clothing. A, barge selection of new toys. Terms, cash, 3% sales tax in effect, Cheques accepted. •- NOTE—This is another sale of top qualaity merchandise, don't miss it. FRANKLIN BUUCK, Auctioneer 20-43-1 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Salle of Prop- erty and Household Effects, in the Village of E.gmendville, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, at 1 p.m. 4 -piece walnut bedroom suite, springs and 'mattress; bed, springs and mattress; c'he'rry bureau; Raymond sewing mach - ire; Chester bed; rocking chairs+; occasional chairs; -fern pedest- al; fernery; radio; Morris chair; matehing stool; coffee table; magazine, rack; small tables; 2 matching rugs, 6' 6" x 9' and 8' 10" x 8' 10"; Antique Ottoman; mirror; day bed and mattress; wardrobe; lamps and pictures; quilt boxes; kitchen table and ehairs; corner eup- board; Frigidaire refrigerator; 24" GE electric stove; linoleum rug; linoleum; silverware; Sun- beam, mix -master jr.; toaster; dishe's and kitchen utensils;. sealers; hot plate; lawn chair and folding chairs; lawn seat; bird bath; step ladder; clothes basket; wash tub; garden tools, other articles too numerous' to mention. Property, at the same place, 3 p.m., the property will be of- fered for sale, subject to reserve bid. 7 -room brick house, .good basement, with gas furnace and 'alt modern conveniences; also small brick budding. Terms,. 10% down, balance in 30 daysi, immediate possession. Chattels, cash. Estate of the late MRS. EVA STEPHENSON HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWETJ . Clerk Sale will be 'held under cover. 20-43-2 22. Legal Notices • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the, Estate of HUGH McM,ILLAN, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Hugh Mc- Millan, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth,. Labourer, who died on or about the 18th day of October, 1862, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 17th day of November, 1962, a . . - r which date the Es- tate s?; distributed having regar. °i.,e o those claims of which ns `'e has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. - 22-42-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DENIS HUBERT JOHNSON All persons having claims' against the Estate of Denis Hu- bert Johnson, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 12th day of September, 1962, are hereby notified to send in fiat particu- lars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 22nd day of November, 1962, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed; having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 30th day of October, 1962. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22-42-3 Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List Notice is hereby giden that I have complied with Section 9, of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office, at Lot 16, Concession 8 Hulett Township, on the 22nd day of October, 1962, the List of gall persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Mundoial Elections, and that such List re - riming 'there for inspection. And I hereby can on an Vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or omisr Mons corrected according to law, The last day for appeals! being the 15th day of Novonlber, 1962. HARRY P. TEBBU'rr, Cheri TaWnsbip ckt L 23. Business Directory McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Sgjieitors, Etc. P. D MCCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seatorth, Ont. Phone 550 A. W: SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office 173, Res,, 781 Seaforth Ontario JOHN E. LONGSTAFF. Optometrist, optical services, Goderich St. W., adjacent to Clinic. Tues. to Sat., 9-5:30, except Wed. Thurs. evening by appointment. Phone 791, Sea - forth, Monday, Clinton Medi- cal Centre. A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor D. H. McINNES Chiropractic Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursdays --1 to 8 p.m. BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res. 595-W — Store 43 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR' Night or Day Calls — 335 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL IIOME Goderich St., W., S aforth AMBULANCE SE VICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaforth DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90: Seaforth If no answer, call Residence 805 JOHN A. GORWILL,'B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res.' 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. D. E. GALT, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth • 24. Cards of Thanks THE! family of the late Mrs. Robert Baker, with, to sincerely thank everyone for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, in the loss of a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grand- mother. Special thanks to the Boothron Funeral Home, Rev. R. MacDonald, Dr. Goddard and the nurses of Clinton Public Hos- pital and friends and neighbors. 24-43-1 The Baker Family. Births DEITZ—At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Nov. 1, to Mr, and Mrs. John Deitz, RR 3, Kip - pen, a daughter. FEENEY — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Feeney, RR 1, Dublin, a son. - LOOMANS—At Scott lllemorial Hospital, on Nov. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Loomans, Dublin, a daughter. McCLOCKLIN—At Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McClocklin, Mitchell, a son. MCRAE—On Oct. 29, to Flt/Lt. and Mrs. Bill McRae, of Tul- lahoma, Tenn., form,erlyHen- sa•ll, a son, Stephen, R USTON—In Stratford General Hospital, on Oct. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruston, 42 Whitlock St., Stratford, a daughter. THOMPSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Nov. 6, to t,Ir, and Mrs, John Thompson, RR 2, Seaforth, a son, Robert John. Engagements Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walker, Brucefield, announce the en.ga ge- ment of their daughter, Doris Evelyn, to M'r, Peter Allan Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Roy, Clinton. The marriage to take p le c e in Brueefield' United Church, December 1, 1962, at 3 o'clock. xl Mr. and Mrs. James S. John- stan', Goderich, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, Jane, to Mr. Wiliia•m, Allan Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walters, of Brueefield, Ont„ the wedding to take place on Saturday, Nov. 10, in St, Peter's RC Church, God- erieh, Ont. -1 Mr, and Mrs. Wilson, Little, Sea - forth, wish to announce! the en- gagem,ent of their daughter, Georgina Emily, to Mr. John Lawrence Berger, son of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Berger, Sea- forth, Marriage to take place the latter part of November, x1 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exlls1' ds information Aids (Continued from Page 3) . carry more easily the gift we agree to give and makes it possible for us to give larger gifts. There too can be a tax advantage in spreading payments over several years. By pledging or by indicating your intention to make . a gift in succeeding year`s, you make available the means whereby the cost of 'construction can be finaneed. You have indicated your intention to help up to an agreed amount, payable at your convenience. 17. Are pledges binding? Pledges are an indication of inten- tion, but are not legally binding. How- ever, it should be assumed that persons signing pledges or otherwise agreeing to future payments, are doing so in a conscientious desire to help provide funds for the new hospital, and that financing of construction is dependent on every effort being made to fulfill pledges. 18. Why could wel. not pay for the hospital construction through taxes? By each of us providing gifts as we are able over perhaps three to five years, large sums in interest are avoid- ed. If the campaign objective -of $195,- 000 was to be raised by debenture over say 25 years, interest payments could total at least another $195,000. ' We save this amount by giving now. 19. I notice a suggestion th' name of the hospital may be changed. Why?? The name 'Scott Memorial' -will be maintained in the new hospital in mem- ory of the Scott brothers who, by their bequest nearly 40 years ago, contribut- ed to making possible the present hos- pital building. The new hospital will include, in addition to 'facilities in the present building, other services' requir- ed to meet today's standards, and will reflect the requirements of the Seaforth community. 20. A number of plaques commemor- ating particular persons and organiza- Study Of Hospital Project tions re in the present Hospital. What will happen to them? ' Each willbe re -erected and rededi- cated in the new Hospital. 21. I wish to perpetuate the memory of a relative or perhaps my club or lodge wishes to provide a room. Is this possible? Yes. There are a number of sugges- 'tions as to ways in which persons may be memorialized, or the name of a club or organization perpetuated. In each case a suitable plaque will be erected. 22. What will be done with the pres- ent Hospital? It is not possible to make a definite decision until it is known the require- ments that may exist when the build- ing becomes available, Details will be worked out with the Ontario Hospital Services Commission in a manner to provide the most beneficial return to the hospital. 23. When will the Hospital be built? Preliminary planning has been ap- proved in principle by the Ontario. Hos- pital Services Commission, and when financing is available detailed plans will be proceeded with. Actual construc- tion cannot begin until financing is as- sured, but -if adequate funds become available it could be possible.to proceed with construction late in 1963. Archi- tectural sketches suggest a possible in- terior arrangement and provide an . artist's conception of how the front of the • building may appear. 24. What is the new hospital esti- mated to cost? Estimated cost of the' construction program is $662,600,00. This does not include certain equipment and furnish- ings, some of which is available from the present hospital. Federal and Pro- vincial grants -are estimated at $331,- 200.00; 331;200.00; Huron County grant, $96,- 000.00; 96;000.00; other 'sources, $40,400.00, with remainder $195,000.00 being raised by public subscription. . Friends, Relatives- Gat here For 45th Anniversary the occasion of their 10 wed- Kevin, Karen and Randy ding anniversary. The couple Buck spent a few weeks with were presented with an electric their grandparents, Mr.. and fry' pan and a leather billfold. Mrs. Reuben Buuck, and have Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove; moved with their parents, Mie of Detroit, spent the weekend and Mrs,. Gerald Buuck, to with- .her mother, Mrs. L. G. Stratford. Rock. The Married Couples group of' St. Peter's Lutheran Church held a Hallowe'en socia] in the basement on Friday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. El- ligsen in charge of games and recreation. Lunch was served. The families of the mernbers also attended. At a recent meeting of this group, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beuerman •,and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert were in charge and Pastor Brill.took the topic. A variety talent night by the members will be presented in the-Gnmrnunity 71111 in the near future. On Thursday evening about 35 relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, RR 2, Walton, cele- brated their„45th wedding an- niversary at the Community Hall club room, when a dinner was served and the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre and lunch was served. Their family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dietz, planned the ,ev- ent. At the celebration for Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer last week at the Community Hall, they were presented with table lamps, floor lamp, ,coffee table, step-up tables, electric floor polisher and other gifts. Mrs. Kenneth Elligsen read the ad- dress of good wishes. On Friday evlening Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies, Elaine, Cheryl and Ray and Miss Mar- jorie Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bennewies and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Benne- wies and family surprised Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drager (Jean Bennewies), RR 5, Seaforth, on Your chance of drawing four of a kind in poker is about 1 in 4,165 deals. Let us show you how our ABC membership helps to take the chance out of your advertising. T ie gultwnln xpositor Mr. and Mrs. Keith Madge, Cynthia and Sylvia, of Thorn - dale, with Mrs. John E. Siemon recently. Messrs. George and William Diegel attended the 10th wed- ding anniversary celebration. of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Swint, of Milverton, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborn of St. Thomas, and Mrs. Wil. fred Klink- an, of Elmira, with her sister, Mrs. Dalton Hinz and Mr. Hinz for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent, of Sarnia, Mr. Lorrain Rose, of Oakville, and Miss Lois Wil- Members of the Community son, Oakville, with' Mr. and Forum re again meeting in Mrs. Ross Leonhardt and Mr. the var'ous homes once a week and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt. when a socialv e ening and pro - Rev. Harold Brill is on a trip gressive euchre are enjoyed. tq the Western Provinces. The proceeds from the collet - Mr. Robert French attended tions of each evening are to be the funeral of his cousin at used for draperies, etc.,. for the Mackinac on Monday. Community Hall. ( Messrs. Wilbur Hoegy and Peel Boyd are on a hunting trip; also Messrs. Allan Siemon and Gus Ahrens. . A shower was „held at the Community Hall on Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Malone (Audrey Kemp). • Mr. Gary Hinz, Kitchener, Mr; and Mrs. .Ross' Leeming, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Linda and Randy, of Norwich, Herman Hinz. with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait• Clayton and Robert Ahrens, Waterloo: Arthur Diegel, Kit- chener; Warren Sholdice, of Guelph; and Ray Bennewies, • of London, at their homes over the weekend. Mr. Edward Scherbarth, Jr., has been confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. John Meyer accompanied Lloyd and Ralph Bauer to Kit- chener' on Sunday, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marks, of Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer on Sunday. Mr. Ray Scherbarth, of To- ronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sch.erbarth. for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe, of London, and Cpl. Dick Wat- son, of Catnp Borden, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dittmer and Mrs. Rosina Peters, of To- ronto, With Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer and attended their 50th wedding anniversary celebra- tion. Two chrysanthemum plants adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday in memory of EdWin Mogk, who passed away four years ago Nov, 4th. They were placed by his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellig- sen and Terry and Mrs. Lena Elligsen with Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Eljigsen, Xtitehetxer, on Sun - Modern Man: One who drives a mortgaged car over a bond - financed highway with gas bought on a credit card. Just how good a red-hot idea is usually depends on how much heat it retains when somebody throws cold water on