The Huron Expositor, 1962-05-24, Page 8R uylto raPO61TOR, S Arouni. ONT„ N le *1,1962 Goad Healthy Garden There are some wonderfully effective sprays and dusts avail- able today. With these it is no trick' at all to eliminate or con- trol almost any bug, or fungus 'khat attacks any garden plant. But these chemicals, like medi- cine or fertilizer, must be used carefully and according to di- rections. It is possible, of course, to cover vegetables or fruit with so much dope that one has to wash very carefully before eating. Moderation pays in all things, including spray- ing and dusting. The very best protection against any pest or disease is a fast growing, clean and heal- thy garden. To get this we spray or dust the minute a pest appears and thus bring it 'un- der control before the whole garden is overrun and with rel- atively small applications of chemical. But in addition we keep the garden growing well by cultivating frequently, feed- ing with plant food when nec- essary and, just as important, we keep both garden and sur- rounding ground clean of weeds. Clumps of weeds and long un- tended grass constitute an open invitation to bugs and other pests to come along and canip out just waiting for our favor- ite flowers and vegetables to appear. to get something that will kill the weeds but let the grass sur- vive, or other plants survive. • For the average lawn and lawn owner, of course, a gen- eral purpose 2-4D spray still -prove satisfactory. It will get -some of the common weeds like dandelion and plantain. But for the specialist or the lawn where certaid weeds like crab grass, cluackgrass and *others are troublesome there are indi- vidual and potent sprays now available. In all cases these sprays or dusts must be used carefully and precisely accord- ing to directions.. -Timely Hints Weed Killers One of the very special plea- sures of gardening is the thrill that comes •from handing a de- parting visitor a big bunch of flowers to take home. And we can do this again and again and also have plenty of bou- quets for, our own homes if we plant a few extra rows of cut- ting flowers right inn., the vege- table garden where -they will be easily cultivated. Then we can clip blooms anytime we like and without detracting one bit from the decorative flower gardens around' the -lawn. All sorts of beautiful gardens are spoiled because only weedy, rapid growing trees are used and only the earliest maturing flowers, grass and vegetables. These early, quick growing things have a place, especially in the young garden, but they should not be the only things. There has been a steady im- provement in chemical weed killers for lawns Since 2-4-D and other killers first appeared on the market. Like the flies with DD's, some weeds, or more like- ly new and hardier strains of weeds, seem to have developed an immunity to the first sprays so scientists have been work- ing on a stronger and more specialized killers. The trick is Be Warmly Contented With • Texaco Stove Oil or TEXACO FURNACE FUEL OIL Call Us' Today I WALDEN & BROADFOOT ' In planting one is well ad- vised to make surehat in addi- tion to the quick 0 -rowers the other kind goes in too. And this applies to flowers and vege- tables just as well as trees or shrubbery. By using later sorts as well as" early, we get more variety and often better qual- ity as well. Phone 686 W - Seaforth R • M`R• wobg(' SHOWN HERE are several of the Women's Institute members who took an- active part in the West Huron WI district annual meeting in Clinton on Friday. Left to right are: Mrs. John MacLean, Seaforth, provincial board director; Miss Josephine Wood- cock, Blyth, who was reelected for another term as president; Mrs. Don Riehl, Gode- rich, first vice-president; Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Auburn, secretary -treasurer; Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Dungannon, who wai named alternate federated•representative. East Huron Institutes ark 60th Anniversar Duff's United Church audi- torium, Walton, was the setting for the 60th annual meeting of the East Huron Women's Insti- tute Thursday, May 17. 1 etir- ing president Mrs. Howard Har- ris, RR 1, Fordwich, presided for the morning and afternoon sessions, while Mrs', Harry Rhame, retiring secretary -treas- urer, Gorrie, recorded the meet- ing. The minutes of the 1961 an rival meeting, also those of the recent district executive meet- ing, were read and approved. Miss Lily Dempsey, Stratford, FWIO Board .member, ratified the district directors and out- lined their duties. Mrs. Harris thanked Walton Institute for their invitation and the decora- tive peaceful setting for the six- tieth anniversary. The presi- dent called on Miss Dempsey to introduce the guests speak- er, Mrs. Lymburner, of Port Col- borne, provincial president, who expressed her rare plea- sure in attending a district meeting. Mrs. Jeanne Armour, Provincial Home Economic Ser- vice, Toronto; Miss Dempsey and Miss Anderson, of Strat- ford, and Miss Gilchrist, of Clin- ton, Home Economist for Hur- on County. Mrs. Harris stated that ' the Huron County WI Children's Aid•Brirsary, was now being us- ed to provide a girl with a hair- dressing course. She also com- mended the interest of three branches which had adopted children in the Foster Parents', Plan and said others would do so in groups. Mrs. Harris ex- pressed her enjoyment of her term as president and, thanks for the co-operation given her and concluded with "Twelve Things To Learn." Miss Armour, Provincial Board Home Economist, stress- ed greater attendance at senior training schools.. She also dis- played samples of lined drapes and cafe curtains, and outlined many aspects of cooking, home furnishing and management, and advised keeping in touch with these trends on TV and radio. Miss Gilchrist praised the in- terest and enthusiasm shown by Junior Institute girls .and re- commended a closer link with the Senic r stitute. Have moth- ers atte early in their reports. It was suggested that WI branches have a visit- ing committee to see and wel- come new neighbors. Also dis- cussed were ways to attract new members, conduct meetings and raise money, teas, bazaars and auctions. Dinner was served in the basement with the senior offi- cers at the head table. At other tables, adorned with bouquets' of lilacs, sat district presidents and branch past presidents and other delegates. Rev. A Higgin- botham spoke words of wel- come,. congratulation and com- mendation to the institute, .Moyri Pupils Win Awards At the recent music festival at Belgrave, the pupils of SS No. 12, Morris, won the follow- ing prizes: Two-part chorus (schools un- der 25), first prize, 86; rhytham band, second prize, 82; unison' chorus, third prize, 82; ,double trio, , fifth prize. Solos—Girls, seven and un- der, Patsy Badley, first prize, 85; boys, seven and under, Douglas Brigham, second prize, 82; boys, 14 and under, Larry Walters, second prize, 87 ; changed voices, Brian MacDon- ald, sixth prize, 78; girls, 11 and under, Olwen Griffiths, sixth prize, 80. kv- Mrs. Nora Moffat is music supervisor, and Mrs. Edna Hack - well is the teacher. *WIND • TORNADA • CYCLONE Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. Bnrn In -1862, Is 100 Years Old Mr. Hugh Campbell celebrat- ed his 100th birthday Thursday, May 17, at the home. of his daughter, Tars. John McDonald, and Mr. McDonald, RR 2, Brus- sels. Frienfis and relatives called on him during the afternoon and evening to offer birthday congratulations. A birthday cake, with 100 years inscribed on it, was made for the occa- son. Red roses were sent from a niece, Mrs. Elliot Somerville, and Mr. Somerville, of Victoria, B.C,; also a telegram from tha Queen, and letters were receiv=- ed from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, Premier of On- tario, John Robarts, L. E. Car- diff, MP, Huron, and Charles S. MacNaughton, MPP, besides numerous letters, cards and fruit. A nephew, Mr. John Reid, and his daughter, Averil, from Fel- ker, Alberta, flew down for the occasion. Mr. Campbell has three daughters' and two sons: Mrs. George (Edith) Carter, Londes- boro; Mrs. Gorden (Hazel) Kerr, Toronto; Mrs. John (Gertrude) McDonald, Walton; Mr. Archie Campbell, Toronto, who was unable to attend owing to poor health, and Mr. Jack Kellar, Seaforth. Othe relatives attending r. and Mrs. Donald Mc - of Lucknow; Mr. and vatson Reid, Blyth; Mr. and IVfrs. Glen Carter, Londes- boro; Mr. and Mrs. John Arm- strong, Mrs. Gordon Kerr, To- ronto; Mrs. Grace McQuaig, Sea - forth; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs..George Carter, Londesboro, and Rev. and Mrs. Ura Stewart, Seaforth. Mrs. P. McGale, of Toronto, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. ' cial levels. Referring to -the In- ternational WI Scholarship fund she said letters have been re- ceived from countries in Africa, telling of the urgent need of a Home Economist equipped to teach their women to acquire a standard of living we take for granted today. Aberdeen Scholarship is now being used in England by the first girl to receive it. Also, she stated',.our fees make us members of the Associated Country Women of the World and that we are in reality what one man read out of the initials "ACWW", an am- azing collection of wandering women. Mrs. J. Smith gave the Horne Economics and Health report for Mrs. Wm. Evans, Ma- jestic Institute, and Mrs. Ross Knight, Cranbrook, gave the re- port on Resolutions. A musical' number by thir- teen Institute grandmothers in dress of six decades ago was enjoyed. -' Miss• Dempsey, FWIO board member, spoke next and stated that a resolution,, had been pass- ed' at their board meeting that the government grant, hospital- ization to patients in register- ed nursing homes. She repeated the need of better communica- tions between institute levels, also we need to budget, and our only responsibility is to our own. organization. Mrs. Lymburner. is the dele- gate to the ACWW convention in Australia this fall. On June 2, at 2:3 Op.m., at St. George's, a plaque is being placed to com- memorate Adelaide Hoodless. Pennies for Friendship go to 'ACWW. Last year 1,000' were sent The safety course this year will be in connection with electricity. Federated News (in- stitute paper), 25c a copy, and institute cup and saucer by In- stitute members, may be had from FWIC, Room 28, 46 Elgin St., Ottawa. Slides, quilt blocks, and film of IWIO 65th anni- versary will be available in Oc- tober, also a tape recording of the speech by Mrs. Haven Smith, vice-president of ACWW. When sending money, cheques payable to. WWIO of- fice, 20 Spadina Rd., Toronto 4. Mrs. Harris introduced Mrs. C. Sotheran, toast mistress, who called on Miss Gilchrist to toast the district. Miss Gilchrist said we should treasure the past, challenge the present . and face the future. Mrs. Harris, in re- plying, recalled former days in the District WL Here, Mrs. Har- ris cut the cake which was borne away for serving by Mrs. Andrew Coutts and Mrs. Mar- garet Humphries, also in cos- tume of yesteryear. Mrs. S. Bride toasted the FWIO, trac- ing the WI to 26 countries in the world from its beginning at Stoney Creek 65 years ago. Mrs. Dempsey' replied with fel- ications to the district. At this time former district presidents present were acknowledged. Mrs. McMurchy paid tribute to members who had gone home and a minute of silence was ob- served in their honor. A his- tory of the district w '.4 review- ed -by Mrs. Rhame. Fordwich !french favored the meeting with music, "Hymn of All Na-' tions" and older songs, and a reading by Mrs. Baylor, of Gor- rie, brought chuckles. At this time Mrs. Harris pro- posed a toast to the Queen and the group partook of punch and anniversary cake. The afternoon session resum- ed with "0 Canada" and Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald, Walton, gave the ad- dress of welcome, to which Mrs. Ludington, of Moncrieff, re- plied. Mrs. Lymburner address- ed the meeting on such,,,poi.nts as inventions and products us- ed throughout 'the world had their big innings in Canada. WI's of Ontario should discuss better communications between the branch, district and pro'in- Watch for the Grand Opening SPEED WASH Using Speed Queen Washers and Dryers 14 coin-operated washers and 6 hi -capacity dryers to serve you, PLUS extractor and vending machines for your convenience. TO BE LOCATED IN A NEW BUILDING, TO BE ERECTED ON MARKET STREET, NEAR MAIN NOWI LOWER EVERYDAY FOOD PRICES SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday JAVEX-64 oz. Plastic Jug Pillsbury Deluxe CAKE MIXES Double Dutch, Pineapple, Chocolate or White Champion DOG FOOD Beef, Liver, Chicken Tulip MARGARINE White Swan TOILET TISSUE 420 2 for 530 4 15 -oz. Tins 49¢ 2 lbs. 51 2 Roll Pkg. 230 5 -lb. Bag 390. Beaver CHARCOAL St. William's Assorted JAMS, JELLIES, MARMALADE Minette's 28 -oz. Tins TOMATOES 243¢ SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS 2 9 -oz. Jars 390 Smith's Phone 12 were: Kenzi Mrs. f n THE' MCI ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office -- Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • Ali Classes of Farm Pro brty • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Har- old Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. the course, also Achievement Days. Invite girls to senior meetings. Mrs. Emerson 'Ferguson, Clif- ford, reported for Agriculture and Canadian Industries, end- ing with a prayer for a five-day cow. Citizenship and Education was given by Mrs. J. Baylor, Gorrie. Mrs.' Wardlaw, of Ethel, •reported for Research and Current Events. Mrs. J. Bryans, Walton, was pianist far Mrs. J. Smith, of the Majestic Insti- tute, who led in community singing. Miss Dempsey conducted the election of district officers;`-an'd Mrs. S. Bride, Fordwich, nom- inating,' committee convener, read her report as follows: Past president, Mrs. Howard Harris, Fordwich RR No. 1; president, Mrs. Norman McMurchy, towel, R.R. No. 1; first vice- president, Mrs. Frank Walters, Walton R.R. No. 1; second vice- president, Mrs. Ross 'Knight, Brussels R.R. No. 3; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford R.R. No. 2; Federated Representative, Mrs. Crosby Sotheran; Public Relations, Mrs. Sparling Johnston, Bluevale R. R. No. 2; district delegate, Mrs. M. McMurchy; alternate, Mrs,. F. Walters; auditors, Mrs. A. Munroe, Mrs. T. Burke, Wroxe- ter; conveners of standing com- mittees: Agriculture and Cana- adian Tntlustry, Mrs. Emerson Ferguson, Clifford R.R. No. 1; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. John Baylor, Gortie; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Earl Bowes, Ethel; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. William Evans, Brussels; Reso- lutions, Mrs. Ross Knight, Brus- sels R.R. No. 3; Junior In3ti- tute, Miss Evelyn Ann Stevens, Gorrie; Safety Council, Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Walton. Mrs. George Pearson, Ethel, brought the first day, and Mrs. Ken McDonald, Walton, the sec- ond day of the officers' confer- ence in Guelph, to the group in will be in Bluevale in the Com- munity Hall. Next district an- nual is to be held in Gorrie. Mrs. McMurchy spoke briefly and courtesy remarks were giv- en' by Mrs. Lawson Doig, Moles- worth. - Mrs. Mather§ , asked that a copy of Mrs. Pframe's record of the meeting be sent to each branch for their Tweedsmuir history. The meeting was then adjourned. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. FREE- DELIVERY H Mrs. Mathers, of Bluevale, gave the report on Public Re- lations; Mrs. Edgar, of Gorrie, for the Junior Institute. Huron County Institute rally EN FOR THE SIGHTS...THE LAKES...THE FUN • 1' 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W 1957 MORRIS MINOR 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 0 0 MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 — SEAFORTH -- BRIAN'S HAIRSTYLING Announces the appointment of MISS JOAN formerly of London, to our Staff Miss Joan is a graduate of Brunos' Studio and has had advanced training in Toronto. She became a L'OREAL color technician and is accredited with Realistic Prescription Waving. — SPECIALS — $15 Wave for $9.95 $10 Wave for $7.00 Specials: Children's Perm, reg. $10, for $5.00 Ladies! Now you can have aluxury Perm at a low price. PHONE 427 FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT 4 w WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read tite Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime ! Know Ontario better... it's all yours! Ontario Department of Travel.and Publicity Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister wv— FREE ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE Mail to; Ontario Travel, • A708 Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario NAME (please print) Pi�p�sed. Rental Housing. Project Town Of Seaforth ATTENTION If • You Have One or More Children OR Are Sixty, Years of Age or Over (Single Person or Couple); ' If your gross family income is Tess than $4,300 per year THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU! The Council of the Town of Seaforth together with the Federal and Provincial Governments is considering the development of a low rental housing project iri the Town. In the first instance we must establish whether there is a definite demand for such accommodation and this can only be achieved if interested families complete and return survey questionnaires. The rents would be geared to income, tenants paying approximately 20% of their gross income in rent regardless of the size of the unit. The houses would be oVeither row or semi-detached design. Units could have up to four or five bedrooms. It is essential interested families pick up and complete a questionnaire from C. L. Hammond, Clerk, Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario: ADDRESS P.0 REMEMBER - , Only by filling out a questionnaire NOW can you help to determine whether a project should be developed- • • iY