HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-05-17, Page 7ENSALL WI HISTORKAL ; NG ELCOMES GRANDMOTHERS' sang a "Lullaby"' and "A Lovely Evening"; adin p,. Miss 18 Mattie. s Ellis,- "Holiday f t and Early 1900's"; solo "Rock • ing Alone in My Old 'Rocking Chair," Mrs. George,Hess, with Mrs. Alice Joynt portraying the role of grandmother; reading, Mrs. Harry Caldwell, "From Rags. To Rollers," followed with a demonstration by MessrS• Jack Caldwell and Bill Gibson, of the Be -N -Jay Beauty Salon, with Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. Carl Payne, Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Miss Bonnie Kyle acting as models. Grandmothers were special uests at the Historical Re- earch meeting of Hensall Wo - en's Institute, held Wednes- ay, May 9, in the Legion Hall. ifty-seven members and guests ere welcomed by President b.lrs. Fred Beer, - who presided for the business period. Roll call was answered with "some- thing to treasure that belongs ito my grandmothers' Wednes- day, June 13, was the day set for the annual picnic, to be held at Hesshaven cottage at the Pinery',i. Mrs. N. E. Cook presided for the program which included a poem, "Age" by Mrs. Cook; quintette, composed of Mrs. John Corbett, Mrs. George Arm - , strong, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. Laird Mickle, who for their selections 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W BRUCEFIELD The May meeting .of unit No. Three of the Brueedeld 11CW was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Scott on Tuesday after- noon. 'fifteen ladies answered roll call by honoring-Mother'n Day, and the minutes were read by Mrs. J. A. McEwan, secretary. Mrs. Elsie Forrest, treasurer, reported on the financial suc- cess of the bake sale held fol- lowing the May meeting of the UCW. Mrs. William Scott was in charge of the business meet- ing and discussion. Devotional period was con- ducted by Mrs. Elsie Forrest and Mrs. F. J. Welland, and Mrs. N. Walker gave the read- ing from the study book. The ladies were entertained with a piano solo by Mrs. G.. Henderson, and Mrs. G. Rich= ardson sang a solo, "I Love the Name of Mother." Mrs. William Scott conducted Bible study period, taken from the Book of Ruth. Mrs. J. Broadfoot was in charge of an amusing and or- iginal game of defining names, following which a delicious lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. W. McBeath and her com- mittee. Prizes awarded Mere: Grand- mother witii most granddaugh- ters, Mrs. E. J. Willert (10); granmothers attending most meetings during the year, Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs. George Armstrong, attended nine meet- ings and missed one; grand- mother With .birthday closest to day -,of meeting, Mrs. W. B. Cross, who celebrated her birth- day the day of meeting. Mrs. Robert Elgie 'extended courtesy remarks. Refreshments were served. Program conveners were Mrs. N. E. Cook and Mrs. Lorne Chapman; hostesses, Mrs. Pearl Koehler and' Mrs.. J. Ferguson. Miss Greta Lammie accompan- ied at the piano for the.;nusical numbers and sing -song. CO - OP INSURANCE • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence and Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance • Retirement 'Income All Lines of Insurance Written W..ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193-J — John St. SEAFORTH NEWS OF sErtsAra. r t Annu I S. Huron. W.. nth Held Hensall .United .Church audi- torium, lovely, with baskets of mums and gladioli, was the set- ting for the South Huron Wo- men's_ Institute 4Oth district r0, any - nual Thprsday, us - the theme, "If we are to live up to our responsibilities,.. we must be doers." District Presi- dent Mrs. 11. H. G. Strang, RR forthe 1, Hensall, presided' morning -and afternoon session. At the morning session the address of welcome was given by Mrs. Fred Beer, and was re- plied -to- by Mrs. Newell Geiger,! of Zurich. Newly -drawn up by- laws for the district were pres- ented, voted on, and adopted. In the president's report she stated that she would like to visit all branches in her second year of office. Following the submitting of reports, Mrs. T. C. Coates, of Hurondale, sang a solo, "Bless This House." Mrs. Leonard Schenk, of Dashwood, conducted an "In Memoriam" service for members who have passed On. Dinner was served by the Hensall vbranch, the tables being most attractive in a floral ar- rangement of royal blue and yellow, institute colors. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale was in charge of arrangements, assisted by Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. R. M. Peck. "Focus .on Fin- ishes," a project of Kippen East 4-H girls, was on display. Rev. Currie Winlaw conduct- ed the devotional at the after- noon session. Guest speaker, Mrs. J. D. Hossack, of Embro, Public Relations officer, intro- duced by Mrs. H. Walper, of Grand Bend, who spoke on Citizenship which includes the theme 'Of the day, i.e., the art of living. "We are lucky to be a democratic nation," she said, "with authority over our own actions. Our leaders are chos- en by individual votes, and we should cherish our freedom, which was dearly bought and won. We should study our so- cial systems, for example, how our government is financed; the cost of our welfare benefits; the cost of administration of justice, and how our local mill rate is decided, etc." She, also advocated understanding new citizens and trying to wipe out prejudices. Pennies. for Friendship in a small ceremony were received, the, A.C., W.W. including the countries. HENSALL - Mr. William Rooseboom, of the London Road, Highway 4, purchased the property of the late Miss Clarissa Mitchell at the auction sale on Saturday:. Price paid was $3,750. Mr. Rooseboom intends renovating it for sale or rent. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Scott, of Detroit, were guests with Mrs. R. McAllister last week. t SEAFORTH MONUMENT... WORKS OPEN 'DAILY T. Pryde &Son -ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 41 • CLINTON: HU 2-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas FIRST MORTGAGES Farms -- Residential Commercial The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334,. Seaforth jiox• ' .Goodfellow, Minister 1 pgricture. Later.. in the rogeeedings she conducted the election of officers, who are: Past president, Mrs. John Me - Lean, RR. 3, StrangTe id pt, Mrs. H. H. G. Hensall (second term); vice- es. Jam Drum- mond, Kippen and MrsFred Beer, Hensall; secretary -treas- urer, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Exe- ter; assistant, Mrs. Win. Kyle, Kippen; federated representa- tive, Mrs. J. McLean; RR 3, Sea - forth; alternate rprsntr Mrs. H. Wainer, representative, auditors, Mrs. E. Rader and Mrs. J. Rader, Dashwood; area delegate, Mrs. Ha Wai- ner, RR 3, Parkhill; alternate area delegate, Mrs. Alex Ham- ilton, Grand Bend; county rally delegate, Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend; conveners of standing committees: Agricul- ture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. J. Woods, Exeter; Citizen- ship and Education, Mrs. Vivan Cooper, RR 2, Kippen; Histori- cal Research and Current Ev- ents, Mrs. Garnet Patterson, RR 1, Dashwood; Home Econ- omics and Health, Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zurich; Resolutions, Mrs. Mervyn Tieman, Dash- wood; Historical Custodian, Mrs. W. Maack, Crediton; Pub- lic Relations, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Hensall; Junior Conven- er, Mrs. William Strong, Sea - forth. Under the new business pre- liminary plans were made to celebrate the 60th anniversary as a district in January, 1963. Discussion on compiling a dis- trict Tweedsmuir book was laid over until next year. An invita- tion to hold- the 1963 district annual in Seaforth was accept- ed. Miss Sharon Strong, of Sea - forth, sang a vocal solo, "The Old Rugged Cross." Mrs. Strang closed the meet- ing with the phrase, "Remem- ber, we cannot remain the same as last year and progress." Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid entertained the Reid -Smith bri- dal party following rehearsal Friday evening. Mrs. Inez McEwen is a pa, tient in. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in the interest of her health. Mr. R. E. Keys, Barry and Brian, of Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs.: A. E. Keys and grand- children, Beth, Daryl and Bon- nie;. -of Exeter, visited on Sun - Baptize Eleven In Hensall Rites Eleven babies received, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at Hensall United Church Sunday morning, as follows:. Scott David Avery, son fMr. and Mrs. Donald Avery; Steph- en Douglas Cooper, son of Mr. dnd Mrs. Douglas Cooper; Jef- fery Harvey Corbett, son of Mr and Mrs. Ross Corbett; Lisa Ann Hyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hyde; Julie Margaret Ingram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ingram; Gregory Gordon Lavery, son of Mr. AAnn. Mrs. Gordon Lavery; Mock, daughter of`Mr. and Mrs. Ron' Mock; Marilyn Irene Pep- per, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pepper; Robbi John Pryde, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pryde ; Paul Lydon Stringer, son of . Mr. and Mrs. RobertHarvey Stringer.; Debra Lynn Venner, +,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Venner. Miss Joyce Flynn sang a solo, "This: is .My- Father's World"; choir anthem, "The Garden of Prayer." Flowers in the church were in memory of the' late Mrs. William Dougall and Mrs. David Dignan, placed there by members -of the fam- ily. Rev. Currie Winlaw de- livered a most' impressive mes- sage. The church was filled for the occasion, and lovely flowers decorated the church. 'day -'-with Mi. and Mrs. j. B. McEwen. Mrs. J. 13. Jarrell, who. makes her home part time with her daugitter'".and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Broadley, left x- onia for Euroast pe, where she willa spend two months touring the different countries. Mr. and Mrs. Laird F 1liiekle, Charles, Bob and Ann spent Sunday in Kitchener with the former's daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Millan, ,and David. Mrs. Sarah Glazier will cele- brateat the hometh.o hers daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Deeves, on Tuesday, May 22. A native of Clinton, she has been a resident of Hensall for eight years. She is the mother of six children: Alfred, William, and Harold, of Clinton; Herbert, Stratford; Mrs. Edwin Pickard, Dundas, and Mrs. Deeves. Units Two and Four of the United Church Women were very pleased with their special Mother's Day order bake sale on Saturday. They realized $55 and the leaders, Mrs. Jack Drys- dale and Mrs. James McAllis- ter( wish to thank the people for their splendid response and co-operation in supporting this new idea. WaIelt forthe 'Gra 'EEO Using $id *ten, Washersand� 14 coin-operated Washers. -and 6 trs hi -capacity` eto serve you, QHS elttraet... TO or and, vending' ,machine for . !. your,- convenience.,., BE LOCATED IN A NEW. BUILDI. . ,, TO BE ERECTED ON MARKET ST.EET,' .. NEAR MAIN WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked .up at the farm Top Prices — Locker Service Available — Phone 751 J 12 -- Seaforth Brussels or 393 J 15 Ronald Bennett WALTON. dice to Parents The Month of May Brings Firecracker Day HOWEVER ... Owing to the large number of fires nd children being burnt while playing with firecrackers without'supervision, it has become necessary to limit the setting off of firecrackers to one day — MONDAY, THE 21st OF MAY. A POLICE AND FIRE ORDER Please Observe ! No Firecrackers . May Be Let Off on the Streets Should a fire result at any e to anon and details time, and it is ofthe fire. o turn in an alarm, PHONE 100, and advise It has been,noted that children gather near the Fire Hall hen an alarm is sounded. In order that no accidents may occur, please warn your children to stay clear of fir truck doors. SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE JOHN F. SCOTT, Chief SEAFORTH POLICE DEPARTMENT ELMER HUTCHINSON, Chief Greetings were brought from Mrs. Wilfred Keays, of Hyde Park, chairman of London Area, and. Mrs. John McLean, of Sea - forth, Provincial Board mem- ber; Safety Council by Mrs. Newell Geiger, of Zurich, who gave some interesting .sugges- tions for safety precautions on the farm, school buses, etc. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Home Econ- omist, was encouraged to see so much progress in the short courses, but she would like a better attendance of members. One hundred and thirty-five girls from South Huron took the 4-H homemaking courses last year, she said, and eight of them obtained county hon- ors and five provincial .honors. She then introduced Miss Fran- ces Houck, from the Depart- ment of Agriculture„ Toronto, who brought greetings from Hensall Hi-Lites Take Third Place In Zurich Bowling AL and FUEL OIL' Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 • Seaforth ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W.E. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 — Res. 540 1957 MORRIS MINOR' 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 0 0 MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 — SEAFORTH • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 WHITE=lostsTRAn AN IMPROVED WHITE LEGHORN Please call or write for availgbilities and prices. • If you want the type of bird that will make a STEADY, reliable profit,Syou TONE need H t e high - production Leghorn --1-- STONE or write ROE FARMS LIMITED . Atwood, Ont. Phone 356-2211 • f all oil company product research in Canada - 90% ois done by Imperial Members of the Hensall bowl- ing team, the Hi-Lites, captain- ed by Mrs. E. R. Davis, won third prize at the bowling play- offs , at Zurich Bowling Lanes and were presented with their prize at the bowling banquet, held at the Imperial Hotel, Grand Bend, Wednesday night. They also won third prize in the fashion parade of comical spring hats. Members of the team are: Captain Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Jim Clark, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. F. H. Broadley, Mrs- -T. Kyle, J Mrs. John Brennan, Mrs. Clar- ence Reid. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Brennan won door prizes. Also attending the banquet were members of the HLA team from Hensall, captained by Mrs. Don Havens, who was mistress of ceremonies. Members of her team were: Mrs. Harold Camp- bell, Mrs. William Forrester, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Gordon, Munn, Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Harry , Horton, Mrs. William Smale and Mrs. Havens. Mrs. Taylor Won a prize for being the oldest 'bowler. i I I I I I I I I l I I l I l I I l 1111111111111111111111111 i We write all line's of INSURANCE Fire : Auto - Wind Liability and Life Manufacturers Life Insurance John A. Cardno Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth I I H 11111111111111111111111111111 N 111111111 ............. ..:.. At Imperial 0l1's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and technicians are working to Improve present petroleum products and to develop new ones. Their research covers many fields, from gasolines to household detergents. Another 130 ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST The fuels your car, will use In the future are being designed today. In Imperial's ultra -modern research laboratories at Sarnia scientists and technicians omorrow s aa� tailored for top performancee.iiIn theelast ten years alone top performance. a Imperial has spent more than $60 million to build the equipment needs ksi to bring you top gasoline quality. scientists and technicians are working at imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than all other oil =Parties in • Canada combined. ya.v'cal,llau`a anti success- - • .-.agalu tikt . 1conducted at the morning sem Iful men always think fast on z0-13.11 pbsitor.Classifled Ad. Phone 141.1 ice in Duff's United Church last their feet.