HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-03-01, Page 4z'he UO1�V. Of Bethel, Duffs a$ COP- will aeet for the v odo: Pay iQ PO„Y ar ab -Cavan OttMreb, �!!•ud1iroP`w rridas!, • •n4 •Z;OO 'p.m. Cavan ladies r 11 .;meet tat 10IS for a short 2sueas period, The J ig 24th Annual SHO Ends. Sat., Mar. 3 Open Daily 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. CLOSES SAT. 4:39 p.m. ADMISSION .sa Children with Adults admit. ted FREE . s SIMS Visit Western Grade,,XlII-pupils from SDHS were Shoong 5$ area students who were guests at University of Western Ontario Saturday. During the day they toured the university facilities and heard details of. the " various courses which are provided. Later they were guests of the UWO stu- dent organization at a dance. Thqse from SD1IS who attend- ed were Canty Eckert, Phyllis Bryans, Jean McNaughton and Marie Strong. they were ac- companied' by Principal L... P. Plumsteel and Wnit Nediger. • Afternoon and Evening Programs • Special Ladies' Features • Animaland ZOQ Latest in Farm Machinery and - Equipment Sponsored by— WESTERN FAIR ASSOCIATION in co-operation with the MIDDLESEX SOIL and .CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Western Fairgrounds LONDON EUCHRE Orange Hall, Seaforth Friday, March '2 Auspices Orange Hall Property 'Committee — Lunch Served — ADMISSION .40c . W LT N NEWS ,, I.' ! ssiv* Euchre Hod Rraitttg The Hall -Hoard and' Women's Institute held a euchre party in the Community Rat' Friday eve- ning with, •22 tables in play. A short -meeting of the Women's Institute was held prior to the euchre on aceoufit of hexing to postpone their meeting the night before. Joilit card' parties will continue through the month of March, being held Friday ev- ening, March 2 and 23. The committee for March 2 will be Mrs. William Turnbull, Mrs. George Love, Mrs. George Wil- liamsen .and Mrs. Stewart Hum phries: ST. PATRICK'S DAY SUPPER Cooked by Catholic Women's League of St. James' Parish. Sat., March 17th 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in St. James' School Auditorium DANCING BRODHAGEN Community Centre Friday, March 2 Desjardine's Orchestra,. ADMISSION 75 CENTS O.HA• -Intermediate B1 PLAYOFFS TO' -NIGHT, AT.. 8:30 (Thursday,. TO-NIGHT, 1st) • .. Centralia vs. Seaforth ADMISSION — 50c and 25c -• Next Game, Tuesday, Mar. 6th SEAFORTH ARENA A. nominating committee was appointed to draw up a -new slate of officers for the coming year as folldws: Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. George Hibbert, Mrs. Ernest Stevens, Mrs. Jan Vliet, Sr., and Mrs. Jas. Nolan. The next meeting will" be Chil- dren's Night and Mrs. Herb Wil- liamson and Mrs. Nelson Reid will be added to the list for the lunch. The following were prize win- ners for the progressive euchre: ladies' high, Mrs. Alvin McDon- ald; ladies' low, Mrs. Ronald Bennett; gents' high, ,Bob Hum- phries; gents' .. low, Neil Mc- Clure. o- Clure. Mrs. Wm. Turnbull won the prize for the person having a birthday nearest the 23rd. A very successful penny auction was carried on at the close of the euchre with Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald and Mrs- Nelson Marks in charge, The prize winners were Mrs. Jack 'Gordon, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Neil McDon- ald, Carolyn Fraser, Dianne Fraser, Torrance Dundas, Lawr- ence Ryan, Mrs. D. Ennis, Wen - da Humphries, Mrs. Alvin Mc-. Donald, Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs. Jim McDonald, Mrs. Clar- ence Martin, Don McDonald, Graeme Craig, Larry Walters, Bob Humphries, Sharon Marks, Glenna Houston, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Jack McCall, Mrs. Jim Nolan, Sherrill Craig, Mrs. George Pollard, Mrs. Ed. Miller, Mrs. Jack Simpson, Gary Ben- nett, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Ken Pollard, Barbara Bryans, Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Clarence Ben- nett, Neil. Ryan, Andrew Turn- bull, Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, Mrs. Andrew Coutts, Mrs..- W. C. Hackwell,. Mrs; Alf Anderson, Mrs. Leslie Oliver, Mrs. Harold Bolger, Lawrence Ryan, Tommy Williamson, Shirley Williamson, Mrs. Herb Triaviss, "Mrs. Forest McKay, Mrs., • Wm. Humphries, Mrs. Wm. Turnbull: ' Lunch was served with the following committee in charge: Mrs. Lawrence, Ryan, Mrs., Joe Ryan, Mrs. • George Fox, • Mrs. Forest McKay, Mrs. Stewart Humphries and Mrs. James Nolan A family birthday dinner hon- oring Mr. 'Malcolm Fraser, was held at his home Saturday eve- ning, when the following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser and family, Strat- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Living- stone and family, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser and family, Grey Township; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser and family, Morris_ Township, and Mrs. Ethel Hackwell, Walton. Mr.�.anii_Mra-Qord-on. M�Gav in spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr: )idcGavin attend- ed the annual meeting of that International Plowmen's .Associ- atio.n at the King Edward Ho - Itel. Alexander Gulutzen and Jim Bolger also attended the banquet Tuesday noon. Mrs. Margaret Humphries has returned home after' visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Horace Rutledge, and Mr. Rutledge in London. An Easter cantata, "The Sun,. BLAKE Miss Norma Jean Gingerich spent Thursday evening with Miss Susan Erb. Messrs. Robert McKinley, Bob Johnston, Lewis Erb, Wayne 'Willert and Jack Coleman have returned home after motoring to Florida. Miss Linda Oesch spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Oesch, and family. . (Intended for last week) Mr. Harold Finlay and fam- ily -called on Mr Bert Gibbings and Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Lands - borough,, of Clinton, on Satur- day, Feb. 17. The Blake public school held their annual Valentine party. on Feb. 16. A Will settled be � �s on 1 p i..o ie �gk i of Duffs Fi, ted �x tb�e c. x �.. Church a� an evening se rvtc e, Eager .SufIdaY• Mr, and' ,Mrs.' Edwin ler, of Itathbridge, Alberta, spent ' the Past week with tthe former's Mother, Mrs. Pauline Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug: 'las Ennis before attending the Canadian Conference on-. Edu . cation in Matted. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMich- ael, of Preston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael on Sunday. Miss Ruth Ennis, Reg.N., of I.itchener, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Ennis. MARCH 15 RED CROSS MONTH Your Local Branch is having its Campaign for Funds, beginning MARCH 7th Please Give It Your Support Bowling Leagues Egmondville Church.-- Standing: Black Hawks, 55; Bruins, 42 ; Canadiens, 38 ; Leafs, 32; Red Wings, 31; Rang- ers, 31. Ladies' high, single Helen Nott, 256; high triple, Wilma McLean 565; . men, high, single, Ivan Carter, 281; high triple, Norm MacLean. Ladies' high single to date, Winnie Nott, 277; men's high, single, D. Eaton, 330; ladies' high triple, Winnie Nott, 654; men's high triple, Ross Alexander, 744. * * * COF Bowling League Standing: Pole Cats, 57; Tem, Cats, 48; Pussy Cats, 47; Wild Cats, 44; high team, single_ and triple, Tom Cats, 1015, 2741; men's high, single and triple, Oliver Pryce, 293, 601: * * * Highland Shoes Standing: 'Alley Cats, 92; Tig- er Cats, 84; Black Cats, 70 Hell -Cats, 70; Puddy Cats, 56; Cool Cats, 48. Ladies, high single, M. Kuaider, 215; high triple, D. McCreath, 531; men, high sin- gle and triple, Peter Weimann, 284, 744. Pp tCdntintfnd from page' -1) ink financial Pi Pic tourist huainess. The associa> tion acts is a Blearing Boase with 'respect• to- inf urination cont earning member municipalities and assists in planning hollsing and other ' projects aimed at creating a more , efficient and attractive community. He suggestedsince a Sea- forth descriptive brochure was almost out of print, steps should be taken to bring it up to date. The booklet was a re- quirement on many occasions when discussions were held with groups interested, in the town and its facilities. D'Orleon Sills, C of C treas- urer, in presenting his -report, said there was a balance . of $269.97, up from $100.12 at the beginning of the year, Revenue included a grant of $150 and fees of $353. Expenditures in- cluded affiliation dues of $35 and street signs $235, and inci- dental expenditures, $63.15. 1 ht 00 towns; ,couldMX* #411.0.10.04. Qf the sey'i es the to > n could pre-' MO- vide- _ Name Officers The meeting approved a slate Of officers presented by Past President F. C. J. Sills: Past president, K. B. MacMillan; president, L. F. Ford; first vice, Lee Learn; second vice, R. S. Bbx; secretary, R. J. • Boussey; treasurer, D. Sills; membership, J. A. Stewart; agricultural, Cliff Broadfoot; civic improvement, W. M. Hart, Leo Hagan, who retired as secretary after four years, ex- pressed appreciation for the help he had received, and tri- bute was paid to the manner in which he had carried out his duties. Assures Help Mayor Edmund Daly assured the C of C of every co-opera- tion from the town and said the council 'in turn looked to it for assistance and advice. He agreed there was a require- ment for- planning and said that to be a success it must be a community effort. Planning was the only way in which the town could know the way in which it was going. He expressed appreciation to Ross Savauge for the assistance he had been in representing the town on Mid-WODA. Mayor Daly, looking ahead, suggested much could be accomplished and suggested a rapidly improv- * Seaforth Legion Standing; Rockets, 83; Curv- etted, 69; Pirates, 63; Pistons, 63; Sunocos, 49; Dublin Elec- tric, 48; men, high single, Jack Eisler, 273; high triple, George Hays, 634; ladies, high single, Anne McRae, 265; high triple, Helen Nicholson, 644. * * * _- St. James' Church Standing: Parrots, 96; Night Hawks, 84; Handicappeds, 67; Wild Canaries, 67; Sitting Ducks, 57; Scatter Pins, 56; la- dies, high single and triple, Betty Leonhardt, 245, 618; men, high single, Jack Bedard, 252; spare, Garry" Kelly, 262; high triple, Gordon Nobel, 670. * * * Mixed Doubles ,(eligible) Highballs, 103; Head Pins, 99; Wat-Hu-Dun, 86; Teachers, 77; Dutchmen, 62; Alley Cats, fid; Men, high single and triple, George Hildebrand, 254 and 695; ladies, single, Rose Bowie,. 236; high triple, Laurel Cox, 503. Name Reps s Young L1h ru }a. M t n �a Meeting e • Seaforth acid area Young Lib- erals v!.51- Meet in -tit g Co•mmun- 4' ity ,Centre (north dor), 'Tues- day evening • at 8:30, when the speaker will be Miss J. C. Mc- Intyre, of tlo SDIIS staff. She will speak on 4>Ttie Common Market and Canada." (Continued from Page 1) onomics Service, Department of Agriculture,. were expressed by Miss Helen McKercher and Miss Florence. Eadie. Consultants on a panel, with Mrs, H. Telfer as. moderator, were: Mrs. W. K. Kettle, of Bracebridge, District 11, on "Fairs From An Exhibi- tor's Point of View"; Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Tillsonburg,' past pres- ident of women's section, O.A. A.S., on "Fairs From a Direc- tor's irecttor's Point of View," and Mrs. Joseph Grummett, Seaforth, District 8, on "Fairs From a Re- presentative's Point of View." The topic announced for this year's essay..•.was, "The Public School Program At Our Fairs." Officers elected to the Pro- vincial Board were: Past presi- detit,Mrs. H. A. Telfer, Paris; president, Mrs. Frank, Spearing, Stayner ' (Collingwood) ; first vice-president, Mrs. Orval Bell, Glanford Station; -second vice- president, Mrs. Joseph Grum- mett, RR 2, Seaforth; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. George Ironside, Georgetown; junior convener, Mrs. H. A. Dickenson, Mt., Hope; crafts convener, Mrs. Alex McKinney, Brampton,'pub- licity, Mrs. A. D. Koehler, Dur- ham. Climaxing an outstanding convention was a banquet • -at which Rev. Clifford Waite, of Metropolitan • United Church, London, was a guest speaker on the topic, "Education At the End of a Shovel" This was followed by entertainment pro- vided by the Ontario Chapter Showmen's League of America. Representatives from Sea - forth. Fall • Fair were Gordan Dapple; president; Mrs. Alex Boyes and Mrs. J. M. Scott; for Hensall (South Huron), Earl Dick and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. DUBLIN NEWS OF THE WEEK ,A miscellaneous shower was held recently 'at the home of Mrs. Adrian Menheere in - hon- or of her daughter, Frances, whose' marriage takes place March 3. A social hour was spent- in :-bingo and - other games. An address was read by Mrs. Jack O'Reill and Mrs: Joseph O'Reilly assisted in opening the many gifts of silver, china, linen and kitchenware. Frances expressed her thanks, and a de- licious lunch was served by the hostess. . CWL ,Sponsors Euchre A very successful progres- sive euchre party was held at St.IPatrick's pariah hall on Fri- day evening, Feb. 23, under the auspices -of the ladies of the Catholic Women's League. Thirty tables- were in play, with Miss Alicea Coyne winning the ladies' prize ' and the gen- tlemen's prize was ,won by Joe Shea, and lone hands prize by Mrs. J. J. Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan played. for dancing. Lunch was served by the ladies in charge. Hold Farewell Parties Neighbors and relatives gath- ered at the home of Mrs. Nich- olas Krauskopf on Saturday ev- ening to extend farewell to Mrs. Catherine Feeney, who is leaving the village to reside in Kitchener. Progressive euchre was played, with Mrs. Joe Jor- dan winning the ladies' prize and Joseph Jordan winning the gentlemen's prize, and Mr. and Mrs. Geil Kroonen, the consola- tion prize. An address and presentation of a purse of money was made by Leona ' Krauskopf- Mra. Feeney graciously responded thanking all present for their thoughtfulness and kindness. She was also presented with a gift of a linen table cloth from her bridge club. Lunch was served by Mrs. Krauskopf and the" neighbors. On Thursday, Feb. 22, , Mrs. Feeney was, presented with an electric floor polisher from the McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Co. Mrs. Feeney had been an operator at the tele- phone exchange for the past ten years. The operators pres- ented her with a casserole dish. Mrs. Feeney moved to Dublin 18 years • ago from Hibbert Township. She has one • son, William, in Kitchener; also three daughters: Mrs. Frank Maloney, Mrs. Cyril -Murray and Catherine, all of Kitchener; Leonard, of St. Marys, and Ken- neth, of Hesson. Leave For West Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson and daughter have left for Outlook, Sask., where Mr. • derson has secured a posi ion( with the Johnston Keiwit P ole Construction Comlpany on ,the South Saskatchewan Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were pres- entedith a china tea set at the Bowling Club dance at •Brodhagen recently. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Kraus- kopf, of Strathroy, with Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf. • Mr. and Mrs, John Cleary and children, London, with Mir. and Mrs. Frank Evans., FREE FARM WELDING CLINIC (TO -NIGHT) - Demonstration Material • Carbon Arc Torch • Hard Facing Cast Iron • Mild Steel Welding Welding Enroll Now Take Home the 10 Day Free Trial Lincoln AC 180 Amp Welder Complete Cost Only $12.00 AT SEAFORTH MACHINE SHOP March 1, 1962 7:30 P.M, SHARP Sponsored by CANADIAN OXYGEN LTD. 115 Hamilton Road, PHONE GE 3.0144 LONDON, ONTA*IO Mrs. Dalton Burns, Kitchener, with Mr, Frank Burns and Joe. Mrs. Frank Burns is a pa- tient in Stratford General Hos- pital. , Mr. and Mrs... _Billie _Feeney McNaughton, and Clinton (Cen- and children, Kitchener, with tral Huron), A. J. McMurray. rREsilYTEmor cauocu R.R. MRS. M. . Orgaliiat 10 A,M, F. ; Church Fellowship andool oath Class 11 A.M.- Rev. Maurice Brisco, 0.Th., Sof RCAF Station, Clinton, will'4- N Preach. The, Spot To Spend St. Patrick's Night . . ° At An/Old-Fashioned ST. PATRICK'S B A L. Lw Brodhagen Community Centre Saturday, March 17th ' Mrs. Catherine Feeney. Ars. Elsie Jbrdison has re- tgrnedhome from Ancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cairns and children, London, with Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf. Mr.- and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Bob and Linda, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. ' Mr. Dan O'Rourke has return- ed home from Stratford Gen- eral Hospital. -Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacDonald, Galt, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Whetham. The first meeting of the 4-H LYRIC THEATRE. EXETER PHONE, -421 Thurs., Fri. and Sat. March 1 = 2 - 3 "PIRATES OF TORTUGA" Starring Ken Scott and Leticia Roman CINEMASCOPE COLOR Plus "High School Caesar" Starring Bert Halsey and Yvonne Limd Cl girls (Dublin . Colleens) as held at the home of Mrs. Charles,Friend, the opening of the new project, "Separates for Summer," the leaders being Mrs. Charles Friend and Mrs. Tom Butters. The ,election o officers re- sulted as follows: President, Betty Lou Pethick; vice-presi- dent, Jo . Anne Stapleton; sec- retary, Betty Ann Butters; treasurer,'Susan Friend; phone committee, Nora Ann MacRae, Bernadette Nagle; lunch com- mittee, Judy Friend; clean-up committee, Lynda Friend, Hel- ena Loomans; press reporter, Betty Ann Butters. After the new executive was elected they conducted the meeting ,and all business dis- cussed. Mrs. Friend gave a very informative talk on .choos- ing the style to suit the indi- vidual, also the different types of material and their are. She told the girls the best mater- ials to buy and explained the different finishes, and a few re- marks about the inferior cot- tons that could be bought. She also mentioned the matching colors to suit the wearer and the cost of materials must be considered. The juniors girls were given a sample of slip stitching to do before the next meeting.. Lunch was served by Susan Friend. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Toni Butters. Mon., Tae§: and Wed. March 5 - 6 - " Tng NAKED • EDGE" Gary Ceopar 'Deborah 'Kerr ADDIS I' 1'r11 TA'I . 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Enioy, Congenial Irish Company DANCING TO WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Refreshments Available — $2.50 Per Couple Tickets available from JACK WELLS, Dublin, or WILLIAM SMITH, Canadian Tire, Seaforth SPONSORED BY DUBLIN C OF C 153j SHOW and SALE of BEEF BULLS 1 153 Under the auspices of the ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Hays Sales Arena, Trafalgar 5 Miles North of Oakville on Highway No. 5 Herefords sell on Tuesday, March 13th Shorthorns, Aberdeen Angus and Galloway, Thursday, Mardi 15th. Showing scheduled for 8:30 a.m. each day Sales will commence at 11:30 a.m. each day Every Ontario farmer buying a "performance tested" bull atthese sales will be eligible for a premium of 20 per ' cent of the purchase price, but not more than $150.00; in accordance with the terms of the Bull Premium Policy. Catalogues may be obtained from the Secretary -Treasurer Andrew C. 'Gaunt, President R. ii, Graham, Secretary, Lucknow, Ont. Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. 11531 153 GUIDE NOTES During the past two weeks several recruits of the First Company Seaforth Girl Guides have' been enrolled and are now full members of the Com- pany. They are: Joan Coleman, Sheila Flood, Mary Ellen Moore, Joan and Ruth. Gorwiil, Corrence Bowering, Linda Muegge, Debbie Miller and Pa- tricia Bannon. RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney, newlyweds BRODHAGEN Community Centre Saturday, Mar. 3 EVERYONE WELCOME NORRIS ORCHESTRA 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WELDING SCHOOL ENROLL TO -NIGHT Take Home a 10 Day Free Trial Lincoln AC 180 Amp. Welder Complete Cost Only $12.00 SEAFORTH MACHINE SHOP 7:30 p.m. Sponsored: CANADIAN OXYGEN LTD., 115 Hamilton Road, London, Ontario .PHONE GE 3-0144 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Eighth Annual Hospital Auxiliary' GINGHAM DANCE. LEGION HALL, ,SEAFORTH Friday, March 2nd Dancing, 10 - 1 L- OLD and NEW -TIME DANCING Tickets—$1.00 per person, including Lunch MUSIC gY THE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN i:. :,w W. .N' ::tri• a F^ - Plan to Attend the A1Ijs - Chalmers Farm Show . HENSALL ARENA .TUESDAY, MARCH 6fh 8:00 p.m. Latest Films on A -C Farm Equipment tit HYDE BROS. HENSALL - ONT. The Week at . SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE THURSDAY, MARCH 1st— Centralia vs. Seaforth - Intermediate "B" 8:30 p.m. -- Admission 50c and 25c FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd— Skating - 8 to XO` p.m. Admission — 35c and 25c SATURDAY, MARCH 3— Skating — 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Admission —25c and 100 Skating Saturday Night — 8 - 10 — 35c and 25c TEEN TOWN -- HALL TUESDAY, MARCH 6th— Centra3ia vs. Seaforth — Intermediate "B" 8:30 p"m.. — Admission 50c and 25c FREE SKATING Wednesday Afternoons For Beginners and Guardians -- 1:30 • 4 p.m. This space contributed through the courtesy of UNION CAM PANY OF CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -- - ONTARIO 1 • • • • rt M f r • «. 1 • •