The Huron Expositor, 1962-05-10, Page 3Harry tP.Cug
Is Hyrondole Pk.
)Yirs. Harry Dougall was re-
elected president of Hurondale
Wemen's Institute at the an-
nual pot -luck supper meeting,
-held in Thames Road. United
Church. Vice-presidents a r e
Mrs. Gerald McFalls and Mrs.
Lee Webber; secretary -treasur-
er, Mrs: Mervin Dunn; district
director, Mrs. Riney Keller; al-
ternate, Mrs. Robert Jeffery;
branch directors, Mrs. Warren
Brook, Mrs: Robert Maver, Mrs.
William Dougall, Mrs. William
Chevrolet & Oldsmobile
Phone' 541' - Seaforth
Lamport; gianist, Mrs. Harry
Strang; assistant, Mrs. Hugh
Loye; auditors, Mrs. William El-
ford, Mrs. Robert Jeffery; pub-
lic relations officer and press
reporter, Mrs. Roylance West-
Standing comtnittee conven-
ers: Agriculture and Canadian
industries, Mrs. R. Keller; home
Economics and Health, Mrs.
Lloyd Ballantyne; citizenship
and. education, Mrs. Bev Mor-
gan; historical research and
current events, Mrs. William
Sillery; representatives to dis-
trict annual, Mrs. Gerald Mc -
Falls, Mrs. R. Keller, Mrs. Hugh
Love, Mr -s. William Etherington
and Mrs. Alvin Moir; emerg-
ency committee, Mrs. W. Ether-
ington, Mrs. Albert Keys, Mrs.
William Rowcliffe, Mrs. Ross
Oke, Mrs. Edna Passmore, Mrs.
Mac Hodgert and Mrs. Garnet
Mrs. R. Westcott presented
the slate of officers and Mrs.
James Kirkland installed them.
Hurondale WI accepted a re-
quest to be hostesses when the
Historical Society of Ontario un-
veils a plaque in memory of
Hon. J, G. Gardiner at Thames
Road United Church in July.
Gifts were presented to 4-H
leaders, Mrs. Alvin Moir and
Mrs. Garnet Hicks. An invita-
tion to be guests orKippen ippen East
WI at Kippen United Church
May 16, was accepted.
Hostesses were Mrs. William
Lamport and Mrs. Archie Ether-
ington, assisted by Mrs. Ross
Oke, Mrs. Bev Morgan, Mrs.
Richard Etherington, Mrs. Wil-
liam Westlake and Mrs. H.
Legion Ladle '
Elect Officers
moo. new members- were b. -
stalled into the Hensall Legion
Auxiliary Tuesday evening by
the president, Mrs. William
Smale, assisted by the first and
seeond vice-presidents, Mrs.
Howard Smale and Mrs; W. J.
Cameron. •They .were Mrs.
Daisy Bates and Mrs. Janet
Hay, both from Zurich. Mrs.
Kathleen Decker, of Hensall,
was proposed as a member.
A motion was passed to give
$25 to the Guides and Brownies
of Hensall. An invitation was
received from the Goderich Le-
gion Auxiliary to attend their
birthday party June 19: Mem-
bers are asked to attend the
Legion Auxiliary rally in Brus-
sels, May 23. Mrs. Don Havens
tendered her resignation as
treasurer, as she is leaving Hen
sail. Mrs. Byran Kyle was vot-
ed into the office as treasurer.
A social evening will be held
in the Legion Hall on Friday,
June 1. Past President Mrs.
Gordon Munn presented Mrs.
Faith Pincent with a gift, as
she will be leaving Hensall.
Mrs. William Smale won the
mystery prize and Mrs. Mary
Taylor won the mystery raffle.
Next Sunday, May 13, being
Mother's Day, a joint service of
Sunday School and Churchwill
be at 9:30 a.m. (DST), in Cavan
Church, Winthrop. The Sunday
School members are to meet in
the schoolroom at 9:15 a.m.
Miss Jean Hillen and Miss
Anne Shortreed left on Tues-
day morning for Gananoque,
Ont, where they have, received
employment for the summer
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At the May meetidg *Of Hen-
sall Legion, Branch 468, presld'
ed over my John Skea, presi-
dent, Q, McClintock waS ap-
pointed secretary -treasurer to
replace Cpl. Haig Pincent, who
has been posted to Northern
Quebec. Sgt. C. G. Williams was
appointed sports, officer to re-
place Cpl. Don Havens, who has
been posted to Portage La
The group will sponsor the
Pee -Wee baseball, voted $10.00
,to the War Veterans TB Sum-
mer Camp, and announced that
their bingos will be resumed
every Saturday night.
Minister is Honored
The Church School teachers
and Bible Fellowship met aj the
United Church Wednesday for
a presentation for Rev. Currie
Winlaw, who .has accepted a
call to become minister of Cen-
tral United Church, Stratford.
Donald Joynt, superintendent
of the Sunday School, present-
ed Mr. Winlaw with a paper
case and purse 6f money. Lunch-
eon was served.
Entertain Bowling Team
Mrs. E. Davis entertained at
her home Wednesday evening,
the members of their, bowling
team of which she is captain.
Enjoying a delightful social eve-
ning were Mrs. Jim Clark, Mrs.
T. Kyle, Jr., Mrs. Clarence Reid,
Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. F. H.
Broadley and Mrs. John Bren-
nan. During luncheon, Mrs.
Reid, on behalf of the team,
presented Mrs. Davis with a
lovely cup and saucer.
Infant Baptized
Brian Robert, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaiser, of
London, received the rites of
Baptism in a baptismal service
at the home of his- grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques
and Bill, on Sunday, May 6, per-
formed .by Rev. A. M. Schlen-
ker, of Crediton. Attending the
ceremony were: Mr. and Mrs.
William Ferguson and Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Jaques, of Exeter;
great-grandparents; (Mrs. John
Morlock, Crediton, 90 in Sep-
tember, another great-grand-
mother, was unable to be pres-
ent); Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gais-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaiser
and Brian, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton. Vanalstine, Exe-
ter;'Miss Frances Jackson, Cred-
iton; Miss Marie Jarrott, Lon-
don; Harold Jaques, Kippen;
Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Schlenker,
Crediton. A smorgasbord lunch
was served.
Unit Four, 'UCW
Mrs. Orville Jones presided
for the May meeting, of Mrs.
James McAllister's Unit Four
of the United Church Women,
Thursday afternoon, with 16 in
attendance, The devotional and
prayer was given by Mrs. A.
Rowcliffe, Mrs. J. Flynn and
Mrs. Jones. The group sang,
"The Church in the Wildwood,"
Mrs. George Armstrong , being
accompanist in the absence of
Mrs. T. Sherritt. Mrs. Arm-
strong took the study, "Hasten
the Day" and "Signals the
Sixties." Mrs. McAllister took
the chair for the business. Mrs.
Flynn submitted the treasurer's
report and Mrs. Rowcliffe re-
ported for the visiting comurt`t.
tee. It was announeed that the
bale will be packed 'June5, and
`quilting June 5, '6 ,and 7. RAW
study was held,
Judy Jenkins, Margaret Hyde,
Carol Brown, Jim Dougall, Ron
Smith and Fred Hyde, and Rev.
Ross Macdonald, members of
the Young People% Society of
Carmel Church, spent the week-
end at the work camp at Kin -
tail, near Goderich, where they
were actively engaged in clean-
ing, painting and preparing the
camp for the summer months.
They also had an enjoyable fel-
lowship together, some 00 young
people -from Huron Presbytery
participating in the project.
Mrs. Earl Campbell, president
of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Carmel Church; lead-
ers of youth groups, and Mrs.
Ross MacDonald, vice-president
of the Presbyterial, attended the
Presbyterial executive at Clin-
ton on Tuesday.
The businessmen of town and
other centres have donated
some wonderful prizes towards
the penny sale, sponsored by
the Legion Auxiliary, and are
on display in the PUC office.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
William Brown in the loss of
her father, Mr. Henry.Hen J. Nee
78, of Tavistock, who passed
away on Tuesday, May 1, at
Stratford General Hospital. Sur-
viving are his wife; one son,
two daughters, four brothers
and one sister. Funeral services
were held Thursday from Trin-
ity, Lutheran Church, Tavistock,
with burial in Trinity Lutheran
' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden
and family, of Dresden, spent
the weekend with Herb Hedden.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Spearman
and Jack, of Dresden, visited
friends in the village on Satur-
The musical comedy play,
"Happiness Ahead," will be
presented in the Town Hall
here, Monday, May 14, by the
choir of Brucefield United
Church, under the direction of
Mrs. R. J. Murdock, sponsored
,by Past Noble Grands of Amber
Rebekah Lodge.
Mrs. Gus Voth and grand-
daughter, Tracey, of Detroit,
visited oter the weekend with
Mrs. Lou' Simpson, '
kr. Ed. Funk, RR 2, Hensall,
was taken by ambulance on Sat-
urday to South Huron Hospital,
Exeter. in the interests of his
Mr. and Mrs. Art Gelderland,
of Ridgetown, and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Dodds, Jr., and Mr. and
Mrs. Dodds, Sr., of Seaforth, vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mts. Sim Roobol:
Mrs. Garfield Broderick, her
mother', Mrs. A. Leibold, of Zur-
ich, and her sister, Mrs. Twam-
ley, of Stratford, visited with
Mrs. Annie Eisenhoffer at Kit-
chener -Waterloo Hospital on
Saturday, where she has been
a patient for .18 years. Mrs.
Eisenhoffer was a former Hen-
sall resident.
Thomas A. Edison was dis-
missed from a job as a young
man for sleeping while on duty.
"I couldn't have sunk any lower"r+
"I didn't want my baby"
"Everybody kicked me around"
Men who have touched the depths of poverty and
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glhear° o theRED SHIELD APPEAL
Canvass in Seaforth and Egmondville will be conducted by members of
the Seaforth Branch, Royal Canadian Legion. Cleave Coombs, Chairman
Legion ComiYfittee.
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MRS, A. W. 'E HEMP.W,.II'ul
siaig4tra...4a104 W. V..
He hiU, thins former Etta Dav,
is, of London, ternierly of ,Hen -
sail; passed away Saturday, May
5, at Avon Crest Hospital;Strat-
ford, kn. eti 75th year, Mr.
Hedemphillhers,omae years formerago. druggist
Here for /many years, predee as -
Surviving are one son, How-
ard, Stratford; ane daughter,
(Mary) Mrs, Fa. A. Westendorp,
of Clarkson; and Wht grandchil-
Public funeral services were
held from the Bonthron Funeral
Chapel, Hensall, Monday, May
7, at 3:30 p.m., conducted by
Rev. Currie Winlaw. Interment
was in Hensall Union cemetery.
Pallbearers were Laird Mickle,
William C. Smith, George Hess,
Walter Spencer, R. H. Middle-
ton and Elgin Rowcliffe. The
doral tributes were lovely.
' ZURICH — Funeral services
for the late Mrs. Edna Oswald,
77, of Zurich, were held from
the Westlake Funeral Home,
Zurich, Thursday;. May 3, con-
ducted by Rev. A. M. Amacher,
of the Evangelical United
Brethren Church. Mr. •and Mrs.
Amacher a a n g appropriate
duets, "No 'Night There" and
"When the Golden Bells Ring
Interment was in Bronson
Line EUB Cemetery. Pallbear-
ers were Harold Thiel, Leroy
O'Brien, Milton Oesch, Edgar
Werth, Howard Klopp, and
Jack McClinchey. Flowerbear-
ers were Ray and Carl Fink-
beiner and Roy and Ron Dal-
Mrs. Oswald passed away on
May 1, at the home of her
grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Finkbeiner, of Kippen.
The former Edna - Wurm, she
was born March 8, 1886, daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Wurm. Her husband,
Daniel Oswald, predeceased her
in 1949, and one daughter, Mrs.
Thelma McClinchey, in 1948:
Surviving are one brother,
Nelson Wurm, Zurich; three
grandchildren, Mrs. Finkbeiner,
Kippen; Mrs. Murray Dalton,
Seaforth; Nelson McClinchey,
Clinton; and nine. great-grand-
Relatives and friends attend-
ed the funeral from Sault Ste.
Marie, Detroit, Kitchener, New
Dundee and Goderich.
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