HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-09-13, Page 10THU MON BX'OSI,' OAA StAFQ fad, OgPT 10, 110i) l ;I . V A. S e s 'GREY TOWNSHIP SEEKS. TENDERS FQR SNOW PLOWING Tenders, are being called ler snowplowing in Grey Township itI preparation for the approach- ing winter season. Grey Town- ship council, at their Septem- ber meeting, agreed to call for tenders. to be in by October 3. The tenders are to state size and make of equipment and price per hour. Court of Revision on assess ment roll will be held Oct. 3, at 2;30 p.m. Clerk Mrs. Edythe WiND, • TORNADO • CYCLONE Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 - Seaforth Cardi: was instructed to collect amounts owing on the follow- ing drains on the 1962 collec- tor's roll: Lamont, ' $103.47; lfoy, $221.95; Coate; $325.70; Pollard, $144; Holland -Ander- son, $76.70; Close, $603.23. Council instructed the clerk to forward a copy of the amend- ing by-law on the Gordon Drain to all the ratepayers on the drain. The following accounts were paid: Ontario Hydro, office, $4.05; Edgar McDonald, poul- try killed, $16.50; Thos. Mac- Farlane, poultry killed, $25.50; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $6.46; Callander Nursing Home, $84.25; Township of Arthur, re- lief, $13.53; The Municipal World, annual statutes, $5.29-; Bonnie Godden, painting sign, $3.90; Isabel MacTavish, print- ing Sholdice Drain by-laws, $17.50; E. M. Cardiff, Sholdice Drain by-laws, $17.50; drainage debentures, $134.04; Corrugat- ed Pipe Co., pipes, MacFarlane Agreement Drain, $23.74; Ron- ald McLean, fox bounty, $4.00; C. M. Stevenson, fox bounty, $4.00; Kenneth Bray, fox boun- ty, $4.00; George Rowland, gas, fire trick, $2.00; Ralph Keifer, weld tank, fire truck, $1.00; David Brown, maintenance, fire truck, $6.00; firemen, to Leslie McKay's, $52; The Ontario Mun- icipal Board, fee application de- bentures, School Area, No. 2, $80; Roads and Bridges, $3,- 345.10. Total, $3,750.36. SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Clark's BEANS WITH PORK 3 20 -oz. Tins 57¢ Lushus JELLY POWDERS 3 Pkgs. 26¢ Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES 2 Pkgs. .67¢. White, Devil's Food or Taffee Swirl Heinz New Pack KETCHUP 2 11 -oz. Bottles 45¢ Heinz Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz. Tin 25 14 -oz. Tins 29 .... Doz..450 Bunch 19 . Garden Patch Choice KERNEL CORN .... 2 African ORANGES -Large Size CELERY,HEARTS • Large Size CANTELOUPES Each 25q SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Smith's Phone 12 - FREE DELIVERY Revision Court On Assessment Court of revision on the 1963 -assessment roll of Morris Town- ship will be held' October 1 at 2:30, the township council de cided at their September ses- sion. Other business attended to in- cluded: The assessment roll for 1963 was accepted as pre- sented by the assessor; adver- tised for tenders for the con- tract of constructing the Shol- dice Drain, tenders to be in by Oct. 1, • 1962, at 12 o'clock noon; named Stewart Procter commissioner to look after the Pease and Kelly Drains, and Walter Shortreed, commission- er to look after the Sholdice Drain. Ross Smith was named to look after the construction of a catch basin at Charles Johnston's drain and that Mor- ris Township pay $40 for a bene- fit in this drain. Court of revi- sion on the Sholdice Drain was adjourned until October 1, at 3 p.m, Sale was made of the old horse grader to R. H. Coultes for $10. The following accounts were paid: General Accounts -Town of Seaforth, debenture on High School, $417.22; relief account, $303.02; John Brewer, expenses and supplies, $30; part salary, $550; Sam Pletch, chickens kill- ed, $126; Belgrave Co-op, pails, $1.84; Advance -Times, cheques, $18.89; Jas. A. Howes, Sholdice Drain, $200; Wm. R. Sholdice, Sholdice Drain, $10; Jas. Clark, Sholdice Drain, $10; Jas. Short - reed, Sholdice Drain, $10; Jas, McDonald, Sholdice Drain, $10; Harold Bolger, Sholdice Drain, $10; Ken McDonald, Sholdice Drain, $3.00; Blyth Standard, supplies, $2.21; Geo. Martin, hydro for hall, $6.07; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $1.82; Cal- lander Nursing Home, $84.25; Brookhaven Nursing H o m e, $168.50; Geo. Martin, by-laws, Sholdice Drain, $35; Charles Brewer, fox bounty, $4. Road Accounts -Wm, McAr- ter, wages and mileage, $114.41; Joseph Smith, , wages, $96.60; Alex Inkley, fuel oil, $118.20; George Radford, gravel, $332; Burlington Steel Co., steel for culvert, $152.44; Gordon Nichol- son, cutting grass, $41.25; Geo. Martin, hydro for shed, $2.84; Charles Johnston, benefit to roads, Johnston Drain, $40. East Wawanosh A petition for a municipal drain was received from Ray- mond Redmond and three other ratepayers at the September session of East Wawanosh coun- cil. Accounts passed were: Road Cheques - Stuart McBurney, salary $185, telephone 75c; Al- an McBurney, wages $100.53, 10 hours with truck at $2, $120; Harold Cook, 99 hours cutting weeds at $3, $297; Philip Daw- son, cutting steel for culverts, $11.50; George Radford, gravel, $89.10; Harry Williams; 450 gal- lons fuel $159.56, oil $3L16; Rosco Metal & Roofing Products, grader edger, $74.91; Receiver - General of Canada, income tax, $1.15. General Cheques: Brookhaven Nursing Home, maintenance pa- tient, $84.25; R. D. Philip, medi- cine, $12; W. S. Gibson, prem- ium, Municipal Liability Pol- icy, $262.41. r»� Jew BXla�w In ibbert Will. License Trailers CBC -TV's FESTIVAL SERIES plans a varied season of dramas, concerts, ballet and opera, beginning this fall. One of the early productions is The Lark, a play about the French heroie, Joan of Arc, by Jean Anouilh. In this scene from the play, Joan of Arc (played by the young American actress Kathleen Widdoes) receives the blessing of the Archbishop (Gillie Fenwick) before leading the French army into battle. USBORNE FARM ASSESSMENT ESTABLISHED AT $2,711,050 Taxable assessment for the Township of Usborne was set at $2,711,050 for farm and resi- dential property, and $39,200 for business and commercial property, a total of $2,750,250. Council, at their September meeting, studied a draft of the levy by-law for the current year Logan Council Logan Council held their reg- ular meeting with all members present. One appeal was re- ceived on Branch "C" of the Northeast Drain, and after an explanation from the Engineer, it was dropped and the court of revision closed, and the by- law finally passed: Tenders are to be called for the October 1 meeting, Sixty-six thousand, two hun- dred and twenty-four dollars and seventy-three cents having been spent. on township roads since January 1, the reeve and clerk were authorized to sign the nec- essary papers to make applica- tion;for subsidy on the amount. The 1962 rates by-law was • fin- ally passed, showing a total tax roll of $181,188.69. Due to the extra work involved in chang- ing the township assessment to the Provincial Manual, the time for returning the roll was ex- tended to October 31. The Clerk was instructed -t0 bill owners of house trade -6 for the $10 monthly license, to be retro- active to Sept. 1, 1962. The Perth County Plowing Match being held •in Logan Township this year, was given a grant of $30. Road accounts totalling $16,548.68 and general accounts amounting to $1,674.91, were ordered paid. • WM you EN K m we try to be a little more human about it Back in the old days, bankers were pretty fearsome people. They had Dignity, a Cold Eye, a Thin Mouth, Mutton Chop Whiskers, and a Ruthless Tendency to Foreclose Mortgages (or so we read!). The banker today is as human as you are, and just as businesslike Drop into your branch of The Bank and see. You'll find that The Bank really has the people who make the happy difference in banking! A TORONTO -DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: THE SAVINGS ACCOUNT This is the first account moat people open at The Bank. .And for the wise ones, itis the last that is closed. Not too many years ago the Savings Account was a general catch-all where you deposited money and paid it out almost immedi- ately by cheque. Today, the Personal Chequing Account does the job -and the Savings Account should be used for Savings only; savings at interest! Get in the habit. Save for the rent of your life. Open a Savings Account at The Bank TH E °TORONTO-DOMVIINION BAN K • .. p eeoyeof er«Rn»MINwM 03;" ".44°" "°76, Where people make the Were** W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch A, • '1 providing for the collection of all rates by December 14. The by-law will be .presented for final approval at the October meeting. - Road superintendent W. J. Routly reported that the grav- elling contractor is making pro- gress with about 4300 yards de- livered, that the Jory bridge completion is still held up by a few minor details, that the application forms for the in- terim subsidy have been filled out showing expenditures to August 31- of $17,863.18 for con- struction and $12,677.42 for maintenance, a n d presented road accounts amounting to a total voucher of $5,106.06 for payment. Ratepayers purchas- ing gravel, crushed and deliver- ed, will be charged 90c a yard, council decided. A by-law to license house trailers in the Township of Hib- bert was passed at the regular council meeting last week, the by-law to take effect immedi- ately. The assessor asked for extra -time on the new provin- cial assessment and a by-law was passed for a 30 -day exten- sion and forwarded to the De- partment of Municipal Affairs for approval. Tenders are to be called on the Marsales and Kleinfeldt Drains and to be opened on Monday, Sept. 24, at 8 p.m. at a special meeting of council. Court of revision on the drains are. to, be held on the same date. Application for subsidy on the . amount of $56,856.93 spent on roads since January 1, was signed. A by-law authorizing the borrowing of an extra $16,- 000 from the bank was passed. Road accounts for $22,293.77 and general accounts amount- ing to $1,074.27, were ordered paid. CO - OP INSURANCE • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability - • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence & Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance • Retirement Income All Lines of Insurance Written W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193-J - John St. SEAFORTH ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE PHONE 354 1960 PLYMOUTH 9 -PASSENGER STATION WAGON -V-8 1957 PONTIAC COACH -Automatic SEE THE NEW 1962 AUSTIN Now on Display 1962 NASH AMERICAN * Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE KEEP INSURED! Separate premiums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application format a bank, a •hos- pital or the Commission. KEEP INSURED! The. Family premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. Tell your group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. KEEP INSURED! Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required to give you. Always keep your Hospital Insurance. Certificate handy. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO WA -NT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime ! 90% of alloil companyproduct research in Canada is done by Imperiaa At Imperipl 011's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and technicians are working to improve present petroleum products -and to develop new ones. Their research cover's • many fields, from ge olifles to household detergents. Another 130 The fuels your car wilt use In the futut"e are being designed today. In Imperial's ultra•moderh research laboratories at Sarnia scientists and technicians are working to ensure that gasolines for today's cars -and tomorrow's-arelallored for to performance. In the last ten years alone Imperial has Spent mere than 80 million to build the equipment needed bring you top gasoline quall scientists and technicians are. working -at Imperial's Calgary laboratories On ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. , *WAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL» FOR THE BEET OESSO 9 4 r r r r R