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lU3rd Year
Whole No. 4923 •
A HIGHLIGHT of the 100th anniversary celebration at
Turner's Church Sunday was the cutting of the centennial
cake. Here, Mrs. Gifford Crich, oldest member of the congre-
gation, is about to cut the cake, while Mrs. Gregor McGregor
(left) and Mrs. Howard Johns assist in pouring tea. Former
members of the congregation from a wide area returned for
the anniversary occasion. (Below): Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, of
Clinton is 95, but she couldn't miss the celebration. The former
Miss Fairburn, she is still active in church circles. George
Turner is in charge of the guest book. His great-grandfather
donated the land on which the church was built. (Expositor
photos by Phillips).
Turner's Church
Has centennial
Members .of the congregation
of Turner's United Church in
Tuckersmith began a week-long
celebration of the 100th anni-
versary of its founding with
special services on ,Sunday.
A former minister, the Rev.
A. , Glen . Eagle, Sarnia, who
served the church from 1951-57,
returned as guest speaker for
both the morning and the eve-
ning service. On Sunday an
'Open House' was also a feature
when many former members
and .. friends crowded the cen-
tury -old church and joined
around a `centennial cake. The
cake was cut by Mrs. Gifford
Crich, who is the oldest mem-
ber of the congregation.
Story in Pictures
Displays of pictures and art-
icles of earlier years told the
story of the congregation. Rev.
Grant Mills, minister of the On-
tario Street United Church,
Clinton, is the minister of the
church which has 22 families
in its congregation. Gregor Mc-
Gregor is clerk of the session,
"and John Turner is treasurer.
On Wednesday the congrega-
tion held 'a, supper, and! next
Sunday the Rev. G. G. Burton,
London, also a former minister
who served 1936-46, will preach
at the 2 p.m. service. Another
former minister, Rev. W. J.
Woolfrey, Dresden; who was in
charge from 1946-51, will
preach: in the evening.
Turner's history goes back to
1832 when Edward Turner, and
his family came to Little York
(Toronto), moved on to Hamil-
ton and finally to Tuckersmith
in 1833. He took up land on
eWhich the church now stands.
Starting Date Doubtful
Date of the establishment of
the first appointment to serve
the area settlers is in doubt,
but could have been as early
as 1853. Names reported in
that period are the Rev. W.
Creighton, Edward Turner, Jr.,
Edward Turner, Sr., Jesse Cos -
ens, John Crich, Thomas Crich,
Joseph Townsend, Thomas
Clarke, D. McMullen, Joseph
Crich, William Crich, Emily
Co$ens, Samuel Crieh, William.
Probably a lag eh'tirelt 'trios'
built by 1852. However, the
present •church was built in
1862, of- bricks made by a
negro known as Mosul and his
son, Charles. The place on the
Turner farm where the clay
was taken out is still marked
by the excavation. The stone
was hauled by William Gib-
bings, son of Enos Gibbings,
who built the first log cabin on
the site of Clinton in 1831. Wil•
liam was the first white male
child born in Clinton and about
the second in the whole Huron
Tract. He was the father of
the late B. J. Gibbings.
The church, costing $2,300,
was opened formally on Novem-
ber 8, 1862.
The history of . the -congrega-
tion has been compiled by Mrs.
Elmer Townsend a n d Mr.
Mills, who spent many hours
searching through files of The
Huron Expositor, going back
tq 1870 in search of details.
graduated from the Univers-
ity of Toronto with a degree
of Doctor of Medicine. Son
of Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Mur-
ray, Dublin, he is a graduate
of St. Michael's College, To-
ronto, and Assumption• Uni-
versity, Windsor, and a for-
mer Seaforth District High
School student. He will take
his internship at St. Mich-
ael's Hospital, Toronto, and
intends to further his stu-
dies to si{eciblize' il> surgery.'
Lions Pool Will
Open. Friay
Seaforth Lions pool will open
for the season ,on Friday after-
noon, officials announced this
The pool will be open Satur-
day afternoon and again on
Sunday, and each afternoon af-
ter school hours until the end
of school. Regular summer
hours will come into effect on
June 29. Swimming classes
commence July 2.
The pool staff will beheaded
again this year by Hugh Huff.
Staff will include Ann Trout -
beck, Tom Dick, Pete Rowat,
Susan McLean, Ken Cardno and
Joan Teall. Roy MeGonigle is
in charge of the park, while
Mrs. Don McLean will handle
the pavilion.
Registration Completed
Registration for• swimming
instruction has been completed
and a list of those registered
and the time 'of their classes
Will be issued next week.
Rates continue the same as in
previous years, with the excep-
tion of children's season's 'tick-
ets. Increased costs have made
necessary a change from $1.50
to $2.00 for the season, officials
said, As in the past, there
is no charge for instruction.
The park again is one of the
most popular picnic spots in
the area if early reservations
are any indication. According
to Mr. McGonigle, more than
400 people will be present on
Saturday, and again on Sunday.
Hold Ladies' Night
Seaforth Lions Club held its
annual Ladies' Night in the
Legion Hall on Wednesday.
Members of area clubs and
their wives joined with the
local club to enjoy a buffet din-
ner and dancing.
The affair was arranged by a
committee headed by president
John Longstaff, and including
Lee Learn, John Cardno and W.
C. Moore.
Seaforth OES
Entertains 'DDGM
Seaforth Chapter No. 233,
Order of the Eastern Star, held
a reception in the Legion Hall
Tuesday of last week for Mrs.
Anona Crozier, DDGM of Dis-
trict No. 5. The Legion Ladies'
Auxiliary served a delicious
smorgasbord at 7 o'clock, which
was followed by an enjoyable
Those taking part were: "The
Barbershoppers" of Stratford,
a 17 -man chorus, who also gave
many quartette selections; Di-
"ahe Henderson, soloist; dancers
Donna Horne, Ruth Ann Wilson
and Janet McClure.
Winners at the euchre, which
ended the evening, were: ladies,
high, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, Sea -
forth; low, Mrs. Nettie Clarke,
Blyth; men: high, John Bach,
; low, Warren Whitmore, both
of Seaforth.
Guests were preseht from
Mitchell, Clinton, Goderich,
Blyth, Exeter, Parkhill, Strat -
roy and St. Marys.
The draw for the floor lamp
and the vanity chair will be
held on June 28.
Goes Fishing;
Finds. Orchid
Rev. J. Cliff Britton, while on
a fishing trip recently, found an
orchid growing in a swamp area
through which he was passing.
It was about three feet in
"We didn't catch any fish, but
we didn't mind," he said. 'The
orchid was exquisite and it
more than made tip for the fish
we tiii$sed,"
84.4 '..Per Cent Vote
Return Cardiff Seve
$2:SQ Ysir m Adv lca
Single* Cop*. jp: Cent .
Voters Resist
Ontario Trend
Huron voters stood firm•
support of the Government f�
Monday's voting and returne
Elston Cardiff,, 73 -year-old Mo+
ris Township farmer, for his
seventh term. He was first
elected in the former riding of
Huron North in 1940..Since th
redistribution of 1952 when
the riding ,df Huron -Perth wail
joined to the riding of Huron
North, he has represented Hui-
Huron was one in a group of
ridings from London north and
east to Kitchener that resisted
a Liberal surge that resulted
in the loss of 90 Conservative
seats across Canada.
Mr. Cardiff gained 11,422
votes to defeat his Liberal • op-
ponent, Mayor Ernie Fisher, of
Goderich, by 2,573 votes. Carl
Hemingway, representing the
NDP, with 1,130 votes, came
third. The Social Credit candi-
date, Earl Douglas, received 456
The election attracted one of
the largest turnouts in the his-
tory of the area, according to
election officials, who said 84.4
per cent of those who were
eligible cast ballots. Across
Canada -the percentage of those
voting . was about 78.
Dull overcast weather
weather throughout the day
may have contributed to the
heavy, vote in the rural areas,
since farmers were unable to
work on the land. On several
occasions heavy rain fell for
short ,periods, the last down-
pour occurring moments after
the polls closed.
First return to come to . the
reporting centre set up in the
W. E. Southgate office by re-
turning officer R. T. Bolton, was
that of , No. 6 Poll, Usborne.
Received at 8:12 p.m., the ,poll
gave Mr. Cardiff 66 votes and
Mr. Fisher 11, and from then
until Mr. Fisher conceded
shortly after, 10 o'clock, the
issue was not in doubt. The
final return from No. 5,, Tuck-
ersmith, was received after 11
o'clock, according to Mr. Bol-
Despite the heavy vote, poll-
ing booths were not rushed at
any time. Polls opened at 9
o'clock and until. closing time
at 8 o'clock there was a steady
movement' of voters through
the. polls.
Mr. Cardiff received the re-
turns at Brussels and Mr. Fish-
er at Goderich. When the re-
sults had been announced, both
expressed appreciation to their
organizations and those who
had assisted them in their cam-
Mr. Cardiff left for Seaforth,
the centre of an enthusiastic
parade, and after meeting his
workers in the Seaforth com-
mittee rooms, and visiting the
returning officer's reporting
centre, went on to - Clinton and
Goderich. The- celebration was
tempered somewhat as time
passed by word of increasing
government losses' across the
There was one'votethe NDP
Tarty was supposed to get, but
An election worker overheard
a voter say as she left the poll,
"I always liked Mr. Douglas
when he was in Saskatchewan,
and that's why I voted for him
Nobody bothered to tell her
that the Douglas on the Huron
ballot was the Social Credit
candidate, and not the former
premier of Saskatchewan.
When the votes were count-
ed in No. 1 poll in Tucker -
smith, the result was an even
split, with Mr. Cardiff and Mr.
Fisher each receiving 92 votes.
An election official said nine
voters at the poll cast their first
ballot—an unusually high num-
CHANGING TOTALS on the Huron election board held
the interest of spectators Monday night as they watched elec-
tion officials tabulate returns. Working on the big board in
the Southgate office are (left to right), W. R. Smith, •J. A.
Cardno and F. C. J. Sills. (Expositor photo by Phillips).
McKillop Voters
Residents of McKillop Town-
ship will vote for the second
time in as many weeks when
polls in the township will be
open on Wednesday under the
Liquor Licence Act.
Voters will. have the oppor:
tunity to express an opinion on
two questions: •
1. Are you in favor of the
sale of beer only under a pub-
lic house licence for consump-
Dogs Learn
The phrase, "Lead a dog's
life", is more fact than fancy
as far as dogs in Seaforth are
Dog days for Seaforth . dogs
came Tuesday when Municipal
Mobile Animals Control of Lon-
don undertook the first in what
will be a regular tour of the
town in search of stray dogs.
The first day's visit netted two
dogs; a third was captured Wed-
The town entered into an
agreement with the firm some
weeks ago, when it was unable
to obtain the services of a dog
catcher locally: Under the
agreement, Animal Control
Service visits the town at regu-
lar intervals and takes posses-
sion of any dogs found at large
or without licenses. On being
captured, dogs ,.are held pend-
ing redemption and arrange-
ments for holding the dogs
have been worked out with Les-
lie Beattie.
Well Produces
Unusual Flow
Water at a rate of about sev-
en times the normal flow of a
four -inch pipe resulted when W.
D. Hopper & Sons completed
drilling a well recently , for
Harry Palin, at his new resi-
dence north of town.
The 93 -foot well is pumping
at a rate of 4,000 gallons an
hour, with water level about
13 feet below the surface.
Fourth place in a sililboat race
at Bayfield Sunday was won by
Don Coutts, Seaforth. The Sea -
forth lad navigated his 22 -foot -
6 -inch cabin sloop to the fourth
place position.
Londoner Bud Jones, with an
18 -foot -long sailboat, crossed
the finish. line at Bayfield ahead
of 10 other boats racing the 13
miles between Grand Bend and
A scant two minutes behind
Jones came a 25 -foot cabin
sloop owned' and skippered by
Lother Doil, of London. Third
and fourth places in the first
race of the season were tidcen
by Dr. H. H. Cowen, of Exeter,
in a 24footyawl, and Mr.
The race was between five
members of the Grand Bend
Yacht Club and six members
of the Bayfield Boat Club. A
barbecue was held at the Bay-
field club after the race. All
the boats were between 18 and
54' feet ,long.. There were no
hat dieapit,__
tion on licensed premises to
which women are' admitted?
and (2) Are you in favour of the
sale of beer only under a pub-
lic house licence .for consump-
tion" on licensed premises to
which men only are admitted?
Polls, which are open from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m., are located at
the ,following residences:
No. 1—Thomas Murray, Lot
N1/2 10, Con. 5.
No.- 2—William Kerr, Lot SW
corner 24, Con. 5.
No. 3—Christena Leonhardt,
Lot 10, Con. S 13.
No. 4—Ross Driscoll, Lot E1/2
25, Con. 12.
An advance poll will be open
at the residence of .returning
officer J. M. Eckert, on Satur-
day, June 23, from 9 a.m. to 6
p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.
All times are Daylight Saving.
The lists being used are those
which served for the federal
election Monday. However,
persons entitled to vote, but
who do not appear on the list,
may be vouched for at the poll,
the returning officer said.
Right Slogan
Can Mean $25
Want to make $25.00?
All you have to do is to think
of a slogan of 10 words or less
that describes the benefits Sea -
forth offers to industry, to busi-
ness, or just as a nice place in
which to live.
• The Chamber of Commerce
wants a short descriptive phrase
that can be used in publicity
material and on signs which are
to be erected at entrances to
the town. So anxious are the
officials,. that they are willing
to pay $25.00 for the best entry.
The contest closes July 16th,
and entries should be mailed or
delivered to Wm. M. Bart, C
of C Committee Chairman.
F of A Accepts
• Resignation of Carl Heming-
way, for several years secre-
tary-fieldman of Huron County
Federation of Agriculture, was
accepted at a meeting of F of
A directors in Clinton Tuesday
evening. The meeting appoint-
ed Mrs. J. W. Elliott to carry
out the secretarial duties. She
First Refurn
Coniesof 8:12
A smooth working o-rganiza-
tion created by returning officer
R. T. Bolton and election clerk
W. E. Southgate, brought 'elec-
tion returns in- a steady flow to
a reporting centre, established
in Mr. Southgate's office.
Extra telephone facilities in-
stalled in the centre were aug-
mented by phones in The Ex-
positor office next door. Re-
presentatives of press and radio
relayed reports as they were
Results were entered on a
large board, which was 'visible
to the street, and from the time
the polls closed 'until final re-
sults were announced after. 10.
o'clock, the street was crowd-
ed with interested onlookers
anxious to learn the progress
of the count in Huron.
Manning phones were D. L.
Reid, Mr. Bolton and Mr. South-
gate, who relayed the informa-
tion toadding machine opera-
tors Pat Troutbeck, Veronica
Jordan, Jean Hildebrand and R.
James. Wallace.- From here the
returns were carried by run-
ners J. A. Cardno, W. R. Smith
and R. W. Hunter, to Frank
Sills, who marked the big
board. R. S. MacDonald check-
ed results, and Art Bolton an-
nounced results over a PA sys-
tem to the crowds outside.
The results:
m 0
U A-
' 'Ashfield
No. X 84
Nov 2 80
No.4_ 75
No. 5 .. 20
No. 6 ... 29
No. 7 42
Total 420 12 294 31
No. 1 124 1 70 5
No. 2 130 4 52 8
Total 254 5 122 13
3 43 5
2 26 12
2' -48
0 30 2
1 59 1 '
3 55 2
1 3$ 6
No. 1 98 9 86 6
No. 2 ... 68 4 51- 13
No. 3 108 1 43 10
Total 274 14 180 29
No. lA
No. 1B
No.. 2A
No. 3A
has been acting during recent No. 3B
weeks. No. 4A
Mr. Henlingway's resignation No. 4B
had been before the board for Total
some time. He was an unsuc-
cessful candidate in the Mon-
day election.
Ab Bacon reported on trips
arranged by Huron hog produc-
ers, and the meeting arranged
to hold its annual worship serv-
ice in September.
Smile of the Week
"Well, Glen," said the little
boy's mother as he walked into
the house, "were you a good
boy at school today?"
"Sure," answered the lad,
"how much trouble can you get
into standing in a corner all
106' 1 65 10
105 3 87 7
135 - –5 - '78 _ 6
105 11 86 8
123 6 54 2
97 4 75 6
112 3 60 ` 5
83 1 54 , 9
866 34 559 53
No. 1 77.
No. 2 72
No. 3 100
No. 4 51
Total 300
0 65
1 57
1 67
3 54
5 243
No. IA 134 8 58 8
No. 1B 115 3 48 6
No. 2A 207 6 96 8
No. 2B 197 1 97 10
No. 3A 137 11 73 4
No. 3B 119 6 68 11
No. 4 67 0 48 9
Total 976 35 488 56
(Continued on Page 4)
IT WAS A HAPPY OCCASION on Sunday at the Edward
Andrews' home in Harpurhey, when members of the Andrews'
family were reunited after an absence of 42 years. Mrs. James
Etheridge and her husband (left), of Lymington, Hampshire,
England, are in Canada visiting her brothers, Edward Andrews,
Seaforth, and William Andrews, Norwich, who are shown here
chatting at the Andrews' home. A third brother, Bert An- •
drews, Woodstock, was unable to be present. (Expositor
pilot() by Phillips),