HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-07-26, Page 7• r • • w MRS. RALPH TURNER ENTERTAINS AT TROUSSEAU TEA FOR 6. 'iHTER w Mrs. Ralph Turner entertain- ed at her home on Saturday at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Marion, prior to her inarriage to Mr. Ken McClure, of Walters, on July 28, at St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen. • The guests were received during the afternoon and eve- ning by Mrs. Turner, Marion and Mrs. James McClure, Wal- ton, mother of the groom. In the dining room, pink and white mums with tall white candles graced the lace cover- . ed .tea table. A three-tier wed- ding cake was displd on the buffet. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. , Robert McAllister, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs 'Clarence Parke, aunt of the bride. In the evening, Mrs. ,. Murvin Johnston and Mrs. Rus- sell Consitt, aunts of the bride, and Mrs. Garnet Taylor and Mrs. Henry Mickell, aunts of the groom, were in charge o the tea table. Serving in the afternoon we Mrs. Robert Taylor, Miss Mar ion Forrest and Miss Shirley Johnston. In the -evening, Mrs. Don Bell, Mrs, Allan Hutchings, Mrs. Jack McGregor, Mrs. Lyle Carter, Mrs. Edgar Willert and Miss Jean Turner served the guests. Displaying the bride's trous- • seau shower and wedding gifts 'in the afternoon were Mrs. Don McClure, Mrs William Consitt and Mrs. Eric Anderson.' In the evening, Miss Margaret Skov, Mrs. AIec Townsend, Mrs, Vic Hargreaves and Miss Marjorie Turner. In the afternoon the guest • book was in charge of Barbara McClure and Linda Anderson, and in the evening; Janice Mc- Clure and Nancy Consitt. Mrs. Mel " Graham, Mrs. Ray Pepper and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson assisted in •the kit- chen during the afternoon, and • Mrs. Ian McAllister, Mrs. An, sort Coleman, Mrs. Harvey Cole - a • man, Mrs. Elme, titer and Miss Irene 'Turner the eve- ning. The bride >aiso was west of ,honor at several vers prior to her marriage Mrs.. Alec Townsend tained a number of girl frit of the bride at a miscellanea shower. Mrs. Al May was hostess at a surprise shower at her home in Clinton, entertaining the wives of the IIEPC employees and other friends. Mrs. William Bell, Kippen, held a • shower for her at her. home, when the Thrifty Kip- penettes presented her with a hassock and magazine rack. A shower was also held at the Kippen United Church when the congregation, SS No. 7, Stan- ley, and Varna community pre- sented her with many lovely gifts. WEDDINGS ` (Continued from Page 12) N ,Mrs. Lawrence Eyre, of St. rys, and Miss' Joan poyd, sis- .of the bride. were brides- maids, dressed similarly to the' maid of honor. and carrying similar flowers. The groomsman was Robert Millar, of Hensall. The guests were ushered by Jim Hamil- ton, brother of the groom, and Gprdon 'Dale, Clinton. Traditional wedding music, was played by Miss Eileen Smith, Walton, who accompanied, Miss Margaret Hillen who sang, "I'll Walk Beside, You," at the beginning of the ceremony, and "The Wedding Prayer" during the signing of the register. A reception followed in the church parlor. The bride's mother received wearing a dress of powder blue lace over taffeta with matching blue hat and white accessories. A cor sage of pink carnations com- pleted her ensemble. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a dark blue figured or I' EWS I oRQD*ADEN LARGE A11ENPAN(E FEATURE CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC • A large crowd attended the St. Peter's butheran Church Sunday School and congrega- tional •picnic on Sunday with a noon meal and again at the sup - tier hour. The Brodhagen Band esented a musical program, r which races' were held. Tt, 'efreshment booth and fish pon, were well patronized. Ran '•esults are as follows: boys ai. girls, under 5, Kathy. Leonharn. and Robert Siemon; girls, 6 to years, Karen Leon- hardt, Shen Smith; boys, 6 to 8 years, D. 1 Smith, Glen Beuerman; girl. 9 to 11, Wendy Trutter, Sheila <mon; boys 9 to 11 years, La, •ie Fischer, Gary Dietz; girls 1 . to 14, Dale Beuerman, Diane Tr, *ter; boys -12 to 14, David Leonh. ddt, Fred Eickmeir; throwing h, a ball, Robert Siemon, Joy Lynn,.' 'isch- er; Siamese Twin race, \ Dale and Valerie Beuerman; wit •el - barrow race, Dale and G •i Beuerman; girls three leggel; ganza dress with whjte acces- sories and a corsage 'of white mums. For a trip to the Western Provinces, the bride donned a turquoise brocade sheath with matching three-quarter length jacket with white accessories, and a corsage of pink Sensation roses. On their return they will reside in Seaforth. Guests were present from Goderich, Exeter, Hensall, Lon- don, Milton, Centralia, Brussels, Quebec, Lueknow, Guelph, Clin- ton, Walton, Winthrop, Grand Bend, St. Marys and Londes- boro.. Prior to her marriage, the bride, who is a graduate of Stratford Teachers' • College, was honored at a presentation and shower in Goderich and at Cavan Church, Winthrop, and at a trousseau tea at her home. For all of you that have asked - NO!. I'M NOT QUITTING ! ! * r AND FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE SUGGESTED IT - Y E S ! MAYBE 1 AM A LITTLE . CRAZY To be giving away shoes at such Ridiculous LOW PRICES! p - Just have a look at these BIG BARGAINS and you'll probably 'ree that I'mnuts and should be quitting ! r • u • A Children's andMisses' WHITE, RED or TAN FOAM -SOLED SANDALS Sale $2.29 THONGS Sale 49s All sizes. TEENS IMPORTED SALES ...,... 1.49 TEENS Canadian Made CORDS Z 3Q SALE .. ■ Women's White Wedge Heel SANDALS -- SALE $1.89 CHILDREN'S and MISSES.' White or Bone Sale1.49 California Sandals ' TEENS White or Beige FLAT SANDALS SALE $2.29 Children's and Misses', Teens' & Women's Flats, Oxfords, Dress Straps and Pumps ' - Sale $2.99 Ladies' White, Bone, Brown & Black PUMPS and WEDGES All heels. SALE. $4.99 Teens and Women's Flats, Wedges and Jets --Sale 3 X99 White, Bone, Brown and Black. ▪ SAVE 20% ON REGULAR STOCK MANY, MANY MORE TERRIFIC BARGAINS. NOT MENTIONED e ‘0 S SHOES FOR THE FAMILY 0, REFUNDS NO RETURNS DURING SALE'! race, Dale and Valerie Beu tnan; boys' sack rave, Keith mon ; ladies calling l;uslr contest, Mrs. Ed. Schellarth Sr.; men's disc throwing, Ti ald Bach; breaking Ballo. Sharon Beuerman, Donald .D gel; ladies' largest waist, Mr Dalton Hinz; ladies' smalle waist, Glenda Hitler; ` me largest waist,, Wilbur Hoe men's smallest waist," Gord Mogk; oldest person_ prese Mrs. Rosina Miller, 01 year youngest person present, Fa Wolfe, three-weeks,eld daug ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfr Wolfe; longest married coupl Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapien, years. er- a o on,. le- e• st gy; on nt, s; ye 11-• ed e, 61 ty he n. t. of e Clark; boys 5 and under, Glenn Kahle; girls, 8 years, Susan Kahle; girls 11 years, Mary Beuerman; boys 11 years, John Chambers; young men, Ronald Beuerman; young ladies, Dianne Beuerman; . married men, Floyd Clark; married women, Mrs. Carol Illman; rabbit race, Jo- anne Clark; three-legged race, Mary Beuerman and Heather Beuerman; eating biscuit, then whistle, Billy Beuerman; shoe scramble, girls, Joanne Clark; shoe scramble, boys; Larry Beuerman; relays, men carry- ing eggs to women on spoon, Nita and Rpss Leonhardt; burst- ing balloons tied on ankle, Wayne Beuerman; sealer ring over pop bottle, Mrs. Harvey Beuerman; kick the slipper, Mrs. Ross Leonhardt; throwing the ball, Mrs. Harvey Beuer- man; nearest birthday after re- union, Mrs. Alfred Beuerman; 1962 coins in jacket, Mrs. Robt: Beuerman; third oldest man, Norman Beuerman; third oldest woman, Mrs. Dan Beuerman; youngest child, Greg Kahle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kahle, Mitchell; coming the farthest distance, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Colbourne, Toronto; lucky chairs, Ronald Beuerman, Nel- son Kahle and Florence Staike; guesing pennies in . jar, Billy Beuerman; peanut scramble or the youngsters. A refreshment booth was well patronized. Following a deli- cious supper, officers for next year were chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beuerman volunteered o be host and hostess for the 963 reunion, to be held at the Brodhagen Community Centre he second Sunday in July, 1963. President, Norman Beuerman; vice-president, Rhinold Kahle; ecretary, Alfred Beuerman ; reasurer, Wilbur Chambers; ports committee, Mr. and Mrs. ouglas Colbourne and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Scoins; lunch com- mittee, Mrs. Toledo Beuerman,. Mrs. Rhine Kahle, Mrs, Nelson ahle, Mrs. Carol Illman. . The Brodhagen Band will pre- ent a concert at the Commun- ty park on Sunday evening, my 28, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Rosina Miller will ob- erve her. 92nd birthday on onday, July 30. Flowers adorned the altar of t. Peter's Lutheran Church 'in emory of Albert Querenges- er, who passed away four ears ago, July 20. The piano pupils of Miss •Aud- ey Priestap and their mothers ttended a trousseau tea in. her onor at her home near Mit- hell Rev. and Mrs. Waltel Becker nd family, of Manitoba, with r. and Mrs. Molton Rock. Misses Barbara and Maynard oegy were holidaying at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon leber, Kitchener. Freddie Vock, of Mitchell, as holidaying; with his cous- s, Brian and Brenda •Eickmeir. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith nd family and Mr. Ed. Smith ith Mr. and -Mrs Albert Smith, lenheim, recently. Mrs. Lydia Querengesser, rs. Frank Swigger and Mrs. reeman Spencer, of Detroit, sited at the home of Mr. Ed ' with and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- eth Smith and Mr. and Mrs. arold Wurdell. Mr. and Mrs. Edvyin Dietz, of ordwich, with Mr and -Mrs. arold Elligsen. Mr, and Mrs. Willard Benne- ies, Kevin, Keith and Perry tended the wedding of Mr. d Mrs. David Wand at Moore - Id on Saturday, Kevin being e ringbearer. Misses Joanne Prueter and anne Jarmuth are attending nior Girls' Camp at Edge- od Park, Eden Mills, this ek, Miss Margaret Hotson was lidaying with Mr. and Mrs. vin Leonhardt and Mr and s. Ray McDermott. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward d daughters, of Toronto, and and Mrs. Donald Stauch d family, of Kitchener, and . and Mrs, Bernard Clarence, Stratford, with Mrs. Albert efengesser and Alf. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob, Kitchener, with Mr. and MrS. W Leonhardt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Mervin Leon- rdt and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin onhardt spent the weekend Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt Kitchener, at the home of . and Mrs. Mervyn Leonhardt. BEUERMAN REUNION The Brodhagen Communi Centre was the setting for t fifth annual Beuerman reunio There were about 85 presen Following are the results games and races: Girls, 5 and under, Joann ABIVErtfAi ice LEO .DANAL, Rep. i0,95 *nd 12.95 'SUMME. R DRESSES All .this season's newest dresses- ' one of a kind. Even sizes, S to .20. Greatly reduced, To Clear at 8.88 • COTTON WASHABLE SUN DRESSES - Gay or neat pattern, no sleeve, cool sun dresses. Size range 10 to 221/21 3.95 To Clear • Summer Sports Wear Reduced 20% Slims, slacks, shorts, Bermu- das, deck pants, blouses and tops. This season's pat- terns colors. To Clear at 20% OFF SAVE ON WASH 'N WEAR SUMMER SKIRTS SAE UP TO $15,00 ON Mena ReidY.To,Weilr WORSTED; S Our regular st04 axonil weights . and shades. Alt. ar prtre wool worsteds and flannel strop,/ steds. ' All this seesoA'sstock in one or two -pant sults Oro. u'll. never buy It a better Price, • 5540 2 -PANT SUITS 44.0 • 69.50 2 -PANT SUITS 55.00 Rog, 59.50 1 -PANT SUITS 47.0 Re1-PANT SUITS 59.00 Slim or full skirt styles in plains or prints in pastel checks or novel designs. All sizes. Reg. 198 to 6.95 Sale 3.19 to 5.55 All This Season's MILLIN"ER"Y AT HALF " PRICE SAVE 20% ON SATIN BOUND Pure Wool KENWOOD; BLANKETS Full range of decorative shades.'Double bed size - 72" x 84". f R'eg. 15,95 12." Reg. 19.95 15-95 quality. SALE i quality. SALE AII,,RY GOODS .LINES at 20% OFF DRESS GOODS, STAPLE DRY GOODS, BEDDING, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, SMALLWARES, GLOVE S, HA"DHANGS, HOSIERY and LINGERIE. ''ale Price 20% OFF STEWAR7 BROS. FOR BEST VALUES ALWAYS SALE. OP Men's and Young Men's SPORT COAL'S Regular 24.50, 29.50 and 39.50; new Light weight or regular tweed sport coats. Short, regulars and talls. Mostly one of a kind. TO CLEAR/� AT 24% OFF DRESS PANT SALE All . wool, flannels, wor- steds, blends and tropi- cals, in charcoal, grey, brown and novelties. TO CLEAR AT .............. 20%OFF Reg. 7.95 Short Sleeve MEN'S BANLON SHIRTS • Reg. 4.95 Short Sleeve BOYS' BANLON SHIRTS • 5„95 3.49 Reg, 1.50 Wool, Nylon, Banlon 890 MEN'S ANKLE SOX - To Clear... Odd Lots - Reg. 2.95 990 MEN'S NOVEL KNIT "T" SHIRTS. . • Men's Summer Broadcloth. PYJAMAS -Reg. 3.95 to 5.95.. . • DRESS. STRAW HATS AT %2 PRICE 20 off WALTON NEWS The Cardiff reunion of 1962 was held last Saturday after- noon in the Walton Community Park, when the relatives of the Cardiff clan niet Games, con- tests and raceswere conducted for the ladies and children and the men enjoyed a game of ball. A picnic lunch, chocolate milk and icecream were served in the Community Hall, when all enjoyed a social time to- gether. The president, Jim Bol- ger, held a business meeting, when it was decided to hold another reunion next year with the following officers in charge: president, Janes Williamson; secretary, Harry Bolger; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shines; lunch committee, Mrs. Sam Wolfe, The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and Boundary Unit of •UCW of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs. Maud Leem- ing with 14 members and three visitors present, Mrs. C. Ritchie presiding,... A by tore re. Jan Va 144 M n was sung and scrip- ing was taken by Mrs. Vliet, Sr., from. Psalm rs. E. Uhler offered prayer and Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. George Williamson hail charge of the topic Minute's and correspondence were read and business conducted. The meeting was closed with ra poem entitled, "Life," by Mrs. Leeming. A hymn was sung and lunch was Served by the hostess, assisted by the Lunch committee. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Zinn, and William Scott and son, Bill, of Woodstock, were guests of Mr. Earl Mills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.,Roy Williamson and Miss Eileen Williamson at- tended the funeral of the late Cecil Gowland in Fergus on Tuesday Miss Shirley and Tommy Wil- liamson are holidaying with their aunt and• uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Racho, Seaforth. Sunday School' and church service will be withdrawn next Sunday morning, July 29. Sun- day morning, August 5, Rev. A. Higginbotham will be in charge of the service at 11:30 a.m.; Sun- day School will be held at 10:15 a.m. Ushers for August, Sep- tember and October are John Baan, Kenneth McDonald and Ian Wilbee. Mr. Gerald Lydiatt, of -New Liskeard, and Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Lydiatt and family, of Utopia, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Clif- ford Ritchie and attended the' Smith family picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweeney's . on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. David Murray, Gary and Susan, of Winnipeg, OF THE WEEK visited with Miss Bessie and Ed. Davidson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Reid and Eric, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas. Miss Jean Mills, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her father, Mr, Earl Mills Master Neil McDonald re- turned home on Sunday after holidaying with his aunt and uncle, Mr.. and Mrs. Murray Crich, Clinton. Mrs. J. Livingstone, Sherry, Douglas and Kevin returned to Preston on Tuesday after holi- daying with Mr. Malcolm Fraser for the past two weeks. Miss Helen Robinson, of St. Catharines, visited ,with the Dennis family last week. Mr. George Knechtel, Moose Jaw, visited with Mr. And Mrs. G. Dundas and Mr. and Mrs T. Dundas for a few days last week. Master Dennis Drennan, of Orillia, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thamer. Mr. Victor Uhler, of Sioux Lookout, visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Uhler. Miss Joan Ryan, Reg.N., of Montreal, is 'holiday with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. Mr and Mrs. W. C. Hackwell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLI- wain visited on Sunday with Mr... and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Lon- don. Mrs. Ruby Dundas, of Glen- coe, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas this week. THE NAIL©Y FAMILY NOW WHAT ON EARTH DID I DO WITH THAT STRING? IF YOU HAD A STRING DISPENSER, M'DEAR, YOUR ' STRING WOULD ALWAVS BE HANDY AND CONVENIENT -23 KIPPEN NEWS A large number of friends attended a shower at Kippen United Church on Monday in honor of Misk Marion Turner, bride -elect of July 28. Mrs. Edgar Willert acted as chairman for the program, which consisted of a duet by Karen and Kathy Hendrick, ac- companied on the piano .by their aunt, Mrs. Alex McBeath; piano solos by Mrs. Gerald Moffatt and Miss Donna Peck. A read- ing was given by Mrs. Alex Townsend, followed by another duet by Miss Ann Stephenson and. Miss Carol Taylor, accom panied by Mrs. Ray„ Huether. A contest was then conducted by Mrs. Alex 'Townsend and Mrs. Robert Taylor. An interesting feature of the evening was the modelling of wedding gowns of past years. Following this, Malign was ask - BY LLOYD DAD MADE A STRING DISPENSER FROM TYPEWRITER RIBBON SFOOLS AITACN 10 - 8" KITCHEN WALL TYPEWRITER RIBBON SPOOL MACHINE SCREWSTOCK ' WASHERS p;Qwyyyj OF THE WEEK ed to come to the platform, which was prettily decorated With ivy and roses_ A humorous address was read by Mrs Robt. 1 Taylor and many lovely and ,useful gifts were presented to the bride. Marion made a fit- ting reply, thanking everyone ..for their kindness. A delicious lunch was served later in the Sunday school room. Masters Larry and Billy Con- sitt are holidaying at Ipperwash with their 'grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd, of Hensall. 1. HIGHLAND TAXI Phone 503-W SEAFORTH 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air - Fully powered, automatic 2-1962 Pontiac Laurentian SedansrAuto- matic - 1 New, 1 Used 1961 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan -Automa- tic, power steering 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 -Automatic 1961 Pontiac Strato-Chief Sedan -•-Standard 2-1961 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedans -Auto- matic,. power steering 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan 1957 Pontiac Sedan -Automatic Huron County's Finest Used Car Market.:. 1960 Pontiac Sedan -Standard 1958 Pontiac Sedan -Automatic SPECIAL -4956 BUICK 4-000R HARDTOP $750.00 A number of 1955 Models from $350.00 up MANY OLDER MODELS TRUCKS 1961 Chevrolet 1 -Ton Pickup 1960 Chevrolet 1/2 -Ton Panel 1957 Chevrolet 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1957 Chevrolet Carry -All 2-1956 Chevrolet 1/2 -Ton Pickups A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model Cars -Many other Models to choosi from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 173 -'The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING -I/ •