HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-08-09, Page 9€, t I .w - mills _ �',a• , ! 4 . , I . • ,- n 1 , i * , ., *N gDSr,rOIt,, �E ATR ,OAlT, ;A.lUq, 9, low-�9. � s - I I �_- , " . . if. I , , W Im - I , r'1111 aOL 0 >w �, lli` la ' 2 , { t * -1=11 tl" .1 I L 1. . 14. i. c>4 J _ . . .: n . r . ��f f.In,.`' r .yr ,: r F` - .:r ..y1.i Ni+� i�:.. 'i///* ''is;� y. - .%,- _ mm ,(,7+/.::, ,f+ I r%=J J.9�v•,.'+ JY, G, ,� -` rt' - f l , . .. .. _. ' '".. %' .,.., .c: r1 y ,SJR% ,,V+ '� f"% .ru,. y %r .. _. .. USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS - • 11. Artigles For SaW, 2Q. --Auction Sites • 22'. Legax'l Notice .24, • Cards_ _of Th;( S, ,. pp • �f NWS `(F ALTO % . TO YOUR ADVANTAGE , ri�i�i11 �i' IR.� , - , , LAWN MOWER, Taro, a4ep f : wil be he � the Cou�.i,I� ' FA141ILY +a� blt0 7!2!1,6 364. - . . 1. Coming , Events Propelled, 21", ono. year old, UCTION SAIa Cktambons at .the hour 4rii 3 a'- Wa]ltaxw Tay^)' Wltea ibi exxpress T �y1 ' - _.. 2. Lost. Strayed SEAFORTH MOTORS. 17,•29.2 clock in the afternoon -on the, tlue,it r,ul'ge,%v thanks, and -g A-11 C ��. � . �A. Z� ��P.�� . �� ..' '. R Aupbton Sala of Px�ppe¢ty and 171th day of Qcboher, ,1962, uul. precuafta far .clue znan r acfisl 9f. � `o. to e B • 3. Found AXR CONDITIONER, $8'5.00. Household ,. • : - Effect, in Verge ,.. 4. Help Wanted Far quick sale. ,See TES SAV EgnKuosudv'alle 1t1adnl,. Sbr,t, on faxes" and clads axe soonear ltclneiss, fkasrai fubu*s, can�ds S. Business Opportunities w AUGIs at Savaugo'S. 19-3fl�hE SATUi?DAY, Ai7G'USrl' ]2Qh, ah paid. Notice is hez+eby given' +aA�l messages of sympathy :xe �"' k a. .. • Ts ' * . 6. Teachers Wanted that the list of lands for ssade cez vel from th 1r tXt,oirr th, dp, Conference ,. BABY basnme ably a 1 .z,,. bbe a tab car P 7, Si a ' uK1 Y to tons Want arelatives ed far rre ss a aft s w sue s a b tt, and .bar's in � 'i u �their The Au meeting f v bed. AT gest ?rte ng o the is tatting with her cousin,, Miss ' i e. Farm Stocic For Sale PPIY to MRS. HARRY Wtnghlam Olassic cook stave, llshed in the OnGaTia Gazette qn' `4 beTeainent• A special' UCW was held ,n Duff's Church Lynne McDonald. 9. Poultry For Sale NESBrIT, R. R. 1, Seaforth, (lpke new), We g ,ig, the 7bli day of July; 19¢2, said bo Rev. Lancaster of Fite Bean Day, 1962, is to last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mr; and Mrs, William •Do?inis 10. Used 'Cars For Sale phare R µ°ii deep-fry; bufffet; exten- *at copies of the, said list may Luv'an far has eamfiomting mom• be held Tuesday, August 14, at gAgy'S walker Nelson Reid opened the meet and Geraldiiie have return d 11. Articles For Sale CamrirooW elan table amd linin chairs; be had a't my office, gage, Rev, Dytond, Qkntba land the Western , Ontario Agricul- , i 12. Wanjed To Buy coke cooler, in good condittion; kitchen chadrss; now Wbi•'te Idx . Harrison Bayfdedd who tical School, Ridgetown. The ing with a poem entitled `How from a motor trip to the West w { 13. Wanted boy's large stir�o bicycle amd washing maclduue; l,ab Plate; Treasurer's Office, badsl 16th uisited at ClShntat Pulyldc Much",and grayer. A hymn was coat program is designed to interest- 14. Property. For Sale wardrobe. PHONE 358-J. 111 30-1 nan�gebbe; dnap-1'eaf table; fold- day of July, 1862. Ao�sspi'bal, to Mz s. Orw141a Joys all white bean sung with Mrs. Martin Baan at Mr, and -.Mrs. Edwa)r4 Smut° 15. Property For Rent USED Westar house dryer, growers ,n the ..;) ing table number of acral& the piano. The scripture was and .Sandra, London, are gu- . P Y g C. L. HAMMOND Queensway Nursing Haines area and an invitation has been •I6, For Sale or Rent (electric), lista dry cycle, three tables; rocking chairs,; stool; . Hetsa11,1 B.onthmoni Futeral taken from Luke l�k: 1224, and- at the home of Mr. and Mx&. ' 17. Wanted To Rent heat., Seclal this week $IPS.00. plana; clbck• mirrors• Airway . T asumer Home - rand palUbearers. Our extended to Huron Count bean y was read by Mrs. Herb Trav%ss W. C. Hackwell th,s weeir ' vacuum cleaned' head S'izo- 22-27- growers to attend by D: .. I 18. Property Wanted c , GINGERICIi S SALE6 & 5E'R- , dToP grateful Uhamdss. ?sk 341 and comments on same was giv Rev. and iYiis. W J , 1V.. pt ,a 19: 'Notices •• VICE Seaforth. - 11.30-2 ger sewing machine-, Grieve, assoeiate agricultural en by Mrs. Reid. Granton were recent' vasttors 20. Auction Sales 1s FIGS, seven weeks a d 6 desk; child's crab, walnut fin• 23. Business Directory 27. �--- representative representative for Huron in a An interesting topic, "Who at the home of Mrs. Maud Leem- 21. Tenders Wanted ' ish; metal' bed, springs and m'at- statement this week,I Z11 rabbits; 7 chickens. cARL vAN- McLONNELL C NSITTin Cinnboau pu Cares", in skit form .was given ing. . 22: Legal Notices DE'R'ZON tress; 3 furnished bed -rooms, P Disc All phases of white bean pro- b phone 469, Seaforth, beds rm & STEWART HaspitaD, ogp. Aug. 3, to Mr, duction will be discussed, Ml, Y the committee on Christian Misses Wanda Humphries and 23. Business Directory liber 6 p.m. 11 g0ac1 sp gs, m�arf�tresses, dress Fellowship. and Visitation. Linda Traviss spent a few days • 24. Cards of Thanks sere, wash •stands, thea st of Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ` and Mrs. Tom Consatt, Varna., Grieve stated, including insect, Those taking part were: Mrs. last week with Miss Nora Art 11 CU. FT. Kelvuxa6ogr Emig,, drawers; txurtdts•' quoit trees, P. D. McCONNELL, son• disease and weed control fer- 25. In Memoriam , used one year, Fully an,toematdc, uilts Q.C.Q C Herb Traviss> Mrs. C. Wet', Mrs. Berson, Seaforth. 26. Personals q , bla'nke'ts; bed linen• D. 1. STE RT DE JONG—At Allewandria and tility and varieties, A discussion full insulated freezer chest. bedroom chu,a hall' rack cur-maoine Gesnercal Hospital, God- Maud Leeming, Mrs. Ron Ben- Miss Joan Ryan, Reg. N., has Trade 175.00 GINGEQiICH'S Seaforth, Ont. c` ,Phone 550 will also be held on the market- nett. The skit related the in- returned to Montreal after The cost is low. Classifications $ tains; rugs; maw; sealers; Brach, an Aug. 3, do Mx. and in situation. Growers will also 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1.2, 13, 15 and SALES & SERVICE, Seaforth,, crocks; kitchen utensmis; lamps; Mrs. Geon a De Joao of God- g spiration and theories of speech- spending the .past three weeks 11-30-� A. W. SILLERY g g, be able to view the research 17, minimum 40c an insertion. dishes; pictures; garden •foals; erich, a daughter, Ann Marie. es on visiting to the local with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. plots Dein carried on at Ridge.11- Classification 25, minimum 65G. CATTLE OILER—McIntyse's lawn mower. NATER — At Scott Memorial g g - church, It was meant to stir Lawrence Ryan. Phony: Office 173, Res. 78L town on white bean. plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. cattle oilers, the greatest ad- PROPERTY—At the same Seaforth Ontario Hospital, om Aug. 4, to Mr. {people's imaginations - and in- Mrs, Gladys Allen, Los An All other classifications, mini- vance ln'cattle oilers in 50 yrs. place, at 3 p.m. the property, and Mrs. John Nater, R,R 4, volve them in the specific prob- Zoeger, California-, Miss -Pauline mum 65 cents per insertion. The only oiler with spiral curry will be offered for scale . subject JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Mitchell, .a daughter. lems of their congregation and .Zoeger and Miss Dorothy Zoe except Auction Sales, (20), comb teeth that room the cat- Optometrist, optical services, ROSS{—At Wingham General' community. ger, Toronto, spent Wednesday g to reserve bid, 1 acme of land, Goderich St: W,, adjacent to Hospital, aro July 28, to Mr. ZION Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal t1e. ORVILLE STOREY, RR 1, with a good 1/2 storey brick } Y The minutes of the last meet and•Toursday of last week with Notices (22), rates on applies; Seaforth: See the oiler at our 7 -palm house, 1 s we burn, Clinic. Tues, to Sat., 9-5:30 .,and Mrs, Charles Ross, (nee ing were read by Mrs. Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller except Wed. Thurs. evening by Loneen Raends), a son, Charles • We are sorry to report . Mrs. tion. farm. 3-1-291d good water supply, hydro, ex- Bennett. A committee was ap- and Mrs. F. H. Miller. ' USED 12 cu. ft. Westinghouse eelllent starve of, repairs, appointment. Phaoe 791,, Sea- Gordon, a grandson for Ms. Robert Burchill' is confined to pointed as follows: Mrs. Nelson Miss Nora Anderson of Sea - For cash -payment or if paid forth, Monday, Clinton Medi- and Mrs. Alain Miller. • a London hospital - by 10 days, following last inser frig., frost free fold width freez- TERMS, chattels, cash, prop- cal Centre. SMITH—At Scott Memorial Hos Marks, Mrs. Wes look after Mrs. forth spent the weekend with en: 'A-1 condition. Trade $125,00. erty, 10`.yo down balance in 30 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm; Doug Fraser, to look after the Miss Ruth Ritchie. tion, deducted from above pita -l-, on Aug, 7, to Mr. and 15e GINGERICH S SALES & SEiR- days.. Immediate A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Mrs. Alexia Malcolm; Mr. and rates. Y possession. Mrs- Russell- Smith, RR 1, buying of new drapes for the Misses Karen and Connie VICE, Seafarbh, 11-30-2 TENNIiFs BRISTOW. P Chartered Accountants Mrs. Harvey ,Hyde, Norman, Sunday school rooms and chaos Coutts have returned home ' 55 South St. Telephone Dublin, a daughter. Fred and Margaret; Mr. and in COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED MEN'S 25 JEWEL HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer STEENSON—At LisLawel Mein- g paint for the walls. after holidaying with Mr. and -.. RATES AUTOMATIC Goderich JA 4-7562 Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Keith and Miss Cathie Carter, Hull'ett, Mrs. Sam Burgess, Bl th. GEORGE CKSON A Clerk ariall Hospital, on Aug. 2, to y (For Business Firms, Trades- Licensed Municipal Auditor Bruce; Mrs. Mary Malcolm; Mr. "" WATCHES 20-29-2 Mr, and Mns, Erinzv Steenson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lamont and men, etc,): Minimum 50 cents Seaforbh, a song. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Donna ° per insertion. Billing charge, 15 , For. Only $29.95 21. Tenders Wanted W J. CI,EARY family, London, were weekend P g TAYLOR — It 'Clinton 'Public and Barry all attended the Mal- visitors at the home of the lat- cents Seaforth, Ontario Brodhagen per advertisement. Swiss 6 ss reale, shockproof, LICENSED EMBALMER Hospital, on Aug. 6, to Mr. colm Reunion in Stratford. on tar's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. L. waterproof, sweep second' hand, and FUNERAL DIRECTOR and Mrs. Arnold Taylor, (nee Sunday. . .. Porter. TENDERS Night or Day' Calls — 335 Party Honors Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, 2. Coming Events expansdon bands, 1 year gualran- Jean Scatty, al son, Ronald Mr. and ,Mrs. Dalton Smale WANTED William• ,and family spent Sunda at the St. Thomas, visited their aunt, AIR CONDITIONED aI 11 n �• - Y bowlingPI Pay only $1.00 Bout. . . BOX Stratford park. daily, 7 p.m, to 11 p,m. R'J Mrs, Fred Ennis on Sunday. SEAFORTH BOWLING LANES, ANSTETT JEWELLERS Tenders will be received by FUNERAL SERVICE 29. Deaths Mr. •and Mrs. 'Charles Rone hew�y Miss Joan Bennett returned the undersigned until . August YWeds, phone 350, 1,-29fiR Phome 77, Seaforth . R. S. BOX HILLEN-1-nn Se-ad•omth, on Aug. and family with Mr. and Mrs. home Friday after spending two 11 1962, far the. purchase of the 11-29"� Town of Seadforbh weigh -scales, LICENSED EMBALMER 5, MaTgaTe•t M. Davidson Reg Cudmore on Sunday. �A . weeks with her grandparents, 2. Lost, Strayed capacity 49,000 lbs. Scaltes to -be Prompt and careful attention widow of Calvin A. Hiller., M' ' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hardin, Mr.,,Mrs. Petheek Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merkley, of — 12. Wanted To Bu Hospital Bed her 85th year. P Belmore. 650 x 16 spare time land rem y purchased do their present con;- P Milton, is .visiting a few days for a. Dodge truck, cream col ONE MEDIUM sire tricycle: dition and to be removed .at buy FLOWERS far ALL OCCASIONS with Mrs. Mary Malcolm and A shower was held for Mr. Master John Nicholson, of oured, in vicinity of Clinton PHONE 358-J, 12-aa_,t eir's expense. Inspection of �s Phones; other .friends and attended the and Mrs. Keith Pethick, nee Monkton ,spent . the weekend > equipment Res. 595-W .- Stole 43 with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan. and Seaforth. Finder .please cast A SET of Tight handed golf ma•Y be malls any Malcolm Reunion. Gloria Boyd, at the Community P clabsi and ba week da ex y,' WINTHROP Miss Yvonne Pollard, nfnrse- R. E- • McMILLAN, phone 844 g> in- plod Ganda- 'Y sept Saturday, 'from G. A. 'WHITNEY Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams Hall Wednesday -night and on tion. PHONE 115, Saadomth. 30.1 9 a.m.. to 5 p.m. Highest or any Mr. and Mrs. Russel T. Bol- Friday night ht there was a show in -training at Victoria Hospital, . R 4• 2.30-1 FUNERAL HOME. and girls Burford visited with g ATTENTION FARMERSI tender not neces'sa'rilry'a`ccepted' ton have returned from Eng- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker on er for Mr. and Mrs. Georgg Dun- London, spent the weekend Cali promptly. 300 n Goderich St. W. Seaforth land, where 'they attended the can, nee Ruth Ann Trentowsk with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4. Help Wanted P� da or ' Sunday. y. p C. LYLE XiAMMOND AMBULANCE SERVICE wedding of their son, Mac Bol- Saturda the weddin George Pollard. over according bo itian Mrs A th St tt Y g ' dinner . r ur a on and child- and reception was held for Mr. •GIRL -or woman, bo work in, Assoc. with Darling Co. of Clank-T,teasurer Adjustable hospital beds ton. ren, Toronto, is visiting with p Mrs. Leona Davidson, London, adore as sadleisl'ady, Apply' to Canada Ltd.. Licensed under the �f'�, Ont Mr, and Mrs. James St ng for and Mrs. F, Claremount, nee is visiting with- Mr. and Mrs. BOX 1129, The Huron Expositor. Dead Stock Di FLOWERS FOR EVERY Disposal. Act, licence 21-29 2 a few days. Shirley Horan. Roy Bennett and Mr. and Mrs, OCCASION Lloyd Porter. 430-1) No. 158662. Seven days service. HENSALL Jim and Glenn Sheldon St. Mrs. Ernest Elligsen accom- Mr, and Mrs. Joe .R Phone 119 Seaforth panied Mr. and Mrs, ,C. Ells Call ED ANDREWS, phone. 86$ 22. Legal Notices , •., Marys, • Alan and Doug Gibb, g- yon. and, sen and Gar of Windsor to family FEMALE w 1, Seafardly. 12-29-ttf ' J. A. BU•�t'KI� Mr. and Mrs.'Tan Philpott and Stratford, visited with their aunt Y y visited at Walkerton -one HELP WANTED NOTICE Funeral Director Donald, Rochester, New York, and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Niagara Falls and Wilson, New day last week at the home of •. 14. Property For Sale and Ambulance Service have returned after.visiting with Malcolm for a few days last York, last week. their niece, Mrs. Flo, Coiler. WORLD'S LARGEST TO CREDITORS DUBLIN ONTARIO the latter's sister and brother -in- week. Master Donald' Elligsen has Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger COSMETIC COMPANY FOR SALE Night or Day Calls: law, ME and Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. William Harper, Audrey been holidaying at the home of and Marie, Fruitland, are visit - IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN Phone 43 R 10 Schwalm. Miss Patricia Schwalm and Norman, Toronto, visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and 'ng with Mr. and Mrs. George Has immediate op, spin s four ARCHIBALD McKENZIE, .lade returned home with them for a with Mrs. Mabel Higgerson over Mrs. Oscar Elligsen, Kitchener. Pollard this week. g Two fa 185 u,' zu ch district SEAFORTH energetic women to earn excel- of the Town of Seaforth and the A number of friends and cels• 100 amd 165 acres,, goad build- two -weeks vacation. the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rock, of d welelcly h�ca Township re Tuckers , de On- MEDICAL CLINIC y Kitchener, have been holidaying tives called at the home of Mr. imtgs, choice cash -crop band, well tarso, Retired Farmer, deoeas� Goderich St., Seaforth Mr. William Taylor, McKenzie Mr. Robert E. Burchill, Mr. yin I. drained, Teasonabiie terms. ,phone 26 Island has returned after at- and Mrs, Jack Burchilr visited with relatives here. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Clin- Terrtto,aes ° in McKuldap, p P. L. BRADY, M.D. M.C.G.P. ton, on Sunday, to congratulate Logan. Telephone 750 W 1 tending the funeral of his moth. Mrs. Robert E. Burchill in Lan- Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Myers, Jose h 1VIcConnell. Creditors and others having p er, Mrs. William Taylor. don on Sunday, Steven and Lynn, Indianapolis, them.pn their 25th wedding an Realtor E. MALKUS, M:D. Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry niversary. Write alradms against the above estate Mrs. Violet Schwalm has re- MRS. M. MILLSON are required to send full par- Telephone 15 , Mr. and Mrs, Russel Marks 19 Victoria Street W. FLEWELLING M.D. C.M.urned after a pleasant weeks Earl, Montreal; and Mr, and ,960 We Road S. London titulars of such claims, to the ' + are holidaying in Northern On- 44 Id�Fio'n visit spent her daughters, Mrs, John M -o k Mitchell, with g Phone 266 — Seaforth Telephote, 26 P g ,, Ontario or earl• collect GE 2-90119 undersigned solicitors for the tario this week. between 7 and 8 p.m:, M-� 1"'Administralfoa+s.,,on or Deface the OFFICE HOURBr 'Afternoons, Mrs. May;O Hara, Belleville and iiViC1 C0111e Clan Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmar re. Mr. and Mrs. Harr Bolger 4-30-33-d � "20th day Augn�st 1962 liber except Wednesdays; Evenings, Mrs. Florence Perdue,' King- Gently, y a exec t Wednesday and Saturda stori, • Miss Glenda Dickison has entertained the Payne, family 19. NOt]ceS which date the estba ee assets will P Y Y PERMANENT Prestige Posal A Holds P1cnrc at a family reunion last Sun- FH,TER be dis'tribubed hanrin regal Appointments may be made in Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle beep holidaying with her coo tion for men or women, no can . QUEEN sales and ' g g advance.. and William Mickle spent Sun sins, .Sherry and Lynda Gibb at day afternoon. A .barbecue sup- onl'y to el that Have them P vassaneg cif you �haeve sold coarct service. Repairs to'all makes of day in Rid The Malcolm Reunion .was Glencoe, per was enjoyed on the lawn. Vacuum cleaners ander received. DR. . W. STAPLETON getown owing to the held in Queen's Park, Stratford, Those present were: Mr. and icas�, ehmistma�s cards, a]Iwminum, polishers. �: Physician and Surgeon death of the farmer's sister -in- Mrs. Rosana .1Vl;.iller, Mrs. Lena products, household products or, Reconditioned cleaners for Gale. Sunday, with an attendance of Mrs. Fred Fowler, Port El m; „w , IVEY, LIVER Phone 9.0 - Seaforth law, Mrs. Frank Mickle. Mr, and Elligsen, Mrs. Rachel Ahrens, g anything ,else direct iia the cow BO$ "PECK, , RR 1, 'Zurich. & DOWLER If no answer, call Residence 605 Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the to A delicious chicken and Ross and Mrs. Fowler and far and Mrs. Robert French were sumer, take a.flew mdnute+si with phone Helumll 696 R 2. 19-294 turkey dinner was enjoyed, sly, Southa,hpton; Don an Mrs, 201 Dundas Sfreet JOHN A. GORW L B.A. M.D.funeral in Ridgetown Monday. among those attending abirth- our representative in, the prdv-, ' Visitors were present from Fowler and Gary, Burlington; London Ontario Physician and Sur eon Mrs. Margaret Nichols, Toron- day party for Mrs. Lena Ben- +� act' of you own hams to see SEAFORTH' y g �' Toronto, Burlington, Milton, De- and Mrs. Payne and family, of how µe twain th ee people in Solicitors for the Administrators. Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J o, is vacationing with her sis- newies and Mrs.-Rosena Miller P P trait, London, Seaforth, Hensali, Bluevale and Mr, and Mrs. Jim South Western Ontario to earn UPHOLSTERY Jeam McKemLie amd Jahn Nell Seaforth, ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Dublin, and Stratford. Officers Bolger and family, Walton. over $1,000.00 a month. .Yo!tt Centre Street Mrs. Herb Karcher and Ross. ,George Rock, McKillop, last ' D. H. McINNES for 1962 were: Bob Phoenix, Tuesday. need to, be we91' known and a Telephone 446 22-28-3 Pupils of Miss Greta Lam- Burlington, y' 1�Chiropractic - Foot Correction g president; Harold reliable cdidizen, bondable a ails performed for their own Mr, and Mrs. Gary Sholdice, For all kinds of upholstering. Townshi of Tuckersmith Commercial Hotel Smith, Fullerton, vice-president drive a good cam. Write BOA P entertainment last week. They - Warren Sholdice and Ralph • BRUCEFIELD 19-29-tE . Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Dalton. Malcolm, secreta 1127, The Huron Exposiltor and performed several musical num- ee, Wietersen are spending this � treasurer; sports committee, + teR, us about your siaeles albdldby., TREASURER S SALE SEAFORTH bers in a make-believe radio week at Turnbull's Grove. Mrs., George Baird and child - 4 -29-2 ANSTETT OF LAND FOR VETERINARY broadcast. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur De Clute. Mr, and Mrs. -John Mueller, ren 'left last week for her home JEWELLERS Performing were Kay and Results. -of races were: boys, Ruth Ann, Hamilton, are, holi. in the West,' to be with her TAXES CLINIC a-11, Bill Phoenix, Barry Gar- mother who is seriously ill. $. Farm Stock For Sale Michael Davis, Dorothy and Dan Baying with her mother, Mrs. Offers you J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M.,. V.S. Kipfer, Barbara and Charles Pbodon; girls, 1( 16, Margaret Aug. Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Har - 30 CHUNKS. Apply C, VAN Township of Tuckersrnith , W, •R• Bryans D.V M. V.S. Schwalm, Keryn, kick the Joan Phoenix; ladies Easy Credit Terms Kathie and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens greaves, Mr. and ;Vire. Melvin DER PRYT, RIR 2, Dublin', Count of Huron W G. Drennan, D.V.M., V,S- kick the slipper, Marjorie Mal- Graham,,spent the weekend up with D. E. GAL'S, H.V.M. V.S. Gwenn. Hendrick, Janice and and Kimberley, Hamilton, were phone 17 ft 8. 8-30x1 - calm, Lillian Smith; boys' kick north. " NO To Wit: Larrie Wright, Joyce and L'in'da visitors with Mrs. R a c h e 1 Phone 105 Sea£ort11 the 'slipper, Bruce Malcolm and Ahrens. Mr. Gear 17 G'FICTNI{S, 7 Weeks olds Ali- Calrryim�g Charges By virtue of a warrant issnted Ferguson, Deanna, Nancy and George Henderson , and ' ply E�LWIN WILSON Ha Paul Harback ,lucky spot, Keith brothers Horace and Joseph �P+n Pho'ne 77, Seaforth by the Reeve of the Township Donnalynn Forrest, Ruthanne Mrs. Norman Rode, Detroit, p are die Malcolm; beats relay, Bruce Y• &301 19 29 .of Tuckersmith under his hand 24. Cards O Thanks Coleman, Eleanor Butson, Don- has been visiting with her par' on a trip to Edmonton. and the seat of the said Smith's team; book relay, Keith Miss Margaret Aikenhead, of SEVENTEEN Sussex sheep, corp-rP• I WISH da thank everyone' na Whitehouse, Ruth Cudmore,� Malcolm's team; feed sits, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prueter. M• choice breeding, stook, 1 Tame. NOTICE oration bearing date the 10th who, visited me and sent calrls', Lynn Faber, Katherine, McEwen, your Members of the Luther. League London. spent the holiday week day of April sale of lards is neighbor relay, Bruce Smith's PHONE H16sadl 278 T 3. &30-11 P flowers and gift while I was a Anne Hayter, Linda: Workman, of St. Peter's Lutheran Church end with her sister, Mrs. Y. reears of taxes in the Town team; tadies' guessing ,contest, Aldwinkl and family. ELEVEN weaned Tuckersen, u Municipal Dump at' patient in Scott Memorial Hoes Anne Clifton and a piano duet enjoyed a hay ride party and Pigs" and 1 will be ship of Tuckers pith will be Mrs, Anne Finch. A peanut lunch last week. Visitors with Mrs. Harvey and Holstein bulli, calf. A T. old' until fu'rthe'r notice pabal, by Kenneth .and Grant Jones. scramble was held with the fol- py an Wednesday and Saturday held at the Town Hall Seaforth, 2A 30x7' EVA KE(RR, Followin the musical num- Members of the United Luth- Mrs. Douglas for a few days 10 VAN BAT£EL, Sb. Columbaan+ afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 m. at the hour of 9:00 a'ao; ck in the - g lowing wipers, under 2, Kim phone Dublin 22 R 13. S34oc1 p' Ern, on TIDE FAMILY 0 the late bers, the. boys and girls en- eras Church Women met last. were Miss Agnes and Della No wire fencing, old Concrete, g the 4th day of Sep- MacKenzie under 5, Gordon 1!2 LAitGFJ vaccinated en car bodies permitted. Huta Campbellll wish to thank joyed games and treats. Wednesday with 20 in atter- Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. P. Lee, l:enber, 1962, unless the taxes 9 MacKenzie; under 7, Barbara o£ Regina, Sask. tYPeY p and costs are scone No- bars, mart, f torsi and, neigh- MacKenzie, dunce. Mrs. Orland Rohrer, Mrs. P!6Vstedn SNP189ger heifers, Ap bons, the daatansi and lions+es, C. W. Lconhardt and Mrs. G. Master Steven Keys, London, Ally AARON STEINACI�ER� one J. I, McINTOSH ti'ce is, hereby given that fibs A ball ame had teams with Clerk di'sb of i'amds .Ear sate for arrears Mr. Whattey and ad who ems- • Beuerman were in charge of is spending a few days with his moils East of Mitchell, phone bended help, ' ad ad and Bruce Smith and Keith Malcolm grandparents', Mr.. and Mrs'. 19-294f of taxes was published In The syr'- Name V4irnnerS devotions and the topic. The 348-8579, Mitchell. 8-30k1 - pathy during their recent ter- as captains. y Lindsay Eyre. Onbario Gazette on the 5th day cavtm�emrt 24-34x1 Officers elected. for 1963 chose as their topic, "Helping Flowers on the altar of the FAST SERVICE of May, 1962, and that copies of were: Harold Smith, L ullarton, Youth and Adults Know the 9. Poultry For Sale the said list may be had at my I WI to. express my thas,ks Brucefield United Church on k ori Nn Pq ture resident; Norman Budd, De- Bible.' Pastor Brill also spoke 40 GOSLINGS, 4 months old. office. to me,gl,bara and 'lends who P briefly, en- this topic, Sunday were in memory of the WATCH REPAIRS visited m sett cards d troit, vice-president; Mrs. Dal- TYNDALL, Londeq- �� � Donations were received from late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper Treasurers Office 'this 30th treats ud I ft4 a patient -.0i" ton Malcolm, secretary-treasur- Mrs. Catharine Hillebrecht and Irara, Ont., phone Blyth 44 R 7. pCompetition G the family and the late Mr. 9-30>-1 �' �'k guaranteed day of May, 1962, Scott Memorial Hospital; A1lso ,er; Mr. and Mrs, Bob Phoenix, George McCartney. homp�tlal A Burlington sports committee Mrs. Lena Bennewies, Thank Geo g r y. JAMES I. McINTOSH, thanks to and .fie .l. Miss Marguerite McDonald 11. Articles For Sae ANSTE'I'T nitms,rc,g �s�taff acture field on the farm Mrs. Gretta De Clute, Mrs, Har'- secretary fromwerMrs by n spent the weekend with Miss Treasurer. verybhung was much a0kv,c- of Peter de Groot, RR 3, Blyth vet' Hyde and Mrs. Ted Han JEWELLERS 2z z1-1� is Xaye and Marie Elliott. BACilli'amd mattress. ,aided. was judged tops in Huron back, lunch committee. Mrs. Robert Regale and Mrs. Phone 77 Seaforth TREASURERS SALE P ., PHONE 375-J. f, 11-30 2 ' 24„30x1• MRS. BARtARA SYKES County when nine fields were A motion was a roved that Catharine Hillebrecht, Birth- Shower Bride -To -6e GARDEN CORN, ready 1)q 2g� WE WISH to express -outs sin.'- scored in the annual Huron each one try to get a descendent days were reported by' Mrs. L. On Wednesday friends •and eatt..JACK 'SM1TH, R'adlway St.. FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO OF LAND FOR acme appreciation to all, our County Pastur 'Competition. of the Malcolm family to attend Bennewies and Mrs,y Lloyd neighbors of Miss Eleanor Me- pb'onnee 50 W ?n'-3 LAVE TO CLASSIIFX, SSE TAXES • ntell INrs, lltueaud's and relatives Judging was carried out by next year's reunion, Prueter.,A hymn,..sung in their,,, Cartney held a shower in the OATS delivered 6D the, farm. PAGR 4 for the ki'ndnesS, shown during Joe Babcock, RR 3, Blyth. Mr. honor, closed the meeting, Sunday school room of Bruce - from combime,. Apply ,to WAL- LACE ROSS, phone 18:5-J. 30.1 CHOOSE YOUR diamond in privacy at ANSTETT JEWEL - r LERS. For an evening fippoint• , memo phaane' 77, F�pafq#4.11k+29-tf, ALLIS-CHARMERS 66 ,wrn- binel, with *k -tip, dm* spa�lad. et•,• flame colla amd f arm Rtlme u - mon t>a a, cbmidtitiortt.. Com t'a Ct E eBIt ILfi -, t W 1. , Li VAlydol TOWII of Seaforth our recent bereavehnent. A sin?- Babcock was the winner of the The Roppel Reunion was held field United Church. Mrs. W. . Ce1+e thank you to aR who sent 1961 Pasture competition. at the Community Park on Civic illettal tributes and Messages of p Haugh concjucted a short pro - County of Huron g Other fields judged were: Al- Huron Form News Holiday, gramme. . sympathy, to the ]ladies that vin Bettles, RR 2, Bayfield; Mar- The,Luther'League held their Miss Suane Haugh rendered TO WIT sent balci, - and to all who as'- tin Baan, RR 3, Walton; Robert Grain harvest progressed very meeting opening with a hymn two numbers on the fano. Mrs. skte'd in offer ways:, A speciam Fotherin ham RR 3, Seaforth well Burin the By virtue of a warrant issn,ed rthamk you to the Rev. S. H. g , l g past week, al- followed by prayer by Elaine Aerano gave a humorous read- by the Mayor of they Towne of Johnsbov and Mr. G. A. Whit- James C. Drennan, RR 1, nun- though weekend showers have Bennewles, EIeven members and ing and Mrs, Gordon De Youg Sealforbh under 'hush hand and the neyi. Ali :thea kind'nesi+ we receiv Bannon; Cliff McNeil, RR 1, again slowed up operations, Ap- one visitor were in attendance. read the address. seal of 60 said Corponatiom ed wMl assluredlry ,cult be .god. Port Albert; Harold Pryce, RR 1, proximately 50% of the grain , Master Paul Sholdice is spend- Many useful and beat1tifili boarin.g date the 12th day of ,dell'„ Seaforth; K. Amsinga and Son, has beets harvested. Recent ing this week with his -aunt and gifts were received. Miss )4c• March, sikele'of Undo, �u aMara WA M6CA.RnM,Y •adi!dFAMILY RR 2, Gixlerich; aid Doug Me- showers (have helped to r@v,ve uncle, Mr. and Mrs. "Wesley Cartney thanked her 616,n0s fix . r phom,p xt�sla tl BST R 21,, • � , , QX tax ,�I WILV To'w" of malom 1.?A•30otL Nez1, 6; Goderica.- pastures. Mulford, Stratford.• • thb'ir,ktndYiess. " 11 4 ... ' A_