HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-07-05, Page 3• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The 'following pupils of Sea - forth Public School have been promoted :from: Kindergarten tp Grade I Bennewies, ' Bonnie; Benne- wies, Sheryl; Berube, ,Pierre; Brady, Barbara; Broome, Beth; C 1 a r k, Jacqueline ; Cornish; Dwayne; Dale, Brian; De Groot, Mary Lou; Dill, Joanne; Dietz, Jane; Elliott, Debbie; Fitzger- ald, Sandra; Flewelling, Peter; Glanville, Sharon; Gr a h a m, Shauna; Haselgrove, Br u c e; )Harvey, Peter; Hildebrand, Sus- an; Hopper, Anne; Hulley, Paul; Huisser, Robert; Kooyman, Til- ly; Kruse, Paul; Malcolm, Glen; McGonigle, Cathy; McNaughton, Arthur ; McPherson, Debby ; Nediger, Billy; Noble, Joan; O'Brien, Paddy; Pullman, Tom- my; Southgate, Carol Ann; Somers, Cathy; Staffen, Judy; Wilson, Sammy; Willis, Linda; Whyte, Lisa; Whitelaw, Bob. Teachers—Mrs. E. C. Bos- well and Mrs. J: W. Talbot. Grade 1 to Grade I1 Honours—Beynan, Catherine; Bowering, Patricia; MacMillan, Brian; Putman, Ernie. Pass Standing—Brugger, Bob; Buker, Leslie; Campbell, Den- nis; Carnochan, Alan; •Cowie, 'John; Dungey, Brenda; Fry, Donna; Glanville, Brian; Hach - torn, Connie; Huber, Jack; Hul- ley, Penny; Iszacovics, Barbara; Jessome, Silby; Jew, Doris; Kruse, Heather; Little, Barbara; MacDonald, Lynn; Malkus, Don- na; McClinchey, Randy; Munro, Gayle; Pullman, John; Robert- son, Keith; Smith, Billy; Smith, G era 1 d ; Westerveld, John; Whitelaw, Bill; Wilbee, Joan; Wright, John. Teacher—Mrs. H. Mason. Grade 1 to Grade II Honours—Bowie, Lynn; Cum- ing, Debbie; McKaig, Jean; Schenck, Janice. Pass Standing — Anderson, Cheryl; Cornish, Dean; Eisler, Gary; Hildebrand, Joan; Mc- Conney, Denise; Polick, Heath- er. Teacher—Miss M. Wood. Grade II to Grade 11I Honours — Ball, Elizabeth; MacMillan, David. • Pass Standing—Baert, Larry; Beattie, Peter; Broome, Kevan; Dalton, Newton; Dell, Lesley; Dolmage, Beth (Rec.); Glanville, Doug;, Hodgert, Marie; Hoover, Doug; Jew, Linda; McClinchey, Dianne; McNaughton, Patsst; Montgomery,. Bob; Moore, John; Muir, Barbara; Oke, Mary; Price, Keith; Turnbull, Mar- lene;, Wilbee, Anne. Teacher—Miss M. Wood. Grade 11 to Grade III Honours—Hopper, Joan; Mil- ler, •Vicki; Newnham, Rose- mary. Pass Standing—Bowering, El- va; Brightrall, Cathy; Cardno, Jim: Doig, Kenneth; Fry, Mary Jean; Holland, Cam; Malkus, Monica; McLean, Kathy. Teacher—Mrs. G. Pullman. Grade III to Grade IV Honours—Ball, Mary. Pass Standing—Beynon, Doro- thy; Broome, Larry; Dalrymple, Ronnie; , Doig, Gail; Gorwill, John; Henderson, Ronnie; Hod- gert, Brenda; Huber, Barbara; Lauritsen, Leif; McKellar, Paul; Mennell, Ray; Muir, Danny; Munro, John; Onbelet, Ralph; Swan, Nancy; Wylie, Valerie. Teacher—Mrs. G. Pullman, id; Bryans, Barbara; Fry, Char- 1ymP; Hopper„Ronnie; onnie; Hulley, Judy; Hulley, Nancy; Lane, Lar ry; Little, Edna; Longstaff, Dev- id; MacGregor, Douglas; Mc- Lean, Kenny; Moore, Bill; Muir, Paul; Newnham, Cynthia; Pol- ish, David; Powell, Janice; Price, Brian• Putman, Gloria; Scott, Charlie; Snowdon, Jim; Taylor, Robert; Wilbee, Allan. Teacher—Mrs. T. Kay. Grade V to Grade V, Grade II to Oracle III --John Arts, Peter Ba t Steven Bloc - keel, Herbert roome, Darlene Dale, Peter De root, Jean Dev- ereaux, Donald Etue, Timothy Hoff, Peter Huyben, John Jan- sen, Kenny Janmaat, John Lan - sink, Michael McNichol, Garry Nash, Marlene Nash, Ajn n Nobel, Andrew O'Brien, Steven Osterbosh, John Swinkles, Rose- mary Van den Henget, Josephine Willems. Honours — Box, Barbara ; Matzold, Melannie; Turnbull, Christine; Wilson, Mariel; Wil- son, Ruth Ann. Pass Standing—Cornish, Peg- gy; Hoover, Linda; Wilbee, Bruce. Teacher—Mrs. T. lay. Grade V to Grade VI Honours — Eisler Cindy ; Harvey, Ian; Henderson, Karen; Smith, Charlie; Townsend, Bon- nie. Pass Standing—Adair, Doris; Bell, - Carol; Bennewies, Danny; Bennewies, Roger; Brady, Dav- id;- Carnochan, Grant; Carter, Stewart; Dalrymple, Jim; Eaton, Brenda; Elliot, Mary; Gray, Keith; Madter, Linda (Rec.); Matheson, - Glenda; McKellar, Garry; Muegge, Leonard; Muir, John; Munroe, Faye; Powell, Jean; Rowat, Jim; Smith, Steph- en; Southgate, Paul; Watter- worth, Jeanette. Teacher—Miss M. E. Turn- bull. Grade VI to Grade VII `Honours-Baert, Diane; Cor- nish, Jane; Hodgert, Bryan; Lauritsen, Ulla. Pass Standing—Adams, Rus- sel; Ball, Joe; Barker, Patsy; Beattie, Janet (Rec.);- Beynon, Rosemary; Bray, Douglas; Fisch- er, Brian; Flood, Sheila; Goven- lock, Neil; Hodgert, Dennis; Huber, Wayne; Kruse, Gene; Malcolm, Moira; Miller, Debbie; Moore, Penny;. Mowat, Terry; McLean, John; Nixon, Jim Prices, Myles (Rec.); Reeves, George (Rec.); Scott, Wayne; Smale, Donna; Southgate, Bill; Talbot, Sharon; Taylor, Bed- ford; Westerveld, Elaine; Wil - bee. Ted; Fry, Peggy. Teacher—Ron Eyre. . Grade VII to Grade VIII 4, Honours '— Brady, Stephen; Dalrymple, Dbug; Gorwill, Joan; Hoggarth, Mary; Malkus, Nida. Pass Standing - Bowering, Correne; Carnochan, Bill; Cole- man, John (Rec.); Fry, Wendy; Gray, Gary; Hildebrand, Paul; Mulley, Don; Kling,- Peter; Lit- tle, Clarence (Rec.);. NtacDon. ald, Sharon; McLean, Alan; Mc- Llwain, Larry (Rec.); Mont- gomery, Jim; :Moore, Kerry;' Moore, Mary Ellen; Muegge, Linda; Muir, Cheryl; Nicholson, Gary; Rivers, Ann; Rowat, Shei- la; Scott, Cheryl; Walmsley, Dianne; Westerveld, Jane; Wil- lis, Dwight. - Teacher—Don Morton. Grade VIII to Grade IX Honours — Chesney, Barbara; Cosford, Sally; Hoover, Joan; Knetsch, Fred; Longstaff, Bar- bara; MacLennan, Susan; Mow, at, Sally; Spittal, Paul; Stewart, Bryan. • Pass Standing — Adams, Yvonne. (Rec.); Beattie, Paul (Rec.); Bennewies, - Joanne (Rec.); Boshart, Bill; Boshart, Jane; Brady, Bruce; Broome, Brian; Butt, Brenda; Coleman, Joan; Dinsmore, Shirley; Drag- er, Harvey; Elliott, Marie, Gor- will, Ruth; Hildebrand, Ronald; Holland, John; Hugill, Sandra; Jessome," Bernie ; Kelland, Joyce; Lamont, Mary; MacLean, Murdo; Mowat, Heather; Mueg- ge, Judy; Nixon, , Lynn; Oke, Elaine; Smith, • Madelyne; Wat- son,gRobert; Wright, Blaine. Teacher—J. W. Talbot. Gradle III to Grade IV Honours — Dunlop, Ruth Anne; Harvey, David; Towns- end. Lorraine. Pass Standing'—Bell, Laurie; Bray, Sheila; Buker, Vivian; Coleman, : Allen; Dalton, Roy; Holland, Jim; Kruse, Laurie; MacDonald, Cindy; Malcolm, Bruce; Muegge, Lois; Muir, Joan; Mowat, Billy; Onbelet, Fred; Park, Larry; Polich, Rod- ney; Putman, Jimmie; Rivers, Jimmie; Robcrtson,'Allan; Wat- terworth, Mac; Westerveld, Wil- ma; Wilson, Anita. Teacher—Mrs. E. Ellis, Grade IV to Grade V Honours Boshart, Eleanor; Doig, Carol Anne; Malkus, Beata; -:McLean, Mary Anne. Pass Standing—Knetsch; Mar- garet: McLean, Margaret; Pat- terson, Diann e; Roberton, Elaine; Williams, Arlene. Teacher—Mrs, E. Ellis. Grade IV to Grade V , honours-Bousscy, Bill; Cor- nish, Danny; Dalton, Dianne. Pass Standing—Broome, Dav- ' ST. JAMES' SCHOOL The following are the promo- tion results of St. James' Separ- ate School: Grade III to Grade IVB -Jo- anne Arts, Mary Aubin, Georg- ette Baert, James Bannon, Neil Devereaux, Theresa Devereaux, Theresa Fleming, Hank Grooth- iiis, Jack Heynsbergen, Maria Heynsbergen, Mary Ann Huy - ben, Luke Janmaat, Rudolph Jansen, Patrick Malone, David Mero, Vernon Mero, Katherine Nigh, Joan Nigh, Nancy Phil- lips, Mary Anne Segeren, Jane Sills, Mary Van Loon, Corinne Van Miltonburg, Hendrina Ver - bene, Patricia Ziler. - Grade IV to Grade V—Mich- ael Bannon, Lynda Bedard, Anne Marie Devereaux, John Eckert, Robert 'Eckert, Joseph Flannery, Dianna Fleming, John Groothius, Flora Haga3i, Diane Halpin, Garry Heynsbergen, Anny Huyben, Teresa Kunz, John McConnell, William Mc- Curdy, James McGrath, Mary Ann McGrath, Patricia Nigh, Daniel O'Donnell, Mary Jane Rau, Nelly Swinkels, Elizabeth Vafderzon, John Van Milten- burg. Grade V to Grade VI—Mau- reen Bannon, Rosemary Bedard, Angela Devereaux, Brian Leon- hardt, Patricia Nigh, Douglas Phillips, William Price, Dawna Reynolds, Paul Reynolds, -Mary Swinkles, Mary Claire Troch, Anthony Van Loon, Arnold Van Miltenburg. Grade VI to Grade VII—Linda Chase, Gerald Dillon, Patricia Etue, Yvonne Feeney, Patrick Flannery, Rosemary Fleming, Mary Hagan, Paul Hoff, Louise Kenny, Mary Anne Kunz, Jane McConnell, David Nigh, Mary Price, Joanne Van Miltenburg, Marie Van Loon, Maria Wil, lems. - Grade VII to Grade VIII— Gary Bannon, Patricia Bannon, Paul Hagan, Rose Brady, Thom- as Malone, Ray Devereaux, Har- ry Mero, Dianne Lansink, Pat- rick Murray, Susan Leonhardt, James Phillips,, Monica McCur- dy, Mary Anne Phillips, Bill McGrath, Gregory Rau, Fergus Quinn, Julianne Rau, John Rau, -Joa ne Van Vugt, Mary Sills, Joh Willems, Jack Van den H gel, Gerda Willems. Grade VIII to Grade IX— Gary Van Loon, Bill Morris, Alice Bannon, Mary Eckert, Michael Stinnissen, Anthony Van den Hengel, Brenda Flan- nery, Dianne Salisbury, Mary McCurdy, Patricia Stiles, Dolores Maloney, James Etue, ,John Price, Paul Nigh, Gordon Pringle, Dianne Burns, Joan Williams. Grade I to Grade II—Harry Arts, David `Boert, David Broome, Joanne De Groot, Nan- cy Devereaux, Billy Devereaux, Margaret Eckert, 'Jerry Feeney, Sandra Fleming, Garry Grooth- ius, Dor o t h y Heynsbergen, Mary Janmaat, Mary Nobel, Lois Nigh, Charles Nigh, Mich- ael Nigh, Debra O'Donnell, Di- anne Phillips, Douglas Reyn- olds, Karen Regier; Cathy Stew- art, Billy Salisbury, Arnold Stinnissen, Mary Van Dyke, Martin Van Loon, Mary Van Miltenburg, Martin Verhene. NOTICE TO PARENTS!! A dangerous situation is being created on No. 8 Highway, opposite the entrance to the Lions Park, as a result of children leaving their bicycles along the edge of the Highway. ADEQUATE FACILITIES EXIST FOR BICYCLES WITHIN THE PARK ! Children on bicycles should use the east entrance. The co-operation of parents is requested in impressing on their children the fact that bicycles -,must be properly parked. Children who persist in leaving their bicycles at the west entrance, in the interests of highway safety, may be denied the use of the Park as long as the practise' con- tinues. SEAFORTH LIONS PARK HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL • The following are the promo- -tions of Hensall Public School: Grade VIII to Wade IX—Car- lile, Bob; Chipchase, Bill; Fink, Bryan; . Forrest, Bruce; Forres- ter, •Barbara; Harburn, Glenn; Jones, Grant; Johnston, Flora Lee; Kipfer, Danny; Koehler, Dianne; Lavery, Alvin; Little, Maria; Maxwell, Gary; . Mock, Linda; Neilands, -Roe Marie; Schwalm, Barbara; Smale, Rob- ert; Simla, David; Smale, Otto; Soldan, Bill; Taylor, ..George; Walker, Grant. Grade VII to Grade VIII— Baynham, Colleen; Betts, Carol; Bonthron, Brian; BisbaCk, Peter; Buchanan, R i c k y ; _ Drysdale, Paul; Flynn, Joyce';'- Forrest, Clark; Harburn, Laverene' Kyle, Suzanne; Lenaghan, Linda; Lit- tle, Cheryl; Moir, Bob; Moir, Wendy; 'Peters, Bonnie; Reid, Heather. Grade VI to Grade VII—Bell, Paµline; Cameron, Christine; Chipchase, Arleen; Goddard, John; Henderson, Cathy; Kyle Gary; Maxwell, Marilyn; Noakes,. Brenda; Schwalm, Charles; Sim- neens,' roan; Skea, John; Smile, Ken; Smale, Ruth; Taylor, Bill; Volland, Gerald. Grade V to Grade VI--Bon- thron, Janice; Cameron, Betty; Cook, Carolyn; Cook, Beth; Cor- neil, Bill; Davis, Michael; Fer- guson, Muriel; Fuss, Lynda; Hoy, Michael; Jinks, Susan; Johnston, Roy; Jones, Kenneth; Joynt, John; Keys, Linda; Kip- fer, Linda Jane; Lavery, Shar- on; Moir, John; Mousseatt, Cheryl; Neilands, Tom; Parke, Patricia; Reid, Allan; Smale, Sharon; Taylor, Robbie. Grade IV to Grade V—Allan, Margie; Ander so n, Debbie; Beseau, Michael; Betts, Chris- tine; Clark, Beverly; Fiford, Mark; Forrest, Donna; Hay, Lin- da; Jenkins, Gordon; Kipfer, Dorothy; Koehler, Lynda; Lam- bie, Robin; McRae, Christine; Mock, Mary; Neilands, Norman; Reid, Lynda, Roszel, Keith; Sangster, Pamela ; Schwalm, Marjorie; Smith, Jane; Taylor, Pamela; Vanstone, Peggy, Wal- ker, Murray; Watson, Heather; Williams, Peter. Grade III to Grade IV (Mr. Mansfield — Cameron, B i 11 ; Clement, Ron; Hastings, Bill; Hoy, Bill; Kipfer, David; Max- well, •Bob; Simmons, Jackie; Smale, Leonard; Taylor, John. Grade III to Grade IV (Mrs. Shirray)—Alexander, Iris; Bis - back, Allan; Broadley, Susan; Clement, Garry; Ferguson, Ken; Johnston, Joyce; Keys, Anne; Mock, Douglas; Parker, Ricky; Reabiirn, Joey; Webster, Wen- dy; Whiteman, Beverly. Grade II to Grade III (Mrs. Shirray)—Allan, Pauline; Bon- thron, Shelley; Corneil, Bever- ly; Fiord, Alison; Fuss, Cathy; Harburn, Keith; 'Jackson, Dav- id; Jaques, Johnny; Maxwell, June; McRae, Bill; McRae, Bob; Mock, Timmie; Noakes, Donald; Noakes, John; Sangster, Mich- ael; Smale, Shirley; Vanstone, Joe. • Grade II to Grade III (Mrs. Elgie) — Christie, Catharine ; Deal, Julie; Sangster, Sheila; Skea, Dorothy; Williams, Mac. Grade I to Grade II—Allan, `Lloyd; Bisback, Kevin; Broder- ick, Karen; Clark, Deborah; Davis, Kay; -Drysdale, Jill; Gass, Garry; Johnston, Ardith; Kipfer, Shelley; Koehler, Keith; Kyle, Douglas; Lambie, Wayne; Lav- ender, Brenda; Mattson, Terry; Mickle, Pam; Reaburn, Jeff; Rooseboom, Eddy; Rowcliffe, John; Smith, Scott; Vanstone, Christine; Wilson, Ronald. Kindergarten to Grade I— Alexander, Ross; Allan, Joan; Buchanan, Kevin; Charrette, Dennis; Clement, Billy; Cook, Kathy; Fiford, Ian; Forrest, Joan ; Goddard, Joan ; Heal, Jane; • Joynt, Pat; Langlois, Rich- ard; Lawrence, Paul; McRae, Laurie; Neilands, Paul; Rea - burn, Paul; Rowcliffe, Billy Joe; Smith, Danny; Turvey, Dan; Van Wieren, Patty; Watson, Jimmy; Webster, Billy; Williams, Jane. NO. 1, TUCKERSMITH Promoted to Grade. IX—Wil- liam Bell, Douglas Dalrymple, SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Zip DOG FOOD , 6 15 -oz. Tins Quaker MUFFETS Purex TOILET TISSUE . White or Coloured Libby's Fancy Quality =TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz. Tin Libby's Deep Brown BEANS 2 20 -oz. Tins' Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP 2 11 -oz. Bottles 39i Minettes' Best Choice TOMATOES 2 28 -oz. Tins 430 CUCUMBERS Each 9 CANTELOPE Each 19 Sunkist ORANGES—Size 113 Dozen 55,0 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS fl -oz. Pk,gs. ... 2 Roll Pkg. 53¢ 370. 250 250 450 Smith's ,SUPERIOR rCCD MRRI(rT . Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY Thomas Dalrymple, Deanna For- rest, Larry McLean. Promoted to Grade VII: Mer- vyn Bell, Charles Dalrymple, Gerald Traquai, -' Gude VI -Gwen 'McLean. Grade V—Nancy Forrest. Grade IV—Wilma Dalrymple. Grade III Gerry Brander - horst, Patricia Parker, Nancy Traquair. Grade II—William Forrest.— Mrs. Laurabelle Reichert, teiach- er. - SS NO. 13, McKILLOPRoxboro) Promoted to Grade 9—Jean Scott (Hon.), Joe Van Rooijen (Hon.). Promoted- to Grade 8—Erma Agar Hon.), Paul Peterson, Ted Scott. Promoted to Grade 7—Jerry Coleman, Judy Haarbye (Hon.), Irma Peterson (Hon.), Kenneth Scott. Promoted to Grade 6—Ann Uyl. •- Promoted to Grade 5—Else Petersen, Jane Pruim, Billy Scott. Promoted to Grade 4—Johan- na Pruim, Janneke Van Rooijen (Hon.). Promoted to Grade 3—Sandra Coleman (Hon.), Bruce Scott (Hon.). Promoted to Grade 2 — Leo Petersen (Hon.), M a r g a r e t Pruim, Stuart Scott (Hon.). Teacher—Mrs. Audrey Mc- Llwain. SS NO. 14, STANLEY Promotions of SS No. 14, Stan- ley, are as follows: To Grade IX—Douglas Hyde, Russell Talbot, Brian Triebner, James Wright, Bonnie Robin- son. To Grade VIII—Ann Clifton, Gwenneth Hendrick, John Rob- inson. To Grade VII—David Camp- bell, Wendy Jones. To Grade VI—Barbara Grid- zak, Billy Henderson, John Hoogenes, Jo -Anne Imanse, Lois Wright. To Grade V—Donna Clifton, Gayle Henderson,iie, Karen Hen- drick, Kathry ndrick, Mich- ael Gridzak. ¶110 Grade IV—Randy Gridzak. To Grade III—Robert Camp- bell, Gordon Wright: To Grade II= -Leslie Coleman, Linda Gridzak. Music. Pupils' Ai 5 ..li�seph' Leary results Boy: "Mother, is it true that an apple a day keeps the doc- tor away?" Mother: "There may be some truth in the saying, dear. Boy: "Well, if it is true, I kept about ten doctors away this morning, but I'm afraid one will have to come this af- ternoon." Western Ontario Conservatgry. of Mtipic results of May and June examinations, held at St. Joseph's Convent, Seaforth, are as follows: Piano." Grade VIII—Brenda Smillie, Mary Jean Boshart. Grade VII --- Honours: Julie Hoover, Anita Harrison, Mary Crich. " Grade VI—First Class Hon- ours: Jean Patrick, Barbara Swan, Joan Hoover. Honours: Gordon Moylan. Grade V —• Honours; Joyce Harrison, Margaret Whyte, Del- la Wallace, Rochelle Nesbitt, Barbara Longstaff; Pass: Mari- anne Snowdon. Grade IV: First Class Hon ours: Mary Sills; Lorne Harri- son; Honours: Sharon Burke, Karen Russell, Catherine Phil- lips; Pass: Angela Devereaux. Grade II—First Class Hon- ours: Susan Leonhardt, Mary Leeming; Honours: Brian • Hod- ge;•t, Mary ,Hoggarth, Sheila Flood, Barbaa Box. tirade I—First Class Hon- orrs: Ruth Wilson. Theory 'History — Barbara Holland (Honours); Harmony — Nancy Berger. Grade II, Theory—First Class Honours: Jean Patrick; Hon- ours: Marguerite Scott. Grade I—First Class Honours: Gordon . Moylan; Joyce Harri- son, Mary Sills, Julie Hoover, Joan Hoover, Barbara Swan, Pa- tricia Stiles, Ann Sills, Anita Harrison. Hensall W.I. Sets Program For Season Members of the executive of Hensall Women's Institute met at the home of President Mrs. Fred Beer last Wednesday eve- ning to prepare programs for the coming -year. An itemized statement was presented of the hockey banquet •which ;the branch catered to and the pro- ceeds which were most gratify- ing turned 'over to the treasur- er. ' Members attending were Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs'. Walker Carlile, Miss Greta Lam mie,-Mrs. Carl Payne, Mrs. John Skea, Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. A. R. Orr and Mrs. Beer. Luncheon was served. A Clinton Public seltoal teach er wh4 has CQntributed.to the education of yQWn .chilllrem ln, that area, retired Friday after: 44 years in the teacltIng , pro' fession. ,, Miss Edna M. Jamieson. egos*,. ed the .door of her elassroofl at Clinton Public. School .kri• day morning for ;the last dune,'. In her retirement -she will pur- sue her hobbies—oil painting, stamp collection, gardening acid sewing. She resides with her 90 - year -old mother, Mrs. Harriet Jamieson, at 179 Ontario St., Clinton. • l -• Born in Hullett Township; Miss Jamieson attended SS No. WINTHROP Mrs. L. Johnston, of Blyth, spent ' last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley. Cpl. and Mrs. Steve Sorel and son, of RCAF Station Winnipeg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs° Stan Polich. Mr. and Mrs Stan Polich spent the weekend in Niagara Falls, the guests of Mr. Polich's parents. . Miss Elaine Somerville, Strat- ford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Somerville. Mr. Thomas Somerville, of Walton, is attending the Water- loo College for the summer course. . Teachers and pupils are look- ing forward to Bible Vacation School at Cavan Church, Win- throp, from July 9 to 13, clos- ing with a picnic lunch on Fri- day noon. ' Arnold STINNISSEN Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone: 852 R 12 R.R. 5 - SEAFORTH 1, #lilliett, And Bpp?t ;g i4uatir ,; • from the Panton Di§ir et Voh legiate Alstitute,. S,hke entered. $tratfo 4 No ilial :S.ci�t¢ol, ;Koff lt>aawn as Teaeh,era':Cordage,. She taught '►blue *ghoul at • MIS$ E. M. JAMIESON No: 6, Hullett Township, SS No. 6, McKillop, and SS No. 6, Tuck- ersmith, going to Clinton Pub- lic School in 1938. She has been an active:mem- ber of the Clinton unit of the Huron Branch of the Ontario Public School Women Teachers Federation, holding the position .of president for four years. ALL KINDS' of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 — Res. 540 Watch for the Grand Opening SPEED 'WASH - , Using Speed Queen Washers and Dryers 14 coin-operated washers and 6 hi -capacity dryers 'to serve you, PLUS extractor and vending machines for your convenience. TO BE LOCATED IN A NEW BUILDING, TO BE ERECTED, ON MARKET STREET, NEAR MAIN Summer Special Gucrdian iintenance Service FREE Protects Your Car Front Reg. $12.50 6 CYLI RCYi s b Wheel Balance with Every Wheel Alignment ront Wheel Alignment, correct caster and camber, et toe in, center steering wheel, adjust steering gear ox. , SUMMER SPECIAL $'9.50 • (Plus Parts) ENGINE TUNE UP NDER ENGINE INDER ENGINE $ 5 95 Plus Parts At $8.008la00 10% Discount Free Brake Adjustment with each Tune Up Carburetors CIea-ned 1 BARREL CARBURETORS - $ 9.95 2 BARREL CABURETORS $5.95 SINGLE BARREL CARBURETORS $ 4 .0 0 BETTER SERVICE FOR YOUR SATISFACTION Plus Parts Seaforth Motors CHEV—OLDS--ENVOY—CORVAIR—AND ALL CHEV TRUCKS PHONE 541 — WE PICK UP AND DELIVER