HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-03-01, Page 5• • a 1 WEEK.. IN. c ' . ? mid har i AI% I, Allan Jim amkAtra, bort *may ay> visited Mr, Iwd. ,Aldan Will s:- Munro; �Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Mal hn, Keith and 'Bruce visited Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Bibb, of Stratford, recently, Little Patti O'Rourke visited_ 'blue coati Clhampion Stove and • Furnace. Oil • • • . N WILLIS- DUNDAS Phone 573 or 71 W bei bra dparent,Mr aid fierh .Britt9ne for a. few' days last w : _ R We• are sorry to repo,' - Mrs. Rena Stacey fhll MtSat and -broke her armand is #`.?t Stratford Hospital. Miss Joan Britton, Galt_ and l¢iss Margaret Britton, Sea - forth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Len O'Rourke. and fatally. Mr. Mowet Stacey visited his- mother in Stratford Hospit Sunday. .Mx. and Mrs. Jack urchin entertained a few friends Fri- day evening. RED CROSS TO: MEET Tie regular. meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Library rooms on Fri- day, at 3:00 p.m. WIL.LING.WitKl K% e- second meeting of the 'OW 'Jib. 1Villing W,rken was hel' at tje home of Keith;. AIac an, Egmondvj e, on Sats'' urd Y. The minutes of . the hist mee ing were Tread by Lynne, ix , miff -guest was Miss isa• Ile Gilchrist, Huron Vcontten- ist. She told how-to know if.m_a= terlat-was on the grain, and, how to.shrink, it. Measurefnents were taken and 'the group talk- ed alked ab. ut patterns. Thergroup were asked to think of . a good name for the club, as there are too many "Willing Workers," - The . third ;.meeting of the Slick Chicks was held at the home of Mrs. Keith MacLean on Saturday, The roll call was answered by alterations made in the pattern. It was decided to use the name "Slick Chicks." Some samples on sewing were handed out by the leaders. IT rLT 1T IT IT IT I TT IT IT IT ITAT FOR 'TOP. PRODUCING HEALTHY LAYERS, USE THE "lOPNOTCH FEEDING PROGRAM!' 'sr•I t! .. 24% Topnotch VITATONE Extra Vitamins and Minerals, Antibiotics and NF -180 Start -Baby Chicks on Vitatone for the first week. Use at times of stress when grow- ing and laying. 21% Topnotch *Chick .Starter Crumbles •Start feeding at 1 week. At 3 weeks start feeding good' quality Whole Oats, start at a mere token and keep increasing until you'are feed- ing 1/5 oats of the total ration at 8weeks of age., 18% TOPNOTCH GROWING CRUMBLES At 8 weeks of age hold the grain level constant and gradually ohange from Starter to Grower. Between 9 and 13 weeks, gradually increase the Scratch Feed until they are getting one-third the total • ration in Scratch. Maintain this diet until birds come into production. 1 ni4 W.&,*t; ,- t!w d..tortii t)I.ukx 1NiRb S4001 (By Gisela Dorrance) Last week, was one of sports at Seaforth High. On Thursday,' the Senipr Girls went to Exa, ter for an exhibition game. Ev en though they did not carry away the victory (they lost 22- 15), it was good experience for them. The Junior Boys started their home -and -home series bn Fri- day and lost ground, unfortun- ately. The Clinton boys defeat- ed them 43-34. By the time this is published we ,will know whether or not they go to WOSSA. The crucial game is on Wednesday, in Seaforth: ' On Friday afternoon, also, the boys' and girls' curling teams went to WOSSA •in Strat- ford to try their luck. The girls' team (Pam Stapleton, Diane TOPNOTCH LAYING (FEEDS When you get the first eggs from your pullets they should be chang- ed to Laying Feeds. Don't forget Grit (Fine Grit beginning when they are two weeks old). And Fresh Clean Water (your cheapest feed). If you follow ' this program, we think you will agree that your flock. is an ABOVE AVERAGE ONE ! s FREE FEEDING PROGRAMS are available at Mill PLEASE ASK FOR THEM ! OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH PH - NE 775 "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" T IT 11: IT 1 lel TIT IT IT T 01111 WINCHELSEA The Elimville Institute held their euchre party on Wednes- day afternoon at the hall with five tables in play, prizes going to: ladies, high, Mrs. John Cow- ard; low, Mrs. Ivan Brock; near, est birthday, Mrs. Ray Clark; Dutch auction, Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. Philip Hern and. Mr. Bill Walters were at Wingham on Wednesday, curling. Mr. and Mrs. Newton -Clarke had had as their guests on Friday evening, Mr: and Mrs. John Coward, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hern and family, Mr, and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara and Mr, and Mrs. William Walters and Danny. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Mr. and ° Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Crediton, visited in London on Tuesday with Mrs. Jack Mahar and Danny. Miss Kay Horne, of London, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Freeman Horne. Mrs. Philip Hern and Kevin and Mr. and Mrs. John Coward visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Parsons - and fam- ily, --of near Exeter., Mr. and Mrs. Lbrne Elford,.. Ava and Michael; of Elimville, visited on Friday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Bison Lynn and family. ' Mr. Clifton Webber, of Elim- ville, 'spent the weekend with Danny Walters. Mr. and' Mrs. Beverley Mor- gan and family, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. •, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carscadeno and family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Garnet Miners. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Gilfillan, Randy and Wendy, of Exeter, visited on' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern. BR EFT' e World Day at Prayer. will bp hold lei Bruce ld AVOW; ed Chun_ eb on 'fie#,1, at AtOg o'clock. Kipper! $dies= are ,.4', vited end will take 4art in. the program', . Miss Margaret Aldington,:;. s . McAash, Vatno, Mr,.. and Mrs,' Harold llorner And, 'Mrs, Blake Horner, of Zureh, were Weekend guests with Mrs_ Ings and Mrs. Krueger over the. ,weekend. Mrs. Peter -Moffat,. Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. K,..Cornish fora few days. The many friends W, AtcBeth are pleased,to know he is improving in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and expects to be hofte soon. Miss „Barbara Crowe riendspent the•.,. weekend;, .with Mr- and Mrs. Alvin Smith, of Bluevale, were visitors with Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. H. Berry. M,Tr. and Mrs. Ellwood,; Stack- house, Willow Grove, -spent Sunday -with Mrs. W. Stack- house. "The newly -elected elders of Brumfield United Church are Messrs. Don Brodie, W. D. Wil - soh -and Elgin Thompson. Brucefield • IOOF held their third euchre part on Friday night with a very large attend- ance. The following were' prize winners:' ladies, high, Mrs. Mel Graham; low, Mrs. Chas. Ham; gents, high, Mr. William Tay- lor, Varna; low, Mr, Gordon Caldwell. Mr. Gordon Thomson held the lucky ticket on the ham. HENSALL Kirk, or a Gorwilll Margaret lgie) lost the first game, and came back on Saturday to win the next, but lost the third one. The boys i(Karl Campbell, 'Lau- rie Stockwell, Ken Cardno, Lar- ry Heuerman) lost two straight and were mit of the race. Three eheers for aur teams, who let the other schools' now that Seaforth exists! The weekend was also one of academic pursuits. On Satur- day, five 'SDEIS students went to Western University --Cathy Eckert, Phyllis firms,. Dorothy Boyes, Marie Strong and Jean McNaughton. During the after- noon they were" briefed on uni- versity- life, visited different rooms to learn about some of the aspects of the various sub- jects, made a tour of • the grounds, and listened to a speech, "How Am I Going To Spend My Life.?." The afternoon was finished by a supper and '•a dance. At 9:30 they were on their way home. * * * B. A,: What's yellow and round, and you use every day? BEFORE AFTER MAKE YOUR CHESTERFIELD' LIKE NEW! r ,MAKE- •YOUR OLD CHAIRS LIKE NEW ! LIKE, NEW ! MAKE YOUR OLD MATTRESS MAKE YOUR CAR UPHOLSTERY LIKE NEW! WHY BUY .THESE ITEMS NEW? All These Things You Get for HALF PRICE as Compared to NEW COST! REMODELLING " REFINISHING • CLEANING OF ALL YOUR FURNITURE Our Labor Prices For a Complete 'Upholstering- Job • Chesterfield $25.00 Chesterfield Chair $15.00 Chrome Kitchen Chair $3.50 Car Seat $5.00 , • • Ask - For Free Estimates and See . Our Samples -- SEAFORTH UPHOLSTER CENTRE STREET Seaforth Phone 446 Plan Dance To Aid' Hockey Members of. Teen Twenty are plhnning a dance to assist juv- enile hockey in Seaforth. All proceeds from the event,• which will take place in the Commun- ity Centre on Saturday, March 10, will be presented to the hockey association. The assist- ance will be in addition to a donation of $100, which Teen Twenty gave the juvenile as- sociation some time aga: OBITUA1ES F. WILLIAM MORLEY . ,.. F. • William Morley,. 80, life- long resident of Usborne Town- ship, passed away in . South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on February 13, having been ad- mitted only five days previous. He had been in ill health since Christmas. Son _o the late Francis Mor- ley and _of, Recraft, he was born on the homestead now op- erated by his. son, William. In 1908 .he married Cora Dann, of 13enfield, and took up' resi- dence on the farm across the road, which he- occupied until' his death. The couple celebrat- ed their golden wedding anni- versary in December, 1958. Last November, on his 80th birthday, he was honored at a birthday dinner, attended by his family and grandchildren. He was a member of Whalen United Church and had taken an - active part until ailing health prevented him in recent year. He was the last surviving member of Court Woodham Canadian Order of Foresters and received his sixty -year membership pin a year ago.' Surviving besides his widow are three daughters, Ruth, Mrs. ,Russell Brack, of RR 2, Kip - pen;, Jean, Mrs. Arthur Hod- gins, of Clandeboye; Mary, Mrs. WilliamFrench, of Whalen; two sons, liHoward, of Hazel Park, Mich., and William, of Whalen; 14 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Minnie, Mrs. Harvey Squires, of Kirkton, and Miss Lillian Morley, of Milverton. One daughter, Elva, died in 1958. The funeral was held from the Hopper -Hockey" Funeral Home, Exeter, on Saturday, ' Feb. 17, ith Rev. Duncan Guest gond ding the service., Interment wa in Zion ceme- tery, Usborne '1'o"wnship. JOHN DUNCAN PATTISON The death. occurred in Vic- toria Hospital, London, on Fri- day of John Duncan Pattison, 27, of Seaforth, following an illness of several months. Mr. Pattison, a native of Chat- ham, was the 'local representa- tive of Union Gas and moved with his family here nearly four years ago when natural gas was first made available. During the short time he had been in the community he had taken an active part in a number of •or- ganizations and was held in high esteem by all with whom he came in contact. He is survived by his wife, the former 'Thelma Gall; two young children, a daughter Heather and a son Bradley; by his parents, Mr. and Mrs- Dun- can Pattison, Chatham; broth- ers Gerald, with the RCN, Hali- fax, and Robert, Chatham; and b' his grandmother, Mrs. D. Pattison, also of Chatham Fdneral services were held Tuesday from the John G. Stephen funeral home, Chat- ham, and burial followed in Maple Leaf . Cemetery. Among those who attended the funeral from Seaforth were Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Drennan, Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dungey and Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Wood. i ,hoose one '.of tl • w;.ready-tor-wear suits *van, IlleY',,. Pew in, style, lnew in •pattern, m#Ta come in:odels for sior : rem. `lers and tails. ...Featured, alga aro the. new Continental .:styles for young MOPP -a lot of suit at a:, SIZES 36 TOO4a ig Meg-. 65.00 & 69 Mr. Walter McBeath, Bruce - field, is a patient in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, in the interests of his health. , Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan -left last week for Daytona Beach, Florida, for a month's vacation. The United Church Women, Unit 4 (Mrs. J. 1V1cAllister's group), will meet in the Sun- day schoolroom, Thursday, Mar. 1, at 2:30 p.m. The Arnold. Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church met Mon- day evening for their February meeting with President Mrs. B. Beaton presiding. Mrs. Ross MacDonald and Mrs. R. A. Orr presented 'the devotional and study, "Youth and Educational Training." Mrs. Orr reported on Valentine boxes sent to pa- tients at Queensway Nursing Home, and Mrs., MacDonald (gave current events on British Guiana. P for the Easter th eying meeting in April were discussed and it was de- cided to invite Caven Presby- terian Church, 'Exeter; St An- dre 's Upited Church, Kippen; Pres -Kno and t terian, Bayfield, S and CGIT group of this hunch. Guest speaker will be Mrs. `Ross MacDonald. NEW" CONTINENTAL: TOPCOATS Every mai - wmitg one The new Con* tinental style top- coat in reversible Or foam laminated types. Features are the new checks and the new Short l:eiigth. • 24.50 to 29.50 New For Spring SPORT SHIRTS See the new Forsyth, ArroW and Beaver sport shirts now. New prints, new checks, new shades, in regular or button-down collar. i WE HAVE THE BIG CHOICE HERE ! 3.95 4.95 5.95 Special Purchase — Values to 3:95 SPORT COLLAR STYLE WORK SHIRTS We purchased this job lot of work shirts from this good maker at a big discount. There's lots of choice in colors and pat- terns that sold -up to $3.95. SIZES --- S, M, L, XL SPECIAL 2 49 STEWART EROS. WEDDING INVITATIONS COASTERS COASTERS • , -' _ GIFT IDEAS • SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 • • SEAFORTH YOUR LUMBER DEALERS ALLIANCE 1 • Utility and .charm in beauti- ful birch, fir or poplar cup- boards—finished or unfinished. Make your work' day brighter! Ask for a" free estimate on a new kitchen for you. REMODEL NOW for as low $14.00 as TILE UNDERLAY Poplar Tile Underlay, sand- ed one side for use as un- derlay for floor tile; 3/4" • thick in easy -to -handle 4' x 4' sheets. Use it directly over rough. flooring. ONLY $1.60 Per Sheet BUILD AND PAY THE LDA BUDGET WAY ! BOARD PANELS A place for everything—ev- erything in its place when Peg Board- Panels ,are the job ! SQUARE FOOT 144. HANDY HOOKS A variety of fixtures for use with peg board panels; will on hold everything from hats to tools. PACKAGE 3' Seafoith Lumber Ltd.''urE'