HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-26, Page 1•
103rd Year
Whole No. 4915
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0,03- •5rear A4vaPPIL
Single 'Copiefitjo,Centl'
• Hospital, Lacks
Enough Beds
Patient accommodation at
Scott Memorial Hospital caus-
ed increasing concern during
recent weeks when occupancy in
medical and surgery climbed to
124.1 per cent of authorized ca-
pacity, the hospital board was
advised at its April meeting.
Miss V. Drope, in her report,
said over-all occupancy was
94.6 per cent.
Occupancy had continued at
such a high rate that all avail-
able corridor accommodation
was in use throughout nearly
the entire period, she said.
Difficulties created by long -
.term patients and medical re-
cords were discussed and Miss
Drope said Dr. Donald Twiss, of
the OHSC, who had reviewed
the problems at a meeting here
in March, was preparing a re-
port, but it had not been re-
ceived. •
:Seaforth hospital will be al-
lotted one disaster kit on the
basis of a schedule worked out
by the emergency measures or-
ganization. The board asked
that further information be ob-
Lack of adequate hot water
is creating difficulties, J. E.
Keating, acting property com-
mittee chairman, said. The boil-
er and tanks have been in ser-
vice many years and haven't
capacity to meet present-day
demands. The committee is to
investigate and prepare recom-
mendations to correct the situ-
The finance committee re-
port, presented by Treasurer'
Lloyd Hoggarth, provided for
payment of accounts totalling
$22,217.18:- The building fund
had increased to $26,665.20 as
a result of the transfer of sur-
-plus and interest payments.
Reporting for the personnel
committee, Mrs. J, McConnell
said work as being completed
in the room prepared for use
of the Cancer Society,
The board gave approval to
the superintendent and any
other registered nurses on the
staff, who could be ,spared to
attend the annual meeting of
ItNAO in Toronto. The secre-
tary also was instructed to at-
tem:1'1a regional meeting deal-
ing with accounting, and being
held in Sarnia April 30.
The resignation of Mrs. H.
Whyte as a member of the
board was accepted. The board
Family Marks
40th Anniversary
A surprise wedding annivers-
ary dinner was held Friday for
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby,
Seaforth. The occasion of the
couple's 40th anniversary was
marked by the family with a
surprise turkey dinner held at
the home of the celebrants.
The house was tastefully
decorated in Easter colors with
daffodils and green, mauve and
yellow candles. The table was
centered with a wedding cake.
The couple were recipients of
lovely gifts.
The family consists of two
daughters, Marian, Mrs. Gordon
McDonald, Seaforth, and Rosa-
mond, Mrs. Bert Garrett, Clin-
ton, and five grandchildren.
expressed appreciation to her
for her contribution during the
years she had served.
Reporting on progress being
gained on pita folE the new
hospital, the 'chairman, A. Y.
McLean, said the architects .and
consultants had had several
meetings and that preliminary
plans were • anticipated shortly.
The meeting suggested the pro-
perty committee arrange for
the erection of a suitable sign
on the new hospital site.
Arrangements for the annual
meeting on April 26 were com-
Topnotch Adds
New Delivering,
•Dock Facilities
'New warehousing and dock-
ing facilities are being provid-
ed .at Topnotch Feeds Limited,
as a result of alterations - car-
ried out to the former flour
mill building.
A new 60 -foot dock across the
front of the building provides
additional convenience in load-
ing and unloading for custom-
ers. The interior of the mill
has been stripped of much
eciuipment. Here additional
storage facilities have been
provided for fertilizer, seed,
fencing and other farm sup-
Teacher Hurt As
Car Crashes
Mrs. Elva Ellis, a teacher on
the staff of the Seaforth Public
School, is in Bracebridge hospi-
tal following a ear accident
Good Friday. She is suffering
from facial lacerations and
shock. • '
Mrs. Ellis was driving her
daughter, Mrs. E. L. Fletcher,
and two grandchildren to their
home in Gravenhurst following
a visit here when the accident
occurred. Neither her daughter
nor the children were .injured.
Removed to Shelburne hospi-
tal, Mrs. Ellis was later taken
to Barrie for X-rays, and then
to Bracebridge. Her sister,
Mrs. W. G. Campbell, said Wed-
nesday it was hoped it would
be possible to remove her to
•Seaforth by next weekend.
Clinton Minister
Condition of Rev. D. J. Lane,
D,D., of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, Clinton, who
suffered a heart attack at his
home a week ago, is somewhat
improved. He is reported to be
resting comfortably in Clinton
Public Hospital.
Dr. Lane is well known here,
where he has preached on many
occasions in First Presbyterian
Church. An ardent curler, he
is padre of the Seaforth Curl.
ing Club.
were he; ed arid lif
members -vs were pre
sented to two me
bers, when Seafort
Legion Ladies' Auxil
iary, held a 10th birtlii
day party last week;
Joining in the festiv4
ties were guests fror4e
area branches. Past
presidents (above) are;
seated, Mrs. Jean Mc-
Kibben, Mrs. George
Eaton, Mrs. J. Taylor;
4"1 (standing), Mrs. Wm.
Little, Mrs. W. J. Cam-
eron, Mrs. Harry Jes-
some. Mrs, Alex Muir
(below left) and Mrs.
Charlotte Wood were
given life member-
ships. Mrs. George Ea:
ton, Seaforth branch's
oldest' member and al-
so a life member, cut
"a three-tier birthday
cake. See story on
,Page 11. (Expositor
photo by Phillips).
Clean Living is
Sports Career Need
A good, clean -living type of
boy, who goes to church regu-
larly, is one of the main points
for which scouts for profes-
sional hockey clubs look in.
their search for potential play-
ers, M. L. "Ty" Gregg told
Seaforth hockeTt players Wed-
nesday night. Speaking at a
banquet at the Commercial Ho-
tel, Mr. Gregg outlined require-
ments that scouts' consider.
The boy must also do well at
school. He particularly stress-
ed the need for a good educa-
tion to the youth present. The
NHL wants players to be edu-
cated and also to be the very
best type of athlete in the coun-
Mr. Gregg is well-known in
this area as a former sports-
caster at a Wingham radio sta-
tion, and a past president of the
Visitors are Easter Feature
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Andrews
and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Dykstra
and family, of Norwich, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Fox at Kincardine.
Mrs. G. Dettmer, Kitchener,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Norman Hachborn, and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walters,
of Mildmay, were recent guests
of Mrs. Elliott Walte,rs.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Habkirk, of
Toronto, and Miss Elizabeth
Habkirk were weekend guests
• of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Habkirk.
Mrs. Helen Davidson, of To-
ronto, visited her mother, Mrs.
Andrew Davidson, at the Sea -
forth Apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dunlop
' and family, of Sarnia, visited
Mr. and1VIrh/A. W. Dunlop.
, Mr,/ and Mrs.' Alex . Piggott,
of Oakville, and Mr." and Mrs.
Bruce Walters and family; of
Sarnia,' *ire/ weekend guests of
Mt and Mrs. W. C. Bennett.
Mr. Donald pale, ofTort Wil-
liam, spent the 'Easter holidays
with his parents, Mr. end Mrs.
Lorne ''Dale.'
Miss Marjorie Bickell, of To-
ronto, was an Easter ttest of
' Mr, and Mrs. George L. Smith,
in Hullett Township.
Mr. an4 , Mrs. Walter Woyto-
wich, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs.
JaMes Bayuhilial, Of London,
and NIL and Mrs. Glen Nixon,
of Hensall, were Easter guests
of Mr. and mrs.,Thile Nixon.
fr-and Mrti-., Frank Cudiuore,
of Wallaceburg, and Miss Nancy'
Cudmore, of London, were Eas-
ter guests of Miss Hazel Reid
and Mr. D. L. Reid,
Mrs. Hugh Alexander spent
Easter in Stratford with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Easun.
Mrs. Margaret Lamont re-
turned to Hamilton with her
son, Arnold, who spent Easter
here. •
Mr. and Mrs. DougKeys, of
Uxbridge, spent the weekend
with Mr. R. W. Campbell and
Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, in
Mrs. Lew Kirkby, of London,
spent Easter Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. W. R. Somerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn, of
Thornhill, spent the Easter
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart McCall and friends in
Walton and Wingham.
Mrs. 'Laura Jermyn, of Brus-
sels, spent the Easter holiday
with her daughter, Mrs. Aline.
Mr. Tom Somerville, Guelph,
and Miss Carol Dennis, of Lon-
don, spent the Easter weekend
With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Dennis, of Brighton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jantzi and
Kevin, of Wellesley, spent, Eas-
ter weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boshart. ,
Miss Linda O'Connor, Was
Shirley Hall, Mr. Carl Russell
and Mr. Douglas .Scott, Mont
real; and Miss Thelma Dobson
and Mr. Joliet. O. Scott, of Tettip
water, spent Easter at the home
of Mrs. James Scott.
Miss Katie Scott, of Ottawa,
and Miss Margaret Anne Wat-
son, of Mexico City, ' Mexico,
were guests of Mr. James R.
Scott, Goderich St.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott
and family, of Fonthill, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry R. Scott and
family, of Gravenhurst, were
Easter guests of Miss Belle
Smith. '
Mrs. Robert Patterson has re-
turned from Petrelia, where she
spent the past five weeks.
Easter guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Wil-
son St., were: Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Hotham and family, of
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Cooper and family, of Kip --
pen, and Mr. John Blair and
Miss Sharon Hotham, of 13rant-
Miss Connie Britton is spend-
ing a few days with relatives
in Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McMillan
and famft. of Sarnia, and Mr.
Sandy McMillan, Toronto, spent
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher,
had as Easter guests: Mr. and
'Mrs. Vincent Morrison, Water-
loo; .1VI.r. and Mrs.' W. Maloney,
Cornwall; Mr. and Mrs. Weber,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. AlphonSe
Meagher and children, of Arva;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank--%ock and
(Continued on Pag 5)
Western Ontario AthleticAs-
sociation. He congratulated' the
two .Seaforth teams for their
fine efforts in the past hockey
Acting as master of ceremon-
ies, "Tory" introduced the head
table, which included Jack
Webb, coach of the intermedi-
ate team; Bob Beuttenmiller,
manager of the intermediates;
Norman Hachborn, president of
the Seaforth Minor Hockey As-
sociation and juvenile manager;
Larry Dale, juvenile coach; Jno.
E. Patterson, third vice-presi-
dent of the WOAA and secre-
tary -treasurer of the Seaforth
Minor Hockey Association.
The teams, Juvenile, who
were WOAA Juvenile "C"
Champions, and the Seaforth
Intermediates, were guests of
Charles Dungey of the Commer-
cial Hotel. The guests were
served a turkey dinner with all
the trimmings.
Both team Managers and
coaches had high praise for
their team members. J. E. Pat-
terson, on behalf of the WOAA,
presented the Seaforth Juven-
ile hockey team with the Juv-
enile "C" champion crests,
which they won by defeating
Durham two games to one. In
the Ontario Minor Hockey As-
sociatiori semi-finals, Watford
defeated the Juveniles 4 games
to 0, although two of the games
went into overtime. Watford
went on to win the OMHA fir
als by defeating Bobecaygen 4
games to 0, all with large
Tom Dick, speaking on be-
half of the Juvenile team, said
he felt the team' was almost as
, (Continued on Page 5)
Parking Meters
Ready To Install
It won't be long before park-
ing meters are in operation in
Seaforth. The meters arrived
in town this week and are
awaiting installation by fore-
man Harold Maloney and his
public works staff. The ship-
ment included 70 units - 55
doubleand 15 single, which pro-
vide for a total of 125 parking
While the meters will be in-
stalled shortly, they will not be-
come operative until the town
bylaw regulating their use re-
ceives approval of the Ontario
DepartMerit of Transport.
Seaforth Stores
Remain Open
Friday Nights
Friday night shopping and
Daylight Saving come to Sea -
forth this weekend.- For •the
first time, Seaforth merchants
will remain open Friday eve-
ning until 10 o'clock, and be
dosed Saturday evening.
To mark the event, merch-
ants are emphasizing the fact
that collectively they offer ev-
erything available at any shop --
ping centre. They point out
that Main Street is a big shop-
ping centre, loaded with values
and with lots of variety in every
Clocks will be moved ahead
SfindaY 'morning at 1201 aa,
for the beginning of Daylight
Saving Time, which will con-
tinue until Sunday, Oct6ber 28.
Church services on Sunday will
be an Daylight Saving Time.
Mail Hours 'Change
Summer time brings changes
in postal mail schedules, ac-
cording to Postmaster, Orville
Oke. From Monday to Satur-
day, mails close at 12 noon for
points west.of Seaforth, and at
3:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. for
points east of Seafortle, On
Sunday all mails close at 6:00
-p.m. •
Lions Learn
Steps Necessary
To Survival
The steps necessary to a sur-
vival program were outlined to
members of the Seaforth Lions
Club Monday evening by Dr.
John Harvey, second -in -com-
mand of the 21st Field Artil-
Atone time based on evacua-
(Continued on Page 5)
Enumeration on
Ready for June 18
With enumeration beginning
on Monday, Huron riding elec-
tion machinery is being turned
to top speed. Returning Officer
R. T. Bolton, -and Election Clerk
W. E. Southgate on Wednes-
day afternoon completed the
last in a series of instructional
meetings for enumerators and
now begin the task of prepar-
ing material for each of the 133
polls in the riding, so that vot-
ers may cast their ballots on -
June 18.
Enumerators in rural polling
districts (all districts in Huron
riding except those in the
Town of Goderich are rural)
are required to complete their
lists of eligible voters by Sat-
urday, May 5. On -Thursday,
May 31, each enumerator 'sits
as a revising officer on the list
for his poll.
For the first time, any elec-
tor who has reason to believe
that he mill be absent from and
unable to vote at the polling
division in which he is regis-
tered, may vote at an advance
poll. Advance ,polls will be lo-
cated at ' Seaforth, Goderich,
Clinton, Exeter and Blyth, and
will be open on Saturday, June
9, and Monday, June 11.
Meanwhile, the Liberals op-
ened their campaign rally in
Exeter Tuesday, when candi-
date Ernie Fisher met workers
from polls across the riding.
Conservatives have arranged a
nomination convention in Clin-
ton on May 9, when Elston
Cardiff, the sitting member, is
expected to be nominated.
The Social Credit Party has
announced a series of meetings
in Huron, the first being set for
Seaforth on .,Monday evening:
Possibility is also seen that a.
candidate representing the NDP
may be nominated.
Name Enumerators
Enumerators who have been
appointed in this area are:
SEAFORTH-(1) Mrs. Stan-
ley Bray; (2) John Hothatn; (3)
Mrs." A. W. Duni* (4) Mrs.
Earl Dinsmore;(5)-,..Mrs. Mae
Watterworth; (6) E:`C. Boswell.
Gladys Haney, RR 4, ',Seaforth;
(2) Mrs. Evelyn McLean; 1113: 3,
Seaforth; (3) Frank Falconer,
RR 5, Clinton; (4) Mrs. *Doris
Sillery, RR 1, Brucefield; (5)
Mrs. William Kyle, Bax•23, Kip -
pen; (6) Mrs. Rena Ross, RR 2,
Kippen; (7) Mrs; Juanita Spears,
RCAF Clinton; (8) Harvey John-
ston, Box 209, Clinton.
HIBBERT-(1) Mrs. George
Coyne, Dublin; (2) Joseph Hast-
ings, RR 1, Staffa; (3) Mrs. Ber-
nice Norris, RR 1, Staffa; (4)
William Harper, RR 1, Crom-
McKILLOP - (1) Francis
Hicknell, RR 5, Seaforth; (2)
Mrs. Ruby Dolmage, RR 1, Sea -
forth; (3) Robert Beuermann,
RR 2, Walton; (4) Lavern God -
kin, RR 1, Walton.
MORRIS -(1) Carmen Haines,
RR 2, Blyth; (2) Harold Bolger,
RR 2, Blyth; (3) Robert Proctor,
RR 5, Brussels; (4) James Kerr,
RR 4, Brussels; (6) Robert Mc-
Murray, RR 5, Brussels.
HULLETT-(1) Mrs. David
Millson, RR.2, Seaforth; (2) Mrs.
Bert Allen,. J.,ondeSbOrtl; (3)
Mrs. Ross Trcwartha, RR • 4,
Clinton; (4) Mrs.. Alex Wells,
1, Clinton; (6) CharlesWtiMerrill,;
RR Londesboro; (5
Isobel Turner,eenArebayurnue:
2, Bluevale; (2) John Alcock, ,
R 3, Brussels; (3) Harry Bolger,
RR 3, Walton; (4) Douglas Shaw,
RR 3, Brussels; (5) George
Pearson, Ethel ; (6) Cecil
Holmes, RR 2, Listowel; (7)
Mrs. Della Fischer, RR 3, Brus-
BLYTH-(1) William Riehl,
Blyth; (2) Mrs. Ben Fowler,
HENSALL-Clendon T. Chris-
tie, Hensall.
-BRUSSELS-(1) Bevan •El,
liott, Brussels; (2) Mrs. Ethel
Long, Brussels; (3) Wesley Kerr,
RR 5, Brussels.
Begin Campaign with
Gathering at Exeter
The Liberal campaign _in yur-
on for the Junel8 Federal elec-
tion got under way Tuesday
night .with a dinner and rally
at the Legion Hall, Exeter.
Polling division workers from
across the riding were on hand
to meet candidate Ernie Fisher,
and to discuss organization.
Reminding his audience there
was put one sure way to win -
by good hard work -Arthur
Reaume, M.P.P. for Essex
North, and former • long-time
Windsor mayor, said an in-
creasing degree of support was
apparent for the Liberal cause.
"Why is this anti-Diefenbaker
feeling rising every day?" he
asked, and suggested one of
'the answers was the broken
promise to the people of On-
tario,which had made neces-
sary - the Ontario sales tax.
Next to the • cloth, there is
no better calling tban, that eir
politics and serving in public'
office. You are , dealing with
humans -with men and women.
It' is our duty to accept -re-
sponsibilities in public life in
the interests of ourselves and
our families, and as workers
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill, Varna, I
were guests of honor when they
were entertained by theirlamtly
at the Colonial In, Grand Bend,
the occasion being their fortieth
wedding anniversary.
Fallowing dinner Gordon Hill
acted as master of ceremoruie:s.
Many tributes and good wishes
were extended to Mr. and Mrs,.
Hill by their family end others
Special guests present were
Mrs. Harvey Taylor, bridesmaid
at the wedding and Mr. Tay-
lor, Brucefield; also Mr. Frank
Skelton, best man, and Mrs.
Skelton, Goderich; Mrs. J. K.
Cornish, Mr: Hill's sister, and
Cornish, Brucefield.
The party assembled later at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Hill, Brucefield, Rem a social
tbur was. enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs.
Hill were presented with many
beautiful gifts after which they
both made fitting replies, ex-,
pressing their thanks for the
gifts and good wishes. Coffee
and wedding cake were served
by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill, the former
Kathleen Skelton were married
in Brucefield on April 18, 1922.
They have lived their married
life in the 13ruoefield-Verna
district with the exception of
two years spent in Moose Jaw.
They have six children, Allan,
Brucefield; Freda, Mrs. Ed.
Moran, St. Catherines; Gordon,
Varna; Marian, Mrs. James
Gay,der, St. Catharines; Frank,
Vartva and Murray, London.
Also present for the celebra-
tion were their 12 grandchildren.
for Ernie Fisher you need have
no regrets, no hesitation, Mr.
Reaume told the gathering.
Accompanying Mr. Reaume
was, John Spence, M.P.P. for
Lambton-Kent, to whom the
speaker referred to as a "well-
to-do farmer who makes money
-or at least was making money
before 1957."
Chairman of the meeting was
Don Murphy, Goderich. The
speaker was introduced 'by A.
Y. McLean, President of the
Huron Liberal Association, and
thanked by William Elston.
Seaforth Native
Is Long -Time
Ford .,Deoler
A Seafortemative, and for
many years a leading business-
man in Mitchell, has been hon-
ored by the Ford Motor Com-
pany. He is Jack Edmunds, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Edmunds, of Seaforth.
The Mitchell Advocate tells
the story in these words: "A
local businessman is justly,
proud of a new Longines wrist
watch he is wearing, for it
marks a significant event, not
only in his own life, but in the
business life of this town. The
engraving on its back tells the
story: 'Presented to J. W.
(Jack) Edmunds in appreciation
of 25 years' association 1935-
1960, Ford of Canada, K. E.
Scott, President'.
"And the name of J. Ed-
munds & Son live on as adtive-
ly today. A bronze plaque, in-
scribed with this firm's name,
hangs' in their office, Son Bob
has taken over active manage-
ment while his dad, after
few bouts with his heart takes
life more easily, and spends
more time at his hobbies of
photography, making necessary
parts whenever need may arise
at the shop, and refinishing old
Music boxes and the like in his
home workshop." ,
•••,,,, .,
BACK IN BUSINESS with new songs, jokes and dance
routines, the St. Thomas' Church Minstrels are going to do
their best to help Seaforth Boy Scouts when they perform
in the SDHS auditorium Friday night. While interest in the
• She* is high, officials say there are oa feW tickets still avail- ,
able. Members of the star.stUdded cast showft following an
earlier performance are; tack row, .George V'lewitt, Terry
Ford, Cleave Coombs, Harry Patin, Jini Palin, J. M. Spittal,
Dr, J. Harvey, W. E. Southgate; middle row, Norman Green-
slade, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, 1VIrs.-L, F. Ford, Marion Flewitt,
Mrs. M. Mennen, Mrs. J. Adams, Franciti Donaldson, Mrs, C.
Coombs, Yvonne Adams; front row, Susan Stockwell, Rose-
mary Beynon, Seim Cornish, Peggy Cornish, G. A. Wright,
Billy Boussey, Chris, Coombt, Ian tlerVey, Pauli Spittal.