HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-05-31, Page 6lugim EXPOSrQR, SEAFOR ONT., MAY $1, 1 NIE'S Drive-in Theatre LTD. CLINTON, ONT. :children under 12 in cars, Free TEIT,IRSDAY and FRIDAY May '31 and June 1 — DOUBLE BILL — "TALL STORY" (Adult Entertainment) Anthony Perkins - Jane Fonda. "CASH McCALL" (Colour) James Garner -- Natalie Wood '(Cartoon) SATl7RDAY and MONDAY June 2-4 —DOUBLE BILL — Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:35 only "G.I. BLUES" (Colour). Elvis Presley Hit No. 2—Shown at 11:10 "BOY WHO STOLE A 1VIILLION" Virgilio Texera (Cartoon) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY June 5-6 "CINDERFELL A" (Colour) Jerry Lewis Anna Marie Alberghetti (Cartoon) Advance Tickets June 5th member any Clinton t Hospital Auxiliary Proceeds for Hospital SL Addition Looby Firm ie is Contract 9e For Bridge Contracts totalling a b o u t $114,000 were awarded at a special meeting of the Perth County roads committee Tues- day. The tender of the lowest bidder an each of our items was accepted. The contract for construction of a bridge on the Ellice-Logan on town line, went to Looby Con- structi....Ltd.. Dublin, with a Bid of $33,589. Blacktop Paving Company Ltd. was awarded the contractfor hot mix and paving sche- duled, for county roads this summer, at a cost of $61,908. Six tenders were received on the work. The final item was for•• a cul- vert on the Logan -McKillop town line. Tenders were re- ceived from four companies, with the contract awarded to McLean - Foster Construction Ltd., St. Marys. The price was $3,544. Too Late to Classify 'FOUR HOLSTEIN cows, due to freshen, carrying 3rd calf. 4 Holstein heifer calves, 10 days old. JOIL'c A. TAYLOR, phone HU 2-7527. Clinton. 8-20-1 25th Wedding ANNIVERSARY fortMr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt FRIDAY EVENING June 8th in COF HALL, CONSTANCE . Coming-- Friends and relatives cordially "IT STARTED IN NAPLES" ! invited. "PRISONER OF THE VOLGA"; Ladies. please bring Lunch. When Presented at the Box Office of 1 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE • CLINTON 1 rThis Coupon Admits the DRIVER of the Car Only 1. FREE Any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday Nights for the Month of June Only ,m (except on June 5, Hospital Anxiliary Theatre Night) MEET ERNIE FISHER NIGHT STAFFA HALL Thursday, June 7th — 9:30 p.m. On June 18th, 1962, you will be making a very serious and important decision, affect- ing every man, woman and child in Canada, as well as future generations. This is your opportunity to meet your can- didate. Fill up your car. 4• Ask your neighbors and friends to do the same. Other speakers will include: ROBERT McCUBBLN Former Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture HARRY STRANG Doughnuts and Coffee will be served EVERYBODY IS WELCOME IN STAFFA (Published by Hibbert Liberal Association). WALTON Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Ennis were guests of honor Friday evening at a reception held in Walton Community Rall. Dur- ing uring the lunch hour the newly- weds were escorted to the plat- form for the highlight of the evening. An address was read by Her- bert Kirkby and the preset ta,. tion of a well-filled purse of money was made by Neil Me - Gavin. Ron replied, expressing his thanks for the gift of money and all, who had made the evening a -success. Music for dancing was sup- plied by Ian Wilbee's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. . Mac Slioldice were in charge of arrangements. Guests attending from a dis- tance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Loveridge,, West Hill; Mr. Gerald Dressel, Rexdale; Mr. Gregory Kaiser, Scarborough; Mr. Kenneth Thompson, Ham- ilton; Mr_. .and Mrs. Murray Kirkby, Port Credit; Mr. Her- bert Kirkby, Woodstock; Miss Rosalee Bedard, Reg.N., Gode- rich; Miss Ruth Ennis, Reg.N., Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Hamilton, Mr. and Airs. Floyd Jenkins and family, of Norwich, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Miss Faye Love and Mr. Tom Love arrived home on Friday from a motor trip to Milestone, Sask., where they visited with Mr. Thomas E. Love and Mr. Norman C. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bfitler, of Goderich, and Mrs. John Butler and Miss Mary Butler, Clinton, visited Mrs. Maud Leeming on Sunda -v. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot spent the weekend with airs. William Leeming and Mrs.'Fern Patter- son. Seaforth. Mrs. Bella Boyd is visiting her sister-in-law. Mrs, Maud Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser ani family of Stratford, visited with Mr. Malcolm .Fraser on Sunday. Mr: and.Mrs. Horace Rutledgs and family, Landon, spent the weekend with relatives, in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Beverly, Mr. Russell Cur- rie, Don and Douglas spent Sunday in Burlington with Mr. and • Mrs. C. H. , Lemon and other relatives. Mary Leeming received first- class honors in her music ex- am. Mrs. Frank Burke and fam- ily, of Wingham, visited with Mrs: -Arthur McCall last week. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ""REV. DOUGLAS O. FRY minister MRs. M. R. RENNIE Organist b • June 3, 1962 . WORSHIP ---11:00 A.M. 9:45 a.m.—Minister's Class 10:00 a.m.—The Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Nursery itifAThi 1 DANCELAND1 Area Women are Ninnrs legion ' Cooking School' The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held a sur ssful cooking school in the Legion Hall -on Wednes- day and Thursday evenings. A feature was the presenta- tion of a number of prizes, win- ners being: Winners of prizes donated by merchants Thursday evening were: The Huron Expositor, staplers, Ethel Haines, Clinton, and Mrs. Viola Beuerman; Smith's Pastry, cake, Margaret Hudson; Hachborn Meats, ham, Marjorie Racho; GIngerieh's, planter sets, Mrs. Luella Wil- bert ; Shinen's, pillowcases, Mrs. M. McGrath; Cleary's IGA, tomato juice, Mrs. W. Box; Sea - forth Ne\vs, writing paper, Mrs. Harold Pethick; Sills' Hardware, set_of, bowls, Mrs. Dave Netzke; Smith's Grocery, case of peas, Doris Hugill; Larone's, bath prat set, Mrs. - S. Jeffery, Staffa; Krank Kling Ltd., electric egg cooker, Mrs. J. McConnell; Sted- man's, towel set, Vera Smale, Hensall; Seaforth Co-op, vouch- BRODHAGEN The following were winners at the Monk -ton Music Festival last week from the . Brodhagen ' School: Unison chorus, Group A, first with 87 marks; triple trio, first with 89 marks; two- part chorus, Group A, second with 86 marks; junior chorus, Group A, second with 86•marks; Beverley Sholdice, girls' solo, 11 and under, second with 86 marks: Robert Trutter, senior boys' solo, first with 88 marks, and won the cup. with Larry Kistner, second, with 87 marks in the same class. Mrs. Manuel Beuerman has been confined to Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, for the past week, where she under. went an operation for a finger infection. Master Karl Pfeifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer, had his tonsils and adenoids re- moved at the Stratford General Hospital last week. Miss Sharon Prueter, nurse - in -training at Stratford General Hospital, is convolescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, after un- dergoing an operation. Mrs. J. Higenell, who spent the winter months with her d aughter, Mrs. Edwin Rock,„ and Mr. Rock is now with another daughter, Mrs. Bob Butson and Mr. Butson, Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and Kenneth, accompanied by Miss Willow Morris, of Sebring- ville, visited Mi. Clayton Ah- rens at Camp Borden on Sun- day. Mrs. Rosina Miller visited her granddaughter, Mrs. Ed. Fisch- er, and Mr. Fischer at Seaforth recently. Visitors at the home of Ars. Rosina Miller on Sunday were: Mrs. Minnie Mikel, Logan, and Messrs. Rudolph and Fred Fischer, of Mitche-iL Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol- dice and Beverley spent the weekend visiting with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Orval Whit- field, and Mr. Whitfield, at St. Catharines, and also attended the Lions Club parade and Nearology service in Hamilton on Sunday. Visitors with -Mr.. and Airs. In Lavern Wolfe were: Mr. and D A N C E Mrs. Lorrte Wolfe and sons, of Kitchener: Mr. and Mrs. MICA- ael Connolly and Mrs. Jack EV ERY Herald "and Jacqueline, of Sea- ringville. The -Dublin Bowling Club en- joyed a banquet and social eve- ning at the Community Hall !here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward "FRIDAY NIGHT' JOHN WINTERMEYER • You are invited to hear. JOHN WINTERMEYER Ontario Liberal Leader SEAFORTH LEGION HALL TUESDAY -Luxe 5th at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Wintermeyer will speak on behalf - of r'r ERNIE FISHER Liberal Candidate in Huron EVERYBODY WELCOME (Published by the Huron Liberal Assae~iation) ERNIE FISHER and daughters. of Toronto, with ittrs. Albert Querengesser and Alf for the weekend. Mrs. Lydia Querengesser Mrs. Frank Swigger and Mrs Freeman Spencer,' of Detroit with Mrs• W. L. Querengesser and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Peel Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell were at Chatham on Sunday visiting Mrs. Boyd's mother, who is confined to the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family, of Bleinheim, with Mr. Ed. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. onald Hinz of Rodney -in Fort Erie on Sun- day due to the death of WiI- liam Heckman on Sunday. Cheryl Wurdell, Joan Mueg- ge and Glenda Miller attended the Luther League of Canada convention at the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. The Married Couples' Group of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held a variety program at the Community Hall on Monday ev- ening v ening with a large crowd at- tending. The program consist- ed of skits," men's qua ties, children square dancing, read- ing, musical numbers, fashion show and baby show, step -danc- ing. er '.i< -gal. ice cream, Shelley Nesbitt; Whitney Furniture, hassock, Mrs. Earl Elliott, Dub- lin; Dublin Produce, five dozen eggs, Mrs. Myrtle MacKay; El- liott's Ldnch, carton cigarettes, Mrs. Jack Muir; McCluskie's, cannister set, Mrs. Jim Barry. McGonigle's, soap, Rose Mary Flannery; Crown Hardware, flour sifter, Mrs. Wm. Blair; Snip & Curl, finger wave, Mrs. Percy Little; Box Furgitlrre, set M of glasses, s. Les Pryce; An- stett's .Jewellery, bowl, Mfrs. Dahmer; Graves' Wallpaper, Callon of paint, Mrs. Harold Pethick:' Cleary's IGA, case of corn, Mrs. Joseph Grurliinett• Irvin's Hardware, cream and sugar set, Mrs. J. Morris; Flan- nery .Cleaners, dry cleaning, G. Hildebrand; Commercial Ho- tel, dinner for four, Mrs. Ryan; Keating's, cosmetics, Mrs. Jean Bowering; Stewart Bros., pil- lowcaseS; Mrs. 'Jean Drager; Eve -Mar Stores, nightgown, Mrs. Alex Muir; Savauge's, vase, Mrs. Jack Mustard; Red & White Store. turkey, Mrs. Marjorie Racho; McKindsey's, writing paper. Mrs. Mac Scott; Cana- dian Tire Corp., beach towel, Mrs. D. Papple; Staffen's, pot- ted plant, Mrs. Marg, Sutale; Willis Shoe Store, voucher, Dora Taylor; Crich's, choco- lates. Mrs. A. Forbes; Russell Broderick, carton 'cigarettes, 'sirs. John Pryce. Donations: Pair towels, Mrs. Merle Glanville: cannister, Mrs. Ella Hoegy: cup and saucer, Airs. Ken Huisser. Pyrex pie plates were donated' by La- rone's. Bought with cash donations from: Cleave's Sunoco, Phillips' Fruit Store, Seaforth Beauty Salon. Smyth's Shoe Store, Ag- nes' Restaurant: Luncheon set, Mrs. Jean Keys; cup and saucer, Helen Nicholson, Egmondville; Bach's, fly spray, 'Gloria Glan- ville: 2 cartons coke, Mary Up - shall: 2 cartons coke, Mrs. W. C. Bennett. RCAF Clintn. Grocery bags were won ,by: G. Achison, Jenny Hogg, Stella Beattie, Ars. Houston, Thelma Forbes, Mrs. Harold Pryce, Mrs. Torn Pryce, Mrs. Theron Bet- ties, Mrs. Bruce Coleman, W. N. McPhail, Mrs. 'Jack Muir, Mrs. Eva Brown, Mrs. Joe Dev- ereaux, ]Firs. Mona Graham, Eleanor Henderson, Mrs. D. "Kunder, Mrs. W. Annis, Mrs. J. Ruston. Mrs. Tom Carter, Mrs. Don Wood, Mrs. John Turnbull, Mrs. Mabel Nesbitt, Mrs. Roy McGonigle, Mrs. Kathleen Tun- ney. Baking by Mrs. Striver won by: custard pie, - Mrs. J. Hen- deilson; cinnamon buns, Mrs. J. C. Britton; buns, Mrs. Ruth Schade; berry coffee cake, Mrs. John Malcolm; bread, Mrs. R. Dalton and .Mrs. Myrtle Mac- Kay; blueberry coffee cake, Mrs. Hayter; chocolate coffee cake, Mrs. Viola Beuerman and Mrs. John Fraiser: Bags •of groceries were also won by .Helen McKenzie, Do- reen Currie, Clinton; Elsie Huisser, Eva-. Brown, Jennie Hildebrand; Agnes Walsh, Dub- - ¢ EGMONDVILLE Mrs. John Watson is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarke, of Muirkirk. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Church, of Barrie, spent. the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. Harold-Wil- son. •Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waters and family, of Ajax, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gray, over the weekend. Miss Frances Houston and :tirs.,E. Weber attended the re- tired teachers' convention held in Ottawa recently. Mrs. Hugh McLachlan with her son and daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Andrew McKen- • zie. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell, of ,; Detroit, visited Mr. and _ Mrs. Andrew Houston recently. Mr. and MIs. Ed. Boyes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crlif- ford Thompson, of Wyoming. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mur- dock, of Brucefield, will be at home to relatives, neighbors and friends on Saturday, June ft, from 3 to 5 and from 8 to 10, at their residence, "Ever- greenholme", Stanley, on the occasion of their golden wed- ding anniversary. PENNY SALE St. Columban Hall Tuesday, June 5 9:00 p.m. • Prizes on display in Whitney Furniture, Seaforth, May 31st, June 1st and 2nd LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING LIONEL THORNTON AND HIS Casa Royal Orchestra Every Saturday lin; Mrs.. Russell Miller, Mrs.' Harold Pryce, Mrs. G. Munro, Mrs. Robert Grimoldby, Con- stance; Bony Stewart, Mrs. Jack Scott, Mrs. J. Ruston, Mrs. H. Bercher, Kipper; Mrs. Ken Betties, Mrs: Foster Bennett, Mrs: J. Morris, Mrs. Dave Pap- ple, Mrs, Margaret. Lamont, Mrs. Art Wright, Mrs. Barbara Scott, Mrs. Leona Scott, Mrs. Don Gregson, Mrs. Ed. Kegel, Walton. Major prizes were won by; Westinghouse .II+Iixmaster, Mrs. Graham Kerr; barbecue, M UpshaIl, Hensall; chip andp tray, Miss Vera Hudson; coke cooler, Mrs. Art Finlayson. Baking done by Mrs. Striver: Babbage ro]Ic Mrs. _Ross_ Gor- don; cookies, Mrs. Wm. Dennis, Walton; cooked rabbit, Mrs. Bob Harris, Clinton, Mrs. Merle Glanville, Seaforth. .RECTORY TEA anI HOMEBAKNG SALE St. James' Parish Rectory Wed., June 13th 3 . 5 p.m. Sponsored by Catholic Women's League' Third Anniversary TEA Huronview Women's Auxiliary' Wed.., June 6 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. _AT THE HOME Guided Tour will be taken during the afternoon. Everyone Welcome SILVER COLLECTION SEE —NEAR JIM DONNELLY Goderich Lawyer CKNX-TV - Channel 8 Tuesday, June 5 6:10 to,• 6':15 On Behalf of Elston CARDIFF X Huron PC Ass'n. HENSALL TWILIGHT STOCK SHOW Heavy. Horses, Light Iorses and -Ponies IMPLEMENT SHOW Friday, June 8th, -1962 6 o'clock p -m: Featuring 48 Prize Hereford Feeding Calves To be Judged and Auctioned at 9:30 p.m. • BABY SHOW, 8:00 p.m. (No Entry Fee) Prizes for All Contestants. Clinton Concert Community Band and Majorettes in Attendance TORY GREGG, Master of Ceremonies School Parade 7 p.m. -- Official Opening 7:30 Free Draw for Children in. School Parade 8:00 p.m. — McCARTY SHOWS — FEATURING CHILDREN'S RIDES ADMISSION 50c — CHILDREN FREE WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST SPRING EXHIBIT OF LIVESTOCK CLINTON SPRING FAIR SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd GRAND PARADE AT 1:00 P.M. Official Opening by GORDON BENNETT Former Huron Agr. Rep., now Chief of Marketing Division, Ontario Department of Agriculture Large Exhibit of Livestock PET SHOW P.S. LIVESTOCK CLASSES SPECIAL 4-H CLUB CLASSES • -- AFTERNOON JUDGING — Heavy Horses — Light Horses — Wagon and Express Horses — Carriage, Roadster and Hackney Horses — Palomino Classes HURON COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS CONTEST on the grounds during afternoon EVENING HORSE - SHOW 7 p.m. --Judging of Heavy Draught Horses, Teams, Four -Horse . Tandem Hitch, Best Dressed Team, Ingle Roadsters, Pony Tee , Etc. Musical Entertainment by Clinton Community Concert Band and Clinton Legion Pipe Band followed by . BIG FIREWORKS . DISPLAY -- Crowning of "Dairy Princess' in front of grandstand McCarty Shows Games. - Rides Admission to Afternoon Performance 50c—Grandstand 25c .Admission to Evening Performance 50e—Grandstand 25e WRITE SECRETARY FOR PRIZE LIST JOHN DEEVES ' A. J. McMURRAY President Secretary MIKE Pearson-- Day IN HURON ednesday, June 6 Mr. Pearson will enter Huron along No. 4 Highway, visiting through Blyth and arriving ' MIKE PEARSON 10:45 n.M. at CLINTON Come to Clinton Wednesday morning — Meet Mike Pearson and ERNIE FISHER have a cup of coffee with him. 11:45 a.m.—Leaves for Goderich 1:45 p.m.—Leaves Goderich . along No. 21 Highway f o r Zurich 2:15 p.m.—Arrive Zurich 3:00 p.m. --Leave Zurich, visiting through Hensall and Exeter for London VOTE LIBERAL VOTE FISHER (Published by Hu On Liberal Assbeiatiof) • • w • . • • • a • • • • • • • •