The Huron Expositor, 1962-09-06, Page 3r • s - t • e • v e • w STAEFA. INSTITUTE M[NMB,ERS KC_NIC AT SEAFORTH PARK Stella Women's institute held their ailnual picnic at `Seaforth • Lions Park on Wednesday, Aug. 29, with 60 members in attend- ance. Committees in charge were: Lunch conlmittee, Mrs. W. Glanville, Mrs. Tom Laing and Mrs. G. ' Agar; sports com- mittee, Joyce ,Kerslake, Kaye Worden, Margaret Wallace and Sharon Agar. Race results were: Pre-school, Mary Jane Templeman; girls, six to 10, Geraldine Temple- man; boys, six to 10, Ronnie Miller; girls, 10 and over, Kar- en Sararas; honeymoon race, 1111111111111111111 I I I I I l I l 111111111 t 11111 I I We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire - Auto - Wind Liability and Life Manufacturers Life Insurance John A. Cardno Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth [11111t1111111111IH11111111I1111111IIIIIIII ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE PHONE 354 Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Carter Kerslake; soap relay, Russell Worden's teann; balloon relay, Karen Sararas's team; minute race, Mrs. Tom Laing; rhubarb race, Geraldine Tergpleman's team; questionable contest, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; guessing contest, Mrs. John Templeman; oldest gentleman, Mr. Lyle Worden; oldest lady, Mrs. Jas. Miller. • FUNERALS MRS. A. R. CAMPBELL HENSALL—Mrs. A. R. Campy, bell, of Sarnia, a former well- known Hensall resident, where her husband, the late Dr. Camp- bell, was a veterinary surgeon here for over 20 years, passed away very suddenly on Satur- day, Sept. 1, at the home of her brother, Mr. Donald MacDon- ald, of Malibu, Cape Breton, N.S., with a coronary. Mrs. Campbell was visiting her brother at the time of her death. - The former Hazel MacDonald, and a native of Cape Breton, N.S., she was in her 83rd year, and is survived by three sons: Jim and Bill, Sarnia, and Gor- don, Toronto, and one brother, Donald. Public funeral services were held from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, Wednesday, con- ducted by Rev. W. A. Young, of Guelph. Interment was in Baird's cemetery., Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture- through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. GENERAL INSURANCE DON EATON Office in the Jackson Aluminum Building Phone 75 : Seaforth The Plan for Merchants' Exhibit Booths at Seaforth.Fall Fair WILL BE ON DISPLAY, COMMENCING 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 4th May be seen at The Huron Expositor Office or Contact R. JAMES WALLACE or CLIFF BROADFOOT All space will be reserved on a first -come -first-served basis. ANITA BRYANT Beautiful, talented , Columbia recording star; Anita will head- line the Sept. 7, 8 and 10 ."Aqua Spectacular". 8 BIG DAYS JIMMY DEAN Columbia .recording star who had 4 songs on the .hit parade at one time stars in "Aqua Spectacular". Sept. 11-12-13 A TORRENT OF TALENT MAKES THIS YEAR'S GRANDSTAND SHOW ONE OF THE FINEST EVER. AN OUT OF THIS WORLD WATER SHOW WILL BE FOLLOWED BY A REAL LIVE 3 RING CIRCUS. EVERY DAY'S A SPECIAL DAY ... EVERY EVENING SEES SOMEONE WIN $1000. TWO GIANT MIDWAYS. DISPLAYS. EXHIBITIONS. SHOWS. SOMETHING OLD ... SOME- THING NEW ... WESTERN FAIR IS ALL FOR YOU! ° • . * HORSE SHOW `Ontario Arena, Every Night Except Monday * DEPT. OF LANDS AND FORESTS EXHIBIT Special Events Bldg. Hensall News Sandra Sangster,. London, and P¢ggy Streeton,' Lucan,' wlio have spent the past week holi- daying with, :their grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster, have- re. turned home. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jack Cornell in the passing of her mother, Mrs. Mabel Scott,. Mount Brydges, who passed away Monday morning, Sept. 3, in Strathroy General Hospital, in her 73rd year, following a week's illness. Her husband Predeceased her a number of years ago. Surviving are one soh and four daughters. Fun- eral services. were held Wed- nesday. Groups four and five of the United Church Women, of which Mrs. W. H. Weeks and Mrs. James McAllister are lead- ers, will hold their first meet- ing jointly in the church school room Thursday, Sept. 20, with a pot -luck supper served at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Clarence Volland is a pa- tient at South Huron- Hospital, Exeter, in the interests of his health. Stephen'Shepherd,of London, who has spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Shepherd, returned home Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Harr Joynt and Judith, Toronto, spent the holi- day weekend with Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. Norman Shiels, of Am- berley, spent the holiday week- end with his sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan. Mr. and Mrs. `Ron Broderick, of Kitchener, were weekend holiday visitors with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broderick. Mr. Ernie Hubbert, . of To- ronto, who was spending the weekend with his mother-in- law, Mrs. S. Sararas, was taken ill Sunday, with a heart attack and was taken by Bonthron ambulance to Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. , and Mrs. Homer Camp- bell, Gregory and Brenda, re- turned Saturday from a week's vacation spent at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexan- der returned from a visit spent with friends in Kitchener and Stratford. Mrs. Dorothy McDonald, of Ailsa Craig, was a weekend holiday guest with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family spent Labor. Day at Grand Bend with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David, who are holidaying there for the first two weeks In September. Mrs. Margaret. Ekans; .and family, of 'Waterloo, spent .the weekend hnyliday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren. Mr. Sim Roobol returned to his duties at RCAF Station Cen- tralia on Tuesday of this week, having been unable to work for the past eight months owing to a neck injurey he. sustained in a car accident in January of this year. Flt./Lt. Bill McRae, Mrs. Mc., Rae, Chrissie, Bill, Bob and Lau- rie left Saturday for Telahome, Tennessee, where Mr. McRae has been posted. Terrance W. Belford, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. G. Bel- ford, Niagara Falls, grandson of the late Mrs. Catharine Hed- den and nephew of Herb Hed- den, of Hensall, has been select- ed to attend the College Mili- taire Royal De Saint Jean, Que. He attended McArthur Public School, Port Dalhousie, Princess Elizabeth and A. N. Myer Sec- ondary School, Stamford. Mr. Ted Clauson, Detroit, and sister, Mrs. MacGregor, of the West, called on Miss M. Ellis last week and with many friends in the village. .Hensall Women's Institute will .hold their first meeting in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 12, with a pot -luck sup- per, to be . served at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Program conveners are Mrs. Harry. Horton and Mrs., Norval Reid. Hostesses are Mrs. Archie Noakes, Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Mrs. Fred Beer. and Mrs. R. M. Peck. Roll call will be, "Sing, say or pay." Mr. Charles Mickle left last weekend for Hamilton, where he has joined the staff of the Westdale Qollegiate, and will. be teaching history and geogra- phy. His duties commenced Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Bessie McKie, of Kit- chener, is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor and Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Mous- seau spent last weekend holi- day touring around Lake Erie, returning home Tuesday. Mr. George Hess, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the past three weeks, returned home on Friday. Mrs. Gus Voth and Jim, of Royal Oak, Mich., spent the holiday weekend with Mrs, Lou Simpson. • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook entertained at their home Sat- urday evening for ' a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. • Bill McCrae, and presented with an electric coffee percolator and ANITA BRYANT — JIMMY DEAN HEADLINE qua Spectacu ar FOR FIRST 6 DAYS OF. WESTE FAIR SEPT. 7 - 15 LONDON 3 RING CIRCUS SEPT. 14, 15 THRILL to the skill of the aerial acts .. the precision of acrobats trained to razor-sharp edge ... LAUGH at the immortal antics of the clowns . . . HOLD YOUR BREATH as jugglers, cyclists, trampoline and teeter board experts display their skill and daring . ROAR at the all -too -human actions of trained members of the animal kingdom. ENJOY THE. CIRCUS EVERY MINUTE ! ' •,`\\ 1\ 1 \ ¶U II/ //, AQUA SPECTACULAR This is the famous Miami Beach water show featuring a talented cast of 32 and presenting five spectacular production numbers including "HOLIDAY IN HADES" ... "SWAN LAKE BALLET" .. . "DANCE OF THE CIRCUS ANIMALS". Headlined by singers Anita Bryant and Jimmy Dean, the grandstand Show will include 12 acts on stage and water c� Comedy Routines . . - World Champion Divers . . . Miami Beach's Fabulous "Aquamaids" Waterfalls . . . Fountains . . . Spectacular Underwater Lighting Effects. THE CADEGANS — Canada's Singing Family — SEPTEMBER 7, 8 ANITA BRYANT — SEPTEMBER 7; 8, 10 . JIMMY DEAN — SEPTEMBER 11, 12, 13 WIN 9000 PER DAY Every day will close with a dramatic draw for a prize of $1000. The drawing will commence at 10,30 p.m, when 10 numbers will be drawn.'ist, 2nd, 3rd, elle. will be chosen by the spin of a wheel. Those whose numbers have been drawn will, If not present at the fair, have until 11,30 p.m. to report. At 11230 p.m. if No. 1 has appeared he or she will receive the $1000 and any of the other nine present will receive consolation prizes'. if '1o, 1 has not appeared the $1000 prize will be given to the next in line who ie resent rind consolation prizes Will be given to the others present. • • ADMISSION Children under 12 admitted freel.until er 50c 6 p.m. daily. -After 6 all admission 50c, items other' gifts. 4 .social hour was enjoyed and lup[cbeon served. Mrs. John Me14lurtrie has.re- turned after - visiting with. friends in London. Steve Kay, of St. Catharines, won a gold medal and $100 in cash at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, fpr ac• cordian solo competition. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Kay, St. Catharines, the former Shir- ley Hedden, of I-Jensall, and grandson of the late Mrs. Cath- arine. Hedden, and Mr. Fred Kennings, of Hensall. "' ' I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brintnell spent the holiday weekend at Eckford Camp, Res- toule, near North Bay. Hensall Choir Honors Members On the Move A. party, arranged by the choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church,, Hensall, to honor sev- eral members, was held in the church, schoolroom Tuesday ev- ening and featured a ,recrea- tional period of contests, a quiz and sing -song. Lovely colored slides, were shown by Jim Dou- gall of his trip to the East Coast and places of interest he had visited Also shown were colored slides of places. visited by Mrs, Malcolm Dougall on her trip to California. Mrs. Pearl Love read the ad- dress, and presentations were made to Mrs. Mihnie Sangster of a picture; Mrs. William Brown, a sewing basket, and Miss Carol Brown, a manicure set. Gifts will be forwarded to Mrs. Lawrence Baynham and her daughter, Colleen, ,who were unable to be present. Presentation to Mrs. Sangster was made by Miss Hannah Mur- ray; Mrs. Brown by' Mrs. B. Beaton, and Miss Carol Brown by Miss Patsy Moir: Mrs. Brown will join the choir of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, where her daughter, Carol, will act as organist. Mrs. Sangster is leav- ing the choir, and Mrs. Bayn- ham and her daughter have left town. An enjoyable evening con- cluded with a delicious lunch, convened by Mrs. Malcolm Dou- gall: KIPPEN Mrs. Jennie Powell, of Sea-, forth, who has visited during the summer months with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pullman, returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Alder - dice and family moved recently to Mrs. Harry Caldwell'$ farm. The Misses Shirley and San- dra Reid returned home a few days ago from "Bidwin Inn," Labe -of -Bays, Muskoka, where they have been employed for' the summer. Miss Sharon McBride return- ed home a week ago from Lake - of -Bays, Muskoka, where she spent the summer months. Mrs. Keene, of Stratford, vis- ited over the holiday with Mrs. E. Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis spent a few days visiting Mrs. Mellis's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bourke, at their cottage at Peterboro. Mrs. Alvin Ulch, Windsor, and Mr. Oswald Brown, Q.C., and Mrs. Brown, of Detroit, vis- ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little, of Hensall. I Henson Ldy Hos' Holiday d At..e111/Centre tre �._ "It's -been wonderful -to •get way from the hustle and bustle," stated Miss Greta Lam- mie:, of Hensall. She has, just returned fronea holiday at the Lake Joseph Adjustment Tt'ain- ing and Holiday Centre for the blind, operated by the Cana- dian National Institute for. the Blind in Muskoka. She commented that the new centre was an ideal vacation - land and that its design made a holiday for blind people a real enjoyable experience. She and her fellow vacationers made good use of their outing and took part in many of the activi- ties which go on daily at the Lake Joseph Centre. A paddy boat which permits two people to literally cycle across the wa- ter was a particularly noire ex- perience and claimed much of Miss Lamtnie's leisure time. She and her friends spent a great,deal of time' en the beach, both in and out of the water. "Wind Bells are the only things missing," she commented as she made her • way toward the specially marked clothes lines. "They are a little hard to find at the moment, so may- be' we will arrange to present the camp with a few tinklers," The camp site is equipped with a number' of aids 'to help the totally blind find their way about safely, and • Miss Lim- mie's suggestion that there is a need in this area will add one more helpful piece of equip- ment to make the holiday cen- tre a little more complete. The Adjustment Training and Holiday Centre for the Blind was officially, opened a year ago July. It was designed and con- structed to provide a rehabili- tation through recreation serv- ice to Ontario's blind persons. Such outdoor sports as shuffie- board, lawn bowling, horseshoes and a variety of waterfront ac- tivities make a two-week outing there a well -packed vacation. More than a mile of railed na- ture trail enables even the to- tally blind to amble through -4 out the 18 -acre site, along its 2,000 feet of shoreline and through the forested areas without fear of becoming lost. Foot paths which vary in their texture from area to area also serve as landmarks to help the vacationer determine his where- abouts. All living units and play areas are identified with raised letters which can be read by touch. Besides Miss Lammie and her sister, Amy, Stuart Henry,' of Wingham, and Herbert Collar, now a resident at Tweedsmuir Hall, London, were -among ' the more than 500 • blind men, wo- men, children and sighted es- corts who attended the vaca- tionland outi,,ng this summer. London Man Wins Kippen Shoot William Wigle, London, cap- tured the Kippen Gun Club trophy in the annual Labor Day shoot, held at Kippen Sunday. He topped the field with 45 out of 50 points. Runner-up was Hedley Prouse, Goderich, with 44 out of 50. • Five teams entered for the Chester Lee Memorial Trophy, with teams from Stratford and Goderich tied, with 111 out of 125. Kippen team had 109 points. Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just phone Seaforth 141. Read the Advertisernent.s —' It's a Ptpfitable Pastime ! GRAB BOXES ed/ f, .00 Your chance to receive' . . • A 'Watch • Added Discounts • Jewellery • SILVERWARE • GIFT CERTIFICATES, • CHINA Anstett Jewellers No Refunds or Exchanges ' 'rag MAIM ITO% 4111, ONT4 • 1.960 'PLYMOUTH 9-1),AssENGtit STATION WAGON V- 1957 POTTIA.0 COACH -;-,-Auto ,atieo. SEE THE NEW 1962 AUSTIN Now on Display 1962 NASH AMERICAN PREVENT ANEMIA AND SCOURS The one, essentialelement lacking in 'sow's milk is iron. You supply this element, prevent anemia and obtain faster weight gains when you inject pigs with PIGDEX Injectible Iron at 2 days of age: At the same time stop scours. Give your pigs one dose with the simple AUREOMYCIN PIGDOSER. In this way, you give broad-spectrum antibiotic protection to pigs at, the earliest moment -before they start eating a 'dry feed—to help prevent scouring and keep baby pigs thriving. Ask your dealer for your free copy of The Cyanamid Feed -Health Program, your complete guide to disease control and profit. Topnotch Feeds Ltd. Phone 775 : Seaforth COORDINATED FEED -HEALTH PROGRAM WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Does it give your home a `worn-out" look? 'Try a touch of "Home Improvements" tonic! REPLACE it with a modern... efficient (olem�n FURNACE on/he/178° • Now it's easy to add improve- ments with a low interest loan. Give your home a warm heart . increase its prestige and value. A new Coleman Furnace will bring automatic comfort— pride of ownership and open the way for extra space for recreation room or work shop. Ask its for details about "Home Improvement". ,ent" loansf GINGERIC,H'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. TRIM BOY PHONE 585 - • .EAPOR1111