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OS1TOR, SNAK4040 on, Alm 23, 1902 Aws OF g p
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Bride of Saturday
At the 8:30 Mass on Sunday,
June 24, First Communion took
Place for 14 children. Rev. A.
Durand officiated and delivered
the sermon.
The children receiving their
First Holy Communion were:
Pauline Goettler, Anita Lferiks,
Diane Stapleton, Judy Eckert,
Wilma Segeran, Theresa Flana-
gan, Jo Ann Van Bergen, Jean-
ette Vonk, Andrew Nyland,
Johnny Brosens, John Delaney,
Bobbie Krauskopf, Cor Van
Bohel, Eddy Renne.
A very successful turkey and
ham supper and lawn social
was held on St. Patrick's church
grounds on Wednesday. The
Seaforth High School Girls'
Band rendered various selec-
tions. Numerous booths were
in operation.
The winners of the ticket
draw were: Rev. A. Durand, St,
Peter's Seminary, London; Mrs.
'Martin Feeney, Mrs. Frank Kist-
ner, and Paul Krauskopf and
Teddy Elliott, who each won
Mr. Billie Cook, Long Branch,
Ont., with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans
and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary,
Karen and Kevin, of London,
with Mr. and Mrs, Pat Benn in
Miss Theresa Ryan, London,
is spending her vacation with
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan.
Miss Rita Maloney, London,
with Mr. Eddie Krauskopf.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma-
loney with Mr. and Mrs. Hinz,
Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin is a
patient at the Stratford Gen-
eral Hospital.
Mr. Marvin Benninger, St.
Peter's Seminary, London, at
his home.
Miss Lydia Jordison, Toron-
to, with Mrs. Elsie Jordison.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nichol-
son and Mrs. Mary Krauskopf,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
P. Krauskopf. '
Mr. and Mrs, Martin Buck,
Detroit, and Miss Mary Gilmur-
ray, Rochester, New York, with
Mrs. Kathleen Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grosech
and children, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Williams'
and Nancy, bf Jacksonville,
Florida, with Mrs. Joseph Stap-
The village blacksmith hired
an apprentice and began his in-
structions to the lad. "When I
take this horseshoe out of the
fire, I'll lay it on the anvil and
when I nod my head, you hit it
with a hammer." The appren-
tice did as he was told. Now
he's the village blacksmith.
Now Available- .
Railway St.
Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, RR No. 2,
Hensall, was hostess at a tea
in her home in honor of her
daughter, Miss Marie Jarrott,
whose marriage took place Sat-
urday, June 23. The tea table
was decorated with a lace cloth,
pink candles and centred with
pink mums and blue corn-
flower, arranged in a silver
Receiving guests at the door
were the bride -elect, her moth-
er and the groom's mother,
Mrs: Alma Brimzlow. Pouring
tea were Mrs. Isaac Gower and
Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, grand-
mothers of the bride and groom,
and Mrs. G. Koehler, Serving
were Miss Betty Fletcher, Mrs.
Gerald Gaiser, Mrs. Clayton
Brock and Mrs. Maurice Heist,
sister of the bride. Tea-room
assistants were Mrs. Ross Tay-
lor, aunt of the groom, Mrs.
Harry Norris, Mrs. John Ander-
son, Mrs. Emerson Anderson
and Mrs. Robert Upshall, aunts
of the bride. Wedding gifts
were displayed by Mrs. Eric
Smale; shower gifts by Mrs.
Homer Campbell and Mrs.
Douglas Mann, cousins of the
bride; linens by Miss Marie Sin-
clair and Miss Mary Norris,
cousins of the bride; trousseau
by Miss Doris Tully, and mis-
cellaneous by Miss Elaine Mc-
Nay, Miss Debby Anderson, cou-
sin of the bride; Miss Brenda
Brunzlow, sister of the groom,
and Miss Terry Brock were in
charge of the guest book.
Prior to her wedding on Sat-
urday, June 23, Miss Marie Jar-
rott was honored at several
Mr., Mrs. Sinclair
Wed 25 Years
Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair
observed their 25th wedding
anniversary on Tuesday, June
19. On Sunday a family din-
ner was held at the home of
their daughter (Ann), Mrs. Al-
lan B. Grigg, of London. The
Happy Gang surprised . them by
calling at their home Thursday
evening prior to their annivers-
ary and presented Mrs. Sinclair
with a tray and Mr. Sinclair, a
silver tie clip.
Thirty-five •i'riends called to
congratulate them on the eve-
ning of the occasion. Cards
were enjoyed and a presenta-
tion made of a three-piece carv-
ing set and steak knives. A
delicious lunch was served.
showers. Miss Doris Tully and
Miss Elaine McNay, two class-
mates of Marie's, entertained at
Stratford for the rest of the
class which were in training
together. They presented Marie
with a clothes hamper filled
with miscellaneous gifts. Fif-
teen girls, out of a class of
twenty-one, attended, making
the evening one happy, reunion
of the class of '61.
Mrs, Clayton Brock a n d
Mrs. Gerald Gaiser entertained
friends and relatives for a sur-
prise pantry shower, held at
Mrs. William Dickey's home at
Mrs. William Bell entertain-
ed the 4-H Club members for
a shower for Marie. They pre-
sented her with a table lamp
and a magazine rack. Miss Mar-
ion Turner showed slides of re-
cent trips she had taken.
St. Andrew's United Church,
Kippen, and, SS No. 13, Hay,
presented Marie with a miscel-
laneous shower. A program was
arranged by Mrs. Harold Jones.
Contests „ were conducted by
Mrs. Emerson Anderson and
Miss Phyllis LosteIl. The ad-
dress was read by Mrs. Horner
Campbell and a delicious lunch
The staff of 4-E Paediatrics
floor, St. Joseph's Hospital, Len -
don, where the bride has been
employed for the past nine
months, presented Marie with
corning -ware.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Van Wier -
ren and -family visited Wednes-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Grovenberg, of St. Thomas.
Miss Audrey Priestap and
friend, of Mitchell, visited Sun-
day with the former's grand-
father, Mr. Robert Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride,
accompanied' by their daughter,
Sharon, and Miss Ruth Miller,
of Woodstock, motored Sunday
to Lake of Bays, Muskoka,
where the girl's have accepted
positions for the summer mon
positions for t h e summer
Miss Ellen Dowson, Clinton,
and Miss Ella Wright, of
Guelph, visited Sunday with
Mrs. E. Dowson and on Satur-
day Mr. John Landen, of North
Branch, Indiana, was a guest.
Mrs. James Burnett and Mrs.
Florence Ducker, of Toronto,
visited Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. N. Long while on their
way home from spending sev-
eral months in Florida.
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Beattie
and family, of Wingham, visit-
ed Mr. Lorne McBride on Sun-
Service at St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church, Kippen, will be
withdrawn on Sunday, July 1,
owing to Young People's • anni-
versary at Brucefield Church.
Sunday School will be held at
10 o'clock.
The Sunday School and UCW
picnic plans are being made,
to be held at Lions Park, Sea -
forth, on July 10.
Mr., Mrs, J. Ryan
Have Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ryan, of
Walton, were honored on their
25th wedding anniversary in the
Walton Community Hall, Satur-
day. The couple were married
at St. Columban R.C. Church
on June 19, 1937.
Mr. Ryan is a son of the late
Mr. Joseph Ryan and Elizabeth
Baker Ryan. His mother resides
in Woodstock. Mr. Ryan farmed
all his life on the same farm.
His wife is the daughter of the
late P. J. Johnson and Cathar-
ine O'Reilly Johnson. H e r
mother lives in Seaforth. Mrs.
Ryan was from McKillop.
They have a family of six—
Ken, of Kirkland Lake; Don, of
Logan; Cyril, Gordon, Rose-
mary and Neil, at home.
Mueller's orchestra provided
the music for the event, and at
12 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Ryan
were called to the platform and
an address was read by Mrs,
George Fox, which caused num-
erous enjoyable laughs. The
happy couple were presented
with many pieces of silverware
and a silver tea service set,
smoker's stand and chest of
silver, along with a well-filled
purse of money. Mr. and Mrs.
Ryan thanked them all and a
delicious lunch was served.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Ryan over the
weekend were: Mrs. Lou Rol-
and, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
S. Benninger, of Weiland; Mr.
and Mrs. Cyril Johnson and Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Johnson, of
, Mr. David G. McFarlane; Miss
Jean McFarlane and Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Thompson, of Al
monte, visited their many
friends in the area over the
Mrs. Mary Henderson, Toron-
to, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
George Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Hol-
den and sons, of Granton, spent
Mrs. James Semple, of Thes-
salon, died Thursday at Kit-
chener -Waterloo Hospital. She
was the former Janet M. Gou-
die, a 'native of Hespeler, and
was a former resident of Eg-
mondville, where her husband
served for several •years , as
minister of Egmondville Unit-
ed Church,.
Surviving are her husband,
Rev. Dr. Semple; a son, Wesley
W., of Kitchener; two daugh-
ters, Mrs. W. B, (Margaret)
Workman, ?f North Bay, and
Mrs. 0. W. (Muriel) Parsons, of
Brantford; two sisters, Alice
and Estelle Goudie, df Kitchen-
er; and eight grandchildren.
The body was at the Keifer
Funeral H o m e, Kitchener,
where service was conducted at
2 p.m. Saturday by Rev. W. J.'
Pratt. Burial was in Woodland
'Sunday with Mrs. Holden's
mother, Mrs. Krueger, and her
aunt, Mrs.. A, Ings.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adair, of
Kitchener, visited over the
weekend with Mrs. Adair's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Broad -
Mrs, Thom is visiting for a
couple of weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. George Hopkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre
and Mrs. William Douglas have
returned from a trip to Eckford
Camp. in Northern Ontario.
Mr: and Mrs. L. C. Smiley,
Erin, ,and Mr. and Mrs. Z.
Chase, Detroit, visited with
their cousin, Mrs H. Berry, on
Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson
spent the weekend in Toronto
and attended the wedding of
their nephew, Mr. - Anthony
The UCW of Brucefield Unit-
ed Church will hold their pic-
nic at the cottage of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Scott, Bayfield. All
the ladies of the congregation
are invited.
Sell that unnecessary piece of
furniture through a Huron Ex-
positor Classified Ad. Phone 141.
Cairo PErper
Earns Honors
Word has been received from
the Royal Conservatory of Mus-
ic of Toronto that Miss Carol
Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth, has
earned first-class honors in a
.Grade 8 singing exam, held re-
cently at Blyth. She also re-
ceived honors in her ARCT
teacher's written and honors in
the ARCT piano teacher's de-
gree. Carold received her ARCT
solo performer's degree ,in
June, 1961.
Sell that unnecessary piece of
furniture through a Huron I Ex-
positor Classified Ad. Phone 141,
W. E.
Phone 334 -- Res. 540
1961 Ford Sedan—A.T. 1957 Ford Sedan
1961 Olds Super Four -Door Hardtop
1958 Borgward Station .Wagon -
1958 Pontiac Sedan ' 1957 Chev. Sedan
1956 Dodge Sedan 1956 Pontiac Sedan
1955.Buick Sedan—A.T. 1956 Ford Coach
1955 Chev. Coach 1953 Pontiac Sedan
1955 Monarch Sedan A.T. and Radio
Phone 541 -- Seaforth
Any Other 3 -Plow _ Tractor
Field -hugging and harvest -hungry .. .
THE BRILLIANT MF 50 combines ample power to
work a three -bottom plow with the never -equalled Fer-
guson System of precise draft and implement control!
Four interchangeable front-end models — standard high
arch, dual and single wheel row -crop — for any kind of
farming. Ask for a demonstration. Look, compare . .
you'll be a Massey-Fergusonman!
Finest in the field/
Irt 0:1
BALER ... the new high-capacity profit -maker that elim-
inates daily greasing, makes you first in the field, and gets
the job done in record time! The MF 10's oversized 56" -
wide pickup handles the heaviest windrows with ease. You
can adjust the size or weight of the bales for just the
right "heft" you want. This new Massey -Ferguson 10 Baler
is faster, more ependable and trouble-free—for years of•
economical, hi -profit baling! Come in today—See for
lid. ;<,r „t•: �;T� �;
Now, whatever the size of your
harvest, - there's a new Massey -
Harris combine that 'will handle it
faster, cleaner than ever before!
And these new harvest streamliners
have the famous M -H High
Capacity and Balanced Separation,
plus the extra advantage of the
new Low Look—up to 4 -feet lower
than most other makes. Both the
82 and 92 have 'a new, hinged
unloading auger that makes for
convenient storage and easier trans-
.There's one just right for your farm/
port. Other efficiency -improving
features include ... lighter weight
sturdier braces to table . . .
convenient step plates to cylinder
... four extra -long straw walkers
.. larger gas tank ... and a new
roomier platform. All these features
have been designed to help you do
more work easier, better, faster.
Check these advantages ... drop
in soon and see these new Massey-
asseyHarris Combines—you'll be glad
you did!
BOYES' Farm Supply
Phone 110 SEAFORTH