HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-06-07, Page 3• • • • • b • sTAFFa PFAKER0s6ussESs: -NEER OF .BIRDS AT HURONpALE WI President Mrs. Harry Dougall presided xded for the May meeting of Hurondale Women's Institute held May 3Q at Thames Road United Church, with 33 mem- bers and guests attending. Roll call was "A memory gem from school days," "The motto, "Ev- ery word spoken in the hearing of little children tends towards the formation of character," was prepared by Mrs. Hugh Love and given by Mrs. Bev Morgan. Citizenship and Edu- cation was the theme of .the meeting, convened by Mrs. Bev Morgan with community sing- ing -led by Mrs. Harry Strang. Household hints were submit- ted by Mrs. Morgan. .Guest speaker, Mrs. A. J, Daynard, of Staffa, chose for her theme, "Birds". Birds are very essential and need, our help, Mrs. Daynard said. They are becoming scarce because of the sprays we are using. During ,the business session the district annual report -was given by Mrs. Riney Keller: Mrs. Harry Strang, district pres- ident, brought greetings from the district. A chicken barbe, cue will be held • at Exeter Fair grounds July 10, the executive to be in charge. One member, Mrs. R. E. Pooley, will take the C.A.C. Bulletin and bring highlights to the meetings. Word was received from the Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- ' complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. GENERAL INSURANCE DON EATON Office in the Jackson Aluminum Building Phone 75 : Seaforth Foster Parent Plan, informing this branch that they have been put on the waiting list. Mrs. William Sillery reported for the memorial plaque for the late Hon. James Gardiner, -to be held in September. Hostesses were Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and Mrs. William. Etherington, Hostesses assist- ing . were Mrs. Henry Peirling, Mrs. Alvin Moir, Mrs. James Kirkland and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. District Weddings • tAYLOR—WHITTAKER HENSALL — Florence Ellen Whittaker, London, became the bride of John Murray Taylor in a ceremony in Hensall Unit- ed Church, with Rev. Currie Winlaw officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Whittaker, Hensall, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred • Taylor, London. Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ console for the bridal music. The bride chose a floor -length gown of silk peau de faille with a scoop neckline and lilypoint sleeves. The princess waistline was accented with petals •of peau' de faille. Her crown of pearls and sequins held an il- lusion voil, and she carriel a white Bible, crested with red roses and lily-of-the•valley. Miss Katherine Thiel, Zurich, was maid of honor, gowned in a French blue brocade sheath with an overskirt: The flower - girl, Ronnie Pullman, wore a white silk organza dress. Larry Janus attended the groom, and Lorne Whittaker and Wilfred Taylor, Jr., usher- ed the guests. ' For a wedding trip to Florida the bride changed to a two- piece wool jacket dress of moss green. They will reside in Lon- don. - Arr--1 LOOK! Your headquarters for Goodyear Tires is... WILF AHRENS Phone . 96 R 20 • BRODHAGEN ONT. When you need tires -see us! ,. 0% Complete range of long mileage Goodyear Tires ♦ Generous trade -In allowance on your old tires ♦ Fast ,efficient repair service on all makes and types of tires BEST TIRE VALUES IN TOWN Name MlinMetrs Q HensaiI Legion Penny Sale Following are the prize .win- ners of the- third annual penny sale sponsored- by -Hensall Le- gion Ladies' Auxiliary, a n d drawn by Reeve Norman H. Jones Saturday evening, in the PUC office: Beaton's Bakery, $3.00 order, Mrs. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field; Irwin's Ladies' Wear, luncheon s t, Jim McAllister, RR 1, Zurich; Bert's Snack Bar, wallet, Fred Deters; Christie's 5c to $1.00, infant's sweater set, Mrs. Norval Reid; Silco Stores, blanket, W. Ji (Doc) 'Cameron; Wilson Drugs, men's leather travelling case, Bill Fairbairn; Fink's Plumbing, paint, Bill Aus- tin, Seaforth; James Clark TV Repairs, trouble light, Mrs. John Jarrott; Lorne Hay Lock- ers, freezer packs, Mrs. O. G. Williams; Hyde Bros., Allis- Chalmers, 6 cans of oil, Mrs. Bruce Moir; Bonthron's Furni- ture, hassock, Mrs. H. Bierling, Exeter ; Drysdale Hardware, bathroom scales, P. L. Mc- Naughton; Harold Foster, "Cosy Corner," carton of cigarettes, Tim Mock; New Commercial Hotel, bi- cycle horn, Rev Clark; Deneau's Barber Shop, girls' dishes, Mrs. Edna Corbett, RR 1, Exeter; Flynn's Barber Shop, razor blades, Bill Austin, Seaforth; B &•J beauty Salon, brush and comb, Mrs. Norval Reid; Hen- sall Sales Barn, electric kitchen clock, Ronald McKenzie; Cook's Mills, beans, Mrs. Wm. Fuss; Mickle's Mill, cookie plate, Mrs. Harold Campbell, RR 1, Exeter; Henderson's Egg Grading Store, seeds, Gerald Glenn; W. J. 'Doc' Cameron Plumbing, ther- mos, Mrs. Gerald Flynn; Scholl's Super Save, $10 grocery order, Keith Buchanan; Bea Forrester, battery razor, Rodger Venner;, Legion Branch 468, fishing pole, Ruth McNair, London; Bon- thron's, brass fruit basket, Reina Stephenson. Brown's I.G,A., $10 grocery order, Mrs. Ed. Corbett, RR 1, Exeter; Campbell's Garage, car cleaners, Doug Cooper, Kippen; Buchanan's Garage, 1 can oil, Frank Smale, Seaforth; Huron Motor Sales, car brush, Mrs. El- don Jarrott; Ferg's Supertest, one can oil, Hilda Austin, Sea - forth; Johnston's Fina Station, oven dish, • Mrs. Betts; Twit- chell's Shell Station, pillow- cases, Mrs. Lawrence Bayn- ham; Lavery's White Rose, one can oil, Frank Smale, Seaforth; General Coach, 4 folding chairs, Mrs. Jim Clark;, Adam Black, coffee table, Stena Austij, RR 1, Gorrie; Hensall .Observer, 3 one-year subscriptions, James A. Paterson, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. James McAllister, RR 1, Zurich; Exeter Times -Advocate, one-year subscription, Reeve Norman Jones; Jack Reid Texa- co, one can oil, Frank Smale, Seaforth. Queensway Nursing Home, ash tray, Kathy Munn; Queens- way Nursing Home, cushion, Joe Vanstone; Spencer's Lum- ber, varnish, Mrs. Harold Camp- bell, RR 1, Exeter; Stewart Bell, window box, Mrs. A. Finlayson, RR 3, Kipen; Doc Kyle, paint, Mrs. Roy Smale; Lavender's Garage, 4 cans oil, E. S. Rob- erts, RR •2, Kippen; P. L. Mc-' Naughton, serving tray, Mrs. R. Dalrymple, Egmondville; Joynt's Men's Wear, travelling bag, Mrs. Betty Cousins, Lon- don; A. R. Orr, bowling bag; Mrs. Wes Venner; Mock's Dairy, 25 quarts milk, Mrs. Norval Reid; Legion '.Ladies' Auxiliary, table lamp,' Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Clinton Hospital; Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, TV tables, Murray Tyndall, Brucefield ;. Murray Tyndall, bulbs, F. C. beer; Hen- sall District Co-op, fencer bat- tery, Bill Austin, Seaforth. Winners whose place of resi- dence is not listed are all from 0 .40 Sure is Dairy tAotth Time to celebrate all the good dairy foods that nature so bountifully provides all year 'round. Enjoy them often— make dairy foods daily foods! Free! A complete set of delicious dairy food recipe booklets from Marie Fraser. write today! YN: Roue A d . felon of , D IRY FARMERS OF CANADA 147 Davenport Road, Toronto 6 7 ICE - EAM, ,, \-A„ BUTYER ' ; ''• • �J HENSA Mrs. Rossetta Laub, of Ex ter, was taken by'Bonthrpn - bulanee on Friday to St, J o s- eph'sHospital, London, witha fractured hip, the result of a fall when she slipped and fell in a store in the village. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock, Dorothy, Susan and peter spen the weekend at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Venner and Mr. and Mrs. GlennBell and Mervyn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Johns ,,at Exeter. Mr. Fred Kennings left last week for a month's vacation with relatives at St. Catharines and South River. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick was a guest with her sister, Miss El - vera Churchill, of Toronto, last week. On Saturday a ,get -acquainted banquet was held in Hensel - Legion Hall for Huron Division Guide and Brownie leaders and commissioners. Thirty-nine were present. At the finish of the banquet, colored slides were shown on our Cabanya in Mexico and on the Golden Jubi- lee in England. The annual picnic of Hensall Women's Institute will be held Monday, June 11, at the Hess - haven cottage at the Pinery. Husbands and children are in- vited. Sports committee are 5 Mrs. R. Ferg; Mrs. J. McAlijster, Mrs.. R. McAllister; Hostesses: Mrs, R. J. Paterson, Mo. 'Wil le rt Mrs. Foster, A”, Mrs. J, , n. Horto, Mrs, riorne McNaughton, of Cromarty, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital Londonx bav- t-- Hensall. The Ladies' Auxiliary wish to express their grateful thanks and appreciation to the merchants for their wonderful donations •and to George Hess for printing the tickets without charge. The sale was most suc- cessful. ing undergone surgery in the interests of her healt,h. Mrs. Donald Joynt . is a pa- tient in Western Hospital, To- ronto, in the intereak of her health. Mrs. Samuel .,Cesch had the misfortune to slip and fall on Saturday last and is a patient at Clinton Public Hospital, suf. fering a fractured arm. Mr. Carey .Joynt, of Bethle- hem, Pa., visited with relatives here over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence lYlac- Donald and Mrs. Florence Hed- den, of London, spent Sunday. with Herb Hedden and Mrs. Ruth Carter and family in Clin- ton. Mrs. Leroy Peters and family returned home last Thursday to Stratford after spending a week with Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Peters and Bonnie. Mrs. Garnet Allan,; Mrs. How- ard Snlale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. William Smale and Mrs. Don Havens attended the Zone Rally at Brussels recently. Mr. Norman Shiels,' of Am- berley, was a weekend visitor with -Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Al- lan and family. Sunday, June 10, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Hensall United Church will observe annivers- ary services and will have as their guest speaker Rev. Ken- neth Griffiths, of Brussels. Thursday, June 14, at 2:30 Lee gion HoI'ds SocialEvent The Legion and Legion ,A u Mau held 'a l ary a svo�.,.l i# the l;.e. ion,. Hall Friday evening; with special* guests -the Exeter Le- gion and Auxiliary. Deer,_Prixa es werewon by .Ear]. Soldan and. Roy Campbell; spot dances,. Mr. andMks H gh .McEwen. Mr. and Mrs.. Haig Pincent. Mrs. E.:11. pad's made a Presenta- tion to Mrs. Pincent.'on behalf of the .auxiliary and ° Mrs. W. J. Cameron presented a gift to Mrs. Don Havens. John Skea, president of the legion, pre- sented Don Havens and Haig Pincent with gifts and thanks extended to' them for their fine work and co-operation in the organizations, Mrs. Davis, on behalf of the Ladies' Auxiliary, and John Skea on behalf of the Legion. The president of Exe- ter Legion spoke. Dancing was enjoyed and . a smorgasbord Ilfiich served. The affair was well attended. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Kippen, wish to anno}tuce the engagement of their;, daughter, Elva Maria, to Donavon Ross Brunzlow, Strathroy, the wed- ding to take place Saturday, June 23, at 3 o'clock, in St. An- drew's United Church, Kippen. p.m., United Church -Women combined meeting of Units 4 and 5 (Mrs. J. McAllister and Mrs. W. Weeks), will be held in the United Church Sunday school rooms. ,4314, InrittAT z,, KIPPEN' NE.VS; Ch Jleidersoa ad tai en .14y, lonthron a nbulaiice Satyrdat to Victoria Hospital,,. tendon, • :Winners }froom, Kippenin the Legion law at Mensal �Sattirr day night ?,014414 °aper," E. J. Roberts, tars, Arthur k`in layson ,and Mrs: Filed Jarrott„ dr. and Mrs. J, R. Muxdock will be at home on Saturday. June 9, from 3 to b and freins 8 to 1.0, the occasion being. ti'e'r fiftieth wedding anniversary, at their residence, "Evergreen Holme", Stanley Township. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neave and family, of Strathroy, visited Sunday with Airs, E. Dawson. Miss Mabelle Whiteman has returned home after spending served, Of THE WEEK sonic: holidays In Det,oit. Mr. and Mrs, 'Clarellott Priestap,, of,• ;mar Mitchello. vbit- ed Saturday :evening with Filo latter's^ 'father;, ;, Itaho4 Thomson. Mrs.'= Eldon.:Jarrott :and ie; attended •.a pantry :shower Fri. day .evening:,, May , 'et .Strat=: ford, where .;.the ' Misses Darla, Tinley and Elaine;.MelNayr nurs- es and classmates of Marie, en- tertained •forMarle and another' nurse, Miss Jan Polestra. 'V: teen out of a class of :22; nurses.. attended, Alribng the miscel. laneet s gifts were a stainless steel set, a clotheshamper dnd; a box of groceries, °The girls expressed their thanks to every one and a delicious lunch was 1958 VQLSWAGEN STANDARD 1957 mows MINOR 1957 PQNTIAC COACH 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 0 0 MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 POSITIVE ACTION! Vigorous agricuitural program benefits Huron farmers * MARKET STABILITY L. ELSTON CARDIFF Deficiency Payment Program .. . 23 Farm Products Have Been Supported * FARM INCOME RAISED TO RECORD HIGH PC Action Brought Farm Cash Income To All -Time High Of 83 Billion in 1961 * PAYMENTS TO AGRICULTURE DOUBLED 1957-62 — $706 Million 1953-57 — $363 Million * FARM CREDIT GREATLY EXPANDED Over $3 Million Extended To More Than 300 Huron Farmers Since 1957. Farm Loans - PC's More In TWO YEARS ($130 million) Than Liberals in 22 YEARS ($120 Million) Why vote for production quotas and controls? Support the PC's aggressive, positive farm program of sales rather than surpluses ON JUNE 18, RE-ELECT Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association