HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-07-19, Page 7r • • • FurrowancEFaiIow By FAIRBAIRN board has the power to, do so. Or if five trueks are picking up milk along the same sideroad and• more efficient service can be provided by some direction, it can be done. In fact, as far as fluid" milk is concerned, the regulations provide that the only purpose for which it can be directed le to supply ade- quate amounts of milk to dis- tributors- for plant require- ments. •, Regulations for,the marketing of fluid Milk, milk and cream in Ontario drawn up by the pro- ducers? provisional board for the consideration of milk ship- pers, would give- their, Milk Marketing' Board fairly broad • powers but, according to pro- ducers, members of the Milk Industry Board and the Depart- ment of Agriculturib who have co-operated in drafting this plan, it is not intended that all of these powers will be used when the plan gees into opera- tiono and perhaps never. For example, the board would have the authority to direct all milk and cream marketed in the pro- vince and collect the money for it from processors and' distri- butors. However, the produc- ers' provisional board that drew up the plan states emphatical- • ly that there is no intention of upsetting tho, present system of getting milk to market or of paying for it. The plan would allow the board to appoint processors, distributors and manufacturers as agents for the collection of • licence fees and levies. Pay- ment to producers can continue as at present, .except that what- ever licence fees and levies are decided upon may be deducted by the authorized person who buys the farmers' milk. All per- sons producing and handling • milk will be licenced. Produc- ers are deemed to have a licence if they sell milk. This is a legal technrcality so that fees and levies may be collected — it does not mean that producers will have to apply for a licence, but everybody else will. The provisional board also says the power of direction will not be used to tell producers where to sell, or processors where to buy. If the industry can be helped by diverting a surplus from one place to another, the • • WIND • TORNADO • CYCLONE Insurance R: F. McKERCHER • Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co./ Woodstock, Ont. and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 • Seaforth ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W.E. SOUTHGATE MAIN S - SERes. 540AFORTH Phone 34 — The Milk Marketing Board would be financed in two ways: first, through licence fees to conduct the administration part of the program—cost of opera- tion of board; inspection and quality improvement, staff and general administration; and sec- ond, through levies to build the stabilization fund. Licence fees to be paid by all milk shippers may range up to a maximum of 1% of the value of all milk marketed, while the levies may go as high as 3%. ' These -are maximum figures , and experi- ence will indicate how much money will be needed to oper- ate the board. Fees need not 'be 1%—in fact, in the case of cream shippers, no sizeable in- crease in licence fees is plan- ned. Cream shippers support their marketing board now by paying fees of 3/10c•per pound butterfat which would be about 1/3 of 1% of the value. The overall plan allows for levies only on milk for the fluid trade and milk sold for manufactur- ing, i.e. concentrated milk pro- ducts. It will not provide for levies on cheese milk shippers, who will continue to contribute to their own marketing board as at present or on cream ship- pers. The stabilization or equaliza- tion fund will be used to pay more money to shippers of top quality milk (Grade AA) who are not selling to the fluid trade and therefore not getting top prices. Amounts of equalization payments will depend on funds available. This fund will also be used to move and increase sales of milk and milk products in both domestic and , export markets. Monies from this fund as well as those from the ad- ministration fund may be used for 'promotion, although the plan suggests that funds for ad- vertising, sales promotion, re- search and other activities in that general area, would come mainly from the stabilization fund. The Milk • Marketing Board would also be able to fix and allot quotas for the marketing of inilk,and cream by producers and to prohibit any producer from marketing any milk or cream in excess of that quota. However, at present the only suggestion to implement this latter power is a penalty of up to 75 cents per cwt. on sur- plus , fluid milk. This money would go into the stabilization fund, Quota principles as out- lined call for control of all fluid milk quotas bases at plant requirements in 1961; increase in, sales to go to quotas for new producers . qualifying as Grade AA to start at 300 pounds per day which will eventually be- come the minimum for all fluid shippers; transfer of quotas, as well as adjustments and allot- ments under control of the board; all Grade AA. to share in fluid milk sales on a blended basis within two years, and in- troduction of quotas for con- centrated and cheese milk ship- pers as required. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS . Inquiries are invited. `Telephone Numbers: EXETER 41 .CLINTON: HU 2-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas ear DetaiIofMI Representatives of nearly 100 member organizations within the Ontario' Federation of Ag- riculture met in Toronto Thurs, day for their regular "mem- bers meeting". The meeting was given a preview of the new Milk Marketing Plan introduced Thursday night at a press con- ference in the Ontario capital. The plan was presented to the OFA meeting by Emerson Farnsworth, Huntsville, chair- man of the Provisional Milk Marketing Board, and Harold Martin, secretary of the Ontario Milk Producers Co-ordinating board. "We are not here at this time to seek OFA approval of this plan," said Mr. Farns- worth; "but we have always felt that before we embarked on our campaign to have the plan approved by producers, the On- tario Federation of Agriculture shoflld• be given an opportunity to give it close study." The new plan, drafted by the Provisional Milk Marketing Board, sets as a goal the equalization of re- turns to the producers of qual- ity milk, the establishment of =a stabilization fund and a clos- er degree of co-operation among all dairy producers. "We want to make it clear at this time that this is not an Ontario gov- ernment plan," said Mr. Farns- worth,•"this is a producer plan drafted by representatives of our producer organizations ,and we are confident it will benefit all producers." The delegates spent some time discussing the subject of Freer Trade and a resolution was drafted which will be °pre- sented at the semi-annual meet- ing of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture in Port Arthur later this month. This resolu- tion recognized that Ontario ag- riculture had many specific pro- ducts which could be unduly harmed by a free trade policy. 10 Hay Releases Exam Results The following are the promo- tion results of SS 10, Hay: Promoted to 'Grade IX—Bar- ry Mousseau; Grade VIII—Marie Canipbell, -Larry Elder; Grade VII—Lillian Eggett, Ann Funk, Malcolm McEwen; '•Grade VI— J i m m ie Campbell, Douglas Munn, Margaret Rooseboom; Grade. V—Janice Armstrong, Evelyn Eggett, Freddie Elder, Billy Munn, Bradley Pryde, Al- bert Rooseboom. Grade IV— Kathy Munn, Kathryn McEwen, Bradley Mousseau, Minnie Rooseboom„ Roddy Chapman, Brian Campbell, Paul Munn, Al Corbett. Grade III—Dolly Eg- gett, Sandra Munn, Gordon Pryde, Wayne Corbett. Grade II—Fred Eggett, Randy' Camp- bell, Brian Bean Martha Rooseboom.—Mrs. Robert For- rester, Teacher. Which printer became a famous editorial writer? Thomas Beattie Robertson. Born in Glasgow in 1879, Rob- ertson had a hard time in Can- ada before making' his name. After heeoming a printing com- posii r in Glasgow, he emigrat- ed to Canada in i,410, first to Nelson, B.C., and n after- ward to an unsuccessful bout of farming near Calgary. Then he accepted an offer of a Vic- toria newspaper job, but found on • arrival .that the post was 611ed. He went to Winnipeg as a linotype operator. His contri- butions to Voice, a labor paper, attracted Abe attention of J. W. Dafoe, famed fighting editor of the Winnipeg Free Press. Dafoe invited. Iipbertson to join the editorial writing staff of his newspaper, where • his initials TBR on articles soon attracted a host of faithful readers. On the other hand;=however, it would appear to be in the in- terests of society to follow a policy of expanding -trade. ' A number of resolution's were approved by -the members. Qne of these called upon the Ontario government to set up a special branch within the On- tario Department of Agriculture to administer the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act. Others called for closer scrutiny over community auc- tion sales by the Department of Agriculture; a close and com- plete study of the factors volved in annexation and.- the elimination of mall votes on commodity marketing plans. Losses from livestock diseases stiintilated twa other resolu- tions,, 'one calling 'for federal° compensation on stock lost through leptospirosis, awl ' the. other asking for measures to. control' and eliminate Johnes disease. The meeting - a1:so ap- projed a Durham County reso- 1utjim —whieh -asked Ontario Hy- dro to retain responsibility for the maintainance and replace merit -of service breakers in the Rural Hydro system. HURON FEDERATION NEWS By • FLORENCE ELLIOTT, Sec. The Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their fifth annual worship service on Sun- day, July 8, at the Salvation Army Camp, two miles north of Bayfield, where. some 170 peo- ple attended. Captain Newman, of the Wingham branch of the Salva- tion Army, had charge of the service and took his text from the Book of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 24 and 33: "Ye cannot serve Gbd and Mammon; seek ye first the Kingdom of God." The Salvation Army Band was also in attendance, consisting of 15 members. They rendered several delightful band num- bers. Miss Mary Lou Hollin- beck, of Wingham, sang two solos. President Elmer Ireland said a few words of welcome and thanked all those who helped make the worship service pos- sible. The lady directors helped serve a picnic lunch and re- freshments. The children were provided with chocolate milk. Reservations were made to hold the service at the same place next year. Farm Implements on Highways This is a pamphlet that ev- ery farmer in Ontario should secure and read closely in his own interests. This . pamphlet has just been released by the Ontario Department of Trans- port. There has been a great need for such a publication as more farm people are required to use Qntario's toads and high- ways in the ordinary course of movement from farm to• farm. About one year ago the Ontario Federation requested the De- partment of. Transport to com- pile this information and they are eattremely happy that Mr.: Rowntree's department has seen fit to acknowledge this request, "Farm Implements on Ontario's Highways" is a pocket -sized pamphlet. It spells out the re- quirements of the Traffic Act CO - OP INSURANCE • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Accident and Sickness - • Fire, Residence and Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance • Retirement Income All Lines of Insurance Written W. ARTHUR WRIGHT - Phone 1934 -• John St. SEAFORTH• Be Warmly Contented With Texaco Stove 00 or TEXACO FURNACE FUEL OIL - Call Us Today I WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W - Seaforth PLACE YOUR AD IN THE ONLY Paper in the SEAFORTH AREA offering AUDITED PAID COVERAGE Are Read by the Buying Public in in the Seaforth Area Each Week REACH TIIS MARKET by using the advertising columns of ABC publisher's statement for 6 months, ending March 31; 1962 of Ontario, as it has to' do with the movement of farm machin- ery and tractors on highways. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is prepared to as- sist in every way possible in the distribution of "Farm Im- plements on Ontario's High- ways." These pamphlets can be obtained from the County Fed- eration of Agriculture secretar- ies., It' is urgently requested that all farmers acquire one of these booklets. It may save a life, and that life may be yours. These booklets are free and can be obtained from Ontario Department of Transport, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto 2, as well as from your Huron County Federation Office, Box 310, Clinton, Ont. Arnold STINNISSEN Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone: 852 R 12 R.R. 5 - SEAFORTH ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE • PHONE 354 trierammomaftwoomanowiftroorwe rHRP 3R'- VId 's. Gerald #Dawley' :and family, +,of Ktngstea, speiit few Mays with Mrs and Mrs, W E. Hawley last, week.• Miss Edith Boyd, who is at, tending'suuirner school at Ham- ilton, spent the weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Boyd. Mr. and airs. William Kalif--•, mann, Sr„ Mr- and ,Mrs. Wxn. Kaufmann, Jr., and Mrs, Roland Kaufmann, of. Listowel, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. . - Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W WO UMW inTOOVOI* XitikrOM THI FIRE IN COMPANY °filet • MOO to Ar0ttTH Inanreai :�. mown *1.00as • ▪ Alt class*s Dai°-Lf:arm Prapiertf'' SWIM *.0 Cotta;te! • Church , Schools, MiUta 1 Bictended 'coverage .iwiand; Smoke, water damage, ,.faixatna objects, etc.) s also aVenatlle,' AGENTS: James Keys. RR 1, Seaforth; V ?. Lane, .11R 5, Sea- • forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., L.ondesboro;� Selwyn faker,-$russelg. filar' old Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. PERSONALIZED COASTERS - GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 SEAFORTH FOR ''REM EN DOIJS SAVINGS 1961 Ford Sedan—A.T. 1957 Ford Sedan 1961 Olds Super Four -Door . Hardtop 1959 Studebaker Lark Sedan 1958 Pontiac Sedan 1957 •Chev. Sedan 1956 Dodge -Station Wagon 1955 Buick Sedan—A.T. 1957 Ford Coach 1955 Chev. Coach 1953 Pontiac Sedan " NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED " SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 — Seaforth e. 90% of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial At imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and technicians are working to improve present petroleum products— and to develop new ones. Their research covers manyfields, from gasolines to household detergents. Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. • •e Every barrel of crude oil contains some of the sun's heat. Imperial research works to unlock more of this energy. After five years' intensive research, Imperial found a chemical additive which makes more heating oil available from Canadian crude oil. One Important result: less all imported to heat Canadian homes. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST i•'