HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-03-22, Page 3• e a • • • 4 r • • GENERA INSURANCE QEATON Office in the .hcki*on AluminuM Buildlntit Phone 75 : Seaforth MSI' and M, MorgatJa na es; ItR.: No. 2, Clinton; wish to nounee n a em nt of dughteiLois 1larguerite, - to Kenneth Ant,rew 'Davis, son. of Mr. and ' Mrs. Andrew Were, RR No-. 3; Seaforth, the mar- riage to take place April 14, 1962, in Holmesviile United Church. N+'i-}" . ►n.F � R=M NS IP AND EDUCA11 Bran's Hairstyling NOW OPEN Come in or Phone for Appointment Opening Specials • • . REG. $15.00 PERM -Get $2.50 Can.Smariily Soft Spray Net FREE REG. $12.50 PERM—Get $2.50 Can Spring Olive Spray Net FREE REG. $10.00 PERM — Now only • • • • $6.95' PHONE 427 Located Next to Jack Thompson's Shoe Repair OFFICE -SUPPUES THE HURON EXPOSITPR R I Phone 141 : .: Seaforth THANKS! NORM and EVELYN GREENSLADE, formerly of NORM'S LUNCH, wish to thank their many friends and customers for the 'patronage given them while they. were in business in Seaforth. It was a pleasure to serve and be of service to you. MANY THANKS AGAIN i NORM GREENSLADE s: At glom :' ' 01110 President Mrs. Wm. �le lenient was hapless fo the regular meeting , of the inettes at her home Tuesday evening,.. when - nine .members answered the roll call. Date for the spring rum - triage sale was announced for May 26" The club has been in- vited to the Zone B inter -club meeting atDelhi., April 4-th. Past president Mrs. floss Jinks` presented the treasurer's re- port, and Mrs. John Baker won the raffle. ANNOUNCING RUSS' LUNCH and RECREATION (formerly Norm's Lunch) CORNER GODERICH ST. and MAIN Si. • We will strive to give the same friendly service as Norm's Lunch provided. The new management looks forward-. to the continued patronage of former customers, and invites everyone to visit them. Although u n d er New Management, RUSS' LUNCH will continue with the present efficient, friendly staff Church Groups Chiselhurst UCW Meet The March meeting 'of the United Church Women of Chis, elhurst United Church was held Tuesday afternoon with Presi- dent Mrs. Percy Harris presid- ing. Mrs. R, Taylor conducted the worship period "and sixteen Members answered the roll call with a Bible verse from Second Chronicles. Mrs. Earl Kinsman, submitted the finance report, which was accepted. Twenty - ,five dollars was donated to the, new oil furnace which has been installed. Mrs. Roy McDonald offered a missionary prayer. Mrs. Alvin Cole, Mrs. Clarence Coleman and Mrs. Jack Brint- nell reported for the new dish- es purchased for the kitchen. Mrs. Earl Kinsman reviewed a chapter from the study book, and Mrs. Robert Kinsman offer- ed a piano solo. Hostesses were Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Harris. Lunch was convened by Mrs. R. Kinsman and Mrs. R. Brock. What's NEW under the sun? and it's exclusive with your i€ Now -at no extra cost—you can "dress - up" your home, cottage, and farm buildings with the best -looking, best - designed roofing and siding on the .market today. It's ideal for Industry, too. • Available in Galvanized Steel, Aluminum or Fiberglass • 14% improved load strength • Tested 10 withirand winds up to 100 m.p.h. • Superior nailing characteristics • Standard sizes -6 to 16 feet • 452,44.>4 ■l iiiMli�. CO-OP ROOFING & SIDING Made better to give better protection to your Buildings. PHONE FARMERS SEAFORTH SEAFORTH Is' STITUTE MEETING Tf1 E Citizenship and .. Education - was the 'theme of Hensall. Wo- men's Institute March meeting, held on Wednesday in the Le- gion Hall, most attractive with St. Patrick's emblems. Presi- dent Mrs. Fred Beer, h pre- sided sided for the business, Welcom- ed members and guests, and members answered the roll can, with "One way to help our people." ' Mrs. R. D. Elgie presided for the program, the highlight of which was a public speaking contest, in which- six students of Grade 8 of Hensall Public School participated, and the winners were: first, Heather Reid, subject, "Sir John A. Mac- donald;. second, Flora Lee John- ston, "A Week At Guides' Camp"; third, Diane , Woehler, "Alexander Graham Bell; boys: first prize, Grant Jones, subject; "Dr. Grenfell"; second, Ricky Buchanan, "The Atom"; third, George Taylor, "The Last Days of the Late Dr. Thorns. Dooley." Judges were Mrs. James McAl- lister, Mrs. Laird Mickle .and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren. 'Square dance selections were enjoyed by Grade 1, Julie Neal, Ronnie Wilson, Catherine Ann Christie, Scott Smith, Kay Dav- is and Jerry Mattson; vocal solos, Mrs. Carl Payne; violin selections, Miss Greta Lammie; piano solos, Miss Margaret El- gie. Accompanists were Miss Lammie and Miss Elgie. A most delightful program was •enjoy ed• by all. For the business portion, dis- trict by-laws Were discussed to be brought up at the next meet- ing. Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. Sim Roobol and Mrs. James Ben- gough were appointed nominat- ing committee, to bring in the dew slate 'of officers at the April meeting. A donation was voted to the International Schol- arship Fund and also a dona- tion to the Hensall Legion Branch. Members are asked to save up pennies for Friendship for the April meeting. Program conveners were Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs. Elgie; hostesses, Mrs. Norval Reid, and Mrs._ John Skea. Luncheon was served. The CGIT Girls of Carmel Presbyterian Church met Wed- nesday evening and their dis- cussion topic was "Personality, Health, Plus." Mrs. E. Fink, assistant leader, who was in charge, surprised the girls with a luncheon of ice cream, cake and soft drinks.. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church sponsored a; most successful tea and bake. sale in the Sunday school rooms - of the church ,Saturday after- noon, which was well attended, with the proceeds very gratify- ing. The tea tables and Sun- day school rooms were decor- ated in St. Patrick's theme, ,and the CGIT girls, who served, were dressed in green in keep- ing with the day. The Bank of Montreal of Hensall -and Zurich entertain- ed the reeves and councillors of the Townships of Hay, Stan- ley, Hibbert and Tuckersmith, and Hensall and Zurich to din- ner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, Wednesday evening, af- ter which they attended the playoff hockey game...at the' lo- cal arena between Stratilroy vs. Hensall-Zurich Combines, in the Shamrock Junior "D" Hoc- key League finals, with an at- tendance of 645. Hensall won, with a 6-2 victory. TURNER'S CHURCH UCW Turner's Church United Wo- men met at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 15, at the home of Mrs. Stanley Johns, with 10 mem- ber's and one visitor present. The roll call was answered with "A thought for today." The de- votions and prayer were given by Mrs., E. Townsend. An invitation was accepted from the Egmondville . United Church to their thankoffering meeting, on Wednesday, April 4, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley is to be the guest speak: er. During the business meet- ing, plans for the Centennial, to be held in June, were dis- cussed. Plates, with a- picture of the church, and wall -hangers for them are _ to be ordered,. Hostess for the lunch was Mrs. Warren Whitmore. The April meeting is to be held .in the church basement on Thurs- day, the 19th; at 8:30, p.m. The roll call is to be,' "A favorite verse of Scripture and where it is found." BRUCEFIELD UCW -The regular monthly meeting of the United Church Women of Brucefield was held in the church basement on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, led by the president, Mrs. -W. Broad - foot, followed -'"by the devotion- al period, read by Mrs. R. Al- lan and Mrs. G. Elliott. 'Miss M. McQueen played •the accom- paniment for the hymns. Following the reading of the minutes, roll call, naming Books of the Bible, was . taken. A thank -you note was read from Mrs. Violet Ross. A planter has been donated to the Unit by Mrs. Revel, of Montreal, niece of Mrs. McKenzie, in memory of Mrs. May 1VIcKenzie, a valued life-long member of Brucefield Church. It is requested that any dona- tjons for the Vocation Girls' School Packet be brought to the next meeting. Also any clothing for the hale will be collected during the next two months. Numerous visits to shut-ins and neighbors were mentioned and the practise of all members visiting as they are able will be con - ued. It was voted to pur- c se m re chairs for the use of th unday School; also vot- ed to serve refreshments for the Cub investiture, to be held at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, March 30. Easter thankoffering will be held the evening of Palth Sun- day. Unit No. 4, which is the eve- ning group, met on Wednesday, March 14, at 8:00 p.m., at the manse. An interesting program was planned. The business meeting was adjourned. The program featured an in- formative skit, introduced by Mrs. W. Broadfoot, and in which Mrs. F. Boughen, Mrs. J. Broad, foot, Mrs. D. 'Triebner and Mrs. E. Wilson took part. Hostesses for the social hour and tea were Mrs. S. Ross, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. J. Broadfoot, Miss' M. MacDonald, Mts. J. -Hender- son, Mrs, R. .Allen, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. G. Swan and Mrs. A. Mustard, Sunday; `/larch 25, at "the` United Church at 7:$0 p.m,, '"An End To Darkness," a Awa' about missionary work (Metho- dist Methsdist Church) in -Liberia will be shown, as it particularly con -4 cerns two African .brothers. Thiswilla- film, be swn h in the -Sunda othe YSeho School -room M and M Committee, in support of the M' and M Fund.. united Church, Women, Unit 1, met , Monday evening with the leader, Mrs. E. Chipchase, presiding. Twenty-four mem- bers answered the roll call. Mrs. James Jenkins conducted the devotional._ Mrs. "Grant Mac- Lean gave ~the stud$, and Mrs. Don Joynt, the Bible study. A ways and means committee was appointed, composed of Mrs. Ian McAllister, Mrs. D. Joynt, Mrs. Howard Scane, Mrs. R. Reaburn and Mrs. Jack Sim- mons. Every week mere people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. CO RS ETTI ER 'Bras, Girdles, Corsets and. Support Garments TO FIT ALL FIGURES w At Reasonable Prices Mrs. J. Hoelscher SEAFORTH George' St, --.< one Block East -of Library 'KIPP E l s etbrYtt la'f it i • Gid. 0 w` n a it�pl�, Wok, �•tted � !1 y With Mr wi4 Mrs.:N; Tong PO Miss Jao* poig, of 011ute4. Mr,, anal;