HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-07-05, Page 10it 44- HURON 1)- OSITOR, SEAFORT , cu JULY 1963 t NgWS OF WALTON by Tom Dorr WAS ME TRYING IT ON CW_._ LOCAL dle East. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell left by air this week for Hol- land, where they will visit his daughter. Mrs. Margaret Devereaux and Miss Joan .Devereaux, of Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills, Sr. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Edmenton, spent a few days 'with his mother, Mrs. M. Pat- rick, and brothers in ° Tucker - smith. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfe and Miss Catherine Wolfe, of Strat- ford, and Mr. Fred Wolfe, of London, were guests of Mrs. John Hillebrecht this week. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Caldwell, Moose Jaw, Sask., were guests last week 'of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat and Mrs. Harry Cald- well and other relatives. Weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. James T. Scott were Miss Linda O'Connar, Mr. Doug- lass Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bebee and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Scott, all of Mont- real, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Scott and family, of Bramp- ton. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie over the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie and Ronald Rennie, of Toronto, and Mr. G. C. Rennie. and Clive, of Sundridge. Miss Pamela, Dennis has re- turned to her home in Brighton, Mich., after spending the past few months with her sister, Mrs. John McCowan, and Mr. McCowan. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson left Saturday for a visit •in' Moose Jaw,, Sask. Miss Pearn McLean, Miss Ev- elyn Dick and Miss Carol Flan- nery have completed their course at Beal Technical School in London and have accepted positions. . Miss Ruth ,Sills, who is on the teaching staff of Elmira Dis- trict High School, is attending Ontario College of Education summer school at London.° Miss Marlene and Master -Announcements Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Mc- Nichol, Seaforth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Ruth, to Rob- ert Gordon Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, RR 5, Seaforth, the wedding to take place Saturday, July 21, at 3:30 p.m., at Northside United f Church, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hicknell, of Seaforth, announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Agnes Theresa Anne, to Clive Joseph O'Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin O'Neill, of Tororito. The wedding will take • place July 28 at 11 o'clock at St. CoIumban's Roman Catholic Church, St. Columban, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner, RR 1, Zurich, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Marion , Elizabeth, to Mr. Ken- neth George McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs, James McClure, RR 4, Walton. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 28, at 3:00 p.m., in St. Andrew's 'United Church, Rippen. The engagement is announc- ed of Miss Ann "Philpott, 32 Portland Road, Bromley, Kent, England, to Malcolm Russell Bolton, son of Mr. and : Mrs. ,. Russell T. Bolton, Seaforth; the wedding to take place • in Brom- Iey, Kent, England, on Satur- day, July 28, 1962. VIE HANDY FAMILY DAD's PLAN FOR A - RUSTIC BOOKSHELF CAN BE TAKEN AP,pRRr f'OR EASY TRANSPoRr BRIEFS Douglas Smith spent the week- end with Mrs, H. E. Smith. Miss Sharon Hotham, Brant- ford, has completed her teach- ing duties at King Edward School, and returned to her home here on Saturday. She left Monday to attend summer school at Univeasity of Western Ontario, London. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledg have left to visit relatives in North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McConnell and Mayor E. Daly. Miss Kathy' Daly is re- maining fore a few days. Dr. and' Mrs. Cecil Gardiner, New Haven, Conn., were recent visitors with Mrs. Effie Stephen- son. Mrs. E. Adair and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Phillips and daughter, Elaine, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. J. Sclater and Mr. and Mrs. L.. Hemberger. ' Staff 'Sergeant J. P. Meagher and Mrs. Meagher and family, of London; Mr. and Mrs, Al- phonse Meagher and family, of Arva; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morrison, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher and family, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher. Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Mc-. Faul, of Toronto, were week- end guests of Mrs. J. G. Mullen, at the Thamer Nursing Home. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Sills and children, Kitchener; Mr George C. Sills, Montreal, and Miss Ruth Sills, Kitchener, spent the holiday weekend with their mother, Mrs. C. P. Sills. Miss .Sue Lidington, of Ot tawa, is visiting at the home of Mr- J. R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs..Harry Scott, of Bracebridge, spent the week- end here with Miss Belle Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson spent the weekend in St. Cath- arines, with Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Armstrong. Mr,. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke. 1 Mrs. E. P. Chesney and Mr and Mrs. Robert Charters spent the weekend at Barrow Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Mac- Donald and son, Robert, spent the - weekend at their cottage at Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hunter and Miss Linda Fermanty, of Toronto, were holiday guests of Mr. Glen Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Par- son, of London, visited friends in town on Sunday, ' Mrs. Leroy Wright, of Brooks, Alta., is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. J. W. Patterson, and her aunts, Mrs. R. K. Mc- Farlane, of town, and Mrs. W. C, Bennett, and Mr. Bennett, of Clinton. Mrs. Mae Dorrance, Mr. Jack Dorrance and Mrs. M. H. Mc- Kenzie, of Oshawa, left this week on a motor trip to Cal- gary, Alta. Mrs. Zerback and Miss Lillian Cartwright, of Stratford, were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. I3 Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Apple- by, Curtis McDonald and Doug- las Fry have returned from a motor trip to Winnipeg. Mr. Curtis McDonald had the misfortune to have a bale of hay fall on him while helping with the haying at thl farm of Mr. James Keys. Mrs. A. F. Edmunds, Barrie, and Mrs. D. L. Curtis, Lindsay, former Seaforth residents, left last week on a tour of the Bri- tish Isles, Europe and the Mid - BY LLOYD BIRMINGHAM k'.-1a"—Hh-Jo'-'!F'`io -+1M• N s-» r - TOP &BOTTOM SHELVES T T—+ r0" 1 -a . 4.6 ft ,I CENTER %%ELYEs� BOOKSHELF MAY NSAPPGA pAR LOf iUR:VEom OFNTINs. LEV %v EDINSEOIL, FEW DAYS. RIcPEAT PRcCE$5 UNTIL WOOD NO L0N6l12, ABSORB OIL Accept Chalice, At Duff's Church A silver Chalice was dedicat- ed Sunday morning in Duff's United Church by the minister, Rev. A. HIgginbotham, with Mr. Clarence Martin assisting. It was donated bys relatives and friends in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, who were devoted members of Duff's United Church. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was obsegved with eight new members joining by certi- ficate. The service next Sunday morning will be in charge of Rev. Ure Stewart, of Seaforth, and the following two Sundays Mrs. 0. Struthers, of Mitchell, will conduct the services. Sun- day School will be held in the church auditorium at 10:15 each Sunday morning while repairs are under way in the basement. Shower Bride -Elect A miscellaneous shower hon- oring Miss Mary Kirkby .was held in the Community Hall on Wednesday evening, June 25, with about 175 ladies and chil- dren attending. Misses Anne Achilles and Jean Bolger were in charge of the guest book at the door. The gifts were re- ceived and arranged by Miss Donna Smith and ,Miss Shirley Bolger. Pink and white streamers and bells formed a background on the platform. Bouquets of flowers and lace covered tables gave a homey atmosphere to the hall. Mrs. Ronald Bennett acted as mistress of ceremon- ies for 'a short program, which included vocal duet, Karen and Connie Coutts, with Miss Eileen Williamson at the piano; twist dance by Mary Helen Buchan- an and Ruth Ritchie; vocal duet, Sharon Marks and Gail Traviss, with Mrs. Herb Traviss at the piano; reading, Mrs. George Fox; reading, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Jr. Ten games of bingo were enjoyed following the pro- gram with Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. H. Traviss in charge. Miss Mary.Kirkby, Mrs, Doug- las Kirkby and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, the groom's mother, were called to the platform and a congratulatory address was read by Miss Anne Achilles. Miss Kirkby extended her thanks for the gifts and also thanked all who had helped .to, arrange,, the evening. Lunch was served by the ladies. . Miss Kirkby was guest of honor at a miscellaneous show- er at the home—,of Miss Anne Achilles, when about 20 girl friends gathered for a social evening. A wedding reception honor- ing Mr. and Mrs. Nell McGavin was held in Walton Community Hall Friday evening, June 29, with a very large crowd attene- ing. - . During the intermission per- iod, Mr. and Mrs. McGavin were called to their places on the platform. A congratulatory address was read by Mac Shol- dice, and a well-filled purse of money was presented to them by Mr.. Herb Kirkby. Mr. Mc - Gavin expressed his thanks to each and everyone, after which "For He's a Jolly Good Fel- low" was sung. Music. for danc- ing was supplied by Ian Wilbee and his orchestra. Mrs. Edward McCreath left on Monday for Toronto, where she will take a summer course in primary work. She has been engaged as teacher for the prim- ary classes in the new Walton Public School. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, of Water- loo. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryans, Linda and Barbara, returned home from a three weeks' mo- tor trip to the Western Prov- inces last Friday. Bobby re- mained in Walton with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Traviss. Mrs. °Hilda Sellers, of Lucan, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. H. Traviss. Mr. Malcolm Fraser spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser, Stratford. Dr, and Mrs. Glen Oliver, of Edmonton, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver. Dr. Oliver, who has been 'on the staff of the University Hospital at Edmon- ton for the past year, will fur- ther his studies in London next year. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMich- ael, of Preston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael and Audrey for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis and Geraldine left Friday on a motor trip to the west coast. Miss Jean Mills, of Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with her father, Mr. Earl Mills. Mr. Gerald Dressel, of To- ronto, spent the weekend at his Home prior to leaving for sum- mer school at Hamilton �n Tues- day, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wathke, of Kitchener, are visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and family, of Napanee, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Mr. and Mrs. William Dins- more, of Kitchener, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs; Gordon McGavin. . Mr. and Mrs. Graham Shol- dice and family, Coekaville, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. David Sholdice over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Horace Rutledge and family, of London, with Mrs. Margaret Humphries and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett over the holiday weekend. ,. Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Smith and Sandra, of London, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hack - well. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Me- Donalc l of Detroit, were recent guests iat the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald. Master Gary Elston, of Arva, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchia. Miss June Higginbotham left titins at Grand Bend for the last week for Wingham, where summer month§. she will be employed at the MMguio Wingham Hospital for the visitediss witharMisseserte KayeMcDand summer months. MarieElliotteek Lynn McDonald, daughter of Dr. AE McIntoshoverthe ,spentwthe Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald, weekend with Mrs. W. Haugh had her tonsils removed in and family and visited with her Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- mother at Queensway Nursing forth, last Friday morning. Home, Hensall. Recent guests at the home of Mrs. Victor Hargreaves spent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger were the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Praff, Mrs. D. at Ingersoll. Brenda Ann re- Weber and Mrs.' 0. Jusfrson, of mained for a few holidays. Kitchener. The regular morning service Mrs. Mary Shannon has re- will be held in Brucefield Unit - turned home after spending ed Church on Sunday morning several days with Mr, and Mrs. at 11:30 from now until the end John Taylor and other friends of December. at Seaforth.We are _glad to report that Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosman Mrs. Cliff Henderson and Miss and Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Thamer Hohner are improving in the have returned home from a hospital. fishing trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. EIgin Thompson and Mrs. Doreen Mustard left last Thursday on a trip by boat to England and other countries. Mr. and Mrs. D. Triebner and Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan ,were on a fishing trip up north • last weekend. Mrs. Alex Mustard is visiting with her son, George Mustard, in the States. Mr, James McDonald left last week for Ottawa to spend a few days with his farmily. Mrs. A. Ings and Mrs. Kruagar are visiting with Mrs. Keith. Horner at Zurich this week. BRUCEFIELD Brucefield Young People held 'heir annual anniversary on Sunday, when a large crowd at- tended. Rev. W, J. Maines, a former, minister, from Granton, was the guest speaker, and de- Iivered an impressive message to theyoung people, "Making Our ife Now." Mass Suane Haugh led the responsive psalm, and Miss Jean McNaugh- ton read the scripture. Miss Phyllis Lobb, Fred and Dick sang two numbers very beauti- fully. Mrs, Lorne Wilson has return- ed home after spending some time with friends at Toronto and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt visited with Mrs. Moffatt's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Crow, Brantford, on Sunday. Misses Ellen and Irma Scott spent the weekend with Ross and William Scott. Misses Barbara and Janet Henderson have accepted posi- OBITUARIES HOWARD HAYS Howard Hays, retired Senior Appraiser of the Customs of Canada, at Windsor, died there on Monday. Born in McKillop Township, near Seaforth, in 1896, he spent several years of his boyhood in Goderich before his parents,• the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, returned to Seaforth. Enlisting in 1914, he served with the Artillery in France and was - wounded at the Battle of Paschendale. He served over 40 years as a Customs Officer, and retired last December. He will be burried with Military Honours from the Anglican Church, Tecumseh Road, Wind- sor, on Thursday. He is survived by his wife, the former Violet Truman; a son, Scott, on the teaching staff of Windsor Public Schools; a daughter, Nancy (Mrs. Henry Albert), of Plymouth, Michigan; two brothers, Dr. Archibald Hays, Fort Erie, Ont., and Magi- strate H. Glenn Hays, Goderich. He was predeceased by a broth- er, William, some three years ago. Interment will be in a Windsor cemetery. Friends Gather To Say Farewell A social evening was spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ruth Knight, when friends and neighbors gathered to honor Mrs. William Bradshaw and Louise, prior to their moving to London. Bingo was played with Mrs. Lyle Racho calling num- bers. Brian Haley presented Mrs. Bradshaw and Louise with sev- eral lovely gifts. Mrs. Brad- shaw made a suitable reply, and invited everyone to visit them in London. NOTICE We have expanded our Seaforth WATCH REPAIR 'facilities, and can now offer ,the Fastest and Finest WATCH REPAIR SERVICE ever ! 0 0 SJ%VAUGE'S . (Opposite the Post Office) TWO CERTIFIED -WATCHMAKERS FRED (Ted) SAVAUGE, C.W. GORDON JONES, C.W. "FREE ESTIMATES" Your Car is only as - Safe as the Tires it rides on ! CHECK THEM Your car can be in top running order; your brakes in perfect shape but if your tires are bad, you're still courting danger 1 HOW LONG SINCE YOU'VE CHECKED YOUR TIRES? OES HOLDS.. INITIATIONS NAMES WINNERS IN PRIZE DRAW Seaforth Chapter No. 233 Or- der of the Easterfr Star held a special meeting 'Iast week for initiation. After the meeting, several games of euchre were played. The travelling prize was won by Mrs. Martha Corlett. A delicious lunch was served by the social committe, then the draw for the floor lamp and vanity chair was held. Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, W4., of Regal Chapter, Blyth, drew the first ticket and the lucky winner of the floor lamp was Mrs. Ross Alexander, Egmond- vilie. The second ticket was drawn by Mr. Bert Shobbrook, W.P., of Regal Chapter, i3lyth, and the lucky winner of the vanity chair was Mrs. Grace Morris F of A Aids Fairs The directors • '° the Morris Federation of ritulture held the final meet' g of the seasop at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pr. er. It was agreed to pay an additional grant of $15 to the Belgrave School Fair Association, and $10.00 each to the Blyth and Brussels fairs. Stewart Procter is to be con- tracted about a land lease; and a suggestion was made that the park committee consider set- ting up four picnic tables in the park at the fourth line bridge. Sell that unnecessaryp� i of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141 Hoggarth, Seaforth. The chapter members extend- ed thanks to everyone who help- ed put this project over. Guests were present at the meeting from Stratford, Clinton and Blyth. NOTICE! Will 'be closed for holi- days from. Sat, July 14, to Monday, Aug. 6th. Last pickup, July 11th Scoins Cleaners This Summer more than ever • It will pay you TO TOP DRESS HAY and PASTURE • More feed per acre • More gain on beef • More milk per cow • Higher farm income Soils of balanced' high fertility produce high yielding, high quality forage crops ! NOW, in addition to savings being given to area farm- ers in the form of cash and bulk discounts, your Co-op offers you the modern labor-saving service of BULK SPREADING Fertilizer on ypur fields and free soil sampling. . SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 9 Seaforth TIRED OF PAINTING? Now You Can End ALL Outside Painting FOREVER ! SCO World's Largest Manufacturers of Home Improvement Products Has A New Sensational Introductory Offer • By new improved, methods and materials, we can give your hone a new look, regardless of its present condition. • Ends trim painting on brick homes; makes clapboard and stucco look excitedly different. • This is not just a siding offer. IT'S NEW - ITS BEAUTIFUL - IT'S LIFETIME Limited Time Only-! So Act Now ! FIRST IO REPLIES` RECEIVE A FREE GIFT FISK TIRES AT LOW PRICES SPECIALS THIS WEEK Wet Wash 990 Limited Quantity 13/A TEEPEE 3.550 P011 FUN OUTSIDE k STEENSON BROS. B/A SERVICE Phone 287 .Seaforth Please deliver more infomation as to how I can easily afford to completeii end paint problems. Check: Home Owner ( ) Renter ( ) Dealer ( ) Name Address Phone r • 4 P 1' 1 • a MAIL TO ALSCO PRODUCTS 131 Elmwood Ave. -- LONDON or Phone ZENITH 19950 (no toll charge) •