HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-07-05, Page 8la,repCe Reid has pittehaSati A lot da No. 4 Highway frons, 4 McEwen, and is building 11 new home. Floyd McLean is building a ,.new home on No. 4 Highway, I.% miles sduth of Hensall. • Mr. and Mrs. C. McClintock, , Darci, Susie and Peter left Sat- urday for Winnipeg, where they will take up residence. Mr. and -Mrs. Gerry Branden- hurst and family have taken up residence on Brock Street, in the home recentiy vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Schade. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Watson and family have taken up residence in Mitchell, where Mr. Watson has purchased a home. Miss Louise Jones passed her grade two theory examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Louise is now entitled to her grade seven piano certificate, which she had passed previously. Louise is a pupil of Miss Greta Lammie. Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. J. E. McEwen attended the play, "The Tempest," at the Shake* sperean Festival, Stratford, on Saturday last, and while there were guests with Miss Etta Jar- rott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuntze, Bad Axe, Mich., spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Mrs. Lavina Reichert and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kuntze visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Reichert. Mrs. Roy (Margaret) Stowell, Stettler, Alta., and Mrs. Emily McNeil, Erskine, Alta., who have been vacationing with 'their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 1VlacLaren, Goderich, are visiting with their sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella Drys- dale, and attended the Stephen- son picnic at Seaforth on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bissell and two of their older children, Suz- 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W 1r •.Ive Anne and Alan, o ' Vi way, Cal Amnia, who have bee'n vaeatio ing- with Mr. and. Mrs. T Tainan and family, at Listowe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. Hess last week and called on different friends here whit.4 en. their way home. Mrs. Bissell is the former Patsy McDonell, of Hensall, and is a niece of Mrs. Taman. Stanley Thotnas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lavender, of Hensall, will graduate on July 7 with a degree in mechan- ical engineering. Tom, who was one of the 78 students who en- rolled in the University of Wa- terloo's co-operative engineer- ing program when it was estab- lished in July, 1957, is in the first class to graduate from this university with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree. Rev. H. G. Currie occupied his own pulpit at Hensall Unit- ed Church Sunday morning last with both tl'ie United and Car- mel Presbyterian Churches well represented. For his sermon topic, he spoke on "Dominion Day". The choir contributed an anthem and the Misses Nancy Kyle, Ann Mickle, Louise Jones and . Suzanne Rannie sang a number. Mrs. Robert Pryde presided at the church organ. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Skea and family spent the weekend holiday at Georgian Bay. Miss Kathy Clark, of Byron, is vacationing for a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Johnston, St. Catharines, are visiting with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Basil Ed- wards. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellar, Susan and Michael, of Chatham, visited over the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. Archie Noakes, Susan and Michael are remain- ing for two weeks' vacation with their grandparents. Mrs. Leonard Noakes, who underwent surgery at Victoria Hospital, London, has left the hospital and is recuperating at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles, London. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn Docker spent' the weekend .with rela- tives in Toronto. ' Big, Big, Big - GALLON The .New Measure of GASOLENE VALUE ! try the New CITIES SERVICE Super 5 -D or the Economy Milemaster ! DRIVING INSTRUCTION—See Don Smith at the station or. Phone 415 for information. -DON SMITH'S CITIES SERVICE STATION Licensed Mechanic — Repairs To All Makes of Vehicles Phone 415 Seaforth, Ont. • NOW... Your SAVINGS. EARN MORE at Canada's First Bank... Effective July 1st, savings de- posits at the B of M will earn interest at the rate of 3O,.1O PER ANNUM Take advantage of this new, higher rate by opening a B of M savings account today ... Follow the example of three million Canadians who are building for tomorrow at Canada's First Bank. 'MY BAN IC BANK OF MONTREAL Bofm ea4fad4' 9 at 044 Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Brucefield (Sub -Agency) : • Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday WOIRKINO WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 • At ensall Rev. Harold G. Currie, of Hamilton, was inducted as min- ister of Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches at an induc- tion service at Hensall United Church, Thursday night, June 28, at 8 p.m., with both congre- gations well represented. Rev. H. C. Wilson, of Thames Road United Church, was in charge of the service, and Rev. S. E. Lewis, of Exeter, gave the mes- sage. A reception followed in the church schoolroom, where Rev. and Mrs. Currie and family were introduced to members of both congregations. Mr. and Mrs. Clendon Christie formed the reception committee for Hen- sall, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker for Chiselhurst. Lunch was served by Chiselhurst UCW. Rev. Currie received his early education in his home com- munity of Lambeth and London South Collegiate. He attended the University of Western On- tario and Emmanuel Theologi- cal College in -Toronto. His first pastorate was at Bayfield, and he has served congregations at Crediton and Watford, and in Hamilton Conference at Lyn - den and Carlisle. While at Lyn - den, a new church was built. More recently, Mr. Currie' has been undertaking a specialized ministry for the United Church in downtown Hamilton, where he has been director of a so- cial services for Centenary's Wesley Centre. As a student, he served on mission fields in Saskatchewan. Mr. Currie is a supplementary reserve chap- lain of the RCAF, and gives some time to this service each summer: In 1941 Mr. Currie married Bernice Anderson, and they have two sons, Wayne and Douglas, and. one daughter, Car- men. • Amber Lodge Accepts Picnic Invitation ° Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge, their husband and fam- ilies, have been invited to hold their annual picnic at the sum- mer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chipchase at Norman Heights, on Monday, July 9. Directing sports will be Mrs. Blighton Ferg, Mrs. Leona Parke, Mrs. S. Blackwell and Mrs. Clarence Volland. Students Win Hensall Awards Presentations of $25 scholar- ships were presented to Flora Lee Johnston, 13, and. Bruce Forrest, 12, an annual award to the top boy and girl students in grade 8 of ;Hensall Public School. Mrs. William Clement, president of the Hensall Kin: ettes, who sponsor this annual project, made the presentation at a ceremony held at the school Friday morning, June 29. Flora Lee is the daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Elmer Johnston, and Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edi- son Forrest. Tour Court House, Huron Museum Students of grades 5 and 6 of Hensall Public School, at the conclusion of school Friday morning, enjoyed a trip to God- erich, where Mr. Kinkaid, in- spector for North Huron, con- ducted the group on a tour through the court house, from where they visited the Museum, Sifto Salt, and Sheaffer Pen fac- tory, and toured the Sherlock - Manning piano plant at Clinton. A picnic supper at the home of - their teacher, Mrs. Mary Haugh, of Brucefield, rounded out a delightful outing. Forty-three took the trip, including stu- dents, teacher and mothers, who drove cars. Mrs. W. Mickle is Kinette Hostess Mrs. William Mickle was hos- tess for the- last meeting of Hensall Kinettes at her home Tuesday evening, June 26. A letter from their adopted child in Italy was read. Two $25.00 scholarships were awarded to the boy and girl with the .high- est standing in grade 8 at Hen- sall Public School on .. Friday morning, an annual project of this club. Past president Mrs. Ross Jinks presented Mrs. William Clement with an engraved cof- fee spoon in honor of her year ds president. Mrs. Clement thanked the members for their splendid co-operation extended to her during her year in Office. Mrs. Jbhn Deitz submitted the treasurer's report. Mrs. Jim Hyde won the raffle. It was dis- closed that proceeds at the booth at the spring fair were very gratifying. The first meet- ing in September will be a joint meeting with 'the Kins- men. resell _ e After 45 years, in --the mini- stry, Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna, re- tired this week. -Mr. Pitt and his wife will -return to St, John's, Newfoundland;- where Mr. Pitt was a minister of the United Church for 34 years prior to coming to Varna in July, 1951. While at Varna he also served the Goshen United Church." Mr. Pitt was born in England and came to Canada in 1913. In 1943 he was elected president of the Newfoundland Confer- ence of the United Church of Canada. The congregation of both Var- na and Goshen Chureties honor- KIPPEN The UCW and Sunday School picnic of St. Andrew's United Church will be held at Lions Park, Seaforth, on Tuesday af- ternoon, July 10. Mrs. Adams and her daugh- ter, Donelda, of Seaforth, vis iced Saturday with Mrs. E. Dowson and Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Pep- per. Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCon- nell and family, of Bristol, Penn., are visiting with Miss Mabelle Whiteman. ° - Weekend guests with Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison included: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanes, of Severn Bridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Wil- liamson; of London. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexdnder, Hensall, visited on Monday. A trousseau tea is being held on Saturday evening, July 7, at 7:30 p.m., for Marlene Riley, bride -elect of July 14, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley. A cordial invitation is extended to every- one. Mrs. John Gibson - and Mrs. Tom Bourke, of Wroxeter, vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. - Mellis. Miss Audrey Priestap and friend, of near Mitchell, visited Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson. Mrs. (Dr.) Lawson, of Listow- el, visited recently with her brother, Mr. W. R. Cooper. Honor CGIT Member. The CGIT girls of Carmel Presbyterian', Chuich met at the church mans0 Tuesday af- ternoon to honor Miss Judy Jenkins, an active member, who is leaving, the district, with a farewell presentation and to present her with a lovely purse. Leader Mrs:'- Ross MacDonald spoke briefly expressing thanks to Judy for her co-operation while a member of the group. Miss Patsy Moir made the pres- entation of the gift. A recrea- tion period of badminton was played and lunch was served. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. WI. ed Mr. and Mrs. Pitt at the Varna Church, when Elgin Mc- Kinley acted as chairman and Ray McBride, clerk of theses -4 ses- sion, read an address. Presen- REV. T. J. PITT tation was made to Mrs. Pitt by Mrs. Bruce Keyes, president 6f the Goshen United Church Women. A $100 bill was pre- sented to Mr. Pitt by Mrs. Gor- don Hill, president of the Var- na Wilted Church Women. Miss Carol Hill, for the choir, gave the couple a gift certificate. Passes Tests In Skating Pauline Bell, of Hensall, grade 6 student at Hensall Pub- lic School, passed her prelimin- ary figure skating test in Strath- roy recently, and was presented with her CFSA emblem pin. Pauline has a record of 10 years regular attendance at Hensall United Church Sunday School, and has her second class badge in Girl Guides. She also has her horse -woman and skaters' pro- ficiency badges. She is a mem- ber of Exeter and Strathroy figure skating clubs. Her pri viate instructor is Arthur Bourke, Stratford. The judge was Don McPherson, Stratford. Pauline is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. Stewart Bell. ATTENTION ! What section of Hibbert, Tuck- ersmith, Hullett, McKillop do you Jive in? Do you have an Avon Repres- entative calling on you? If you don't, perhaps it is an open territory which. could offer you a good earning opportunity. If you would like to sell Avon, please write Mrs. M. Millson 960 Wellington Rd. S., London or call Collect GE -29019 between 7 and 8 p.m. LAST CHANCE TO WUN .00 25 . Contest Closes July 16th The Seaforth Chamber of Commerce is seek- ing a Slogan that describes in 10 words or Tess, the advantages that exist in Seaforth for those seeking a pleasant place in which to, live, or for the merchant wishing to open a business, or for the industrialist looking for a plant site. A prize of $25.00 will be award- ed for the winning slogan. The Slogan will be adopted for use in publicity material and on welcome signs to be erected at entrances to the town. Slogans will be judged on the basis of -brevity, alliteration and aptness. Individuals may sub- mit as many entries as they desire. There is no entry fee, but each entry must be for- warded on an official entry blank. An entry blank appears below, and additional copies are available in a number of Seaforth stores. The contest closes at 6:00 p.m., July 16th, 1962, and entries received or postmarked later than that time cannot be considered: ENTRY BLANK WM. M. HART, Chairman Civic Improvement Committee, Seaforth Chamber of Commerce, SEAFORTH. This is my entry in the Seaforth Slogan Contest: (Ten words or less) NAME ADDRESS eatures Farewell Party Mrs. Thorn Locker was hos- tess at her apartment Tuesday evening for a farewell presenta- tion ,for Mrs. James Jenkins and Mrs. O. McClintock, who . are shortly leaving town. Gifts of lovely cups and saucers, and other gifts were presented to them, Mrs. Docker making the presentation` to Mrs. McClintock and Mrs. Clarence Hoy, the gift to Mrs. Jenkins. A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. Guests at the party were: Mrs. Harold Gay, Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Mrs. Bruce Moir, Mrs. Frank Varley, Mrs. Wm. Crowell, Mrs. Ellis Stewart, Mrs. Locker, Mrs. McClintock, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. D. G. Wil- liams and Mrs. Maude Hedden. Members of the 'Legion La- dies' Auxiliary met at the home Of Mrs. Orlo McClintock Thurs- day' evening of last ' week and presented her with a brooch and matching earrings. Mrs. Gordon Munn, past president of the auxiliary, make the presen- tation. Mr. McClintock was also presented a gift from Legion Branch 468. Refreshments were served. GENERAL INSURNCE DON EATON Office in the Jackson Aluminum Building Phone 75 : Seaforth AL and FUEL OIL Wm. M. ' Hart Phone 784 - Seafortb FIRE e , ...TUML ...... INSURANCE COMPANY Office --- Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town ,Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Bruss,;els; Har- old Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. 'Eaton, Seaforth. WEDDING INVITATIO`NS- COASTERS • GIFT IDEAS • SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 r SEAFORTH OM 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC, 6 cylinder 1960 PLYMOUTH 9 -PASSENGER STATION WAGON—V-8 1957 PONTIAC COACH 0 ❑ 'SEE THE 'NEW ,96z AUS1IN. NOW ON DISPLAY AT MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 — SEAFORTH E®9TK 9T@ PriOrTIEM THE NEW MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT CLAI S ACI Under the new law establishing the MotorVehicle Accident Claims Fund which replaces the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund with effect from July lst,1962, it will be an offence for an ownerto operate or permit the operation of his motor vehicle on the highway without being .able to produce either: (a) Proof that the vehicle is insu' ed under a liability policy for bodily injury and property damage. OR . (b) Proof that the $20.00 uninsured motor vehicle fee has been paid. If your vehicle is insured, be sure you have an insurance certificate. If you do not have one, see your insurance agent at once. Ifyourvehicle is not insured, ma ke certain your motor vehicle permit is endorsed - toshow that you have paid the $20.00 additional fee. If your vehicle becomes uninsured, atany time because of cancellation or expiry of the policy, you must pay the $20.00 additional fee immediately at your local office of the Qntario Department of Transport. THE PENALTY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE PROOF OF -INSURANCE OR PAYMENT OF THE FEE, OR FOR PRESENTING FALSE PROOF, IS A FINE OF $50.00 TO $500.00. If you have a claim for damages as a result of an accident with an uninsured driver, make application for payment to the Director of Claims, Ontario Department of Trans- port, 10 St. Mary St., Toronto 5. You may make application personally or through your solicitor. Claims will be dealt with promptly. For further information ask for a copy of the pamphlet explaining the operation of the Fund from your local office of the Ontario Department of Transport. BE SURE TO CARRY -YOUR LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OR PROOF OF HAVING PAID THE ADDITIONAL $20.00 UNIN- SURED MOTOR VEHICLE FEE IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES. ' ONTARIO DEPARTMVIE'NT OF TRANSPORT Hon. N. L. Rowntree, Q.C., Minister A. G. MeoNab, Deputy Minister