HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-09-06, Page 7i • • PATTER By HUGH HUFF .Supervisor Seaforth .Lions Pool, Saturday, Sept. 1, the Royal Life Saving Tests were tried by eleven swimfners. Successful swimmers were:. Bronze Medallion—Mary Eck- ert. Madelynn Smith, Sheila Rowat, Ann Sills, Bill Teall, Ron Hildebrand, Larry McIll- wain. Award of Merit—Ken Card - no and Ken Devereaux, and al- though Kate Scott' and Lynn Nixon were successful, they are under age and therefore could not qualify for the award. Now that the summer is al- most over, I would like to ex- press my thanks to all those NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH • Worship, 11 a.m.; Jr. Church School during worship; Sr. Church School, 10 a.m.—Minis- ter, R. J. C. Britton, B.A.; or- ganist, Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart; choirmaster, James A. Ste - rt. CAVAN U.C., WINTHROP. Worship, 9:30 a.m.; Church School, 10:45 a.m. — Minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A.; organ- ist, Mrs. Oliver Anderson. • people who have made this such a successful summer at the pool: The -Lions Glube- the guards, Anne Troutbeck, Mary Crich, Joan Teall, Peter Rowat, Ken Cardno and Tom Dick, the booth helpers and Roy McGon- igle, the park supervisor, With- out the help of these people and that of lnany not mention- ed, our programe would not have succeeded. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Ted Brown spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone in Hensall. Miss Linda Brown has return- ed home after spending a week in Hensall. Mrs. Rolly Vanstone and fam- ily spent the weekend with Mrs. Ted Brown and Linda,, and vis- ited with Jim "Brown and fam- ily on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, James Westlake and daughters, of Clinton, were holiday visitors with Mrs. West - lake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple. A ._. A' • • • • 1 M FARMERS! Get that Jamesway Silo Unloader and Bunk Feeder ordered at once' So delivery can be made at the right time, and installation can be made in nice weather. PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED TO to SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE P.S.—We need a good man to act for installing. If you are a steady and reliable man to do business, contact us immediately. See: JONATHAN HUGILL (Agent for Jamesway Barn Equipment) R.R. 2, SEAFORTH Now You Can Have Fresh GREEN Feed Every Day With a HYDROPONICS -UNIT, the grass is always green on your side of the fence, regardless of the weather conditions. The unknown juices in fresh green succulent feed is a great catalizer which breaks down indigestible roughage and dry rations so they can be converted into pounds of MILK and BEEF, The unit, above produces 1,000 lbs. Feed per day at a cost of $4.00. BECKETT FARM MACHINERY LIMITED Manufacturers of Green Feeds' Equipment --• Tillsonburg, Ont. For information, contact '" PAUL STAPLETON -- Seaforth HURON - BRUCE DISTRIBUTOR Begins Autumn Meeting. Series The opening meeting of the Catholic Women's League after' the summer holidays was held Tuesday in the school auditor- ium.' After the prayer- to be- gin, a hymn was sung to the accompaniment of music play- -ed by Mrs. Joseph McConnell. Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, the pres- ident, welcomed' everyone back and extended the welcome of all present to Father C. Caru- ana. Mrs. Reynolds spoke of a let- ter received from Father Sulli- van, thanking the league mem- bers for their spiritual bouquet, and requesting the continuing prayers of all the parishioners. Parish visitor appointed for September were: Mrs. Jim Slat- tery and Mrs. Joseph McCon- nell. Mrs. Reynolds thanked all the conveners and helpers for the rectory tea, and especially Mrs. Harry Hak for her special work on behalf of the Communion breakfast for the St. James' School graduates this year and for the field day. Thanks of all the members were expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart for the enjoyable afternoon spent as guests at their cottage this sum- mer. An amount of $25 was voted to be sent to Mercy Shel- ter Guild. After .the end of the busi- ness meeting Mrs. Reynolds in,, troduced Father Caruana, who told of the Society of St. Paul and the unusual work he was doing in Australia before com- ing to Seaforth. Then Father Caruana introduced Father .Sharkey, of the Scarboro For- eign Mission Society. Father Sharkey began by encouraging the Catholic women in their re- sponsibilities to see themselves as members of the lay apostol- ate and focusedthe attention of all on the coming of the Ecumenical Council. He continued to tell of his own experiences in China as a priest of the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society. In the name of the league, Mrs. John Flannery thanked Father Sharkey for coming to speak to the group. A gift was presented to Mrs. Loretta Hewitt on the occasion of her approaching marriage. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Art Devereaux: OBITUARIES MRS. WILLIAM A. PALIN The death occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital Wednesday morning of Mrs. William A. Palin, in her 95th year. She had been ill for six months. Born in Preston Hall Malpar, Chiertine, England, she was the former Florence B.' Cooper. In 1937 she and her husband came to Canada and resided . with their son, Harry Palin, in Mc- Killop, who survives. Her hus- band predeceased her in 1952. She was a member of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Sea - forth. Funeral services will be held from the G. A. Whitney Funeral . Hgme, Goderich St., Seaforth, on Friday, Sept. 7, at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Harry Donaldson officiating, Interment will follow in Maitlandbank cemetery. Hospital Aid Meets Tuesday The first meeting of the Sea - forth Women's Hospital Auxil- iary to be held since the sum- mer recess, is set for Tuesday evening in the nurses' resi- dence. In announcing the meeting, officers stressed the importance of a large attendance, and re- ferred particularly to a num- • ber of new members who had indicated interest during the membership drive some months ago. GRADE SCHOOL STUDENTS — Grades '5 to 8, Inclusive FREE - BO.WLING FREE FREE POP • FREE CANDY BARS This SaUmorning, Sept. 8, and next Sat., Sept. 15 9:30 a.m. until.1.2 noon PARENTS: • This free bowling offer is to obtain student bowlers between Grades 5 and 8, in- clusive, with the idea of forming a Junior Bowling League, so popular in other centres. If yoq would like your children to join a league of this type, have them come in and bowl free, the next two Saturday mornings. • SCORES will be kept to select even teams. • WHEN LEAGUE commences, each bowler will bowl 2 games at a total cost of .40e (reg, .70c) throughout the season. • FOR INFORMATION, PHONE 350 FREE BOWLING ..-- HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 1_ • After school Tuesday, Sept. 11, and after school Tuesday, ept. 18. • Scores will be kept to select even teams. • Students interested in forming a league, please come in. • When league' starts, each bowler will pay .40c and bowl two games. SEAFORTH BOWLING LANES -- 350 Extra Special Sanforlxed NloreOrkm1 cyc�.,' .. ,flit rbf:�rr'd,,�' v�r4 'W'i:/r,, $,$,�1.$••i FF, 5>�' i5:. s'�. < °,,T,- u„�•%Y .r h THE GOLDEN HAWKS, the- RCAF's precision flying team, have started their 1962 ser- ies of performances that will take them across Canada and to the United States. Flying . gold, red and white Sabre jets, the team of highly skilled pilots will demonstrate both formation and solo aerobatics. At rear, left to right: F/L E. J. Rozdeba, 29, of Bienfait, Sask., "slot" man in the formation flying and a Golden Hawk of 1959 and 1960; F/L B. R. Campbell, 29, of Almonte, Ont., who flies right wing; S/ J. D. Mcdombe, 28, of Frederic- ton, N.B., the team's leader and also a Golden Hawk of 1959 and 1960, and F/L Lloyd J. Hubbard, 38, of Delia, Alta, who flies left wing. Front row: F/L John L. Frazer, 29, . of Vancouver, team spare; F/O Bob Dobson, 25, of Regina, the commentator, for the team's performances; F/O W. C. Stewart, 27, of Dalhousie, N.B., head solo, and another Golden Hawk for the third year, and F/L A. F. McDonald, 32, of Barrie, Ont., also a solo performer. Shower Honors • Bride- Elect Mrs. John Adams was hostess at a shower last Wednesday in honor of Marie Little, bride - elect, Games were played and the following address was read: "Dear Marie: This evening your friends have gathered to wish you well on your forth- coming marriage. We were all so happy to learn of this; we just couldn't pass up the gol- den opportunity to have a 'lit- tle' get-together, to wish you lots and lots of happiness. We are sorry you are leaving the community, but hope you will be back from time to : time to see us all. We just know you are going to be happy with a young man like Don; you couldn't be anything else. It is with the greatest of pleasure we present you with these gifts, and wish you stealth, wealth'and happiness in fife years to come." The Mitchell Shoe Factory al- so presented Mrs. Little with many lovely gifts. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Chapple were in West Lorne over the weekend. Adeline. and Brian re- turned home with them. BRITISH MORTGAGE SETS DETAILS FOR GODERICH OPENING New British Mortgage Gode- rich Branch Office will be offi- cially opened on Friday, Sept. 7, at 2:00 p.m. W. H. Gregory, President of the Company, will be master of ceremonies for the brief ceremony. Guests of hon- or invitees include Hon. E. L. Cardiff, M.P., Hon. C. S. Mac - Naughton, M.P.P., Warden Geo. McCutcheon, C. F. T. Rounth- waite, architect, and Don Smith, contractor•. To officially mark the opening of the building, a golden ribbon on the large glass Elgine Ave. door will be cut by His Wor- ship Mayor Enrie °Fisher, of God•erich. Strategically located at the junction of Highways 8.and 21, the ultra -modern building is a unique tri -sided glass structure. This unusual design was spec- iaily, created . by architects Rounthwaite and Associates, of Toronto, to suit the triangular- shaped building lot. The three curved cantilivered walls ap- pear to float over a continuous double -glazed window wall from ground level to 7 feet 6 inches high. The remarkable feature of this entirely new concept in architectural design is that no portion of these walls is sup- BRODHAGEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dittmer, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Mes- serschmidt, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove, Jr., Roger' and Marlene, of Detroit, with Mrs. Elizabeth Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bennewies and Wanda, of Windsor, with Mrs. John L. Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKenzie and family, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy. • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Elligsen and family, of Kitchener, with Mrs. Ernest Elligsen. Mrs. Baker, of Mitchell, vis- ited Mrs. Mary Pfeifer recent- ly. Mrs. Barbara McLeod, of Mit- chell, with Mrs. Chas, Ahrens. Kenneth Ahrens and Roy Beuerman spent a few days at Amberley Beach recently with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ahrens at their summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Mr. Lorne Wolfe and, sons attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Connolly, near Sebringville, on Saturday. evening. Miss Jean Mueller is again, teaching in Baden; also Miss Glenda Miller at Sebringville. Master Donald Elligsen spent a week with his cousin, Gary Elligsen, in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen spent the weekend in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ellig- sen. Donald Elligsen returned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz at- tended the Elmira Fair on Sat- urday and were guests of Mrs. Wilfred Klinkman. Mr. Gerald Hinz and Miss Frances Workman visited in Brampton with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Britkman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scher - berth, Jr., Janet and Susan, at- tended the wedding of her bro- ther, John Koehler, to Miss Audrey Eurey,'at Mpunt Forest, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Koehler with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth, Jr. - Mr. Ford Dickison flew from London on Monday on a busi- ness trip to Three Rivers, Que. An aeroplane flew into the village, operated by Mr. Stew- art Simpson, of ,leneoe, on business with Mr. Ford Dicki- son. The plane landed in the field owned by Chris. W...Lean- hardt. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Croucher, of Newfoundland, visited Mrs. Ernest Elligsen recently. Rev. and Mts. John Arbuckle and sons, of Walkerton, with Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. , and Mrs. Gordon Bach and daughters, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Prueter. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- man, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. A shower was • held at the Community Hall here on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Robt' French (Hilda Vock). Mrs. Rqn- ald Hinz read the address and Mrs. Joe Smith' made the pres- entation of cash. Lorne Muel- ler's orchestra provided music for dancing, and lunch was served. , .The wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod (nee Ruth Ann Strickert) was held at the Community Hall on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs! Alvin Rase,. of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steiss of Mt. Clements, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reid, of For- est, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Jacob in Kitchener last Tues- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rock, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. George Eickmeir, Mr. Clayton Ahrens and Miss Willow Morris, of Sebringvill'e; Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCool, of Mitchell; Miss Donna Balnbour, Teviotville; Jim Regele, Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, Mr. Harry Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen, Don and David, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen re- cently, celebrating Ken's birth- day. Miss Kathy Leonhardt, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leon-, hardt, celebrated her sixth birthday With a party on Tues- day. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were: Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfe, London; Mrs. ,Tune Beuerman, Detroit; Mr. Bernie Leader, Camp Borden; Mrs. Robert Robinson and Ian, and Mrs. Molly Phillips, of Tim- mins. Mrs. Everett Nichol and Jer- ry, of Harrow, and Mr. Robert Nichol, of Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer. ported froth the ground. From the start, the building was planned so it will be con- venient and comfortable. Com- pletely encircled by double glazed plate ' glass, the office will always be bright. Curtain- ing of a soft handwoven fabric will ensure privacy without de- stroying the friendly • transpar- ency of the building. Entrance can be made via double doors off both Elgin and Kingston Streets. Considerable parking area is available in specially prepared parking bays on both these streets. Air conditioning throughout will make the build- ing a pleasant place to visit ev- en in the heat of summer. An interesting and unique feature is a public conference room—the "ommunity Room". This room, which comfortably seats td+elvepersons, is con- veniently located downstairs in the new building. It can be reserved at no charge for meet- ings of any local clubs, organ- izations or societies. Appointed in deep, blue and teak wood, the room is curved at the four corners, - with walls that also curve to meet a partially sus- pended ceiling. Mr. Edward Rowlands, man- ager, and his staff, will move to the new location before the official opening, so that busi- ness can be carried on from the moment` the building is op- ened. HITE SIRI reguiar,sp,aCyailio ux "aanfOrr wed-ruercer ed white bread., clock .s#ixts yen-% ,buy at a gla4Ct4 Shirt point: PQUa t t4 Way cuffs, pearl buttons, 01011 #e. - xuake! A real buys SIZES 14y to I7/ New For Fall SPORT SHIRTS Small checks, new stripes, paisley and medalion patterns, in new tap- ered or regular cut; novel collars, button-down collars and pop -over styles, including new Fall knits. SIZES S, M, L, XL. at 3.95 to 6.95 New Fail CARDIGANS For MEN and YOUNG. MEN Bold stripes, bulky knits and fine orlon and wool blends feature the popular new cardigans for Fall. Of course, we have lots of pullovers too. 7.95 to i295 41, . SLIM - LOOK SLACKS Slims and continentals fea- ture the Fall dress print range in subdued checks and plain shades. They're avail- able in polished cottons, cords, wool blends and "per - ma -press" all -wools, in a ,.wide shade range. Sizes.29 to 36 in Slims. Sizes 38 to 50 in regular cut • pants COTTON SLACKS 4.95 to 6.95 DRESS SLACKS 8.95 to 14.95 Stewari LINE 'UP Bros. FOR .FALL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RFJSULTS - Phone 141 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime ! ou Are Invited to the opening of the BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST GODERICH BRANCH OFFICE OFFICIAL OPENING OPEN HOUSE To Depositors To Investors — Friday, September 7th, at 2 p.m. — Friday, September 7th, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 --- Saturday, September 8th, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 — Each Savings Depositor of $25 or more will receive a beautiful clear Lucite silver dol- lar paperweight as a memento of the branch office opening. — Each investor in a British Mortgage Guar- anteed Certificate will receive a paper- weight, plus a $5 gift certificate good at any Goderich retail store. • Gifts for Everyone • Tour of the Building BRITISH MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY • Refreshments • Unusual Contest At The Stoplight, Goderich •