HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-26, Page 91h
' A "
S. Farm Stock For Sale
..< _.. - . __.� ....
Ili Articles For Sale,
,,,w.,, ,,�►. , ,.;
1;0, at eel
Ww,m""—ASR .mom
,. .
22 Legal' N9tt��s
p FURNISHED three room a
55 PIGS, 9 weeks, old.. KEN
BEA'i`TIE, 834 R 6, Seaforth,
. FEED fon sale;' No 1 • cob
Born. said' shelled conn, deliver-
then have received notice.
1, Coming Events
,` :�T�R QUEEN sales and
2. host; Strayed
RR 4, Walton. 8.115-1
ed from 5 to 10 tone loads. For
service. Repairs to all makes of
vacuum cleaners and polishers.
DATED at Walkerton Ontarl
this 2nd day of April>' 1862,
3. Found
NINE PIGS, 8 weeks did;
iud°maduan app! KEN
COWELL, RR 4; Blenheim,
Reconditioned cleaners for stile.
4. Help Wanted
also one purebred Hereford bull
one year old. Apply to JOSEPH
p tine OR 68625. 111!9x9
BOB PECK RR 1 p ch,
phone Hensall 696 It 2. 19-12-�
WA&ertonp OntaAo
5. Business Opportunities
HASTINGS, Lot 2$, Can. 7,
work completing insurance re-
12, lot 14, McKillop. Apply
GLANVILLE ,phone 83
6. Teachers wanted
Hibbert. 8_15xz
ghi GOOD stt r caUypl
weighing; around 600 !las. Apply.
7. Situations k For
8. Farm Stack For Sale
Tuckersmihh Muryi:cipal Dump
9. Poultry For Sale
'ERIC ANDERSON, phone 758
W 2, 1 mile North, of Kinbum.
14 metal nesbsy 21 compact-
will be open until further notice
on, Wednesday and Saturday
In the Estate of
10. Used Cars For Sale
15 tube feeders, 50 1b. size,
afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m,
U. Articles For Sale
12. Wanted To Buy
SEVENTEEN head, grass eat-
tie; Herefords, weight 550- to
6 rautomatic waterers, 8 fleet
All persons 'having cladn
13. Wanted
750 Ibs. Also one' Holsbelie heifer
� �° anitomatic time clack
41PIrust Estate of P'ivain
Jose h Dorsey, l Tow
p ' y, ate of
14. Property For Sale
due May 5. ZACK RYAN, RR
5 Seaforth phone Dublin 46 R
of �a#, m' �tki�e Couzahy a
15. Property For Rent
5;- 8,15x1
1 shallow weR, pump and
Huron, Gentleman, decease
who died on the 1th sap,• i
16. For Sale or Rent
17. Wanted'a Rent
pressure tank.
Maintenance Service
March, 1962, are hereby aiotifie
11., Articles For Sale
18. Property Wanted
YOUNG COUPLE require im-
mediate living
g accomodation in
Logsdon Hatcheries
the farm. Bripg your own. con-
to send in fh ll! particulars
CLOVER steed for sale. Apply
19. Notices
20. Auction Sales
Have your lawn mower ser-
their Claims to the ufidersigne
on or before the 4th day of Mat
21. Tenders Wanted
to LES PRYCE, phone 850 RR
14. 1.1.16x1
Sin, phone 558
vieed now. Complete service to
1962, after which• date the asseA
22. Legal Notices
1L 151
all makes,
w� be distributed having
gard only to' cl�a&m then r,
BOY'S SPORT jacket, size 16,
23. Business Directory
24. Cards of Thanks
good condition. PHONE 329-M.
Lawn, rolling
g a•nd fertil�ier
service, lawn
12. Wanted To Buy
25. In MemoriamSWEET
26. Personals
and post _bale's diggers;, $198,00. gate St., Goderich,. phone JA
power rollers to.
�ti lawns fertilizer for sale,
DATED rat Seaforth, this lit
'CLOVER seed alai
feed grain, JOHN W. THOMP-
Call promptly. 300 pounds or,
Do it yourself or we can pro-
vide rolling and fer6ili'zer
day ads April, M. °
T, cost is levy. Classifications
SON 861 R 23, Seaforth U-14-tf
over, according coedit.
ser -
vane for you.
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13 15 and
ANTIQUE ,adient had rank,
'Assoc. with Darling & Co, of
n o
Large bulbsi at 50 folk $9, so' sets, phone 442 W 8, Brussels.
quandties.Je% than 50 at 19-08xIR
Seaforth, Ontafto
17, minimum 9 an insertion.
Classificafti 2, minimum 05C
large mirror. BOX 1109, The
Huron Expositor, 11-1.6;1
Canada Ltd. Licensed under the
Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence
CALL, 863 J 1
Seadorth, Out.
Solicitors far The Executor
plus 25c for ear,., 4-kne verse.
All other classifications
No. M662 Seven days service.
Call ED ANDREWS, phone 863
GOOD BARN timbers, 12 f6;
23. Business Director
mum 65 cents per insertion.
to 38' ft. long. J. JANSEN RR 5
Seafarth, hone 852 R 21. 13x3
W 1, Seaforth. 12-12-tg
24. Auction Sales
! except Auction Sales, (�)+
Tenders, Wanted (21) and Legal
Seaforth, Ontario
seed and also Timothy seed:
ti Wanted
phi - NO
640 W 2. ].1-1;5x2 Carrying Ghmses
Notices (22), rates on a Iica-
bion pp
ELMER KEYS, 696 R 11, Heng
PASTURE, wanted for 8 year-
cattle oilers, the greatest ad- 19-12 eF
&all. 11-15x1
ling -cattle. Apply LESLIE PEP-
vanee in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. SEAFORTH
The only oiler with spiral curry UPHOLSTERY 'undersigned,
comb teeth that # room the cat-
ORVILLH STOREY, RR 1, Centre Street
Night or Day Calls — 335
For cash payment or if paid
TEN 1h i0ch TV' dor salle,'
PER, RR. 4, Walton, phone 854
Clearing Auction Sale of
by 10 days following last inser-:
good condition reasonable price
R 22. 13-15-1
Household Effects in the Town
buying always means big sav-
less tiring sbepPi RPh• FAST SERVICE
tion, 4CC deducted from above
includes rabbit ears and' TV
of Henvsall Main In TUR-
14, Property For -Sale
rates.' it
stand. PHONE 422-J. 11-15,1
DAY, APRIL 28th, at 1 p.m.
' MAUVE formal', size 12, em.
ce0enb condition, Wmn ons
Chesterfield suite- setee; cof-
Prompt and careful attention
FIFTY ACRE' farm. Nene steel
strapless, bollerina, CALL 642
barn, completely modern house.
fee table; odd tables; occasWo -
al chairs; . dining room suite;
Hospital Bed
(For Business Firms Trades-
W 1, after six, 11-1Sx1
Apply JACK LANE, West
Lot 12, Can. 3 Mr Kiillo P
glass china cabinet; hall bencde
CHOOSE YOUR diamond ui
privacy at ANSTETT JEWEL-
men, etc,): Minimum 50 cents
per insertion, Billing charge, 15
and mirror; 3 beds; 3 dressers
and stands,; air foam. mattress;
Res. 595-W — Store 9
cents per advertisement..
LERS. For an evening appoint-
flower 'stand; spinning wheel;
ment phone 77, Sealorth.11-12-•tf
Number good farms for sales
writing desk; kitchen table and
chadhrsi; kitchen
LIGHT GOLDEN aimber hone-
1. COming EVeritS
ey, 3-81b. pails, $4.00. Apply to
BARRY FLEMING, ,Seaforth.,
for possession from 50 to
225 acres,
1¢.5 acres on -paved road,. in
china cabinet;
washing machine; vacuum
cleaner; 3 rocking chairs; elec"
Goderich 5t., W., Seaforth
2, of Northside .UCW will be
phone 384-J. 1.L -14x2
Hulb-att good bARdings with•
`tric stove; a size re-
Adjustable hospital beds-,
held Mrs. Wednesday,
held Wednesday, May 9 at 3
H oey noted
130 acres on County. Road in,
fri erator'
g , (like new); ice box;
'w'ood stave; flower stands;
for rent.
QUANTITY of Red Clover
textil e- gni' Guelph, guest
RR 3, Seaforth, phone 665 R 16,
Tuckersaiith> good buildings,
lamps, table and floor- radio;
low down. paryment, im�m�ediiate
pi'Cbures, font �s600lI clothes
hamper; 6 x 9 Axminster rug
Phone 119 Seafort
TWO FORMAL gowns, street
♦ 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday 7 p.
m. to 9 p.m., Friday 9 p:m. to
length, sizes 9 and 10, one'lace
100 acres in Stanley; -75 acres
workable !bail- bush s h
and rubber pad; hooked mats;
wool blankets - bed linen; table
Funeral Director
11p.m., Saturday afternoon and
and net and one nyQonu chiffon.
Worn orcely once not locally.
spring creek.
linen; cllock; dawn mower;
and Ambulance Service
evening, Sunday afroernoon and
PHONE 666 W 3 Seafiarth. 15x1
Gas Station with lunch bar.
sealers; antique dishes, includ-
Night or Day Calls:
evening. SEAFORTH
ING LANES; phone 350, 1124
Busy chopping" mill in Huron
county, pmt for quick sale.
ing Bridal vva�eaddL; Limoges;
ch'�'i modern baby buggy.
Phone, 43 R 10
GERANIUMS started Tuber-
our Begonias, and spring boxed
plants. Gladiolus; and Dahlia!
Please tartlet
Other articles too numerous to
Lost, Strayed
bulbs, we deliver. STAFFEN'S
FLOWERS, phonic '49, Seaforth:
Phone 598-M, Seaforth
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
♦ GIRL'S medium lazed pawn•
der blue bicycle, with partneh
Estate lade
q late
in good condition and reason
new ream wh l; sen
tfinenftal value, reg
Listings wanted on, Farms and
Seaforth, Ont. Phone 55
Seradorth 669 J 3.
ably priced. Color pink, yellow
phone 2-161
and blue. Far further inform-
atian PHONE 866 W 3, Seaforth.
Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
Phones: Office 173, Res. 781
4. Help Wanted'
15. PrODerty For Rent
22, Legal Notices
ALL KINDS of ornamental
Seaforth Ontario
BACHELOR apartment, heat -DR. M. W. STAPLETON
MALE CHRF trees, upright and spreaders. ed A NOTICE
t) we, he fla
• t, K 11' PF N: N
is 2
Or. AJ41 A very successful bake gsbf
y ear- was held Saturday •a#telnogp m ::
Defib W- Crest -lira dware stare, Hensall,.
Oral Irl- by'Units 1.. 3 of the 0CW
u,aw %i�4+'iuuaL VV4_gw S' IMP of Kipper- Mrs. Ralph Tur4,pr �$� at �jPperi �7r?tted Chu�e�
ptln'er eant+tribt�iw :ami to 00*. and Mrs. Boss 13ro,Adfoot axethe :honoring A h Turner,. tri
who loaned le
'per• 24-15-1 leaders of the units.•
.elect, Mps p4ert Taylor, ON
WE WISH to thar+k our mla Mrs. H. Smith and f'axniiy, q# chail art, opened the Program ¢
rives,s and a1 London, visited a ?.week with Mr With aft singing "O Canada,,, . ,
for their expressionssylre and Mrs.- Har Va,p W!errpn' With 1w s. Ross R. t►adfoot at t ie
paths, flbral tributes. and Z, T* and mil . Pio. � ogs "`
brib(ultiaius to Missiby #a ,. reef .t•g?t, Suggestions
the United Church of Via+ Mr" an Mr's. N. Uickert vis :ForeA,y,svenneth iietr '
ited ood Friday with relatiy0s
memory of our son Waw. Itrac; duet by dine and Debra
in Harriston.
The many a�Cbs of kindness. e� Stephenson, accompanied y
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and
tended to us during our ter- Mrs Stephenson; contest, co�i-
Dianne spent Palm Sunday with
eavem�ent were very much a ducted by Marion Turner, Ws.
p Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader at
preciated. A special thanks % Robert Taylor and Mrs. Wm.
Rev. Hi Dashwood and also . attended
Higginbotham far his kind Consitt; sing sang, with , fts.
words. Confirmation services at Zion Ross Broadfoot at the piano;
HUGH and ME -IOWA JOHN- Lutheran Church, .Dashwood. two numbers on the guitar by`
STON and FAMILY. _241&x1 Fifteen ladies from Kippen Grant apd Kenneth Jones.
THE BROTHERS and SIS- United Church Women attend- Mrs. Taylor invited With . to
TER of the late, Wm. Darcetzer ed the Easter thankoffering ,t
wish to express their sincere meeting- at Carmel Presbyter -
in a nicely decorated chair
p ion Church, Hensall. IYIis, on the ,platform. The address
appreciation and thanks to bis Rev.) MacDonald was the was read by Marion Turner acid "
good kind neighbors who came ( the gifts brought in by Brenda
'n and carrie(f on with lus work guest speaker. and Janice Turner. Ruth thank
after his sudden passing. To all Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper ed all for the ,gifts and the
the kind ladies who sent gifts attended the Webber -Cooper
of food and 'helped with meal's wedding in Exeter on Thurs• program came to« a close with
in our home, for all the expres- day. the singing of For She's a
sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- Jolly Good Fellow." A dainty
;sons of kindness and Y
luring our sudden, bereavement stetter and family, of Guelph, lunch was served.
we are truly grateful. called Saturday on Mr. and Mrs. M•• and Mrs. Eddie McBride, t
ANDREW and HARVEY, DAN- Long and other friends in the accompanied -by Mr. and Mrs.
rZER; MRS. HELEN NAGLE. district. Grant Love, Caro, Mich., spent
24-151 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robin- a' few days last week in Nor-
�7. Births sop, of Toronto, visited recent. folk, Virginia, visiting Mr. and
ly with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mrs. Norman Coleman, and
AVERY -At Scott Memoria. Robinson. family.
Hospital, Spaforth, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Van Some friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Avery; RR 2, Monk- Tol, of Holland, who have spent Mrs. CampbellEyre surprised
ton, on, Apr. 22, ai daughter. the past 11 months with their them recently at their home be- i
�ROZIER To Mr, and Mrs. daughter and son-in-law, Mr, fore they leave for Restoule,
Jack Crozier, in Clinton Pub- and Mrs. Harry 'Van Wie ren Ont., and presented them with
lic Hospital, on April 21, a and family, returned home on a set of hostess trays. Euchre
son. April 12. was played and a most enjoy-
DOERR—At South Huron, Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr,; 'of able evening spent. Luncheon
pital, on Apr. 24, to Mr, and Winthrop, visited Easter Sun- was served.
Mrs. Robert Doerr, (nee day with Mr. and Mrs. Elston School Section,No. 10, Tuck -
forth, a, daughter. Marilyn Smith} . RR 1, Sea Dowson. ersxnith, held a good luck par-
DOYLE-Mr and Nrs. James, Mr. Oswald Brown, Q.C., and ty, honoring , Mr, and Mrs.
Doyle, 497 Charlotte-St.,Lon- Mrs. Brown,- of Detroit, and Campbell Eyre and Mr. and
don, wish, to announce .the Mrs, Alvin Ulch, of Windsor, Ml's. Mervyn Eyre recently. Sev- .
birth of their daughter in St. visited during the holiday week eral games of euchre were en -
Joseph's Hospital, Ian&Ti, on end, with the latter's parents, joyed. Mrs.' Harvey Jacobi read
April' 22, a sister for Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Long, an address and Mrs. Robert
1BEYSON--At Scott Memorial The Kippen East WI will .be Bell and •..Mrs. Verne AlderdiCe •.
Hospital, on Apr. 25, to Mr. playing host to Staffa WI, Elim- presented the gifts, a picture
and Mrs. Donald Greyson, RR ville WI, Seaforth WI and Hur- and folding chair to Mr. and
4, Walton, a• son. ondale WI• in St. Andrew's .Mrs. Campbell Eyre, and a set
VIUNN—At Listowel Memorial United Church, Kippen, on May of hostesg.trays to Mr. and Mrs.
Hospital, on April 20th, to Dr. 16, at, 8:30 p.m. Mrs, Thomas Mervyn Eyre. A delicious
and Mrs. Donadd J. Munn, a Hough, of Stratford, will be lunch followed.
daughter. the ,guest speaker. The 10th
IOLAN '— At Scott - Memorial group will .plan the lunch the
Hospital, on Apr. 23, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Nolan. St. Kippen group will act as hos- Mrs.. Ken Manns, Toronto, were �q
• Col`umbaxn, . a daughter. less; the 4th group, the pro- Easter guests with Mr. and
iCHADE—At Scott Memorial gram committee, and the 12th Mrs. William Shepherd.
Hospital, on Apr. 25, to Mr. group to do dishes. The dis- Miss Judy Elder, of London,
and Mrs. Elgin Schade, RR 4, trict annual will be held at spent the Easter holidays with
Walton, a daughter. her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Har-
WITH—In St. Joseph's .Has- old Elder.
pital, London, Ontario, to Mr. HENSALL Mr. Lloyd Campbell is a pa-
�and' Mrs. Ronald Smith, the l tient in. St. -Joseph's Hospital,
gift of a da%ghter, Rhonda present Musical Program London, where he underwent
Lee, a sister for Randy, surgery on his knee,
Tuesday- evening, April 17th,
► pupils of Hensall Public 'School, Terry and Timmy Hoy, of
.8. Marriages under the direction of Mrs. Port Albert, are spending their
O R N I S H—THOMP$ON On Phyllis Rodgers, music supervi- Easter vacation with -their bro-
Easter Sunday, April 22, at •sor, presented a delightful mus- ther and sister-in-law, Mr, and
the home of her parents, 238 ical program at .the Town Hall. Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Ronnie and
Ontario St., , Clinton!, by the Gary.
Rev. John Martin, Joan Liv- Choruses from each classroom
ingston, daugher of Mr. and took part and. a variety of musi- Miss Beth Goddard, Guelph,
Mrs. T. R. Thompson, to cal numbers were .'sung.. Pupils spent the Easter holidays with
Ewart Leslie Cornish, of Clin- from Mrs. Elgie's Grades 1 and her parents, Dr. and Mrs, J.
ton_, sou of the tate Mr, and 2 Presented two square danc- C. Goddard,
M1 rs. ,J;, Cornish, es, while a group of boys, um Karen Broderick, 6, daughter
der the direction of Mr. Eric of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield •Brode-
9. Deaths Mansfield, demonstrated various rick, injured her left foot on
tumbling exercises on mats to Monday when she fell ' off her
LAYBURN—At Westminster give the public an idea of what bicycle. X-rays taken at South
Hospital, Landon, on. Sunday, they learn in their physical Huron Hospital, Exeter, re -
April 22, 1062, Joseph Clay- training classes, The hall wa: vealed a bone out of place. Her
burn, in his_ 72nd year, .Hos- filled for the even- foot was placed in a cast fo
bard Elsie Te'bb, oKit- 10 days. lir. V. Gulens, Dash"
chen�eT; fah�her of Mrs, , Ed- Easter services in Carmel
ward Smith (Brenda), of Presbyterian Church, •i Sunday) wood, attended.
Waterloo; Mrs. Thomas, Cow- morning were largely at£ende --M'-, and Mrs; George Hess;
ard (Violet), of St, Marys; with the church packed to the Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and
George of East Oxford Twp.; doors. Holy Communion was ad- family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs, Laverne Pretty (Dorn- ministered and 'thefollowing Stewart McBride and family,
thy), of Rostock; Mrs.. James were given the right hand of Weston; Mrs. Alvin McBride,
Kelly (Eva), of Hyde. Park; fellokship in joining t he Exeter; Mr, and Mrs, Ken
Mrs, Al Dame (Shirley), of church:' Flora Lee Johnston, Woods and family, Clinton, and
Windsor and Joyce of Moni- Bonnie Foster, Colleen Bayn- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 'Beattie
real. Resting -at the, L. A. ham, Barbara Schwalm, !Marcia and son, of Wingham,, enjoyed
Ball Funerab Chapel, - St, and Cheryl Little. For his ser, an Easter dinner at the Domin-
Aprl funeral' service Wed,, mon topic, Rev. Ross MacDon- ion Hotel, Zurich, on Sunday.
April t. at ys , p.m. Inter- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth
m�ent St. Marys, Cemetery. old •spoke on "The Resurrection of
of Jesus Christ." For their Detroit, were Easter visitors
OR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO selection the senior choir sang with Mrs. Lou Simpson.
LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE "Resurrection Morn," and the, Kathy Cann, of Exeter, is an
ON PAGE 4 junior choir sang "Wounded For Easter guest with Dottie Kip -
Me," Mrs. Malcolm Dougall fer.
presided at the organ console, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shep-
TURNER'S UCW In the evening a film, "The Mir- herd and family, of Toronto,
Turner's Church UCW' met in • acle of Love" was shown. visited over Easter with Mrs.
e church basement on Thurs- David MacMillan, Kitchener, James Smillie, - •-•
Ly, April 19, at 8:30 p.m,, with is spending a week" with his Miss Ann Mickle is spending
members and one visitor grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. a .few days this week in Kit-
esent. The roll call was an- Laird Mickle, while his parents, chener with he;r sister and
iered with "a favorite verse Mr, and Mrs. Ross Macry illan, brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Scripture and where it is are on vacation, Ross MacMillan.
und." The Easter thankoffer- Mr. and Mrs, J. L,1�IcCloy, Unit Five, UCW
g service was given by Mrs. Cathy, Jimmy and Chri ene, of
m Rogerson and Mrs. Ed. Toronto, spent the East week- Unit Five ' of the United
Cyton. A bale of used clothing end with Mr. and Mrs. George Church Women met Thursday
being gathered to send early Hess. afternoon with 22 attending,
May to the United Churches The Kinsmen Club will blitz Mrs. George Hess presided for
lerseas Relief Committee. the village Monday, April 30, the devotional with the Bible
en's and boys' clothing 'is es- at 7 p.m., in aid of the Cancer study taken by Mrs, Earl Rowe,
,eially needed. Fund. Please give generously. and the topic, "Into the Sunsggt,"
An invitation was 'accepted Miss Norma Passmore has ac- was presented by Mrs. Fred' o m Wesley - Willis United cepted a position on the staff' Beer. Joyce Flynn and Linda
lurch, Clinton, ladies to at- of Burlington Public School. Lenagban favored with a vo-
nd the service at Clinton on Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook and cal duet, with Mrs. Grace Har-
inday, April 29, at 8 p.m„ at David, of Clarkson, spent Eas- pole at the piano.
at church. ter with Mrs, C. Cook. Leader Mrs, W, H. Weeks
Lunch was served by the hos- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore, took the chair for the business.
ss, Mrs. Alden Crich, assisted of London, were Easter visi. The grouts decided to go with
Mrs. Warren Whitmore. • tors with Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Unit One, of which Mrs, Chip.
Mrs. John Henderson return- chase -is leader,- for their straw -
ed home Saturday from Clin- 'berry festival. Quitting will; be
Make it a habit to kegp your ton Hospital, *here she has held Ju a 5, 6 and 7 in the
A on the ground and you'11 been a patient, church ' 1hoolroom.., Helpers"are
ver have far to fall, Mrs. Keane, of Stratford, is solicited from other units, _ _ Pot-
visitingthis week with Mr. and ted plant $1.10,
sli s were sold w `ieh
If you wish ,to be perfect, fol. Mrs. E. Dowson. jv
lized 7. Q, funds to tip.
V the advice that you give Mr. grid Mrs: Fred Birosh and tos pply flow'erB icor- p£lig:
agta, family, bf Tr lam, and Mr; Arlt! t`hiircll°lot~ the` iilti>r%tiXi o ,>I > .
Bamban4es err Privat kedge -Ap-
Seaforth. 15-124f
Physician and Sur eon
TO CREDITORS Phone 90 gSeafart]
,,preferabl'y single, • for" work
in Seaforth,
forth Nurseries, 11-15x3
p FURNISHED three room a
If no answer, call- Residence 60;
artmeTA. No children. PHONE
42 15151
In The Estate of
BARN for sale cheap; 6 gad'-
Phone 227
vanized winter feeders for hens;
1 rubber aired wheelbarrow. Ap-
60 ACRES good land, plowed,
Physician and Surgeon
All, persons having claims Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-:
ply E. H. CLOSE, East William
St. 11-1.5-1
also 10 acre's sod, Apply 110
against .the Esq of Maud Fen• Seaforth
gus�an, late of the Town of Sea -SEAFORTH
3, Seafarth. 1514x2
r, Him'
fo'1th, in the Coun MEDICAL CLINIC
,Retired Music Teacher, decea�s-
ONE F years old; RE frig, 9 cu,
ft,, 2. years old; also small el-
154 ACRES of grass• for rent.
Inden^estiheg and remunerative
eetrnc shove with oven. Apply
Good pasture, spring water,
:ed, who died on the 18th dat of Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 2(
work completing insurance re-
phone 758 W 3, 1 made• North oi;
12, lot 14, McKillop. Apply
GLANVILLE ,phone 83
March, 1962, are hereby nodi- P. L. BRADY, M.D., M.C.G.P
particulars Tele
feed to send in, full phone 750 W 1
ports'. ire your area. Musa have
a cam and some free day time
Kinbum. 11-16x1
R 32, Sealaorth. 15-14x2•
of their claims ho, the undersign•- E. MALKUS, M.D.
hours. No experience necessary,
foil grass seed; also Allis Clad.
FOUR ROOM apartment, hot
cold water, separate entrance,
ad on or before the 4th; day of Telephone 15
May, 1962; after which date the W. FLEWELLING, M.D., C.M
* Reply to
me�rs roto baler, 3 years, old.
garden if referred. Available
t P
assets will be distributed, hav- Telephone 223
June 16. 'PHONE, 66-J, Seaford .
ing regard only to claims then OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons.
The Huron Expositor, - _ _ _
forth, tahone' Clairton HU 2-3377•.
- 16-i5xi
recdved, except Wednesdays; Evenings,
except Wednesday and Saturday
DATED at Seaforth, this Uth Appointments may be -made in
day April,
APARTMENTfor read by
May 1st. Private entrance, 3-
second cut Alfalfa hay, square
piece bath and three bedrooms.
of 1962. advance,
baled; also some first cut mix-
Apply to GORDON NOBEL, 71-
Tea•eher wanted for SS No. 6,
W, Seaforth. 15-15x1
Seaforth, Ontario. Chiropractic - Foot Correction
McKillop, Approximately 30
pupils. Duties to commence in
OUGH, phone 665 R U, Sea.-
forth. 1113-3
Solicitors for -the Executors Commercial Hotel
.22-13-3 Monday, Thursday -1 to -8 p,m,
17. Wanted To Rent
A -
Apply stating quadific�atians
NOTICE Optometrist optical services,
APPLES for lade. Cooking
and .eating, $1.00 a bushel at
YOUNG COUPLE require im-
mediate living
g accomodation in
• salary expected and name of
the farm. Bripg your own. con-
Sea -forth or 'Egmondvil(le. Apply
TO CREDITORS Goderich St. W,, adjacent bo
last Inspector om other refer•-
KEN MOORE, phone 600 R 31,
Clinic. Tues. to Sal.., 9-5:30,
and SONS, I. mile south of Va•r-
Sead'ambh, 17-1,3%3
except Wed, Thurs, evening by
IN THE MATTER of claims
na. 11-134f
a g a i ri s t Borden George forthappoi,
Mondt. Phone on Sea-
Medi -
Riehl, formerly, of the Town- forth' Monday, Clinton Medi
FORAGE' MASTER forages 19. Notices
Secretary Treasurer
boxes; self unloading wagon
ship of McKillop, in ,the cal Centre.
RR L, Dublin.
units; Brady crimpers (hay, ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser•
condititoner), on display. We vice, cleaners and polishers, al-
also handUe Kools forage blow- so reconditioned cleaners and
ers; ibrig• dduble-chain elevators parts...BERT HARRIS, 109 New.
of Huron, Farmer, A. M. HARPER & COMPANY
now, of the, Town of Kin- Chartered Accountants
cardlmie, in, the County of 55 South St. Telephone
B,,mce Goderi'ch JA 4-7562
and post _bale's diggers;, $198,00. gate St., Goderich,. phone JA
Licensed Munldipal Auditor
Prebestant, fully qua 1 i f i e d--U'--&-E-
WE'LDING. location 7 -. 19-1"
Notice is hereby given that SEAFORTH
teacher, 'required for SS No, 10,
Main St., Zurich, phone 72 R 1-9. SEPTIC banks cleaned. ,Mod-
the above oamued Bordeay,-Gorge
♦ MCNAl op Township, H u r. o a
U42-6 ern equipment used. All work
Riehl has appointed the und6e_ V T "RI�1AR -Y
Cotnnty, with daties to 'com-
CHOICE EXHIBITION type guaranteed. Write or Rhone
Signed, Campbell Grant, the CLINIC
mence September 4t1., 1962.
Gladiolu9 bulbs ,iii mixed colors. LOUIS BiLAKE, RR 2, Brus- `
Trui Ge6, to receive 'and divide J. O. Turnbull D.V.M., V.S.
Applicants please state qual-
Large bulbsi at 50 folk $9, so' sets, phone 442 W 8, Brussels.
quandties.Je% than 50 at 19-08xIR
among creditors of the said +
Borden George Riehl' •the sum W. R. Bryan, D.V.M., V,S:
9f'icatl"s, •references, salary
�expctx ted raaicl name of-48st dn-
each. Add :376 sales,ta'x, Prices
are not delivered. Anyone want- ANSTETT
of $6,294.83 paid by l ie Receiv- W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V,S.
er' General of Canada to the Phone 1.05 Seaforth
spedior, to undersigned. y'
fog named our-
said Riehl under the liTavisdons 24. Cards of Thanks
* Appiacatidnis to be in retie
to ads �avaBlable On request.
� request•
Please make nate Sof
of 21KI) of the Veterans
like to th�ank.all
Land Act and that the said I WOULD � my
hamds� of the Secreta b Ma
my Y y
our ad. Offers
dress and phone number as 1'0u
neighbors and friends who so
Trustee now has in lids .hands neighbors
5tllli, 1962..
this will be our only insertion. Easy, Credit Terms
Ped me •h for
the said money for such dfstri- willingly, helped prepare
bufifon. my scale. it was gill very. much
MURRAY E. TYNDALL Bruce. •with
field, Ontario, 4egtomth
Secretary Treasurer
SS No. 10, MCKidI'.op,
phi - NO
640 W 2. ].1-1;5x2 Carrying Ghmses
All creditors and others hav- 24-15.1 MAS. CORA BARROWS.
ing aavy claim the I WANT
RR 1, Seaforth, Ontario.
CATTL OILER—McIntyre's Phone $7, Seado h
against said to thank everyone
Borden George Riehl are re- who sent cards, treats. and visit.
cattle oilers, the greatest ad- 19-12 eF
quested to send on or before dile ed me while I was ai patient at
7. Situations Wanted
vanee in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. SEAFORTH
The only oiler with spiral curry UPHOLSTERY 'undersigned,
comb teeth that # room the cat-
ORVILLH STOREY, RR 1, Centre Street
Sth day of May, 1962, to the Scott Memorial Hospital. Spec-
their names+, ad- sal ftdks to Dr. Gorwill, the
dresses and descriptt& and full nurses, cubs of A pack, Legion
particulars in writing of their Ladies Auxiliary, my* teacher
BABY SITTING by ., exper- tle.
ieneed sitter. 'MOIRA
COLM, 687-J, Seaforth. 15x1.'
Seaforth. See the oiler at our Telephone 4.46
claims, a, statement of their and Pupils. of lville. jun.•
11124 For all kinds of upholsterin g'
FOOD SERVICE — Quantity 1912 tf
accounts and the narture of the for room.
security, If :any, held by them. 24-15.1 KENNY WOOD.
BABY SITTING wanted, em-
perienced. JANE BOSHARfi
phone 182. 7-�j,
- _ Ings,
buying always means big sav-
less tiring sbepPi RPh• FAST SERVICE
And furbtiem take nodioe that
after rile 9fh day of May, 1962,
K Farm Stock For Sale
Average family* of 4 e n same the
Trustee wilt iib .to ders Names
• $300
ger year On their food bill!. WATCH REPAIRS
Free dr year en the borne. Favi'
distribute t'i'e' said sum of money - -Not Given Out
EIGHT SHORT keds feedea+
cattle, 700.1,000 lbs. 'Y'lvD M+E}• free
food }lodger analysis, call ehet�:to
All work guaranteed
It S°ns enhidfed It is not possible, for .us
ha'Vi3iCg rega�cl only to
LADY,. phone 8(i R lA, Dublin.
cla�nis of to divulge the name or ad -
he shall g
HOLSTIEIN hclfer duyo> tU. ter,
HU 2.3275, representing Bei then
l•Iousekeepirig• i}istributars - -• the
have lead notice . and that dress df any advertiser
said. Taizsted will riavt-•itve using a Expositor
fresiiin 37c 1Vf ay;W jY1,�,
r.,t�l S.... 1;1t�1.
> b, V LL RS Rable
� Oo. .-,aQld"•'..,. :�. CI - _:. -. .._,_ L_ : .-....
for the said stem of money obit kiumber, lgle se do not
. - • --. .. ..e,rr !K-. c•r.rx :..-..�..a._...
t) we, he fla
• t, K 11' PF N: N
is 2
Or. AJ41 A very successful bake gsbf
y ear- was held Saturday •a#telnogp m ::
Defib W- Crest -lira dware stare, Hensall,.
Oral Irl- by'Units 1.. 3 of the 0CW
u,aw %i�4+'iuuaL VV4_gw S' IMP of Kipper- Mrs. Ralph Tur4,pr �$� at �jPperi �7r?tted Chu�e�
ptln'er eant+tribt�iw :ami to 00*. and Mrs. Boss 13ro,Adfoot axethe :honoring A h Turner,. tri
who loaned le
'per• 24-15-1 leaders of the units.•
.elect, Mps p4ert Taylor, ON
WE WISH to thar+k our mla Mrs. H. Smith and f'axniiy, q# chail art, opened the Program ¢
rives,s and a1 London, visited a ?.week with Mr With aft singing "O Canada,,, . ,
for their expressionssylre and Mrs.- Har Va,p W!errpn' With 1w s. Ross R. t►adfoot at t ie
paths, flbral tributes. and Z, T* and mil . Pio. � ogs "`
brib(ultiaius to Missiby #a ,. reef .t•g?t, Suggestions
the United Church of Via+ Mr" an Mr's. N. Uickert vis :ForeA,y,svenneth iietr '
ited ood Friday with relatiy0s
memory of our son Waw. Itrac; duet by dine and Debra
in Harriston.
The many a�Cbs of kindness. e� Stephenson, accompanied y
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and
tended to us during our ter- Mrs Stephenson; contest, co�i-
Dianne spent Palm Sunday with
eavem�ent were very much a ducted by Marion Turner, Ws.
p Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader at
preciated. A special thanks % Robert Taylor and Mrs. Wm.
Rev. Hi Dashwood and also . attended
Higginbotham far his kind Consitt; sing sang, with , fts.
words. Confirmation services at Zion Ross Broadfoot at the piano;
HUGH and ME -IOWA JOHN- Lutheran Church, .Dashwood. two numbers on the guitar by`
STON and FAMILY. _241&x1 Fifteen ladies from Kippen Grant apd Kenneth Jones.
THE BROTHERS and SIS- United Church Women attend- Mrs. Taylor invited With . to
TER of the late, Wm. Darcetzer ed the Easter thankoffering ,t
wish to express their sincere meeting- at Carmel Presbyter -
in a nicely decorated chair
p ion Church, Hensall. IYIis, on the ,platform. The address
appreciation and thanks to bis Rev.) MacDonald was the was read by Marion Turner acid "
good kind neighbors who came ( the gifts brought in by Brenda
'n and carrie(f on with lus work guest speaker. and Janice Turner. Ruth thank
after his sudden passing. To all Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper ed all for the ,gifts and the
the kind ladies who sent gifts attended the Webber -Cooper
of food and 'helped with meal's wedding in Exeter on Thurs• program came to« a close with
in our home, for all the expres- day. the singing of For She's a
sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- Jolly Good Fellow." A dainty
;sons of kindness and Y
luring our sudden, bereavement stetter and family, of Guelph, lunch was served.
we are truly grateful. called Saturday on Mr. and Mrs. M•• and Mrs. Eddie McBride, t
ANDREW and HARVEY, DAN- Long and other friends in the accompanied -by Mr. and Mrs.
rZER; MRS. HELEN NAGLE. district. Grant Love, Caro, Mich., spent
24-151 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robin- a' few days last week in Nor-
�7. Births sop, of Toronto, visited recent. folk, Virginia, visiting Mr. and
ly with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mrs. Norman Coleman, and
AVERY -At Scott Memoria. Robinson. family.
Hospital, Spaforth, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Van Some friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Avery; RR 2, Monk- Tol, of Holland, who have spent Mrs. CampbellEyre surprised
ton, on, Apr. 22, ai daughter. the past 11 months with their them recently at their home be- i
�ROZIER To Mr, and Mrs. daughter and son-in-law, Mr, fore they leave for Restoule,
Jack Crozier, in Clinton Pub- and Mrs. Harry 'Van Wie ren Ont., and presented them with
lic Hospital, on April 21, a and family, returned home on a set of hostess trays. Euchre
son. April 12. was played and a most enjoy-
DOERR—At South Huron, Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr,; 'of able evening spent. Luncheon
pital, on Apr. 24, to Mr, and Winthrop, visited Easter Sun- was served.
Mrs. Robert Doerr, (nee day with Mr. and Mrs. Elston School Section,No. 10, Tuck -
forth, a, daughter. Marilyn Smith} . RR 1, Sea Dowson. ersxnith, held a good luck par-
DOYLE-Mr and Nrs. James, Mr. Oswald Brown, Q.C., and ty, honoring , Mr, and Mrs.
Doyle, 497 Charlotte-St.,Lon- Mrs. Brown,- of Detroit, and Campbell Eyre and Mr. and
don, wish, to announce .the Mrs, Alvin Ulch, of Windsor, Ml's. Mervyn Eyre recently. Sev- .
birth of their daughter in St. visited during the holiday week eral games of euchre were en -
Joseph's Hospital, Ian&Ti, on end, with the latter's parents, joyed. Mrs.' Harvey Jacobi read
April' 22, a sister for Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Long, an address and Mrs. Robert
1BEYSON--At Scott Memorial The Kippen East WI will .be Bell and •..Mrs. Verne AlderdiCe •.
Hospital, on Apr. 25, to Mr. playing host to Staffa WI, Elim- presented the gifts, a picture
and Mrs. Donald Greyson, RR ville WI, Seaforth WI and Hur- and folding chair to Mr. and
4, Walton, a• son. ondale WI• in St. Andrew's .Mrs. Campbell Eyre, and a set
VIUNN—At Listowel Memorial United Church, Kippen, on May of hostesg.trays to Mr. and Mrs.
Hospital, on April 20th, to Dr. 16, at, 8:30 p.m. Mrs, Thomas Mervyn Eyre. A delicious
and Mrs. Donadd J. Munn, a Hough, of Stratford, will be lunch followed.
daughter. the ,guest speaker. The 10th
IOLAN '— At Scott - Memorial group will .plan the lunch the
Hospital, on Apr. 23, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Nolan. St. Kippen group will act as hos- Mrs.. Ken Manns, Toronto, were �q
• Col`umbaxn, . a daughter. less; the 4th group, the pro- Easter guests with Mr. and
iCHADE—At Scott Memorial gram committee, and the 12th Mrs. William Shepherd.
Hospital, on Apr. 25, to Mr. group to do dishes. The dis- Miss Judy Elder, of London,
and Mrs. Elgin Schade, RR 4, trict annual will be held at spent the Easter holidays with
Walton, a daughter. her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Har-
WITH—In St. Joseph's .Has- old Elder.
pital, London, Ontario, to Mr. HENSALL Mr. Lloyd Campbell is a pa-
�and' Mrs. Ronald Smith, the l tient in. St. -Joseph's Hospital,
gift of a da%ghter, Rhonda present Musical Program London, where he underwent
Lee, a sister for Randy, surgery on his knee,
Tuesday- evening, April 17th,
► pupils of Hensall Public 'School, Terry and Timmy Hoy, of
.8. Marriages under the direction of Mrs. Port Albert, are spending their
O R N I S H—THOMP$ON On Phyllis Rodgers, music supervi- Easter vacation with -their bro-
Easter Sunday, April 22, at •sor, presented a delightful mus- ther and sister-in-law, Mr, and
the home of her parents, 238 ical program at .the Town Hall. Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Ronnie and
Ontario St., , Clinton!, by the Gary.
Rev. John Martin, Joan Liv- Choruses from each classroom
ingston, daugher of Mr. and took part and. a variety of musi- Miss Beth Goddard, Guelph,
Mrs. T. R. Thompson, to cal numbers were .'sung.. Pupils spent the Easter holidays with
Ewart Leslie Cornish, of Clin- from Mrs. Elgie's Grades 1 and her parents, Dr. and Mrs, J.
ton_, sou of the tate Mr, and 2 Presented two square danc- C. Goddard,
M1 rs. ,J;, Cornish, es, while a group of boys, um Karen Broderick, 6, daughter
der the direction of Mr. Eric of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield •Brode-
9. Deaths Mansfield, demonstrated various rick, injured her left foot on
tumbling exercises on mats to Monday when she fell ' off her
LAYBURN—At Westminster give the public an idea of what bicycle. X-rays taken at South
Hospital, Landon, on. Sunday, they learn in their physical Huron Hospital, Exeter, re -
April 22, 1062, Joseph Clay- training classes, The hall wa: vealed a bone out of place. Her
burn, in his_ 72nd year, .Hos- filled for the even- foot was placed in a cast fo
bard Elsie Te'bb, oKit- 10 days. lir. V. Gulens, Dash"
chen�eT; fah�her of Mrs, , Ed- Easter services in Carmel
ward Smith (Brenda), of Presbyterian Church, •i Sunday) wood, attended.
Waterloo; Mrs. Thomas, Cow- morning were largely at£ende --M'-, and Mrs; George Hess;
ard (Violet), of St, Marys; with the church packed to the Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and
George of East Oxford Twp.; doors. Holy Communion was ad- family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs, Laverne Pretty (Dorn- ministered and 'thefollowing Stewart McBride and family,
thy), of Rostock; Mrs.. James were given the right hand of Weston; Mrs. Alvin McBride,
Kelly (Eva), of Hyde. Park; fellokship in joining t he Exeter; Mr, and Mrs, Ken
Mrs, Al Dame (Shirley), of church:' Flora Lee Johnston, Woods and family, Clinton, and
Windsor and Joyce of Moni- Bonnie Foster, Colleen Bayn- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 'Beattie
real. Resting -at the, L. A. ham, Barbara Schwalm, !Marcia and son, of Wingham,, enjoyed
Ball Funerab Chapel, - St, and Cheryl Little. For his ser, an Easter dinner at the Domin-
Aprl funeral' service Wed,, mon topic, Rev. Ross MacDon- ion Hotel, Zurich, on Sunday.
April t. at ys , p.m. Inter- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth
m�ent St. Marys, Cemetery. old •spoke on "The Resurrection of
of Jesus Christ." For their Detroit, were Easter visitors
OR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO selection the senior choir sang with Mrs. Lou Simpson.
LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE "Resurrection Morn," and the, Kathy Cann, of Exeter, is an
ON PAGE 4 junior choir sang "Wounded For Easter guest with Dottie Kip -
Me," Mrs. Malcolm Dougall fer.
presided at the organ console, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shep-
TURNER'S UCW In the evening a film, "The Mir- herd and family, of Toronto,
Turner's Church UCW' met in • acle of Love" was shown. visited over Easter with Mrs.
e church basement on Thurs- David MacMillan, Kitchener, James Smillie, - •-•
Ly, April 19, at 8:30 p.m,, with is spending a week" with his Miss Ann Mickle is spending
members and one visitor grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. a .few days this week in Kit-
esent. The roll call was an- Laird Mickle, while his parents, chener with he;r sister and
iered with "a favorite verse Mr, and Mrs. Ross Macry illan, brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Scripture and where it is are on vacation, Ross MacMillan.
und." The Easter thankoffer- Mr. and Mrs, J. L,1�IcCloy, Unit Five, UCW
g service was given by Mrs. Cathy, Jimmy and Chri ene, of
m Rogerson and Mrs. Ed. Toronto, spent the East week- Unit Five ' of the United
Cyton. A bale of used clothing end with Mr. and Mrs. George Church Women met Thursday
being gathered to send early Hess. afternoon with 22 attending,
May to the United Churches The Kinsmen Club will blitz Mrs. George Hess presided for
lerseas Relief Committee. the village Monday, April 30, the devotional with the Bible
en's and boys' clothing 'is es- at 7 p.m., in aid of the Cancer study taken by Mrs, Earl Rowe,
,eially needed. Fund. Please give generously. and the topic, "Into the Sunsggt,"
An invitation was 'accepted Miss Norma Passmore has ac- was presented by Mrs. Fred' o m Wesley - Willis United cepted a position on the staff' Beer. Joyce Flynn and Linda
lurch, Clinton, ladies to at- of Burlington Public School. Lenagban favored with a vo-
nd the service at Clinton on Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook and cal duet, with Mrs. Grace Har-
inday, April 29, at 8 p.m„ at David, of Clarkson, spent Eas- pole at the piano.
at church. ter with Mrs, C. Cook. Leader Mrs, W, H. Weeks
Lunch was served by the hos- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore, took the chair for the business.
ss, Mrs. Alden Crich, assisted of London, were Easter visi. The grouts decided to go with
Mrs. Warren Whitmore. • tors with Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Unit One, of which Mrs, Chip.
Mrs. John Henderson return- chase -is leader,- for their straw -
ed home Saturday from Clin- 'berry festival. Quitting will; be
Make it a habit to kegp your ton Hospital, *here she has held Ju a 5, 6 and 7 in the
A on the ground and you'11 been a patient, church ' 1hoolroom.., Helpers"are
ver have far to fall, Mrs. Keane, of Stratford, is solicited from other units, _ _ Pot-
visitingthis week with Mr. and ted plant $1.10,
sli s were sold w `ieh
If you wish ,to be perfect, fol. Mrs. E. Dowson. jv
lized 7. Q, funds to tip.
V the advice that you give Mr. grid Mrs: Fred Birosh and tos pply flow'erB icor- p£lig:
agta, family, bf Tr lam, and Mr; Arlt! t`hiircll°lot~ the` iilti>r%tiXi o ,>I > .