HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-19, Page 10& Probably you know of someone —a friend, relative or neighbor —who has had to FIGHT cancer and you know the suffer- ing and heartache involved. Only research can win the battle against CANCER Give generously to the April campaign of The Canadian Cancer Society. The objective in HURON is $16,000. With your help we can raise even more. CANVASS IN SEAFORTH McKILLOP TUCKERSMITH Now 'in Progress ' > Q rfx.POWQR, SEAV9Ulat G ; El 1, HURON DISTRICT OFFICIAL VISITS EDELWEISS REBEKAIIS Mrs. garmen McPherson, of Clinton. district deputy presi- dent of Huaron District No. 23, visited' Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge at their regular meeting Monday evening. Several mem- bers of Huronic Lodge, Clin- ton, were also in attendance. In her address on "The Gold- en Rule," Mrs. McPherson stat- ed that the name Rebekah was chosen as the name for the organization, as Rebekah of the Bible best portrayed the prin- ciples of "The Golden Rule." On behalf of the lodge, Mrs. Joseph Grummett presented Mrs. McPherson with a flower- ing plant in a planter. Several former members of Edelweiss Lodge have indicat- DREAMING OF SPRING? Time Banging Heavy? Need a Pick -Me -up ? Selling AVON COSMETICS can help you. Start immediately in Logan, McKillop, Tuckersmith and Hullett Townships. - Write, MRS. E. BELL 84-8 Albert St., WATERLOO or call collect SH. 5.0751 before 8:30 a.m. ed they plan to attend the lodge's 00th anniversary hirth- day party, on May 10, at the. Community t✓ entre. Dors. Keith Sharp 'reported that the CPT committee of Odd - fellows and Rebekahs plan to present a Variety Night on May 18, at the Seaforth District High School. Mrs, J. "Grummett reported that proceeds from the Dessert Euchre were in excess of $77. Mrs. Charles Reeves, N.G., presided. Following the meeting, a mystery table and euchre were enjoyed. Winners at euchre were Mrs. Allan Campbell, Mrs. William Miller and Mrs. lames Aose. A delicious lunch was served by Miss Jean Scott and her committee. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUI We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire - Auto - Wind Liability and Life Manufacturers Life .. Insurance John A. Cardno Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LIGHTKEEPER Aids To Navigation Division DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT GODERICH, Ontario $2850 - $3300 • Open to qualified residents of..the Federal Electoral District of Huron, Ontario. For full ;particulars as to residence, qualification require- ments, and application forms, see posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Office. Apply before April 30, 1962, to the Civil Service Commission,. 25 St. Clair Avenue East, rfororbto 7, Ontario. Quote: Competition No. 62-T707 April 12, 1962. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH PROCLAMATION ! RE DOGS • In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the _ Township 'of Tucker - smith and by virtue of the provisions of By -Law No. 13, 1952, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Hamlets of Eg-. mondviIle and Harpurhey, Township of Tucker - smith, during the period ending October. 31, 1962. (Note: The by-law provides for the impounding, de- stroying or selling of any dog and for, upon conviction, the owner or harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $50:00). ELGIN THOMPSON, Reeve TUCKERSM1TH, April 11,. 1962. "God Save the .Queen" the shoe with the magic sole a shoe that boasts of SOFTNESS ,HEEL TO TOE Feels smooth as silk—fits soft as a glove. Unlined butter -soft leather with the stacked heel height you like best for walking. Of course, too, there's the famous Air Step fit you like best for comfort. SMYTH'S SHOE STORE Pdione 97 : Seaforth Reynolds Is President Of St. Janes' AWL Mrs. Gordon Reynolds was in- stalled as president of St. James' Catholic Women's League; •for 1963.63 at the annual meeting Monday night. Officers were presented by Mrs. John Meagher of the, nominating committee and installed by Rev. C. E. Sul- livan., • Other officers installed in the Ceremony were: Past president, Mrs. John Maloney; first vice- president, Mrs. James Dev- ereaux; second vice-president, Mrs. Harry Hak; third vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Joseph Devereaux; recording secretary, Mrs. Mel Cooper; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Frank Nigh; treasur- er, Mrs. Jerry McCourt. Held in St. James' School aud- itorium, the meeting was pre- ceded by a pot -luck supper at 6:30 p.m. After supper, Father Sullivan opened the meeting with the League Prayer and all sang a hymn in honor of Our Lady of Good Counsel. The conveners and executive gave annual reports. Mrs. Gor- don Reynolds, the president, thanked all who helped with the recent St. Patrick's Day sup- per. Father Sullivan was thank- ed in the name of all League members for his continuous help as the parish priest and spiri- tual director. The co-operation and assistance of 1961 execu- tive, conveners, and especially of the past president, Mrs. John Maloney, were mentioned in gratitude by Mrs. Reynolds. Father Sullivan thanked all the members for their past help- fulness and welcomed the new executive. The amount of $10 was voted to be sent to Christ the King College Cultural Fund. All the Catholic Women's League mem- bers were asked to attend at the High Mass on April 26 on. the Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Counsel. In this connec- tion, Mrs. John Meagher read a poem from the League maga- zine. The clothing drive, sponsored by the Catholic Women's League for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, is to be on April 15. The annual gift of eggs for Easter is to be sent to Font - bonne Hall and the House of Providence on April 16 and 17, out of the generosity of indi- vidual church members and' through the leadership of the Catholic Women's League. The Catholic Women's League convention is to be held in London on May 15 and 16. Af- ter Father Sullivan's prayer, the business meeting ended and Father Sullivan introduced to the members Major the Rev. J. L. Hennessey, Diocesan Direc-, tor of the Catholic Women's League. Father Hennessey ex- plained that Bishop Cody was sending his Fraternal Blessing. Father Hennessey in his talk emphasized the striving for Love of God, Love of Life; Love of Life Eternally and Love of.. Fellow Man. The most effective means of increasing in this spirituality is the Holy Sacri- fice of the Mass, and this means is available to every person each day. It was further re- commended that the spiritual conveners of each parish coun- cil especially and all the mem- bers make a retreat each year. Father Hennessey again em- phasized that it is in. the possi- bility of everyone to spiritual- ize each action, seeking first the Kingdom of God, remem- bering the motto of the Catho- lic Women's League, "For God and Canada." Father Hennes - 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W BR DHA EN : NE, ST (Intended for last week) Mr. Glare French, who has been teaching at S$ No. 7, Log- an (Hai've 's), for the past year, has accepted a position, as prin- cipal of Monkton Public School, duties to commence next Sep- tember. Mrs. Fred Herbert is cdn lu- ed to Avon Crest Hospital, Stratford. Mr. Ford Aickison left by plane from London last week for Cleveland, where he spent a few days on business. Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens has re- turned home fron-'" iStratford Hospital. Miss Wendy Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe, returned home from Sick Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto, where she underwent a heart opera- tion about three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rock have been moved to the Tham- er Nursing Home in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert and Audrey attended the fun• eral of Mrs. Ogden at Exeter on Saturday qnd also visited his father, Mr. Hodgert, at the nursing home there. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice' attended the funeral of their nephew, Rodney Wayne Clark, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, at Mitchell on Saturday. Quite a number attended the Frosty Frolics figure skating carnival in Mitchell on Satur- day night. Phyllis Hinz, Kathy Leonhardt, Beverley Sholdice, and Sharon, Sheila and Janice Dietz were among the partici- pants. Mrs. Albert Hinz was the win- ner of a Kroehler upholstered chair at the Mitchell figure skating carnival on Saturday night. A few girl friends of Miss Beverley Sholdice called at her home last Thursday evening to celebrate with her -ion the oc- casion of her 11th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweet - nam, of Deseronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. August Scherbarth and other relatives. Mrs. Albert Querengesser ac- companied Rev. and Mrs, J. Arbuckle to London last Thurs- day, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sholdice and Beverley and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice, Paul and Mark, attended the dedication service of St.: Phil'ip;s Lutheran Church, Kitchener, Sunday afternoon and were guests of Mrs. Gary Sholdice's sister, Mrs. Don Wag- ner and Mr. Wagner, Mrs. Wag- ner being the organist of that church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fink, of Stratford, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and sons • and Mr. and Mrs. Guenther Heutzenroeder, Peter and Carla and Miss Shirley Cooper, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sun- day. Mr.• 'and Mrs. Russell Shol- dice and Beverley attended the 25th wedding anniversary cele- bration of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Strong at the Seaforth Le- gion Hall. last Friday evening. Mr. Wayne l3euerman, Lon- don, and Miss Florence Stahlke of Stratford, With Mr. and Mrs. Manuel •Beuerman on Sunday. Mr. Gary Hinz, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carlton, of Wilson, N.Y;, with Mrs. Chas. Ahrens and other relatives. About 12 boys attended the beginners' band practice at the Community Hall last week and this practice will be held every Tuesday evening begin- ning at 7 o'clock sharp, before the regular practice at 8 o'clock sharp, with Clare French and Gary Scholdice in charge. Any boys interested- are welcome. sey made special mention of gratitude to the honorary mem- bers for their prayers. - ..Mrs. John Maloney thanked Father Hennessey for his words. In ending the evening, Father Sullivan and Father Hennessey gave each his blessing to all present. CALL US FOR LOW-COST,. EXPERT REPAIRS Frsezing weather can mean trouble if pipes are worn. Call us now for free inspection of your .plumbing system. Whether You're Building or Mod- ernizing .. Make Us Your Plumb- ing centre ! FRANK KLING LTD. PLUMBING • HEATING - ELECTRICAL WIRING EXCAVATING • CONTRACTING Phone 19 Seaforth �F �;H� WE Mr. and )12 s. Gary Stoic ice and family v sited her sis er, Mrs. Wesley ulford, and , 1 . Mulford in St _afford' recently. A meeting f the ratepayers of Logan Township was, held in the Community Hall here- on Monday evening to discuss a central school system for bet- ter education in rural areas. Mr. G. C. Hay, principal of Mit- chell District High School, was the chairman for the meeting, and School Inspector R. G. Boyce was the guest speaker. The examination of the cate- clatical class 'of three girls and three boys was held during the Sunday merning service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The class has been receiving instruc- tion during the winter mdnths from Pastor H. Brill. The class is Valerie Beuermann, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beuermann; Linda Mogk, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Mogk; Diane Trutter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trutter; Maynard Hoegy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy; Larry Kist- ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Kistner; William Siernon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sie- mon. Bouquets of carnations adorn- ing the altar of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church on Sunday were from the Confirmation Class. Two baskets of flowers were in the chancel from the funeral of August Hoppenroth, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer received word of the sudden death of Harry Meyers, 68, in Florida, husband of the former Laura Dittmer. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dittmer, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs: Jonas Dittmer recently. Lutheran Church Women Meet The members of the United Lutheran Church Women met with Mrs. Lloyd Prueter,' Mrs. Irvin Miller and Mrs. Reuben Rapien in charge of devotions. Their topic was, "The Apostles' Creed," and they read several poems. Mrs. Oscar Young, the vice- president, was in charge of the business in the absence of the president, Mrs. M. Beuermann. Thank -you cards were read and also all routine reports; $31.86 was sent to the Women's Inter - Church 'Council of Canada in Toronto from the World Day of Prayer collection. It was de-- cided to send an envelope to each lady in the congregation in the church bulletin in May for a donation to the parson- age fund, which will beused for the upkeep of the parson- age. All members are asked to attend the ULCW rally in Galt on May 5. Birthdays • were re- ported by Mrs. Jonas Dittmer and Mrs. 'Lavern Wolfe. A hymn was sung in their honor. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, Mrs. Elizabeth Quer- engesser, Mrs. Philip Rock, Mrs. R. Rapien and Mrs. Orland Rohrer. l ;.1,SEA Mr. ROSS Veal, of Exeter, vis- ited Qn Monday ! with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and fam- ily. Mrs. Co1i'1 Gilfillan and Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny visit- ed on Monday with Mrs. Jack Mahar and Danny, of ,,London. Urs. • Bill Walters and; Mrs. Colin Gilfillan visited on Wed- nesday with Mrs. Nelson Clarke at Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilfil- lan and Gordon, of Blyth, visit- ed on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Miss Susan Morgan, Thames Road, visited Wednesday night with Mr, and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Miss Frances Johns, of Elim- ville ;North, has been staying nights this past week with her grandmother, Mrs. Garnet Min- ers. The Winchelsea Euchre Club held their supper in the school On Thursday evening with a good crowd in attendance. Af- ter supper, euchre was played with six tables in' play, prizes going to: ladies' high, Mrs. Tom Campbell; men's high, Bill Walters ; lone hands, Ivan Brock; and consolation, Mur- ray Coward. The new president for the coming Year is Bill Walters. It was decided to have a picnic in the summer with Mrs. John Hern and Mrs. Wm. Vander Wiel on the table com- mittee, and Mrs. John Coward and Mrs. Newton Clarke on the sports. Mr. ' and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan, Randy and Wendy, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Barbara and, Grant. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Johns and family, of Elim- ville North. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern at- tended the curling banquet in Exeter on Wednesday evening at the Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. William Wal- ters and Danny visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman and family, of Kippen. Judy and Larry Parsons, of near Exeter, visited on Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited in Owen Sound on Sunday with relatives. Mr. and -Mrs. Newton Clarke Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Morgan and family of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake visited at Clinton on' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Ball. A number of ladies from Win- chelsea attended the wedding in Elimville Church on Satur- day of Miss Dianne Johns and Hans Gertsenkorn. Wife: "I could have married a dozen better than you." Husband: "Yes, and now I have to suffer foryour lack of judgment." THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended c•o ver age (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.)' is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; 1 -tar - old Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. MORE TEENAGERS drink Maple Leaf MILK Than Use Any . Other Kind .! - Phone • 10--1 MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 101 Seaforth SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS and EVERY DAY, MAPLE LEAF DAIRY P tODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE AT VAN Digit IIOEK'S SUPERTBST SNACK BAR SWORN MONUMEiT WORKS ii OPEN bAILY T. Pryde & Sari ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS " .' Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numl?ers: 90 EXETER 41 CLINTON: HU 2-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Looking For EASTER TOGGERY For the Young Fry? Mitchell's Tot Shoppe invites you to drop in to see the lovely array o1 clothes for the tiniest infant up to Size 6X. From Christening to school age. OUR STOCK IS BRAND NEW AND THE LATEST IN STYE Displayed attractively for your inspection ! RIGHT ON THE CORNER WHERE THE HIGHWAYS MEET ! MRS. ' EDITH FISHER, Proprietress MITCHELL -- ONT. NEED RUBBER STAMPS? Phone 141 Seaforth 7 t 4 • Y • • • r