HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-05-10, Page 1• • • • • 103rd Year Whole No.. 4917- COUNTY WINNERS at the 4-11 Achievement Day here on Saturday proudly wearing their "Separates For -Summer",, are (left to right); Mary McKercher, Julie Chappel, Mary Buchanan, Roba Doig, Ruth - Anne McMichael, Absent .were Margaret Johns and Joan Rader. (Expositor photo by Phillips). 4-H Homemakers Parad !Separates for Summer'_ Qne. hundred - and thirty-six girls,-- representing 10 4 -H Homemaking Clubs from South Huron, taking the project, "Sep- arates For Summer," held a most successful Achievement Day Saturday in the Seaforth District High School. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Home Economist for Huron County, who was in charge of the day's program, was assisted by Mrs. Howard Ritchie, of St. Pauls, and Miss E. Kidd, clothing de- partment, Home Economics Branch, Toronto. Garments made during the past few weeks And -ecord books. Were on display. During the forenoon club girls judged a class of separates and four pieces of material as •to their suitability for shorts. They al- so selected materials for sum- mer separates. - During the afternoon exhibits were on, .:display, demQnstrat- ing "Searates For Summer" and "Good Quality in Cottons." Demonstrations or skits were presented, telling of "Measure- ments and Pattern Alterations", "Sew and Save on Play Clothes", "Look Right For Play" and Minor Ball Groups Ready for Season The Seaforth Minor Baseball.. Association held their annual organizational meeting Thurs- day in the Town Hall, with John E. Patterson as chairman. Officers named for the 1962 season were: President, . Leo Hagan; vice-president, Ken Pow- ell, _ And secretary -treasurer, John E. Patterson. The execu- tive committee includes Gus Boussey, Ray Anstett, Ray'Drag- er, Clare Reith and Jack Eisler. The meeting agreed to enter three teams again this year, consisting' of Pee-Wees, Ban- tams and Juveniles. OBA cards will be secured by the associa- tion for Ken Powell and Gus Boussey. As soon as help . is available and weather permits, the diam- ond will be put into shape. Plans are being made to hold a booster drive in June. This year the association is requesting all boys,. in town and country, who desire to play ball, to register between Thurs- Build' Laundromat • On Market Street Plans for the construction o8 a modern one -storey building to house a Speed Wash coin-oper- ated laundromat, were announc- es ed this Week. The building will be erected on Market Street, near Main. Street, on a lot im- mediately west of the Clarke Service Station on the corner. The building will be erected by Frank Mills, Alvinston, ac- cording to Joseph McConnell, who handled the real estate transaction, and he also will i operate the Laundromat. Mr. Mills. has similar operations in Strathroy and Glencoe. At the same time, Mr. Me- Connell announced the sale. of the adjoining Jack Webb resi- dence, at the corner of lVlarket and High Streets,. to. 'George A ^instjOng, of, Ttl9kersmitht w th , • Ossossloti Ante, , day, May 10, and Thursday, May 17, at Rowcliffe Motors. At the same time, each is asked to give age and month and year of birth to the secretary. The 'officials feel that in this way it would be much easier to pick the players for the various teams. The association would also like at the same time those interested in coach- ing and managing a team to please notify or register at the same place and. time as players. Officials emphasized that the sooner the association secure their assistance, the .sooner practices can be called. The Pee-Wees already have a coach and manager. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 31. Seaforth Man Has Fingers Torn As Machine Slips Injuries that may keep him from work for several months resulted last week when Leslie Fleming was assisting in unloading a cyclone blower 'at the Hamilton plant, where he is employed. He returned to his home here Tuesday from hospital in Hamilton, where he had been since the accident occurred. When the machine slipped, his hand became caught between it and the truck, tearing three flngers on his right hand. Bruce Hodgert, a driver for Wright & Leyburn, was present when -the accident occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and their family are moving to Hamilton the end of the month. Their James .Street residence will be occupied by Dr. , Doug- las, Galt, Who., is Wiling the staff, of Turnbull & *Yang here. "Separates For Summer." Those commenting or giving demon- strations were Jean Krueger, Jean McNaughton., Deanna For- rest, Diane Weber, . Margaret Hyde, Ruth Miller, Dorothy Dickey, Anne Cameron, Elsie and Roba Doig, Lois Godkin and Mrs. Anne Beane. Various fash- ion parades of garments • made highlighted the afternoon. County honor pins and certi- ficates were presented to Mary Buchanan; Roba Doig, Marg. McKercher; Margaret . Johns, Ruth Ann McNichol, Julie Chap- pel, and Joan Rader, by Mrs. Harry Strang, RR 1, Hensall, South Huron WI President. These girls had completed six projects. Mrs. John E. MacLean, RR 3, Seaforth, FWIO board member, presented provincial honor pins and certificates to Margaret and Mary MacGregor, Eleanor Keys, Antonnette Van Den Hengel, Joan Westcott and Sharon Mc- Bride, each having completed 12 projects. In the Seaforth area 62 girls, representing four clubs, were led by Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. John 'Broadfoot; Mrs. Har,_ ry -McLeod and Mrs. James Mc- Intosh; Mrs. William Little and Mrs. Eric Anderson; Mrs. Keith MacLean and Mrs. Ina McGrath. Other leaders were: Kippen, Mrs. William Bell and Mrs. V. Alderdice; Hurondale, Mrs. Al- vin Moir and Mrs. Roylance Westcott; Dashwood, Mrs. Eben Weigand and Mrs. Leonard Schenk; Crediton, Mrs. Lorre Hodge and Mrs. Alfred Smith; Elimville (two clubs), Mrs. Del- mar Skinner, Mrs. A. Johns and Mrs. N. Jaques. S AFORT} ; -ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1962 -- 12.tPAGE Sewer Project On /Move Again • Seaforth sewer program got back on the track Monday night when a special meeting of coup- cil withdrew previous requests for studies of alternative routes. Raised at a meeting two weeks ago with OWRC officials and representatives of t h e town's engineers and of the eounty, the requests involved additional work that could have delayed calling for tenders as much 'as 10 weeks. OWRC re- presentatives had indicated the job was almost ready for ten- der. Still to be provided, however, are the results of soil tests of areas on North Main Street on which to base a decision re- garding depth. Council agreed to eliminate 600 feet of line at the northerly limit of North Main Street, with a savingesti- mated,•,at $7,000. The line now will terminate at a point near the Lawrence Drain. The special meeting was held following a committee meeting— the first of ,what is expected ' to be a regular monthly feature. In a recorded vote, with Councillor Bell opposing, coun- cil approved changes to provide for angle parking on the east side of Main from John to God- erich. The change was propos- ed some weeks ago as council considered installation of park- ing meters. Topnotch Official Receives Degree Art Mountford, RR 5, Clinton, has been awarded the degree of Registered Industrial .Account- ant by the Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants of On- tario. Mr. Mountford who has been accountant at the Ontario head office of Topnotch Feeds Limited here,. has been Twitlt the company 11 years. He anjhis family reside at RR '5, • Clinton, south of the town. In the meantime, town em- ployees had been instructed to install parking meters to pro- vide for angle parking. Seaforth's agreement with Municipal Mobile Atumal Con- trol will come into effect . May 15. Council gave necessary readings to a by-law providing for dog control by the recently formed organization. ELSTON CARDIFF, first elected in 1940, was again nominated as Conservative candidate in Huron. at Clin- ton Wednesday. Hon. George Hees, Minister of Commerce, was the speaker. Name J. Nagle Dublin Trustee Louis Looby, since 1960 in- specting trustee of Dublin po- lice village, has resigned be- cause of ill health. The board has appointed John Nagle to complete the balance of his term,-gceording to board secretary Den MacRae, The third trustee is Joseph Cronin. McKiIi�p Is Host to unicipal Officers Mrs. Edyth Cardiff, Clerk of Grey Township, was named to head Huron Municipal Officers' Association on Tuesday. The association held its spring meet- ing in Seaforth Legion Hall, MRS. EDYTH CARDIFF Call Brigade ade To . g McKillop Fire Seaforth firemen were called to McKillop Sunday afternoon when a pipe on a propane stove, at the residence of John Kerr, 6th concession, became loose. There was little darhage, ac- cording to Chief J. F. Scott. guests of McKillop Township. Other,. officers elected were: First vice-president, John Liver. more, Clinton; second vice-presi dent, Earl Campbell, Hensall; treasurer, S. H. Blake, Gode- rich; secretary, John G. Berry, Goderich; directors, one year, B. G. Hanly, . Goderich; two years, William Cruikshanks, Turnberry; tlireb years, William King, Brussels. The association was welcom- ed •by Reeve Dan Beuermann, of McKillop, and Mayor E. Daly, Seaforth. Warden George McCutcheon, Brussels, brought greetings from Huron. Speakers included : -Andrew Dixon, who discussed the de- velopment of the Ausable Con- servation Authority, and T. M. MacDonald, Emergency Mea- sures Co-ordinator for Huron County, who brought members up• to date on organization across the county.'" Always a popular feature at gatherings of munic,ipal officials, a question period, conducted by D. R. Taylor, of the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs, brought information on recent legislation and provided an- swers to local problems which had caused concern. It is expected the fall meet- ing will be held in Exeter with Usborne Township as host. . a McKillop n deer McKillop Township voters will go to the polls on Wednes- day, June 27, to answer the question whether men's and wo- men's beverage rooms will be permitted in the township. Council took action to re- quest permission to hold vote as a result of representations advanced by Mercer Brown, of Dublin. Mr. Brown, who re- cently purchased the Huron Hotel at the southeast corner ,of McKillop, on No. 8 Highway at Dublin, has carried out- ex- tensive alterations and im- provements to the premises. Mr. Brown will pay costs of the vote, and as surety was re' quired to post a marked cheque for $350 with the township. Clerk J. M. Eckert has been appointed returning officer for the vote by R. N. Lewis, chief electoral officer for Ontario. An extensive bridge a n d drain improvement program was indicated as council gave approval to three culverts, 'ac- cepted petitions for work on three municipal drains, and tentatively awarded contracts for work on three other drains. Award Contracts The tenders of Robert -Nichol- son & Son 'at $819.00, and An- son Ehgoetz, $549.00 for the Love and Rapien Drains, re- $4.50 a Year 41 ,Advanta Single _ copies, JO 'Cents spectively, were accepted. The Nicholson tender at $1,230.00 was held in abeyance for work on the Campbell Drain pending disposition of an.appeal against the work. Others who tendered were: Love Drain: Wm. Lawrence, $1,095.00; A. Ehgoetz, $1,029.00; Rapien Drain: R. Nicholson, $600,00 ; William Lawrence, $595.00; and Campbell Drain: H. Roth, $979.00; W. Lawrence, $1,428.00, and A. Ehgoetz, $2,7_ 239.00. The petition of William Mc- Spadden,• lot W1 28 and E e 29, concession' 9, to have the Cuthill Drain cleaned and im- proved, was accepted. Burns Ross, of Goderich, is the en- gineer. Council also accepted the petition of Alvin Beuermann lot 10, concession 9, to have the Purcell Award Drain improved. The engineers are Archibald, Gray & McKay. 'Drain Inspector Clarence Regele was notified to repair -the McDonald Drain, following receipt of a petition from .Wm. Thamer, lot 29, concession N 14. Pian, Culverts Council instructed Engineer Burns Ross to prepare plans for two_ concrete and,_„ ateeL euL- ,vert. These are th"ilooran 'con- .erete culvert, Si/z `'lot 5.6, con. 8; the Scott concrete culvert, Hullett boundary, lot Sia 35, con. 6, and the Pryce steel cul- vert, lot 20-21, con. 9. Con- struction and plans will be sub- ject, to departmental approval. In other business at a series of four meetings, the last of which was held Monday, cotunj- cil: —Approved road vouchers of $5,021.08; —Issued instructions to for- ward list of uncollected taxes, am unting to $8,044.30, to the County Treasurer; —Agreed to pay Carnegie Library, Seaforth, $1.0 monthly rental for meeting facilities, payable quarterly; —Approved 'request of Grey Township School Area No. 2 Board for issuance by Grey of $80,000 debentures for con- struction of area school; —Approved grant of $550.00 to McKillop Federation of Ag riculture; —Accepted report of audi- tors, Monteith & Monteith. Ap- pro ved payment of $425 with $17.50 to be recovered from each of 10 schools; —Requested N. E. Neilans, Municipal Engineer, to survey and strike new road allowance at Blind Line, ' lots 10-11, con. 5 and 6;_ Approved .m-•ezn b e r -ship— -- grant of $25.00 to Scott Mem- orial Hospital; —Adjourned to meet May 19. PROVINCIAL HONORS werepresented to six 4-H members at Achievement Day here Saturday. From the left are Mary MacGregor, Eleanor Keys, Antonette Van den Henget and Margaret MacGregor. Absent are Joan Westcott, Exeter, and Sharon McBride, Kippeel. (Ex- positor photo by Phillips). • • ew Hospital Benefits rom PennySaie Proceeds The annual Hospital tj':xil- iary Penny Sale, which ended Friday, realized about $480.00, members of the auxiliary were told Tuesday evening, The oc- casion was the regular monthly meeting in the nurses' resi- dence. The meeting- was in charge of Mrs. M. W. Stapleton, the president. The meeting agreed to invest proceeds iu•bonds to add to the fund being established to as- sist in the new hospital. A report of the regional meeting, held recently in In- gersoll, was presented by Mrs. J. E. Patterson. The auxiliary will prepare• corsages for pres- entation to patients in the hos- pital on National Hospital Day on Saturday. Commenting on the success of the penny sale, auxiliary offi- cers expressed appreciation to RELAXING AFTER TAKING PART in the 4-11 Achieve- ment Day at SDHS on Saturday are members of Meliillop Busy Beavers. They . , Theyw were among 136 .girls representing 10 CH Homemaking .0 u s from SouthIttroiWho took the pro- ject°Separatea.l•or.,Stinimer, h r, :t':tt, i,' - eft ,t. right), Amy Stewart, Roba Doig, Eleanor Keys, Donna Gor- don, ElieDoig, Lois Godkin, Mary y McK ercher. (Seated, left -right),Bonnie Stewart ElaineMurray, Mary I4ou Coyne,yittaeShirleyHenderson, JoanPryce, Ann Shea Linda , , , le Zia b. Little,..JOrYetiuleXert;het+, all who by their contributions Betty Cardno; bag flour (Mc - and . co-operation had made the Gonigle's Grocery), Mrs. Angus event possible. MacLean; scratch pads (Sea - forth News), Scott Habkirk; Name Winners clock (Canadian Tire), Dale Nix- on; %-gallon ice cream (Sea - forth Co-op), Linda Brown, Eg- ing at Box Furniture, where the , mondville; ,legs for furniture - more than 100 prizes' had been (Seaforth Lumber), Mrs. Alex on display. Following, remarks Boyce., 1)v Auxiliary President Mrs. M. I Oil •change (Cleave Coombs), W. Stapleton, the 'first tickets Mrs. Marg. Somers; bulk knit were drawn by Mayor E. Daly sweater (cash donations), Art and Hospital Board chairman Lobsinger, RR 2, Waterloo; lo - A. V. §McLlean. tions (Fisher & Burpe Hospital Ash stand (Whitney's), Chas. Supplies), Mrs. Joe Grummett; Felker; chair (Boshart's), Mrs,• flashlight (J, ,E, Hartz Co.), Mary Ed. Miller, Walton; paint (Ball- Geddes; Arden cosmetics (Geo. Macaulay), Nancy Andreassi; Unger & Co.), S. Gray, RR 3, bag (Symth's Shoe "Store), Effie Seaforth; shoes (Jack Thomp- Stephenson;, air conditioner (G. (Continued on Page 8) H. Wood & Co.), Elsie South- gate; bon bon dish (Anstett Jewellers), Mrs. J. C. Britton; Maitland Group staple (The • Huron Expositor), Joyce ltelland; five docen eggs (Scott Poultry Farms), H. Les- Studies° P.R. lie; baby powder and cream (J. F. Hartz Co. Ltd), Mrs. Carl Dal- Studies Into ways in which ton; sun glasses (J. E. Longstaff, the work of Maitland River Optometrist), Mrs. Ron Sav- Conservation Authority can 'be auge; chocolates (Huron Whole- brought home to the people the sale), Mrs, Frank Sills, Sr.; cam- authority serves were studied•• era (Keating's Drug Store), Mrs. Tuesday night when members Harold Coleman; shoes (Sea- of the publicity committee of forth Shoes), Mrs. E. F. Durst, the authority met _in Seaforth Egmondville; 10 cans multi-pur- Town Hall. pose grease (Don Brightrall, Headed by R. Kelterborn, of Fina Station), Mae Smith; writ- Milverton, the committee dis- ing paper (The Huron Exposi- cussed arousing interest among" tor), Mrs. Wm. G. Wright. school children. Approval was Cake over (Steffen's), Mrs. given the purchase of a pro - Art Devereaux; baby powder, jector. Prizes will be aw,arded cream and rubber gloves (J. E. at certain school fairs for scrap - Hartz & Co.), Gary Montgom-• brooks. cry, RR 4; Seaforth; $2:50 Creel-• The meeting was 'told cr- it Note (Willis Shoes), Eva rangements were being com Clark; scratch pads (Seaforth pleted for a tour of the author - News), Susan' Stockwell, Eg ity for press and municipal of- mondville; lotions (Fisher & ficials on June 21. Burpe Hospital Supplies), Mrs. Councillor N. C. Cardno re - Maurice Melody,. Dublin; car- presented Seaforth Council at ton df cigarettes (Elliott's' Res- the meeting. taurant), Leroy Felker; $5.00 meat order (Harold Whyte & Son), Kimberley Onstett; writ- ing 'paper (The Huron Exposi- on, on phone to tor), George Goettler, Dublin; father who is air conditioner. G 11. Wood) „ ( W ), doin�„homework: 3ob'bg Pris. Mrs, Ron Dale,. Eginondville; be&g father 'mutts :iia. y' .ail Lase t:O� (Smxth s Grebei`Y),ls(im.�e*ork l c &t Winning tickets in the penny sale were drawn Friday • even - Smile of the Week 4