HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-09-13, Page 5A PLAQUE in memory of the late Hon. James Gard- iner, a fernier Minister of Agriculture, was unveiled Sun- day at Thames Road United Church. Some of those taking part are shown (from left): Mrs. J. R. Futcher, St. Thomas, of the archaeological and 'historical sites board; Mrs. Stevenson, Sarnia, daughter of Mr. Gardiner; Mrs. Charles MacNaughton, Exeter, wife of the MPP for Huron; Mrs. George Allen, Kirkton, a sister of Mr. Gardiner; Garnet Hicks, Exeter, chairman of the program, and Rev. Hugh Wilson, minister of Thames Rd. United Church, (B-H photo) Unveil Plaque in Mernory Of Noted Hibbert Native "Mr. Gardiner was the last of the great Canadian Liberals." This was the life of the late Hon. James Gardiner, former minister of agriculture in the Mackenzie King government, summed up by his friend and biographer, Nathaniel Benson, Toronto,Mr. Benson was speak- ing on the occasion of the un- veiling of a plaque in honor of Mr. Gardiner at the Thames 'Road United Church, four miles east of Exeter on Highway 83. The event took place Sunday afternoon before a large crowd, many of whom were former friends of the late cabinet min- ister. Because •of inclement weather, the program was car- ried on in the church. Mr. Benson gave as his opin- ion the belief that the Liberal party made a great mistake when it did not choose Mr. Gardiner to succeed' the late Mackenzie King.. He described the work of the late Mr. Howe as instrumental in the choice of St. Laurent'. over Gardiner and called it an error which led to the .downfall of the Lib- eral party–in 1957. "Mr. Howe believed that there were people born to govern and others born to be governed and was not a true Liberal in the same sense as Mr. Gardiner," Mr. Benson said. Mr. Gardiner was born in Hibbert township, not far from the site "of the plaque erected in his honor. Greetings from the Township of Usborne were brought by Reeve George Frayne. The -warden of Huron County, George McCutcheon, brought greetings from Huron County, and. Mrs. Charles Mac - Naughton, wife of the MPP for Huron and minister without portfolio in the Ontario cabinet, brought greetings from the Provi,.tce. Mr. MacNaughton is at present in England with the Ontario government food show ,and was unable tp be present as previously planned. The plaque was unveiled by Mr. Gardiner's sister, Mrs. George Allen, Kirkton. Mrs. Allen was presented with a bouquet by little Barbara Mill- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, RR 3, Exeter. Arrangements for the plaque were made through the co- operation of the Usborne town- ship' council, Hurondale Wo- men's Institute and Thames Road –United Church. Repre- senting the Archaeological and Historical Sites Board at the unveiling was Mrs. J. R. Futch- er; St. Thomas.. Mrs. Futcher, in a brief address, noted that she had spent much time in the Thames Road district as a child and so took particular interest in this plaque. She gave some insight into the working of the board whichfunctions under the jurisdiction of the department of trade and publicity. The Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, minister of Thames Road United Church, HENSALL Mr. Alvin Campbell, who has been employed by the McKer- lie Automotive Ltd., of Landon, for the past three years at the Exeter branch, has been trans- ferred' to the Clinton branch,. where he has accepted a posi- tion as manager, His duties com- menced Sept. 4. Alvin, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, ob- served is ' 20th birthday in June this year. The Huron -Maitland Presby- terial are planning a big CGIT girls' rally on Saturday, Oct., 6, from 1 to 4:30 at First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth. One hundred and twenty girls are expected to attend, represent- ing 10 CGIT groups. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle; Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. Robert Pryde, Mrs. .Pearl Passmore, Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, Miss Mary Goodwin, and Walter Spencer attended an organ recital at Central United Church, Stratford, Monday eve-. ning of this week. Rev. Currie Winlaw, formerly of Hensall, is the minister of the new half million dollar church, which was dedicated on Sunday. At Hensall United Church Sunday morning service, Rev. H. F. Currie thanked the volun- teer workers who gave of their time in connection with the building project. Flowers were in memory of the late Mrs. Mabel Scott, placed by her daughter, Mrs. J. Corneil, and for Mrs. A. R. Campbell, placed by members of her family. The CGIT girls of Carmel Presbyterian Church opened their New Year for CGIT by having a wiener roast at the local park Tuesday evening. A recreational program followed and closed with a vesper serv- ice. • Church School Rally Day will be held in the United Church, Sunday, Sept. 23, at 11 a.m. This will be a combined serv- ice of Sunday School and morning worship. Miss Elvera Churchill, Toron- to, spent the weekend With her sister, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick, and Bill. The jackpot at the Legion ,bingo this Saturday night will be worth $90 in 55, calls. NEWS Mrs. Ross MacDonald and Mrs. Ed. Fink attended the Hur- on County CGIT leaders' rally at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Monday evening. Ruth Ann MacDonald is spending two weeks visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Seaton, of Brockville. Mrs. Ro§s MacDonald attend- ed the Women's Missionary So- ciety and Arnold Circle • Huron Presbyterial at Belgrxve Pres- byterian .Church . Tuesday eve- ning. Mrs. MacDonald, who was a representative to Albert Col- lege in Belleville for the WMS Leadership Training Course on teenage, girls' work, gave her report. ' YPS Elects Officers The following officers were elected at the first meeting of the ,Young People's Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church, held in the church on Monday evening: President, Fred Hyde; vice-president, Patricia Moir; secretary, Bonnie Foster; treas- urer, Ron Smith; worship, Marg Hyde and Sandra Troyer; pro- gram committee, Gary Scholl and Bill Brown; pianist, Carol Brown. The group decided to hold their meeting's every"second and fourth Monday of each -month at 8:15. A motion was passed that they combine their meet- ing with the Missons Rally on Sept. 23. Rev. Ross MacDonald was chairman for the evening. SEAFORTH 4-H SWINE. CLUB The September meeting of the Seaforth 4-H Swine Club was held at the home of Gor- dan Papple on Monday evening, Sept. 10. A class of Yorkshire sows was judged and reasons given on the choice. Ken Papple demonstrated to the members how to show their 4-H gilts on Achievement Day, which Will be held at the Seaforth Fall Fair. Ivan Howatt thanked Mr. Pap- ple . for inviting them to his farm for the meeting, and Tom Papple thanked Mrs. Papple for the lovely lunch. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a' Huron Ex. positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. gave the invocation and the closing prayer. Refreshments were served to the large crowd following the unveiling. Property Changes Sale of the Wilbert Webster Estate residence on John Street by Mrs. Mary Bristow, of Royal Oak, Mich., and Mrs. Dorothy A. Hendry, of Otaawa, to Thos. Appleby, of Seaforth, is an- nounced by the real estate of- fice of Joseph McConnell. Pos- session date is October 1. WOWitS,C11U1K.O.ORGANIZATION PLANS `B. ALE'FOR OVER►SE S- AID Mrs., James Stattpn, was hos- tess to Zion ti ited.Gburch Wo- men's meeting ' in Zion United Church on Wedn slay, The president, Mrs, Dalt01 Malcolm, presided. A reading was given by Mrs. IAoydi Barker; Mrs. Alex Roney read the •Scripture; and- Mrs. Dalton Malcolm gave a missionary reading. It was de- cided to pack a bale of cloth- ing for overseas relief, and plans were made for the bazaar on Friday, Nov. 2, A quilt was quilted " during the afternoon, and the hostess, Mrs. Statton, and her assistant, Mrs. R. S. Aikens, served a dainty lunch. Mrs. Will Hannon, Arcola, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hannon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker on Friday be- fore leaving for her home in the West on Monday. Mrs. George Robinson and Russell are home from Bay- field, where she had been work- ing at the Pridham 'Motel for the past two months. Russell' has started school . at Mitchell, where Mrs. Robinson has pur- chased a home and will be mov- ing there in the near future. Cathy and Jimmie Cudmore, children of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cudmore, Clinton, are spending a few days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar- ker and Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper and Mr. Dalton Balfour spent Sunday in Elora. Mrs. Leslie Mdore, Mitchell, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potter, Mitchell, with Mr. Robert E- Burchill Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. and KM Jan Moore and Mr: and Mrs.i 'loyd' Barker and family attendesl'the Moore re• union at Mitchell _,bark on Sun- day, Mrs. Albert Roney home af- ter visiting her daughters, Mrs. Park and Mrs. Tubb last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Pepper, Mitchell, visited with Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Friday. Mr. Dalton Malcolm and Bruce attended London;, Fair on Saturday. The teachers are back to work again after their vacation: Mrs. C. Hocking, USS No. 11, Hib- bert; Mrs. M. Hamilton, SS No. 1. Hibbert; Miss Joan Britton, to Galt; Miss Nancy Lannin, No. 4, McKillop. Miss Bonnie Barker in Lon- don last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs'. Morley Lannin, Gayle and Mary Lannin spent the weekend at their cottage in Bayfield. Mr. Darwin and Blythe Lan- -nin and Bill Spence arrived home from their trip to the West and enjoyed the trip very much. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roney and daughter, Fay, arrived home on Thursday after visiting in the West for the past three weeks. Mrs. Ross Gordon and Mrs. James Keys, Seaforth, called on Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Monday on' their way home from Strat- ford. SCOUT NEWS The first meeting 'of the Eg- mondville Boy Scouts will be held Wednesday, Sept. 19. Any boys interested in joining that are over 11% years, are wel- come. TO LIVE IN TILLSONBURG—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grant Chesney are shown following their:wedding ,at First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Rev. Dougias Fry officiat- ed at the ceremony. The bride is the former Karen Marie Awde, daughter of Mrs. H. Novakowski, Delhi, and the late Earl J. Awde, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. F. Walker Hart, 74 Erie St., Stratford, and the late Hugh — Chesney. After spending a honeymoon at Haliburton, the couple will live in Tillsonburg. LONG DID IT TAKE YOU A TO COURT YOU ` WIFE? Did you just happen to see her, walk up to her, ask her to marry you, calf in the minister — right on the spot? PERHAPS NOT It probably took a lot of calls, and trips, movies, - flowers, candies, and 'a lot of putting your - best - foot - forward tactics.' You had to sell yourself. She had to know all about you. . IT'S THE SAME WITH .ADVERTISING ... you can't "Woo" customers with one Ad ... you've got to "Call On Them" over a period of time ... you've got to win their confidence and be convincing. CONSISTENT ADVERTISING wins the . customers if it's truthful, if 'it gives helpful information, if it saves shopping steps, if it is back- ed up wth intelligent, courteous service and honest values. "Tomorrow's Forgotten Man Forgot to Advertise Yesterday" PAID CIRCULATION OF THE HURON EXPOSITOR 2274* THE EXPOSITOR is the ONLY newspaper in the Seaforth area with audited paid Circulation ! PHONE 141. SEAFORTH • Sta * ABC Publishers Statement for six months, ending Marais 31,. • 1962,