HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-22, Page 10A LARGE and carefully planned garage adjoins Henderson's No. 1 Plant. Here, incom--- Mg chicks are unloaded under perfect conditions. Started chicks begin the trip to Hender- son customers without being exposed to outside weather. In this way, no matter how stormy the weather, Henderson Started Chicks are protected. Here, Gerald Groothius, plant fore- man, examines a shipment of nine -weeks -old chicks being loaded for delivery, while' Harry flak, of No. 1 Plant, looks on. (Expositor photo by Phillips). Plan Door Prize At Henderson's In inviting the public to view its enlarged plant and facilities, Henderson Start- ed Chicks Limited has made certain that everyone who is present on Wednesday and Thursday has a •pleas- ant time. • There are going to he free refreshments a n d draws for valuable door prizes. The open house begins on Wednesday, Feb. 28, and continues on Thurs- day, March 1. The hours each afternoon are from 1 'clock until' 5 o'clock. Guests are asked to visit the No. 1 Plant in Egmond- ville as the firststep in their tour. The top door prize is a transistor radio, and this:, will be drawn at closing time Thursday afternoon.. To the Editor •Huron TB • Association Says 'Thanks Seaforth, Feb. 19i 1962. Editor, The Huron Expositor: Dear Sir: On behalf of the Huron County 'Tuberculosis As- sociation we would appreciate your publication of this letter in your newspaper by way of extending thanks to all who have helped make our 1961 Christmas Seal campaign a success. We appreciate the generosity of those, who, by their • contri- butions, are assisting in the control of -this dread disease in our county. The present card- paign ends February 2 8th. Con- tributionsto date amount to $11,981.35. Such contributions finance comforts for patients while in the Sanatorium,- re- habilitation of former patients, free chest clinics which are held monthly in Ave county centres, and a health educa- tional program. The officers of the association would particularly like to thank all -volunteers who helped in preparing the seals for distri- bution, the postmasters and • .theie assistants in delivering the seals, and Station CKNX, Wingharn, for their contribu- tion of advertising. The officers of the associa- tion also want to thank you, Mr. Editor, for the publicity that you, have. freely given this import cause. Yours sincerely, J. E. McK1NLEY, President, Huron County Tuber- cuplosis Association D. L STEWART, Chairman, Seal Campaign. • Urehiii: "A quarter's worth of potatoes with eyes, please." Grocer: "Why witir-eyes?" ,Urchin: "Ma says they got • to see us through the rest of the week." . BEST WISHES to HENDERSON - STARTED CHICKS LTD. K - VET LABORATORIES LIMITED GALT - ONTARIO Represented by: Ken Thompson LONDESBORO -rhone-Sego#1145$-4 • -Usborne Discusses Parkhill Dam Usborne Council met in regu- lar monthly session' in the Township Hall with Reeve Geo. Frayne and Councillors Ward Hern, Archie Etherington, mer Skinner and Roy Westcott present. Township representative to the Ausable River Conservation Authority, W. H. Brock, discuss- ed with council the merits of the Parkhill Dam project and advised council that he was in favor • of the project. He believ- ed that future benefits will ac- crue to the Authority Area gen- erally and to the low-lying lands in the Townships of Bos- anquet and Stephen particular- ly. Council took no action to support the proposed motion to cancel the Parkhill Dam pro- ject. The Trustee Beard of the tJ borne,. Township-- Sch,00l Are and Public School Inspecto John Goman attended the mee ing in a body -and presented formal request for the raisin of capital funds in the amoun of $180,000 for the purpose o building a central school, an a further request that approva be granted without the neces ity of submitting the questio o • the area electors. A motion rom council to approve the roposel raising of $180,000 in apital funds 'by the sale of de entures, in the Usborne Town - hip School Area, for building urposes, was defeated. After iscussion the reeve put the otion to a vote and the coun- il . split and tied the vote. eeve Frayne voted against the otion and declared it lost. Road gravelling tenders were pened and considered as fol- ws (first being for crushing nd delivering, second figure for ockpiling): Lavis Contracting o., Clinton, 67c yard, 36c; Joe err, Wingham, 64c, 30c; R. H. nnison Ltd., Grand Bend, 65e, c; Ray Ireland, London, 67c, c; Sandy Contracting Co. Ltd., oderick 65c, 39c; F. A. 'Stone - use & Son Ltd., Sarnia, 63c, c; Jack Newbigging, Appin, c, 40c. The 1962 road gravel - g contract was awarded to ck Newbigging, of Appin, at tender price of 60e and 40c. Road superintendent W. J. utly reported that the motor t • of the power maintainer d been taken to Paris for re- irs. Winter control costs have eady reached last year's to - colt jory Bridge plans had n approved by the Depart- nt',of Highways and the pro - t was reudy'for tenders, said Routly. He presented road ounts amounting to a total s- r t - a g t f 1 n s f p e b s p d m e R ni 0 lo a st K Je 38 37 G ho 35 60 lin Ja his Ro ou ha pa air tal bee me jee Mr. acc voucher of $3,483.95 for pay- ment. Treasurer N. G. Clarke re- ported receipts .of $224.30 in accounts receivable from the Road Superintendent and other receipts of $2,971.49; balance of cash as of January 31st, $3,599.97.' Usborne Township School Area Trustee Board returned to council and „presented a for- mal demand that a vote be tak- en in the Usborne Township School Area on their proposal to raise $180,000 in capital funds, by the sale of debentures for the pgrpose of building a central -school. Arrangements are to be made to have the vote by March 9th if possible. Fred Harburn was re-engag- ed • to spray cattle for warble fly control at the rate of 9c per head per spray under insur- ance arrangements as before, or 81/2c per head per spray if the township elects to carry all the liability insurance, and that Mr. Harburn supply the neces- sary warble fly powder at the prio of' $5.00 per 15 -pound car- ton and 451/2c per pound in 1 - pound packages. Allen Fletcher was reappointed as warble fly inspector for 1962 and be paid at the rate of $1.10 per hour and mileage at the township rate while engaged in the re- quired duties of inspection. A_grant of $25 was made, to' the Huron County Soil & Crop Improvement Association. . Turner's Church Holds Annual Turner's United Church held their annual meeting in the basement of the church. Officers for 1962 included: Honorary 'Elders, S. H. Whitmore, Her- man Crich; Elders, John Turn- er, Erlin Whitmore, Gregor Mc- Gregor, Elmer Townsend, Frank Falconer, Howard Johns; Stew- ards, Ernie Crich, Alden Crich, Warren Whitmore, Mervyn Fal- coner, Ed. Layton, Stanley Johns, George Turner, Mrs. Greg McGregor, Bob Lawson; treasurer, John Turner. Presentation of reports indi- cated a very successful year, and Turner's are looking for- ward to their 100th anniversary celebration, to be held in June of this year. Rev. Mills presided over the meeting and was given a vote of thanks. Lunch was served by the ladies. Congratulations to HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LTD. ON THE COMPLETION OF THEIR EXPANSION PROGRAM D We were proud to be entrusted with the HEATING and PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS DON R. WOOD Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal Work PHONE 23 • SEAFORTlEf f141.74r.r.lr'''.=, • • • •KWEEK mr. ap Ts: mprke0 by T f UM present. and A short bushest$ Meeting was ch, held,' dealing with redecoration A of the Kippen manse. A thank- sts ' you note from the Charters sfamily was read by the pecre- . tary. A vote of thanks was mow ed by Mrs. Harold Jones to lid, Mrs. John Anderson for her am. leadership as president for the ht, past two years. he s. visited recently with. - Mrs. Grant Love at Care, Mi Mr. 40 P/Ir4,1). Hlidebran of Seaforth, were Sunday gue of 21l. and Mrs. W. L. Meth Miss Sharon McBride spe the wokend visiting her frie Miss Ruth Millerr of Woodh Mr. and Mrs. Frank iVrig of Bratripton, visited during t weekend with Mr, and Mr Charles Eyre and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance and fatuity, of IVIitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance and family, of Porter's Hill, visited Sunday with Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison. . Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Dickert and ifamily, ef Clifford, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man. Dickert. Mr. Norman Long was ad- mitted by ambulance Friday to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. Thrifty Kippenettes The second ineeting,...of the • Thrifty 'Kippenettes was herd on Feb 17 at the home of Mrs. William Bell. The .meeting was opened by the 4-11 Pledge. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A dis- cussion was held on the prepar- ing of the material and the al- teration of a pattern. The third meeting is to be held at the home- of Mrs. Bell, when Miss Gilchrist will attend 'this meet- ing on Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m. Samples of material were giv- en out for samples in the re- cord book. UCW Have Meeting The February meeting of Kippen United Church Women was held on Tuesday, Feb. 13, when a pot -luck dinner and a quilting took the place of the regular meeting. Two quilts were quilted for the bale, with ,18 members and three visitors present. A 'committee, compos- ed of Mrs. Orville Workman, Mrs. Hugh' Hendrick and Mrs. Thomas Reid prepared the din- ner, which was much enjoyed Dublin Couple Are Married IVIALON EY—KISTNE R On Saturday morning at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, Rev. R. Durand united in marriage Mrs. Mary Kistner and Wilfrid Maloney, both of Dublin. The bride was gowned in a cocoa -brown suit with match- ing accessories and corsage. She was 'attended by Mrs. Frank Kistner, who Wore a dark brown suit -dress with matoli- ing accessories and corsage. Frank Kistner-. attended the bridegroom. A wedding dinner was served at Stratford to the immediate families: Mr. and Mrs. Maloney left on a wedding trip to De- troit 'and the Southern United States. On their return they will reside in Dublin. ISb Firm . Wins 'Award looby Construction ktd., of Dublin, has been awarded gen- eral contract for railway bridge over the West Humber River in Vaughan Township. Announce- ment of the contract was made this week. CONGRATULATIONS . . to • HENDERSON STARTED CHICK LTD. on completion of their expansion program ! FOR livability. ... to start strong and stay strong. FOR layability . • . produce early and lay longer. FOR Strong-islihelledtyeggs quality,for top higquality, market prices. :OR your beit buy it's DEKALB CHIX. Ordef yours today1 HUNTER'S POULTRY' FARM Stroud - Ontario -CONGRATULATIONS to HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED On the completion, of a New Addition To Provide Increased capacity The new addition provides completely modern facilities which make possible an improved service to the many cus- tomers of Henderson Started Chicks Ltd. • • It was our privilege to be entrusted with the erection , of the new Four -Storey Additfort. ie FRANK KLING LTD 'General Contractors PLU-y6ING - HEATING - ELECTRICAL ROOFING - SHEET METAL WORK MATERIAL HANDLING - PAVING Phone 19 Seaforth Pro ..,Ch a • .4••• ',rrt• , — , • . ' • - BEST WISHES • to HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED for CONTINUED SUCCESS in the STARTER PULLET BUSINESS 1 WHITMOYER LABORATORIES LTD. Port C ledit - •Ontario • • CONGRATULATIONS to BILL HENDERSON • Manager of HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED ON COMPLETION OF YOUR NEW EXTENSION We wish you every success in the future. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES LTD.( Distributors of /6,7.19hzeZ CHICKS • OUTSTANDING IN ALL FOUR INCOME FACTORS: • High Production • Livability • Feed Efficiency • Large White Eggs 1 • 9 0 0 0 7 ,