HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-09-27, Page 3• • a • s JUDGING:'AT SEAFTI FA'I SETS 'FIELD CROP AWARD Husking Corn, Funk's G -1.1 - 1st, Bob Fotheringham, RR 3, Seaforth; 2nd, Robert Brqad- foot, RR 1, Brucefield; 3rd ,(tie), Larry Wheatley, RR 1, Dublin, and John Broadfoot, RR 1, Brucefield; 5th, Bruce Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth; 6th, Eric An- derson, RR 1, Londesboro; 7th, Ken Campbell, RR 1, Dublin; 8th, Dyke Wheatley, RR 1, Dub- lin; 9th, John Henderson, RR GENERAL INSURANCE DON EATON Office in the Jackson Aluminum Building Phone 75 : Seaforth CO and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 • Seaforth 5, Seaforth; 10th, Harold Pryce, RR 1, Seaforth. Russell Oats - 1st, Lewis Coyne, RR 5, Seaforth; 2nd, Russell Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; 3rd, A. S. Bolton, RR 1, Dublin; 4th, Bob Fotheringham, RR "3 Seaforth; 5th, Harold Pryce, RR 1, Seaforth; 6th, Earl McSpad- den, RR 1, Seaforth; 7th, J. W. Devereaux, RR 4, Seaforth; 8th, Ken Stewart, RR 5, Seaforth; 9th, Ken Campbell, RR 1, Dub- lin; 10th, Bruce Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth. Ensilage Corn, Pfister — 1st, Lewis P. Coyne, RR 5, Seaforth; 2nd, Vincent Maloney, RR 5, Seaforth; 3rd, Dyke Wheatley, RR 1, Dublin; 4th, Eric Ander- son, RR 1, Londesboro; 5th, Gordan Papple, RR 5, Seaforth; 6th, Bruce Coleman, RR 4, Sea - forth; 7th, Ken Coleman, RR 3, Seaforth; 8th, Francis Hicknell, RR 5, Seaforth; 9th, Ken Stew- art, RR 5, Seaforth; 10th, John Henderson, RR 5, Seaforth. BACKACHE When kidneys fall to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd'a Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleap better, work better. 80 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime ! TRAVEL BARGAIN OF THE YEAR! A 17 -Day Fully Escorted Tour by Air from Toronto to Portugal and Spain Every Friday from 5 October - 15 March Tour $161.00 (less than $10.00 a day) - All-inclusive, phis airfare $418.40 Total $579.4a4JS. Please write us for -folder with full details or phone. us. FREE on toll charge free num- ber. Just ask your operator for ZEni'th 6-2420 • HYMANS' TRAVEL Ltd. 53 Market .Place Stratford - Ontario Home Economics grade IX—Cotton skirt, Anne Sills, Julie Chapple, Dianne Stoll. • Grade X—Blouse, Dianne Fin- layson. Grade XI—Weskit and skirt or jacket and skirt, Helen Broadfoot; nylon project, Helen Broadfoot. Crafts — Crocheted doilie, Mary Lane, Dianne Beuerman; crocheted, hand edging, Dianne Beuerman; embroidered article, (Grade IX), Helen Broadfoot, Mary Lane, Reta McMichael; knitted bonnet, •mitts 'or sox, (Grade X), Dianne Stoll; knit- ted bonnet, mitts or sox (Grade X),, Mary Lane, Carl Van Loon; Victorian embroidery, Helen Broadfoot. Foods ---Tea biscuits, Darlene Sills, Elaine Oke, Helen Elliott,. June Walton; plain muffins, June Hillen, Ann Leishman; assorted fancy cookies, Reta McMichael; bread, June Hillen, Mag. Hilien, Rita- McMichael; apple pie, Margaret Hillen, Hel- en Elliott,. Elaine Oke, Rita Mc- Michael; lemon meringue pie, Darlene Sills, M. Newnham; chocolate fudge, Helen Elliott, Rita McMichael; clover leaf rolls, Rita McMichael, Margaret Hillen, June Hillen.,, Industrial Arts and Crafts Grade IX — Class project, woodwork, Bill McClure, Wm. Hoggart, Bill McClure; three sheets drafting, Gerald William- son, John Durst, Bill McClure. Grade X—Class project, wood- work, Gerald Williamson, Bob Papple, Paul Bettles; extra pro- ject, woodwork, Paul Matthews. Agriculture Onions from sets, Neil Gem- mell, Dianne Finlayson, Tom Papple; carrots, topped, Dianne Finlayson, Neil. Gemmell; car- rots, bunched, Dianne Finlay- son, Neil Gemmell; table pars- nips, Dianne Stoll, Dianne Fin- layson; beets, topped, Dianne Beuerman, Helen Elliott, Di- anne Finlayson; slicing cucum- bers, Neil Gemmell, Julie Chap- ple, Tom Papple; pickling cu- cumbers, Dianne Finlayson; ripe tomatoes, Dianne Beuerman, Helen Elliott, Tom Papple; pie pumpkins, Neil Gemmell, Tom Papple; large pumpkin, Keith Siemon; Hubbard squash, June Hillen; squash, Table Qtieen,'DI: Sft.de.r.. ts ALL KINDS INSURANCE W.E. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 — Rea. 540 :fir .... TRANSFORM' YOUR BASEMENT INTO A GLAMOROUS FAMILY FUN CENTRE... Drop in and view the finest book on basement game rooms ever produced. Six thrilling,'personalized designs to choose from. Takes you step by step through the job with rtsimple instructions, diagrams, templates, etc. Desks, planters, storage walls, bars, atmosphere pieces — ideas leap out at ° you from every page. Just the book you've been waiting for! Over 100 idea -packed pages, each 14" x 11". anne Finlayson; six petatO a Katandin, Neil Gemnkell, Keith Siemon, Dianne Finlayson; PQt- atoes, Irish Cobblers, Dianne ,Beuerman, Neil Gemmell; pot- atoes, A.O.Y., Dianne Beuer- man, Bill Siemon, Dianne Fin- Iayson; sweet table corn, 8 -row, Dianne Finlayson. Flowers Asters, 7 blooms, Dianne Beuerman, Dianne Finlayson, Jinn Broadfoot; cosmos, display, Dianne Finlayson; dahlias, three blooms, named, Ann Reishman, Margaret Hillen, Keith Siemon; marigolds, French, Elaine Oke, Dianne Finlayson, Dianne Beur erman; marigolds, African, Di- anne Finlayson, Dianne Beuer- man; petunias, single, Dianne- Beuerman, June Hillen, Mar- garet Hillen; pansy, Dianne Beuerman, Keith Siemon; gladi- olus, 3 spikes, same, Jim Broad - foot; gladiolus, 3. spikes, differ- ent, Jim Broadfoot; collection annuals, Dianne Finlayson; 3 potted plants, Julie Chapple, Bill Siemon; African violet, Hel- en Elliott,' Darlene Sills; geran- ium, 3 varieties, Julie Chapple; cactus collection, Darlene Sills, Julie Chapple; chrysanthemum, display, Brenda Ross; floral ar- rangement, Dianne Finlayson, Keith Siemon, Dianne Beuer- X300 pew BALL-MACAULAY Ltd. copy LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 787, SEAFORTH Phone CLINTON HU 2-9514- a�,«^•va• Heavy Horses man, Poultry --High Scher) Cross Bred, Heavy 'Torn Pap- ple. Poultry..• -Elementary Utility Pens -- New Hamp. shires, Rhode Island Reds, Bar- red Plymouth Rocks, Light Sus- sex, White Leghorn and Cross Bred,.#ieavy: Elva Becker. Eggs Adult Eggs-2Y2doz. brown, Mrs. John Oldfield, Earl Papple, Jim Papple, 3rd and 4th; 2t/a dozen white, Mrs. W. ,Coleman, Ken Coleman, Mrs. Bruce Cole- man, Mrs. W. Haugh; best tray, Mrs. W. Coleman. High School Eggs --2% dozen brown, Tom Popple,. 1st and '2nd; 2t dozen white, Suane Haugh, Marq Scott, Neil Gem- mell, Torben Haarbye; best tray, Suave Haugh. Elementary Eggs -2 dozen brown, Paul McKellar, Matt Haney, Garry McKellar, Don Papple; 2% dozen white, Bill Henderson, Garry Nash, Cindy MacDonald, Ronnie Henderson; best tray, Paul McKellar. Grand Prize—Best tray, all sections, Suatie Haugh. Judges—G. Murray and D. B. Murray. Clydesdale—Brood mare with foal, C. Halliday, L. Munroe; foal of 1962, C. Halliday; filly or gelding, 2 years old, E. Mc- Leod; filly or gelding, 1 year old, E. McLeod. Percheron or ' Belgian—Filly qr gelding, 2 years old, J. L. Dunsmore, 1st and 2nd; filly or gelding, 1 year old, J. L. Duns - more. Wagon Class—Foal of 1962, L. M. Munro; filly or gelding, 3 years old, A. Knill, 1st and 2nd; filly or gelding, 2 years old, A. KnilI, lst and 2nd; filly or gelding', 1 year old, L. M. Munro, W. McIntosh. Harness Class—Light draught team, C. Halliday, E. McLeod, L. Munroe; Percheron team, 0. Bestard, 1st and 3rd, E. Schweit- zer; Belgian team, 0. Banner- man, 1st and 3rd, Len Bok; heavy draught team, C. Halli- day, lst and 2nd; 100 special, C. Halliday, 0. Bannerman, 0. Bestard, A. Knill; best three horses, C. Halliday, 0. Bestard, 0-. A. Bannerman, A. Knill, E. McLeod; best handled colt, C. Halliday; best heavy horse, C. Halliday; four -horse tandem, hitched, , C. Hallkier, 0. Bes- tard, 'Jack Fitch, 0. Bannerman. Light wagon, A. Knill, J. Fitch, Ken Brown; wagon team, J. Fitch, 0. Bannerman, A. Knill; single wagon, A. Knil, J. Fitch, 0. Bannerman, J. Fitch, A. Knill, K. Brawn. Judge—Elmo Pritchard, Luck - now. • Light Horses Carriage team, Wallace, Em- bro; roadster team, `1. Munro, S. Curley, Mrs. Curely; single carriage horse, W. Munro, 1st and 2nd, W. Singelback; single roadster horse, W. Munro, 1st and 2nd, G. Galbraith, S. Cur- ley; 'gentleman's road 'race,. G. Galbraith, S. Curely, W. Mun- ro, Mrs. Curely, W. Munro, Verne Murray; lady driver, Mrs. Munro, Mrs. S. Curley. 123 Ro steins. Vie For Prizes' At Seaford' Fair_ Uuron County Holstein breed- ers paraded a total of 123 head of high quality' animals before Judge Orton Eby, of Kitchener, at• their annual Black and White Day held Friday at Seaforth air. F George Hayden, Gorrie, .was the premier exhibitor of the show, with G. R. Mtriiiel, Clin- ton, the runner-up: G. R. Mc - Kiel took therimier breeder honors, with Thomas Hayden & Son, Gorrie, the runner-up. The grand champion female for Elston Speiran, brussels, was Fordleigh Betty Sovereign Pearl, who headed the aged tow in milk class and was°also nam- ed the best uddered female of the show. EIston Speiran also showed the reserve senior and reserve grand champion female, taking these honors with his first prize fpur-year-old in milk, Shady Spruce Governor Tuna. Edgeware Sovereign Rocket repeated'• his win of last year of the senior and grand cham- pionship for bulls after head- ing the class for aged bulls. He was shown by Ross Marshall, Kirkton, who owns him jointly with Morley H. Lannin, Dublin, and Dennis Bros., St. Thomas. The reserve senior and -reserve grand championship went to the winning two-year-old bull, Mea- dow Glade Hope' King, shown by W. Hume Clutton, Goderich, and William D. Clutton, Gode- rich. The first prize junior year- ling bull, Beaucrest Citation Ragapax, was named junior champion male for Reginald McKiel, with Wellington Brock & Son, Granton ,taking the re- serve junior award on the win- ning senior yearling bull, Mea- dow Lee Supreme. -Ross Marshall had the junior champion female, winning with Meri Acres Melody, who stood first in the junior 'yearling hei- fer class,. The first prize senior yearling and reserve junior champion was Lattnderlea Ran- dy Marie, owned by G. Mac Smith, Listowel. In the group classes, George Hayden had the first prize pro- geny of dam from Banella Per- fection Sylvia, and the winning senior herd and dairy herd. Reg- inald McKiel showed the top junior herd and the winning senior get -of -sire by Pabst Rav- en Senore, while Thomas Hern & Sons, Woodham, had the win- ning-, junior get of sire by Thamesview' Regal. Other prize winners included: Reginald McKiel, first senior bull calf, first junior bull calf and first senior heifer calf; George -Hay-den-,:- first dry aged cow, first dry four-year-old, first three-year-old in mlk; Elston Speiran, first dry three-year- old; Alistair Broadfoot, Sea - forth, first two-year-old in milk; Harold Badley, Walton, first dry two-year-old; Thomas Hern & Sons, first junior heifer calf. Poultry Poultry—Adult New Hampshire: cock, Cliff Pepper; hen, cockerel, ' pullet, C. Pepper 1st and 2nd. White Wyandottes: cock and hen, J. D. Douglas, Earl Beck- er; cockerel and. pullet, J. D. Douglas`., Rhode Island Reds: cock, hen and pullett, J. D. Douglas, C. Pepper; cockerel, C. Pepper, 1st and 2nd. .,. Brown Leghorns: cock and cockerel, J. D. Douglas 1st and 2nd; hen, C. Pepper, E: Beck- er; pullet, C. Pepper, J. D. Douglas. Barred Plymouth Rocks: cock and cockerel,J. D. Douglas, C. Pepper; hen, C. Pepper, J. D. Douglas;. pullet, C. Pepper. Leghorns, AV.: hen, cockerel and pullet, Earl Becker. White Rocks: cock, E. Beck- er 1st and- 2nd; hen and cock- erel, J. D. Douglas and C. Pep- per; pullet, J. D.. Douglas, 1st and 2nd. Jersey Giants, A.V.: cock, C. Pepper; hen, E. Becker 1st and 2nd. White Leghorns, A.V.: cock, E. Becker, G. Douglas; hen, cockerel and pullet, D. Douglas 1st and 2nd. Minorcas, A.V.: cock, cockerel and pullet, C. Pepper, 1st and 2nd; hen,'E. Becker, C. Pepper. Light Sussex: cock and hen, .C. Pepper, E. Pepper; cockerel and pullet, C. Pepper 1st and 2nd. Pekin Ducks: cock, E. Becker; cockerel and pullet, E. Becker, 1st and 2nd. Orpington, A.V.: cock and cockerel, E. Becker; hen, E. Becker, 1st and 2nd; pullet, E. Becker, G. Douglas. Rouen Ducks: cock, hen, cock- erel and pullet, E. Becker, 1st and 2nd. Anconas: cock, hen, cockerel and pullett, C. Pepper, 1st and 2nd. Embden Geese: gander and goose, Earl Becker. B. B. !Bronze Turkeys: cock- Seaforth Motors TUNE UPS Check compression; clean and adjust spark, plugs; adjust or replace points; adjust the timing; overhaul the carburetor; clean and test the fuel pump; tighten cylinder head bolts; adjust valves. SIX CYLINDER EIGHT CYLINDER BUICK and OLDSMOBILE CLASS PLUS PARTS 5.25 8.25 9.95 FRONT END ALIGNMENT Featuring Bear Equipment. Includes adjustment of caster, camber and toe -in. Adjustment of steering and steering wheel for straight -ahead position. SPECIAL WHEEL BALANCING SPECIAL Per Wheel 4.25 1.50 Sealorth rotors CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE Phone 541 — Seaforth . Tax vow* owong Keen Interest In Race Program Classified Lorne Rhythm: Wm. Cald- well, Clinton . 1 Miss V'. R. Grattan, Roy Reid, Mitchell 2 Wayne Brook: Jack Strong, Seaforth 3 Doctor Hy:. N. William- - son, Walton- -5 Seaway, Bars: J. Banner- man, Stratford 4 2:13 - 2:15 • Atomite: Lloyd Turvey, Exeter 1 The Rocket B: Clarence Younge, Lucan 3 Gambra Hy: N. William- son, Walton 2 Royal Direct: Warren Shera, Seaforth 4 1 2 5 4 3 1 4 2 3 U1UYERS":,' • JF WESTERN ONTARIO Clinton ('or Viti'ersti Cream' ENGLISH 20 (General Lit.' -:Comp) begins Satrq .Sept • 2?,- FRENCH 9, FRENCH 20 (Course beyond Grade Xid): . begins .,Sat:; Sept, 29, ENGLISH 36 (Drama)) begins Sat, Sept 29,, 1;3O All classes meet in Clinton"District Collegiate Institute,, Credit course tuition Kee is $90,00; the non-credit fee ,per course is $25.00 and is not refundable, Classes meet for 16 three-hour sessions and are open to credit and non-credit students. . I WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone, 141' erel and' pullet, Earl Becker. ' Utility Pens 'New Hampshires: Cliff Pep- per 1st and 3rd, Earl Beck, 2nd and 4th;. Rhode Island Reds: J. D. Douglas, E. Becker; Barred Plymouth Rocks: C. Pepper 1st and 3rd, E. Becker 2nd and 4th; White Rocks: J. D. Douglas, C. Pepper 2nd and 3rd, E. Becker; Light Sussex: C. Pepper 1st and 3rd, E. Becker 2nd; White Leg - horns: E. Becker 1st and 4th, C. Pepper 2nd and 3rd; Cross Breed, Heavy: E. Beaker; Cross Breed, Light, E. Becker 1st and 2nd. Judge M. A. Fraser. Dublin High School News On Sept. 2, 1962, the follow- ing students received their Grade X diplomas at the gra- duation exercises: Pauline Stapleton, Mary Lou Coyne, Joyce Ryan, Anne Melady, Jack Doyle and -Bill Murray. Betty Anne Butters received a certi- ficate for her dependability. The pupils of Dublin Contin- uation School attended the Stratford Shakespearean Festi- val, where they thoroughly tlh- joyed the play entitled, "The Tempest." The students are now prepar- ing for their annual field day. Question of the 'week: Bill, don't you think twenty-three is an odd number for all your trouble? �^latKKa;stlte'red fu/OL Christmas is Coning ! SAVE ON POPULAR TOYS NOW! ANNUAL Toy Sale SEE WHAT 8c- B.UYS! IN OUR WONDERFUL WORLD OF TOYS Crown Hardware Phone 797 : - Seaforth; - SPECIALS FOR , Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maple Leaf Sockeye SALMON 2 7'/roz. Tins $1.00 Golden Dew - MARGARENE - .... 5 1/1b. Pkgs. $1.00 Ellmarr Pure PEANUT BUTTER 3 16 -.oz, Jars Kleenex - TISSUES 200's or Chubby 7 pkgs. PUMPKIN 10 15 -oz. Tins Stokeley's Fancy TOMATO JUICE ..8 20 -oz. Tins Van Camps BEANS with PORK 7 15 -oz. Tins Minette's • BEST. TOMATOES 6 20 -oz. -Tins Hyatt's Choice TENDER 'PEAS.. 7 15 -oz. Tins Mount Royal Choice - GOLDEN CORN • • 6 20 -oz. Tins Three Diamonds SOLID TUNA 3 7 -oz. Tins Lee Choice Crushed PINEAPPLE 4 20 -oz. Tins Aylmer ' FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 15 -oz. Tins Raspberry and Apple, or Strawberry and Apple Norfolk JAM ..3 24 -oz. Jars for Westinghouse LIGHT BULBS 5 ,for Lipton's SOUPCkenlNoodSle or Tomato-VegetablegS• CIGARETTES . . 3 for All Popular Brands - McINTQSH APPLES Fresh TENDER CARROTS • • • • 3 -lb. Bag 170 Fresh CAULIFLOWER—Large .Size ...ea. 1 90 SEE LONDON -FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS *Lao $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $ 1.00 $1.Oo $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.o0 (25 - 40 - 60) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 3 lbs. 29¢ mith's Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY