HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-09-06, Page 11.... , .. 11 .. - ,.. , _ .- .
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11. Articles For , c
USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS r Sale 20. A�>�ction dales 21. fenders Wanted 21.. Tenders Wanted 21. Tenders, Wanted E r
TO YOUR ADVANTAGE _ wA. T .... '"I'1.11: I
G octane in I Set of Sunshine dishies; 2 toilet C a' V"' �
1. Coming Events SEWING m t� ' TOWN OF . OEAFORTH Belayed Undi'vufled l ions: -
Setis�; small tables; rocking TENDERS
TENDER ' Nib. W9,Q stgc seRte the bel` d# tie s;
3. Faunld frayed APPLES, $1.50 bushel; a�Lsp Brous to me�xikfon cies boo num- Disputed Claims: Nil. with r• F'ESRk If3rk1?Y and Miss Pauline Thamefi, of l.on-
catiKliotn. PHONE 47A M,,1ri-34x1
5. Help. Opportniindfiies pe 3 ppl nR. E. ROB !SON TeiW ars are the for the t Seafarbl� t:hi�s L7pli and Mrs. A91}g KifikbY. a h r�pa parents, orifi I4iXs: `1vitl; "
TERMS—Cash rare Anne ed' and
Is • Ppo HARRY PALIN, P prietor. supply ng of the follow heat d Dated August 1962. d and Mrs. Fred Refile , 110 par. Wm. r'� '.
6. Teachers Wanted � MEN'S 25 HAROLD JACKSON Auotioneez CONSTRUCTION OF A 24"
sing ;Erica! for Siea�ac+th Distavct �'
7. situations, Wanted 20 �3 3 Dia. STORM SEWER Miss Margaret Y i visited 8. Farm Stock For Sale AUTOMATIC High School: M. J, IRENE DOUGLAS, M.ss Jean Bennglt is ed last
9,. Poultry Far Sale WATCHES ESTATE Officio A Mrs. Dorothy McKim, of Toron- t',
Sealed Tenders far the con week vyith iter grandpa}e , s,
10: Used Cams For Salle For Only X29,95 AUCTION SALE 1. Light industrial city „ k 1 to, were weekend guests at the
sbruction of a 24 dia. storm and. Mks• W- C $,egr{ett, Cl}n 1.
1Q.. Articles, Far Same 2, No, 4 ail. sewer uv the Tawn afl Seaforth, home of Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. �n {
12. Wanted 1b Buy Swiss. made, shockproof, . l+3smate AucbiOiv Sale of Huse- clearly marked as to content, Mr. Alexander Gulutzen .re- Miss Gail Tray .s spegV'the
1m. Warmed waterproof, sweep second hand, hold E eels, Jahn Street, io the 2$. Business Directory turned home on Sunda
Tenders 'to be submitted. to rand addressed to the Mayon and y after weekend with and Alts. .
14. Property For Safe expansion bands 1 year gunman- tcnvnu of Se'aforbh, on WF,DNES undersigned not Dafiar fihaaa .Members of Council of the Tonin ,
A , DAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, at 1' McLONNELL spending the past month at Jack Bryan and "famrfy,
15. Property For Reith tee. I 6:00 p.m., Monday, Sept. 10, of Sea&rrth, c/o Mr. C. L. Ham Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs Horf[ce Rutledge `i •
}, 16. For Sa a ar Rerih Pay only $1.00 down. p m , in a seabed envelope, murk- mond, Town Clerk, Seaforth, & STEWART Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maier, and family df l±.ortdoA, visited
17. Warmed To Remi ANSTETT JEWELLERS 3 piece chesbemlield svime; wal ed it tender". Ontario, and endorsed "Tender Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. over theweekend with Bela-
18 Property Wanted nut. oval table; needlepoint foo for the Construction of a 24" P. D. McCONNELI4 Q.C. w London, visited over the
18 PropsNotices Phone 77, Seaforth stool 6 chairs; Duncan Phyte W. E. SOUTHGATE, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. fives.
diameter'Storm, Sewer' will be D. I. $TEWART Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cum-
11-34-tf waLn d table, new; buffet and 6 Secretary�Treasurel received until 12 o'clock room David Watson.
20. Auction Sales Seaforth Ont. Phone 550 `
21. Tenders Wanted dining roam Chairs; book case 21-341 E.D.S.T., on Mr. John Ritchie and Miss wings, and Jim, of Clinton; and
1 z2. Legal Notices I2. Wanted To Buy and waiting desk; Frigidaire 4- Mr, acid Mrs. Arthur Buck and
burner electric shove, like new; ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES A. W. SILLERY Ruth Ritchie returned home on ,
r 23. Business Directory . FEATHERS, .new or old, wi'Il la THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 family, of Moncton, New $rubs -
Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Tuesday after spending the past
r call flor same. Hdgtnesh prices kitchen cabounet tclnean table COMMISSION wick visited with Mrs. Margaret
1<' 24: Cards of Thanks ' X62 Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 three weeks with relatives at '
'% 25. In Memoriam and. Ticks returned. BOX 1i* and chairs; radio; three fur- Humphries and other,friends on b
p Project No. 60-5 60 Seaforth Ontario Zealandia, Sask.
ranted bedrooms+ including beds, The work consists of the conn• • Saturday.
r : 26. Personals Huron Expositor. 12-34x1 springs, mattresses, dressers, , struction of approximately 987 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin Miss Wilma Jackson, of Sea-
a The cost is low. Classi�fication�s . ATTENTION FARMERS! •standis; toilet set; new electric rl ENDERS ,mal feet oaf 24" di�a�. storm Optomettrist, optical: services, left on Friday for Napanee, forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
ill 2, 3, 8, 9, lo, 11, 12, 13, 15 and Call promptly. 300 pounds or FOR THE g , Goderich St. W., adjacent to where they will visit with their Harold Smalldon last week.
1' P !avis heater;. two miande crocks; sewer together 'with Manholes
17, minimum 40c ars, insertion. over, according to condition. Electrolux vaccum, cleaner, ]like CONSTRUCTION OF 1962 etc. Cline. Tues. to Sat., 9-5:30, son and daughter -in -law, -it Mr. .
." Classification 25, minimum 65C Assoc. with Darling & Co. of new; trildght lamp; floor lamps; SEWER PROGRAMME except Wed. Thurs. evening by and Mrs. Fred Martin.
';` plus 25c for each 411jne verse. Canada Ltd. Licensed under the coffee table; halal tree; number for the Drawings and specifications, appain+tment. ' Phone 791 Sea-
� � All other classifications mini- Dead Stack Disposal Act, licence- of small' tables; roekuvg chairs; TOWN of SEAVORTH moge,ther with Infarmamian f'ou• forth, Monday, Chntoh � Medi- Miss Jean Mills returned to
mum 65 cents per inserti'o'n No.158662. Sevendays service. occasional chairs; mirrors; Tenderer, General Conditions cal Centre. Toronto on Monday after spend- Kipp@i1@t1'@S
except Auction Salies,, (20), Ten Call ED ANDREWS, phone 863 fernery; sward fern; had mar- (This may qualify as a Winter and Blink Farm of Tender, may ing a few weeks with her fath-
ders Wanted, (21.), and Legal W 1, Seaforth: 12-34-tf. ror; card table; electric wash Works Project.) be obtained am deposit of ten A. M. HARPER & COMPANY er, Mr. Earl Mills.
Notices, (22), awes on applica� ixrg machine and tubs; clothes Tenders, sealed in the erre!- dollars ($110.00) earlier at the Chartered Accountants Mr. Gerald Dressel left Mon- Meet At ICs �t7
Cion! 14. Property For Sale horse; camp chairs quilt boxes' Town of Seaforth Municipal Of- 55 South St. Telephone day for Toronto, where he will ,pp
y , + opes provided which shall be
For cash payment or if paid trunks; bed linen; 2 quilts, blanc clearly marked aw to contents, fives, Seaforth, Ontario, or on Goderich JA 4-7562 resume his teaching duties af- The Thrifty ng of., their held
f' y kers; day bed scatter mats; tht office of James, F. MacLaren Licensed Municipal Auditor ter returning from a motor tri the first meeting of their new
by 10 da s following. last inner- FOR SALE will be, received by the Sec-
ton c deducted from 2 rugs; panclt swing; electric ap Associates, Engineers, 321 Blbor to the westg toast. p fall 4-H project, "Dressing Up
i , !1 �' retary, Ontario Water Resources W. J. CLEARY
Street East, T•o-ronto Ontario. Homegrown Vegetables,' Mon-
pliances; kitchen utensils, dish- A reception was held in the day in No. 9 School, with 18
�,, Farms in Seaforth Area and Camm'iss an, Gbh Fllbor, 801 Bay Seaforth, Ontario
above rates. bs; picture's; table linen; garden The deposit will be refunded , LICENSED EMBALMER Communit Hall last Frida eve-
(� business, properties in Tawe of Street,. Toronto 5, Ontario, until y y resent. Officers elected were:
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED Se,adorth• toalls, s',ep ladder; other articles 12 noon E.D.S.T., on .upon the return of the said and FUNERAL DIRECTOR ning in honor of Mr. and Mrs. p
I RATES • too -numerous to mention. drawinngs anal specifications in Night or Day Calls — 335 Herbert Kirkby. During inter- President, Dianne Stoll; secre-
(Fou• Business Firms, Trades- TERMS—Cash. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1962 condition,to the Town of mission, the newly-wgds were tory, Lois McLaughlin; treasur=
Joseph McDonnell
men, etc.): Minimum, 50. cents � Estate of the lobe er, Joanne Sinclair; pianist,
Realtor MRS. WILBERT WEBSTER for the constructi6A of 1962 Sew- Seaforth s, James F. Maclaren BOX presented with a purse of, mon-
, per insertion. Billing charge, 15 Deanna Forrest. Club leaders
19 Victoria Street Proprietors er Programme inn the Town of Associates, within s days of FUNERAL SERVICE eY to Mr. Neil re s was Aeon
0 guts peer adver setmenh. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Seaforth. award of Contract. R. S. BOX gratulatory address was read by are Mrs. dwell Cooper and Mrs.
Phone 266 — Seaforth Mr. Mac Sholdice. Lena Caldwell. Topic for the
14-34-1 GEORGE POWELL,CIerk Each bender must be accom- LICENSED EMBALMER meeting was "Good Food For
1. Coming Events 20=34-1 On bine same dray, commencing anned by a certified cheque Prompt and careful attention Rev. Taylor, of Gorrie, will Everybody." Different vege-
-• at 2:30 p.m. E.D.S.T., the ten 'p conduct the service in Duff's tables and food values were dis-,
e UNITED CHURCH WOMEN 15. Property For Rent CLEARING ferns will be opened and read (marked payable ma the Town of Hospital $ed United Church next Sunday .
of Egmondvville will, hold their Seaforth) or a cash deposit in FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS molnar at 11:30 a.m. Rev: A. cussed. The next meeting will
r tMODERN two-bedroom apart- AUCTION SALE publicly+ by the C�amirulssibn's � amount of tYve percent (5%) Phones: g be .held Sept. 10, at the home F
annual Bazaar and Tea on, Wed., �. 'render Committee in the Con-
irient, availablie September let. Of Finance Co. R'epossessdans, of the tender price. Res. 595-W — Store 43 Higginbotham will preach anni- of Karen Sararas. s
November 21. 1-34-1 Pm ference Room, Gbh Floor, at the versary services at Gori