HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-08-02, Page 9• ■ 0 . - • . -_ , , -_ - . d . l q ` . ` , n ; T1�' Q "t ' l o43z 1�1 AFtf�'1 H, IONT., AVO It ilk' . .1 • _ a ­ . , I1. 11 4 ­., , . " - , 1111 -1 i h.N Le- rT, I '' -, I r} ,.I I : E; - m., r k, , L I I I M���l������������������l������������� i 11 1_1 11 . I , I L . - k, '. .. ...... T"��­ .* �. - _ ...,,...... p . . I'll I 77=, � , :..r/ '::o... 11", :.q'�'0 ,.. ! h �` l : _... ..,r �iY 5`III ./ :G' f'l li% / / ; : ;y ...,�. i f. / r r :?•' :l�.:.. /r /`;. `r l: ' / f fir ;; r,,;i/-{:.n,: 9,'t•,.'<ir% /r fix: . ' `•� 1 v. yy A w .i)h:..,.�1 it � .: .>, f` // :.., _, r / r r /i � a i f• rlG r c/ t, ' �I USE THESE C T ., SIFICATIONS 11. Articles For Sale • .19. Notices -1. Tenders Waned 22, LegalTo�CQS 24.ard. Af Thank ;. ;,, ,. - - TO YOUR �DVANTAG,E 17th' day of Ovtdber, 186;; ss- THE FAMILY 1 „ ttp6 l'a"te LAWN MOWER, Taro, self: WE WILL clean and wax cants, ,, A m 1. Coming Events propelled, x1�', one year old. Work guaranteed. Law.casi. Ap � W NTED 'the taxes and a'u�p wtsla bo elc .. - T , ­ .0 '10 3'.' , TEND. RS A c#rs"t9 ac«e'sgoner Luther Vaxu c 2. host, Strayed SEAFORTH MOTORS. 11-29.2 Ply R.ON MASON, 'phor►e L37.3u1 _, Paid. Notice is hneby given press" their sdahcc thanks, to i . I 1 PATTIER 1, ' 3. Found Tenders will be teceived byy that the of la _d foe' ea]ie t'helr r lla�givesi,� frae�ndo and " + . S,APPI'Y FILTER QUEEN sales and the undersigned 'infill August 4,, .�qr arrears of taxes was piib neighbors far robe beautiful nor. ;;� 4. Help Wanted FOX TERRIER pups 4 CLARENCE RYAN, Dublhrl, 37 service, Repairs to all makes sof 1962,• for the painting of robe lished in the Ontario Gazette on al,f butes, symlpatt% cards and ".11 " 5. Business Opportunities R 2. - 1129x1 vacuum cleaners and polishers. 6. Teachers Wanted - sclroal2oam aru� poglu of S,S. the 7th day of July, 11962, and t%snse who luep.tl iQe any way. 7. Situations Wanted FRIDAY evening .and Satur- Reconditioned cleaners for sale. No,, 6, Hid'uh with two coal of that copiers of -the said list may Special thAn'ks to Aeafaa�; Le- By HVGH� "UPF e. Farm Stock For Sala day', lempl; jelly rolls 25c, reg. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. paint. Work bo be comPlebed by be had at my office, gigtn and IJadies� Aurciltamy and pp Afprfh .Lions P.,goi 9. Poultry For Sale` 30c. CRICH'S B RY. L1 -29x1 phone Hensall 696 R 2. 18-294At August 25, 1962. Lowest or tiny those who ]looked aftiea' orz.., ''�T '^'°- Su . rvisar fico forth Used Cars For Sale OATS and b delivered tp FARMER: 34; desires corres day of Jury, 2. this ]6th chiidmeAl vtnhiUa away at the ' Treasurer's Office, time of aur avemenk, • Il. Articles For Sale pondeme with widows or sing'lle 196 and HELEN - 12. Wanted To Bu Y C. L. HAMMO Early this summer a decision our hope that many of the local tender not necessarily accepted. , the farm from 'ombape. App] , JOIN H. MoEWI14,G Y to WALLACE ROSS phone 105 its that have some mteatest in Secretary Treasurer ND, NICHOLSON.. 24.29-1 .« • , is 13. Wanted farm life. Object, matrimony. , Treasurer was reached ta._set aside Tues residents will cRlxte dowel to , J. 11,-29-1 RR 1, Blyth 14. Property For Sale Apply BOX 1126, Huron ExpoSi':21-28-2 22-27-13 day and Thursday evenings for the pool this Friday evening to 15. Property For Rent 1RHcamm IGH rx00Lnbg grade tor, Seaforth. 19_28X2 . - 25. Ili Memoriam dont In the hast few and -weeks, seea+vhat wee ho ew will be / 16. For Sale or Rent prices TENDERS 23. Business Directory EISLER.•--Inu lig XwmOry P p'• e a 17. Wanted To. Rent tion. Apply BOB HOUSTON, CUSTOM combining; of a deg- father and•. grand- however, so few adults have good meet. ' 18. Property Wanted phone Brussels 328 W 5. 11-29x1• reasorvable, We are also equip , ge eanr . feeed, rolls and special WANTED McLON1VELL father, Jack Eisler, who passed. made use of the pool that it r August 3rd, has been decided -..that everyone. Water Polo 19. Notices USED. Nor• gas, dryer, spec sieves for flax. - & STEWART away 2 years ago, rY 20. Auction Sales ival $100. GINGERICH S SALES Contact LYLEI MONTGOMERY, Tenders wall 'be received by 1960' may swim on these nights.' Tuesday evening 20 hearty * 21. Tenders Wanted. h SERVICE LTD., phone 585, phoaue HU 2.7231, Clinton, Ont. the undersigned until August Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ire have only your• memory„ Adult swimming lessons, how- souls invaded the pool for w . _ 22. Legal. . Notices 19 27x3 P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. g Seafortlh. 1L 291 1n, 1962, far the purchase of the dear fibber, ever, will be carried on as be hard fought game of water M. •Business Director) D, I. STEWART MODEL 300-McC�armck-Deer- Tawe dF Seaforth weigh -stifles Ta r+ey�rnbex• our whale lhfe' fore in a portion of the pool polo. The score was certa:lYlly 24. Cards of Thanks Seaforth„ Ont. ; Phone 550 �g f ing tractor, wide, frorvt end, 9ive ANSTETT capacity 49,000 lbs. Scales to. be throh, reserved for this purpose. an indication of the • play, or 25. In Memoriam power torque, hydraulic, Na. purchased ,in, their present con- A. `1(%, SILLERY But ]the sweetness will, linger after a half-hour of gruelling 26. Personals 1 condibian. CLARENCE RYAN, JEWELLERS dition and to be removed tat buy Barrister, Solicitor, etc. f'or'ever, Swim Meet play, the score was 5 to 4, hav- Dublhn, 37 R 2, 111-29-1 e,r's expense. Inspection of this As we treasure thet image of This Frida everiin the first ing been tied twice, I£ interest The cost is low, Classifications — Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Y g 2, 3, 8, 9, '10, 11, 12, Classifications 15 and NEW BEATTY dryer, e'1ac- Offers you equipment may be made any Seaforth Ontario YOU. of this summer's swim meets in this` sport increases, it may • 17, minimum 40c an insertion. brit, 3�heat control. Special $149. Easy Credit Terms we day except Saturday, from —Lovingly remembered by will be 'held in Seaforth. Teams become necessary for two 9 a.m:. to 5 p.m. Highest or any JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Sanusi, Daughters aml Grandehid ' Classification 25, minimum 65c GINGERICH'S SALES`& SER- with tender not necessarily ,accepted. Optometrist, optical services, ren. 2528-1 from 'Goderich and Wingham leagues. However, for the prey - plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. VICE, LTD., phoave 585, Scarth. NO will be competing against our ent, 'water polo games ,,viii be Goderich St. W. adjacent to ETSLER—In loving memory All other dassifiications mini 11-29-1 Carrying Charges C. LYLE HAMMOND home team in this meet, which held every Tuesday and Thurs- . Clinic. Tues. to Sat., 9-5:30, of a, dear husband, Jack Eisler,11 mum 65 cents per insertion. 28 by 48" BELL lbr•esl gd gs Phone 77, Seaforth Cl�enk-Treasurer except Wed. Thurs. evening by who passed away 2 years' ago, is to begin at 6:30 p.m: It is day at $:30 p,m. except Auction Sales, (20), machine, with drive (belt, on 19-29- appointment. phone 791 Sea- August 3rd, 1860. Tenders Wanted (21) and. Legal ru,bb2m, 6 ears old, with neav _ Seafom6h, Ont. g Notices (22), rates on applicabcutter; r 6 years, 7' old, with ^__.____�_ 21-29-2 Forth, Monday, Clinton Medi- Time may ]real; the broken- ' �1q NOTICE cal Centre. hearted, NEWS. OF WALTON tion. - ,grain binder. JAMES CRONIN, RR '1 Dublin', phono 40 R 4. 29-1 Tuckersmith° Municipal Dump TENDERS WANTED A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Years may make the wound For Dash payment or If paid CATTLE OILER--McInt e's will be open until further notice Chartered Accountants fess some' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PLAN by 10 days following' last inser- 3'z MORRIS TOWNSHIP But it camxrat fill •the langimg, tion, •deducted from above cattle oilers, the greatest ad- on, Wednesday and Saturday G South St. Telephone. afternoons, from 1 to 5:•30 m. Tenders, will be received by Goderich JA 4.7562 For robe loved one gone before, rates �� vance in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. P• The only oiler with spiral curly No wire fencing, old concrete, the undersigned unroll 6 p.m., Licensed Municipal Auditor who shall' say grief is les PARTY .FOR NEIGHBORING GROUPS or car bodies permitted. August 6, 1962, far the construe- ' COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED comb teeth that groom the cat- W. J. CLEARY Thouglh the .smile m,a:y brie RATES tle. ORVILLE STOREY, RR 1, tion d a cement culvert an; the of tears (For Business Firms, Trades- Seaforth. See the oiler 3'. our J. I, McINTOSH second concession, in front of lot Seaforth, Ontario >. The July meeting of the Wal- ,Karen, of Ethel, spent a few Clerk 1. Work to be done in accord- Memories keep waurid LICENSED EMBALMER ton Womends Institute was held days last week with Mrs. Fred I men, etc.) : Minimum 50 cents Farm:. III -294 still' l own + per insertion. Billing charge,, 15 .�-�K ance with the engineer's' plums and FUNERAL DIRECTOR D to the passing of the in the Walton Commanity Hall, Ennis. MENS 25 JEWEL and specifications, which may Night or Day Calls — 335 esP� Wednesday evening, July 25th, cents per advertisement. AUTOMATIC FAST SERVICE be seen at the office of the Clerk - - years. g, Y Miss Joan Bennett . is; spend - BOX __So dearl"y remembered 'by with Mrs: Gordon McGavin and ing a few week's with her grand - WATCHES on m, road superintendent. Tawar- , his wife Gladys, •2529-1 Mrs. George Fox as co-conven. pgrents, Mr. and Mrs. William' . 1. Coming Events r ship tender forms must be; used. FUNERAL SIPRVICE ers for Home Economics. Merkley, Beimore. For Only $29.95 WATCH REPAIRS R s ,LiOX AIR CONDITIQNED opE7a Cement and steel -will be, coup- The president Mrs. Kenneth bowling dally, 7 p O to 11 pin Swiss made, shgckproo , work guaranteed plied by 4kue Township, Work to LICENSED EMBALMER �_7• Births Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, of Wa-- wate roof, sweep second hand, McDonald, presided for the op- terloo, spent Sunday, with Mr. waterproof Prompt and careful attention ENGEL—At Scott Merrvoriasl P SEAFORTH BOWLING LANES be completed by October LSbin, enin exercises and business ' expansion bands, 1 year guaran- Hospital Bed Hospital, an July 29; to Mm. g and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. phone iso. 1- ANSTETT 1862. Certified cheque for 1IN°lo portion of the meeting. It was I. • tee • FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS and Mrs. Robert Engel; RR 3, g• Mrs. Waiter Broadfoot Ilas re - of the comtmaet price must ac- decided to hold a party in the turned home after visiting Paly only $1.00 down. JEWELLERS Phones• Mitchell, a daughter. $ in 2. Lost, Strayed Phone 77, Seaforth tenpin,, each tender. — 4 faij when ppeb member will in Toronto with her sisters, Mrs. ANSTETT JEWELLERS Res. 595-W Store 48 FRY—In Winghsamu Grener�: Hos POWER ta,keAofP shaft far a Lawes or any tender not nee pitall, on July 20, 1862, JP Rle�v. vite two other ladies. The fall Fred Kerley and Miss Amye Phone 77, Seaforth' 19-29.9 essari]ly, accepted. G. A, WHITNEY course for the 4-H girls will be tractor, close' to Egmandvdlle, 11_ D. 0. Fry and Mrs.. Fry, Sea- 1 ave. Mks. Kerley accompanied a daughter. Dressing Up . Home Grown h•s, Brgadfoot home and will on Tuesday. PHONE 655 R 2. WILLIAM meARTER FUNERAL HOME -Forth, Vegetables." visit with her for the next 2-29-1 1,2. wanted To 'Buy TOWNSHIP - OF Road Superintendent Goderich St. W. Seaforth HILDEB'RAND •— George and STANLEY RR 4, Brussels AMBULANCE SERVICE Hazel are happy to announce Blyth Women's Institute will week. ATTENTION FARMERS! Adjustable hospital beds the birth of a spm' at Scott be invited to the grandmothers' Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald Ennis, N 4. Help Wanted pall promptly. 300 pounds or GEORGE MARTIN dj p NOTICE TO for rent. � Memami�aa Hospital, � Julty meeting in August; and Min- of Toronto, spent the weekend RESPONSIBLE woman to over, according to condition. PROPERTY OWNERS RR 4, BrL sels FLOWERS FOR EVERY ;30, (Stephen: William), a crieff, Ethel and Cranbrook will with Mr. -and Mrs. D. Ennis... keep house while mother works. Assoc, with Darling & Co- of , DESTROY NEEDS 2128-2 ' OCCASION brother for Doug and Joan, be invited as guests for the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon left Must be good housekeeper. Ap- Canada .Ltd. Licensed under the Phone 119 - Seaforth JANTZI — At Kitchener -Water- September. meeting. The Brus- on Wednesday for St. Louis, ply BOX 1428; The Huron Ex • Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence NOTICE is "'hereby given to - - loo Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. sels ''Fair Board committee was Missouri, Chicago and Detroit, 4291 Na: L58662: Seven days service. all person in pos�sessiom of land, 22• Leal Notices J. A. BURKE Ralph J,a�nit C -(-vee Barbara, appointed as follows:. Mrs. F.. where they will visit for the Call ED ANDREW`S, phone 863 in, accordance with • the WEED Funeral Director Bosh,amt'), a son, a, brother' for Walters, Mrs. Wm. Humphries, next few weeks. W 1, S'e�afombh. 12-2944 CONTROL ACT 1960 See 3 NOTICE and Ambulance Service WANTED ' ' :: Kevin. Mrs. Glen Corlett and Mrs. Mar- Miss .Pauline Thamer left on 13 and 19 that unless noxious " DUBLIN ONTARIO Mc TER—At Scott Mem- g 14>L Pro eat For Sale weeds growing on their lands TO CREDITORS Night, or Day Calls:, � � res. Monday o London, a she Yoavng maa.ar woman inter;- g oriel Hospital, on July P P. y_... _._ _ within: ,the-, Municipality of -tOe- Bruno acct Humphries. on for where e-4ed in X-ray work required bo P ty - `` Phone ..43 R 10 ' will take a course at the Mr. 'and Mrs. Ran"asld McAI- Mrs Harvey Craig• read the serve as technician Township sof Stanley ;ane dem IN THE• ES'T'ATE OF JOHN minutes of .the May meeting School of Hair Styling. ,' lister, Seaforth, a daughter. FOR SALE date of Aug. 1962 ARCHIBALD McKENZIE, Mahe SEAFORTH and called the roll, which was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rutledge and th o g' WOODS—At Ajax General Hos- answered with "mendin hints." Y Aliply and throughout the season the of the Tawn of Seaforth and the and family, of Ottawa, were Superintendent 1411 acre, farm,, 4 miles from Muarici alit ma, entero the P MEDICAL CLINIC pital, on.July 31, to Mr. ,and g 1.P y y p� Townshi of . Tuckemsmith On Mrs. Wm. Humphries av weekend guests at the home of SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth, land all workable. said lands and have the weeds tario, Retired Farmer, decease Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 26 Mrs. Robt. Woods, (nee�Grace g e the � and Mrs. Roy Bennett. j_l Seafor+btr, Ontario Brick house' 'and large barn. destroyed, charging the cast ed, P. L. BRADY, M.D., M.C.G.P. Riley), a daughter, a, sister financial report. Mrs, Geo. Fox Mr: Fred Kerley and David 4 28.2 Small, down paym6nt, owner will against the land in taxes, a.s Telephone 750 W 1 for Debbie and a grand- gave the motto on "Man builds returned to Toronto on Tues - e - carry mortgage. Posession Oct. set out in the Act. Creditors and others having E. MALKUS, M.D. -daughter for Mr. and 'Mrs. the house, while woman builds FEMALE 1, 1862' claims against the above estate Telephone .15 Frank Raley' of Constance. the home." Mrs. G. McGavin day after spending .a few days 11 The ca operation of all citti- flro requite do send F� Par W. FLEWELLING, 'M.D., C.M. .gave an interesting talk on cake with. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. HELP WANTED • FOR RENT. z'ens'' isi earnestly solicited. titulars of such claimsi to the Telephone 26 29. Deaths mixes and conducted a quiz on 1 and Mrs. Munro Ward undersigned solicit) for the OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons frozen foods, etc. and daughter, Tracy, of Pointe . 1. p , except, Wednesdays; Evenings, CAMPBELL—In Clinton, om Claire, Quebec, ,are guests at • ARE SCHOOL EXPENSES Modern+ 2 roam a arbment ALEX CHESNEY Admiakistrators on or before the The 4-H Club girls gave a PRESSING? in Royal Apartments, Gas heat- Weed Inspector, 20th day of Au August, 1862,' after July 28, 1862, Hugh CamrpbelW,, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- P except Wednesday and Saturday skit and "displayed their "Sep 11ed. , Township of Stanley .which date robe estate assets, will A in, his lAl9t year, old' Watson. Help Out Family" Budget 18-28-2, be distributed hayiing regaird Appointments may be made McCARTNEY—In Landon, on, orates For Summer," with Miss advance. Linda Somerville as commenta- Recent visitors at the .home .. Earn with Avon . "Joseph McConnell' only to claim; that have then .July 29, Glewge McOmtnely„ Territories open in McKillop, DR. M. W. STAPLETON tor. Others taking part were of Mrs. John Shannon were ' 20. 'Auction Sales been received. belovedhusband of Eva Scar- Sherrill Craig, Helen Searle, Mrs. Earl Habkirk, Mrs. Jean Logan, Realtor Phy ician and Surgeon g' S g llebt,. in his 63rdveam, Linda Br ins, Carol Wilbee, Harrison and granddaughters, 19 Victoria Street IVE'Y, LIVERMORE Phone 9d . Seaforth y of London. W'�� Phone 266 — Seaforth AUCTION SALE & DOWLER If no answer, call Residence 605 enda Humphries, Anne Blake, u mina .Shortreed, Irene John - MRS. M. MILLSON 14.29-1 291 Dundas- Street, Mrs. William Dinsmore, with 960 Welllm:gborh Road S., Landau, Auction" Sale of Property and JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. POst�il NOte$ Kitchener, is holidaying with London Ontario Physician and Surgeon Ston, Mary Helen Buchanan and Ontario or call collect GE 2-9019 PROPERTIES I+FOR Household Effects, in the Villlage her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor � Solicitors for the Administrators phones:. Office 5-W Res. 5J .August 6, Nellie Baan. Mrs. Harvey Craig between 7 ,and 8 p.m, of Egmondvdlle, Main, Street, on Jean McKenzie and John Neil On Civic Holiday, don McGavin. y .. ,.. 429_-324,# SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 11th, at McKenzie Seaforth the wickets will be open for le dersr forRthehgirls, rwho ware PERMANENT Piesbi' a i'osi'- 1 P.M. 22-28-3 "D. H. MCINNES one hour only, from 11 a.m. to g Twa dwe'1lings, in' Egmondville, 12 noon. The lobby will be op known as "The Walton Willing Seaforth W Dave brick one frame. Oldvi e, Wingha:m Classic cook stove, . Chiropractic - Foot Correction lion: far mem or. women', no, can P en from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Workers." 1 church and school. Alli modern with. nom -f Wes; buffet; xten- TownshipOf TuCkersmith Commercial Hotel vastsdng �.ff you have scald cas�met- , with deep-freeze; buffet; eactem� the mails will be despatched. Lunch hostesses were. 'Mrs. i©s, chr'Itmae cards, al'umi'rnui. in every respect. P>aiged right Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m. Herb Williamson, Mrs.. Roy Wil- Girls interested.in joining the products, household products or sioav table and .tdiikdnig chairs; , There will be no rural delivery. fall. 4-H Club project, ."Dress- prod .fat• quick sale• kitcheau chains'• Snow whdlbbe TREASURER S SALE SEAFORTH liamson, Mrs. George William- emythimg else direct to the coin. Frame i% -storey, d flung, washirug machdrcre hat plate OF LAND FOR VETERINARY o son, Mrs. Glen Corlett and Mrs. ing Up Home Grown Veact sumer, take a flew minutes- with East Wi111iam Street, eiafarbtt. ranget e,; drop-leaf tal,Me• fold- Harvey Craig. tables;" are asll� ed to contact our repre5engativc- i'n_! the Priv ' TAXES Friends Honor Mrs. Wilfred Cd°leman or Mrs. * Good sound structure witiv'three ing table; "u�mlyer pf smna11 CLINIC Miss .Ruth Walters, of Kit- acy of your own, home tri sed bed,��, and full basement, James 'Keys before August' 113. the train three P�PIe taibleSr rocking chairs stool J. O. Turnbull D.V:M. V.S. chener, spent the weekend with a . how g ' Township. H-Tuckersrnith ' • Priced at $4,500., ani clbck• mirrors• Airway W. R- Bryans, D,V.M., V.S. Bride -Elect her parents, Mr. and Mrs. South Western Ontarda to earn, Pi , ' County of Huron ' over $L.000.00 a. month. •You, Frans .1'/z -storey dwelling, vacuum cleaner; drop -head Stink• W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Frank Walters. over to be well known and a George St. Two lots, house and ger sewing macliine; , wrmb! To Wit: D. E. GALT, D.V.M., V.S. . ZION , barn. Give us an offer. esk chnld's crib, walhrut flan B virtue of a warrant issued Phone 105 .Seaforth Avery enjoyable evening was a Mr. and Mrs. Murray; Kirkby, Kirk - reliable cuti,ze�m, bordablle and � ' y held in Winthrop Church Tues- of Kingston, attended the Kirk - drive a good car. Write' BOX 100' acres, Township of Tuck- i h; metal bed, springs and mat- by the Reeve of the Township ' • day evening, when 'about 85 by -Miller wedding on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, 1127 The Hunan Expositor and ersmith. Good, clean..budldings, tress; 3 furnished bedrooms, of Tuckessrmith under his hand 24. Cards of Thanks' friends and neighbors gathered and visited at the home of Mr. Betty Ann, Russell and Bonnie tell pus about your sidles ability, well, drained,' year round water bed's, springs, mattresses, dresl, and the seal of the said -corp- TIM FAMILY of the lake to honor Miss Barbara Boyd, and Mrs. Mac Sholdice. Barker spent a day last week 4-29-2 supply. Worth irrvestdgating. secs, wash stands, chest of oration bearing date , the 10th Mrs. Thomas Feeney wish to bride-eleet. Mrs, Gordon Me- Rev. A. Higginbotham will be at Tobermory. drawers; trunks; quilt boxes'; day of April:, sane of lands in thank -their marry, friends and Gavin 'was chairlady for the in charge of the service in Mr. Ross Murdie, Seaforth, 8. Farm, Stock For Sale Contact quidltsl; blankets; bed flme[v; `tears of taxes in the Town HAROLD JACKSON . bedroom china; hall' rack; cur ship of Tuckersmith will be Bowers fon mass cards and evening. Duffs United Church next visited his cousin bn Thursday, 47 YORK pigs, 6 . 8 weeks Real. Estate tairm; rugs; mats; seal�t; held. at the frown: Hall Seaforth, flowers and thanks' ba 'i'adres, Musical numbers were given Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Mary Malcolm. His wife Old. SCOTT CLUF`F Seaforth. Phone 474,- Seaforth crocks; kitchen utensils, lamps; at the hour of 9:Od_o'cl;ock in, the who brought baking and all who, by Mrs. .Neil McGavin, June Hil- Sunday School will begin at has been confined to Victoria ' ��_1 or dishes; pictures; garden tools.,; Evening on the 4th they of Sep helped in other ways with spec- len, Linda Somerville and Nor. 10:15 a.m. 'Hospital, -London, for the past JOHN A. CARDNO dawn mower. lienee¢' 1962 unless' Che taxes sell thanks to Monsignor Feeney,, ma' Leeming. 'A group of girls, Miss Audrey McMichael re- week or so. • GOOD HOLSTIEIN bull, two Insurance Office PROPERTY -At the saline and costs are sooner. paid. No Father Harry Feeney and Fath Betty Roe, Joyce McNichol, turned home on Saturday after Miss Betty Ann Barker is years old. Proven breeder, K. Phone 214, Seaforth place, at 3 p.m. the property lice is hereby given that the er Coughlin• ----. • 'Elaine and Frances Beuerman, holidaying with her brother and spending this week with her BOV•EN, .RR 2, Walton.. 8-29-1 " 14-28-2 will be, offered for sale, subject list of lands for.salg for arrears I WISH ba express rhy thanks Mary Leeming, Joan Dennis and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. FIFTEEN PIGS. CARL VAN- - to reSerye bid 1 acte of land, of taxes was published in. The to all those who visited me, Leona Glanville sang "Bluebird Wayne McMichael, at Preston. Alvin- Williams, Burford. DERZON, North'Madmi,St., phone 15, Property For Rent with a good 1% storey bricOntario Gazette, on ,the 5th day sienrir cards, flbwerss and treats, on Your Windowsill" and "Flow Mr. Malcolm Fraser and Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Williams, - 469, Seaforth. 8 Axl 7 -room hours, 1 ,'small) barn,, of May, 1962, and that copies of w�hdlb I was a- patient in Wingc Gently, Sweet Afton." Mrs. Alex and Mrs. Glen Fraser and fam. Mitchell, visited on Thursday FOUR -ROOM apartment, bath, \ d water sir kir ex the said 'list may be' had at my hams Hospital; Also to Dr. Mall- FORTY-EIGHT chunks. Atppl"y r.�oom hot and cold water Sep- good Pp'vy' �'o' kis, Dm. Stevens: and the staff Dennis, Margaret Hillen and ily, of Stratford, are spending with their daughter, Mrs. Chas_ HERMAN VAN-BAKEh, RR 2;, ce tient state- of repa6rs. Mrs. Dave Hackwell accompan- this week at Point Clark. Roney and Mr. Roney and fam- Dubliar ane 55 R 1e. ` 8 rar'ate� entmamce, PHONE fib J. l . at Wingha,m Hospital. This kind- Ph 15_29-1 TERMS, chattels, cash:, prop- Treasurer's -Office, this 30th mesa has, been very much alp- ied the musical numbers. Master Gary Bennett accom' ily, THIREE�BEaROOM ]douse im ei y', 10% down!, balance in 30 day of May, 1962. preciated. Readings were given by Mrs. panied his grandpa -rents, Mr. Miss Joan Annis, daughter'bf 9. Poultry For Sale Seadomtlr, Immediate- passessdlon• days. Immediate possession, JAMES I. Mc1NTOSH, 24-29xi JOHN A. HISLOP. E. Toll, Mrs. Dave Haekwell and and Mrs. W..C. Bennett, of Clin- Mr. and ,Mrs.,, W. Annis, is 600 PULLETS, H & N, ready- DAVE LEMON, phone, 675, Sear TE'NNIO BRISTOW. Prop. Treasurer. I WISH to express my' thanks Mrs, Newnham. Mrs.. Lavern ton, oil a camping trip to North spending Some holidays with FT90. T"IL-11 tbo-flay. C, Da CORTE, phone forth. 1529.1 HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer 22-21-13 to my Men& For visits, cards Godkin, Ethel Dennis and Mrs. ern Ontario. • her grandmother, Mrs. Ernest 836 R 22, SehfamtAh. 9-29x1 TWO apartments for rent, 1 • GEORGU POW'ELL, Clerk and treats while^a, patient im Gordon McGavin conducted Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills 'Templeman, 5taffa. 300 HONE.GCrER pullobs, .Mai'. 2 -bedroom, 'and one. 4-bed'roam• 20 TREASURER'S SALE Sit Memorial Hospital- follow. three contests. and Scott, of Brantford',, were Mrs, Ross Gordon, Donna and 1 1St hatch. ARTHUR. BOL'1bN, Avaal4rble imsnediateliy. Stove — OF LAND AOR . ing my recent operation. Spec..Barbara and her mother, Mrs. weekend guests with Mr. Earl Barry, of Seaforth, with Mrs. ' RR 1, D'uibin, phone, Seaforth and frig. optional. Apply C. J. 21. Tenders_ Wanted ,]`AXES mall tlramdos to Dr. Melitis, F%w,. C. Boyd, and Mrs. •Bergey, moth- Mills. Murray returned last Mary Malcolm on Monday. 850 R 41. o-28-2 DENNIS, Welsh St. before Sat.; ellihig and Brady', the horses er of the groom -to -be, were es- week from a business trip to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm .:I or contact AMOS CORBY, Rkeat TENDERS and nurses' 'aids. iE'verything torted to the platform by Mrs. the Western Provinces and re- were in St, Marys 5unctil Arti11. cles For Sale 's Seaforth. 15-2001 Town of Seaforth was appreciated. William Dinsmore, Mrs. Leon- ported that the crops are from ning to see -the late Mrs. Shel- For an oil heating 'system, tM 24-29-1 VERONICA McKENZIE_,, and Leeming and Mrs, Dave fair to excellent on the Prairies. don, who was resting at the `'' CHOOSE YOUR' diamond in — ool County of Huron, , privacy at ANSTETT JEWEL- 19' NOt1CeS be i!d�tall"ed, illi Kiauburry Sch • Watson. Mrs. William Roe read Miss Rosemary Culliton, of Marriott Funeral Home, St. ' LERS. For an eveniffff appoint Sin teo.nder 3, neves. Lowest a any TO WIT; meat lows 77, _,90a .111-294 SEAFORTH temdea✓ net necessarily accepted., Tendelisr to close Saturday,By virtue of a warrant issued a I HONEY. for sale, 610ver, 25c UPHOLSTER3t August 4, 1 ,by the Mayor of the Town of V ib,; 50 lbs. and m,•er 22c; 100 1b9. Centre Street Seaforth under this hand and the . ;20c in your own contadners. Ap Tela hone 446 For further particuliars coni seal of the said Corporation play WALLACE ROSS APAIRi;ES tact: • bearing date the .4% day of For all kinds of upholstering. ;Seaform. 1Yr27��y3 ,•, 't'h, s"d 'Ila st in p ealrs USErD Cpleman ,ga, dteartet', IS-" WALTER SCOTT', Sec• -Trees. of taxes, atn Tma df $as- th aM a sire, Appy GINGIEII,C . Sell that Git ,eRsa* piece 4 R.R. 2, Scatolrth' ' wig. be, .held . id oto Coun�ll , A�j'!` ttfc E i. ?7�, brilltum8 7iOtl� p .11'"QIi 7C• 'h0411G $3 11 $. Ctia7itLb a ^.tzll2 1tOU4 d ''3 if .. Td 5$5' afodOt+ . 17129.1 )pd>litibrClfsllsi8e Ad• Phohd 1 L y g1��9-1 C]�ocTt iiV a rnfr8uti trrl bite p ons , , ,.. , , , y:: the address, and gifts were tire- Stratford, returned home on Marys. sented by Nancy McNichol, Sunday after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney Dolores Beuerman and Lois Mr, and Mrs. Jim Nolan. Misses and family visited with Mr. and Wildfong. Misses Sally Nott, Becky and Marie Nolan. accom- Mrs. Reg Cudmore, Clinton, on Jean Bergey, Yvonne McTag= panied her oto Stratford for a Sunday, bringing home two of 11 Bart and Mrs. John Semple as- holiday. the latter's daughters for some sisted with the gifts., Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge holidays. ' thanked all for the very enjoy• and family, of ,London, are vis- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- able evening, and all were in- sting with relatives in the vil• non and Mr. and krs. George Ated to her troussehu tea lage. Pepper spent Sunda+ in Code• August 11. Mrs. (toss Conningham and rich.