HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-22, Page 11'' —A -,
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8. Far
am Stock Far Sale 13.
TO YOUR ADVANTAGE Wanted 20_ Auctipiti Sales.-
21- Tenders Wanted, 21, Tenders Wanted 2$., Business �.1Ixe�toaiy
i r earning
Events 13 chunks, 9 weeks old and 111 BOARDERS wanbed," Roam' ol> bedn cow, 5 years old. "firesh• —,. " ' ^^^- • ^ ;.
chi0gkp. JOHhI .E. MacLEANy and. baa for marl or &IV. ened Feb. 5; •orve �TolStein herr- T�NDFRS WANTZD, .' -. G� .�. WHIT
2. Lost, Strayed a �+ WARMCII memox0r +sea : l�r.l '
3. Found Phone 665 R 211, Seafoi tti: x•06 -L PHONE 2$6. 1&WI, er, '2V2 years aid" with - calf,,.
4. Help Wanted fnesheuled Feb. 3; aura Hoffa Tenders will be received 'by Z'Er DF}" 'UNE'II t ON xbew; ATc#?41 Ss !bo p 52
7 Chunk's. T. Van BAKED St. caw, 8 yearns akd. dui rtdkne of, the ,urudeasgzyed, on ar before Goderich St.„ i�1„ Seaforth away•
5. Business Wanted
unitieo Colhimbaur, phone 22 R 13, dub 14• Property Falx sale sale; Holstedin corny, 6 peaty+ Old, March :10, 1962, fior .the• l�ta3- ToWllship Af T11�k�ksrCllth AM$�NCE SERVICE 1955,.
s -6. Teachers Wanted un. 806x1+ ilea March 1• erre cow, Adjnlsta, 16 :.hospital beds•: NQ i* ' ca7p �' 1 � awa>y -
7. Situations Wanted 6 years l'ation of a new Oi'l, furwa'cee in for rent, The love ll+a!I s aP,
S. Farm Stock For Sale LOOKING old, due Mar. 1�d; Hal cow; SS" Na. 7, McI illbp. Plans to . Far appr0XA. japeely 6Qb lbs'. FLOWERS FOR EVk1l% loud #' ; K
9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale For a+ House, Farm Busi- 7 yearns old, due. Ma 10; Holy ,t a approved by the board. of W�aohi;cide- spraying cat- OCCASIdN -' dad*
or stein heifer, 3% years Old; due Work to be completed during tle for Warble Fly: Phone 119 . Seaforth R lxlambx .lGeapsRtl Iilg
10. Used Cars For Sale nes,s Property? time aft sale;, -cow 8 years old, July, 1062•
11. Articles For Sale
1950 MERCURY 'Fd ton plcls due March 15 two Holstein Tenders to state 4r Always x�xge ►be�tl Y
U. Wanted To Buy u not bad shape. Sacrifice p Pilee Pel 15 Family.
U. Wanted for $95.00 • or trade for wham Joseph McConnell 21; two Holstein heifei+s 3 RR 2, Walton Shed in ha a '�0 Townsl�ig D4K
P' Pe See ' heiforls, .9% years old, due Max. ALEX DENNIS, Sec. Trereals., 1'b. bag de4i
Ilk 14. Property For Sale have let of Egmondviue, FUNER•,AL'S'�; MIC R1 E ES boar 1 me
15. Property For Rent You! PHONE 275 W 1, years old, due April 30- one 21-05 2 Ontario.
Hensall. 10-05x2 Realtor_ R. S. Box dear ort�r Mrsy:
two 5 ears old, due May, I6 LICENSE'I) EMBAI.U1mU Reeves, vv Passed alwa.Y . *:
16. For Sale -or Rent + Y Y ,
Property Wanted pain runs goo t es and Phone 266 ria Seafor14 i mg and nebred in ears old, mi1�1s.;. GRAVEL TF.NI)>ERS �ydei,_Wabe rbi clearly
�� � Prcampt a od care#yl, attentiain T is < pard
17. Wanted To Rent ,1935 DODGE coupe, re'centl yin December oTenders
•p�edd caw 5 years old, milkin me- _ spital Sed l but WO
19. Au Notices Y �'phoi'bery are Pearl Priced at g' the Clerk's hands by March 5, FLOWERS -for ALL OCCASIONS_ mem nee;
u bred to December oaw, 8 years Township 4f East opened and Phones: There is a• memwory fouid
20. Auction Sales 250. Contact DAVID PE'RRIE; old milking, rebn'ed Irv' Decem• p 1962, and will be a
21. Tenders Wanted RR 3; Brussels. 10-05x2 1 ' ' Property For Rent 1 Wawanosh considered on March 6, 1962, Res, 595-W - Store 43
22. Legal Notices bele two heifers due •bfined�f at 2:30. p. m, Thenal- a. taken, of atfiectdoav,`'
sale heifer 3 ed by
r 23. Business Directory MOBILE home, 42 ft. fur•. ' , Yearns old, a Sewed tenders. �. � receiv_. J. A. BTJRKE mother,
24. Cards of Thanks a nished, light, water sugpl:ur, March 29; six -tees- heifers pats the undersigned until 12 Lowest or any Mender not nee- Aida heartache shiiD for a
essamil -Funeral Director you.
25. In Memoriam SEAFORTH BAWLING LANES ESDAX y accepted. -Loving renriemhranCewby bier
1. Articles For Sal tura-hied to Ha1s+Ge+nn bull, fif- o'clock noon on TU
v 26. Personals QUANTITY Of Beed grain' far phone 350, 5 �1 been heifers Unit bred Here- MARCH Sth, 'for crushing and and Ambulance Sgryiae
sale. NELSON RR 2 ford; five open heifers- two hauling approximately;, 8,00 4� cu. J. I, McIntosh, C1�e,rrk : DUBLIN : ONTARIO �' Cid a .Reeves`.
The cost is low. Classifications Kippen. RILEY, 11-06x2 MODERN apartment with two purebred Holstein yd'arling•�hei- `yds. 5/8" gravel. RR 3, Seadiorth, ontaaio. Night or 'Day Calls: 25 t61
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 13, 12, 13, 15 and bedrooms lnvingroo'm, kitchen flers', seveiv yeaTJi?1'g helicis. 21-05-2 Phone 43 R 10
17, minimum 40e an insertion. CHOOSE YOUR diamond in and bath.' Available March i'st. 7; A certified cheque for $300.00 27. girth 0
Classification 25, minimum 65c, privac'� at ANS TETT JEWEL- Contact LEE LEARN or hanz PIGS - Two Yorkshire sows must accompany each tender. W J • CLEARY '
Plus 25c for each 4-Nne irerse. LERS. For an evening appoint- p' with b titers; four saws due m Township . -of HUIIett ENGEL, - At Lisfiawel Memajv. .
p 101, Seaforth. 1'5-06'bf farrow at time of sale• one saw Lowest or tended, neat nee- Seaforth, Ontario
A11' other classifications mini- rent phone 77, Sea, forth.11r03-tf LICENSED EMBALMER ial Hospital, on Feb, 15, to
•--mum 65 cents per insertion, due in March; nine Yorkshire essarily accepted. TENDERS FOR, and FUNERAL: DIRECTOR Mr, and Mrs. Gordon En&'
except Auction Sales USED television sets, various 19• Notices sow's, bred 6 weeks; one. boar, STUART McBURNEY GRAVEL Night or Day Calls - 335 RR 3; 'Brussels, 'a daughter'
Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal pries and models at redweed eleven Landrace sows die aC FORBES - At ,K=W Hospital,
Notices' (22), rates on a. prices, CROWN HARDWARE, time of sane. );load Superintendent
pplfca- plan 7* CROWN
Saforth, 11-66-1 MAKE YOUR wash day easy, Township of East Wawanosh . Sealed tenders will be receiv- Kitchener, on Feb: 18, to Mr.
bion. use MITCHELL SPEED WASH„ A. VVr--SILLERY and Mrs. Ken Forbes in
MILKINGIe 17IPMENT-Uroa- Wingh'am, Ontario ed by the undersigned until 5 Barrister, Solicitor ate. Union Bivd.', Kitchener, a1
For cash payment or if paid SAT. ONLY -Bran muffirns-.'open, 24 1lovTs dally, Mgntrrea'1'' versal milker, ,piping for 22' 21-06-2 P•m•, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, Phones: Office 173 yes. 781
with dates, Ord. 40c doz.; byn St., Mitchell. 19-04x4 cows; one Universal pail; two 1962 for crushing and, deliver- d'augh�eT• :A sister for Kevin,
� by YO days Pollowing last unser• � , , Seaforth Ontario
tion, deducted from above the doz., '29c, Same 11c.. -CRICH'S Surge earls, new in Ocbaber; 1 Ing appraximateT 12,000 ewbic — LEONHARDT - At Strattrri+d
BAKERY.-U-06iiI can cooler; strainer and milk Township of Hullett yvrds of 3/4 -inch SEAFORTH 5
Canada's finest. Two models ba gPavel. General Hospital, on Feb, 18,
choose from. Com cans. to MT. and Mrs. Henry W.
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED USED ranges, 4 -burner Find- plebe paints TENDERS The gavel will besupplied by MKDICAL CLINIC Loon '(nee Phyllis Doak
lay and 4 -burner Sunshine•, auto-
and service for all Pioneer
RATES All cabtie have beeui bested the'township and. must be de- Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 26 ing), a son.
mark • tmmers. BOX FURNI= saws• ROBERT GLEN, phone and will be decked b veter- Tenders will be received b
B411ess Firms, Trades- ' livered under, the direction of . P. L. BRADY; M.D. M.C.G,P. NIGH -At Scott Memorial Hou-
men..etc.): Minimum 50 cents TURF, plane 43, Seaforth. 1 HU 2-9909, Clinton, 19 05x7 in�arian before sale, y the Township of Hullett for the the Road Superintendent, Telephone 750 W 1
insertion. Billing charge, 15 - ` supplying and deliver pita)!, on Feb. 14, to Mr,' aunt ..
cents g g FOUR BURNER used electric ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK This is a salle of outstandin y °f A certified eche ue •iii the E. MALKUS, M.D. M,rs. Robert Nigh, Seaforth,
t► per advertisement. SERVICE g lbs. of WarblYe• Fly Powder. 75o q Tele
range, to .clear, $65. CROWN cattle and will. -be sold without amount of $200.00 must accam- phone 15 a daughter.
HARDWARE,..... phone 797, Sea- _ Highest prices for dead 'old lbs. to be iiv 15;ib. bags and 50 W. FLEWELLING, 'M.D. C,M,
forth. 11-061 or di's'abled horses and cattle..
reserve as the proprietor is go- lks. to be in 14br. bags. Delivery pam'y the tender,
Telephone 223 '
t. Coming Events Ing into beef 'cattle. .
Phone Atwood 356-2622 collect. daf a e in ndes 6k township tel OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons,
SPECIAL -One week , .only, The I'we'st oT an tender rat
Licence No. 156C62. 19-02-16 TERMS -Cash. garage LandesborO'. All tea 'uecegsar* accepted. except Wednesdays; Evenin s,
THE ANNUAL Seaforth Skat- $30 off 'Singer Slant -O -Matic '
Evenings: S�. C4LUMBAtV
, -.. ,y marked as except Wednesday and Saturday
to cantenft- and are to be in LEN CALDWELL
ing.Carmivad will be'hel'd an Fri-, machines, Trade -Ins accepted. STAPLEhS--Never before! A HARRY Vari-"MOORSEL, p1 -op, Appointments iinay.be made. in. Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Murray
dayf;,March f6 at 8:15 p.m. -1 SINGER SEWING MACHINE stapler with quality and per- T. M. KELLY & JAMES STOCK the Clerk's Office' not later Road Superintendent advance. and children London with Mr.
CO.,'Seaforth, Seaforth, 'phone 415. -2 formance at the low price of 69c. Auctioneers than March 3rd at 6:00 o'clock RRL Londesboro - and Mrs. Michael Mixrray. '
BINGO every Saturday night, See them to -day at THE HUR- Dial 393.5576 or 2711-8788 P.m., 1962. Lowest or any ten- DR. M. W. STAPLETON
Canadian Legion Memorial Hall FRIGIDAIRE 11, cu. ft. used ON EXPOSITOR, phone 141. 20.06 der, not necessarily accepted., HARRY F. TEBBUTT Physician and Surgn Cronin,`tehener,
SesfoTthi, commencing at 8^30 refrigerator, B O•X F U R N I- Clerk Phone -90 Seaforth with and Mrs. Albert Crop,
Miss M
P.M. Jackpot $60 on 56 calls, TURE, phone 43 Seaforth, -1 F1L�T�ell, QUEEN• sales and HARRY F. TEI3BUTT RR 1, Londesboro. H no answer, call Residence 605 in. h.Mr.
One $25 special and two $5 door 'servi'bTA Rftairs to all makes of CLEARING Mr. and Mrs, Glen Butters,
21`06-2 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. London, with Mr. '.and Mrs.
prizes. _- 1-06-1: -• FEBRUARY SPECIAL -115% vacuum cleaners and polishers: AUCTION SALE � RR, No. 1,-=d sbora, Ont, ,
off' all Singer Floor Polishers. Reconditioned cleaners •for sale. 2L-06-2 „• Physician and Surgeon Maurice Melady.
EUCHRE card party to be We repair and give free inspec- BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich, Of Finance Company Repose ' GRAVEL -• Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Jack Malone, Guelph with'
Held ort February 23rd at 8:30 'bon on all makes of sewing phone Hensall 6% R °2. L4 -034f sessions, Balnkrupt Stocks, BaR4 Seaforth o
fi p.m., in. St. PadTfck'si church'�machinies. PHONE 415, Sea, iff Seizures and, Personal Core TENDERS TENDER
Mr. and s. J L: Malone.
Dublin,. Auspices CWL. forth, ► 11-06-2 ELE'CTROLUX Sales and Ser• s'ign'ments of Modern Household SEAFQRTH Joe Murphy an Donald oy
y d M ,
lar . are spending two weeks in
Everyone welcome, Admission vice, cleaners and polishers, al- Furniture, Television Sets and Township Of Hullett Township of TuCkersmith �r g
75c. CAT'�LE OILER-McIntyre's so reconditioned cleaners and Appliances. VETERINARY Florida,
- 5 2 cattle oilers, the greatest ad- parts. BERT HARRIS, 109 New- Tenders will be received by ' -For the crushdng and haul- CLINIC Mr. and Mrs.. Stephen • Ho) -
OPEN BOWLING Tuesday, vance in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. gate St,, Goderich, phone JA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 the Township of Hullett for •the rrvir of a'pproximat'ady 12.000 Cu. J. 0. Turnbull; D.V.M., V.S. land and family, Brantford, and .
. 7 p.m, to 8 p.m.:,,Thursday 7 p• The onIy oiler with spiral curry 4-7917. 19-03-tf at 1:30 p.m. at Spraying .of Cattle for Warble yds. of raver to t°ownshi roads W. R, Bryans; .D.V.M., P.S. and Mrs. John Fawcett, of
m, to 9 p.m. to comb teeth that groom the cat- ' Fly Control within the Mu iia- 'in 1962. 3/q" screen to be" usett; W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. London, with Mr. and Mrs, J.
g thingMyouneed? Use Ithe some -
THE BRODHAGEN and palfty. Ali benders are to g p Holland.
p.m., F'rfda+v 9
11 p.m., Saturday* afternoon and rle, -ORVILLE STOREY RR 1 be Plane SeaoS J'
evening, Su'ndav afternoon 'and Seaforth. See the oiler' at our DISTRICT COMMUNITY clearly marked as to the con Contractor to supply ' all re Ken iDbeharme, Wingham,
evening. SEAFORTH BOWL farm. - 111-03_tf Ads. each week in The Huron - Head Per-Sprayd and must be in pill be supplied bathe wtOwnr P with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste
IIVG LANES, -phone- 350. 1,-03-tf Expositor. They. bring results. CENTRE tents and to state' the Price P'er 9mrement's except _THE McKILLO Ducharme.
STAPLERS -Never before! A Just PHONE'141, Seaforth, Consisting of such outstand- the Clerk's Office not later• than ship at 3 locations,, MUTUAL FIRE Misses Anne and Helen 1l�a•'
stapler -with quality and per- MAGIC MARKERS -Instant on'g items as: March 3rd a,t'6:00 o'clock p.mn; INSURANCE CO: loney, Miss Joan. Coyne and
3. ,Found formance at the IOW price of 69c, 1962. All persons tendering for Work to be completed by HEAD OFFICE-Seaforth,') Qnt..A,nard Maloney, "London, at
See them to -lav at THE HUR= dry;' waterproof; write on any 2 -piece foam rubber, zipper- this position. must comply wish July L, 1962, under the super-
FOUND, tai' SearfOrth, qu�antfty ON. EXPOSITOR, hone 141 surface; just pull off eap and PO PY OFFICERS: their homes here.. .
red cushion chesterfield suite vision of the Road Supeririben�
Magic Marker is read to use. with nylon cover; two 5- lace dent and subject to the approv- President,J. L. Malone, Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Greg Morris •
same by proving prgpeTty and Refills available, Nfnecolors of P Warble Fly Spray Act. Lowest Vice -President -John H. Mc- and Paul, Port Credit with.
bedroom suites .complete with or an bender not necessarily al Of the Dept. of Highways of
paYirig charges. WILLIAM WIL ANSTETT ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, bookcase bed, box springs and y, Y Ontario. _ _ ___ Ewing, Blyth. and Mrs. Tom Morris.' "
BEE, hone 315a1VT Seaforth. phone 141 Seaforth. 11.73xtf r p
acre ted, _ ._.�_
JEWELLERS Seeretar Treasurer W. E, Fergus Kelly, Jr., has ur
P 306x1 Offers you andey chard erg n; � complete Clerk "'I and Gtoravelcleaand must Southgate;-Seai`b'rth. - chased -the--farm of _3osepl}
..' ' I 'rge HARRY. F. , TEBBUTT
ma •reps; ane sure uv way r1�v'marked
anal the other in 11 n oak la DIRECTORS: Feeney. concession 4, Hibbert
SEAFORTH be m, the Clerk's binds by Mar, J. L. Malone Seaforth; Chris, Township.
. 4. APin Wanted Easy' Credit Terms UPHOLSTERY with maF-ic olid instructions. RR No, 1, Londesboro, Ont. "� , p.
with 2L-06,2 5, 1962, and will be opened and Leonhardt, Bornholm;' Robert Held Social Evening
FEMALE. helpwanted. Re,- Centre Street -' Also: two 2 -piece dav'enpo'rt _ considered .on March '6, 1962, Archibald Seaforth; John The annual supper
N 0 suites with nylon covers; 1 at 2 p.m, McEwing,' Blyth; . William pot luck
and card was
Irable womary for gen�orar house- Carrying Charges Telephone 446 spalcesaver; two, 39" coritliven- WARBLE FLY � ' Alexander, Walton; Harvey Ful- parish hall Thursday ievethe
n '
wary to'` live in. No cooking, For all kinds of" upholstering, tal beds with smooth -tap mat= SPRAYING ' Tenders to be accomparmed ler, Goderich; Wm, R. Pepper,
YWCA, 'Stratford. 4-06-1 a P,hon'e 77, Seaforth b a/ marked cheque for $30o. Seaforth Allister Broadfoot Ing under the auspices es the
19 03 tf tresses and headklaards i set 3
of maple bunk beds, with TENDER, Seaforth; N. Trewartha Clin� CWL Twenty-one ,atlas of
,-SINGLE, experienced marl for. 21•" PHILCO Mable model' •. Lowest or an�r 'tender not ri�ec- ' cue re were
yearmound work on, general television set. 9 cu. ft. Leonard springs and mattresses; three ton. iii-. play, First --
>e' - _. NOTICE Township of Tuekersmlth essarily accepted. ,GENTS:
farm. Duties to commence'April refingexator, Electric brooder chrome kitchen suite's; 6 tele- - Prize winners were Mrs. John
I. PHONE 657 R 411 Seaforth. Stove, tA three articles are in vision sets,, a•ll have been• check- J. I. McIntosh; Clerk Vincent Lane, RR 5 Seaforth Coyne and Albert Cronin. The
TOWNSHIP ed over, and in 'A-1 condition; For spraying cattle fdr war- William Lei eI Jr.', Londes Prize for lone hands went to
406w1 good condition. Phone 90 R 4, We fLy'in.1962, RR 3, Seafntlx, Ontario. p
Dubbin, EARL TkUTTER, RR OF TUCKERSMITH combination -radio and record 21-05-2 baro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Lou O'Reilly. A smoker was
MAN 1, Dublin, Ontario. Id -05-3 player; autonvatic was and Tender' to state rice per James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; won by Rose Doyle.' �1 door
Ratepayers • and inhabitants dryer; 1 conventional washer; 1 P p Harold Squires, RR 3, Clinton. prize. a mat was won b Mrs.
For Rawleigh Business whdcti head per spray, q Y
of Towikship of Tucker- electric range; 2.refrsgerators• ., WARBLE FLY Jack O'Reilly
just became a'viaaTable. Good FAST SERVICE s`mi�i are requested by the 2 hostess chairs; platform rock- Work to be done under the A.M. HARPER & COMPANY
opportunity for willing worker.
on Council to not park cars an Ari brilighb and table lamps; direction. of ,the Inspector in ONTROL Chartered Accountants ^
Apply RAWLEIGH CO., Dept. township roads and streets dun- odd chrome chairs; step. and accordance with the re ations 55' South St. Telephone BRUCEFIEl.D
13-363-140, 4045 Richelieu, Moir WATCH REPAIRS flap Township of Stanle Goderich JA 4-7562
treat. 4061 g winter months in order coffee' tables; a good selection Of the Warble Fly Act,- p Y
AN work guaTtanteed, to facilitate snowplowing oper- of brand new clothing plus Licensed Municipal Auditor
a ations. many more items which' will be Tenders to be clearly marked 1. APPLICATIONS will be re 1Vlr. Victor Hargreaves and
ANSTETT Council will not be responsible released before Saturday, but "Tender -Warble Fly Spray- reined by the Tbwnsh'ip of Stam' Optometrist,- OHN E. LONGSTAFF Mr. Drew Swan have returned
ASSESSOR for damages to ally vehicles riot available far publication ab iirg". l�Y T the positirm, of WARBLE Goeroptical, services, home after spending thr�
JEWELLERS parked -a roads or streets, this time. INSPECTOR for the year is bac weeks in Florida.
adjacent 'to
Phone 77, Seaforlb JAMES. I. McINTOSH
Tenders to be in G;erk's 1962, Inspector must be fami•I', Clinic. Tues, ba Sat,, 9-5.30, .' Mr. Arthur Chapman left for
TOWri Of Seaforth Clerk, Tuckersmith ' Thus is an outstanding sate of hands by March 5, 1962, and .iaT with, the Warble Fly Act and except Wed. Thurs• evening by Florida on Monday
new and nearly new furniture will be a ', appointment. Phone 791, Slew -
STARTED PULLETS for sales. i�� Y paned and considered mus keep ori accurate record of Miss Mary Allan Kitchener,
and appliances. Doru't miss, it! on March 6 1962 at 3:30 m., cattle s ra ed.Sala . will' be $1 f'0u'i1•'h• Monday, Ch torr Medic- spent the weekend with her
Written aIDp17'eatiorrs for the K 156 Kimber and Ideal H 3;W = No reserve: , P• P y cent
ad Centre.
Leghorn pallets, 16 weeks, Feb. Lowest Or any tender not nec- ho and 8 cents per mite parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Edgat-
P�ion of Tin' Assessor;, W,. 19, 18 weeks Marc", TERMS - Cash. Cheques At- essaril accepted, '� millea' e.
be received b the n'rrdersr ed _. 20 weeks, NO'T'ICE y Pte g D. H. MCI-NNES Allan.
' S'` � 7vlarclu •19. �e'Y are a, lovely Mr, and Mrs. George Griffith
until ,March 2, 1962. .sock a5 oepted': ' 3% sides tax in effect. AppIie-Mions� bo be marked a -s Chirgpractic - Foot Correction
PulPets reused under Township, Of MCK1110n J. I. McIntosh, Clerk ch arted be be in five hands of Commercial -Hotel and family, Stratford, spent
ideal conditions, 4lab waterl_ . ' FRANKLIN BWCK RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario. the Clleirk .16Y 1,2 o'clock noon,Monday, Tiiursda Sunda wjth� relatives in _.thc
Fat y brooding, Don'b MARCH 5' 1982. y --i to 8 P.M. village.
veliope must be clean worry •about All cam owners, in the Town Auctioneer 21145-2P.
marked "Application". buying' -these birds if Your pene, ship of McKillop • are requested Dial Stratford 2714049 or UC W Meet
&ra told, they are all. roost, riot to .park their cars on the Sebringville 393-5501 2. TENDERS NirX -be receiv- 24. Cards of Thanks
Ing temperature, cub DRAINAGE TENDER The first meeting g , and the tezri roads of the Township during 2006.1 ed by the Township of Stanley g of Unit 1
C. Lyle ,Hammond, down to harden them. up. 12 the winter. cam that are left for SPRAYING C a t t 1 e foi WE WI H' bo thank the friends of the United Church Women
Mrs in started pullets and a on the roads are contrary- to Township of Tuekersmith garble F for wn. The tows- and neighbours, wire were so was held on Monday after,
Z1. Tender's Wanted �'
Clerk lifetime in poultry. Valceinated Highw.V Traffic Act and ship will, supply the powder. kind during the illneess of Randy moon at the home of the leafl-
debflaked, dewormed and. de- am a detriment to operation. of "` ""' For the coli0truction, and re- and who remembered him with er, Mrs. FL Berry, with 21 9V
4.05-3 livered, K. J. ANDREWS and srrowPlows, pair of the Archibald Munici- Tender to state price pea• head gifts and cards. We also wish to tending. O%Ving to the storm
SON, RR 3, Seafai`tb, pal Drains, according to Eur.- per spray. yy
Please nuDte that Pravrin clinic Drs. Markus and Brady weather the attendance w, nvi.
Township of Mullett 600 R 3. 1�_5 ' ` gineers profile said Ica` and the staff of the hospital,.
Police wilm take necessary ac tio�ris will ' be received li-be All work to conform with as large as anticipated.
tion to see that caul 'erne, nab undersigned until Maa+cli 5. Ten- f'ra'me � the Warble Fly Act. g opened with
APPLICATIONS .12. Wanted TO Bily Left on, 4oads and prosecution . der must be clearly marked + _ __ 24.06x1 singing the hymn,
.inlay fallow. "Tender -Drainage". 3. TENDERS will be received I' WOULD like to,take flus op- Frier We Have iii Jesus: r Mrs.
Road S N LIQ E, N „ for suppiARB approximately goo 'po�,�,ty to �,� my kind M. Wilson and Mrs. Harvey
Applications wil be received HIGHEST CASH PRICES °''`Y �e+r °� eo lbs. Su WARBLE FLY POWDER by the Township Hullett �. For sick, dead, disabled four 10, , aeal feet of 15, 14, 12, +riends for the cards, gifts- and Taylor were in charge of the
the position of Warble Fly llama animals. Prompt, courteous col- Peri eat 10 7 and 6 Inch' tiles and the be delivered ba the township taeats I received while in the program. The roll call was an -
specter County*bf Huron shed in VaTrna.
specter in the Township of Hrrl- lection . dead, disabled farm pipe, bo' dig, 1 y and back- hospital: Special thanks to Dt. sweted by a verse on "Heart."
lett for the year 1962. , Ths animals. Dead Stock Disposal TENDERS WANTED �' -a'lto 3 catch basins' artrd Sealed Tenders for each of Gotwil. and the nursing staff. Mrs, John Henderson was eIecW
sad'ary offered is 95c per hour, 'Act Lie, 42-C-60. Call -collect ED. field pmbectians. the above, clearly marked as to It was much• appreciated, ed secretary, and Mrs.- Harald
and sc per mile white' on Mutat- 'ANDREWS, 863-W-1, Seaforth 20• Auction Sales y
a ci'pal Business .and the Inspeet6v 12-03 if ' SURVEY STATION WAGON' Townsship to supply the and � y MRS. DONALD GORDON
contents Will, be received b Lobb txea6urer. Mrs: T. A. Dot -
Pipe within approximately one the undersigned until la o'eloek r,; 24-061 ton will be In charge of flowerii
rrlust be familiar with. the INTERNATIONAL one -fur- AUCTION SALE sealed tenders on farms avail- 'mile of Work. p y noon, MARCH 5, 1962. - and cards. g
Urri "anli Cond'i'tions of the able at the office of the under- I WISH to exPresS,- my 9in-
W,m, row 'aiding plows, Apply WIL cere thanks and a Mrs. ter*, in a few W611 -
Apt. Ag' a�ppld!ca- 'ER,ED N I C H 02 S O N: West of 7fi Head of Dairy Cattle, signed will -bid accepted until, 5 COnrt:t+acbtrks to have Worm• Lowest or any tender not nee- PI>i''e'ci'atien to �' a
• e6saril+y Accepted, all who remembered me with chosen words, welcomed the
. tions. must be clearly marked Monk -fort. � 12-03NC4 Hogs and some' lliachiutery at P:Dr►• on mens Careens'ahinirti°•�lrisuiari'ce•: p .: • .
.as ba contents and be in the lot 4, con, 9, Township of Logan, cards aril gifts and those who unit to the flPst meeting at heir
Clerk's Office' not 'later than 211 mll,; east Vf Bornhal� off TUESDAY, MARCH 6th, 1062 cards,
cheque for ten' per- JEAN ,ELLIOTT, Clerk visited with me While I was a h8me and invited thein to meet
March. 3rd, at 6:00 eeloek p.mi,, 1), trtri' rely! .ivifilr mirtdinum of 100'6oVarna Ontario Patient in: Scabt•Memorial Hos- again for the March' meetin-wy,on WE T1 - The lowest or any tender trot aceom�pany bender. $ 21x06-2 Oft•al. A thank you to Dr. Brady on Md iday, March 19,1962, Boo HolderrNamess DAYEBnUARY 28, 1962, necessarily accepted. and Dr. Malkiis and to the charge of the program will lie
r commencing .at L p,m, Lowest or any bender not nee- nurses who were so kind to me, Mrs. John Henderson and Mrs,
.. HARRY F. TFiB•BUTT Not Given Out � Thin teoegr replaces tender
Clerk It is not CAT'PLE -Registered Hol essaarrily accepted. 23. Business Directory MRS. THOMAS WHEATLEY H. Lobb, With Mrs. T. A. Dut-
to diedivulge: anyttaadverrt3se 2B; purebted Holfsr> run tow, 3 This
which was not award d , a Profile and spee�ca- ugh H. Taylor,. Miss, menta
RR No. L, Laridesboro t ttir3rrg a Huron E ei r in cow 5 years' ai due Feb. 24-06-•1 ton,
,old, dVe March ; pure- Y. W, Offitse. MCi10N& ST +'WART Remember, it takes but a WilsoMeNn i inn bind , 1thd We
K yea BRt'i`1VELL ' y be' se a the k s
1nreR Hosksbeifr cow 3n 'charge of fire lust
roll Anvift.T'ISll;URN" bo'x dumber. Please iib, fiat yeasts Hugon Cotinity 1~ngineer Barristers, Soliottors, Etc. moment to place an tx006ifor and social hotir. The m'eaii>xg „
til di lVtach 2l tli�b Iibisbein P.O. „B X-940
]LAS 'l'il►. G'lfrASS '!t >� a$lr for --FIs triformhi#oa._.. _ J. r McXll�bgs'l14 Clerk. P..D.. WCONNELU Q.0. Want Ad avid be money in i k- 'doted With a "
• ��yy,••s. �.1. �.. i, • h�; 3 yara�-'aid, -w3kb QdOil1,:.- OnYrio y yynJ�
�>�: �,. ' ` .....- w i �o• ' D. >r.. STLW.AIt,T et. To ' adveftise, jti�t pfiofie' •ii'ig • the 'Ura�s�� n�'� '
.... -. ,• `a'fi5i`t�-.. �� act.-�-. d._ ..�o....�..�.;.._,.�
. �Sb
� .� '` . '•''l�l�Ytb deaf