HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-06-07, Page 5•
Mrs. Earl Love,•RR 1, Zurich,
was hostess at a tea in her home
in honor of hex'^daughter, Miss
tlrrr►a Love. whose marriage
to Jack McGregor takes place
this Saturday, June 9. The tea
table was decorated with a lace
clethi pink candles, and center-
ed with • pink ` and blue corn-
flower -s, arranged in a silver
rose bowl.
Receiving guests at the door
were the bride -elect, her moth-
er and the groom'sother, Mrs.
Frank McGregor, Pouring tea
in the afternoon were Mrs.
Hugh Love„ and Mrs. William
Reichert, grandmothers of the
bride. Serving were Mrs. Phyl-
lis Edwards, Mrs. Iris Schmidt,
Miss Sherrill Carr and Mrs.
Rhodie Campbell. -Tea room as-
sistants were Mrs. Ernie Laid-
law, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Mrs.
Bessie Luker, Mrs. Harold
Reichert and Mrs. Clifford Moir,
aunts of the bride. Wedding
gifts were displayed by Mrs.
Ernie Webster, sister of the
bride; shower gifts, Mrs. Jean
Twitchell, cousin of the groom;
linens by Mrs. Lorraine Love,
sister-in-law of the bride; trous-
seau by Miss Carol Pepper, cou-
sin of the groom; dishes, kit-
chen utensils and bedding that
the bride collected was shown
by Mrs. Myrtle Swan. Miss
Margaret Forrest was in charge
of the guest' book.
Pouring tea in the evening
were Mrs. Percy Campbell, aunt
of the bride, and Mrs. Cleta Mc-
Gregor, aunt of the groom.
Serving were Mrs. Kathryn Hor-
ton, cousin of the groom, and
Miss Marion Turner and Miss
Marion FOl'rest. Tea room as-
sistants were Mrs. Harold Reich-
ert, Mrs. Bessie Luker and Mrs.
Clifford Moir, aunts of the
bride, and Mrs. Ilen Layton and
Mrs. Agnes Madge. Wedding
gifts were displayed by Mrs.
'Jean Twitchell; shower gifts,
Mrs. Lorraine Love; linens, Mrs.
Marjorie Consitt; trousseau,
Mrs. Ernie Webster; dishes, kit-
chen utensils and bedding, Mrs.
June Cooper. Miss Melda Pep-
per was in charge of the guest
Honored At Showers
Prior to her wedding this
Saturday, Miss Norma Love was
honoredat several presentations
arranged in her honor. Mrs.
John McGregor and Mrs. Jean
Twitchell,' RR 5, Clinton, en-
tertained at Mrs. McGregor's
hogre for friends and neighbors
of the groom -to -be with a pan-
try shower. Mrs. Jean Twitchell
conducted the contests and
lunch was served.
• Miss Sherrill Carr, Clinton,
was hostess for the Iadies on
the staff at the Bank of Mont-
real and Royal Bank, Clinton,
to- present the bride with a
decorated basket of miscellan-
eous gifts. Luncheon was serv-
Mrs. Loraine Love entertain-,
ed friends and relatives for a
surprise shower. The co -hostess-
es were Mrs. June Cooper and
Mrs. Ilene Layton. They present-
ed Norma with a clothes ham-
per and a footstool. The bride
replied with fitting words and
lunch was served.
In' -'Varna Hall, SS 7, Stanley,
School Area• and Varna 'com-
munity presented Norma with a
china cabinet, two table lamps
and footstool. The program was
arranged by Marion Forrest,
Marjorie Consitt, Fern.Coleman,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooper,
London, spent the weekerld with
Mrs. Cooper's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Mustard.
Brucefield firemen were call-
ed to. a fire at the home of Mr.
Roy Elliott, Varna, on Monday
of last week. The garage and
some implements were destroy-
Mr. and Mrs. William Dun-
can and family, California, are
visiting with Mrs. Duncan's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John `R.
Congratulations are extend-
ed to Mr. and Mrs. John Mur-
doch on having celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary on
June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch
will be at home to friends on
Saturday, June 9, from 3 to 5
and 8 to 10.
A number of ladies of the
Brucefield UCW. were at Lon-
desboro on Thursday of last
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
George Henderson on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Horace' Hen-
derson and daughter, of Brant-
ford, and Mr. H. Kinniburgh,
North Bay.
Miss Jean Broadfoot and her
friend; of London, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
John Broadfoot.
Unit Two, UCW
Unit No. 2 pf the tJCW held
their May meeting at the home
of Mrs. Lorne Wilson. Mrs, L.
Eyre, president, presided. Mrs.
Dayman • offered. prayer and
meditation. The roll call, a
verse on 'Mother', was answer-
ed by 16 members. Mrs. Wilson
gave the treasurer's report.
The study book, "The Red Silk
Dress," was read by Mrs. John
McGregor. Mrs. John Cornish
gave a reading. The June meet-
ing will be held at the home
of Mrs. J. McGregor, with Mrs.
Horton co -hostess. Roll call will
be: Wear a flower and name it.
Mrs. Ham and Mrs. L. Wilson
served refreshments.
a7fik it x.1 Vk •.:lli1%
Marion Turner and Grace Pp -
per, and the address was re d
by Margaret Forrest. The bride
•-id with fitting words,
lunch was served.
The staff of the Bank oYMont-
real, Clinton, where the pride.
has been employed for the past
three years, presented herwwith
a brown rug.
The neighbors and friends of
Mrs. Allen Steckle are sorry to
hear of her fall last week, re-
sulting in a broken leg.
Mr. Harold Finlay, Jim, Mar-
garet and Emma Jane visited
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Heard, of Bayfield.
Mr. Lloyd McBride and Dav-
id, of Windsor, spent the week-
end in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs-, Harold Widrick
and family visited Sunday with
Mrs. Nancy Schwartzentruber,
of Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry West-
brook and family, of Goderich,
visited Sunday with Mr. Gustov
Mr. Gordon Love, of Hensall,
visited Sunday with Mr. Harold
Finlay, Jim, Margaret and Em-
ma Jane.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch
and family, of Varna, visited
Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth
Oesch, of Blake.
Mrs. Minnie Weido, of Zur-
ich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mustard and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Steckle
and Mary Ellen visited Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gingerich on Sun-
Miss Ferne Schwartzentruber
of Stratford School of Nursing,
has returned to Stratford after
spending a three-week holiday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..
Edmund Schwartzentruber, and
family and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Charles, Bob and Ann were
present last Wednesday evening
for the barbecue and program
afterward at South Huron Dis-
trict High School, Exeter.
Mrs. Ross MacDonald is a pa-
tient in Clinton Public Hospi-
tal, where she underwent an
emergency appendectomy op-
eration on Sunday:
Mrs. Garnet Allan is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, where she underwent
surgery on Monday evening.
Mrs. Laird Mickle attended a
shower for Miss Sandra Mac-
Millan Tuesday evening of this
week at the home of Mrs. W.
A. McTeer, Huron St., London.
Mrs. W. J. Cameron was hos-
tess at her home Monday eve,
ning for a farewell party for
Mrs. Don Havens, ' when twenty
friends honored her with ' the
presentation of a wall mirror,
Mrs. Gordon Munn doing the
honors: A social hour was en-
joyed and refreshments served.
Mr. Milton Lavery, who is a
patient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, having undergone sur-
gery last Friday, is doing very
nicely. -
WMS Birthday Party
Carmel Presbyterian Church
schoolroom, lovely with a floral
arrangement of iris, peonies
and mums, arranged by Mrs.
Percy Campbell and Mrs. Glenn
Bell, was the setting Monday
evening for the annual birthday
party of the Women's Mission-
ary Society, for which auxiliar-
ies from Seaforth and Clinton
and Arnold Circle were special
President Mrs. Earl Campbell
presided and conducted the
worship service, the theme be-
ing " Companionship. " Mrs.
Percy Campbell offered prayer
and Mrs. Glenn Bell read sac-
red passages. The address, pre-
pared by' Mrs. Ross MacDonald
was given by Mrs. Harvey Hyde,
the topic chosen being "Rain-
bow Comforts" _ For every dark
cloud, God has provided a rain-
bow. The offering was receiv-
ed by Miss Hannah Murray and
Mrs; Len Purdy. Mrs. Ed Munn
and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall pro-
vided a piano duet and a vocal
trio was contributed. by Mrs.
William Brown, Mrs. 'Bev Bea-
ton and Mrs. Harry Hoy. Mrs.
M. Dougall was accompanist.
Luncheon was served, includ-
ing a birthday cake, cut by Mrs.
George Walker. Conveners of
lunch were Miss Hannah Mur-
ray, Mrs. A. Hoggarth and Mrs.
Harvey Hyde.
Plan Summer Recreation
At .the regular meeting of the
Hensall Recreation Committee,,
plans Were made for summer'
recreation for community chil-
dren. Miss Pat Rowe, a Gold
Cord Guide and Grade XIII stu-
dent at South Huron District
High School, and Miss Norma
Passmore, who will teach school
in Burlington, were engaged as
recreation directors for the pro-
gram. They will have three
competent assistants, who are
qualified in playground leader-
The recreation program will
be at the Community Park from
July 2 to July 27, Monday
through Friday. Four mornings
of each week will be open at
the park from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
One afternoon per week will
be set aside for swimming. The
age limit for children attend-
ing is to be from five years to
12 years. The co-operation of
the community is requested.
• -.LIIGYrlr+ ..
The Former ,Car King
of Huron Co. . ty
Complete sellout in
less than 2 weeks!
BY JUNE 20, 1962!
'55 BUICK SPECIAL 4 -DOOR SEDAN, equipped with
custom radio, Dynaflow, ex- $195
cellent mechanical condition.
Liquidation Price
By the terms of his sale agreement With Taylor Motors Ltd.,
Jack Pearson is legally bound to dispose of his complete inventory
of cars and trucks before June 20. This contract must be honored
to avoid. competition between the two firms. Prices have been
slashed`To meet the deadline. Never before and never again will
the buys be so good!
Is the Former Lou Bailey Lot
ANY Down Payment
Aly Trade
pNY Terms
Trucks Too!
This truck was formerly owned by General Mo-
tors Products and has every conceivable option,
including 900x20's all around to handle up to 10
- tons. '
'56 GMC HALF TON, completely reconditioned,
ready to go.
'55 GMC 311/2 -TON, 14 -ft. Wilson Stake Body, 4 -speed
trans., 2 -speed rear axle, nearly new, 825x20 tires.
'55 FORD 4 -TON, gravel box, completely'' rebuilt.
Your fox .$495.
'53 CHEVROLET 2 -TON, 12 -ft. stake, rack and tarp,
driven only 56,000 miles.
'53 FORD 3 -TON, excellent motor, 14 -foot rack, DP
axle, ready to go to work.
'52 GMC 31/2 -TON, 15 -foot stake body, in excellent
140. 4
'62 OLDS DYNAMIC 22, Four -Door Sedan, finished
in ermine white with matching interior, all acces-
sories, lists at $4,440.
Liquidation Price
53 FORD CONVERTIBLE, equipped with custom
radio, excelleno tires, motor,
transmission, completely refin-
ished. Liquidation Price ................ 95
'56 PLYMOUTH PLAZA 4 -DOOR, just traded in 'by
an elderly gentleman, name on $395
Liquidation Price
completely refinished, 6-cylin-
• der, in good condition. $395
Liquidation Price
'60 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, •Strato-Chief, 4 -
door, automatic transmission, custom radio, wash-
ers, whitewalls, list over $4,000.
We have two of them.
.Liquidation Price
'57 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, has been refinished
and rani-' to go.
Liquidation Price,
'54 CHEV DELUXE TWO -DOOR; in excellent con-
dition, both bodily and mechan-
ically�., You can steal this one.' $395
Liquidation Price T
58 OLDS 88 HARDTOP—This prestige automobile
has been refinished in gothic gold metallic, equip-
ped with new tires, custom $1.99
radio, hydramatic transmis2
sion, 4.door. Liquidation Price ..
'59 CHEV IMPALA- CONVERTIBLE, with 348 motor,
original black finish with red interior. Positively
like new. Was $2,395.
Liquidation Price
'60 PONTIAC STRATO.CHIEF, Two -Door, radio,
washers, new tires.
'60 VAUXHALL VICTOR SEDAN, custom' radio.
'59 BUICK LE SABRE HARDTOP, completely power
equipped, only 27,000' miles
'59 STUDEBAKER LARK, 2 -door, all new tires.
,'59 MERCEDES 180 DIESEL, excellent' condition.
'58 BUICK CONVERTIBLE, locally owned, owner's
name on request.
'56 FORD FAIRLANE, 2 -door hardtop, automatic
drive, radio, power brakes.
'56 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2 -door Station Wagon,
custom radio.
'56 PLYMOUTH 2 -DOOR, locally- owned, only
41,000 miles.
'56 FORD 2 -DOOR, owned by an engineer.
'56 CHEV. DELUXE 2 -Door, custom radio, only
44,000 miles.
'56 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR, 48,000 original miles,
owned by former Army Officer. •
'55 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4 -Door, equipped with
Economy 6-cyl., automatic, custom radio.
like new, new motor.
'54 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, formerly owned by a
'54 DODGE DELUXE 4 -Door Sedan, name your
'54 CHEV; 4.000R, excellent mechanically and
good body.
'54 BUICK CENTURY 4 -Door, automatic, radio,
ideal for transportation.
'53 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4 -Door, just like new.
'53 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 -Door, Economy
6 -cylinder.
X sic The Former Car King of Huron County
Corner Main & Huron - EXETER
We have several models
from 1952 to 1955 which
are in good shape mech-
anically, including Fords,
Chevs., Dodges, Etc.
Your Choice . ,
While They Last
"1Seat hili," 1171)
'thele ailut tnutctr t *tato:
flivoitvr' inaayn'oct;rattt• 'iwanr Uzi: i