HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-08-30, Page 10Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodge, Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs. Alexia Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm on Monday. Also at the same home recently, Mrs. Ernie Annis and Mrs. Hen- ry Fawcett visited Mrs. Mal- colm. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Aikens, of Mitchell, is at the home their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aikens, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Stew- art, Kitchener, spent' Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper, Dennis and Nancy and Mr. Howard Wright visited Mrs. Wright in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday. Miss Nancy Lannin visited Miss Margaret Hoggarth, Staffa, recently. Master Barry Gordon, Sea - forth, is spending a few holi- days with the Malcolm boys. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney, Carl, Alan and Jim left Satur- day for a week's holidays, start- ing for Montreal and the East Coast, and expect. to spend a day or two at the CNE, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper, Gloria' Ann and Grant and Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper went to Kemptville on Sunday to spend a couple of days with Wayne, who is working there. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Burford, and Mr. and Mrs•. Lawrence Barker are spending, a few holidays this week trav- elling around. Mrs. Albert Roney is spend- ing this week with her daugh- ters, Mrs.' Bert Tubb and Mr. Tubb, and Mrs. Andrew Park and Mr. Park, Mitchell, while Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and family - are on holidays. Mr. Darwin and Blythe Lan- nin and Mr. Bill Spence, Mit- chell, left for the West on Wed- nesday for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin and ,Gayle are -spending a few days at their • cottage at Bay- field. Mrs. Ernie Annis .and Mrs. Henry Fawcett were dinner guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis. Larry, Bonnie, Terry and Bet- ty Ann Barker and Keith and Bruce Malcolm spent Monday at Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill and Patricia visited in Norman - dale with Dr. and Mrs. Wadnan on Monday. Mr. Dan Burchill, Toronto, is spending this weekend with his mother, Mrs. Robert Burchill and Mr. an Mrs. Jack Burchill; also Mr. Kenneth Burchill and friend, Dorothy Neigh, of Bin - brook, at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Tom- my, Marilyn and Susan, of Seb- ringville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm on Sun- day. µRTO tro* TO ME OOMV Tf<pUc HT... .20 wistv »..R;r Wt7,fti, MP r ARGAIN... ...IN THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY. MR. AND MRS. MALCOLM BOLTON are shown follow- ing their recent marriage in Grove Park Mission, England. The bride is the former Ann Philpott, daughter of Mrs. E. Kirk, Bournemouth, England, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth. pyre Owing of FASHIONS at SHINEN'S for BACK TO SCHOOL j DAYS We have selected "just for you" the Best Styles, Newest Fabrics and Lowest Prices, and a Com- plete Stock for All the Family ! MISSES' SKIRTS In flannels and worsteds, in the new gored or pleated styles. Sizes 8-20. BLOUSES Cottons and Terylenes, in plains or printed. Sizes 12 - 20. 2.95 - 4.50 3.95 and up DRESSES " Designed with the new "Fashion Orions, Arnel, Terylenes and Crepes, 1 and 2 -piece styles. Sizes 9 - 20, 141 - 321/2. Priced only 10.95-22.95 SWEATERS Ban-Lons or Orions in Sulk- ies, pullover and carigans. 14-44. All new fall shades. 3.95 -. 7.95 HATS The most outstanding selec- tion you have seen in years. Every hat .an outstanding creation; White, B e i g e, ' Green, Gold, Black, Brown, etc. 3.49-8.95 DRESSES for the "Young Fry" In the new cotton knits. Sizes 7 - 14X, in Red, Green, Brown and Rose. A must for every little girl "going •back to school." Flattery" in doube knits, Only 5.95 - 7.95 We alsohave our Fall and Winter Ladies' Car Coats, Full Length Coats and Three -Quarter Length Coats In. } SPECIAL "LOW" PRICES FOR THE EARLY SHOPPER ! BOYS' PANTS Just arrived in time for school, in Cords or New Checks, in Brown, Green and Charcoal Grey. Sizes 6 to 36. From 2.95 - 4.75 BOYS' SPORT,SHIRT "SPECIAL" Long sleeves, in new patterns and colors. All sizes. Reg. 2.95 - ONLY 1.75 BOYS' WINDBREAKER JACKETS In Cords and Laminated. Ma- terials. All sizes and colors. Priced From 7.75 - 12.75 Men's NEW FALL SUITS In the new patterns. Sizes 35 - 50. SPECIAL - 2 Pair Pants Only 35.00 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS "By Tooke" in White or Stripe. All sizes, 14-18. 3.95 - 6.00 Best Assortment in WORK SHIRTS or PANTS, and MATCHED SETS ALL WORK CLOTHES - 10% OFF All Sizes ! SH.IN ENS Main Street ,forth, Ont. ...BUT MOST OF ALL IT'S THAT GREAT DAY • -.FOLLOWIN'a WHICH._ YOU KIPS GO f ' '1CTo5CNoo1, er •.v "`k. Popular McKiflop Youth is Married in- England cousin, M. K. Taylor, the bride Grove Park Mission Hall fol - chose a floor -length brocaded lowing the ceremony. For a satin gown with full skirt fall- wedding w trip to Cornwall and ing away to a long train. The Southwest England, the bride fitted bodice featured a scoop travelled in a pale turquoise neckline and lilypoint sleeves. sheath ensemble of embossed A white coronet held her shoul- linen, with matching coat and der -length veil, and she carried white accessories. On their re - a shower bouquet of red roses turn they will reside in Mark - and lily of the valley. dale, Ont. The bride was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bolton, Miss Sheila Owen, of Wales, and McKillop, attended the wedding. Miss Brenda Andrews, of Lon- don, Eng., wearing identical street -length dresses of pale blue poplin and headdresses of ZION yellow roses. They also carried shower bouquets of yellow ros- es. Miss Denice Phillips, of Loh - don, Eng., was flower girl, wear- ing a street -length yellow pop- lin dress with a circlet of Sca- bius, and carried a posy of Sca- bius. Mr. Alfred Rowe was grooms- man, and the guests were usher- ed by Mr. .Peter Philipps and Mr.,George Vincent. . A reception was held in the BOLTON-PHILPOTT A pretty wedding was solemn- ized in Grove Park Mission, England, recently, when Rev. G. Gidden united in marriage Ann Philpott and Malcolm Rus- sell Bolton The bride is . the daughter of Mrs, E. Kirk, Bournemouth, Eng., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Russell T. Bolton, of RR 1, Seaforth. Miss E. Osbournp, the organ- ist, played traditional' wedding music and accompanied. the soloist, Mrs. Trudie Black; as she sang, "Great is Thy Faith- fulness." - Given• in marriage by her GENERAL - - INSURANCE DON EATON Office in the Jackson Aluminum Building Phone 75 : Seaforth WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm TOP PRICES! - Locker Service Available - Phone 751' J 12 -, Seaforth or 393 J 15 - Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON TIMELY TIPS Feeding grain according to a cow's production "isn't new thinking, but it is still a major problem with a lot of dairymen: Livestock specialists with . the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture say thatsome dairymen are still overfeeding dry cows and underfeeding high produc- ers. Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just phone Seaforth 141. Students and Parents Will Enjoy Our "School Headquarters" It offers an unique advantage. Text books, binders, pens, paper, clothes and many other items can be had at one stop. LARONE'S Seaforth 5c to $1.00 Store Stationery - , Gifts Peaches REDSKIN TREE RIPENED The Last ,Variety of the Season Best for Canning, Freezing and Eating RIPE NOW AND IN GOOD SUPPLY WHOLESALE and RETAIL FOX'S PEACH ORCHARDS Shakespeare -Phone 49R FUNERAL$ EDWARD Q'SULLIVAN Requiem High Mass was sung on Friday morning in St. Colum - ban Church, for Edward O'Sul- livan, who died in Stratford Hospital on Tuesday. Rev. .L. J. Coughlin was the celebrant. Present in the Sanctuary were Monsignor Harrigan, St. Marys, Rev. Elwyn Morris, Simcoe, and Rev. Francis Moylan, The pallbearers were :Joseph Wilds, Jack McConnell, Louis Morris, Stephen Cronin, Gerald O'Hearn and James O'Hearn. Burial followed in St. Colum - ban cemetery. MRS. WILBERT WEBSTER Mrs. Sarabel Webster, 79, wi- dow of Wilbert Webster, died Friday at Scott Memorial Hilts- pital, Seaforth. She was the for- mer Sarabel Daley. Surviving are two step -daugh- ters, Mrs. Charles (Mary) Bris- tow, Royal Oak, Mich., dnd Mrs. Colin (Dorothy) Hendry, Ottawa. The funeral service was held Monday afternoon at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, with Rev. Douglas O. Fry, of First Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were Harold Cudmore, Mervin Cud - more, Gordon Cudmore, Edgar Cudmore, Robt. Watson and El- don Southwells. Flodverbearers were Robert Joynt, Scott Haw- thorne and Ernest Geddes. MRS. CHARLES LOVETT Mrs. Charles Lovett, a former resident of Seaforth, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Thursday. She was 57. Surviving are her husband; her father, James Jones, Lon- don; three daughters, Miss Mar- garet, Miss Genevieve, London, and Mrs. Joseph (Mary) Grum- mett, Egmondville, and three sons, Carl, James and Thomas, alI of London. Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. C. Caruana at St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, Saturday at 10 a.m. The Box funeral home, Sea - forth, was ,in charge of the funeral. Burial followed in St. James' cemetery. Pallbearers were Carl, Thomas and James Lovett, Bill Holmes, Charles Johnson and Joseph Grummett. ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W.E. SOUTHGATE . MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 - Res. 540 1960 PLYIVIOUTt3 9 -PASSENGER STATION WAGON -V-8 1957 PONTIAC COACH --Automatic 1957 PONTIAC COACH. 1956 DODGE 6 -CYLINDER SEDAN a ❑ SEE THE NEW 1962 AUSTIN Now on Display 1962 NASH AMERICAN MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 - SEAFORTH Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pa, time ! WE KNOW OUR SWAYS RIGHTER LOTHES with our DRY CLEANING service Have all your school and leisure clothing cleaned now! Remember, school opening is but a few days awayl At Flannery's, we prepare your summer clothes for safe storage, and clean and press the family clothes ready for school opening. Flannery Cleaners Phone 87 - Seaforth 6% Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 3 to 10 years W. E. Southgate Seaforth Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Company Starling Yrivats Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. Fo�. SEAFORTH DISTRICT = = p. HIGH SCHOOL .SD��ESyJS. ` �. h OPENS Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1%2 at 10:00 a.m. • • All School Buses will operate over the .same routes as: -'were in use at the- -end of the last school. year. • • AH routes will be reviewed upon completion of registration and may be revised at that time to provide maximum service. • • Buses will leave Seaforth at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 4th, and subsequently at 7:30 a.m. each / school morning. • • For further information contact: L. PIPLUMSTEEL Principal e • • • 4 • M 4 •