HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-19, Page 7a • • a • • • • 0 • WALTON NEWS OF The Mi trial' Association Of Brussels and District, var- , rated the flaming 'vines for the balance of Holy Week: Th Irsda• ', 8 p.m., St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. V. J. " Morrison Preaching; Good Fri- day, riday, 10 n,m.., Brussels United C3nntrch, service of meditation, A cantata, entitled "The East- er Sunrise Song", will be pre- sented in Duf6's Church nest Sunday evening. A sing -song and social period will be held in a the Sunday 5etlakoli rooms fol- lowing the.,*se'v'ice. The sympathy of the commun- ity ommunity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and family in the recent loss of their son, Walter. Mrs. Alfred Anderson has ac- cepted a position on the staff • of Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, Don and Jerry Achilles left last week for Chatham where they will be employed on road construction work Mr. Barry Hoegy, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford • Hoe . Mass Muriel Schade, iteg-N", Guelph, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sehade over the wekend. Mr, M- Fraser spent the week end with Mr. land Mrs. Men Fraser, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Livingston, Preston. • MT. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das spent Sunday with Mr. and OBITUARIES FORD AITCHESON • Mr. James Aitcheson, of town, received word this week of the passing of his brother, Ford Aitcheson, at his home in Rose - town, Sask. He is survived by two daugh- ters and one son; one brother, James Aitcheson, Seaforth, and one sister, Mrs. Donald Calder, of Hudson's Bay. Mr. Aitchesen was born in McKillop Townshil , -but went to the Canadian West some years ago. Interment was, made in Rosetown cemetery._ MRS. MARIETTA WEST • .Mrs. Marietta Ann West, of McKillop Township, died Sun- day in London. She was in her 51st year. The former Mariet- ta Ann Nash, she is"survived by two brothers, Thomas and James Nash, both of McKillop. The body rested at the fan- • ily residence in McKillop until Wednesday morning, when re- moval was made to St. James' Church for Requiem High Mass by Rev. C. E. Sullivan. Burial -followed in St. James' cemetery. The W. J. Cleary funeral home was in charge of arrangements. • • MRS. LOUIS GORMLEY Requiem High Mass was sung at St. Columban's Roman Cath- olic Church, St. Columban, on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for Mrs. Louis Gormley, 79, of Kitchen- er, who died at St. Mary's Hos- pital, Saturday. She was the former Hannah Bruxer, daughter of the• late Jacob and Margaret (Weis) Bruxer. She had been ill about eight days. She was married to Mr. Gormley in Dublin in 1928 and had lived in McKillop Town- ship. They moved to Stratford • in 1940: • Surviving are two. sisters, Miss Mary ,Bruxer, Chicago, and ' Miss Margaret Bruxer, Toron- to; two brothers, Joseph, . of Spokane, Wash., and Louis, Dub- lin. The body was at the W. J. • Cleary funeral home, Seaforth. Burial followed in St. Colum - ban centetery. a • • • Mr , W. Sutz, Waterlio4, Miss Corrie Ruiter, Stratfgrd Gtene'ral Hospital, visited over the weekend with M,r. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dinsmore, Kitchener, were weekend gum with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc - Gavin, Mays, Walter Broadfoot under- went an • . operation in St. Joseph's .l orspital,' London, Vest Monday morning. Mr. • and Mrs.- Roy Bennett visited recently with, friends at Oin1.1ia. The April meeting of the Wal- ton WI will be held in the com- munity hall Thursday evening. The roll call will be answered by payment of fees end Sun- shine Sister gifts will be ex- changed. The district president will be presnut for th installa- tion of officers. Hostesses are: Mrs. W. Humphries, Mrs. D. Buchanan, Mrs. Roy Bennett, Mrs. H. Smai'idon and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Sr. • LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Beatrice Theobald, Mr. and Mrs. Max Carter, Mrs. Mil- ton Stewart and Mrs. Arnold. Scott were in Toronto recently. attending the funeral of Mr. James Cox. Mrs. Cox was the former Dorothy Charlesworth: Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Tim- mins and daughter, Jane Sue, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the. home of Mrs. A. Bethune. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Easun, of Stratford, were guests of Mrs. Hugh Alexander on Sunday. Mr. Jack Ross, of Detroit, vis- ited friends in town on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, of Toronto, are spending Eas- ter with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. Visitors with Mrs. Martha Drager an Friday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. George Hatcher and family, from Manitoba; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leon- hardt and Earl, Brodhagen; Mr. and' Mrs. Albert Price and Peg- gy, London; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnston and family, Varna; Miss Margaret Polland, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drager and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drager and family; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Costello and fam- ily; and Ken and Ray Drager, Seaforth. Mrs. Norm Hachborn and Connie are spending a few days in Kitchener this week with her mother, Mrs. G. Dettmer. Mr: and Mrs. Albert Ausman, Keith and Karen called' en Mrs. Margaret Lamont on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Modeland have returned'tto their berme after . spending two months in Florida. •• Mr. Herb Trapnell, •who has been a patient for some time in Westminster Hospital, has re- turned to his home hese.. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Flynn were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan podds, Bill and Mary, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Don Giooddrow, Alder- shot; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Fer- guson, Toronto; Mr., and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Clinton; Mrs. Dodds, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan, Goderich. Miss Dondlcla Adams was in Toronto over the weekend at- tending, as a delegate the Women Teachers Association of Ontario, held in the Park Plaza Hotel. Mr. John McCowan and Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto and Peberboro. Dr. E. J. Trow and Mrs. Trow, Toronto, were visitors Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean. Killed When .Car Hits•ree Walter Johnston, RR 3, Wali ton, was fatally injured in a one -car crash early Sunday morning on Highway 23, a half mile south of Bornholm. He was 23. 'Constable . Glen Mueller, of the Ontario Provincial Police, Sebringville detachment, assist- ed by Cpl. John Lightfoot, in- vestigated the accident. According to Constable Muel- ler, Mr. Johnston had been southbound on • the highway when his car left the road, ap- parently out of control, and slammed backwards into a large tree, throwing the driver from the wreckage. Dr. J. B. Moore, of 'Mitchell, pronounced the driver dead at the scene of the accident. Mr. Johnston was alonein the car. at the time" The accident was''reported to policg by a passing motorist. Damage w a s estimated a t $1,000. The body was removed to Stratford General Hospital by ambulance. Mr. Johnston was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, RR 3, Walton. He had been liv- ing and working for the past few months in Listowel. Mr. Johnston was born in Brant Township. He moved with his family to the Brussels area about 15 years ago. He had worked in Mitchell for 3% years before he went . to Lis- towel to work. Surviving are .,four. sisters, Mrs. Gary (Joyce) Collier, Thor- old, Ont.; Irene, Shirley and Linda, at home; two brothers, Alan and Larry, at home. Funeral arrangement were made by the D. A, Rann fun- eral home, Brussels. Funeral services were held Tuesday, and interment followed in Brus- sels cemetery. a W MR. AND MRS. ALBERT ALEXANDER PEPPER are shown following their recent wedding atCabin United Church, Winthrop. The bride is the former Sandra Gladys Doig, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Doig, RR 1, Dublin, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pepher, RR 3, Seaforth. (Photo by Phillips). OF PRETTY, P IN EDDING MOORE—JONES White Easter lilies and can- delabra decorated the Holmes- ville United Church, Holmes- ville, on Saturday, April 14, at 2:30 p.m., for a pretty wedding, when Lois Marguerite Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- gan Jones, RR 2, Clinton, be- came the bride of Kenneth . A: D. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore, RR 3, Seaforth. Rev. C. Park, of Clinton, offici- ated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor - length silk organza gown, fea- turing a square' scalloped neck- line, outlined in Frenph Chan- tilly lace. The princess waist- line, falling into a full skirt, Dublin Students re Big Winners Pupils of St.. Patrick's School, Dublin, and USS 1, Hibbert, were among top winners at the Mitchell Music Festival last week. Special awards presented Fri- day included:, Mitchell Home and School Association for best double trio, urban section, grade eight, Mitchell Public School. Chamber of Commerce Shield, RCSS, St. Patrick's, Dublin. Lion's Club Shield, best rural chorus, RCSS 2, St. Patrick's. Kinkora P.T.A. Trophy, Peter Loomans, St. Patrick's, Dublin. Gould's Women's Institute, five $2.00 prizes: Margaret El- ligsen, SS. 8, Hibbert Twp.; Mar- lene Fraser, SS 5, Fullarton; Don Stephens, SS 4, Blanshard; Eric Ross and Verna Christie, SS 4, Hibbert Twp. Dublin Women's Institute, $5 prize for senior boy's solo, Jim Sinclair. Staffa. Women's Institute, ru- ral double trio, St. Patrick's, Dublin. I.O.D.E. five $5 prizes for vo- cal soloists in elementary and secondary schools: Elizabeth Smale, SS 4, Hibbert. Mitchell Branch of Canadian Legion, most promising rural or urban vocalist v in Mitchell High School area, Elizabeth Smale, of SS 4, Hibbert. Mechanical Rubber, $25 to W.I. NOTES The Seaforth WI held a suc- cessful euchre and play Tues- day. -The Seaforth Junior Farm- ers' play, "Conlin' Round the Mountain" was presented to a very enthusiastic crowd. The Junior Farmer group pre- sented Mrs. R. J, Doig and Mrs. Wm. Strong with gifts in ap- preciation of the work they had performed in directing the play. Twenty-nine tables of euchre were in play with Mrs. J. Mc- Kay winning first prize for the ladies; second, Mrs. N. Green- slade; consolation, Mrs. A. Jaant_' zi; men's first, Ross Gordon; second, W. -D. Wilson; consola- tion, Jim Keys. most outstanding pianist, Ethel Mae Mitchell, of USS 1; Hib- bert. Results of Friday's competi- tions: Piano solo, grade one, Mar- garet Elligsen, SS No. 8, Mc- Killop Twp., 85• points. Piano solo, grade four, Eris Ross, SS 4, Hibbert Twp., 84, and Beverley Sholdice, SS 4, Logan Twp., 82. Piano solo, grade five, Verne Christie, SS 5, Hibbert Twp., 82. Piano solo, grade eight, Eth- el Mae Mitchell, •USS No. 1, Hibbert Twp., 83, and Sharon Bell, SS 9, Downie Twp., 82. Double trio, grade 9, Dublin Continuation School, 84. Double trio, grade 10, Dublin Continuation School, 83. Trio, grade 9, Dublin Con- tinuation School, 84. Baritone solo, open, John Van Bakel, Dublin Continuation School; Jean Maloney, Dublin Continuation School, 82. Open alto solo, Charleen Brooks, 81; Patricia McLaugh- lin, Dublin. Continuation School 80. S.A.B. chorus, Dublin Con- tinuation School, 84. Unison charas (30 voices or over): USS 2, St. Patrick's, 86; and SS 2, Hibbert and USS 5, Fullerton, both with 84 points. Junior chorus, USS 2, St. Pat- rick's, 85, and SS. 4, Hibbert, 84. Two-part chorus, USS 2, St. Patrick's, 87, and RCSS 4, Hib- bert, 85. Choral reading, USS 2, St. Patrick's, 85 and ROSS 4, Hib- bert, 84. Boys' solo, six to eight years: Jack Christie, SS 5, Hibbert, 83, and tied for second with 82 were Jim Vonk, USS 2, St. Pat- rick's and Jerry Staples, RCSS 3, Hibbert; girls' solo, six to eight years, Patricia Murray, RCSS 4, Hibbert, 83, Nora Mul- holland, USS 5, Fullerton, 82. Double trio, USS 2, St. Pat- rick's, 84, and RCSS 4, Hibbert, 83; double trio, SS 6, McKillop, 82 and SS 9, Logan, 80. Boys' solo, nine and 10 years: Peter Loomans, SS 2, St. Pat- rick's, 83; Danny O'Rourke, SS 1, McKillop; Bob Harris, SS 2, Hibbert, tied. Girls' solo, nine and 10 years: Donna Schneider, SS 6, Logan, 84, Denise Kerslake, SS 7, Hib- bert, 83. Boys' solo, changed voices, Eric Ross, SS 4, Hibbert, 84. Sight singing, grade three, four and five: Kathleen Staple- ton, USS 2, St. Patrick's 78; sight singing, grade six, seven and eight, Ethel Mitchell, USS 1, Hibbert Township. Duet mixed, open, Helena Loomans and Anthony Van Bak - el, USS 2, St. Patrick's, 82; Val- erie and Joyce Rolph, Linda Mogk and Donna Schneider, tied at 81. Girls' solo, 11 years and ov- er, Elizabeth Sthale, SS 4, Hib- bert Twp., 84; Christine Pryce,. SS 6,. McKillop Township, and Carol Boville, USS 5, Fullerton Twp., tied at 83. Piano solo, Grade 7: Heather Daynard, Staffa, SS 3, Hibbert, 83. Piano solo, Grade6, Joanne Eligsen, SS 0, McKillop twp., GIRL GUIDE NOTES Ten girls were enrolled as members of the First Company Seaforth Girl Guides, by Cap- tain Mrs. Norman Ranson, at her last meeting on Thursday night, assisted by her Lieuten- ants, Mrs. John Onbelet, Mrs. George Mcllwain and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. Mrs. Ranson has left for Petawawa, Where her husband has been appointed to that branch of the Toronto - Dominion Bank. The girls included: Ann Riv- ers, Wendy Fry, Mary Ann Kunz, Jane McConnell, Terry Mowatt, Moira Malcolm, Shirley Dinsmore, Julie Ann Rowe, Rosemary Bedard and Barbara Huber. A surprise party had been arranged for Mrs. Ranson and at the conclusion of the activities she was presented with a gift. Mary Ellen Moore represent- ed the Company ecently at a rally in Torontoin honor of Lady Baden-Powell. The Com- pany was reminded that •May 25 was 'Cookie Day'., was designed with panels of French Chantilly lace, front, sides and back. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Mrs. James Snell, RR 3, Clin- ton, was matron of honer, gown- ed in a street -length aqua gown of mist silk organza with a white overlace bodice and matching headpiece. She car- ried a bouquet of white baby mums. Mrs, Grant MacLean,. Hensall, and Mrs. James Snell, RR 1, Clinton, . were brides- maids, wearing gowns and ac- cessories identical to that of the :matron of honor. The flower girl, Miss Mar- guerite Snell, RR 1, Clinton,' was dressedin silk organza with ,an aqua mist sash, and carried a nosegay of yellow rosebuds. Paul Beuerman, RR 1, Walton, •was ringbearer. Grant MacLean, Hensall, was groomsman, and ushers were Bob Beuerman, RR 1, Walton, and Alvin Jones, RR 1, Clinton. Mrs. Harry Lear accompanied Mr. Lear as he. sang "I'll Walk Beside You" and "The Wedding Prayer." • A reception followed in the church parlors, where the bride's mother received the guests, wearing a mist green lace dress with matching jacket and .accessories and a corsage of white roses. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a two- piece ensemble of Dior blue silk with pink accessories, and a corsage of white roses. For a wedding trip to South- eastern States the bride don- ned a three-piece knitted en- semble" with figured blouse in spice tones with brown and white accessories. On their re- turn the couple will reside in Seaforth. Guests were. present from To- ronto, London, Sarnia, Wing - ham, Brussels, Detroit, Wind- sor, Walton and Hensall. Misses' and Women's -. 'Spring Coats - 29.95 HIGH FASHION Others to HIGH QUALITY 49,95 NEW EASTER DRESSES DOZENS OF NEW STYLES and FABRICS • 15.95 Others to 22.95 NEW COTTON Dresses -4.95 to 10.95 All New Washable, Drip -Dry .Fabrics R - EASTER Millinery 4.95 - 10.95 At It's Loveliest I a HANDBAGS.... 5.00 to 9.95 New4 Spring GLOVES 1.50 to 2.95 SPRING, Sport Jackets 24.50 up J' New dark tones; new patterns. • Easter Suits 49.50 up The best all -wool fabrics—Newest patterns. • DRESS Slacks 5.95 to 15.95 All Qualities and Shades. • Topcoats & All -Weather Coats -, 21.95 to 39.50 • Men's • EASTER HATS Wash 'n' Wear SHIRTS Easter NECKWEAR 5.95 to 8.95 3:95 to 5.95 1.00 to 2.00 i OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY THIS WEEK OPEN FRIDAY 'NIGHTS ONLY Commencing April 27th STEWART BROS. Where The Best Clothes Cost No More • PACK SDHS AUDITORIUM FOR ANNUAL VARIETY NIGHT Seaforth District High School auditorium was packed Wed- nesday for the annual Variety Night program. L. P. Plumsteel, principal, was master of cere- monies for the program,, which showed the musical, theatrical and athletic talents of the high school students. The Girls Trumpet Band, di- rected by G. Hildebrand, play- ed: "0 Canada", "The Whiffen- poof Song" and "Mexican Hat Dance." Boys' tumbling, directed by F. A. Godin, included': Kenneth Bedard, Bill Teall,' Louis Dev- ereaux, Kenneth Cardno, Ken- neth Devereaux, Dennis Brock, Kurt Christensen, Allan Patter- son, Gordon Maloney, Raymond Taylor, David Britton, and Wit- old Chomicki, with Tom Dick as commentator. A play, "The Marriage Pro- posal," by Anton Tehekoff, di- rected by H. B. Vodden, includ- ed in its cast: The Father, Don Ntuegge; the Suitor, Brian Trav- iss; the Daughter, Cathy Eck- ert. Dancers in the "Mexican Hat Dance," directed by Miss Hazel Slavin, were: Christie Dobson, Faye Matheson, Joan Teall, Karen Pinder, Elaine Ross, Shirley Henderson, Barbara Nott, Marian Hemberger, Jac- queline Patmore-Went, Janet Turnbull. The Girls Trumpet Band play- ed the following numbers from "The Roaring 20's": "Two To Tango", "When the Saints Come Marching In", "Muskrat Ramble" and "Five Foot Two." The Glee Club, directed by J. A. Stewart, sang: "Early One Morning", "Linden Iea", "Younger , Than Springtime", "Some Enchanted Evening", "I Wonder What's Become of Sal - 84; Judy Priestap, SS 6, Logan, 83; Ann Davidson, Carlingford P.S., and Brenda Hoey, SS 6, McKillop; tied, 82. Piano, sight reading, public school: Ethel Mae Mitchell, USS 1, Hibbert, 82; Joanne Elligsen, SS 8, McKillop, 81. ly", "Sweetheart of Simna Chi," solo, Bill Campbell, and "Now the Day is Over." Members ' of the Glee Club are: Diane Finlayson, Jean Mc- Naughton, Carol Carter, Mary MacGregor, Margaret MacGre- gor, Linda Papple, Eileen Wil- liamson, Lois Scott, Judy Thompson, Janet Hulley, Ger- aldine . McTaggart, Elizabeth Stewart, Jean Shortreed, Mar- garet Hillen, Eileen Smith, San- dra McGonigle, Barbara Talbot, Geraldine Dennis, Marlene Pep- per, Sharon McNichol, Helen Elliott, Nora Anderson, Sandra Bennewies, Marguerite Scott, Kathleen Doerr, Dorothy Dal- ton, Shirley Henderson, -Elaine Ross, Elizabeth Carter, Ruth Ritchie, Brenda Houston, Car- olyn Hammond, Linda Bryans, Rita McMichael, Julie Hoover, Darlene Sills, Anne Sills, Mary Jean Boshart, June Higginboth- am,. Cheryl Moore, Joan Rober- ton, Margaret Peters, 'Deanna Dale, Brian Scott, Bill MacLen- nan, Bruce Miller, Bruce Whit- more, Bob Munn, Robbie Brady, Allan Patterson, Torben Haar - bye, .Donald McLeod, Graeme Craig, Bill Campbell, Gordon Ross, Glen Nott, Brian Habkirk, Allan Wilson, Kenneth Papple, Ken Cardno, Suane Haugh, and pianist, Nancy Berger. Members of the Trumpet Band are: _Margaret A. Staple- ton, May Scott, Colleen Mc- Curdy, arol Carter, Mary Flan- nery, nne Troutbeck, Eileen O'Rourke, Robe Doig, Amy Stewart, Donna Gordon, Susan McLean, Wendy Moore, Cheryl Moore, Jean Shortreed, Carolyn Hammond, Geraldine Dennis, Faye Little, Margaret Flannery, Kathleen Doerr, Linda Papple, Arlene Williamson, Margaret Haien, Eileen Smith, Connie Britton, Helen Elliott, Sharon McNichol,, Karen Dolmage, San- dra McGonigle, Barbara Talbot, Joan Pryce, Mary Buchanan, Di- anne Kirk, Mary Crich, Janet McKercher, Mary McKercher, Lois Godkin, Wilma ,Jackson, Nancy Berger, Gereldin Mc- Taggart and Marlene Pepper. 44,11 • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements —. It's a Profitable Pastime ! FLASH ! Seed Grain Supplies Are Getting Low!! If you have not ordered your re- quirements, we suggest you do so immediately. rass Seed Grass Seed prices have advanced' on the mar- ket and when present stocks are disposed of, prices will be higher locally. Order to -day and have no delay at seeding time. OPNOTCH FEEDS ` LIMITED Phone 775 Seaforth " The Most Value For the rarmer's Dollar " T IT IT IT IT Lr'LTiT I a ter ,wifric)t is ef:Mei. M4.1,: 'Mug E .l {