HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-09-06, Page 4II(� ��p F ' .la-Posuroa, S A Rin. A 1%2 •1 Rage • R313 out 11' Was sealed 14 Dike 11 Rudest protuberance 16 Girl's flame 17 Bread ingredient 18 Expert 19 Decay 20 Definite article 22 Vital fluid 23 Halo 24 Pire residue 27 Chemical 29 Soft shoe 31 Remaining erect 34 Group of Greenland eskimos 35 Satisfies 36 Openings in nose 38 High mountain 41 Toward sheltered side 42 Diced 43 Hind of fruit 44 Affirmative word CROSSWORD 45 Fk0st1ste3 46 t7a iCise 4? Division el time 48 Forever 50 Unable to recall fel-? 54 Oceea 55 Bora 56 E-Tcaanse 57 Soak flax 59 Covet 61 Perfumed 62 Jeeeled heactniece 64 Rent 68 Might before 69 Water aRir*al 70 Avid 71 Indian weight 72 Set again 73 Male bee DOWN 1 G1ui{ting 2 Gal' 'souad 3 Eggs 4Pause - 5 terns 6 GGreek letter 7 Poles 8 Regions 9 Furnished 10 Superlative ending PUZZLE , Answer To Paiute No: 721 S P T 1'Y E X: P e►. R E E E R H .0 i Y E 1 E S T E E S A r s T E s A 8 Y 1 S C D E S E A s T A A 1 T EAUN 0.0.0 1 N Leri P;A�NT CREE A;1 T ROUSE LRT AES EWA AAR. E ELBAL B A PPR.E NE NS 1 OA* -E LRE 1 VERT RCCteI TAT` 11 Sweet lis quid 12 Love 13 Trish tribe 21 High priest '.3 The wallahs 24 Analysis .moi Not fresh 25 Detests 28 Boredom 30 Possessive pronoun 33 Brun Tye of roof 37 Pause 38 Eagle's nest 39 Endures 40 Hants 42 &rrawftil 43 Enclasurs 45 46 Followed 47 Self 49 Lamprey 50 Beres 51 A pointed —mom 52 Horseman 53 Chairs 58 Woody plant 602 H1 hill e 63 Matt 65 Past 66 Oriental coin 67 Before t 2 3 a 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 `',i soli 12 13 la �■■ .; 15 ;�� 16 17 ,� \ -04 19 ``;�te,r ',seek 2; -;G4 ` 23 illid 2T :8- . : 29 30 Y ill■ 'n '; 3t ti �\ III ■■■ ... 30 .>.-' '' 39 ao 1111 54 ; ill is 54 a0i� .• 5. 61 : b; 65 66 67 09 PUZZLE N0. 72 FOOD and FIXIN'S Recipes For the Busy Homemaker CALORIE COUNTERS TAKE HEART Counting calories" Almost ev- eryone does these days and for some.' it is a wise idea. How- ever. foods and nutrition ex- perts at Macdonald Institute. Guelph. recommend that be- fore embarking on a weight - loss -campaign. you . consult a doctor. Only he can properly prescribe your correct calorie intake. Weight watchers need not eiiniinate all. their favorite foods. One dish commonly thotikght to be fattens. . is Pota- to Salad. The ting :s that the dre_tg not the potato• is the culprit Take hear; though. for .ere is a home-made dressing with •on. 20 calories, per table- spoon.. 2 tabies-pxnss dote' - 1. r.--blespoon sur 1 teas-potkt; dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt Remember. it. rakes bat: a moment to p:ace an. Frpc; for Want Ad and be money in pocket Tc acirise :List phone Seaforth 14L co and FUEL. OIL _Wil, M. Hart Phone 784 • Seakerth Dash of .ca„venne 1 cup ilk 1 egg ?rightly beaten 1 tablespoon salad oil 1'3 cup vinegar. Mix dry ingredients in the. top of a double boiler Gradual- ,' Iy stir in the milk. Cook over •toiling water. stirring cor.stant- ly until mixture begins to thick- er.. Cook covered for 10 min.= utes. stirring occasionally Srt a little of the hot mixture :r.to the eg and odd to the rest of the rrnisture. Cook three - utes. gurur cons:ant's Add salad oil RLZnove from heat and slowly blend .n '.:recar T!::5 makes eups. ereoug.h for two 'batches ,f per -etc) salad To -rake deiiciaas pots:, sat - ad. cook four medium sited pot- : atoes their skins. then pee, and dare Pour 3•4cup of hot 'dressing c' er the hot potaines To :hos add the fo'llowin_• { teaspoon sat and :o 2 table, spoons finely :hopped. onior. ' Mix carefully and let it C -OD. 1 to :S ir.:.:nes Then :nix :n lnweing 2 'tab esp:., r :hopped , green pepper curl finest mutt celery :s up diced :tic :miner 2 chopped hard cooked crc: Chili for three to four hours :r. the refrigerator in a shallow pan This allows the dam -oars to blend and facilitates the :Ooi- ' mg process Be sure the salad is kept in the refrigerator at all ' times. except when being pre- pared and sued Incidentally. LI> cup complet• ed salad has only 100 calories Friends Gather As Parents Wed Forty-five Years Mr. and Mr's. Earl Lawson, Rattenbury St., Clinton. were entertained at the home of their son, Reg Lawson; RR I. - Clinton, on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 2 About 30 family guests were served a smorgasbord dinner, convened by their daughter. Doris Warren, of London, and daughter-in-law, Helen Lawson, RR" 1, Clinton. Anniversary cake was served, after which gifts were present- ed by their granddaughters. l ynda and Helen. Warren, on behalf of the imn3ediate fam- ilies. Mr. and Sirs. Lawson thanked .everyone for their kindness. The conveners were thanked by J. E. Busby, of Chat- ham. 4 Messages of congratulations were received from Malton and , Victoria. British Columbia. and t a phone. call from Bert Ferris. of Provost, Alberta. Out-of-town guests were from Chatham, London and Lucknow WEDDINGS SMITH—BOWMAN Rev. Father 3 L. Coughlin officiated at the ceremony in St. Co'.umban Catholic Church Church on August 18. when. Cleo • Dorothy Bowman and George Smith exchanged wedding vows. The bride is :he dauehter of Mr and Mrs Frar.k Bowman. RR 5 Seaforth. ar.d the^room hr son. of Mr and Mrs Adel - r. Smith. Zurich . The bride ware a floor-ler.gth svr. ef 'hate Swiss brocade The d e featured a shallow neckline and llypotnt sleeves The bouffant skirt. h.ele was fashioned nth triple 'rere pleats. cascaded into a • ':`lapel :rain A queen's crown f pearled apple blossoms held her fn_er,.p veil. and she car- ried a cascade of white mums and Sweetheart roses Bridal attendants. Airs. Ray Maloney and -Mrs. James Whal- ing. both of Stratford. wore identical dresses of ice blue ,ilk or-_arta Groomsmen were Raymond Smith. of Kitcher.er. 'and Leo Smith. of Guelph. and guests were ushered by James ing. of Stratford. and •Smith. of of Barrie. For a trip to Northern On- tario. the bride donned a black and white linen suit with black vr4 .7'71 "WS Oklirn iiiti ShtO 1962 CHEF'. SEDAN—A.T. 1958 FORD COACH 1958 PONT«IAC SEDAN - 1957 MEI EOR SEDAN 1957 METEOR COACH 1955 CHEF'. 1 ,-TON PICKUP "No Reasonable Offer Refused" Seaforth Motors Phone' 541 — , Seaforth and white accessories. The cou- ple will live on a farm at Kip - pen. The bride is a graduate of Stratford Teachers' College. WINTHROP Neil Dolmage left this week ;o attend Radio College in To- ronto. • Georgina Little ar.d Garry Little are attending H. B. Beal Technical School ir. London Mrs A, L. St -one of Norwich was a guest of her niece. Mrs. Ken Beattie. for the past two eeks. ST. COLUMBAN Mr and Nt.'s. Jack Melady and Mr and Mrs Le Ma:re Pres- cott. :th Mr and. Mrs. Maiir Melady. Mr and Mrs Dan Rafe^t and fa ni'y Bransford. with Mr and Mrs Anzus Ke re'Cy Mr and Mrs Grez Mi•rr.s p,.vr. Cred:: Mr and Mrs :aek Metro. and Miss Ante Morns London. with Mer. and Mrs Torr. Mems Mr and Mrs. Marla:. Purcell and chddrer. Kltfh.er.a.r, with Mr and Mrs 'Jack McIver and Mr and Mrs. Thomas Purcell Mr and Mrs Pat Murray and family London. and Mr. and Mrs Jack Ryan. Kitchener. with Mr and' lir_. Gilbert Murray Mr and Mrs Jim Whaling. Stratford. with Mr. and Mrs Frank Bowman. Mr. and Mrs Joe Sloan. of Wirdsor, and Mr and Mrs. Don Brady and Brian. Ille ford. with Mr and Mrs. James Sloan. Mr and Mrs Fergus Kenny and fancily and Mr. and Mrs :Jim Marrinan and family. Lein - !don. G-itla Mr and Mrs. Joseph Connolly. "You want a joint checking account with your rife'" "N .n_000' She's too fast on the draw" Jack: 'How much is a carr - Clerk: `Five dollars.' ,Jack: "All right just send me the bill -- Clerk- "Tin sorry. sir. but you'll have to take the whole bird." 17, SQUEEZEMORE IIEAT FROM EVERY PENNY! Heat your home with modern, penny-pinching Natural Gas Natural Gas is the modern fuel that costs less to buy, install and maintain. There are no extras to buy—fuel pumps, motors or storage tanks: No money is tied up in idle stored fuel. Simple gas heating systems have fewer moving parts to repair or replace. Natural Gas is also economical (and clean) because it burns all of itself, and the clean blue flame ensures longer burner -life and -less servicing. Sodbe modern ... go modern with gas! Con- vert now and you can make big $50 trade-in savings ... and you pay nothing until next October! -see .your heating contractor UNIONGACOMPANY SILLS" HARDWARE Plumbing - Electrical - Heating Phone 56 Seaforth a G1NGER1CH'S- - Sales & Service Ltd. Seaforth: Phone 585 : Zurich 34 DUBLIN ELECTRIC Duo-Thefm Dealer Phone 70 R 2 Dublin 1 BOB DOIG Plumbing Phone 668 R 13 Heating Seaforth }s i `,r FRANKKLINGLTDI Plumbing - Heating. - Electrical Phone 19 Seaforth CONSULT YOUR HEATING CONTRACTOR FOR iNFORMATION AND ESTIMATES