HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-06-14, Page 7Huiro!n County
"We h
.Britnell aid. "We have never
done construction in winter be-
cause men work at 50 per cent,
efficiency, and you would have
to take men off snowplowing."
A question by Reeve Thomp-
sou;. of Tuckersmith, regarding
farm fences damaged in snow
removal, brought the informa-
tion from the engineer that in-
surance was carried, but he.
had never heard of a company
paying a claim, inasmuch as it
was not negligence that broke
down the fences.
"Some companies may admit
liability," he added; "I do not
"On a sideroad," said Mr.
Thompson, "they say they
would rather have the road not
Arthur Gibson, former reeve
of Howiek, visiting council, was
invited within the rail, and
wished the members good luck
in the work 'of the session.
Reeve Alvin D. Smith, Turn -
berry, presented the report of
the historic committee, explain;
ing the structural changes un-
-.der way at Huron Pioneer
Museum in Goderich. The new
office is to be a memorial to
Gavin Green, whose will con-
tained a bequest.
Reeve Smith disclosed that
some councillors had never vis-
ited the museum,' and he invit-
ed all members to do so.
The committee report stated:
"There has been no further re-
port from Professor James Scott
in connection with the history
of Huron." "I would like to
have had -something -more about
this book," the chairman said,
"but it is impossible, seeming-
ly, to , get more about it."
"Can nothing be done?" a
member asked.
"We have written to the gen-
tleman in question,"; Clerk Ber-
ry reported." He is difficult to
get hold of. We originally had
two gentlemen lined up to read
the material; one has died, and
if we do not get along any fast-
er the other may be dead. We
just cannot get any co-opera-
nued from Page 6)
eve never seriously
inter projects," projects," Mr.
Remember, it takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in pock-
et; To advertise, just phone
Seaforth 141.
. The Swing Bowling Club of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
held a pot -luck supper at the
Community .Hall last Thursday
evening. Awards and prizes
-were presented to last year's
wirers which were; Team No.
1, Lew Hicks, George Diegel,
Wm. Diegel, Mervyn Leonhardt,
Alvin Leonhardt; trophy win-
ner, Ed. Scherbarth; high av-
erage man, Russell Sholdice;
high average lady, Carrie
Buuck;'low average man, Geo.
Nlogk; low average lady, Flor-
ence Rock; high single score,
Lavern Wolfe and Norma El-
ligsen; low single score, Bob
French and Doreen Hicks.
Mrs. Ralph Hicks, the treas-
urer, was absent. Lew Hicks,
the president, and Harold Mogi;,
the secretary, were in charge
of business and conducted th.;
election of officers, which re-
sulted as follows: President,
Lavern Wolfe; secretary, Mrs.
Minnie Vock; treasurer, Mrs.
Martin Dietz.
The schedules for this sea-
son were distributed among the
players. Five ladies' teams and
five men's teams will be play-
ing. The first game of the ,sea-
son will be played on Monday
evening. Games are played three
nights a week, Monday, Tues-
day and Thursday.
After the business euchre was
played, with prizes going to,
Phyllis Hint, Wm. Diegel, Mrs.
George Mogk and Antone Sie-
mon. The evening closed with
Church Women Meet
The regular monthly meeting
of the United Lutheran Church
Wonren' was held with a very
good attendance. Mrs.' Albert
Bauer, Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and
Mrs. Oscar Young were in
charge of devotions and topic.
Title of the topic was, "You
Are Christ Called." Pastor Brill
spoke briefly regarding the
topic. Mrs. Manuel Beuerman
presided for a short business
period and also read the treas-
urer's report and roll call in
the absence of the treasurer,
Mrs. R. Sholdice. Mrs. George
Rock, the secretary,read the
Strawberries are at their best this week.
Phone HU 2-3462
Special for
Father's Day
• •
Schick No. 1 Shaver
(List $31.95)
No trade-in required
-- at
Jewellery - Gifts - Fine Chi a
(This Special Father's Day Pri ends
Saturday, June 16)
minutes and thank you cards,
also a very interesting news
letter, stating the activities and
the work of other organizations
outside 'of our ' own church.'
Thankoffering boxes were • re-
ceived at this meeting. •
Mrs. Minnie Vock had a 'very
interesting report of confer-
ence held in Galt recently. Tea
towels will be donated by the
ladies . for the kitchen of the
church baseruent, to be brought
to the next meeting. An after-
noon was set for housecleaning
the parsonage. Plans are be-
ing made for the 13th annual
Lutheran ladies' rally, to be
held here at St. Peter's, Brod-
hagen, in October. A birthday
was -reported by Mrs, M. Beuer-
man and a hymn sung in' her
honor. The meeting closed with
Common Doxology.
Mrs. Elwood Smart spent a
few days with her mother, Mrs.
-John L. Bennewies, and Miss
Carolyn Smart is spending the
next two weeks with her grand-
mother, Mrs. J. L. Bennewies.
Mr. Albert Hinz is confined
-to Stratford Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth
visited relatives in Detroit re-
Miss Wendy Wolfe, grand-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Scherbarth, and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe,
returned home from Sick Chil-
dren's Hospital, Toronto, where
she had been confined fdr many
weeks following a serious heart
operation.- Mrs. Scherbarth had
also visited her there.
Mrs. Calvin Diegel, Matthew
and Michael, of Geraldton, and
Mrs. Hartman, of Kitchener,
spent last Wednesday at the
home of William Diegel. Rev.
Calvin Diegel was attending;
Synod in Waterloo.
Mrs. Albert Querengesser at-
tended the Confirmation of her
granddaughter, Janet Stauch,
Kitchener, on Sunday.
Rev. Robert Rock, of Nova
Scotia, visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Rock, during
the week. ,
Maynard Hoegy, son of ,, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy, frac-.
tured his wrist while taking
part in field day activities at
Monkton on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Emma Ahrens, of Ot-
tawa, has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Eickmier and other
Mr. George Rock also attend-
ed the funeral of Mrs. Simon
Walters in Listowel about a
week ago,
Mr. Ray Bennewies, of Lon-
don, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman 'Bennewies, for
the weekend. •
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens
and Kimberley, of Hamilton,
with Mrs. Rachel Ahrens for
the weekend.
Rev. Harold Brill is attend-
ing a school, at St. Peter's, Min-
nesota, this week.
Mr. Arthur Diegel, of Kit-
chener, is spending two weeks'
holidays at his home.
Flowers were placed on the
altar of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday in memory
of Mrs. William Bach, who
passed away four years ago.
Plans are being made for Va-
cation Bible School, 'to be held
at St. Peter's Lutheran Church
the week of July 8th.
A square dance group, under
the training of Mrs. Storey, of
McKillop, who have been taking
lessons during the winter
months at the Community Halt,
took .part in a square dance com-
petition at Dundalk on Thurs-
day evening. Those who took
part were Janice Dietz, Joan,
Jane and Janet Osborne, Merl'
Hoegy, Dennis Bennewies, Dar-
win Dietz, Rodney Hinz. The
caller was Sharon Dietz.
Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and family
and Mrs. John Hinz, all of Kit-
chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Wolfe during the week. Master
Dale Wolfe remained with his
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice
and Paul with Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Johnston in London on
Mrs. John L. Bennewies has
returned to, her,home after
spending the witer months
with her family in Detroit,
Windsor and Ruthven.
Mrs. Bud Lockridge and fam-
ily, of Watford, with Mr. and
Mrs, Harvey Ahrens.
Mrs. Rosena Miller and Mrs.
Irvin Miller visited with Mrs.
Toledo Beuerman and Mr. Pete
Miller, Waterloo, for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, of
Toronto, spent Sunday with
their family and Mr. and Mrs.
Lew Hicks.
Members of the Community
Forum were to have a picnic
on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton Hinz on Sunday after-
noon, but owing to rainy wea-
ther •it was held in the base-
ment of the Community Hall.
Mrs. Rosena Miller, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Fischer, Seaforth, with Mrs.
Alma Pushelberg, Listowel.
Mrs. Pushelberg returned with •
them to visit with Mrs. Miller
and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Pushel-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb
and family, of Glencoe, with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth
and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dicki-
son on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Marks, bf
Brussels; Robert Nichol, Mr.
and Mrs. Harris Spotten, of
Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs.
hl? Orr E osr'OB, OUrOM OM WM
•Half Sleeve
Wash 'n Wear •
Highly esteemed residents of
Stanley Township, Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Murdoch celebrated
their golden wedding annivers-
ary Saturday at their farm
home, southwest of Brucefield,
on the second concession of
Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch, were
married at the home of the
bride's parents on June 1, 1912,
by the late Rev. Hall -Woods, of
Brueefield Presbyterian Church.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNeil, of
St. Thomas, sister and brother-
in-law of the groom, were the
attendants. Mrs. Murdoch, the
former Janet Isabel McBeath,
was the only daughter of the
late • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc -
Beath, and Mr. Murdoch was
the youngest Son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch,
all pioneer residents of the
Brucefield area.
Mr. Murdoch is the only sur-
viving member of his family,
and Mrs. Murdoch has one
brother, Mr. Walter McBeath,
of Brucefield. The couple have
a family of four, one son and
three daughters, and seven
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdoch,
Miss Beth Murdoch, Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Rumble and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Duncan entertained at
afternoon and evening recep-
tions and 'dinner on Saturday,
Usborne Council
A draft of the Biddulph town-
ship by-law to include the Bid-
dulph'• part of the Usborne
Township School Area in the
Biddulph School Area No. 1
was studied by Usborne council
at their regular meeting. No
objection was made to the by-
law, which was drafted follow-
ing a meeting of the councils
concerned, called in late May.
The councils, Biddulph, Blan-
shard and Usborne, reached an
agreement at that meeting that
public school boundary lines
should be redrawn to coincide
with municipal boundary lines.
Usborne, in turn, passed a
by-law enlarging the Usborne
Township School Area to in-
clude the Kirkton and Wood-
ham Union School ' Sections,
USS No. 8 and USS No. 13. The
by-law is to be forwarded to
Blanshard council and the Min-
ister of Education for approv-
Cemeteries designated by the
Ontario Department of Health
gas being under township care
and supervision, were discuss-
ed. Council agreed all matters
relevant to the proper care and
maintenance of the cemeteries
should be studied. Named to
look into the matter were: R.
Westcott, Bethesda; D. Skinner,
Eden, and G. Frayne, Thames
Road. The Ebenezer cemetery
is now considered properly
maintained by the township.
Usborne clerk, H. H. G.
Strang, was appointed as the
person to receive emergency
warnings and the township road
superintendent, W. J. Routly,
and the incumbent reeve were
named as standbys in that or-,
Reeve George Frayne and
Clerk Strang were authorized
to sign an easement with Sher-
wood Brock, owner of east half
lot 25, con. 7, for a term of five
years, to provide for the re-
location of the sideroad to per-
mit the removal of gravel from
the road allowance.
Warble Fly Inspector Allen.
Fletcher reported the comple-
tion of the 1962 treatment pro-
gram with 8,362 cattle sprayed
and 244 brushed in the first
treatment, and 7,517 sprayed
and 254 brushed in the second
treatment. Successfully treated
by other means were 313 cat-
Council, adjourned to meet
Tuesday, July 3. The meeting
day was changed to avoid the
Monday holiday,
Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Vol and
Wanda, of Kitchener, with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Mogk on Sun-
honoring their parents.
Following the afternoon re-
ception at the home, thirty
guests were entertained at din-
ner in Brucefield United Church
parlors, beautifully decorated
for the occasion by the ladies
of the choir who prepared and
served a delicious dinner. Serv-
ing were Mrs. Vic Hargreaves,
Mrs. Stuart Wilson and the
Misses Janet and Barbara Hen-
derson, Phyllis Lobb, Jean Mc-
Naughton, Gaye Elliott and,
Helen, Broadfoot.
Rev. Harold Johnson, who
presided, called on William -
Murdoch, who proposed a toast
to his parents on behalf of the
family, which was responded to
by his father. A toast to their
family was proposed by the par-
ents and responded to by the
Honored guests at dinner
were three friends who were
guests at the wedding of fifty
years ago: Mrs. J. W. Glanfield,
of Wallacetown, the.former
Muriel Elcoat, 'of Bucefield;
Miss Ann Foote, of London,
and Miss Mary E. Swan, Bruce -
Following dinner, the guests
witnessed the baptism of Steph-
en McBeath Duncan, infants son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duncan,
of Miami, Florida, in the church
auditorium. Catering for the re-
ceptions at the home was in
charge of the ladies of Group
No. 1 of the United Church Wo-
Mrs. Douglas McBeath and
Mrs. William McLachlan were
in charge of the register. Mrs.
Len O'Rourke, Mrs. Lorne
Thomson, Mrs. Ernie Talbot
and Mrs. Alex McBeath assist-
ed in serving. Over 200 guests
called to offer congratulations
and good wishes.
Mr. Murdoch was, before his
retirement, a successful farm-
er and apiarist, operating over
500 colonies of bees, as well as
being actively engaged in the
beef cattle business. Mrs. Mur-
doch, a former graduate of To-
ronto Conservatory of Music,
has been active in musical cir-
cles since childhood. She was
honored at the 50th annivers-
ary of Brucefield Church in
1954 by presentation of an in -
'scribed gold-plated clock, mark-
ing over 50 years as organist
and choir director of the
church, a position which she
still holds. l -'or over 30 years
she was leader of .Murdoch's
orchestra, which for years held
the popular reputation of be-
ing Western Ontario's best old-
time band.
Mr., Mrs. Hay
Wed 55 Years
An Egmondville couple, Mr.
and Mrs. James Hay, celebrated
their 55th wedding anniversary
Tuesday, June 5. The couple
were feted to ' a surprise din-
ner party Sunday at the Stanley
township home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Horton.
They were married at the
home of Mrs. Hay's parents,
Staffa, by the late Rev. W, J.
Doughtery. Mrs. Hay was the
former Lucinda Drake. The
couple retired to Egmondville
from their Tuckersmith town-
ship farm 17 years ago.
They have four children,
daughters, Mrs. Lorne Pepper,
Niagara Falls; ' Mrs. Clayton
Horton, Seaforth, and Mrs. Cal-
vin Horton, Stanley, and a son,
Lorne Hay, Hensall: five grand-
children and one great-grand-
Present at tlre dinner wera
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper,.
Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Horton, Seaforth; Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Horton and Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Horton, Stan-
ley, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Hay, Keith and Linda, Hensall.
The honored guests were pre-
sented with a chenille bed-
Recallinge the happy day 55
years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Hay
commented that the weather
on their anniversary. last Tues-
day was similar to the wedding
day -rain all day.
Fine pique cot-
ton or terylene
and cotton blend,
cool, drip., - dry
short sleeve dress
shirts are a must
for Dad ! W e
have them by Ar-
row, Forsyth and
Beaver in pure
white only.
Sizes 14 to 18
2.95 - 3.95
!Give 'Dad'
Sport Shirts
Hundreds to choose
from in white or pat-
terned, wash 'n wear,
short sleeve Summer
sport shirts to please
any Dad - White
grounds or dark
grounds, in a big pat-
tern range.
Sizes - S, M, L, XL
2.95 to 5.95
Dress Shirts 3.95 to 5.95
Men's Jewellery 2.00 to 4.95
Summer Pyjamas 3.95 to 5.95
Shorty Pyjamas 3.95
Leather Belts 1.50 to 2.50
New Elastic Belts 2,.00 '& 2.50
Nylon Sockees 1.00
Kroy Wool Sox 1.50
Orron Diamond Sox 1.50
Linen Hankies 35c to 50c
Wash 'n Wear Casual Slacks 4.95 up
Tropical Slacks 10.95 to 12.95
Dress Trousers 9.50 to $17.95
Tie and -Sox Sets _ 2.95
Dress Straw Hats 2.95 & 3.50
Summer Neckwear 1.00 to 2.00
PLAY SHORTS 3.95 to ' 5.95
SWIM TRUNKS - 2.95 -to 4.95
NOVEL "T" SHIRTS 2.95 to 4.95
BANLON SHIRTS 5.95 to 7.95
Huliett Pupils Compete
for Expositor Trophy
The annual Hullett Township
sports meet was held in Lon-
desboro Friday, when students
from schools across the town-
ship• competed for honors.
Top athlete' was John Sun.
dercock, of Londesboro School,
who was declaredgrand cham-
pion and awarded The Huron
Expositor trophy.
Winners , were:
Seven and Under - Rac-
es: Kenny Anderson, Dana
Seaforth W.I.
Members Tour
Factory Here
Seaforth Women's Institute
enjoyed a conducted' tour
through the Boshart funiture
factory Tuesday evening... Af-
ter the tour, the members and
friends went to the home of
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman for the
remainder of the meeting.
Mrs. James Keys opened the
meeting. Roll call was answer-
ed by: "What I do when I do
as I please." The bus trip com-
mittee reported the bus trip is
planned for July 17 and tickets
are available from Mrs. Gra
ham Kerr and Mrs. Gordan
Mrs. Gordon Elliott took ov-
er the meeting and gave a mot-
to on "Sharing". Mrs. J. Keys
gave the report on the presi-
dent convention at Guelph.
Mrs. John MacLean had a dis-
play on the Tweedsmuir His-
tory. The annual picnic is to
be a trip to the Goderich salt
Mrs. G. MacKenzie moved a
vote of thanks to all in charge
of the meeting and the hostess.
Bean. Ralph Hallam: ball
throw., John Vienstra, Kerry
Tosezak, Kenny Anderson: high
jump, Kenny Anderson, Keith
Lapp, Dana Bean; standing
broad jump, Dana Bean, Kenny
Anderson, Keith Lapp; running
broad jump, Dana Bean, Kenny
Anderson, John Viehstra; cham-
pion, Kenny Anderson, with 41
Nine and under -Races, John
Sprung,'Keith Tosezak and Don-
ald McGregor (tied), John Byls-
ma; ball throw, Douglas Byls-
ma, Jimmy Anderson, Steven
Clark; high jump, Harris Snell,
David Watson, 'Garry Radford;
standing broad jump, Keith
Tosezak, John Sprung, Doug
Bylsma; running board jump,
Douglas Bylmsa, Wayne Arthur,
Clayton Riley. Champion, Doug-
las Bylsma, with 25 points.
Eleven and under - Races,
Robbie Snell, Douwre Wilts, Al-
bert Brall and Ronnie Arthur
tied for third; hall throw, Timo-
thy Bylsma, Bruce Bromley,
,limy- Johnson; standing broad
jump, Robbie Snell, Davie Wilts,
Timothy Bylsma; running broad
jump, Robbie Snell, Ronnie Ar-
thur, Davie Wilts; Champion,
Robbie Snell, with 38 points.
Twelve and Over - Races:
John Sundercock, Leonard Jam-
ieson and Frank•McClure (tied),
Bob Vodden; ball throw, John
Sundercock, Frank McClure,
Bob Vodden; high jump, Allan
Caldwell, Bernard Bakker, John
Sundercock; standing' broad
jump, John Sundercock, Frank
McClure, Bob Vodden; running
broad jump, John Sundercock,
Frank McClure, Bob Vodden.
Champion, John Sundercock
with 45 points.
Seven and under -Races: Jen-
ny Bylsma, Marie Plunkett, Wil-
ma Van Baaren; ball throw,
Marie Plunkett, Helen Ander-
son, Jennie Bylsma;ihigh'jump,
Helen Anderson, Wilma Barren
and Jennie Bylsma (tied), Marie
Plunkett; standing broad jump,
Marie Plunkett, Helen Ander-
son, Jenny Bylsma; running
broad jump, Wilma Van Bar-
ron, Jennie Bylsma, Helen An-
derson. Champion, Jennie Byls-
ma, With 36 points.
Nine and Under -Races, Don-
na Bromley, Marie Trewartha,
Ann Bakker; ball throw, Faye
Farquhar, Ann Bakker, Donna
Bromley; high jump; Donna
Bromley, Joyce Hallam, Jaynie
Snell; standing broad jump,
Joyce Hallam, Betty McGregor,
Karen McEwing; running broad
jump, Marie Trewartha, Betty
Jean McGregor, Karen Mc -
Ewing. Champion, Donna Brom-
ley, with 25 points.
Eleven and Under - Races,
Marlene. Dolmage, Carol Dol -
mage, Margaret Whyte; ball
throw, Margaret Whyte, Betty
Hoggart, Marlene Dolmage ;--
high jump, Denise Radford,
Brenda Archambault, Carol
Dolmage; standing broad jump,
Brenda Archambault, Jane
Knapp, Carol Dolmage; run-
ning broad jump, Brenda Ball,
Marlene Dolmage, Carol- Dol -
mage. Champion, Carol Dol -
mage, with 23 points.
Twelve and over - Races,
Elaine Dale, Ruth Bylsma, Bet-
ty Salverda, and Joyce Dolmage
(tied for seond), Dorothy Jam-
ieson; ball throw, Ruth Bylsma,
Patsy Ball, Betty Salverda; high
jump, Betty Salverda, Elaine
Dale, Gail Wright; standing
broad jump, Elaine Dale, Jo-
hanna Walinga, Ruth Bylsma;
running broad jump, Elaine
Dale, Johanna Walinga and
Ruth Bylsma (tied), Patsy Ball.
Champion, Elaine Dale, with 38
Senior relay: 1st, USS 2; 2nd,
SS 1; 3rd, SS 8. Junior relay:
1st, SS 5; 2nd, USS 10; 3rd, SS 8.