HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-19, Page 6' TIAN ag* g'tiMO*,, SR, QM, 3,171tgo.'Ji),. X.86,?; )UB N NEWS 1liirs Janes Aekt'oyd, Mr, and Krli. Joon, T.fannin and =Family. reronito Mr, and Mn9. Jay )'itourke, of Saskatchewan, NO 11 ;?'r9, MarY O'Rourke ami relatives, • • 1 lr. and Mrs. Vincent Morrison, Kitghener, with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. - Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle, and girls in Straf ford with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle. Miss Margaret McCarthy and Nancy Kms, St. Mary's Hos- p.nta+l, Kitchener, at their homes. Miss Mary Mai -gimlet Ryan, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. OF THE WEEK . Pat Ryan. • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anih_ ony',. Stratford, with Mr. anil TAM Gerald Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters' are spending two weeks in Flbr- ida. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and family, Chippawa; Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Ma+ymen and girls, of peep River, are spending Eats - er with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans . Mr. James )ekert, Rochest- er, New York, with Mrs. Teresa e Eckert. POSTAL' INFORMATION Se Postmaster Orville G. Okeke announced the follow- ing, schedule for the Easter hoOnliday: Good Friday the lobby will be open from 8 a.m. until I 6 p.m. The wicket, for general delivery mail only, will be open from 12 noon until 1 p.m. There he no rural Mail delivery. Easter Monday, the wickets will be open from 9 a.m. until 1 1 p.m. only. 1 SMITH'S PASTRY SHQP WILL CLOSE at 6:00 o'clock Fridayand Saturdaywill Evenings 1 • 1 Brownie's Drive -In • TheatreLtd.,Clinton FIRST SHOW AT DUSK TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH NIGHT Children Under 12 in Cars Free 1 THURSDAY and FRIDAY, April 19 - 20 — DOUBLE BILL "FULLER BRUSH MAN" Red Skelton 1 "FULLER BRUSH GIRL" Lucille Ball (Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY—April 21 — DOUBLE BILL • "FIVE GUMS TO TOMBSTONE" ' James Brown - John Wilde "OPERATION BOTTLENECK" Ron Foster - Miiko Taka , (Cartoon) SUNDAY MIDNITE and MONDAY, APR. 22-23—Double Bill "TROUBLE AT 16" . (Adult Entertainment) Mickey Rooney - Terry Moore "INNOCENT AND THE DAMNED" (Adult Entertainment) ' Mamie Van Doren - Mel Torme (Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — APRIL 24 - 25 "CRY FOR HAPPY" (Colour - Scope) Glenn Ford - Donald O'Conner (Cartoon) S. D. H.Je Annual AT-HOME FRIDAY, • Music 'LIONEL THORNTON and His Casa ADMISSION- — • By Invitation Persons wishing Please call 198 • ---?'..1 atno.= o V MAY 4th: by Royal Orchestra $2.50 PER COUPLE Only Invitations: — The School MAYQR E. DACY officiated and cut a symbolic ribbon Tuesday afternoon when the Queen's Hotel was reopened following extensive renovations. The hotel was first opened 85 years ago. During the afternoon many area resident were guests and inspected the mod- ernized premises. Shown here are (left) Alek Hassan, of the hotel, L. F. Ford, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Hassan, Mayor Daly, Mrs. H. Shousher and Mr. Shou- sher, who will operate the hotel. (Expositor photo by l; hlllips). ady Bowlers told Bridge The Ladies' Bowling Club field its regular euchre and fridge party at `lhe home of In. Clarence Walden on Fri - lay. There were 22 members resent. The bridge prize, don - ted by Miss Olive Laidlaw, was von by Miss Bessie Grieve, and he euchre prize, donated by Hrs. Tony Phillips, was won by llrs. Norman Schneider. '?,fter a social evening of ards, a lunch committee, con- isting of Mrs. Norm Hachborn, liss Gladys Thompson and Mrs. larence Walden, served a de- icious lunch. owling Leagues Si. James' Church Playoff Standings — Night Hawks, 17: Parrots, 13; Scatter Pins. 13; Handicappeds, 12; Sit- ting Ducks, 4; Wild Canaries, 4. Ladies' high, single and tri- ple, Betty Leonhardt, 266 and 590; men's high, single, Bill Eisler 247; George Hays (spare) 253; high triple, Al Hoff, 592; George Hays (spare), 609. Egmondville Church Playoffs Standing:. Canadiens, 4; Leafs 4; Black Hawks, 3;' Rangers, 1; Red Wings, 0; Bruins, 0. Ladies' high, single and triple, Joan Eaton, 285 and 619; men's high, single, Warren Shera, 284; high triple, Ross Alexander, 639. Everybody's going to the . MINSTREL SHOW Sponsored by the Boy Scout Association SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL . AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, APRIL 27th - at 8:311 p.m. • This Ole -Time Minstrel, put on by the St. Thomas' Minstrels, with a cast of 31, contains new songs, jokes and solos. ADMISSION: Adults $1.00 Children 50c PROCEEDS FOR THE BOY SCOUT 'CAMP FUND Your admission to the show is your donation to the Camp Fund. Highland Shoes Standing: Alley Cats, 132; Tiger Cats, 112; Hell. Cats, 100; Black Cats, 93; Puddy Cats, 80; Cool Cats, 50; ladies' high, sin- gle and triple, P. Bennett, 213 and 547; men's high, single, Barney Costello, 255; high tri- ple, Ray Drager, 629. Mixed Doubles Alley Cats, 15; Dutchmen, 14; Head Pins, 12; High Balls, 11; Teachers, 9; What Hu Dun, 2. Men's high, single, Gus Bous- sey, 297; high triple, Gordon Muir, 678; ladies' high, single, Miss Jean McLarty, 246; high triple, Mrs. Robert Bowie, 516. Seaforth Legion Final Standing: Rockets, 112; Curvettes, 100; Pirates, 96; Pis- tons, 93; Sunocos, 63; Dublin Electric, 58;. men's high, single and triple,. George Hays, 290 and 665; ladies' high single, Margaret Hudson, 262; high tri- ple, Helen Nicholson, 604. Men's high single 'for league schedule was copped by Geo. Hays with a 306 total. Barry Marshall scored a 699 total to take the men's high triple. Hel- en Nicholson won the high sin- gle and triple for the ladies with 292 and 680 totals. There Will be no playoffs this Friday night, but will be Friday, Apr. 27. The Legion banquet follow- ing the bowling season, at which time trophies will be presented, will be held May 25, at 6:30, p.m., in the Legion Hall. LYRIC THEATRE EXETER PHONE 421 Councillors (Continued from Page 1) introduced. Health and Welfare estimates totalled $1,060.00, including di- rect relief. of $985.00. , Increase Grants Executive and legislative esti• mates were increased to $2,150 to provide for increases in grants of $1,000 to the Lions Park and Pool and of $100 to the Agricultural Society. Provision was made for as- sistance to the Arena if repairs to the roof were proceeded with. Councillor Cardno said he had been told it might not be nec- essary to go ahead this year, since the leaks were not ser- ious, evenif left for several years. Council commended the arena commission for its op- eration and agreed that if roof repairs were necessary they should be done at one time, ev- en if payment was spread over two years. ' Necessity of future street construction was recognized, al- though such a program. would of necessity- have to be geared to the sewer 'program. Coun- cillor Dinsmore suggested a street a year could be done, but warned each project should be properly engineered: - Mayor Daly told council,, re- presentatives of the Maitland Valley Authority had agreed the town's assessment appeared too high, and said it would be reviewed. Councillor Cardno, who represents the town on the authority; said it hadnot been possible to attend the last two meetings. • Advance Tax Day ' Council agreed to advance the date for the payment of the second instalment of taxes from December 15 to October 31. Consideration was given to holding a committee meeting on the Monday preceding coun- cil meeting as a means of ex- pediting business. The town bankers have no facilities for counting and wrap- ping nickles, council was told. At a previous meeting, it was suggested there would be no need to purchase a coin-count- ing machine, since the banks would do the work. The bank advised there was no need for a sorter, but that a wrapper was a requirement. Thursday - Friday - Saturday April 19 - 20 • 21 DOUBLE BILL "THE MIGHTY CRUSADERS" starring Rick Battaglia -- Sylvia Koscina (Color, Scope) PLUS "TOMMY, THE TOREADOR" starring Tommy Steele - Janet Monroe ' (Color, Scope) SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, Apr. 22 DOUBLE BILL "CURSE THE DEMON" starring Dana Andrews Peggy Cummings — PLUS "I MARRIED A MON- STER FROM OUTER SPACE" starring Tom Tyron - Gloria Talbott ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Monday • Tuesday - Weenesday April 2$• 24-25' BRIDGE TO THE SUN" starring Carroll Baker - James Shigata BRUCEFIELD Brucefield United Church will go on Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, April 29. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot spent the weekend with Mr. Broadfoot's sisters at Sand- ridge, Ont. Brucefield United Church choir plan on rendering their play, "Happiness Ahead," on Wednesday evening, April 25. Mrs. S. Baird and Mrs. T. B. Baird spent Monday in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mrs. Alf Ings. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Cliff Henderson is a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Lane, McKillop, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Mary Anne, to Mr. Adrian Paul Ducharme, son of Mr. Wil- liam Ducharme, and the late Mrs. Ducharme, the wedding to take place in St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 5, at 10 o'clock. Special Easter DANCE CRANBROOK COMMUNITY CENTRE Wed., April 25th DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Admission 75 Cents Sponsored by the Hall Board WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bolger, of Prince Albert, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston this week. I0HAGEN COF C HOEK ANNUAL DINNER MEETING The annual dinner meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held in the Community 71•ih11. Mr. W. T. Booth,. vice- president of the Stratford C of C., was the guest speaker, and said ghat any community desiring to -preserve "the good- ness; it has" must be made up of citizens who realize that changing conditions bring new needs. The annual meeting was part of Chamber of Commerce Week observance. The election of officers resulted as follows: Edward Scherbarth, Jr., was el- ected - president, succeeding Mervin Dietz. Other officers are George Rock, Edgar Ellig- sen, vice-presidents ; Russell Sholdice, secretary • treasurer; directors, Rudolph Bauer, Har- old Mogk, Frank Murray, Orval Parrot, Edwin Scherbarth, Har- old Wurdell, Leonard Rose. Thirteen teams of four cou- ples were set up to look after the Community Hall for a two- week period each. Each com- mittee gave a report on their year's work. The program com- mittee showed a yearly finan- cial return of approximately $17,000 taken in. The building and property committee report- ed trees planted in the three - acre picnic area of the park, a new awning over the fcant door, completion of ceiling and wallp and air-conditioning in the base- ment, and many other smaller projects completed. ,Retiring president Mervin Dietz thanked all members for the splendid co-operation, Which made his term of office a pleasure. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT—Upstairs apart- ment, ideal for couple and 1 to 2 children; 3 rooms, hall, bath, lots of closet space; separate entrance. J. VERBAKEL, Eg- mondville, 15-14-1 REA. 0$ .'1'1£ CHANGIE5_ A sµccessf sale was 1104 Mond, for the.estate of the late Russell Barrows. In addi- tion to chattels, Auctioneer -Harold Jackson disposed of three farnis, which were pur- chased by Stewart McCall and Ralph McNichol, of MeKillop. Joseph McConnel reports the sale of the Martin Van Loon farm- on the Mill Road to Theo- dorus Van Dyk, with possession early in May. Also the sale of three properties, owned by the Township of Tuckersmith, com- prising of a store on Main St. in Egmondrille, a feed mill and a building lot, to John H. Mc- Llwain, Seaforth. A Musical Comedy 'HAPPINESS AHEAD' will be presented by Bruceaeld United Church Choir, in — Brucefield United Church — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th ' at 8:15 p.m. Admission: Adults 50c. Children 25c DANCING BRODHAGEN Community Centre Monday, April 23 DESJARDINE'S ADMISSION 75 CENTS No Dance Friday, April 20th CijlWCij.fjjour ts SOPA tee Our Lord, Jesus of darkness. A faith is needed Easter Sunday. Special Sacred by them all ! Christ, brought us light from out simple expression and renewal of by us all, so attend • Church this Each denomination has planned Services, and you are welcomed Partake of the blessings offered you this.Holy Season ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH • SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1961 SPECIAL EASTER-MBSSAGE : "Life Victorious" MALE CHORUS—"Gethsemane" Dwayne 'Elliott, Soloist DUET—"A Whisper of Hope" Mrs. Mac Wilson, Mrs. Fred McGregor ANTHEM—"Dawns the New Day" REV. A. H. JOHNSTON, Minister MRS. J. R. MURDOCH—Organist and Choir Director NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. ONLY + ,Special Easter Anthems: by both Junior and Senior Choirs Anthem—"This Joyful Eastertide" (Harris) Ladies' Chorus—"Joyous Easter Song" , , (House)' Choir—"Come, Let Us All With One Accord" + EASTER MESSAGE: - Sermon — "Faith Triumphant" A cordial invitation is extended to all who would worship with ORGANIST—Mrs. James A. Stewart CHOIRMASTER—Mr. James A. Stewart Minister—REV. J. CLIFF BRITTON, B.A. HOLY WEEK AT ST. JAMES' CATHOLIC CHURCH MAUNDY THURSDAY— Mass of the Lord's Supper at 8:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY— Afternoon Solemn Liturgy at 3:00 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY— Solemn Vigil of Easter at 10:45 p.m., followed by Easter Mass at Midnight EASTER SUNDAY— Masses at 8:30 and 11 :00 a.m. + ALL ARE WELCOME! (NOTE: The Church Bells will be rung on Holy Thursday evening about 8:80 p.m. and then will be silent until "very early in the morn- ing", -about 12:15 a.ni., Sunday morning) . PASTOR—REV. C. E. SULLIVAN, P.P. ORGANIST—MRS. A. STILES • EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE EGMONDVILLE , UNITED CHURCH -I- MINISTER—Rev. J. H. Vardy, B.A. ORGANIST—Mr. Lyle Hammond SUNDAY SCHOOL —10:00 A.M. EASTER SERVICE — 11:00 A.M. THEME—"The Message of the Risen Lord" Cantata by the Choir — "Beautiful Saviour" + EVERYONE WELCOME! ST. THOMAS' ANGLICAN CHURCH + GOOD FRIDAY — 7:30 p.m. PREACHER—Rev. Douglas Fry + EASTER SUNDAY Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon, 11 a.m. + REV. H. DONALDSON, Rector ' Douglas Moxgan, Organist FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS O. FRY, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist + 7:00 A.M. Y.P.S. SUNRISE SERVICE Marlene Carter, Y.P,S. President, presiding PRAYER—Grace Beuerman SCRIPTURE READING—Douglas Fry THE EASTER MESSAGE—The Minister + 10 A.M. Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 A.M. SERMON—"The Hope of Easter"—The Minister "This Joyful Eastertide" Carol Choir DUET—"Love Divine, Daughter of Jairus" Mrs. Don Overholt, David Stewart SOLO—"I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" Mrs, D. Overholt (The Messiah) 1• • a • • • • • • a • • • • a •