HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-03-29, Page 8SURPRISE !ARTIEs HONOR • ALEX SMITH ON ANNIVERSARY iYfr,. - and Mrs. Alex Smith were 'taken by surprise Satur- day eYening when their rela- tives dropped in on them to Offer congratulations on their twenty-fifth wedding annivers- ary.. The- evening was pleasantly psed by playing progressive elt hre, the winners being: ladies,- high, Mrs. Bruce Cole- man; ladies' low, Mrs. John Me Cowan; men's high, Babe Ar- bour; men's low, Peter McCow- an, Jr.,; lone hands, Carl Dal- tons Mr. and Mrs. Smith were call- ed to the seat of honor and Mrs. Carl Dalton read the fol- lowing address: "Dear Mary and. Alex: We talked it over, and we all agreed too, to come and celebrate an hour or so with you. When the years you've spent together tdlaal up to twenty-five, you can count on happy greetings,, for they're certain to arrive; and in those, years you have acquired, since that day, a lovely home, where we're always welcomed in the warmest kind of way. You have tWcharming daughters, a fine son •too, a little grandson and two granddaughters—one just new. May a happy future bring you all the joy the years can hold, and your favorite dreams be realized. As the "silver turns to gold"„ all the good things in the world, and then some extras too—that is just what all of us• are wishing both of you. And there's not a wish -that's warmer, or a thought that's more sincere, that the one conveyed so gladly and so cordially, right here.—Signed cn behalf of your Relatives." Mr. and Mrs. Smith both re- plied fittingly. They were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. The ladies then served a delicious lunch. A family dinner in honor of Mr., and Mrs. Alex Smith was held .at the home of their daughter, June. Mrs. Murray Cockwell, ,and son -in -jaw, Mur- ray Cockwell, on Sunday, Honored By Neighbors A surprise party was held at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family visited' Sunday evening _,with Mr. and .Mrs. Curtis Gin- gerich and family. Sunday evening guests with Mr. Harold Finlay and family were Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Bride, Mr. and„ Mrs. Harold Hendrick and Elaine and Mr. John Finlay. This was the oc- casion of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- drick's wedding anniversaty. McKILLOP•, BUSY BEAVERS,. The fifth meeting of the Mc- Killop Busy Beavers- was held at the home of Linda Papple. Roll .call was, "One new point I have learned about cutting and making a garment." Mrs. W. Little demonstrated a zip- per sample. The next meeting is to •be held Thursday, April 5. Home assignment is: Work on gar- ments and work on record books. A ST. PATRICK'S CONCERT There was music ah' fine danc- ing In Dublin town today, I wish all my friends were here To enjoy • that lovely play. ' The Ursuline's deserve a pat or two, It showed the children acted well— Perhaps a tooth was missing, I really cannot tell. • We get so fed up oh ,ones That come each day by air; Ah then, a breath of • sweetest spring, When children play so fair. - Perhaps some fairy flying Saw Shamrocks glowing there, And took it for his landing strip, Then spread there incense rare. The cast of Dutch, Irish, French, A little Scotch as well, The way they danced the High- land Fling, Would make a Burns of an yell. Innocence, that dormant cord may touch, As fragrance of the hose is sweet, The criminal may not admire where There we tread with lighter feet. The teachers, parents and some others, Worked hard to see it through; They brought a ray of sunshine For our hearts that hour or two. The curtain now has fallen, But memory can hold this -scene, And in our hearts remembrance Can hold this island green. And when we get to Heaven, And more like children be, We'll sure have plenty actors, These pleasures more often to see.., I cannot tell you half of it In lyric form, right here, But if you care to see this 'show, Be sure to come next year. Perhaps some actors will have gone, - And others won't belie, But if the price is twice as much, It shall not be too dear. J. M. DO"YLE' 11014, Ont.. Yr Smith with many of the couples friends and neighbors_. present, honoring them on their recent 25th wedding anniversary. An enjoyable evening-" of euchre va,as spent with prizes being won by the following: women's high, Mrs. Orville Storey; women's low, Mrs. T. Govenlock; men's high, Alex Smith; men's low, Wilfred 'Drager. Diane Hender- son sang a solo, accompanied on the piano 'by her mother, Mrs. John Henderson. Mrs. Hen- derson also played for the "The Steppers Three" — Billy, Jimmy and Murray Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were giv- ' en two end tables, a reading lamp and a hassock, after the reading of the following ad- dress: "Dear Alex and Mary: e Anni- versaries always have a special significance. To night we, your friends and neighbors, have Icome to congratulate you and to express our good 'wishes on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of your wedding day. "We were pleased when not long after your marriage you purchased this farm and be- came worthy members of our community. By diligent work and careful management, you have improved it so that it is now a credit to your efforts. Seedtime and harvest, you, Alex, have ever showed us an example of the good farming which seems so necessary in our modern world. Although you have always been the busy farmer, you have found time to be a good neighbor and to serve the church faithfully as well. "In spite of your busy life you, Mary, have ever been ready to give of your talents in the work of church and com- munity. Your kindly nature has endeared you to us and won for you a place of esteem in our neighborhood. We re- joiced with you when your son was born to add to the joy you had known when your home had been blessed with two daughters. • "We did not wish to let the happy event of your silver.wed- ding pass without showing in some way our appreciation of all you have meant to us dur- ing the years, and so we ask you to accept this gift. With it go ot;r best wishes that you may have many more years of happy married life endowed with God's greatest gifts—hap- piness, health and prosperity. Tonight we show you honor, on your silver wedding day; may you journey safely onward till the golden comes your way.". LEGiQN CORNE 13y JACK HOLLA1 D Hello ,to you all! And aren't we ale -enjoying the wonderful weather that is prevailing in the area at the present time! Well, the Big Night, as the kids (call it, is over again for. another year, and it certainly is quite ai .. event. The kids really were 'thrilled by the pub- lic turnout and it was funny to hear the conversation , in the dressing rooms regarding cross- checking, breakaways and d,it ferent phrases of the hockey jargon. Our sports officer, Jack Eis- ler, has done a terrific job with these kids. Jack has some vol- unteer help to assist him; but he is the ,main cog in this most worthy project by our Legion branch. On -behalf of the Le- gion, I must thank one and all for the big crowd which turned out to witness the games and presentation of trophies. The Legion is very proud, and just- ly so, of their efforts in this community project. The whole was ably emceed by the presi- dent, Allan Nicholson, and a final thank -you to those who so kindly donated the trophies. We11, Comrades, we have a big stag euchre coming up on April 18. Remember the fun at the last one? Another date to keep in mind is the Zone Rally, April 8, and before our next meeting,give some thought to the Legiofi Insurance Plan; it is wel.lworth considering. So, until meeting night, au revoir, with a thought for the fallen, "At the going down of the surf and in the morning we will remember them." DUBLIN Mrs. Louis Matthews and Mrs. Patrick iVIatthews, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Windsor, and Mr. Lester Haynes of Simcoe, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly and family, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. 1 Miss `Margaret McCarthy, Kit- chener, with John McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. Halrvey Dantzer and son, of Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle, Mr. Tom Morris has:.returned home from St. Joseph's Hospi= tal, London. Miss Ann Morris, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly. and family and Louis O'Reilly in London with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Warsh. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle, of Toronto, with his brother, Ted Doyle. Bill Menheere, Waterloo :Col lege, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Menheere. SEAFORTH -Legion hockey came to an end Saturday night when teams competed for championships in the va- rious classes. Following the games, trophies were award- ed outstanding players. In the upper picture are the Pee Wee winners: (front, left), Johnny Fraiser, Murray Henderson, ' Glen Nicholson, (rear) John McLean, Paul Stephenson and Gene Kruse. The Squirt winners are shown below. (Front, left), Allan Coleman, Tom Dever- eaux,Paul McKellar, Danny Muir, (rear) Jobii Corwin, Jimmie Holland and Bill'Botts- sey. 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