HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-05-10, Page 5Those Winter
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To son, daughter, other relative or friend—
it will be a very welcome gift!
Seaforth, Ontario
I enclose $2.50 ($4.00 in U.S.A.) for
which you are to send THE HURON EXPOSI-
TOR to the following 'address for one year
and mail a Birthday gift message in my name.
Address or R.R.
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Well, Comrades and friendsi
Back again with, a bit of news
from here and there. °Young
Canada Hockey Week is all oy-
er for another year. Our young
hopefuls lost out to the win-
ners of the tournament who
hailed from Carson, a town not
far from Sudbury: Anyway, the
boys enjoyed the outing and
gained a lot of experience. It's
the biggest hockey tournament
of its kind in the world and it'si
great Co think that it's held so
close to Seaforth.
The Legion bowling teams
have run off the finals and our
hats off to George Hays and
his crew who won the trophy
this year.
By the way, the Legion is
holding •a real big social on
May 25. The Paul Bros., with
Shirley, their singer, are pro-
viding some of the entertain-
ment; prizes and novelties ga-
lore, and since there are only
a limited number of tickets
available it behooves us to get
our tickets as soon as possible.
The Legion lost another one
of its members, when Ches.
Henderson passed away. Ches.
will ,long be remembered for
his ready smile and friendly
hello. "At the going down of
the sun and 'in the morning we
shall remember them;"
KIPPEN—John Elston Dow -
son passed away at Scott Mem-
orial Hospital, Seaforth, Friday
afternoon, after a brief illness.
He suffered a heart attack the
Friday previous, and later two
strokes in the hospital. He was
born in Stanley Township and
was in his 83rd year. He farm-
ed all his life and was a mem-
ber of the United Church.
He leaves to mourn his pass-
ing his wife, the former Clara
Workman; one daughter, Mrs.
Eldin (Mildred) Kerr, of near
Seafoxth; three sisters, Mrs.
William (Laura) Stogdill, of
Toronto; Mrs. A. (Flossie) Keys,
of Seaforth, and Miss Ella Dow -
son, of Clinton; and one broth-
eg, Lloyd, of Seaforth.
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, of 11-
derton, and Rev. Harold John-
ston, of Kippen United Church,
conducted the service Monday
at 2 p.m. from Bonthron Fun-
eral Home, Hensall. Pallbear-
ers were three nephews, the
Keys Brothers, of Varna; two
nephews, Emerson and John
Anderson, of Itippen, and a
son-in-law, Eldin Kerr, of Sea -
forth. Interment was in Bay-
field cemetery.
rid BOd
c'v for Wed
AUBURN—St. h'aul's .Angli-
can Church, Dungannon, decor-
ated With lilies, ferns and daffo-
dils and candlebra with- lighted
tapers, was the. scene on Satur-
day afternoon of the Marriage
of Agnes. Marie Black and Don-
ald Meredith Young. Revb Wil-.
fred Wright, of Luckno' 0 per-
formed the double -ring cere-
mony. The bride is the daugh-
ter of MX. and Mrs. _Elmer Black,
RR 1, Port Albert, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Meredith Young, RR 3,
Auburn. Mrs. Fred McQuillan,
of Lucknow, presided at the
church organ.
Given in marriage by her.
father, the bride wore a waltz -
length gown of silk organza,
styled on princess lines with
lily -pointed sleeves. Embroider-
ed jewelled motifs enhanced
the neckline and the bouffant
skirt. Her elbow -length veil of
French illusion with embroid-
ered edge was held by a dro
crystal tiara, and she carried
a white lace i covered Bible,
crested with a mauve orchid
and trailing lily -of -the -valley.
She wore the gift of the groom,
a matched pearl' necklace and
earring set.
Miss Joyce Matthews, of Nile,
was -bridesmaid, wearhig a
torquoise silk organza dress
fashioned with a bouffant skirt
and lace bodice. Her accessor-
ies were white, and she. car-
ried an arrangement of yellow
The flowergjrl, Susan Bea-
com, of Goderich, cousin of the
bride, wore an organdy dress
in a gold shade with a head-
dress of white misty tulle
caught with flowers. She car.
ried a nosegay of pale gold
baby mums.
The groom's nephew, Douglas
Popp, of Blyth, was ringbear-
er. Groomsman was Lawrence
Black, Port Albert, and Lorne
Poppl, Blyth, and John Black,
brother of the bride, ushered.
For a reception which follow-
ed at St. Peter's Parish Hall,
Lucknow, the bride's mother
wore a sheath -styled dress of
dior blue embroidered organza,
topped with a navy embossed
duster, to which was pinned a
white carnation corsage. Her
accessories were of muted blue.
The groom's mother 'assisted,
wearing an ensemble of pea-
cock blue nylon acetate lace
over taffeta with beige acces-
sories and a pin kcarnation cor-
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• For travelling to' southern.
points the bride chose a blue
topcoat over a navy arnel lin-
en dress with white .accessories
and a corsage oiv White carriif-
tions. On their return they will
reside on RR 3, Auburn. Guests
were present from Kitchener,
Britton, Wingham, . Goderich,
Toronto, Ripley,_ Bluevale and
HENSALL — White chrysan-
themums decorated St. Mary's
R.C. Church, Kitchener, Satur-
day, May 5, for a lovely wed-
ding, when Cecelia Eileen Har-
nach .and Ronald James Brode-
rick exchanged marriage vows
before the Rev. Claude Straus,
in a double -ring ceremony. The
bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley,a•Harnack, of
Hespeler, and the groom's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Garfield
Broderick, of Hensall.
A formal gown of silk organza
over taffeta and net was. worn
by the bride. It was fashioned
on princess lines with a fitted
bodice, adorned with side lace
insertions extending along the
low hipline at back, a scoop
neckline and cap sleeves. A
pearl crown held her fingertip
veil, and she carried a prayer
book crested with a mauve
Miss Gladys Sowa, of Kit-
chener, was maid of honor,
wearing a two-piece ensemble
of sea green organza. The short
sleeved jacket covered, a shir-
red bodice and the skirt had
unpressed darts at the waist-
line. She carried a cascade of
yellow Sweetheart roses and
white feathered carnations.
Murray Harnack, of RR 2,
Hespler, attended the groom.
a dinner for 40 guests was held
at the Walper Hotel, Kitchener.
For receiving, the bride's moth-
er chose a gown of green nylon
with accessories in white. The
groom's mother wore a gown of
flowered nylon over taffeta with
white accessories. Both wore
corsages of yellow baby Sweet-
heart roses.
For their wedding trip to
Northern Ontario the bride
wore a black and white check-
ed linen suit with accessories
in white and rose corsage.
Attending the wedding from
Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
field Broderick and Karen; from
Zurich, Mrs: A. Leibold, grand,
mother of the groom.
Prior to marriage the bride
was feted at several functions
in her honor. The girls on the
staff of the Bank of Montreal,
Kitchener, were hostesses for
a linen shower; Mrs. S. Sowa,
Kitchener, and relatives met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har -
neck, Ilespeler, for miscellan-
eous shower. A reception for
hhe bridal couple was held at
Decide Legion -
Bowling Playoff
Pirates and Pistons played off
for the Legion Trophy May 3,
the Pirates winning with 3,193
pins; Pistons, 3,Q32 pins.
Captain of the winning team
was George Hays. Players in-
cluded R. S. Box, Leo Hagan,
Inez Spittal, Anne MacRae and
Janet McGregor.
Men's high average, Ross Bar-
rett, 193; high single, George
Hays, 336; high triple, Barry
Marshall, 699.
Ladies' high average, single
and triple, Helen Nicholson,
171, 292, 680.
the Harnack.resideuce Saturday
evening., awhen the young couple
were presented with, a purse of
money and gifts, Mr. and Mrs.
Harnack will reside in Kit-
St. Columban
CWL Meets
The May mee ing of St. Col:
umban council f the Catholic
Women's .League was held at
the home of Mrs. Vincent Lane
on Tuesdayevening, with 25
members, present. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Albert Cronin pre-
sided. The secretary, Mrs. Thos.
Kale, read the minutes of the
annual meeting and the finan-
cial report was given by Mrs.
Jack Lane.
The. altars are being cared
for during May by Mrs. Lewis
Coyne and .Mrs. Frank Ryan.
Final plans were made for the
penny sale to be held. the last
week of May, with the drawing
on June 5. Mrs. Maurice Mel-
ady and Mrs. Emmett Malone
were appointed conveners. Mrs.
Albert Cronin and Mrs. Stephen
Murray will be delegates to the
Diocesan convention in London
on May 15 and 16. The date
for the June tea and bingo was
set for June 11.
Members are asked to bring
used clothing to the parish hall
by the end of May. ,The annual
supper and carnival of July 18
was discussed, and the meet-
ing adjourned. The records,
"The Fate of 10 Famous Men"
and "The Devil Counts Ten,"
were played. The mystery prize,
donated by Mrs. Jack Lane, was
won by Mrs. Richard Downey.
Miss Penny Smith, of Credi-
ton, spent Thursday with • her
grandparents, Mr; -and- Mrs.
Colin Gilfillan. •
The Usborne School Area
teachers, with Inspector Goman
of Exeter, held a meeting in
Winchelsea School on Wednes-
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and
Kevin visited on Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bibby,
at Kirkton.
Miss Susan Morgan, Thames
Road, visited her -grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke,
this week.
Miss Anti Stewart, representa-
tive of Scottish Young Farm-
ers, who is visiting Huron, was
a visitor on Friday at Winchel-
sea school.
Mrs. William Walters 'visited
on Friday with her mother,
Mrs. Nelson Clarke, at Farqu-
Miss Brenda Martin has se-
cured a position in London- and
started to work on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward
returned to their home on Fri-
day night after spending two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Bev-
erley Parsons and family, of
near Exeter.
Misses Kathy Hern, Margar-
et Anne Prance and Margaret
Brock attended Achievement
Day at Seaforth on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling,
of London, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Horne and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day -
man and family, of Kippen, and
Mrs. Joseph Dayman, of Exeter,
visited on Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. William Walters.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Duncan Hines Early American _
York Bread and Butter
PICKLES 2 16 -oz. Jars
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Phone 12
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The' Bethel: U+ 1iir 12el4 VI*
thanko#ering n'ieettOg yn Thum=
day afterfPon at the .14044e;, Q
Mr;3•Wi'iliana Bennie. The press
dez4t, lira, John Burch,. called
,the meeting to orae and' ;gave•
the i nvOcation. The Scripture
lesson was read bynrs. Wm.
Dennis, and Mrs. Olen McNich-
ol 'gave the Meditation on it,
Mrs. Percy Dalton led in prayer.
Mrs. • Burch introduced ' the
guest speaker, who was Mrs
J. C. Britton, of Seaforth. She
gave a very inspiring message
entitled, "Go Ye Up To Jerusa-
lem." The minutes of the las
meeting were read and the roll
call was answered liy eighteen
members. There were- several
visitors. Mrs. Stimore reported
having sent $50 to the treas-
urer at Clinton. It was moved
and seconded that $35 be sent.
to the M & M Fund.
The UCW Presbyterial, with
morning and afternoon sessions,
is to be held at, Londesboro on
May 30, Bethel to have charge
of the afternoon worship ser-
vice. The Bethel ladies are in-
vited to Winthrop on June 6,
at 2:00 p,m., .for their annual
bazaar, Mrs. Forbes to be the
speaker. Ethel Dennis spoke a
few words of appreciation to
Mrs. Britton, and all who took
part in the meeting.
There were 21 members and
two visitors at the 'May meet-
ing of Group 1 at the home of
Mrs. William Campbell. The
president, Mrs. N. Hachborn,
opened the meeting with the
'poem, "Living Bouquets," com-
posed by her friend,
The visiting committee re-
ported 15 home calls and nine
at nursing homes. They were
requested to 'contact all ladies
in the group zone, to write
them to join the group.,
The Explorers are holding
their "Mother and • Daughter"
banquet on May 23, Mrs. Hog-
garth offered her assistance
with the preparations. Mrs.
Hachborn read a letter of
thanks for clothing sent to her
relatives in Germany, who had
lost their homes and all per-
sonal 'belongings due to flood.
Group 5 were invited to join in
a bazaar project.
Mrs. R. Murdie and Mrs. J.
C. Britton took charge of the
devotional program. The theme
was "Mothers." Mrs. Murdie,
read a poem, honoring alI
mothers. "To mothers who.
have passed on," Mrs. Britton
chose the Scripture reading
from Ruth 1, verses 1-7, and
Mrs. Murdie gave a talk on "The
Life of Naomir followed by
prayer for mothers. This was
followed by readings, "A Com-
monplace Day" and "Mother's
Day Audit:" Mrs. Williams,
Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Connell, Mrs.
Dalrymple and' Mrs- Britton pre-
sented a skit, featuring race
Mrs. Britton capably review-
ed the study book, the chapter
being, "The Rural Church."
Ladies of the church were re-
minded that' there is a box at
the church where any clothing
may be left for a second bale.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Mills, . Mrs. Dalrymple and Miss
Ruth Cluff. Mrs. Sillery gave
the courtesy remarks. The next
meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. C. Walden and
will be in the form of a pot.
luck supper.
MOP** to o #ad- '
is people,t 1vho `
- • l i,'s, Y;+til
treasrer'E retiott,• '.Vi'1ilob• .> olK?'r
ett ,a; favoxabie bale' a aft •Olt. •
u §es at?4 the +quart riy s
location had been paid. # oao
ttoo was. made that the•`UCV�
would• giv a .donation to• •the;
Board • of » Stewa$ds, ,to go to,
wards the arnouu Rt snoiiey
that is to be aeot to Presbytery.
Capital Find,, from the Lg* , •
ngondvilteChureh :, .
The Centre Section ra'tly of
Huron Presbyterial will be. held.
in ;Londesboro wow 30, when
Miss F. M. Hodgins will be the
speaker. The London' Confer-
ence School for younger group
leaders will be held .August 21- '
24 in Alma College, St Thomas.
A bale of good used clothing
will be packed the end of May. -
Mrs. Ed. -Boyce reviewed lie
chapter on Family , Life from''
Signals of the Sixties, stressing
the fact that there is a lower-
ing of moral standards and a
growing need for youth lead-
ers. Many people more from
the country to the city and are
lonely. The church has an "op-
portunity to help these people.
Mrs. Winnie Nott, who had
spent some time in Honolulu
last winter with her daughters,. •
showed pictures of interesting
places, plants and beautiful
scenery that she had enjoyed.
There are eight islands in the
group ' that are known as Hawai-
ian Islands, •and Honolulu is on
the third largest one, called
Oahu. Mrs. Nott, as well as
describing her pictures, told in-
teresting things about the' na-
tives and exhibited some of
their clothing. Mrs. Boyes ex- ,
pressed appreciation to Mrs.
Nott for her ver delightful.
talk,' that everyone enjoyer.
Lunch was served by ladies
from' Group 4, with Mrs. E.
Papple- as hostess.
'Unit 5 United Church Women ,
held their regular monthly
meeting Monday 'at the home
of Mrs. Margaret .Somers. The -
devotional period was led by
Mrs. Don Brightrall, Miss. Jean
MeLarty and Mrs. Verne Gra-
Mrs. John Michels ' presided
over the business portion of the
meeting; at which time it ,was
decided .to 'join with Unit one
in a bazaar, to be held in the
fall. It was also agreed that a
bake sale be held at the next
meeting. • •
Mrs. J. C. Britton presented
the study book chapter, entitled
"The Rural Church." A discus-
sion period followed her talk.
Mrs, Ed. Boyes opened the
May meeting of the Egmond-
ville UCW in the Sunday School
room of the church on Wednes-
day. May 2, with a verse from
the Book of Micah: "What doth
the Lord require of thee, but
to do justly and to love mercy„
and to walk humbly with thy
Mrs. Bruce McGregor led the
devotional period with the
theme. "What is the task of
the church?" The answer was
given from' the catechism. The
church is called to worship God,
re wateh over and care for all
within her fellowship, to preach
the gospel to all mankind, to
minister to the needy, to wage
war on evil, and, to strive for
right relationship among men.
The roll call, answered by
many members, showed an in-
crease in membership. The min-
tites of previous meetings were
read, as well as notes of ap-
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6:10 P.M. — MAY 15
Highway 21
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