HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-05-10, Page 11.k� i}{ rl' 4,41MR/ s f, Y ''R[tt o—'ji; R. SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND SAVE ... GET A BETTER JOB . a HIRE GOOD HELP I USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found a 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy • 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23, Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost,is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65e plus 25c fqr each, 4 -line verse. All other classifications mini- mum 65 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales, (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion,„ Cdeducted from above rates.' J COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades - a men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. • 1. Coming Events PENNY SALE in St. Colum - ban Hall, Tuesday evening, J'unne 5th, at 9 p.m, 1-17.1 RESERVE Wednesday, July 16tth for the St. CoJumban ,An- nuall Carnival. 1-17-1 THE FRIENDSHIP .CIRCLE will hold a bake sale in Klieg's vacant store, May 19, at 3 o'clock. ”" 1-17-1 COOKING SCHOOL to be ► held May 23 and 24, at 8:00 pen. Mrs. Striver of CKCO-TV. Spon- sored by the Legion Auxiliary. 1-174 • OPEN BOWLING Tuesday, 7 p.m. to 8 p.an., Thursday 7 p. m. to 9 p.m., Friday 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday afternoon and evening, Sunday afternoon and evening. SEAFORTH BOWL- ING LANES, phone 350. 1-16-tf A VARIETY SHOW in the Sea - forth District High School, Fri., May 18, at 8 p,m. Featuring pup- ils of Mrs. R. Broderick's danc- ing class and also local talent. SpOnsored by the C. P. land T. committee, IOOF' and Rebekahs. Adults 50c, children-, 35c, under MX free. 1-17-1 4. Help Wanted YOUNG MAN anxious to learn. In Seaforth business, permanent, pleasing manner. • Ability to meet public an asset. Apply in writing to BOX 1112, The Huron Expositor. 44.7-2 FINISHER for furniture fin- ishing, must be experienced spray gun operator and quali- fied in all stages of the finishing process. Fulls time, steady job for the right man, Full particu- lars at your nearest National ,Employment Office. 4-17-1 Female HELP WANTED To work in Poultry Eviscerat- • ing plant. Starting wage, 90c per hour . DUBLIN CREAMERY and .POULTRY PACKERS LTD. ' Dublin, Ontario • 4-16-2 WANTED Two young, ambitious men, able to work ori scaffold, build- ing silos. Steady work to the fellow who takes a hold. Apply to: J. E. HUGILL & SONS Highway 8, west of Seaforth Phone HU 2-9822, Clinton 4-16hf S. Farm Stock For Sale HEREFORD BU1:f,, servic- able age. JOHN CARTER, phone 667 J 3, Seaforth. 8-17x1 HOLSTEIN BULL calif. Apply • GERALD VAN ZEN HENGEL, -phone 852 R 11, or RR 5, Sea - forth, 8-17-1 T H R EE Hereford yearling steers for grass. FRED BUCH- ANAN, RR 1, 'Clinton, phone Seaforth 860 R 4. 8-17-1 10. Used Cars For Sale MORRIS MINOR, 1960 motor, new starter, new generator, reasonably priced for cash. PHONE 668 J 12. 10-174 1955 METEOR coach, good tires and motor, excellent body. Che&p for quick satire. Apply to • STEENSON BROS, , B -A SER- VICE, Seaforth. ' 1047-1 11. Articles For Sale VIKING grain .separator, with motor; also 3-furow Coeksltutt • plow, oral autbber, FRED BtICH- , MAXI, RR 1, Clinton, *MCI Seafet th 860 'li 4, 11-1714 11. . Articles For Sale RABBITS for sale. Apply to GERALD POLAND, RR 2, Dub- liity phone 34 R 11, Dublin Nxl RANGETTE, in good condi- tion. Apply LESLIE FLEMING, Seaforth, phone 384-3. 11-1Ax2 SWEET CLOVER seed and feed grain. JOHN 'W. THOMP- SON, 861 R 23, Seaforth.11,.16-tf ONE PUREBRED Sheltie, (miniature Collie), seven weeks old. Apply to JACK SAGER, phone 802, St. Mary's. 11-17-1 MOTHER'S DAY—Order your flowers now from STAFFEN'S FLOWERS, phone 49, Seaforth. -QUANTITY of seed, Garry oats; Universal milking machine -milk cans; some haying and scuffling equipment. FRANK WILLIAMS, 41 .R 2, Dublin.. x1 USED DRYERS, in good con- dition. Priced to sell. BOX FURNITURE, phone 43, Sea - forth. 11-117-2 SEVERAL used reel -type power mowers, in excellent condition. CROWN HARDWARE phone 797, Seaforth. 11-17x1 TEN and one half inch TV for sidle, good condition. Only $30.00, including rabbit ears and stand. CALL 422-J. 11-V7x1' McCLARY refrigerator, pric- ed reasonable for quick Salle. MRS. ORVILLE DALE, North Main St., Seaforth. 11.17x1 CHOOSE YOUR diamond in privacy at ANSTETT JEWEL- LERS. For an evening appoint- ment phone 77, Searforth.11-16-tf THIRTY ft. hydro poles, pole barn timber, anchors, braces, nests and small posts. GEO. E. POLLARD, RR 2, Brussels, phone Brussels, day 64, even- ings 443 W 13. . 11-17-1 MANY excellent • buys in used TV sets. Here is an opportunity to obtain 'a second set at a big saving. BOX FURNITURE, Sea - forth, phone 43. 11-16-2 USED CHOREMASTEIR trac- tor, with cultivator, weeder feet, furrowing tool and mower attachment. CROWN H A R D- WARE, phone 797, Seaforth. xl, GERANIUMS, started Tuber- ous Begonias, and spring boxed Plants. Gladiolus and Dahlia bulbs. we deliver. STAFFEN'S FLOWERS, phone 49, Seaforth. 11-14-4 ALL KINDS of ornamental trees, ° upright and spreaders. Barbaries or Privet hedge. Ap- ply GORDON C. NOBEL, Sea - forth Nurseries. 11-15x3 APPLES for sale. , Cooking and eating, $1.00 a byshel at the farm. Bring your own corn tainers. FRED McCLYMONT and SONS, 1 mile south of Var- na. 11-16tf GARDEN MUMS, Floribunda and Tea Roses, gladiolia bulbs, mixed pans for Mother's Day, pansies, Spanish onion. Try our F 1 hybrid tomato, they are the best. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth. 11-17x1 QUANTITY of used 'lumber from barn, 32 by 18. 2 by 4s, 2 by ,8s, etc., will be sold to highest bidder. Cleaning up the lot. FRANK L MALONEY, George St., Se.afortb, phone 320-W._ 11-17-1' DINING ROOM table with 4 leaves. Toilet and sink. Bridge lamp. 2 electric ran,gettes, $5.00 each. Kitchen buffet. Gramo- phone, $10.00 each and also space heater. PHONE 324-M. • 11-17x1 FORAGE MASTER forage boxes; self unloading wagon units; Brady crimpers (hay conditioner), on display, We also handle Kools forage blow- ers; long double -chain elevators and post holes diggers, $198.00. G &, E WELDING, location on Main St., Zurich, phone 72.R 12. 11-12-6 CATTLE OILER—Mclntyre's cattle oilers, the greatest ad- vance in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. The'only oiler with spiral curry comb teeth that groom the cat- tle. ORVILLE STOREY, RR 1, Seaforth. See the oiler at our farm. 11-16-tf USED refrigerators, all prices all sizes and makes, including Frigidaire. Westinghouse and General Electric. BOX FURNI- TURE; phone 43, • Seafor'bh. -2 QUANTITY of good used bricks, uncleaned. Apply to KEN CARNOCHAN, 665 R 32. 11-16x2 PORTER BROS. Cedar posts and Hydro poles. Phone 4-8002 Goderich Township 11.14-2 ORDER YOUR FUNK'S G -HYBRID SEED CORN now for a dependable high, yielding 1962 Corn Crop—either grain or ensilage. See us also for "better buys" iif haying equipment,. (Wagons, condition- ers, elevators and conveyors) manure spreaders and loaders, h&mmermilf and tiee'd mixerunits, hog, poultry and ventil4 ration equipment etc. HAUGI-# BROS. Brucefield, phone C4th 658R 23 MILTON' J. DIETZ Seafoftth IMO Trii 11.17x2 11, Articles For Sale USED YOUTH beds, azn excel lent condition-. • BOX FURNI- TURE, phone 43,, Seaforth. 17-2 12. Wanted To Buy ')CHILVS large -size- tricycle. PHONE 43 R 25, Dublin. 12-17-1 TWO NAVY BLUE or black suits, sizes 6x or 8. MRS. GEO, STONE, phone 856 R 3, after 5 p, m: 12117x1 ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 pounds or over, according to condition. Assoc. with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. Licensed under the Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 158662. Seven days service. Call ED 'ANDREWS, phone 863 W 1, Seaforth. 12-16-tf 13. Wanted (WANTED a snake kitten PHONE 786, Seaforth, 13-17x1 WANTED 9 or 10 head of cat- tle fen -pasture. Apply FRED GLANVILLE, phone 831 R 32. 13-17-1 WILL TAKE in 8 head of cat- tle for pasture. ALPHONSE CRONIN, RR 2, Dublin, phone 84 R 23, Dublin. 13-17x1 14. Property For Sale WHAT'S YOUR LINE? Our line is Real Estate• and we think it is wonderful. If lot Real Estate deal cannot be. made to the satisfaction of both the buyer and seller we do not care to make it. If you are a prospective buyer or seller call us today. Joseph McConnell • Realtor Phone 266 — Seaforth 14-17-1 FOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN D. PATTI SON. • One and one-half, storey frame residence on North Main Street, Seaforth. For further particu- lars, apply to: 'McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. ° 14-16-2 15. Property For Rent PASTURE for rent for.25 head of cattle by month. AL SHANA- HAN, R 1, Clinton, phone HU 2- 9869. , 15-16x2 UPSTAIRS apartment,• ideal for couple and 1 to 2 children; 3 rooms, hall, bath, lots of closet space; separate entrance. KEN MOORE, Egmondville, 15-16-4 FOUR ROOM apartment, on Railway St., all conveniences. Immediate posession. Garden, garage available. CARL DAL- TON, 62-W, Seaforth. 15-17x1 AVAILABLE Aug. lst, self contained; heated, downstairs apt.; 1 large bedroom, suitable for middle-aged couple. Apply ORVILLE DALE, N. Main St. ;15-17x1 19. Notices FARMERS wanting a barley or bean contract can get the forms from CLEAVE COOMBS Sunoco Service Station. 19-1,7x1 FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensall 696 R 2. 19-16-tf ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser- vice, cleaners and polishers, al- so reconditioned cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 19-16.16 SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Mod- ern equipment used. All work guaranteed.' Write er phone LOUIS... BLAKE, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 19-08x13 NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday aftertioons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. J. I. McINTOSH . Clerk 19.16tf ANSTETT JEWELLERS Offers you Easy Credit Terms with NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 19-16-tf SEAFORTH U PHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19.16 tf ANY FURNITURE REFINISHED Repaired or recovered Call Evenings MEL MERRIAM, Phone 7544. Seaforth Heinbuck tpholstery Phone 348.9971, Mrtehell ' 19-16-tf • 19. Notices LAWN MOWERS sharpened, power and. hand. Apply JOHN McLEAN, Egntondville, phones 649 W 3. 13-17-8 FAST SERVICE WATCH °REPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone 77, Seaforth 19-16tf 20. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Property and Household Effects, at the home of the late John Cooper, in the Town of Seaforth, Isabella St., SATURDAY, MAY 19th, at 1 p.m. sharp. PROPERTY -3 room frame house with asphalt siding; hewn house, 20 x 60, 2 decker, cern- ent floor; also 2 lots 23 and 24, Jarvis Survey; some Household Effects. TERMS, 10% down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to re- serve bid. Immediate posses- sion. Estate of late Jahn Cooper FRED COOPER WILLIAM COOPER Executors HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer 20-1,7-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Satre of Livestock and Haying Equipment, on the prem- ises, Lot 21, Con. 9, Hibbert Township, 1 mile West of Staff& on SATURDAY, MAY 19, at 1;30 p.m. DST. LIVESTOCK --Six purebred Jersey cows, 4 registered, 2 crossbred cows; 2 Shotbhornl c o w s.; 2 Hereford -Shorthorn steers, (fiat); 2 Hereford heifers (fat); 2 stocker steers; 2 Here- ford steer calves; 4 Hereford heifer calves; , 7, small calves, Hereford and Durham; 2 reg- istered Jersey heifer calves; 1 Jersey bull calf. IMPLEMENTS — Internation- al No. 45 baler, excellent con- dition; brand new Magrath PTO elevator, 34 ft., complete with grain head and shoot; Oton- nawa 10 ft. SP swather, hydraul- ic controlled header and reel; Cockshutt 70 tractor, PTO; John, Deere 7 -ft. semi -mounted inower; •Case manure spreader; Case siderake; Henderson ihae- ure loader; Ebersol shredder and blower; Dearborn 2 -furrow plough, 3 -point hitch, 12" bot- tom; 8 -plate one way disc, 3 - point hitch; Dearing mower, 5 ft,; Universal milker, 2 unit ac- commodates 14 cows; Viking cream separator; two wheeled trailer; weigh scales; electric pail; 1927 Buick Master car; also 10: ft. buckrake; 2 colony houses, (1 is 7 x 14 and other 7 x 7); 5 hydro poles; .quantity cedar posts; 1 Moffat' electric stove. , MRS. ARCHIE JEFFERY SPENCER JEFFERY Proprietors Phone 11 R 10, Dublin. PERCY C. WRIGHT Auctioneer Phone Hensell 690 R 22 GERALD CAREY, Clerk 20-17-2 20, Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Fin- ance Co. Repossessions, Bank- rupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures an d Personal Consignments, consisting of modern household furniture, TVs and Appliances and new clothing, at the Brod- hagen and District Community Centre, on MONDAY, EVEN- ING, MAY 14th, 7:30 .p.m. sharp. Special Outstanding Items' --2 piece foam rubber vippered cushion chesterfield suite; large console model chord organ; chest freezer; 2 5 -piece bedroom suites, complete with box springs and mattresses and bookcase beds. Also 6 TV sets; refrigerators; electric ranges; washers; dry- er; 3 chrome kitchen suites; 2 2 -piece davenport suites; 2 39" continental beds; desk; radio ,and record player; bunk beds; -platform rockers; hostess and arm chairs; tri -light and table lamps; odd chrome chairs; step and coffee tables; other odd pieces of furniture, plus many more items which will be melleased before ,sale day, but not available for publication at this time, Also a quantity of Brand New Clothing. NOTE—This is, another out- standing sale of quality mer- chandise, consisting of new and nearly new furniture and appli- ances. Don't miss it. TERMS—Cash, cheques 'ac; cepted. 3% sales tax in effect. FRANKLIN BUUCK Auctioneer 20-17-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 2, Con. 4, Hullett Township, 21 miles West and 21/2 North of Seaforth, on SAT., MAY 19th, at 2 p.m. MACHINERY — Dion thresh- ing machine, like new, with 100 ft. drive belt; 6-B Massey-Har- ris asseyHar- ris grain binder; 13 hoe fertil- izer drill; Letz 80 grain grinder;. stable boat; 1,4 bar Case side rake; International 3 bar. , ail steel side rake; 3 section Fleu- ry-Bissel spring tooth drags; 3 se c t i o n International spring tooth drag harrows, like new; Deering . 6 ft. mower; rubber tired wagon; 2 hay loadeee hay fork rope and car; steel 3 drum land roller; Massey - Harris 'manure spreader; sleighs; toboggan; barrels; 20 ft. windmill tower; McCormick - Deering cream separator; 2 sets weigh scales; (2000 lbs.).; 5 -sec- tion drag harrows; 1 power, lawn mower. POULTRY EQUIPMENT -5 community nlestts; waterers; chicken feeders; coal brooder stove, (like new). HOUSEHOLD tErFFECTS --1 Williams piano, (good condi- tion); dining room table and chairs; kitchen table and chairs rocking chairs;; s,mal tables; 3 bedroom_ suites, mattresset; rollaway bed; love seat; wicker rocker and chair; arm chair; buffet; hall rack; glass cup- board; writing 'desk; rugs; tri- lightlamp; 2 settees; book case; mats; electric lamps; kitchen cabinet; 2 • toilet sets; quilts; quilt box; comforters; pillows; phonograph and records; sew- ing machine; flower stands; frig.; vacuum cleaner; pres- sure cooker; 4 burner Sunshine electric stove; lawn chairs; dishes; pots and pans; sealers; erib; garbage pail; panel door, 29 x 65; swing kitchen door, 6' x 61' x 32", Other ertieles too numerous to mention. TERMS—Cash. SECORD McBRIEN Proprietor HAROLD SACKSON' Auctioneer GEORGE PO'WELL, Clerk x(1.11.2, 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS Township of McKillop Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned till 6 p.m. May 18, 1962, to supply and de- liver 3000 yards, more or less of pit run gravel on Township roads, under the: dirlection of the Road Superintendent, Certified cheque of $50.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILSON LITTLE, Road Superintendent RR 1, Seaforth. 21-17-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM MANSON All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of William Manson, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of January, .1962, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of May, 1962; after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then reeeived. DATED at Seaforth this 30th day of April, 1962. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 22-16-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate' of HAROLD A. RYAN All persons having claims against the Estate of Harold A. Ryan, late of the village of lin, in the county of Perth, Carpenter, deceased, who died on the 25th day of July, (1961, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of June, 1962, after which date the assets will •.be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth this 7th day of May, 1962. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario ' Salieitors for the Estate. 22-17-3 23. Business Directory W. J. CILEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' Night or Day Calls — 335 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res, 595-W — Store 43 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustablei hospital beds for rent.: FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 11$ Seaforth 23. Business Directory J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43810 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. : Phone 550 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Phones: office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth Ontario DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 91i : Seaforth If no answer, call Residence 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W s Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH MEDICAL CLINIC Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 26 P. L. BRADY, M.D., M.C.G.P. Telephone 750 W 1 E. MALKUS, M.D. Telephone 15 " W. FLEWELLING, M.D., C.M. Telephone 223 OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons, except Wednesdays; Evenings, except Wednesday and Saturday Appointments may be made in advance. D. H. McINNES Chiropractic, - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist, optical, services, Goderich St. W., 'adjacent to Clinic. Tues. to Sat., 9-5:30, except Wed. Thurs. evening .by appointment. Phone 791, Sea - forth, Monday, Clinton Medi- cal Centre. A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed. Municipal Auditor SEAFORTH: VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M,, V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V,M,, V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth 24. Cards of • Thanks I WISH to thank my many friends, neighbors, and relatives, LOT their manly card's; letters and countless acts of kindness during my recent illness., 24-17x1 MRS. J. A. LANE. I WISH to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards • and gifts I received while I was in the hospital. Every thing •was very much op- preciated,' 24-17x1 MRS. LOUIS NIGH. I WOULD like to thank all who were so kind to me during my recent operation, with treats and cards. Special thanks to the doctors. and nursing staff of Victoria War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital, London. 24-17-1 GARY MCKELLAR. WE WISH to thank all our friends and neighbors who help- ed us save our home on Sunday; the Seaforth Fire Brigade for their prompt action, also those who sent gifts of food and help- ed in any way following the fire. MR. and MRS. JOHN KERR, 24-17-1 I WISH to exjiiteers my sincere thanks to all my fhiends who visited rmesent cards and flowers during my stay in Sea - forth .Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and the nursing staff, also Mrs. Stapleton for her kindness at the time of my accident. 17x1 MRS. ALEX MacDONALD. I WANT to thank everyone who sent- cards, treats, flowers and gifts and visited me while I was a patient at Scott Mem- orial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, the nurses, the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, it was all very much appreciated, 24.17x1 MRS. JAMES BARRY. THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Edna Oswald wish to ex- press appreciation to their friends and relatives for their many (acts of kindness during their recent bereavement, Spec- ial thanks te. Rev. and Mrs. Aneacher, pall bearers Dr, Brady and Wes'lake Funeral Home, Also those who visited and sent cards and treats while she was a patient in the hospital and at her home, MRS. HOWARD FINKBEINER, MRS. MURRAY DALTON and NELSON MCCLI•NCHEY. 24-17x1 25. In MTemoriam 'MeCLUNG-In loving mem- ory of Samuel McClung, who peewee] !away in Seaforth 'Hos- pitall, two years ago, May' llth, 1960. - Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach, Sweet to remember him who 611ce was. here, And who though absent iso just as dear. —Sadly missed. by . his laving wife Leyden and son Robert.0 1 25. In Memoriam EI,G1;E4--In loving mory•o a dear fad, Robe ) J., wh;e. passed away one year go, May 8, 1961. Sleep on dear father and take thy rest, God called you home, He thought was best, Not gone from memory, not gone from love, But gone to his Father's home above. —Ever remembered by Moth- er, other, Daughters and Sons. 25-17x1 CARTER—In loving memory of a dear wife, another and grandmother, Violet Debora Hazel Carter, who passed away one year ago, May 15, 1961. My lips cannot tell how 1 miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows 'bow I miss her, 1'n• a home that is lonesome today. —Lovingly remembered by ter husband Russel Carter and Family. 24-11x1 BROWN—In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Ed- ward Kenneth (Teddy) Brown, who passed away five years ago May 13. There is an open gate at the end of the road, Through which each must go alone, And there is a light We can- not see, Our Father claims his own, Beyond the gate our loved one, Finds :happiness and rest, • And there is comfort in the thought, That a loving God knows best. —Ever remembered by Dad, Mother,. Sisters and Brothers. 25-17-1 27. Births STAFFEN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steffen, Sea - forth a daughter. • OBITUARIES J. SCHWARTZENTRUBER Joseph Schwartzentruber, 85, RR 3, Zurich, died Saturday at Stratford General Hospital. A retired farmer, most of his life was spent in the Zurich area. He is survived by a daugh- ter, Mrs. Stanton (Lyla) Bow- man, RR 2, Petersburg; four sons, Harold, Exeter; Delton, Tavistock; Orlin, RR 3, Zurich; Hubert, St. Louis, Mo.; 26 grand- children; two great-grandchil- dren; two half-brothers, Daniel Gascho; Zurich; Moses, Vancou- ver, B.C.; a sister, Mrs. Chris- tian Gascho, Zurich; and four half-sisters, . Mrs. John Jantzi, Baden; Mrs. Samuel Gingerich and Mrs, Emma Kipfer, both of Zurich; Mrs. David Oesch, Stan- ley Township. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, un- til Tuesday when a funeral ser- vice was held in the Mennon- ite Church at "2 p.m. • MRS. HENRY KLEBER Mrs. Henry Kleber, formerly of Brodhagen and McKillop Township, died on Saturday at South Waterloo Hospital, Galt, where she had been a patient for the past ten days. She was the former Christina Eggert, daughter of the ' late John Eggert and his wife, An- nie Elizabeth Hoegy. She was born in McKillop Township on August 16, 1879. She had re- sided for the past year with her daughter in Galt. She was a member of the McKillop Evan- gelical United Brethren Church. Surviving are two sons, Lawr- ence Messerschmidt, of Detr'' Harvey Koehler, of Galt; our daughters, Mrs. Jerry (Freida) Doerr, Dublin; Mrs. Norman (Adeline) Bennewies, Brodhag- en; Mrs. Carl (Irene) Mikel, El- lice Township; Mrs. Clarence (Marie) Barber, Galt; five sis- ters, Mrs. Minnie Fischer, Mich- igan; Mrs. Edward (Martha) Scherbarth, of Brodhagen; Mrs. Emma Campbell, British Col- umbia; Mrs. Rachel McLean, Regina, Sask.; and Mrs. Re- becca"--Kresgler; 35 grandchil- dren; 20 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by three husbands, one brother and three sisters. The body rested at the Heath - Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, until Tuesday noon, when re- moval was made to the McKil- Th 1 lop Evangelical United Brethren tute Church for service at 2:00 p.m. Rev. A. M. Amacher, of Zurich, officiated. Burial was made in the adjoining cemetery. co*TANCR% Mr, and . ifs. Jim Attvwpod and family, of Windsor, visited. With Mrs, Robert Grimoldby on $uit -- day .and also visited with. Grimoldby, who is a patient in. Scott Memorial Hospital, S - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pres4ea- tor and family visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and daughters visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Weis and family, of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator and family, Crediton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family. Mr. Lawrence Taylor having finished his third year at OAC, Guelph, is spending the sumrder months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson spent Monday in London and visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and family. Friend's of Mr. Robert Grim- oldby will be sorry to learn he is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, ' Seaforth, with infec- tion in his thumb, after having the thumb injured during the winter. Mother and Daughter Banquet The highlight of the year for members of the CGIT was the mother and- daughter banquet, held last Wednesday evening in the basement of Constance United Church, when the girls were hostess with their leader, Mrs. Reg Lawson, to their moth- ers. The tables were beautiful in blue and white with daffo- dils, and head table centred with a birthday cake with three blue candles representing their third anniversary. Mrs. Funge said Grace and 20 sat down to a lovely banquet served by waitresses Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Ken Preszca- tor. A toast was given to the Queen by the chairlady for the evening, Miss Margaret MacGre- gor, and all sang the National Anthem. After the main 'course, Mrs. Borden Brown, past leakier, cut the cake. Toast tothemothers was given by Mary MacGregor and responded _by Mrs. Brown. Toast to the CGIT was given by Mrs. Nott and Miss Glenyce Jewitt thanked her for ,her words ofthought, also their leader, Mrs. Reg Lawson, and her husband for all they had done for them. Miss Mary Buch- anan thanked the waitresses and presented them with gifts, af- ter which the Lanyard Service continued by 'Singing a hymn, accompanied by Joyce Brown on the piano; Miss Linda Nott read the scripture, with Mrs. Lawson giving the prayer. The special speaker for the evening, Mrs. McPherso , was introduced by Mrs. Lawson.:Mrs. McPherson spoke on the CGIT colors, which have a definite purpose, symbol and tradition: white being symbol Christian color, and blue, God's faithfulness, us- ing the seventh verse of sev- enth chapter of St. Matthew: and for each one to continue knocking and asking for God's guidance, as we are responsible for all our actions, and as mem- bers of -,the CGIT are looked up to, and must set an example to our younger members of our - church. Mrs. McPherson closed with prayer. Miss Janice Jewitt thanked the speaker arid presented her with a gift of appreciation. Mrs. Lawson proceeded with Yanyard Service and Miss Glenyce Jew- itt presented Miss Mary Buch- anan with Lanyard as a senior member. To the two girls graduating at Clinton at the spring rally, Misses Mary and Margaret Mac- Gregor, pens Were presented by, Misses Mary Mcllwain and Joyce Brown. Mrs. Lawson thanked the mothers and girls for their help and closed with benediction. Mrs, Funge and Mrs. F. Riley expressed thanks for their invitation and evening entertainment, Se FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE PAGE 6 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us ,to divulge the name er ad- dress of any . advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information. oFth W.I. Seaforth Women's Insti- ill hold their regular mgnthly meeting at the home of Mrs. James Keys on the eve- ning of Tuesday, May 15, at 8:15 p.m. This is the Agriculture meeting in charge of Mrs. R. M. Scott and Mrs. James Doig. A. S. Bolton will be the special speaker. Roll call will be an- swered by an exchange of bulbs and flower slips. Lunch committee will be Mrs. John MacLean, Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie and Mrs. John 1111- lebrecht. Seaforth Women's Institute are invited to met with the Kippen WI on the evening of Wednesday, May 16. The bus trip committee, consisting_, of Mrs. G`r'aham Kerr and Mrs. Gordan Papple, would like sug- gestions of where and when the members would like their Int- Stitute itis tx'ip, ,