HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-04-05, Page 1• • • - • • • edi • • • • • • • 103rd Year Whole No. 4912 01 AREA SCOUTMASTERS and assistants have been faking part in an instructional school at SDHS during recent weeks. The course concluded Sunday with a dinner. Paying close attention, here are. three Seaforth leaders, Mill Mowat, Don Woods and Bill Forrest. On the right is Bob Ostler, of St. Marys. (Expositor photo by Phillips). Q. E. S. Honors_. Grand Chapter Seaforth Legion Memorial Hall *as crowded Thursday as members and, guests of District No. 5, Order of the Eastern Star, gathered to honor Grand Chapter officers of the province. About 250 persons attended the reception. Grand officers attending the function were:.... Worthy grand matron, Mrs. NormaEastwood, Burlington; worthy grand pa- tron, Alex McDonald and Mrs." McDonald, PWOB, Cooksville; sociate grand patron, Joseph aney, Thorold; associate gr d condo e s .Mrs._ Perle,, Kohl, B'af rie, grana claplain, Mrs. Nan Taylor, Hamilton; grand marshal, Mrs. Reta Davi- son, St. Catharines; grand or- ganist, Mrs. Clara Nobbs, Till- sonburg; grand Esther, Mrs. Helen Rusling, Waterford; grand Martha, Mrs. Olivia Thal- er, 'Kitchener; grand Electra; Mrs. Bea Hopkins, Cooksville; grand warder, Mrs. Evelynne M. Little, Beamsville. Also on hand were several past worthy grand matrons and patrons and grand committee members. A guard of honor was form- ed by the worthy matrons and CHARLES A. BARBER, who Was honored Monday when he was presented with a 50 - year jewel at a ceremony at Britannia Lodge. He joined King Solomon Lodge, Wood- stock, in 19.12, and among those present Monday were Alex Massey and John Sales, of Woodstock,' who had been present at the initiation 50 years ago. patrons of the 20 chapters in the district. The grand officers, past worthy grand matrons and patrons and grand committee - members were escorted in by pipers:Peter Malcolm and Ken ,Snaith.• ' Mrs. And Crozier, P.M. of Seaforth chapter, and district and deputy' grand matron of District 5,' was hostess. Howard Fretts, W.P., of Clinton chapter, was master of ceremonies,_... A program was presented by the following: Shardii'. 'Strong, Charlie Hachborn,.D,�ianne Hen- dersoiiowThe .Steppersr`'lftee the Henderson boys and- Mr. W. ,Dalrymple, all of Seaforth; Pa- tricia and Mary Wilkins, of Au- burn, and Mrs. Celia Taylor, W.M., of Goderich Chapter. A gift from the district was presented to' the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Norma Eastwood,' by Mrs. Dolena McCuaig, W.M., of Seaforth Chapter, and to the Worthy Grand Patron, Alex McDonald, by Mrs. Lorne Hamy- lon, W.M., of Nilestown Chap- ter. Music for dancing was sup- plied by Collins' orchestra. A delicious smorgasbord was prepared and sero'ed by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. The lucky door prize was won by Cliff Russell, W.P., of Parkhill Chapter. Preceding the evening festivi- ties, the grand officers were en- tertained at dinner at six. o'clock at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. David McLean. The 20 chapters in District No. 5 are located as follows: Six in Lon- don, Appin, Nilestown, Strath- roy, Parkhill, Ingersoll, St. Marys, Exeter, Clinton, .Gode- rich, Delaware, Blyth, Mitchell, Byron ,and 'Seaforth. PUC 13th Bill Provides Credit A credit of $5,316,22;was dis- closed last week when Seaforth Public Utility Commission re- ceived its 13th bill 'from ' the HEPC. The bill—sometimes a debit — represents the differ- ence between the actual cost of supplying power and t h e amount for which the PUC was invoiced during the year. Egmondville Organ izes N ew Scout Group A new Scout troop in the • Seaforth area officially started Tuesday night at Egmondville United Church Sunday school rooms. Formed by a committee appointed by the church, the" troop saw the investing of of- ficers at a special ceremony. Ron Eyre, Scoutmaster, and Ken Gemmell, Jim Boyes 'and Laurie Stockwell, as§istant Scoutmasters, were 'invested by Ken Powell, district , Scoutmas- ter. The formation meeting held recently was. attended by 28 boys. Funds, amounting to over $70, have been collected to help establish the group. The group in ..charge- ot.,4he financing of the troop are E. F, Durst, chair man; Norman •MaeLeari, 'secre- tary; William Forrest, treasur- er, and committeemen, Elmer Stephenson, Ed. Boyes and Ken Smith. The Scouts also are planning a fund-raising campaign, with a bottle drive Saturday, April 14. The boys will be out in full force in the village of Egmond- ville to pick up empty bottles next Saturday. Consider Mobile Dog Catchers For the time being, Seaforth dogs need have no fear that they may be picked up by the Municipal Mobile Animal Con- trol Service of London, but at the same time they shouldn't become too over -confident, be- cause council is considering us- ing the control service. At a meeting Friday evening, F. L. La Fortune, a representa- tive of the organization, de- scribed to council the services included in a mobile dog -catch- ing service. Costs were discuss- ed, but before the service is given further consideration a firm quotation i to be submit- ted to council. According to Mr. La Fortune, the service includes daily pa- trols, a mobile unit equipped with radio and uniformed ser- vicemen. Besides collaring dogs running at large, the ser- vice also includes collecting dog taxes, disposing of animals, and investigating mistreatment of animals. Negotiations are un- derway with a number of West- ern Ontario municipalities, SEAFORTH f ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1962 12 °FADES $ ixig :Copra, 1QDenti ''• AREA COUNCILS MEW a Tuik e-n,:r ith Appoints insoectcr for Drams William G. Campbell, Sea- to give his -tile a depth of four Permanency. In reply to a let- ter from Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy, regarding conditions at Miss Jennie Buchana's pro- perty, .council examined the pro- perty and to the best of their knowledge could find no dam- age. Council appointed E. R. Dav- is, weed inspector for 1962. The clerk is to contact the county plumbing inspector regarding septic tank at the hall. In reply to a request of Brock Street ratepayers regarding dust from the Hensall District Co-opera- tive cleaning plant, the clerk notified the Co=op to•make pro- visions for the shine.... A letter is to be sent` to Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, MPP, re- questing his assistance in pro- curing a blinker light at the intersection of No. 4 and 84 Highways.. The application of Clair Deneau to renovate for a barber shop and Lloyd Venner to install a bathroom, were ap- proved. A letter of appreciation is to be sent to the Manager of the Bank of Montreal for the dinner and entertainment at hockey game recently. forth, was appointed, tale drain- age inspector for the Township of Tuckersmith at the regular April meeting of the township council Tuesday. Mr. Campbell has served in that capacity in the township in previous yearat Council met in the Seaforth Town Hall with all members present and Reeve Elgin Thompson presiding. The report of the, Bean Muni- cipal Drain was provisionally adopted and court of revision set for 9 p.m. on May I, The report of the Clark 'Municipal Drain is to be read at 9:30 p.m. on May , 1, and at 10 p.m. the report of the Buchanan Drain is to be read. Tuckersmith municipal dump is to be opened from 1.5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays only, commencing Saturday, April 7. Council emphasized that no old wire fencing was to be brought to the dump. The reeve was authorized to sign a warrant for any proper- ties subject to tax sale. Clerk J. I. McIntosh was instructed to prepare a by -Taw for prepay- ment of taxes. ,The following accounts were passed for payment: Ontario Hydro, Brucefield street lights, $136, Egmondville street lights, $174.01, Egmondville pump, $22.17; Geo. A. Sills & . Sons, Egmondville pump, $68.45; pen- sion, $13.50; John A. Cardno, insurance, $107.49; advertising and 'supplies, $74,34; welfare, $169.25; salary and allowance, $238.17; income tax, $3.50; Hur- on County Municipal Officers' Association, fee, $20; ,South Huron Agricultural Society, grant, $100; Ausable River Con- servation Authority, $117.64; Town of Seaforth, share of rural' fire truck costs, $166.64; roads, $1,694.14. Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday,. May 1, at 8 p.m. 4. McKILL,O'P COUNaL 11fcKillop council, meeting in Carnegie Hall Monday, approv- ed the attendance of -road ssip erintendent Wilson Little at a school for road superintendents being held in Hart House The- atre, Toronto, May -1.4 and . 15. Road • vouchers,' totalling $2,- 050.38 were passed for payment. Council instructed township solicitors, McConnell & Stew- art, to act for the township in connection with a claim by Robert Reid. feet at the line fence between lot 24 and 25, con. S 13. En- gineer S. W. Archibald agreed the depth could be provided. Allan Campbell appealed the assessment on lot 5, part 31, and SE part lot 32, con. 9, on The basis it was over -assessed as compared to others. The court reduced by $150 the bene- fit assessment and raised by the same amount the benefit assess- ment of Lesile Dolmage on lot W1/z 32, con. 9, Act As Court At a meeting the previous week,'council sat as a court of revision on several municipal drain by-laws. In the case of Rapien Drain, the area assessed to Dan Better - mann was changed to 70 acres, to correct an error. There were • no appeals in connection with .the Archibald Drain, and in the*, Love Drain, Gordon Elliott appealed his as- sessment on lot N1/2 25, con. 13, and lot S1/2 25, con. N 14, sub- ject to an outlet deep enough Euchre Club Is Entertained Mrs. F. Dungey entertained the euchre club to a delicious chicken dinner • in the dining room at the Commercial Hotel last Wednesday evening. This small club began playing some 20 years ago, meeting once a week in various homes. The present members are Mrs. James T. Scott, Mrs. Har- vey Moore, - Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. Ruby Bethune, Mrs, Gladys Eisler, Mrs. George Kruse, Mrs. Hartman Huisser and Mrs. F. Dungey. SPS Pupils Star in Musical Concert A capacity crowd attended• the spring concert of Seaforth Public School on Friday night. The program was divid'ad into two parts. Grade eight, directed by Miss Mabel Turnbull, presented "In Southern Mood." Included were several choruses. Solos were sung by Joan Coleman, Jane Boshart, Joan Hoover, Lynn Nixon, Susan MacLennan, Sally Clear. Former Kerslake Store • Phillips Fruit, who recently purchased the Kerslake block, are clearing the former Kers- lake store. Mrs. Phillips said Wednesday, while there Were no immediate "plans for; the store, it 'Would likely,' bd',:avail. Cosford, and duet by Heather and Sally Mowat. A dancing number was performed by Christine Turnbull and Ruth Ann Wilson. The second part, "In Festive Mood," was presented by Grades five, six and seven, with Miss Turnbull conducting. Solo- ists were Mariel Wilson, Steph- en Smith, Charles Smith, Mary Hoggarth, Gordon Beuttenmil- 'ler. A duet was sung by Dianne' Baert and Jane Cornish, and by John McLean and Wendy Pry Mrs. J. A. Stewart was accom- panist.1. Dances and short plays were also' included itf the program. Taking part were: Picanninies: Elva Boivering, Cathy Bright- rall, Joan Hopper, Monica Mal- kus, Kathy McLean, Vicki Mil- ler,Mary Ball, Dorothy Beynon, Gail Doig, Brenda Hodgert, Itarbara Hubei: , and Nancy Bwari, - Spting Lilt, Doris Adair,. ker, Anne Smith, Cindy Eisler, Mary Elliott, Terry M,ow,at, Moira Malcolm, Jeanette Wat- terworth, Sharon Talbot, Deb- bie Miller and Ella Lauritsen. Boys' tumbling acts were fea- tured.. Taking part were grades five and six: Jim Nixon, John McLean, Wayne Huber, Bryan Hodgert, George Reeves, Gene Kruse, Dennis Hodgert, Wayne Scott, Ted Wilbee, Brian Fia'efler, Grant Carnochan, John Mtlir; grades seven and eight: Stephen Brady, Jim Montgom• ery, Alan McLean, Paul Hilde- brand, Robert Watson, Bill Carnochan, Bernie Jessome, Don Hulley, Fred Knetsch, Har- vey Drager, Murdo McLean, Bryan Stewart and Paul Beat- tie. ' A sketch was presented by Larry Park, Douglas Hilde- brand, •110y Dalton, David Har- vey, with singers Laurie -Bell, Lois 1i uegge,' Lorraine TOwnt- e.. Maikus, Dianne Patterson, Mary Ann McLean, Elaine Roberton, Bruce Malcolm, Laurie Kruse, Allen Roberton and Jim Hol land. Others taking part in the con- cert were: Janet Boyes, Patsy McNaughton; Dianne McClin- chey, Mary Oke, Valeria Scott, Anne Wilbee, Marlene Turnbull, Barbara Muir, Mary Ann Mc- Lean, Margie , McLean, ,Ruth Ann Dunlop, Cindy MacDonald, Carol Ann Doig, Eleanor Bosh - art, Arlene Williams, Sheila Bray, Anita Wilson, Joan Muir, Dianne Patterson, Vivian Bar- ker, Larry Broome, Ronnie Dalrymple, John Gorwill, Ron- nie Henderson, Leif Lauritsen, Paul McKellar, Stewart Mc- Lean, Itay Mennell, Danny Muir, John Munro, Ralph On- belet, Mark Ranson, Mien Doig,: Bill Moore, Bill Boussey, David Hro'q'me;' Tian Price, Kenny. Mot. on, . fin SnOatdon, Dandy HENSALL COUNCIL Hensall village council will follow other Huron municipali- ties when it comes time to "move the clocks" later this. month. Hensall will alopt Day- light Saving Tiine on Saturday, April 28, at midnight, and will return to Standard Time on Sat- urday, Oct. 27, at midnight. Hensall council agreed to this at the April meeting Monday night at the village hall. Clerk Earl Campbell was in- structed to make application. to the . Unemployment Insurance Commission for a certificate of TWENTY-FIVE YEARS of service was recognized this week when Louis Hemberger was presented with a cheque by W. T: Teall, 'President of itobert Bell Industries Ltd. In referring to the presentation, general manager B. R. Smith Said the success of any organization depends on three factors: capital, equipment and a devoted staff, and it was' in recogni- tion of'the RBIL staff that milestones such as this were being marked. (Expositor photo by Phillips). RBIL Reports Sales Higher During Year Gross sales during the past were E. D. Bell, Exeter; Sam year totalling $367,179.61 were Aboud, of Montreal, and Brad up considerably from the pre- Smith. vious year, shareholders of Robert Bell Industries Ltd, were told at the annual meeting of the company Wednesday eve- ning. Wages paid during the company , year amounted to $107,099.00. ; W. T. Teall is president. The vice-president is R. T. Bolton; secretary; J. E. Keating, and treasurer, William • Stapleton, Dublin. Other directors elected Call Tenders For New School HON. PAUL HELLYER, for- mer Associate Minister of National Defence, who will address a nominating conven- tion of the Huron Liberal Association in Clinton Friday evening. The convention will select a candidate to contest the riding of Huron in the forthcoming federal election. Youth Injured As Tree Falls Condition of Tom Richardson, 16, injured Saturday when struck by a falling tree, is still serious, according to members of his family. He is in Victoria Hospital, London. The accident occurred Satur- day afternoon at the Richard- son farm on the Mill Road, las he and his father. Gordon Rich- ardson, and Harry Woolley, Brucefield, were cutting down a tree near the house. As the tree fell, it split, and while Mr. :Richardson managed to run clear, Tom Richardson was pin- ned to the ground by one sec- tion. He is suffering from a fractured leg, spinal injuries and possible internal injuries. Removed to Scott Memorial Hospital by Box ambulance, he was later taken to London: Induct. Minister At First Church In a service of induction con- ducted by ' the Presbytery of Maitland -Huron, Rev. Douglas 0. Fry was inducted into the pastoral charge of First Pres- byterian Church oh Friday eve- ning. Mr. Fry was callsd., to First Church from I Pr s- byterian Church, Iroquois. • During the service Rev. Gor- don Fish, of Wingham, preach- ed the. sermon, while' Rev. D. ,Ross MacDonald, Hensall, nar- rated the steps leading to in- duction, and the charge to the minister and congregation was delivered by, Rev. Thomas J. McKinney, of Teeswater. Dur- ing the service Mrs. Frank Kling sang a solo. Moderator of Presbytery is Rev. Fred Cromey, Kincacdi•ne, while the clerk is Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton. Members of the congregatiu:i and friends met Mr, and Mrs. Fry and their family at a re- ception in the church hall which followed the service.,Rev. J. Cliff Britton and Re. Harry Donaldson extended greeting, on behalf of the Seaforth Mini- sterial ,Association, and Rev. Maurice Brisco, of RCAF Clin- ton, who had served while the congregation was without a (Continued on Page 12) ge & Steele, Toronto, archi- te for the ' vocational school • addition to Clinton District Collegiate Institute, are calling tenders, Closing date is April 30. re Ho .0 Looms- -for. w:. Highlanders Assurance of a broader •base .., to provide support for the Seale forth Highlanders Band' was yin dicated.. when members of Sol-, forth. Council and representa- tives of local organization Join- ed with the. band at a dinner in the Legion Hall Saturday- eycning. About" 30 were' pies= ent. In bringing greetings from the town, Mayor Edmund Daly re- called an occasion during the war when he had been at I1 reception in . Windsor Castle. In a conversation with the Queen Mother, she'had shown interest in this area and was partieu- - larly interested when ;be had mentioned the Seaforth High- landers. F. C. J. Sills, band president,, reviewed difficulties facing the band and suggested increased, interest would result if it was possible to obtain proper uni- forms. He told of :steps • that had been taken, and of the difficulties and lack of :co -opera -,•,a tion in many quarters that the.', organization had faced. One of the reasons for ' the dinner was, to bring the situa- tion `to the' attention of other Organizations who, on occasion, had expressed concern that the band might find difficulty in continuing. \ Referring again to the uni- form problem. he said the fund, begun some months' ago, stood at about $400,,. whereas some $2,500 was required. "The band would feel better.. if the 'members were properly attired. In turn, this would be reflected in better music," he' said. C. Roweliffe, .of the Lions Club, R. S.: MacDonald, of the Legion, and L. F. Ford, of the Chamber of Commerce, --assur- ed the meeting their organiza- tions were appreciative tif the difficulties, and that they would recommend that a study of ways and means of providing' support be undertaken:' Competition for the time of members is aem, Band- master Lyle Hammond said, ,as he reviewed practise „ proce- dures, A suggestion that a band auxiliary be created, to be re- presentative of other area organizations was advanced. Speakers were agreed the band was a community asset that could not • be permitted to lapse. At the annual meeting which followed, officers elected in- cluded,. President,' F. C. J. Sills; vice-president, Les Pryce; secretary, Robert Scott; treas- urer, Erice McCue; property committee, Gordon Pullman, Ken Willis. Jim Sills, Brian Scott and Marie Bannon; phon- ing committee; Beth Pryce, Keith Sharp, Teresa Bannon and Joan Reynolds. - Highway Claims Deer As Victim A deer crossing No. 8 High- way, three miles west of Sea - forth, crashed into the side of a passing car and was injured so seriously it had to be de- stroyed. The accident occur- red opposite the farm of Harold Hugill• and was investigated by OPP Constable A.' Bowering, of Seaforth detachment. ala REV. DOUGLAS O. FRY was inducted as minister of First Presbyterian Church Friday evening, and following the service ,,Mr. Fry and his family were introduced to Members of the congregation at a recep- tion in the church hall. Shown here are: (left) Miss Jean Scott, President of the Ladies' Aid,. who arranged the. reception;, Margaret Ann Pry,1V1f , Fry, Mrs. Fry, Douglas Fry and' ,Charles MacKay of the Church Scssionr`bf"front is Mary jean Fry. Mr. Fry is a native of Wingham and tante here;froto:, Iroquois.'