HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-03-15, Page 11USE, THESE CLASSIFICATIONS
6. Feathers Wanted
I Coming Events
2: Lost, Strayed d•
brame drive, shed, good well'
3. Found
4. Help Wanted
{1n experienced Protestant
• 5. Business Opportunities
bather is required for S,S, No.
7, Httlllett. Fifteen pupils. Duties!
6. Teachers Wanted
7. �adattfations Wanted
to commence in September,
8. Farm Stock For Sale
Apply stating 4ualitfications., ex.
9. Poultry For Sale
perience and salary expected.
All applications, to be in hands
10. Used Cars For Sale °
11. Articles For Sale
of the Secretary by April 2,
12. 'Wanted To Buy
13. Wanted
14. Property For Sale
Secretary -Treasurer;
15. Property For Rent
RR 1, Blyth, Ontario.
16. For Sale or Rent
17. Wanted To Rent
SHALL, Walton. 14-09-1
18. Property Wanted
19. Notices
8. Farm Stock For Sale
24, Auction Sales
son for sell'in'g we sold the cows,
21.. Tenders Wanted—,11
CHOICE pigs, 8 weeks old.
0 22. Legal Notices
KEN RYAN, phone 40 R 5, Dub -
23. Business. Directory
lin, 8 09.1
24. Cards of Thanks
cattle oilers, the greatest ad-
25 In Memoriam
40 PIGS, 9 to 12 weeks old.
M."" Wanted To Buy,
Call promptly, 300 pounds or
over, according to condiaen.
Asso¢. with Darlingr . &. Co. a
Canada Ltd. Licensed under the,
Dead Stock Disposal Act, e
No. 108662. Seven days service.
Call ED ANDREWS, Phone 863
W 1, Seaforth. 12-O'9-tf
14. PropiertY- For Sale
FARM FOR SALE -100 acres
farm, consisting of good land
and buildings, lot 3, con, 11,
McKillop twp. Apply GORDON
MILLER, RR 2, Walton. 14.9x2
8 -ROOM HOUSE, 2 bedrooms,
in Egmondville, across from,
general store, Can also be used
for two, .apartments. Has sep-
arate entrances. J. VERBAKEL,
Egmandville. 14-9-4
26. Personals
KEN BEATTIE, phone 834 R 6,
FARM -100 acres all in, grass,
President, Huron. Co-op
The cost is low, Classifications
Seafarth. 8-09-1
brame drive, shed, good well'
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and
17, minimum 40c an insertion.
A NUMBER of chunks. Apply
Located in one of the better
farm acres in Huron, Lot 30,
McKillop Municipal
Classi#ication 25, minimum 65c
C. V. DALE, phone 860 R
Seaforth. 809'1
Con. 12, McKilllop, 8 miles
plus 25c for each 4 -line verse.
ncrth of Seaforth, 2 miles
All other classifications mini-
TWELVE PIGS, 7. weeks old,
south of 'Walton. MRS. CORA
for the position of Secretary-
mum 65 cents per insertion.
phones. System, with duties to,
May 1, 1962. Appli-
except 'Auction Sales, (20),
469, Seaforth. 8.Ogx1
SHALL, Walton. 14-09-1
wp be Marked as such, and to be,
Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal
in my hands by April 4th, 1862.
son for sell'in'g we sold the cows,
J, M. ECKERT, See -Treasurer,
(22), rates: on applica-
soon v�accina'ted, bred Here-
cattle oilers, the greatest ad-
Township y
For cash payment or if paid
ford,' blood -tested herd, JOHN
BERENDSEN, lV4 miles east of
I'n Bayfield, on highway 21,
by 10 s Last in
Y g
Farquhar, 83 Highway, phonier
$80 taxes,. 2 acres in choice lio-
tion,1 CC deducted from above
Kirkton 21 R 4. 8-08x3
-cation, dining room, living room
by ,the undersigned until. Mon-
day, March 10th, 1662, for the
and threle bedrooms, large,: fully
of Clerk -Treasurer.
9. Poultry For Sale
equipped modern kitchen. Fn -
tire house newly decorated in-
L. Coming Events
clRED CLOVER}—eaned and
side, Painted outside. Full price
GROUP 1 0l Northside Unit-
SPECIAL money -saving prices
on-stapted--pullets, on orders
$7,000. Low down payment. Bal -
anae. $40 per month.
ed Church Women will bold
booked until March 30, 1962.
their annual Bazaar in the
6'weeks old; 79c. 9 weeks' old,
church basement,, um p 2"
98c. 12 weeks old, $1.29. HEN-
Joseph McConnell
BINGO every Saturday night;
-LTD., phone 675 J 1, Seaforth:
Canadian Legion Memorial HA
19 Victoria Street
Seaforth, commencing at 8:30
Phone 266 — Seaforth
p.m. Jackpot $66 on 59 talus.
10. Used Cars For Sale
One $25 special) and two $5� door
prizes. 1-09-11
1957 DODGE Wagon, A-1 con -
dition..4 new tines, V-8, autoim-
a,tic, as, is $850, Can finaoice.
200 acres, in McKiiHop Twp.,
level, well, drained and good
7 to 8 Thursday 7 p,
m, t i 9 p.m., b`rnT 9 p.m. to
buildings. '
100 acres in Hibbert Twp.,,,,
li p.m„ Saturday afternoon and
John McCowan, RR 3, Sea-
forth, phone 665 R 3. 10-09-2
fair buildings, level, . with 10
,venin Sunda a non and
acres of bush,
125 alaries. in Hullett townsh*
ING LANES, phone 350, 1-07-tf
11. Articles For Sale'
levell, well drained,... s41o; drilled
well, 8 room brick hawse, 1 mile
2. Lost, Strayed
QUANTITY of sappails. and
to school, terms.
7 room house, modern, in Eg-
LOST—In town of Seaforth,' a
phone 655 R 24. 11-09x2.
t mondvillre, with -A/4 acres land,
cocker spaniel lost a week ago
_NUMBER of Collie pups for
new 'oil fnurmrace, ,small barn,
hen house and garage.
Wednesday. Answers to na,m,e
-'sale, PHONE 860 R 4, Seaforth.
Please" contact
"Copper" Anyone knowing its
whereabouts, please, PHONE
Ht0.7328. Reverse Charges,. Re-
BABY CRIB with mattress
Phone 598-M, Seaforth
ward -,will be given. 2-09-1
and high chair. Apply to BOXAGENT
1097, The Huron Expositor, xl'
Help Wanted
OAK DESK, 34 x 60, in good
Listings warted sFarms and
eondition.'•JOSEPH T. HUGILL,
GIRL .o, WOMAN to assist
phone 388-J, 1109-2
with housework for ►two or
three weeks. Apply to MRS._
CHOOSE YOUR diamond in
1.7. Wanted TO Rent
JOHN THOMPSON,. phone 861
privacy ;at ANSTETT-'JEWI';L-
R 23, Seaforth. 4-09x1
LERS, For an evening appoint-
ment phone 77, Seaforth.11-07-tf
NEWLY married couple ren
quire living• accommodation by
McCLARY refrigerator; single
April 1st. Seaforth or Egmond-
day bed;. both °A-1 condition.
villle. Apply BOX. 1094, Huron
Superintendent 'for Maitland-
Expositor. 17-07-3
bank Cemetery.
St., Seaforth. 11.09x1
Duties to commence April 1st.
19. Notices
drawers, good condition; 3 long
Phone 486, Seaforth. o
and 3 short drawers. PHONE
4-09- 2
505, after 6 p.m. 11-09-1
Canada's finest. Two models to
like new, for sale. BILL FRAI-
choose from. Complete paints
and service for all Pioneer
A Rawleigh business its aviad-
SER, phone 563•W, after five.
saws, ROBERT. GLEN, phone
HU 2-9909, Clinton. 19-05x7
able for 'yotr if you can qualify.
A postal card • request will
FEED turnips, for sale, smo
bring you full- details, without
obligation, You theme study and
per ton at our farm. THEO.
HAUWERT, lot 5, conn. 9, Tuck-
Highest prices for dead, old
decide. Write RAWLEIGH CO.,
emsmith, phone Seaforth 653112.
or disabled horses, and cattle.'
Dept. C-363-222, 4005 Richelieu,
Phone Atwood 356-2622, collect
Montreal. 4-09-1
— -
Licence No. 156C62.' 19-02.16
GIRL'S spring coa+t, size 12;
pink and grey fleck, in! good
FILTER QUEEN sales and
condition. Priced reasonably.
service„ Repairs to all makes of
Experienced and fully • quali-
BOX lW8, The Huron Expasi-
tor.' • 11-9x1
vacuum cleaners and polishers.
Reconditioned cleaners for sale.
fled, able to, ha;ndl'e full set of
BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich,
books, full time work. Penman-
YOUNGSTOWN kitchet}_ sink
phone Hensall 696 R 2. 19 -07 -ti
ent position if satisfactory.
unit, 54" white enamel, 2 draw-
Applyin writing, with refer-
ers and four doors. HAROLD
ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser-
-fences before) March 20, 1962,
CALDWELL, phone Hensall 54-J
vice, cleaners and polishers, al-
statihug salary expected to:
so reconditioned cleaners and
FEED for sale. Na, 1 cob
M RR 5, Goderich, Ontario,
corn, and shelled corn, deliver -
President, Huron. Co-op
ed from 5 to lA ton, loads. For
Medical Services,
further infom�ation apply KEN
COWELL, RR 4, ,Blenheim, or
phn,e OR 6-8625. 11.09x8
McKillop Municipal
SPRAYED apples, for sale.
Telephone System
Spy, De'llcious, Talman Sweet,
Snow, .Kiang, Greening. Free
delivery in Seaforth. Phone
Clinton HU 23214, FRED -Mc -
Applications will be received
CLYMONT 'and SONS, Varna,.
iL 07,09hf
for the position of Secretary-
Tre'a'surer of the, above Tele'
DE LAVAL electric separator
phones. System, with duties to,
May 1, 1962. Appli-
for sale'- also De Laval Speed:
cations stating qualifications to
ette mil6r. If cannot sell milk -
er as unit would ednsider sel-
wp be Marked as such, and to be,
ling milking unit separate, Ra-
in my hands by April 4th, 1862.
son for sell'in'g we sold the cows,
J, M. ECKERT, See -Treasurer,
Brussels, phone 327'J 5, 11-09xy
RR 1, S&afonth, Ontario.
CATTLE OILER-Melntyre's.
cattle oilers, the greatest ad-
Township y
vance in cattle oilers In 50 yrs.
The only oiler with spiral Curry
combooni the cat.
Seaforth. See the. oiler at our
farm. " -ra 11-07-11-07-9A
plications will be received
by ,the undersigned until. Mon-
day, March 10th, 1662, for the
of Clerk -Treasurer.
Appldcatians must be inwait-
second generation' certified -and
ing, sealed, clearly marked. Ap.
plication and state qual'ifica-
clRED CLOVER}—eaned and
Office spate and telephone to
TIMOTHY—cle'akd and grad -
be furnished by the appointee.
4 HAIIVpy CobVMA �t, keeve
R. T. RR 1, Seaf��,h
.: , ._'4.02
' , . •:, . , , ,..
parts. BERT KA IS109 Ne
, w -
gate St., Goderich, phone JA
4 7917. 19074f
SOMETHING to 'sell? Some.
thing you need? Use the Want
Ads each week in The Huron
Expositor. They bring results.
Just PHONE 141, Seaforth.
Township of McKillop
All car . owners in the Town- •
ship of McKillop are requested
not to park their cars, on the
roads of the Township during
the winter, Cars 'that are left
on the roads are contrary to
the Highway Traffic Act and j
are a detriment to operation of
Please note that Provincial
'Police will take necessarcy ac-
tion to see that -cars are not
left on roads, and prosecution
may follow",3 _
Road Superintendent
- 19-07-tf
All work guaranteed..
i6 .. Directory,24. Cards of Thanks
SEPTIC tanks clean Mod- barn,new 4 a. a- .
x Notces ed. M 0 Auctio� gages from 23. Business D
Seaforth, Ontario GALLOP wishes
W. J. CI E:ARY MRs,, JtDHN .
ez+n equipment used. All wo�a'k . house with mfld'e'pn. canvenien:- ` to i;on"y her sincere rottaatl� .
guaranteed, Write ' or- phone ces. 120 acres good Clary' loam, LIC $ea,.f D EMBALMER and appreciation, to all'wlio 44ve' Advance'
-' L
LOLiIS BLIAKE, RR 2, B'mus- land, well' drained, remainder been so kmd d�.iang hex recent
sets, phone,442 W 6, Brussels. in hardwtood bush. This farm and FUNERAL DIRECTOR bereavement of a loving 'lints -
19.08x13 can be purchased with or with- Night or Day Calls •— 335
nut the house and" 1 acre • .of band. 7109-1 For Anniversary -
SEAFORTH Nand. BOX y I WOULD I*e, to thank ail
FUNERAL SERVICE. -these whd sent cards, flowers, The charter was draped in
TERMS—Chattels, Cash. R. S. BOR
UPHOLSTERY -letters and°also bh+ase who call memory of Mrs. Christie@,lllun- -
Property lOv -down, balance in LICENSED EMBALMER ed on me whole a patient in St. ro, a past .president of the Re-
Centre Street .30 da4ys. Immediate poGvess+ion,. Jose ; ,
Telephone 446 - Prompt and careful a.ttentian. pt's Hasp�tal, Z(ondon LC bekah Assembly -. of Q.ntario,
p CAMPBELL and MERVYN Hospital Bed was greatly appreciated. and Mrs. James Hogg, at Mon -
For all kinds of upholstering, EYRE �roprletors 4-0
FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS 29-1 WALTER McBETH.. day night's meeting. Mrs. rChas.
16 07fif HAROLD JAC SON, Auctioneerones: "�• I WISH � thank the. Reeves, N,G.,. presided- .,
.l'b e
G'E0RGE PQWELL, Clerk "' Re's':' 595-W — Store 43 the �e'mplloycies of Dublin CrCWL, eam- A communicatlop Was read
ANSTETT Sale, will be held under cover. ery, friends .and relatives wino informing meihbers that Mrs.
JEWELLERS 20-09-2 SEAFORTH . sent me cards,, flowers and Ethel McPherson, of Clinton,
MEDICAL CLINIC treats amd`'•visited me while a. DDP for Hurotl District, No, 23,
Offers yo:u 21. Tenders Wanted Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 26 patient in, St. Joseph*a' Hospjtr v4n visit officially on April 9.
-Easy Credit Terms P. L. BRADY, M.D., M.C.G.P, al, London, also at home. • An invitation is being extended.
Telephone 150 W 1 24-09-1 GERTY KRAMER'S'.. to the members of i•Iaronic'
with DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Lod, O, Cli on, to attend the
Nr0 E. MALKUS, M.D. _ g
WORKS, OTTAWA Tele hone 15 meeting as visitors. Plans .are
Cairying Charges I 27. Births to hold a euchre art
Phone 77, Seaforth TENDERS bV. FLEWELphone M.D., C.M. party and have
19-08-tf Telephone 223 ELLIOT1—At S�otbt 'Memomiail a mystery table following the
SEALED TENDERS address.• OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons, Hospital, our March 11, AIT. r. meeting. It was also announced
ed to Secretary, Department of except Wednesdays; Evenings, and Ms. Frank Elliott, Staffa, that the district annual meeting
Public Warks, Roam B-322, Sir
20. Auction Sales except Wednesday and Saturday a son. is to be 'held at Clinton April
Charles Tupper Building, Rives- Appointments may be made in MARSHALL—At Scott Memor'- 11, to ' which all past noble
side Drive, Ottawa, and endom�:• advance. ial Hospital', on March 13', to, granda..of Rebekah -Lodges--in
AUCTION SALE Mr. ,and Mrs,. Ernest Maty
ed "TENDER FOR DREDGI- DR. M. W. STAPLETON Huron District are invited.
A ctio,n She of High lit ING, APPROXIMATELY 32,5001 Physician and Surgeon shall, Sea(Eol bh, a daughter, Reporting for the special
4� g Quality CU. YDS, PLACE MEASURE- T,rry Lrene. committee in charge of arrange-
Dairy Equipment, Phone 90 Seaforth MOIR—At Scott Memorial Hoselodge's
Feed Machinery, and House- HENT CLASS "A MATERIAL, If no answer, call Residence 605 rents for the 50th an
106,200 CU. YDS. PLACE MEA- ------------ pital, on March 10, to Mr, and niversary on May 10, Miss Jean
hold Effects at Loh 14, Can. 11, Mrs. Gerald Moir, John St.,
Stanley(Tov✓nshi 6 miller SUREMENT CLASS "B" MAT JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Scott said that Mrs. Eula Hyckie
p, Seaforth, a daughter.
north of Zurich, on FRIDAY ERIAL AND LINE DRILLING Physician and Surgeon of London, assembly vice-presi-
1?,800 LIN. FEET AT GODER- Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-1 SCOTT—At Scott Memorial Hose
MARCH 16, at ,1:00 p.m. dent, plans to attend. Previous -
ICH, HURON COUNTY, ONT- Seaforth pita,l, on March 1¢, • to Mr. ly, Ms. Helen Bowman, of In -
HOLSTEINS—one MR10. Will be received until and Mrs. Wayne Scott, Sea -
CHOICE ersor, assembly president,
3.00 p.m. (E. S. T.), WEDNES- D. H. McINNES Toth, a daughter, g
cow due in June; 1 cow due had confirmed she would attend
in April; one, cow, due in May; DAY, APRIL 11, 1962. Chiropractic - Foot Correction the anniversary dinner and be
one cow, due, date of the sale; Commercial Hotel 29. Deaths the guest speaker.
registered cow milking, rebred Combined specification, and Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m. g F
Feb. 6; 1 cow fresh in July; 1 form tender can be seen, and ob- DORSEY—In• Sea%nth, ami Mar. An invitation was received to
he-ife�r fresh six weeks; 1 cow twined at the, office of the JOHN E. LONGSTAFF attend Friendship Night at
11, Patrick Joseph Dorsey, in
Chief Engineer (H. & R.), Optometrist, optical services, Monkion on April 6.
fresh since Nov,; 1 heifer fresh hip 75th, year.
Jan. 2; 1 cow milking,mbred Room E-443. Sir Charles Goderich St. W., adjacent to 'The initiatory degree is to
McCARTHY�-In Logan', an Mar.
Feb.; 1 cow fresh Dec.; 1 heifer. Tupper Building, Riverside Clinic. Tues, to. Sat., 9-5:30, 10, Lloyd J. McCarthy, in his be conferred at the next meet=
fresh Dec:; 1 heifer fresh• In, Drive, Ottawa, District Rn- except Wed. Thurs. eve'ping by ing, March 26, and in prepara-
ginle,er, Dominion Public appointment. Phone 791, Sea- 46th yenar.
Nov.; .2 heifers, rising, 2 years tion for this, Mrs. Ila Dorrance,
old; 3 yearling heifers; 4 year Building, Box 668, London, forth. Monday, Clinton Medic- degree captain, is asking all of-,,_
ling steers; 2 summer heifer Ontario. ail Centre. ficers and other members to
calves; 3 heifer calves; 3 bulleach - GROUP 1, UCW attend a special practice next
calves To be considered must--
tender SEAFORTH g p Monday evening, March 19., at,
purebred Holstein buil, The March meeting of Group
8 months old; 1 polled Shot -t, $�'� and over must Y
hone F VETERINARY 1 of Northside UCW was held 7:45 p,m.
yearling steer, This is, a (a+) be accompanied by one CLINIC at the home of Mrs. W. Bail Final plans were made for a
good type herd carefully select- of the alternative secur-
ed from high producing blood iti,e, called for- in the, J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. with 24 monster joint euchre to be held members and three Visi- this Friday evening in ` the
lines• bender documents, W R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. torn present. In the absence IOOF Hall.
FEED -300 hales of good W. G. Drennan, D,V.Mi' V.S. of the president, Mrs., N. Hach -
quality mixed hay; 200 bushels (b) be made on the printed Phone 105. Seaofrth
of grain.- forms supplied by the born, due to bereavement, Mrs,
DAIRY EQUIPMENT—Surge)" Depar+tm+ent and in,'ac- A. M. HARPER & COMPANY presided. She o en -
W. Cuthill p° ZION
2 -unit milker, complete with, cordance with the con- Chartered Accountants ed the meeting with "a prayer piping 'for 20 cows; McDeering dition , set forth therein. 55 South St. Telephone y Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bush -
cream separaitor, milk pails and Goderich JA 4-7562 for discipleship." Dr. Strang- field were in Wingham. on Tues-
strainer.Tenders. must include the Licensed Municipal Auditor ways will be the guest speaker day, his brother,. Wilfred, hav-
MACHINERY", and MISCE•L+ towing of the pliant to and from
LANEOUS ITEMS-McDeerin at the general meeting of UCW Ing passed away on Monday in
g the work• - � on April 24. The i'adies from Vittoria, Hospital, London.
power take off binder, 8 It. cut, The dredges and other float- MUTUAL 1♦ IRE Winthrop, Constance, Egmond- Mrs. Dalt6A Malcolm spent
in new condition; McDeering i g plaint which are intended to INSURANCE CO..- ville and • Brucefield are invit- Tuesday with her parents, .Mr.
No. 6 hammer mill, 35 A. rub- be employed on this work to ed to this meeting, with a spe- and Mrs. George Gibb, Mr. Gibb
ber belt; 2 -wheel; and HEAD OFFICE -Seaforth Ont.
racks; rubber -tired wagon new- be eligible maist� tial invitation extended to the returning with her for a few
President — Allister Broadfoot husbands. days,
ly built hay rack; Lary int ele.c- (a) be of Canadian g Uy, Plans were discussed for the Mrs. Robert Burchill, Sr., is
frit clippers; rotary pump; iced Kingdom registry, Seaforth •
hog scales and orate; bag and Vice -President — Norman Tre- bazaar which.,will be held this visiting her son, Mr, Jack Sr,.,
pig feeders,; chicken wartha, Clinton.__ year .on October 27. 'A bale is chill; and-�VIrs.: Burehitl.
ieieder rubber -tined wheel- (b} be of Canadian Or Un- Secretary -Treasurer. — W. E: being packed and all donations Mrs. Leslie Moore and Mrs.
barrow; single, (plow; sing' ited Kingdom make or Southgate, Seaforth are asked to be brought to the Clarence Shelley, Mitchell, vis -
snuffler; brooder house; brood- manufacture and. in the DIRECTORS church not later ,than March ited M•r+•''aad,.Mrm-Frank Moore -
er stove; set of Oliver bean pull-- case of U.K. squipm.ent J :..i.. Malone, SeafOrfh 'dht3s, 17, also used greeting cards. Wednesday evening.
ler knives; canvasses for 6' have been in Canadaat 14gohliardt, Bornholm; Robert Some of the clothing will be Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bush -
Deering binder; 2 tires, .4.50 x least one yea,ry prior to Archibald, Seaforth, John I . sent to, Germany to an ' area Field, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
21, on rims; ben wise, etc. 'the date of the tender McEwing, Blyth.; William S. which recently suffered from Hannon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Fin . call, Alexander, Walton.; Harvey Ful- flood. Anyone having clothing Barker attended the funeral of
lay combination stave in new ler, -Goderich, Win, R, Pepper. to donate can have it picked up the' late Wilfred Bushfield in -
eandition; ^ dining room furni- The lowest or"any tender not Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot.
necessarily accepted. and taken to' the church by Wingham UnitedZ*hurch.
tore; tables; chairs; rocker; P Seaforth; N. Trewartha, Clin- calling Mrs. G. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney
linoleum, 9' x 10'; tricycle; ROBERT FORTIER, ton. To date, $448 has been re- in Stratford on Friday.
quilting frames;. lawn -mower; Chief of Administrative Services A(.ENTS: alized from the Valentire sup- Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Ellig-
daybed; child's higin chair, etc. and Secretary Vincent Lane, RR 5, Seaforth;
21-09-1 William Leiper, Jr., Londes- Per. UCW pins for lif, mem- sen and Terry spent the week -
NO RESERVE, TERMS—Cash. born: Selwyn Baker, Brussels bers can be purchased for $3 end with Mrs. MabelHiggerson.
ELDON BENDER, Proprietor. ,Tames Key's, RR 1, Seaforth; each. Mrs. Vera Moore is spending:
ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk 22: Legal Notices Harold Squires, RR 3, Clinton, The program was taken by some time with her brother,
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Gevrge Coyne, Dublin; Donald Mrs. A, Smith and Mrs. R. Sav- Mr. Herman 'Williams, and Mrs.
Phone 119, Da,shwolodG. Eaton, Seaforth. auge, Mrs. Savauge gave a very Williah-is in Burford.
20-09-1 NOTICE _ _ interesting presentation of the Mr:° and Mrs. R. S. Aikens
TO CREDITORS 24. Cards of Thanks chapter, "Youth and Transition accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bill
CLEARING —Lost or Found," from the stu- Durst to Kitchener on .Sunday
In., the Estate of RUSSELL WE WOULD like to expre:Ss 1 dy book, "Signals For the 'Six- to visit their daughter and son
AUCTION SALE JOHN BARROWS our sincere thunk you to, all who ties." This was followed by a in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Neil Nairn
Clearing Auction Sale of persons having claims so kindly remembered u, with period of discussion. and new grandson, Scott Brad-
Farm Stock and Mach- against the Estate of Russell cards and also our neighbours, A delicious lunch was served ley.
i�nery, at t 3, Con. 12, Tuck- John Barrows, late of the Town- who sent cards during our re- by Mrs. H. Connell, Mrs, E. E]- Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper
ersmith Twp,, 3 mile East of ship of McKillop, in the County cent sad bereavement. MR,. & lis and Mrs. F, Roberton, A! with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pep -
, MRS.' -NORMAN HACHBORN, vote of thanks was given to the per on Sunday.
Hens•all, on County road or 1/2 of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- CHARDES and CONNIE, -1
mile West of Chiselhunstt, . on ceased, who died on the 9th hostess and to all taking part, Mr, and Mrs, George Smile
SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, art day of January, 1062, are here- WE WISH to express our sin- by Mrs. G, . Kerr. The next and Mr, Dalton Balfour were
1 p.m, by notified.to send in full par- cere thanks to our friends ,arid meeting will be held at the in London on Sunday.
CATTLE -3 Durham cows titulars of their claims to the neighbours for their many acts, home of Mrs. J. C. Britton. Mr. Wayne Pepper, of OAC,
undersigned on or before- the of kindness during the long III- Guelph, spent the weekend with
due ire May and June; 1 Here- 30th day of March, 1962, after nress and death of Mrs. Glletiv. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
fond cow due in May;'9 well which date the assets, will be Our very special thanks to Dr. Pepper.
bred Holstein heifers, 1 year distributed, having ,regard only Ross and nursing staff of Huron)- t0; Miss Nancy Lannin, of the
o'l'd• to cladms then received, view, Clinton.; and tq Dr, Gor- {�10 Teachers' College, Stratford, is
SHE EP -16 Sui folk ,roves, will and the nursing staff of M IS�RS practise teaching in Clinton
DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, t
bred to lamb in April, this 1st day of March,' 1962. Scott Memorial Hospital; and to ppVE Public School this week,
Rev. Britton and the Whitney Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Lannin
MACHINERY—B.,John: Deere, McCONNELL & STEWART Funeral Home. It was very visited her parents, Mr, -and
tractor with power troll; M. M Seaforth, Ontario. deeply appreciated. Mrs. Broughton, in Atwood Sat-
ZAE tractor, completely over- Solicitors for the Executors CHARLES GLEW and urday evening,
hauled in 1060; set ,traotor d -09x1 CRICK FAMILY
chains, .L1� x 38• Jahn Deere 22-08-3 Two beautiful baskets of
3 -furrow power troff plow; 3_ THE FAMILY h .s t late Mrs.
flowers were placed in Zion
Bush -
furrow Jahn Deere plow; 8 ft. 23. Business Directory James Hagg wtshes to express C n Church on. Sunday by the f the
John Deere spring' tooth cul'itiyv- pec )sin, to thanks ,and raja- i field family in memory of the
abow, (like. new); John Deere preciation to -their many rein- • late Wilfred Bushfield, who was
one-way" disc; Freeman heavy MCUONNELL tives, friends and neighbors for �+ buried in Wingham on Thurs-
duty hydraulic m•amure loader, & STEWART their messages of sympathy, day.
(2 buckets); 21-A Massey -Har- Barristers Solicitors, Etc. the.lovely floral tribub s and 0
�. Sympathy is extended to the
rig SP combine with pick-up, In P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. many acts of kindness,, gbaAfni Burchill family in the loss of
good condition; - .International • D. 1. STEWART them in their recent sad ber- a husband and father, sdn and
es,vement of the loss, of as dear brother, the late Ro
hay baler, with motor; Inter- Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 y Burchill.
national double disc; , John, wife and mother. Special anks Mr, Mowet Stacey visited 'his
F A. W. SILLERY to the Whitney Mineral oma,
Deere semWnount,d corn ick- The chances of someone keep- .brother, Mr. Jack Stacey, and
Rev. J. "C. Britton, the pa1l�
ere gu cost planter; Massey- Ing your secret are about 40 to Mrs. Stacey, and mother, Mrs.
Ferguson manure spreader, Barrister, Solicitor, etc. bearers, flower bearers and , .
(nearly, ?.new); Ma'sis,ety-�Ferg, Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 those wlio hoaned cars. Also a 1 against you. Rena Stacey, on Sunday.
uson• 7-ft..pawer mbwez�' (Yt=,w); Seaforth Ontario very s5eciad thanks to thea Tadies There is rho secret about our
115 run bntern,andon+a!ll 2 who sent gifts' oaf fouel and help-
• ' �' circulation audience. ABC The small boy cried liitterl ...;
G. A. WHITNEY ed at the. home of Bedford and y
drill,; t,5 on 3 dream steel Lois Dungey, "tel! -all" reports give factual after a large friendly dog
miller; 5 bon wagon with 22,5 FUNERAL HOME JAMES NOGG and FAMILY answers for your advertising bounded up to him and licked
bushel grain box, (like new); Goderich St. W. Seaforth his face and hands.
2A 09x1 questions,
farm wagon with miler bear- AMBULANCE SERVICE "What is it?" asked his math-
ings, 150 bushel grain box; 24- Adjustable hospital beds Ask to see our ABC report. er. "Did he bite you?"
ft. grain anger with motor; for rent.
weed sprayer, trailer type 1959; FLOWERS FOR EVERY Boxholders' Names "No," sobbed the child; "but
be tasted me. ..
4 -ft: wire.brake; wire mink pens, OCCASION Not Given Out ! THE HOW
LI Y and GRAIN—Quantity Phone 119 Seaforth
� '�' -- It is not possible for us •
mixed grain and baled hay; 706 to divulge the name or ad- 1 FOR. ADVERTISEMENTS TOO
bases oil oat straw, J. A. RIJRKE g���
Futt@ral Director dress of any advertiser LATE TO CLASSIFY SIC
FARM-�•130 acre --Wm mom and Ambulance Service using a Huron Expositor �
or Itits will be. olsered. for 3sale DUBLIN , 3 , ONTARIO box numlim Please do not
ask to. this informatin'ti.' SEAi�`t RTl PAGE s.
subjebb': to veserv'o l?id it that? X13 ti stn Day Calls: •,
1�i3viohY . `s+i>lti .,:r.b,: i R