HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-06-07, Page 7We are pleased to pave One the PAINTING; r n4 D CQR TING of the new DUBLIN POST QF 'IC JAMES DOYLE Spray Painting and Deeooat ng -- 497 Charlotte St, London - Ont. • NEWS OF DUBLIN BISHOP CODY OFFICIATES AS CHILDREN ARE CONFIRMED • Rt. 13ev. Bishop Cody, London, administered Confirmation to 31 candidates at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Wednesday evening. T h e Confirmation class, accompanied by their. sponsors, entered the church" • first, followed by the Bishop and clergy. A guard of honor from the Holy Name Society, the Catholic Women's League and Altar Society, was, formed. Bishop Cody delivered an im- pressive sermon, stressing the obligation of love of God and our neighbor. Rev. A. M. Wil- liams, London, examined the candidates, dwelling on the Ten Commandments, after which Confirmation was administered. The congregation joined the choir in the regulation' hymns and the services were conclud- e ed by Benediction of the Bless- ed Sacrament, with Rev. Dr. • • • • • • • • 4 • • Ffoulkes as celebrant. Clergy present were: Rt. Rev. Bishop Cody, Rev, A. M. Wil- liams, Rev. J. F. McConnell, Chicago; Rev. C. E. Sullivan, Seaforth; Rev. J. Coughlin, St. Celumbau, a n d Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes. The class consisted of: Kath- leen Stapleton, Trudy Brown, Yvonne Delaney, Christine De- laney, Rose Ann Benninger, Ann De Kroon, , Mary Margaret Rowland, Barbara McGrath, Pauline McLaughlin, Jean Duch- arme, Lou Anne Rowland, Bar- bara McLaughlin, Mary Kelly, Ronnie Feeney, Alan Russell, Peter Loomans, Kenny Russell, James Meagher, Joseph Ryan, Donald Looby, Lewis Stapleton, George Ducharme, Jim Vonk, David O'Rourke, George Brown, Kenny Flanagan, Larry Flana- gan, Fred Nyland, Willy .Ny- land, Danny O'Rourke. We Salute The Beautiful New DUBLIN POST- OFFICE Plumbing and water installation were carried out by JAMES P. KRAUSKOPF Plumbing, Heating, Welding and Farm Machinery PHONE 21 R 4 DUBLIN Congratulations! on the completion of the New DUBLIp POST OFFICE -- from -- HURON HOTEL and DINING ROOM On No. 8 Highway, McKillop corner Full Course Meals Served Sundays 1:30 to• 8 p.m. DINING ROOM OPEN: 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.;'5 p.m, to 8 p.m. MR. AND MRS. M. J. BROWN, Proprietors Phone 100 DUBLIN Congratulations! Citizens of Dublin on the opening of your fine -new POST OFFICE We are happy to have a part in the finishing of this struc- ture with the installation _.f Modern, Bright Floor Goer- ing, installed by our experts. Box Furniture Expert Floor Sanding and Finishing Phone 43 Seaforth THIS IS THE MODERN POST OFFICE which now serves the Dublin cpmmunity. The attractive brick building was erected by Looby Construction Ltd„ of Dublin, at a contract price of $19,725. The post office provides a series of locked boxes for. patrons, as well as ample lobby and working areas. A leading dock is located at the rear. (Expositor photo by Phillips). New Post Office is 6th To Serve Dublin Area DubIin's new post office, which was used for the first time last week, is the sixth post office accommodation provided for the community, according to "A Hibbert Review" (part two), by Miss Isabelle Campbell, pub- lished 1953. Discussing the history of Dub- lin post office and the service it ,provides the , district, Miss Campbell says: "The post office was establish- ed in 1953 or 4, under the name of Carronbrook, but the records show that on May 1, 1878, it was changed to Dublin. Uzziel C. Lee was appointed the first postmaster„and held the posi- tion till 172. The postmasters since then have been' Joseph Kidd, July 19, 1872, -July 11, 1888; Louis J. Kidd, September 1, 1888 -March 11, 1889; Mat- thew Williams, June 1, 1889 - May 21, 1906; James Jordane, June 19, 1906 -November 12, 1934, and David McConnell, August 14, 1935, until his death on August 28, 1955. Miss Mon- ica. Byrne has been in charge since that time." In the early days the post office was .jn the store of V. C. Lee, Joseph Kidd, Matthew Wil- liams and the home of James Jordan, but since 1935 it has been in part of the building that was earlier the Dominion Hotel. Today, mail for Crom- arty and Staffa post offices, and for three rural mail routes out of the village, is distribut- ed from this office. RR No. 1 was established en May 7, 1913, with the following contractors in charge: John H. Roach, May 7, 1913 -September 30, 1916; Joseph and Thomas Melady (Executors), October 1, 1916 -March 31, 1917; James Jor- dan, July 31, 1926, assisted by Joseph Dillon; Joseph Hickey, August 1, 1924 -December 31, 1939; Estate of Joseph Hickey, Shower Honors Bride -Elect A miscellaneous shower hon. oring Miss Rose Mary Flannery was sponsored recently by Miss Beatrice Maloney and Miss Ter- esa Ducharme. 'The prospective bride's mar- riage to Mr. Wilfred Corribeau will be an event of June 16th. Approximately 50 ladies attend- ed the shower to extend best wishes to the guest of honor. Games were played and a con- test conducted. A congratulatory address was read by Miss Beatrice Maloney, and the honored guest was as- sisted in opening numerous gifts of china, linen and money, for wlfifch . she graciously ex- pressed her thanks to each in- dividual donor. A delicious lunch was served by the lunch committee, Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. r) . We are proud to have been asked to take part in the building of the new DUBLIN POST OFFICE E. J. ROWLAND Plumbing and Heating Duro Pumps and Softeners Phone 85 -- DUBLIN January 1, 1940 -January 31, 1940; and Walter J. Carpenter, February 1, 1940, to date, "RR No. 2 was established July 14, 1913. James Carlin, Sr., had the contract from July 14, 1913, until June 30, 1917, but Will Dillon did the work part time. Hugh P, Flynn was in charge from July 1, 1917, until July 31, 1924. From Aug- ust 1, 1924, until the present time, Frank P. Burns has been the contractor. On September 14, 1939, RR No. 3 was established. William Houghton.. had the route from September 14, 1939, until No- vember 30, 1940, and Mrs. Wil- liam Houghton from December 1, 1940, until the present time. "Staffa RR No. 1 was establish- ed November 1, 1919, and the couriers on it were: James E. Harburn, with Nettie Riley, a helper, November, 1, 1912 -De- cember 31, 1918; Frank L. Yeo, January 1, 1919 -December 31,: 1920; Walter B. O'Brien, Janu- ary 1, 1921 -April 30, 1928; Frank O'Brien, May 1, 1928 -De- cember 31, 1932; Samuel H. Norris,. January 1, 1933 -Decem- ber 31, 1936, with Seth Brown, a helper; W. Lorne Hodge, Janu- ary 1, 1937 -December 31, 1940; John Robertson, January 1,- 1941 -February 1, 1956. Since then Garnet Taylor has been the one in charge. "Michael Wallace, a veteran ST. COLUMBAN Mr, and Mrs. Frank Maibney and Richard, Kitchener, with Mr..and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whaling, Stratford, and Miss Cleo Bow- man, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman. Miss Mary Cronin, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cron- in, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and children and Misses Helen and Anne Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Leonard Maloney, London, with Mrs. Nora Maldhey. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme, Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, Miss Kay Allen, Stratford, and Ken Ducharme, Wingham, with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Duch- arme. of' the Indian Mutiny, who came here from Prescott, Ont., car- ried the mail without fail -rain or shine -from the station to the post office for many years. He Iater returned to Prescott and died in a Soldiers' Home there. Another with 'a long ser- vice record is Frank Burns. When the new motor vehicle service carrying mail from Stratford to Goderich commenc- ed on October. 1, 1956, Frank Burns had just completed 24 years of faithful service at the same task." DUBLIN Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Jordan in London. Miss Margaret McAllister, of Buffalo; Miss Katherine McAl- lister, Rochester; Mrs. Geral- dine Charters, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manu and Mr, and Mrs. Harold McFadden, Tupper- vilie, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Palon and children, Toronto, with Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and children, of Woodbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costel- lo. Mrs. A. M. Looby in Lucan and Clinton. _ Miss Rita Maloney, London, with Mr. Eddie Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holland and David, Scarboro, with Mr. and Mrs. George Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stein- bach and Rita, London, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mrs, Leo Fortune and ' Mrs. Jack Case, Seaforth, with Miss Monica Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland attended the Scrimeger wed- ding at Stratford Saturday. Rev. Mother Evelyn and Sis- ters of Strathroy, visited at Ursuline Convent ''on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney, of Kitchener, with friends in the village. Miss Patricia Wallace, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend. WINTHROP The annual picnic of the Mes- sengers of Cavan Church will be held. at the home of Mrs. Glen McClure oh Saturday, June 9, at 2:00 p.m. NOW its derrll p0st once Wit, ties ate naw %n use iz 00114,FQtmastdr M Pie and oto tn;pyed into the attractive brick and cement building abeut- 14 days ago. The building was constructed by -,Looby Construction Limited, of Dublin, at the tender price of $19,725. - `. The building, nteasuri;ng 32 feet by 35 feet, is a one -storey structure, without basement. It faces southeast on Mill Street, near John Street. It has a con- crete foundation and frame construction, with an exterior finished in painted asbestos cement board, vertical "V" joint and brick veneer. The interior finish consists of plaster board and plywood with linoleum cov- ering the .doors. Heating is by an oil burning furnace. A truck yard and loading platform is provided at the rear of the building, with an entrance on the south side. Plans and specifications were prepared in the Toronto Dis- trict Architect's office of the Department of Public Works, J. E. Kelly, District Architect for the Department at Toronto, was responsible for supervision of the work. Name Winners Of St. Columban Penny Sale The draw for the penny sale articles took place in St. Colum - ban parish hall on Tuesday eve- ning, with the following win- ners:. Groceries, Mrs. Bruce Meihm; rugby ball, Tommy Ryan; desk light, Frank Coyne; barbecue set, John A. Murphy; pillow cas- es, R. J. Wallace; boy's shirt and tie, Jeffrey Reyenn; table- cloth, Mrs. Nora Maloney; groc- eries, Robert Vivian; cake sav- er, Ken Holmes; necklace and earrings, Mrs. Joseph Thornton; flour, Mrs. Nelson Cardno; flow- er 'novelty, Jim Cardno; shirt, Richard Maloney; sugar, Mrs. Jack McIver; blanket, Mrs. Her- man Klaver; planter urn, Mrs. Tom Price; rug, .Mrs. Roy Me= Gon,igle. Sugar, Mrs. Jack McIver; in- sulated jug, Doug Whyte; hurri- cane lamp, Mrs. Sarah McIver; plastic tablecloth, Mrs. Gordon Hildebrand; jewellery, Richard Maloney; sugar, Mrs. William McMillan; juice set, Mrs. Joe Nolan; electric clock, Marion Watson; coffeemaker, Louis Nol- an; men's socks, Gus Boussey; child's wagon, Patsy Ryan; gro- ceries, Gordon Moylan; salad bowls,. Mrs. Ed. Dower; child's wheelbarrow and sand pail, V. J. Lane; rug, Mrs. John Balge; footstool, Michael 'Johnson; gro- ceries, Mrs. Peter Bannon; sug- ar, Don Moylan; ,light fixture, Lewis Coyne; pillow cases, Mrs. William McMillan; crystal plate, Mrs. Whitney; picture, Danny Maloney.„ Sugar, Mrs. Bill Ryan; lawn chair, Mary Lou Coyne; sheet and pillow cases, Mary Eliza- beth Devereaux; groceries, Paul- ine Malone; child's dress, Mrs. Ken Lane; ball and bat, Tom Melady; pop, Mrs. Peter Van Drunen; cup and saucer, Mrs. Rose McConnell; necklet, Doro- thy Dillon; cup and saucer, Mrs. ,Whitney; doll, Mrs. Roy McGonigle; towel and wash cloth, Mrs. Kellar; magazine rack, Peter McLaughlin; sugar, Mrs. James McGregor; beach towel, Jac Moylan; blanket, Dennis Murray; flower orament, Agnes Poland; bowl set, Mrs. John Murphy. We are happy to have been entrusted with responsibility for the completion of the New DUBLIN POST OFFICE • WE CONGRATULATE THE COMMUNITY ON NOW HAVING AVAILABLE A COMPLETELY NEW AND MODERN POST OFFICE BUILDING LOOBY CONSTRUCTION LTD. DUBLIN -- ONTARIO Itti.' Ont,- i nbee 5501 united `I:%litir''C Read the Advertisements --- It's a Profitable Pastime ! ' Congratulations! TO LOOBY CONSTRUCTION LTD. on the completion of the Beautiful New DUBLIN POST OFFICE 0 GEORGE'S REPAIR SHOP GEORGE COVILLE RURAL HYDRO INSTALLATION Phone 57 R 8 DUBLIN Congratulations! We are pleased to have been the Supplier of READY MIX CONCRETE for the new DUBLIN POST OFFICE erected by Looby Construction Ltd. For the Best in Concrete for the Seaforth, Clinton, Dublin Area call or write Kur�n Concrete Supply Ltd1 Phone JA 4-7361 GODERICH Congratulations! 1 Citizens of Dublin on your NEW POST OFFICE • We appreciate the opportunity of providing Lumber, Millwork and miscellaneous hardware' i t e m s used in the construction of, the beautiful new building. It kJ, and BUILDING `SUPPLIES, Bali -Macaulay LIMITED Phone 787 Seaforth ip'oaitor ClaSsttted Atb Tone 141, PUZZLE NO, no