HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-12, Page 10• DI TRICT GROUPS CQNVENE SEAFORTH JR. 4NSTITUTE The regular meetings of the Seafpnth Junior ieetjtute VA. • 'held • on Tues44y at °SeafOirttr MO School. Roll ,call was. "One u*eaning of Easter." The mot- to, "April showers bring forth )Play flowers," was given by Marguerite Scott. Marjorie Pap- ple and Linda Papple spoke ote the recent Junior Farmers' Corr t. Be Warmly Contented With Texaco Stove Oil or TEXACO FURNACE FUEL OIL Call Us To -day 1 WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Seaforth FIRST MORTGAGES Farms • Residential • Commercial Industrial Mortgage.& Trust Company Contact our Agent John Burke Limited Real Estate Insurance - Mortgages PHONE 863 EXETER Terence at Guelph. SEAFORTIH MERRY MAIDENS The fifth meeting of the Sea - forth Merry M.;idens was held at the_ home of Dorothy Jamie - SOUS at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. The roll call was, "One new point' I have learned about cut- ting out and marking a gar- ment." The minutes of the last meeting were read by Margaret MacGregor. The next meeting is to be held Thursday, April 12, at 7:30 P.m: at Elaine Dale's home. Dis- cussion was on when to wear shorts, re-inforcing of curved seams, and fitting and inserting a zipper. Home assignments were to Work en garments and work on record books. Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. J. Broadfoot showed how to put in a zipper. The research attack on can- cer is the greatest and most costly single undertaking in the history of medicine, according. to the Canadian Cancer Society. WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices — Locker Service Available — Phone 751 J 12 - Seaforth or 393 J 15 — Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON Watch for the Grand Opening on May 1st SPEED WASH Using Speed Queen Washers and Dryer's 14 coin-operated washers and 6 hi -capacity dryers to . serve you, PLUS extractor and vending machines for your convenience. DALY BLOCK --- SEAFORTH SAVE ON SEED Buy From, . Your . Local. J -M Dealer Choose JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS for: Finest seed always, from an ..experienced Quality; seed house. Eeonom Reasonable prices for expertly process - y. ed seed. SC • Convenient "close -to -home"' service from ervice —this local firm. • Ask your Dealer for • Or call us direct: JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS EXETER .PHONE 664 CREDITON PHONE 234-6363 LONDON PHONE GE 2-2258 FOR SPECIAL PRICE on JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS — Call — WILLIAM STAPLETON . & SON Dublin Dealers in: M. & M. High Class Seeds W. A. Stewart Seed Grains Canada Packers Feeds: Hog Grower –•- Hog Finisher Check Starter and Grower 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN PONE 149 DUNLOP Nylon AS LOW AS 13.99 EXCH .MIL MO` SEAFORTH LOGAN COUNCIL Logan Council held their reg- ular meeting, with all members present, the , reeve presiding. The minutes of the last regular meeting were readnd adopt- ed and correspondence read. Six gravel tenders were receiv- ed mid the contract was award- ed to R. J. Brewer, for 63e per yard, subject to approval of the Department of highways: Monteith & Monteith present- ed the auditors' report for 1961, showing a surplus of $2,739.40, and an accumulated surplus of $25,320.89, No appeals being received on the Hill, Rohde Im- provement and Wurdell Drains, the court of revision was dis- pensed with and the by-laws fin- ally passed, tenders to be called for May 7. A request to have the road closed through lot 2, con. 1, was discussed and the Clerk in- structed to prepare a by-law for same. A. petition for a munici- pal drain affecting lots 4 and 5, con. 4, was received, and James A. Howes, O.L.S., is to be noti- fied to examine same and re- port back to council. George C. Eickmeier was ap, pointed Logan representative to the Perth Copnty Safety Coun- cil and a grant of $25 was auth- orized. A grant of $20 was also made to the Monkton Library Board. A report of the Thiel Drain having been served on Logan Township by the Town- ship of Fullerton, was read and provisionally ,adopted. Road ac- counts totalling $4,111.78 and general accounts /amounting to nci $2,227.68 were ordered paid. MORRIS COUt CIL: - The auditors' report, showing a deficit of $4f38.35 in 1961, was accepted by Morris Collncil at their regular - meetin.g. The amount was less than 1960, when the report showed a $5,- 557.'j4 deficit. Reeve Stewart Procter presid- ed . and all members were press ent. Accounts ordered paid were: General Accounts—Wm. McAr- ter, fox bounty, $4; Bernard Hall, insurance, $480.78; Wing - ham Advance Times, advertis- ing, $2.70; relief acct., $180.42; Town of; Seaforth, debentures on High School, $319.66; Brook- haven Nursing Home, $168.50; Callander Nursing Home, $84.25. Road Accounts—Wil- liam McArter, wages and mile- age, $218:47 Joseph Smith, wages, $60.95; Mel. Craig, wag- es, $13.6.85; Clarence White, wages, $56.10; Ideal Supply, re- pairs, $21.64; Wingham Tire Service, repairs to tires, $26.42; Glenn Snell, snowplowing, $91; Alex Inkley, fuel oil and tax, $308.80; Pollards Chain Saw, repairs, $61.06; Oldfield Hard- ware, shovel handles and +pad- lock, $7.16; Morris Twp., Bry- ant Drain, $41.65; Dominion Road Machinery, main axle and seals, $401.42; J. C. McNeil, re- pairs, $12.70; George Radford, repairs and blowing snow, $128.50 ; Daily Commercial News ,advertising, $16.80; Ber- nard Hall, insurance, $666.60; George Mutter, 2 safety lam terns, $8.14. MRS. LUELLA McGOWAN HEADS BLYTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The roll call used by Blyth Women's Institute at their May meeting, held in Memorial Hall, April 6, was, "Why ,I am a member of the Women's Insti- tute.' The concensus of opinion expressed in the responses were: "Because of the friendly informal get - together each month" and "the community spirit which is evident." A min- ute of silence was observed in memory of the late Mrs. Har- old Phillips, who was a former president of Blyth branch. Three choices were made for a short course at the district level: first, "143 Pounds .of Meat"; ' second, "Home Nurs- ing"; third, "Window Drapery." The final selection will be made at the district annual meeting, to be meld in Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, May 11. It was decided to donate $30 to the Px'ovincial Bursary, hon- oring the 65th year of Women's Institutes in Ontario. The' re- ports of standing committees were given by the conveners. Miss Josephine Woodcock, district president, was guest speaker, and chose for her theme, "The Mary Stewart Cole lect." In part, Miss Woodcock stated: 'one author of this col- lect was a member of a local club and being disturbed to hear much criticism and fault- finding afnbng the members, was inspieed to,. write what is now used as a prayer on thou- sands of women's programs, and is so worded it couldn't give offense to any religious group or -sect." The concluding• Sentence sums up the total: And 0 Lord God, let us not forget to be kind. As this was the close of the fiscal year, the treasurer's re- port showed a good year, much community, work done and a gratifying bank balance. Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, a past district president, presid- ed fof the electi n and instal- lation of the following officers fore 1961-1963: Past president, Mrs. Charlie Johnston; .presi- dent, Mrs, . Luella McGowan; first vice-president, Miss Joseph- ine Woodcock; second vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Keith Webster; sec- retary - treasurer, Mrs. B e n Walsh; district director, Mrs. Wellington Good; branch direc- tors, Mrs. Edith Logan, Mrs. Gustave Kernpth, Mrs.. Charlie Johnston, Mrs. Pearl Walsh; pianists, Miss Pearl Gidley, Mrs. Dan Hallahan; conveners of standing committees: Agricul- ture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Keith Webster, Mrs. Peter Hoonard; home economics and health, Mrs. Irvine Wallace, Miss Josephine Woodcock;. his- torical research, Mrs. John Young, Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour; Tweedsmuir village history, Mrs. Edith Logan, Mrs. Lorne USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIFE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton President Timothy B. Toohey RR 3, Lucan Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun - RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney - RR 2; Dublin Robert G. Gardiner - RR 1 Cromarty Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - RR 1, Centralia Clayton Harris - Mitchell. Solicjt6r W. G. Cochrane, Q.C. - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter Scrimgeour, Mrs. John McNich- ol, Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, Mrs. Ida Petts. The May meeting will be held May 3, at 7:30 'p.m., and will feature the 4-H Girls' Club with their leaders, Mrs. Wellington Good and Mrs. Gordon Mason. Following the meeting a pot - hick supper was enjoyed and the Sunshine Sisters of the branch exchanged farewell gifts and revealed their Identi- ty. blames were drawn by those wishing to continue as Sunshine Sisters. An invitation to visit Auburn Branch WI, ,April 17, was accepted. Rebekahs Hold Dessert Euchre The IOOF Hall, Seaforth, was decorated for spring when Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge held its annual dessert euchre on April 5. Gaily wrapped pots, filled with spring flowers, centred each tea table laid with pink and green covers. Spring flow- ers also centred the serving tables and decorated the hall. Tables and decorations were in charge of Mrs. Keith Sharp and Mrs. Scott Habkirk. Following the serving of des- serts, euchre was enjoyed. Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht convened the afternoon luncheon, and Mrs. Lillian Grummett, the evening. Mrs. Charles Reeves, noble grand, greeted the guests. Winners in the afternoon were: high, Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brucefield; low, Mrs. Russell Byers, Clinton; special, Mrs. George Hills, Walton. Evening winners were: high, , Mrs. Mac McKellar and Mr. John Bach; low, Mr. and Mrs. James Rose; lucky tally; Mrs. S. Hab- kirk le et proceeds exceeded -$.70. BACKACHE When kidneys fall to remove elcose acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty.ettYwo k better. sleep S *eDort EAST WAWANOSII- COUNCIL East Wawanosh Council are asking the G.oderich Collegiate Institute Area Board for the clarification of a price of $23,000 for roof repair at the school. The 'request went forth following the request for per- mission to repair the roof pre- sented at the meeting. Councillor Buchanan chaired the meeting in the absence of Reeve C. W. Hanna, who arriv- ed at 2 o'clock and occupied the chair. All members of coun- cil were present. Accounts okayed for payment were: Road Cheques - Stuart McBurney, salary $185, bills paid .$2.30; - Man .McBurney, wages $167.26, two hours with truck $4; Jim Robinsgn, wages, $10; Phillip Dawson, welding, $12.25; Reg Schultz, sanding, $12; Gordon E. Smith, sanding, $4.00; Alex Coulter, 7 hours snow removal, $35; George Rad- ford, snow removal, $270; R. H. Thompson, truck license,. $2.00; Harry Williams, 90 gals. fuel oil, $34.74; W. A. Tiffin, 1 gal. break-in oil, ,$1.18; The Wing - ham Advance -Times, adv. gravel tenders, $3.51; The Huron, Ex- positor, adv. gravel tenders, $5.85; Dominion Road Machin- ery Co., grader repairs, $80.23; Harold Congram, snow remov- al $37.70, culveet $11.25; Re- ceiver General of Canada, in- come tax, $12.50. General Cheques—H. C. Mac- Lean Insurance Agency, treas- urer's bond, $12; petty cash, $34.16; Brookhaven Nursing Home, maintenance of patient, $84.25; The Blyth Standard, adv, and supplies, $28.02; direct re- ief, $92. 1 USBORNE COUNCIL Usborne council net for its April ,meeting with Reeve Geo. Frayne and Councillors Ward Hern, Archie Etherington, Del- mer Skinner and R. West- cott present. On motion of Hen - vend Skinner, the minutes of the last regular meeting were adopted. The clerk reported that ap- proval has been received from the Ontario Department of Highways for the transfer of certain allotments in the 1961 road expenditure by-law to suit the final , expenditures; that Reeves Construction has filed a performance bond on the Jory bridge; the township treasurer has returned the tender guar- antee to Reeves Construction; that the voters' list for the school area vote was posted on March 31, and the statutory re- quirements for advertising' the. vote are being complied with. The reeve reported that a lo- cal area is being organized, comprising the- municipalities of Usborne, Stephen, Hay, Hen- sall, Zurich arid Exeter, with a population of about 11,000, to -be known as the Exeter Area, headed by H. C. Pfaff as co- ordinator, wardens to be ap- pointed. - The treasurer reported that a revised auditor's report has been received from A. M. Har- per & Co., showing that the- op- erations of the corporation in 1961 resulted in a surplus of $4,161.97, afterprov,iding for the 1960 deficit of $795.77. Mov- ed by Skinner and Etherington, that the 1961 revised ' auditors' report be approved as submit- ted by A. M. Harper & Co. Tax collector B. M. Woods re- ported $7,369.92 in 1961 taxes uncollected and was asked to return the roll to the treasurer. Hern and Westcott: That the treasurer be instructed to send the uncollected 1961 tax ac counts to the County Treasurer for collection. and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 • Seaforth This Spring . S 0 -w CONTRACT BARLEY Barley price the past year has averaged $1.35 per bushel The Dominion Bureau of Statistics states that this year Western barley acreage is down 29% from the five-year average. Barley prices are expected to remain firm. It is one of the easiest cash crops to handle, with Seed and Fertilizer supplied. DELIVERY IS TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE FIELD FREE STORAGE SUPPLIED See tis for, your SEED GRAIN --REQUIREMENTS COOK �~BR0 S. MILLING CO. LTD• Phone 24 or 249 : HENSALL eehn Skinner a n d Etherington; That the 1962 county rates. be prepaid in the amount of $10,- 000. Hern and Westcott: That the spray liability policy covering all spray operations up to a limit of $50,000 for a,.premitlm of $150 be renewed with the General Accident Co., ansl the Equipment Floater policy with limits at $36,000 be renewed for a premium of $360 with the Gore Mutual Co. Etherington and Hern: That fire insurance on the Hall and office equipment and records to a limit of $6,100 for a premium of' $12.20, be renewed with the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. wegreistcett and Hern: That in- surance coverage on the truck be renewed with N. G. Clarke in the Wawanesa Mutual Insur- ance Co. for a premium of $38. Hern and Skinner: That the road superintendent's report and road accounts, amounting to a total voucher of $2,238.69, be passed. Treasurer N. G. Clarke re- ported receipt of $213.20 in ac- counts receivable from the road superintendent and other re- ceipts • of $21,559.01, including the balance of the 1961 road subsidy of $18,895.32; balance of cash as of March 30, $18,- 304.62. Skinner - Etherington: That current accounts voucher of $12,988.70 be paid. The road superintendent was urged to attend the•Departtnent of Highways School .in Toronto on May 14 and 15, and the Crops Branch spray school in Guelph on April 25. Council approved the follow- ing river conservation authority levies: Upper Thames, $40 for administration and $31.80 for the Wildwood Dam; Ausable, $1;455.54 annual levy. ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL 45701E OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE PHONE 354 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office -- Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Har- old Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. INSTALL ADEQUATE WIRING 'FOR YOUR KITCHEN Make cooking more fun by bringing your kitchen up to date electrically ! With adequate wiring, outlets and switches, you can operate all your kitchen appliances at one time. Let us give your kitchen a power check-up today ! FRANK KLING LTD. PLUMBING HEATING - ELECTRICAL WIRING EXCAVATING - CONTRACTING Phone 19 Seaforth 'blue coal Champion Stove and Furnace'``Oi1 WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W Probably you know "of someone — • a friend, relative or neighbor',— who has had to FIGHT cancer ,and you know the suffering and heart- ache involved. Only re- search can win the battle against CANCER ., Give generously to the April campaigi.. f The Canadian Cancer So- ciety. The objective in HURON is $16,000. With your help we can raise even more. CANCER CAMPAIGN in SEAFORTH McKILLOP TUCKERSMITH now in progress. Save time ...Save money Buy your fertilizer in polythene bags and store it outside... Where you'll use it. You'll save both time aced money when you buy fertilizer in polythene bags. Here's why: Polythene bags are waterproof you can truck ferttjizer in any weather without tarp,a.ulins. You can store fertilizer outdoors, in fields where you'll use it, Polythene bags are tough - they don't absorb moisture and weaken. They are easy handle and stack. Polythene bags are closed with -a heat -seal-- there's ne lint or string to plug your drill. Polythene bags are transparent; -you can see the fertilizer you are buying without opening the bag. MASTEX FILMS UNIT PLASTICS DIVISION CANADIAN INDUSTRIES -LIMITED s Ir so r e At M • 0� • a