HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-02-22, Page 9• • 1 4 • oh H Com With the opening• this week of a new four -storey brooder house, Henderson Started Chicks Ltd. has a capacity of 65,000 birds. The public is in- vited to inspect the plants on Wednesday and Thursday of neat week. -` ,Henderson Started Chiciis Ltd,,, which today is one of the largest producers of started chicks in the area, had its be, ginning in 1948—fourteen years ago. At that time William C. Henderson devoted his full time to developing an out- standing poultry flock and spe- cialized in quality chicks. Keep- ing abreast of. new develop- ments, he branched out into started chicks under the name of Henderson Started Chicks. Each year saw an increasing demand for Henderson broil- ers and started chicks, which• lEtes tion purchased the former Me- Kenzie mill property on Rail- way, Street, and bean renova- tions that created 'a comxnoda tion for 10,000 birds. Last fall the final stage of the expansion program was begun, when con- struction got under way of a four -storey addition, 75 feet by 40 feet •_ to the Railway Street property. This increased ca- pacity to 65,000 birds. Emphasizing the necessity of maintaining complete cleanli- ness if disease is to be avoided, Mr. Henderson said only by ex- ercising 24-hour day control can disease-free chicks be guar- anteed. • "We uar- anteed.•."We are proud that we can guarantee that every chick we sell is disease free and in perfect condition when it leaves our plants." That this policy has paid divi- dends is in icated by the in- creasingly wide demand there it for Henderson Started Chicks. The firm sells regular- ly to customers across .Ontario, who have come to depend on Henderson - for . money -making started chicks. The attractive new addition, coated with colored steel sheet- ing, was erected by Frank Kling Ltd. With the construction of the new facilities, Henderson Start- ed Chicks now offer a complete- ly integrated brooding estab- lishment. WILLIAM HENDERSON resulted in additional accommo- dations being provided at the Egmondville plant. With a floor space of nearly 25,000 square feet, the plant soon had a ca- pacity of 30,000 checks. In 1956 the former Van Eg= mond mill at the Egmondville- Seaforth boundary was taken over and operated for several years until it was pur- chased by Logsdon H & N Hatchery in 1958. It was also in 1956 that the firmbecame incorporated under the. name, Henderson Started Chicks Lim • Early in -1961 the organiza- DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Looby are spending a month's vaca- tion in Florida. Mrs. A. M. Looby, Dublin, and Mrs. Clar- ence Trott, Clinton, accompan- ied them and are vacationing in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Looby left Tuesday for Florida and will retu n • with `Mr. and Mrs. Louis Looby. The daughter of the gentle- man farmer was asked if their bens laid eggs. "They can, of course," shese- plied, "but in. our position, you understand, they don't have to'." BILL HENDERSON (left). Gerald Groothius and Ray Henderson examine a num- ber of 19 -week-old Hender- son started chicks following debeaking and pox vaccina- tion. The chicks, a few of the -65,000 birds in the Henderson plant, are being prepared for delivery. In an average y e a r, Henderson about a quarter million birds, ranging from day-old to ready -to -lay. WINTHROP MESSENGERS The second meeting of "The Messengers" of Cavan Church, Winthrop, was,, held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Glenn Mc- Clure. Murray Pryce, the presi- dent, opened the meeting by reading the theme. After sing- ing a hymn, Brenda Pryce read the Scripture lesson. A prayer was given by Jim Anderson. The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs. McClure conducted a Bible quiz. • It was decided to hold the next meeting on March 10 at Mrs. 1V1cClure's home. The roll call was answered by 23. Neil Little took up the collection. A story was read by Mrs. D. Dodds, and Mrs. McClure had the study. An exchange of Val- entines, a game and lunch fol- lowed. HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS are raised in clean, airy brooders, with lots of room to ensure the best development. Here is a section of the N o, 1 Plant, showing some hun- dreds of started chicks, typical of the 65,000 chicks which the firm accommodates. (Ex- positor pheto by Phillips). - BEST WISHES -. • . to HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED from BIG DUTCHMAN OF CANADA LTD. MELBOURNE - ONT. ... AUTOMATIC POULTRY FEEDERS and EQUIPMENT Heartiest Congratulations to HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED ;on the completion of it's expansion program We at Crown Hardware appreciate the opportunity of supplying Hardware Requirements to this Firm. Crown Hardware Phone 797 - : Seaforth. BEST WISHES and CONGRATULATIONS to HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS LTD. on their recent expansion WE ARE PLEASED TO BE ASSOCIAT- ED WITH THIS AGGRESSIVE FIRM MITCHELL INSURANCE AGENCIES. LIMITED 59 Ontario St. - STRATFORD FRED .A MITCHELL - Presi&rit Phone 271- 6940 Area Code 519 ALL KINDS OF INSURtANCE V. Arnold Mitchell 3. Cal Mitchell Res. 271-2$64 - Res. 271-1852 w URSD from 1 p.m. to 5 ,p.m. (Please call at our No. 1 Plant in Egmondville first) Come with your family and your friends and SEEthe top sanitary condition that prevails in all Henderson Buildings, thus eliminating disease problems. SEE displays of Modern Poultry Equipment. • how automatic feeders and waterers keep chicks in .ai tple SEE supply of feed and water at all times. - SEEour new gas-fired brooders, each with a capacity of up to 900 chicks. SEEhow scientific handling of chicks, with lots of room, guar- antees delivery of highest grade layers. MIMS FREE PRIZE DRAWING REFRESH,M:ENTS THE NEW FOUR -STOREY 75 x 40 additi0,n to the No. 2 plant of Henderson Started Chicks Ltd. brings the chick capacity of the firm to 65,000 birds. Here, William Hender- son is seen as he views the plant from the- C.N.R. depot. To mark the completion of our building . pro- gram we are offering Special Money -Saving prices on STARTED PULLETS Special Prices apply on orders booked at time of Opening and are good until March 30, 1962 6 Weeks Old 9 `Weeks • Old 12 Weeks Oid ON 790 - 98s b1.29 Ask about, available dates for Spring delivery. HENDERSON HENDERSON STARTED CHICKS <'a -i Phone 645 J 1 • • LIMITED Seafo h;.._ 21143-2 Sea'forth, Ort.,' : Phase ShiSeafolit 143. I son.