The Huron Expositor, 1962-07-12, Page 4svAnT±i,,,L,„xax pm mow WINTHROP NEWS OF THE. WEEK The ladies of Cavan Church, Winthrop, honored Miss Mar- jorie Boyd, bride -elect of this Month, with a shower on Tues- dayevening in the Sunday school room of the church. A short program, consisting of musical numbers by June Hil- ler, Jean Patrick, Lois Bernard and Linda Somerville, and read - Recalls Toll ings by Mrs. I. W. Newahana and Roba Doig. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Lea Dolmage and Mrs. Stanley Hillen. .. Mrs. Gilbert Smith called Mar- jorie and her mother, Mrs. John Boyd, and Mrs. Hamilton to the front, where they were present- ed with corsages. June Hillen read the address and many use- ful gifts were presented by Mar- lene Pepper and Eileen Smith. Marjorie thanked everyone and invited them toh,er home on (Continued from Page 1) Saturday, at which time her he sees now as compared to mother is holtng a trousseau the years when he was a boy? tea in her hon r. "It's the moving around. Ev- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Toll, of We-. erybody is in a hurry now," he terloo, and Ruby Toll and Dora said. "We're living in a very Maxwell, of Toronto, were week fast age." end guests of Mr, and Mrs. In 1910 he was married to Ernie Toll, the 'former Ida Fulton, of Hib- bert Township. His wife died four years ago. They had a family of two sons, Robert, Sea - forth, and George, Saskatoon, and a daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. S. C. Pullman, of Seaforth. There are four granddaughters and four great-grandchildren. Since the death of his wife, Mr. Charters has resided with members of his family, and at the present time is with a niece, Mrs. John Bruce, and Mr, Bruce, High Street. Mr. Charters enjoys excellent health, and is able, to be up town almost every day, al- though he complains that arth- ritis that has bothered him ,for some years slows him down.> Annual CHICKEN • BARBECUE 'Brodhagen . Community Centre Wed., July 25th BLUEWATER DANCELAND DANCE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - BROWNIE'S Drive -In Theatre LTD. r• CLINTON, ONT. Children under 12 in cars, Free ALL SHOWS DOUBLE BILLS Please Check Times THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 12 - 13 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 9:35 only "WHITE WARRIOR" Steve Reeves (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2 -Shown at 11:00 "GOLD OF THE SEVEN SAINTS" Clint Walker (Scope) (Cartoon) SAT., MON., TUES.° July 14 - 16 - 17 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 9:35 only "ONE -EYED JACKS" Marlon BrandO - Karl Maldee (Adult Enterthinment) (Colour) Hit No. 2 -Shown at 12:00 "BLUEPRINT FOR ROBBERY" (Cartoon) WED., THERS„ FEL July 18 - 19 - 20 Hit NO. 1 -Shown at 9:35 only "AUNTIE MAMk" Rosalind Russell Forrest Tucker (Adult Entertainment) (Colour - Scope) Hit No. 2 -Shown at 12:00 "THE THREAT" Robert Knapp (Cartoon). Coming Next - "THE HUSTLER" and "IN LOVE AND WAR" 410.011••••••••••01ftit tkomeamialimmio Douglas Doerr, of Galt, is hol- idaying at the home of his, cousin, Robert Pryce. Miss Karen Dolmage is visit- ing her aunt in Niagara Falls. Vern Dolmage is spending three weeks at Woodeden Crip- pled Children's Camp at Byron, Joan Pryce is at present at- tending the Athletic Leadership Camp at Lake Couchiching. • Eighty-one children are at- tending the Vacation' Bible school being held at Cavan Church this week, under the direction of Mrs. E. Toll. Rev. J. C. Britton is conducting op- ening exercises each morning and classes are under the lead- ership of Mrs. William Dodds, Mrs. Charles Boyd, Mrs. Oscar Cuthill and Kip Barbara Boyd. Mrs, H. Donaldson, Seaforth, Mrs. Britton, Mrs. Gordon Blan- chard and Mrs. Les Dolmage are taking part in the program, and Rev. J. C. Britton is show- ing films. A picnic is being held Friday to complete the activities. Mr, Frank Johnston has re- turned from So:At Memorial Hospital, where he was a pa- tient. • Mr. Dyke Wheatley 'had the misfortune to fall at his home while haying and fracture his arm in two places. Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Bol- ton left en Wednesday for Eng- land, where they will attend the wedding of their son, Malcolm. Too Late to Classify TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the WEED CONTROL ACT, 1960 Sec. '3, 13, and 19, that unless--modous weeds growing on their lands within the 'Municipality of the Township of Tuckersmith are destroyed by July 20, 1962, and throughout the season, the Mun- icipality may enter upon the. said lands and have the weeds destroyed, *charging the cost against the lands in taxes, as set out in the, Act. CHARLES EYRE, Weed Inspector Township of Tuckerstnith 19-26,-2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••.,•••••••••••••••••••W•11 The O.E.S. are holding a GARDEN TEA and Bake Sale on -- Wed., July 18th from 3 to 6 p.m. at the home of Miss JaIlette Wilson, Market St. (near Sperling) ADMISSION - 35 CENTS Proceeds to add to 'fund to furnish a room in the new hospital. If it rains, the affair will be held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall. 'FIRST • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE •• Organist July 15, 1962 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M. 9:45 a.m.-Ministe'r's Class 10:09 pa. m. -The Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-The Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-The Nursery Kirkton Community Association ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY FAIR GROUNDS KIRKTON, ONTARIO - High Wednesday, July, 18, 1 23 62 'a Men's Fastball Game - 6:00 p.m. CENTRALIA RCAF, - ST. MARYS ALL-STARS Budding Stars Juvenile Programme - 7:30 p.m. Sparkling Professional Programme - Old and New Artists 9:00 p.m. Ample Facilitiet for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised Parking on Grounds Police Protection ADULTS $1,00 CHILDREN 25e COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS LION'S/ P RK KIR ontinued froM Page t) VarlOtts parts of Ontario. For Mlle it WO their first visit to Ontario and the annual reun- ion. The afternoon was spent in swimming and various tports and contests -under the direction, of Jean MacNaughton and Ruth Geiger. The .new wading pool was much enjoy- ed by the younger members. Late in the day arrangements were discussed for the 1963 re- union, and the following were elected to office: Honorary president, Dr. Jennie Smillie Robertson, Toronto; past presi- dent, Mrs. Hazel MacNaughton, Kippen; president, Harold El- der, Hensall; vice - president, Mm. Dorothy Eatwell, Simcoe. SS 3, TUCKERSMITH Results of races at the picnic held -by SS 3, Tuckersmith, at Lions Park recently were: Boys, 8 and under, Gary Mc- Kenzie, Burt Lobb; girls, 10 and under, Shirley McKenzie, Linda Straughan; boys, 10 and under, Lawrence Elliott, Joe Lobb; girls, 12 and under, Audrey Mc- Kenzie, Dorothy Ross; -boys, 12 and under, Gordon Henderson, Ricky Burdge; girls, 14 and un- der, Bonnie Dalrymple, Mary Ann Stryker; boys, 14 and un- der, John McKenzie, Ronnie Scott; girls' sack race, Linda Straughan, Shirley McKenzie; boys' sack race, Ricky Burdge, Gordon Henderson; three-leg- ged race, John McKenzie and Ricky Welland, Jim Ross and Larry McGregor; girls, Dorothy Ross and Mary Ann , Stryker, Bernieft.bh and Janice Sil- lery; aheelbarrow race, Gordon Henderson and Ronnie Scott, Betty Dalrymple .and Sherran Burdge; kick the slipper, girls, Betty Dalrymple, Bernie Lobb; kick the slipper, boys, John Mc- Kenzie, Ricky Welland; back- ward race, John McKenzie, Robert McCartney; bean relay, Ronnie Scott's, team; ball relay, Ronnie Scott's team; balloon relay, Robert McCartney's team; candy scramble. STEPHENSON REUNION Relatives from Alberta, Mont- real, Woodstock, Goderich, Clin- ton, Seaforth, Hensall, Zurich and Varna attended the annual Stephenson reunion at Seaforth Lions Park recently. Sports, convened by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. William Consitt, were carried out with the fol- lowing results: Pre-school children, Donria Taylor; girls 6-9, Bonnie Arm- strong, Debora Stephenson; boys 6-9, Paul Stephenson, -.Blaine Stephenson; girls 9-12, Linda Armstrong, Debora Steph- enson; young ladies, Marjorie Turner, Ann Stephenson; boys over 12, Paul Stephenson, Billy Turner; ladies' race, Maria') Turner; men's race, Ken Mc- Clure; three-legged race, -Mar- ian Turner and Ruth Willert, Mary Margaret and Linda Arm- strong; men's, Jim Consitt and Ken McClure, Floyd Turner and Bill Taylor; kick the slipper, la- dies, Sharon Dowson; men, Ken McClure; relay races, unwrap- ping gum with oven mitts was won by Bob Johnston's side; throwing balls into a bushel basket was won by Bill Tay- lor's side; oldest lady present, Mrs. Emma MacNeill, Stettler," Alberta; oldest gentleman, Mr. William MacLaren, Goderich; youngest boy, Paul Consitt, Varna; youngest girl, Sandra Armstrong, Zerich;person com- ing farthest distance, Mrs. Mar- garet Stowell, Big Valley, Al- berta; guessing candies in a jar, Mrs. Allan Armstrorfg, Var- na. A supper, complete with ice cream, was enjoyed, the com- mittee in charge being Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong: The president for next year is Ralph Stephenson, and secre- tary is George Dowson. • SS 14, STANLEY SS No. 14, Stanley, school pic-, nic was held at Seaforth Lions Park on June 28. Sports results were: Pre- school, Joe Clifton, Paul Grid- zak; grades 1 and 2, Gordon Wright, Linda Gridzak; grades 3 and 4, girls, Gayle Hender- son, Kathryn Hendrick; boys, Randy Gridzak, Michael Grid- zak; grades 5 and 6, girls, Bren- da Triebner, Jo -Anne Imanse; boys, John Hoogenes, Billy Hen- derson; grades 7 and 8, girls, Gwenneth Hendrick, Bonnie Robinson; boys, Brian Triebner, Russell. Talbot; young men, Alex Hyde, Douglas McBeath; kick the slipper, Ann Clifton; capdy scramble, Ernie Talbot; clothes pin race, Wendy Jones. GLANVILLE REUNION Forty-five attended the Glen- ville reunion at Seaforth Lions Park last week. President is Fred Glanville; vice-president, Stuart Wilson; and secretary, Loretta Glanville. The winners in the various aPertS were: Five years and under, boys and girls, Cheryl Riley; girls, 6 to 9 years, Karen Glanville, Jo -Anne Riley; boys 6 to 9, Murray Glanville, Bruce Glanville; 10 to 14, girls, Bren- da Smith, Carol Glanville; 10 to 14, boys, Roy Glanyille, Floyd -Riley; boys, 15 and over, Lorne Glanville,Stanley Glanville; kick the slipper, girds, Brenda Smith, Karen Glanville; kick the slipper boys, Roy Glanville, Les- lie Manville; kick the slipper, women, Joyce Wilson; kiek the alipper, men, Stuart Wilson; three.legged race, girls, Mar- jorie and Eileen Glanville; ree-legged vac% bots, 110Y lanville and Floyd Utley; Iseheelbarrow race, girl, Brek+ a Smith, Karen Glanville; wheelbarrow .race, boysr , Roy Glanville and Floyd ' -Riley; broad j u m p, girls, Brekda &fifth; broad jump, boys, Rhy Glanville; sack race, girl, Brenda Smith; sack race, boys, Roy Glanville; driving nail, wo- men, Clara Cooper; driving nail, men, Ken Parker; quarter in milk bottle, women, Viola Glan- ville; quarter in milk bottle, men, Leslie Glanville; dough- nut race, girls, Marjorie' Glan- ville; doughnut race, boys,'Les- lie Glanville:. peanut scramble for young fry ended the sports. After a delicious supper, the lucky plate was found to be Joyce Wilson's. The largest family present was that of Mrs. John Glanville; youngest per- son attending was Kevin- Par- ker, and the oldest, Noble Mc- Callum. McArthur Picnic The McArthur picnic was held at Riverview Park, Exeter, Sun- day. Sports, under direction of Mrs. GladyS Boyd and Miss Vio- la Metcalfe, of Niagara Falls, were enjoyed by all. Commit- tees elected for next year were: President, Donna Knights; sec- retary-treaSurer, Bill Knights, Blenheim; sports, Danny Laing, Exeter; Mervyn Bell, Hensall; table committee, Harry and Jean Snell, Hensall; Hilton and Sal- ly Laing, Exeter. RaM threat- ened many times, but two meals were enjoyed by all attending from Los Angeles, Toronto, Scarborough, Zurich, London, Ingersoll, Blenheim, Niagara Falls, Exeter and Hensall. CHAPPEL With 75 people attending, th Chappel family held a reunion at Lions Part, Staforth. Next year's reunion' is to be at the same place. Officers in charge of the ev- ent included: Filmer Chappel president; Mrs, Ed. Dearing secretary; Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Watson, table commit- tee; r. and Mrs. Reg Chap- pel, Adeline Chappel, George Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Van Alstine, sports committee. Results of races were: three- legged race, Harold Jacques and Don Ferguson, Mary Dear- ing and Laura Chappel; kick the slipper, ,J i m Chappel, Eleanor Kemp; oldest person, Mrs. William Ferguson; young- est person, Dwayne Mills; young women's race, Adeline Chappel, Mary Dearing; young men, Harold Jacques, Jack Dearing; lucky spot, Filmer Chappel; guessing jelly beans in jar, Mrs. Clayton Watson. BRUCEFIELD UCW PICNIC • The annual picnic of the UCW of Brucefield United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon, July 4, at" the Bay- field cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, with an attendance of 125. The following were winners in the children's sports: Boys and girls, 6 to 8, John Ham, Chatham', Larry McGregor, San- dra Graham; boy g and girls, 8 to 10, Stewart Mustard, Rickey Burdge; Michael Daniels; boys and girls, 10-12, Ron Scott, Gor- don Henderson, St. Mustard; girls tick slipper, Bonnie Dal- rymple, Suane Haugh, Wenda Bougham; shoe scramble, G. Henderson, Janice Sillery, Nan- cy Sillery; grandmother's race, Mrs. John Broadfoot, Mrs. Wil- mer Broadfoot; youngest mar- ried ladies' race, Mr's. Vic Har- greaves, _Mrs. Lois-Stiatighain; kick the slipper, Mrs. Doris Sillery; measuring one yard of thread, Mrs. Goldie graham; articles in an egg, Mrs. John Henderson; guessing j e 11 y beans, Mrs. R. Triebner; con- tents of a can, Mrs. Robert Broadfoot; dropping clothes pins, Mrs, E. Forrest; walking two minutes, Mrs. Lorne Wil- son, After the games, a picnic lunch was served. Mrs, W. Broadfoot thanked Mrs. Scott for the' use of her home and presented her with a gift, and the ladies sang, "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." - RCAF CLINTON Over 200 persons from the Protestant' chapel, RCAF Clin- ton, enjoyed a picnic under chapel auspices at -Lions Park, Seaforth. In charge of the ev- ent Were WO V. Boys, Flight- Sergts. R..13tish and V. Johnston and Corp. B. Cochrone, Winners in sports events were: Foot races, 3 years and under, Ronnie McCartney; 4 and 5 years old, Joanne Greer, Terry Steinback; girls 6 years old, 50 yards, Karen McCart- ney; boys, Mike Kelly; girls 7 years old, 50 yards, Joan Crozier; boys, John Bingham; girls, 8 and 9 years old, Margo Adams; boys, Gordon Farrell; women's shoe race,, Mrs. Carol Ranger; girls 10 and 11 years old, Colleen Newell; boys, Kev- ih Buck; 100 -yard dash, girls, Deborah Buck; bees, John Far- rell; sack race, men, Lou Bor- den; spoon and peanut race, girls 6 and 7 years old, Lynn Westhaver; boys, Glen Aldwin- kler; wheelbarrow race, boys 8 and .9 years, Ivan Hopkins and Allan Brisco; three-legged race, girls, 10-12 years °Id,. Brenda Ludwig and Susan Adams; boys, Peter •Bingham and IC. Btick; girls, la years and over, Deb - hie Buck and Linda Cole; boys, 13 and over, Dan Bringham and 'ZIO Mr. ' and .1Vire. Roy flaranall are attending a.'sutiamer curse • at Waterloo College. andMrs. Kenneth El- ligsen and 'Terra', Mrs. Mabel Higgerson and Harry Proctor were in Goderich on Sunday. Miss Nancy Lannin has pass- ed her exams at Teachers' Col- lege and has accepted a school at No. 4, McKillop, for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- non and Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper attended the races in Strathroy on Monday. Miss Mary E. Graham, Dres- den; is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary Malcolm, for some holi- days and visiting other friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens visited his sister, Mrs. Edith Collins, at Avon Crest Hospital on Thursday. Mr. Ronald Kirkham is la pa- tient in Strathroy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Art Roy and family visited Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, Staffa, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham, Sharon and Gerry, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, also at the same home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Don- na and Barry and Mr, Hugh Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roney, Joan andeFay at Grand Bend on Sundky. Mr7'sand Mrs. Charles Roney,, Carl, Allan and Jim at Ipper- wash Beach on Sunday. Miss Marion Beggs, Dresden, called on Mrs. Mary Malcolm Wednesday on her way to Orangeville to visit her aunt, Mrs. C. Simpson; Mrs. Kenneth Roney visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roney on Saturday, and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian, Mit- chell. "What would be the proper; thing to say, if in carving the dint, it should skid off the platter and into your friend's lap?" "Be very courteous. Say, 'May I trouble you for that duck'?" WINTHROP*NGfRS .'ADVANCE TO NEW. SOFTBALL GROUPING Winthrop Wingers are !low in a new grouping. In the first game Qf the revised schedule of the North Huron Ladies" Boft- ball League, played in Brussels Tuesday night, Winthrop came through to top the Brussels girls by a score of 16 to 11. R. Ritchie and J. Thompson led the Winthrop attack with Ritchie gaining a double, homer and single for five at bat, and Thompson three singles for five. Brussels rallied in the bottom of the seventh for" jive runs, but fell short of overcoming Winthrop's lead, "Buzz" Buchanan was the win- ning pitcher, and G. Machan, the loser. The next game of the series is to be played in Winthrop on Thursday night, July 12, at 7 o'clock, when Winthrop plays host to Londesboro. The revised schedule is as follows: Friends. Honor - Agnes Hicknell Friends and neighbors of Miss Agnes Hicknell, bride - elect of this month, gathered at her home and presented her with many . useful gifts, Pink and white -streamers, bells and, summer 'flowers decorated the living room. A program. consisting of readings, contests and bingos, was conducted by Mrs. Bob Murray and Amy Stewart, with prizes going to the winners. , . A complimentary address was read by Amy - Stewart,e.,and Agnes' niece , and nephevir An- ita Hicknell and Peter 'Hal- lighan, dressed as junior bride and groom, gulled in a decorat- ed wagon filled with gifts. Ag- nes expressed her appreciation and displayed her trousseau. SEEK STOPLIGHTS AT (Continued from Page 1) when you phone them," was a comment. The road progradi is related to the town sewer program, since work for both must get underway at the same time. John Skinn , was granted a permit to. operate a taxi. Council took no actiori on a Clinton resolution, seeking sup- port for house-to-house mail de- livery. Further investigation will be carried out concerning low cost rental housing, council decided, as it considered explanations offered by the Ontario depart- ment as • a result of council's protests as to the manner in which the survey was carried out. It Was agreed the indus- trial committee would review and submit further applica- tions. Abandon Scales • Reporting for the general government committee, Coun- cillor Cardno said he had been advised .by W. M. Hart, repres- enting Seaforth cal ' dealers, that since major repairs were required at the town scales, the dealers were cancelling their agreement for the use of the scales. Council agreed repairs in ex- cess of $1,000 were not justified and will int'estigate the dis- mantling and f sale of the scales. Reporting for the police com- mittee, Chairman Earl Dinsmore told council the town was re- ceiving no co-operation from the OPP. Help had been re- quested with a traffic neck and to augument weekend patrols in an effort to cut down erratiz driving, but no assistance ' had been received. Referring to oc- casions when. the OPP sought local assistance for highway. ac- cidents, he wondered why we should do the ,OPP work. As a result, he had issued orders that local police were not to go out of town. He told council his commit- tee was preparing a list of mat- ters for the attention of -the local force. Council would be advised of action that was tak- en as a result .,,Qs the instruc- tions being issued:' Council agreed no action was needed at this time concerning an amended estimate of cost of replacing signal devices at the CNR crossing. Originally esti- mated at nearly $20,000, the cost now has been reduced to $7,240, of Which the town would be required to pay 121/2 per cent. Committees Underspend Reviewing the finance com- mittee's report, council was told by chairman Angus Mac- Lean that expenditures as of June 30 were about $4,817 be- low estimates. Tax arrears for 1961 and prior years amounted to $34,996.42, down about $4,000 as compared to the same period last year. The total in- cludes ,about $12,000 involved in the current tax sale which is to be advertised next week. The first payment of current T. Newell; needle and thread, couple .(married), Mr. and Mrs. B. Farrell. Those Supervising the sports were G. Marshall, A. Williams, L. Hibbert, G. EMS, Bob Barr, French" Koeh and L Fehr.. taxes due June 30 produced $61,144, out of a total amount due for the year of $163,935. Arrears also include business tax. concerning which the com- mittee has set a special drive Municipal Animal Control is in operation, committee chair- man Neil Bell told council, as approval was given for pay- ment of a first account. Council approved a sugges- tion by Councillors Dinsmore and McLean, that appreciation be,expressed to ROIL C. S. Mac - Naughton for assistance he had given in municipal matters: The former shoe factory, now owned by the town, is to be listed with local real estate ag- ent Joseph McConnell. There had been offers, but nothing .definite had resulted. In the meantime council agreed to re- new a lease with Topnotch Feeds Limited. Grader Provides Problem Seaforth's elderly grader is causing headaches 'for the pub- lic works committee, according to chairman Carl Dalton. The front-end drive gear has col- lapsed and repairs could in- volve at least $300. 'Recalling nearly $500 spent for repairs late last •winter,, councillors suggested. the committee look around and get prices. on a re- built machine. Custom 'work by town em- ployees should not be permit- ted when it provides competi- tion for businbss-firmfr-and par fieularly so when there is doubt that all costs involved are included in the price, Council- lor Dinsmore said 'in comment- ing on a request by the public works committee for a policy .decisiexo Foi a number of years. the town staff has' done paving work for ratepayers, and Mayor Daly said it hadn't conflicted with contractors. Chairman Dalton told council that the town's price was about. half what a contractor would charge, and despite this the town made a profit, but Coun- cillor Dinsmore didn't agree. "There's something wrong. No contractor is bidding two to three times as high. We're los- ing money doing work at half price," , An example of the dif- ference in prices' charged was given by Councillor Dalton, who said the town estimated $t80 for work at the Liquor Store, while a Clinton contractor, who finally did the work, when .town employees were not available, charged $380. ' No firm policy was determin- ed, but the committee is to in- vestigate and in no case is work to be 'done when streets or other town facilities need attention. Council was informed by Councillor Dalton that the town foreman was having trouble with building permits. Some persons building or remodelling felt they needed no permit as cost was low. Members recall- ed that the by -ler -w- states that if improvements were valued at over $100, a permit was re- quired. The sanitation chairman, John Flannery, said the plans for sewerage were completed and awaited OWRC approval, and that approximate cost was now $154,500, a reduction of $7,000 as a result of shortening the North Main Street line by 600 feet. July: - 10 -Clinton at Londesboro Winthrop at Brussels 12 -Brussels at Clinton WinthropLondesboro at p • 17-Londesboro at Brussels Winthrop at Clinton 19 -Winthrop at Londesboro Clinton at Brussels 24---Londesboro at Clinton Brussels at Winthrop 26 -Brussels at Londesboro Clinton at Winthrop 31 -Clinton at Londesboro Winthrop at Brussels August: 2-Londesboro at Winthrop Brussels at Clinton Juniors Win, Seniors Tie In the HFA soccer division, Winthrop Juniors defeated the undermanned Walton Jurtiors 6 to 0, and Winthrop Seniors- and Clinton RCAF played to a 3 - all tie. ..........11,..•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41.....40,.....•••• RECEPTION fee Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coombs (nee Thelma Forbes) Friday, July 13th Legion Hall, Seaforth Ladies, please bring Lunch Country Five Orchestra Huron Football League CENTRALIA RCAF vs. WINTHROP • at' Winthrop WED., JULY 18th at 7:30 p,m. Ww RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred cerriveau BRODHAGEN Community Centre Friday, July 13th Good Music - EVERYONE WELCOME - DANCE CRANBROOK COMMUNITY CENTRE Wed., July ,L18th Music by DES,IARDINE'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 75c Sponsored by Hall Board- - EVERYONE WELCOME - LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND ROCK and TWIST Every Wednesday "The Crescendos" Dick Williams, M.C. RON BROWN And His Orchestra Every Friday LIONEL THORNTON And His Casa Royal Orchestra Every Saturday Dressed Ham SUPPER and CARNIVAL -ST. COLUMBAN Wednesday, July 18th Supper served from 5:30 to 8:00 o'clock Adults $1.00 • Children 50 Cents PROGRAM Games of Chance • Bingo _Penny Sale Draws EVERYBODY WELCOME! The One and Only LOUIS ARMSTRONG America's No. 1 Goodwill Musical Ambassador • And His All -Stars ONE NIGHT ONLY -- FRIDAY, JULY 20th LAKEVIEW CASINO' GRAND BEND 9 to 1:00 a.m. Admission $5.00 Each ' - Tickets Now on Sale ZURICH LIONS CLUB CHICKEN BARBECUE. At the Zurich Arena WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th Served front 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50 Children 75c OLD- TYME FROLIC e will Follow the Chicken Barbecue' Games • Bingo • Music • Lucky draw on a Registered Aberdeen -Angus Heifer Calf 1 • • • • 1 • • 1 1 • 4 • •