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The Huron Expositor, 1962-05-31, Page 10
• iFtirt •S .4 CB QSS, TN 1 RD PUZZLE itCRORA. 41, Kind of dog 1 Rabid 5.1 Inndiaa 4. Not Ple1)tifui Ignlb(ilrriea 10 reit 52 Man's • 14Man's Wargo - -nickname 15 HS611 53 Fish waterproof 54 Boredom boots "56 Inline the 16 piblicel head. weed 57 Mournful 17 Animal 58 Toward the 19. Prescribed • center ernount of 62 Valid medicine 64 Sheet of (pl.) once folded 20 Tall crown paper of Upper 66 Male Egypt forebear 21 Negotiate 67 To be '23 Kind .ot borne by grass. 68 Spoiled 24+Pastry 70 Falsehood 25 Avarice 71 Beverage 27 Magas' (pl.) gibbon 72 Different 28 Rupees ones - (abbr.) 73 Old times 30 Illuminated (archaic) 33 Pretended 36 Mountain DOWN nymphs, 38 An so forth 39 River of Petrograd 40 To freeze 42 Helmsman 44 Handle 45 Word of affirmation 47 Ensnare 48 Confederate general ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO, 707, nano OOD®© LEMBO 0001U 00000 WLUIa19 OMOMFi ORB 0012 OR BkH3 OUCID©ORO 00 00L4L U ULIgI rMI ©0O0© TI00©© 000 000010=00 00 ©LM1W 001121 0,201510 00000 00 ®0O 00000 00 011000 1311051 000000051 000 00 000 0013 0130MM 011051 01113053 11000 IJLJL1W 01111311 0000 11 Girl s • nickname 12 Anger 13 Clock in shape of 18 Sack 22 Swap 24 Stuff 26 Attempted 27 Church reading desk 28 Disclose 29 Steep. alone 49 Turf . 50 Part of limb of crustacean 53 System of secret signals (PL) 55 Those in office • ' 56 Knob 57 Product of combustion 59 Thin piece of fired 1 Liquefy with(p1.) clay heat 30' A place 60 Seed coating 2 Winged 31 Pressed 61 Exploit • 3 -Coin 32 Taut 62 A sweetheart A direction 34 Mountains (Anglo -Ir.) • 5 Bounder (abbr•) 63 Lubricating 6 Idolizes 35 Sawlike organ . liquid VRemainder 37 Turkish title 64 Away 8 American 39 Selne 65 Over (poet.) Indian 41 Allow 69 Canadian 9 Wodm 43 Follow province 10 Rising step 46.Furtiveness (abbr.) 11111111154111 ...lid■ 111111111 22 1111 �. f:®®■111 liTIL11111111 l i v err 30 PO MEW ■r11111111■1.2©®111 ■iiui i i■©■.a1111 ii1.■11'•'ai'©■©®111■■■111 11111111111111111111' 111111N11111111 Witt 111111114111111111' 1iV PUZZLE NO. 708 SKITS, DEMONSTRATION FEATURE BRUSSELS ACHIEVEMENT DAY Skits, demonstration, a fash- ion parade and the presentation -of„provincial and county honor certificates and pins rounded out a full program at the Hur- on County 4-H Achievement Day in Brussels Presbyterian Church Saturday. More than 50 girls took part from the eight clubs partici- pating. Clubs were represented from Ethel, Walton, Moncrie(f, Cranbrook, Brussels, along with three clubs from Molesworth: All clubs took part in the fash- ion parade, "Separates F o r •Summer." Huron. County home economist, Miss Isabelle Gil- christ, was in charge of the pro- gram. Four girls received provincial certificates and pins: Teuni Van Loo,. RR 2, ,Wroxeter; ' Irene Noble and Marilyn, Knight, both of RR . 5, Brussels, and Mrs• Jean Ann Kerr, RR 1, Listowel. • Receiving county certificates were: Mary McKercher, RR 2, Wroxeter; Barbara McNaught, RR 3, Monkton;.., Doris Luding- ton, RR 1, Monkton; Bonnie Dolt, RR 1, Listowel;. Marilyn Mitchell, RR 2, Listowel; Jan- ice Simpson, RR 1, Listowel; Mary 'Elliott, RR 2, Bluevale, and Rosemary Brecon, Ethel. Mrs. N. J, McMurehy, RR 1, Listowel, was presented with a five-year leaders' certificate • for service. Skits were presented by the following clubs with members. participating: Walton: Linda Somerville, Wenda Humphries, - Linda Bryans, Anne Blake, Helen - Searle, Janet Shortreed, Carol Wilbee, Sherrill Craig; Ethel: Jane Krauter, Jean pear - son, Karen Cunningham; Mon- crieff: Mary and Barbara Mc- Naught, Ruth Ann and Shirley Smith, Verna and Marie Ron- nenberg, Marilyn Crawford, Judy Robertson, Doris Luding- ton, Beverley NfeLean. A dem- onstration was presented by the Brussels Club. FUNERALS MRS. MATILDA MACK ST. COLUMBAN—Solemn Re- quiem High Mass was sung on Monday morning for Mrs. Ma- tilda Mack, who died in London on Friday. Rev. L. J. Coughlin was celebrant, with Rev. Remi Durand, . Dublin, deacon, and. Rev. John McIver, S.F.M., To- ronto, subdeacon. Rev. Thomas 'McQuaid, S.F.M.,. St. Marys, was present in the Sanctuary.. Mrs. Mack was born in Hib- bert Township 87 years ago, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patricia, O'Connor. Her husband predeceased her sev- eral years ago. She is• survived by one sister, Mrs. Theresa Eck- ert, Dublin, and several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers were William Murphy; Francis Hagen, Thomas Eckert, Vincent Maloney, Keith- Siemon and Frank Cronin. Bur- ial was in St. Columban ceme- tery. UNION GAS STATEMENT SHOWS INCREASE IN CONSOLIDATED NET A 14 per cent increase in con- solidated net profit was record- ed by Union Gas Company of Canada, Limited, and its subsid- iary companies, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1982. The company's annual report, released this week, shows net profit rose to $4.4, million, com- pared to $3.9 •million in the fis- .d cal year ended March 31, 1961. After payment of preference share dividends, earnings per common share increased to 82 cents as compared with 72 cents in the prior year. The report also notes a. 17 per cent in- crease in gross gas sales rev- enue, to $43 million. Huron Farrn News Scattered thunder showers last` week helped soil moisture in some areas; however, most of the county still remains dry. Most of the corn in the county has been planted and planting of white beans is in frill swing. Some farniers will be starting to make grass silage this week. •• - x h �'..z..rnaraa All figures reported reflect the operations, of Union and its wholly-owned subsidiary On- tario Natural Gas Storage and Pipelines Limited, consolidated with those of United Fuel In- vestments, Limited and its whol- ly-owned subsidiary United Gas Limited. Union.. owns 99.9 per cent of the 'common shares, 96.5 per cent of the Class "A" preference shares and 67.8 per cent of the Class "13" prefer- ence shares of United Fuel. The consolidated report indi- cates a 10,000 increase in the number of customers served, to 240,000, and a nine per cent rise in consumption -per -residen- tial -meter, to 110,700 cubic feet. Operating . , a n d maintenance costs (exclusive of' deprecia- tion, interest and tax payments), increased by 21 per cent, to $28.4 million. Despite increasing c6mpeti- tion from other sources of en- ergy, the 'company is optimistic about continued expansion. IL will spend solme $13.5 million essentially to extent gas serv- ice and facilities in existing markets during the. current 1962.63 fiscal year.. Yes, you save three ways if you buy a Blue Star Gas Range right now. First, you get special sale prices on famous name Blue Star gas ranges. You also get a special trade-in allowance on your old stove. And for customers of Union Gas, a special bonus gift of $15.00 cash! LA Look over the glamourous new gas ranges at your gas appliance dealer's and make your choice today. Your dealer will fill out your Bonus Gift Certificate and you'll receive a Union Gas cheque for $15.00. HURRY! OFFER E)(PIRES ON JUNE 23RD. THERE'S NO FINER RANGE IN THE WORLD THAN A BLUE STAR GAS RANGE! clean ... safe ... and trouble-free, including such features as: • Automatic oven heat control • Automatic top burner. control • Automatic smokeless broiler • Automatic ignition throughout See the Blue Star Built -Ii Gas. Ranges, too! "Cooking's not the same without the flame" VISIT YOUR GAS APPLIANCE DEALER TODAY UNION(ASCOMPANY FRANK KLING.LTD. Plumbing - Heating - Electrical Phone 19 SILLS' HARDWARE Plumbing - Electricals - Heating Seaforth Phone 56 GINGERICH'S Sales & Service Ltd. Seaforth: Phone 585 Zurich 34. BOB DOIG Plumbing - Heating Phone 668 R 13 • • • ke Seaforth 7,.„; Seaforth DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Duo -Therm Dopler. Phone 70 R 2 • • Dublin Plumbing Heating Phone 23 5" aforth • • • • r r s c M • •